Avatar of Jones Sparrow


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current “Someday someone is gonna be so soft and gentle to your heart, you’re gonna be so glad you kept it open. You’re gonna wonder why you ever thought about quieting it down.”
2 mos ago
“Isn’t all that rage so ugly? And isn’t it mine, still? Good God, isn’t it mine?”
3 mos ago
“To be alive: not just the carcass but the spark. That’s crudely put, but… if we’re not supposed to dance, why all this music?”
3 mos ago
Maybe...you'll fall in love with me all over again." "Hell," I said, "I love you enough now. What do you want to do? Ruin me?" "Yes. I want to ruin you." "Good," I said. "That's what I want too.“
1 like
3 mos ago
“You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me.”
1 like


Hello! I'm Jones! and if you stumbled upon my page, I must have struck your interest!

I like to think that I'm a storyteller. I joined this site to create characters, and worlds I can put myself in. Every post I make will be to the best of my ability, and I hope anyone who stumbles upon my name can see that :D

Just a few things about me if you couldn't tell already by just glancing at my profile haha:

-I LOVE anything Captain America or Marvel related

-I have been RP'ing for over ten years now so I got some experience

- I do my best to try and have a wide range of RP genres

-I'm mostly do 1X1's and Casual/advanced RP's

-I'm a 20 something year old male living in the Pacific North West in the good ole US of A!

- I love meeting new RP'ers and seeing what we can create together!

- I'm a sucker for romance <3

There are specific times of the year where I get bombarded with things so I might not be on for a couple days, and if that's the case I'm trying to let anyone know so they aren't left wondering.

But like I said I love it when people contact me and ask if I want to RP with them, or have an idea and want my skills, and odds are I love the same thing, so If anyone wants to collab just shoot me a PM!

Subjects I love to RP

-Anything Marvel Related, Especially Cap!

-The Percy Jackson Series

-The Witcher

-Avatar the Last Airbender

-Anything Sci-Fi

-Harry Potter

- 1X1 Romances

-Modern day life

-Star Wars

-Fairy Tail

Those are pretty much my go to's, but I'm willing to hear out any idea and think about it!

Here's an example of my writing to give you a sense of my "skill" I guess... I keep trying to get better and better so bear with me!

If you have any questions about my RP's, or future ones just shoot me a PM!

Writers I adore




Nightwing95 ((We need to start a project sometime!))



EasilyAmused ((My oldest and best friend on the site :D ))


All of these people are amazing writers and friends and if you happen to RP with them consider yourself lucky! XD

and for a final note: THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HOBBY, NOT A CHORE! I never want to put pressure on you, or myself and make any RP feel like you NEED to post, or have to force yourself to write. This is supposed to be fun, and I'll do anything to make sure it feels that way :)

Most Recent Posts

The first thing David smelled was the sea. The soft, gentle winds hit his face like a lazy wakeup call. The smell was almost intoxicating to the man, as if he hadn't smelled it in years. That wouldn't be too far off. Slowly, his eyes opened to reveal a beach. Waves gently rolled in, seagulls called out as they swept across the water. On the beach he could make out umbrellas and towels in the distance, but he was next to an old pier. He had been sitting in a beach chair, and as he rose he could feel the pain in his joints and legs.

My name is David. I live by the sea, completely happy. I'll go to work selling bait to hopeful fishermen, usually close up early to fish myself, and take a nap on the coast with my favorite chair.

His mind spoke as if he reminded himself where he was. Turning around, he could see the skyline of Manhattan, and although he knew it was New York, he wasn't quite sure he had visited. He looked around for a moment, still a little confused on where exactly he had to go. He was dressed in worn jeans, some converse sneakers, and a dark blue flannel. He definitely looked like a fisherman, alright... David noticed then a bag next to the chair, and a rusty looking fishing harpoon. Gently, the man picked it up, and a very eerie feeling swept through him. A large gust of wind flew by him, giving a stronger smell of the sea. He felt like he and this harpoon has seen a lot of things together. David smiled gently, setting it aside for now. Opening the bag, he found a notebook, a few hundred dollars in cash, some water... and an old coin.

David picked up the golden coin, wiping the dirt off the surface to see what it said. It looked foreign... Like, it was written in.

I am Poseidon. God of the Sea.

the voice boomed in his head, causing him to drop the coin. He breathed shakily, picked up the coin, and examined it. It certainly was a Greek coin, with a trident symbol on it as well as words he couldn't necessarily make out. He slid the coin in his pocket, and focused on the notebook within. The book was almost completely empty, except for one page with names:

Lilith Henderson
Blake Lou Delarose
Felicity Omen
Vanessa Onasis
Harry Corey Thompson
Robert Malek
Daciana Adila Adomi
Asha Jaziri

Eight names... And he had absolutely no correlation he could come up with. He had never heard these names before, but for some reason, he knew they meant something.

"Hey there, Friend!" Someone called out.

David turned to see a rather large man in beach attire, holding a metal detector. He smiled at David warmly. "Hello." David called before turning back to the bag, throwing it around his shoulders, and grabbing the harpoon. "You seem lost. Don't know exactly where you are or where you came from?" He called out. Chills went down David's spine. The man chuckled. "Don't worry. They'll find you, or you'll find them eventually... Hopefully soon."

David had no idea what this man was talking about, but he had a feeling it had to do with the names in the book. "Do you know where I can find them?" He walked closer to the man. "Not necessarily... They're somewhere there." He pointed towards Manhattan's skyline. "That's the problem with treasure hunting. Sometimes you find you find what you're looking for..." The man's smile turned sinister. "And sometimes you find some faulty readings."

In a swift motion the large man swung the metal detector, and in the glint of the sunlight, turned into a large axe. David luckily lifted the harpoon to deflect the blow, but sent him flying backwards. The man laughed. "You reek of the Gods..." He inhaled sharply. "I remember you, Sea God." David fought to get back up, once again holding his harpoon up to stop the blow. This time, it felt like instinct took over. In the same movement David flipped the edge of the harpoon into the man, and sliced the side of his torso. The man gave out a demonic scream, causing David to step back.

David backed up to the ocean, feeling the waves engulf his feet. The man with the metal detector started to get blurry in David's eyes. Blinking a few times, he noticed the man change shape. David was stunned to see the man's lower body stay relatively the same... but his torso and head had turned into a Bull. "The Minotaur." David breathed.

"You remember me." The beast spoke. David felt like the two had had a long history with one another, and it wasn't necessarily a friendly one. "You tricked my mother, tricked me into going into that horrible maze. Now that you are mortal, I can finally exact my revenge!" The minotaur roared and charged at David. He was beyond scared, he tried to dodge but was hit horribly in the side, flying deeper into the sea.

His head hurt, he saw stars, and the side of his torso was absolutely bleeding. He felt like giving up, but then, as he tried to inhale the water to accept defeat... He could breathe? David opened his eyes, not phased by the salty liquid going into his eyes. His clothes were completely dry, and the pain in his side slowly faded. Through his shirt, he saw that the cut had shrunk.

Rise Poseidon, God of the Sea.

David swam back up to the surface, which seemed to surprise the Minotaur. "You're not yet powerful enough to kill me, Poseidon." He bellowed. "No, but I can stop you." A feeling in his guy lurched forward, sending a large wave over the beach, engulfing the creature. As much as he tried to claw at the sand, the Minotaur was dragged into the sea. "You cannot stop us! They will come after all of you! Humanity is lost!" He screamed before being pulled underwater.

David made it back to the shore, and fell to his knees. He was exhausted. The feeling in his gut had disappeared. He panted, shaking slightly at what he had just seen. He looked at his harpoon, hearing a small hum come to it, as if trying to speak to him. He didn't know what all of this meant... but maybe, the people on the list could. Slowly rising to his feet, David placed the harpoon on the side of his backpack, wrapping it tight before he looked for a way into New York City.
Sorry guys, I’m back!

I made you all wait for long enough! I’ll be getting IC up later tonight, and I’ll leave the RP open for a little bit to let others jump in if they want, but we got a good roster :) stay tuned my friends, and thank you for being patient with me <3

@Exit That is the most sophisticated character sheet I’ve ever seen XD accepted :D

If a god dies, can we have another one?

I am going to say no on this one. These deities were "chosen" to fight Them. I think it'd be kinda silly to have this mysterious voice go "Well, they didn't work. Time for a new chosen hero!" XD

Also, the longer and stronger our characters get, they become more and more godly, making them tough to kill. For example, if your character gets cut or bruised or something at the start of the RP, you might notice that they heal a bit faster than expected.

If you truly get tired of your character later on in the RP, talk to me and we can work something out!

Also are we born human or do we just...appear?

Yes, and no... My vision was for our characters to just kind of, wake up, but to help with the coping, the person who talked in the OP gave us a little bit of false memories. For example, I was going to start Poseidon off by waking up in a beach chair on the shore of a beach, and him having "memories" of doing this routine for a while. I would avoid adding characters into your backstory, just so you don't have to magically put them in there and keep them consistent... if that makes any sense haha. Hope that helped!

@sassy1085 Super cool character, keep in mind, however, that these gods just woke up, but have perceived memories put in their heads. Not saying that you don't have an apartment and that you didn't join school, but those memories are most likely false XD But your character is accepted :)


Hopefully that helped answer some questions, if you have any more please let me know, and I'll do my best to answer them :D
Hey there! I've been MIA from the site for a while (long story short: I'm a new teacher in the US), and have decided to come back to the site to get back in to my favorite hobby :) I love writing, and if you want to know more about me, my page has a few things I'm into, and a little sample of my work :D

But anyway, I'm Jones, and I have a couple ideas for a 1x1 RP:

Fallen Angels: This RP would be a crime/drama RP set in a modern-day fantasy world, if that makes any sense xD It takes place in a world where humans, “angels”, and “demons” all live together. Obviously the angels would be higher up on the social ladder, and the demons would be lower. Each “race” would have certain abilities and traits that define them, and in order to keep peace, there are police officers, and then Archangels that are peacekeepers for all of them. They’re elite detectives/crime fighters that are either loved or hated.

This story would focus on an ex archangel who “lost their wings.” They were highly regarded as the best of the best, but now he lives in infamy and is kinda in this limbo state of hitting rock bottom. When the archangel gets a lead on the man who took his wings, one of the most sinister crime lords he had ever witnessed, he needs the help from an old friend to help take the person down.

Here's a plot that I whipped up (but it absolutely can be changed!)

and a more descriptive characteristics of the "Angels" and "Demons"

Looking for a Female role, and maybe the two become romantically involved, or during the whole plot reconnect from a previous romantic relationship! I am absolutely willing to brainstorm :)

The Phantom Detective: This one I thought of recently and I would love to brainstorm with ideas and plot! I was essentially thinking of having a 50's themed detective noire type of RP. A washed up detective has been taking a loss in his family hard, and although his detective skills are incredible, he has lost his passion. When he picks up a case to find a lost boy, he finds out that the boy has a gift: to talk to the dead. Seeing as how the child has no living family, he takes him in and together they solve difficult detective cases that most couldn't. As their fame gains, a mysterious couple claiming to be his parents try to kidnap him and take him away. As a more sinister plot is unfolding, the Detective must do everything he can to protect the child; even if he has to go to *her* for help.

Also looking for a female role to come into play here, maybe a lost flame, or childhood sweethearts, etc. Again, willing to brainstorm and modify the plot :D

The Pianist: This is more of an abstract, Slice-of-Life Romance RP. Set in modern day, a washed out and rather famous jazz pianist has lost his job and passion after letting the fame and talent get to him. His life is completely turned upside down, however, when his sister dies unexpectedly, and left her daughter in his custody. Completely unexpected by everyone, he agrees to take her in. Soon he finds out that she is a prodigy at the piano. Amazed by her gifts, he takes her to the only person he knows that could help her with her abilities; another pianist whom he had a very intimate relationship with.


I'm a sucker for romance, so I'm sorry if this is not what you were expecting XD if any of these ideas interest you, or you want to work on a completely different plot, I'm completely down to listen and collaborate! Just reply below, or shoot me a PM!

Thanks everyone :)
Alright folks, just waiting on a couple more people and we’ll be set to start! :D
Both great characters! Accepted :)

I apologize for my crappier teacher counterparts. Blows my mind that some educators expect so much of students but at the same time go through so much as well. Good luck!

Super interesting character! Accepted!!


Hello, Brother Sister! You’re also accepted! :D

@Heavy Snark

No worries, hope everything is okay, hope to see you on the site again :)
Love the characters so far! All are accepted :D
@The Ghost Note

No worries, have a good one! :)
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