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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

Ryleigh Anderson was not your normal girl. She did not come from a normal family. Her mother, Jennifer Anderson was a successful model, even as she entered her forties. She was also teaching classes for hopeful models and introducing them into the field and giving them opportunities they might not have gotten had they not known her. Of course, Ryleigh had no interest in modelling so her mother had no interest in her. Their relationship had always been rocky, but she had long ago learned to stop trying. Her father, was just as disinterested it seemed because she was not male and in his eyes could not be the heir to his company. And to be honest, Ryleigh had no interest in technology except for her laptop.

No, despite being the daughter of millionaires, she had no interest in money or beauty, but interest in studying and reading. She had one good friend who was completely different to her, Lainy, who loved to party and socialise, but that was about it. And Ryleigh was happy with that. She was doing things that she loved, making choices that she wanted to make.

At 20, she had a part time job at a library while studying English Literature and creative writing, and didn't rely on her parents giving her money. The only thing she had from them was that she lived with them still, while saving for her own place. But she was getting there. And she was loving life.

Until her father seemed to make other plans. To keep their lifestyle, mainly for him and his wife, he'd started dabbling in a world he knew nothing about, and ignoring the warning signs of trouble. With recent threats he'd decided to take matters into his own hands and protect the one person that he knew was innocent in this mess, his daughter.

"Father, I'm just going...." Ryleigh popped her head around the door of her father's office, frowning as she saw another man there. "Sorry, I didn't..."

"Actually Ryleigh, come in. This actually concerns you."

His daughter paused before entering, obviously in trouble. Both men looked rather official. Had she actually gotten herself in trouble for the first time in her life?

"What's the matter?" She finally asked.

"I've recently had reason to grow concerned with your safety so I've hired mister Raines here to protect you. He is to be with you at all times. Your safety is most important."

And Ryleigh stood there looking at both men completely gobsmacked. The last thing she wanted was to be babysat. But if she was in danger... And she had to admit that he was kind of cute. At least it would give Lainy something to talk about when they met up. It was obvious that she wasn't impressed with this new change to her life though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias waited outside a pair of large, intricately detailed dark oak doors. Or so he thought anyways. Other than two guards - former military by their posture - the corridor was deserted. He felt the two older men size him up. It was only natural. What danger could this 22 year old pose to them? He itched to show them how easily he could silence them permanently. Of course, he couldn't do that however.

What did it mean to live a civilian life? What did it mean to live a normal life? It was always a question Mathias thought of when he could spare it. His family dabbled within a dangerous yet rewarding profession. The art of killing, or he was told. The term murderer had been drilled out of his mind, for the family saw themselves much higher than that. He was told that he stood amongst the few who made the world a better place with the death of someone who had done wrongly onto another. He would act with tempered reverence when killing where a murderer would succumb to psychotic urges. In short, his kills were clean and purposeful. A average person's was not.

With the tiniest movement, his eyes trained on the guard to the right as he touched an earpiece. The guard nodded and looked at him. "Mr. Anderson will see you know," said the brute of a man. "No funny business."

Brushing off the man's words, Mathias walked on in. He was greeted with the sight of an extravagant office. The walls reminded him of the senate room when the Roman Empire was still a thing. Large windows looked out onto the courtyard beyond where a large water fountain resided. He noted several hats moving about - gardeners he supposed.

Clasping his calloused hands together, he awaited his employer as the old man busily scribbled on his note pad. A few moments later, he looked up. There was an intelligence in the man's eyes, a fierceness that told Mathias that this man was much more than an honest CEO. "Mr. Raines," he said. He motioned towards one of the two seats at his desk. "Please, sit."

Mathias took the seat and waited.

"I was expecting someone much ... older for the price I paid."

"Mr. Anderson," Mathias said, breaking his silent vigil. "The Society assures you that your investment was not a waste."

"Indeed? I suppose you weren't told of your assignment."

"You wish to ascertain protection for your daughter."

Mr. Anderson was momentarily taken aback. Mathias suppressed a grin. It was his business to know everything going in, regardless if the client gave information or not. It was one of his many traits that the Society valued, his clients loathed. Masking the surprise, his employer exhaled deeply.

"I see you are very well informed. Yes, protection for my daughter. I would default to my own personal retinue, but an outsider may be more suited. I understand that the Society doesn't break their contract until released."

"Precisely so, Mr. Anderson."

"You will be given quarters within our estate. Near where the guards stay. If any hint of danger approaches my daughter..."

Mathias replied with a stone cold face, "I will handle the problem accordingly. Rest assured."

Right then, the door behind Mathias creaked open, as he turned around, his hand reaching for his firearm. He stayed it when he saw a girl with the most vibrant of hair color. He remained silent as his employer briefly introduced him and the nature of his presence. Succinct and to the point he thought.

He got to his feet as he studied her. He noted the very slight annoyed expression she had on her face. He couldn't blame her. "Ms. Anderson," he said. "A pleasure. Mr. Anderson, if you'll excuse me?"

The old man waved dismissively as he returned to his work.

The assassin stood stock still, waiting to see what Ms. Ryleigh Anderson would do next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

Ryleigh was still in shock at the whole situation as the man stood. They had numerous staff around, guards around, people all over the house that could see her every move. Now someone would be joining her outside. She looked from her father to the man in question and back again.

"Ryleigh, don't even try to argue this... It's happening. Now, I have business to attend to that is not for your eyes and ears." Her father finally spoke again after looking up from his papers to see that she hadn't left.

With a sigh, the only daughter of the CEO left the room, letting someone else close the door. Outside she eyed the male that was suddenly her protection warily. She couldn't stop this, she knew that. And she certainly wasn't happy with it, but there was nothing she could do. He looked so serious, as serious as she looked all the time if Lainy's complaints were anything to go by when her friend complained about her being too serious all the time. And Ryleigh was serious, to the point where it was almost like a disease.

The CEO's daughter liked to take organisation to the extreme. She had lists for everything, lists of lists, lists for shopping, lists for daily routines, lists for days out, lists for books to read, lists for movies to watch. If there was a list to be made, Ryleigh made it. She was super organised. Lainy would tease her for it all the time. But it kept Ryleigh stress free and happy, it seemed.

"If we 're hanging out together, we have to have rules." Ryleigh finally decided to start. "One..." She started walking up the stairs towards her bedroom. "I'm to be called Ryleigh. Not Ms. Anderson, and definitely not Ry. Just Ryleigh." She already felt the urge to write the man a list, and as soon as they were in her highly organised room that contained mostly books and cuddly toys of all varieties, a pencil and paper were grabbed and she started writing.

"Two. Please try to look normal. I don't want to be seen with some person in a suit. It's distracting. I study with people and I work. Which leads me to point three. When I'm working and studying please keep a good distance away. You'll scare people."

Ryleigh's list and rule making was suddenly interrupted by a high pitched squeal from behind both of them. Ryleigh knew the voice immediately and nearly put her hand to her face as the words left her friend's mouth.

"Wow... Ry. How long have you been keeping this hunk of meat hidden from me? Isn't he gorgeous? What's his name and have you claimed him already?" Lainy grinned, happy to completely embarrass her friend who she'd never seen converse with someone of the opposite sex properly.

"No...no... Look stop. I'm giving him the rules. My dad thinks I need protecting, now please let me finish the rules."

"Oh God no. You are not.., you have no idea how to converse with a guy. You do not start with rules. Do you even know his name?" With Ryleigh's silence, Lainy shook her head and turned to the male in the room. "Hey, I'm Lainy. Most people call me Lain. Forgive Ry. She has no idea how to hold a conversation with the male species, but I know how to well. Just give her time to learn."

With that, Lainy took his hand and shook it before grabbing Ry and making her do the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Standing quietly, observing constantly, it was only when Ryleigh moved towards the door did Mathias walk after her. This was going to need some adjusting. Out of all the contracts he had carried out thus far, never had it involve protecting someone. It was typically death through subtle means or an extravaganza to send the target's contacts a message. Now, instead of minding his own personal surroundings, he had to keep Ryleigh's personal welfare as the highest of priority. His older brother or youngest sister would've been much more ... graceful at this. He was the best in the family due to his track record of kills.

He noticed her scrutinizing stare. They didn't have to get along. It wasn't his job to be her friend. Good synergy would make things go along much smoother however. But whatever may happen, it was of little consequence he supposed.

Ryleigh finally broke the silence as she began to list off her rules. He nodded slightly. Of course he would blend into his surroundings accordingly. The professional, business suit was only worn on formality. This was the first day he met with his employer after all. They were in her room when she listed off her last and final rule. "Ms. Anderson," he said, ignoring rule number one, "I assure you that I'm more than capable of adapting to a variety of situations. If your well-being happens to be in a position of compromise, however, I shall ignore the last two rules you stated just prior. Your father has paid my 'group' a handsome sum. Your safety supersedes everything else."

Mathias instinctively put himself between Ryleigh and the person he had just noticed in the room having been in it for less than ten seconds. He was about to pull out a knife he concealed in his wrist cuff. It would be better to interrogate to find who sent the intruder. It was only when the girl started talking that he stopped. He remembered reading about the person. This was a close friend of his clients. He stepped back as he watched with more intensity than the situation warranted.

He blinked once as the girls began to converse. He simply had nothing to add. He fiercely suppressed the urge to break the girl's wrist when she grabbed for his hand. This was going to take far more work than he had originally thought. He returned the handshake warmly. "A pleasure Ms. Ackerman, I'm sure," he said. "Whether Ms. Anderson knows or doesn't know how to converse with the opposite sex doesn't matter. She can take all the time she requires."

Pulling his hand away, Mathias moved past the girls as he stared out the window. There were too man vantage spots another hitman could use to assassinate the girl. He frowned as he pulled out his phone. One of the perks of the Society was the funding they received from anonymous persons. He sent a requisition for a security package. It'd help solve some of the issues he'd have to fix tonight.

Once the message was sent, he turned back towards the girls. "Simply Mathias will be sufficient," he said as he remembered he forgot to introduce himself. He looked on with interest at a number of lists that were posted to a cork board in a neat fashion. It was not until he saw the shelves of books did a hint of a smile crack across his lips. Ryleigh had beautiful taste in literature. He looked at the binds of each book as he muttered more so to himself, "fine titles indeed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

Ryleigh had absolutely no idea the mess her father was continuing to get himself into, along with pulling his wife and child into as well. But it didn't matter. In her eyes she didn't need a bodyguard. And Ryleigh also had no idea that Mathias was more than just a bodyguard. She had no need to think that he was a killer. A hitman. That just happened in stories and in parts of the world that she wasn't included in. The girl was naive and innocent in a lot of ways, yet she was also one of the most wary.

Lainy had listened to Mathias, watching the pair and then watching as the male moved to the window. Ryleigh was already stressing out and now she could see the mischievous glint in her friend's eye before words even left her mouth. Ryleigh was shaking her head. "Don't Lainy..." She warned.

Her warning went a unheard. Ryleigh was well used to it and well used to their differences. But as different as they were, Lainy had always been there for her when she'd needed her. "I don't know where your dad found this guy, but you're well suited for each other." She smirked. "But I've decided one of your rules can stay." She turned to Mathias. "You're to call us by our names, got it? Lain and Ry..."


Lainy rolled her eyes at her friend's interruptions. "Ry," she repeated. "And we'll call you Matt. Short and easy. Anyway, the reason I came here is because there is a campus party tonight, Ry. I was going to try and set you up simply talking with a member of the opposite sex, but Matt here can be the willing partner. Practice a lot on him. No rules. And for God sake, do not dress in a shirt and jeans. Short skirts and dresses go a long way. And don't braid your hair up either. You look so much more fiery with your hair down. I'll drop by at nine."

Before Ryleigh could get in a decline, Lainy had deliberately left with a single 'you dress up to party too, Matt' so that Ryleigh couldn't have time to decline. In the end the girl just stood there completely silent at Lainy's entrance and departure. She was definitely a lively person with no worry in the world.

"I don't have time to party." Ryleigh finally said, taking down one of her schedules, and looking at what she'd planned for the day. There was definitely no room for a party, but she knew better than to just ignore Lainy. If she wasn't ready at nine, Lainy would be dragging her kicking and screaming. But clothes wise she wasn't going to budge. Ryleigh had never been the one to dress in anything other than shirts and jeans, keeping a very conservative look about herself. And tonight she wasn't going to change that if she went.

She was already re-writing lists as she glanced over at Mathias, noting his look at her books. "Feel free to read any of them." She had every genre possible except for sci-fi and fantasy. Crime, romance, all the classics, everything else but those two genres. "Just make sure you're extremely careful with them. And they must go back in the exact order." If Mathias took a better look, he'd see that everything was perfectly placed. All the books were in an order that satisfied her and there wasn't anything that was out of order in the room.

"I need to change my schedule." Ryleigh a now talking to herself, furiously erasing something in her schedule only to crease the paper. With that, a new sheet that was perfect and clean was moved onto the desk so that she could remake the schedule with no eraser markers or creases. Everything in her life had to be perfect, it seemed and nothing was perfect right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias turned away from the books. He wanted to tell the two how first names made everything far too personal. That was not the business he wished to travel down. He could die at any moment. If he didn't perform his duties diligently, either of the two girls could end up dead in nothing but a mere moment. Unless it proved impossible, he would still refer to either of the two with their formal titles. In his case however, Matt was fine. It was so strange hearing someone say his name, shortened name that is, outside of his immediate family. There was no talking in his line of work.

As quickly as she had begun, Lainy departed as he stood alone with his charge. "I don't suppose this 'party' would be secure by any means, correct?" he asked. Obviously it wouldn't be secure. He'd have to case the area while keeping an eye on the employer's daughter. What a drag. "Ms. Ackerman is correct, however. Given your age group, early twenties, college scene. Short skirts and dresses do go a long way. Regardless, the decision is yours, Ms. Anderson."

He looked back at the volumes of books as he heard Ryleigh's comments. He shook his head. He wished he could read them, but that certainly wasn't within his immediate duties. If something were to happen due to his desire to read, the Society would be disgraced as would his reputation. Assassin fails in protecting due to reading. It was a comical notion. He'd make it a point to note all the particularities in Ryleigh's room. The girl must have a habit when putting things away. The slightest deviation would tell him that a stranger had recently come in.

Mathias walked as he stood directly behind her looking at the schedule Ryleigh so furiously filled in. OCD he mused quietly to himself. Not that he was any better though. "Other than the party, which I'm sure your friend will force you to go," he said. "What is to be done within the intermediary period?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

When Matt turned to her and asked if the party would be secure, Ryleigh had no idea what he meant and her expression showed it for a moment before she clicked on to what she thought he meant. "Of course it's secure. It's college campus. We have no school shootings, no crimes, no drugs..." Okay, that last one Ryleigh was completely oblivious too because she had never dared dabble near drugs. But in her eyes it meant that the place was secure. "And no one is trying to kill me, or have they tried. I don't know why my father is suddenly being like this. Not that he's ever noticed me before now, anyway."

When he called Lainy her by their formal names once again, Ryleigh shook her head. "Ryleigh and Lainy. That is our names. Please call us by our first names." She told him, with a sigh. "And I'm not trying or wanting to dress like a slut. I'll leave that to the professionals. I like how I dress. I don't see anything wrong with how I dress, do you?" She had a feeling he would, most guys did. Not that she managed to get that much from conversing with them. In fact, this was the first conversation with someone of the opposite sex apart from her father.

Matt soon moved on to what was to be done in between the party and Ryleigh frowned. She didn't want to be given him orders. That made her feel like she was supposed to be his boss, someone superior to him, and she wasn't. She didn't want to be that person. "Do what you want. I need to get in a lot of studying. By going to this party I'm going to lose so much time. You can read one of my books or find party clothes or something. I don't need watching all the time." She told him.

It was obvious that Ryleigh was stressing herself out with the change of plans to everything. She hated it. She scribbled away on her lists and schedules until she deemed herself happy with them before looking at Matt and waiting to see what he did. She knew that he probably wasn't going to leave. But maybe she could make him at least stop looming over her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias had to think about how to answer that question. How Ryleigh dressed. On several occasions, he had the opportunity to see a wide variety of women. Some were caked in so much make up, he wondered how they weren't drowning in said chemicals. Conversely, there were those who wore very little make up by reminded him of the various articles he read on the greek gods. It was said that the daughters of Venus were amongst the most beautiful in the mortal lands. A good comparison.

He shook his head slightly. "It's the facts, if you wish to not feel out of place," he said. "...I too hold very little favor for women who flaunt with adulterous intent. Your attire is both practical and fashionable. Take that as you will. I will be gone for just a moment then. I suppose you're also growing tired of this suit. When I'm gone, don't go near the windows, go outside, or accept the company of anyone you do not know personally. Not even the guards. Do you understand?"

His pants pocket vibrated. "Excuse me," he said as he stepped away and answered the call. "Yes?"

"Little brother," came the deep voice of his brother Jackson. He frowned. He hated the Jackson's very demeanor. They had been competing against one another since they were little. Cockiness tested his reserved nature. "How's babysitting the princess? Tea parties yet?"

"Did you deliver what I inquired?"

"Why so terse? I imagine you have time. You were always so quick with delivering death. Why this must be a change entirely."

"The package."

A sign came from the other side of the line. "The delivery has been made. Of course it wasn't cleared by the guards. Those ex-military aren't the most attentive of bunch, are they?"

"I'll be in touch if anything else if further required." Mathias ended the call. "I shall be back momentarily."
A little more than two hours had passed since Mathias left his charge. It was a great window for something to happen to Ryleigh, but he made preparations for his absence. As he walked the wing of where her room was, he had placed motion sensors nearest her door positioned in a way that they'd only be tripped if someone went in or out. Video feed was then sent to his wrist monitor. A terrible fail safe, but it'd suffice for now.

He had finished installing the security package in every vantage point that looked into Ryleigh's room. If someone did climb up, tiny packets of gas would be released rendering them unconscious. The goal was to reach the hostile and interrogate. It was crude, inhumane, but that was how the assassin operated. When he acquired the information or rendered the acquisition impossible, he'd dispose of the person. Thus, information and safety satisfied. Kill two birds with one stone.

He was dressed casually in a pair of jeans blue faded jeans, a long sleeved black shirt that hugged his toned muscles, and a pair of sneakers that matched his overall attire. He was enjoying the liberation from the business professional suit as he walked back into the house. Climbing the stairs, he checked to make sure his knife and concealed firearm was with him and the integration of the various equipments monitoring feed into his phone was working properly.

He knocked on Ryleigh's door. "Ms. Anderson," he said. "It's ..."

How was he to introduce himself? Matt? Mathias? Raines? Your bodyguard? He sighed. He didn't know. This was all relatively new to him.

"It's Matt, may I come in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

Sometimes, Ryleigh had to admit, that she did feel so out of place. But it wasn't her fault that she was just so damn awkward and safe. She didn't want to be one of those girls that drank often and had so many men that they had no idea who their baby daddies were. She wanted one man. One man that she could love, marry and have children with before growing old. "I don't need to feel in place. What half of those girls do is unsafe at parties. I don't want to put myself in that position. And by dressing like them, I will." Lainy had gotten herself into bad situations because of it, and that had just put her off even more.

As if she was going to go and do what he was telling her not to go and do. Matt was starting to make her feel like a three year old with his orders. She wanted to study. Part of her wanted to disobey him just to prove that she wasn't in any danger at all but she left it alone. She had too much to do. Maybe later she'd do what she wanted. At least it seemed she was going to get a few moments alone, back to what she was used too. Matt would soon find that she was boring and predictable anyway. Soon he'd succumb to either quitting or doing his own thing. Lainy told her all the time how boring and predictable she was. And it wasn't going to change.

"I won't do any of that." Ryleigh confirmed before he left. "I just want to study. I have essay's to write and books to read."

Of course, that is exactly what Ryleigh had to do. Write essays and read. And while he was gone, which was much longer than what Ryleigh had anticipated (maybe he had given up and quit after so little time!) Ryleigh had managed to finish one of her essays. And as Matt entered once she'd told him he could, he'd find her sitting right where she shouldn't have been - on the ledge against the big bay window in her room. She loved to sit right in the alcove with a few cushions to read. It was her favourite spot, no matter what Matt had said previously.

"Hey. See. No one is trying to kill me. My father is being strangely paranoid." She told him, glancing up from a novel. "Are you happy now that I'm safe?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias walked over as he crossed his arms. He rose an eyebrow. "Are you not aware that there are five precise places a sniper could set up and have a clear shot at you sitting there?" he asked. He looked at, imagining that they was someone out there right now. His phone would beep and notify him of course, but all the same. Caution had kept him alive until now. "I will inquire about bullet proofing your window, if you must sit there instead of the desk. Are you not worried, Ms. Anderson? I am relieved you're safe, but safety is a fleeting notion. You may be for a moment, but it all changes in a blink of an eye. Excuse the redundant phrase."

He looked at his watch. It was fast approaching nine. "Ms. Ackerman should be arriving soon I surmise. You should get ready," he said. "If you don't wish to go, I'll kindly tell her, if you're uncomfortable? It matters not to me."

What had her father done to warrant more protection? Ryleigh was as interesting as a dull piece of paper. She had routine, aversion to danger, and enjoyed the very simple things. Unlike the politicians, movie stars, and business folk Mathias had the pleasure of visiting, she was simple. However, a job was a job. Perhaps he could make it more bearable somehow. That would increase the personal aspect; he didn't want that. What was he to do?

Saving him from his indecision, he heard a knock from the door. "Who is it?"

He had only needed to hear the voice to know it was Lainy. She came into the room wearing an outfit that fitted the stereotypical image of a party girl. "Evening Ms. Ackerman. You're here early."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

Ryleigh looked at Mathias as he started to roll off the dangers. For once it actually made her laugh. A smile first formed, as he started and she laughed as he continued. "Why would a sniper be wanting to kill me, of all people. I'm the most boring person around. You know it, Lainy knows it, my parents know it and I certainly know it. No one is going to kill me. And if they were because of my parents, it wouldn't have the desired effect."

Ryleigh was anything but stupid. And it was well known in the media that her and her parents weren't as close as they should. Ryleigh deliberately kept herself away from the media, but journalists couldn't help themselves sometimes. Ryleigh chose to ignore it all. Part of her didn't care. And to be in danger... Well that was just rediculous.

And what was more rediculous was when Matt said he'd get Lainy to leave if she really didn't want to go to the party. It had Ryleigh laughing all over again. "You obviously don't know Lainy. If you didn't want me to go, she'd still have me going. Not even you could stop her."

As if she heard that she'd been talked about, Ryleigh saw Lainy enter. She looked amazing. Definitely ready for a night out. Short skirt. Strap top. Killer heels and make up. Everything Ryleigh didn't do. "You two are useless. Well, Matt you're only partly useless. At least you got dressed. And it's a good thing I came early. I knew Ryleigh wouldn't be ready so I came prepared."

"No. I'm not getting all dolled up." Ryleigh frowned.

"Yes you are. You need to live life. Not stay in this bubble. Wearing a skirt for one night isn't going to hurt. I'll let you keep the shirt if you wear a skirt and a bit of make-up. And your boyfriend in the corner can keep an eye on you." She smirked.

"Lainy, he's not my boyfriend..."

"You're useless. He needs to start calling you Ry." She turned to Matt. "Say it. Say our names. Come on. It's not too hard. I'll say it with you. Lain and Ry. Now you try it." She grinned as she moved to her friend's wardrobe to find some decent attire, all the while waiting for Matt to repeat the words.

"You two are definitely a match made in heaven. It's only going to be a matter of time." She added, much to Ryleigh's horror.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias didn't have the heart to tell her that he could stop Lainy by using force. Of course, it wasn't a gentlemanly way to go about doing it, but he was sworn to carry out instructions from the daughter and her father. If Ryleigh didn't want to go, he would do what he could to make that come true. Oh how easier it is to just be given a target to kill! Mathias wouldn't have had to deal with stuff like this. There was too much grey area for his liking. He enjoyed the kill or don't kill choice. Much simpler.

He studied Lainy. She was beautifully dressed, that much was true. His morality scoffed at the spartan outfit, but his more human side enjoyed it. "This should suffice, should it not?" he asked. He had seen visuals of college parties, and he believed he dressed much more fashionable than the greater majority of the alcohol ridden idiots. "Ms. Anderson doesn't wish to change into the articles of clothing you've described. Though I agree that the appeal isn't as profound as yours, it does not look bad whatsoever."

His words was lost on the whirlwind of energy as Lainy proceeded to coerce Ryleigh into changing. He just stood there, staying out of it all until he was ordered to intervene. He blinked in surprise as he was referred as a 'boyfriend'. Banish the thought he said mentally. He crossed his arms while resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He had more things to worry about when they arrived at said party.

"First names seem rather inappropriate given our relationship," he answered promptly. "Rest assured that I shall not embarrass either of you two too much tonight. Circumstances permitting of course."

Mathias looked at Ryleigh's face as he observed her reaction from Lainy's last comment. He chuckled, which sounded more like a strangled cough. "Breathe Ms. Anderson. You'll collapse if you don't. Rest assured that I'm more than qualified to administer emergency aid if required."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

"Geez. I really do have to take baby steps with both of you." Lainy shook her head as she ruffled through Ryleigh's wardrobe, causing disorder to the colour coordinated and organised clothes. It was funny to see Ryleigh get more distressed over the mess Lainy was making and it was always a good teasing point, her friend thought. Ryleigh was too clean. Too tidy. Too organised. A little mess in her life wouldn't cause too much damage. "This is why you haven't got a boyfriend, Ryleigh. Too tidy and too boring."

"And you Matt, need to work on Ry and Lain. So start. We're not going to listen to any orders you give until you call us by our names. And think of all the danger we could be in if we're not listening to you."

Finally, a skirt was found and pulled out of the mess. "Here. This will do. Baby steps. Go put on the skirt." It was funny to see her horrified look, but what was even funnier was the way her cheeks went bright red, almost the colour of her hair. And when Matt added to the conversation they only went redder. "Oh God. Don't breath, Ry. Don't breath. He'll be kissing you then! Wait, can I get the same treatment if I stop breathing?" Lainy smirked, loving every minute of tormenting her friend.

In the end Ryleigh grabbed the skirt and changed in the adjoining bathroom. Coming out she looked as uncomfortable as ever. At least she could keep her shirt on. That much she was glad about. Just in a skirt, she felt too revealed.

"See, doesn't she look stunning, Matt? All the guys are going to be running after you tonight!"

"They better not be."

"They probably won't be. But I know that the girls are going to be after Matt so you better keep him close and let them know he's yours."

"He's not mine!" Ryleigh hissed, trying to not let Matt hear what they were actually talking about. But Lainy made no effort to keep quiet.

"Just you wait. A little bit of alcohol in you both and you'll be lip locked in no time!"

"One problem with your theory. I don't drink." She knew what alcohol could do and because of that, Ryleigh had decided not to touch the stuff, ever. She'd stay sober for the rest of her life. Boring just like Lainy thought she was, and now Matt probably thought it too.

By the time they actually got to the party, it was nearly ten because of Ryleigh's fussing over the make-up that Lainy insisted that she wore. The girl was laughing at her friend the entire time. Lainy found it adorable really, how Ryleigh was despite saying it made her boring. It was all just light teasing, of course, but it made Ryleigh adorable and Lainy knew that a guy just had to find Ryleigh's quirks adorable too and then she'd have someone. Finding someone that didn't find Ryleigh weird and boring though, was a challenge. She needed to find someone that could teach Ryleigh a bit about disorganisation and adventure.

Just like the party was when they got there. Lainy immediately picked up three alcoholic drinks for them all, and was off mixing with the boys, leaving Ryleigh standing there awkwardly, sticking out like a sore thumb as she didn't quite know what to do with herself and she didn't dare touch the drink she still held.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The girl was unbelievable he thought quietly to himself. Why did it matter if he chose not to address them by first name? This was the first day they ever met and she expects a high familiarity. This job was already hard enough on him, and Lainy wasn't helping. He banished further thought as he observed the girl tearing apart Ryleigh's closest. For the brief time he had gotten to know Ryleigh, he could only imagine how frustrated she must be feeling having her organization thrown to the wind. In fact, he was surprised she was making a big fuss out of it at all.

He cleared his throat. Lainy's interpretation of his willingness to aid if needed was absolutely wrong. It wasn't out of the desire to 'kiss' anyone. He had to admit, however, seeing Ryleigh's face all red from embarrassment was 'cute'. Oh how easily flustered the girl was. "Best to avoid the situation altogether then," he said more so to himself.

When Ryleigh came out of the bathroom, changed into a skirt, his adapting and camouflage mind sprung into action. "Plain yet flavorful, Ms. Anderson. The shirt somewhat contrasts however. Otherwise, a good choice." He rose and eyebrow towards Lainy. "Of course, I'll stay close. I don't fully enjoy the environment you'll be walking into, but if you insist. I'll be floating about. Don't worry. As I said earlier, I'll intervene only when necessary."
The party was a complete nightmare. Mathias could appreciate the energy. He loved energy at parties. When he was at one under word, however, that was when things got tricky. He kept a careful eye on Ryleigh as a few guys came forward to talk to her only to leave moments later. It took the utmost restraint for him to not physically toss them out. While he was a stellar assassin - perhaps mediocre bodyguard - there was no way he could reach her in time to stop an attack. He held an glass filled with alcohol, which he soon discarded onto a table. He was sober.

Sighing to himself, he excused himself from a throng of girls who showed enthusiastic interest in him. He walked towards Ryleigh; he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side. Once off to the wall, he let go. "You stand out far too much, Ms. Anderson," he said over the loud music. "I know you don't wish to be remotely close to me in public, but ... surely you can be a tad bit more invested in tonights event?"

He heard his alias, 'Alex' being called from afar as his eyes tracked down the speaker. His stone cold facade dropped for a moment, as he smiled widely. He waved to the brunette as he mentioned that he was busy. She gave him a hurt look before disappearing back into the crowd. That was when he spotted the odd person out. Odder than Ryleigh in any case.

"Stay right here," he said. He gave her a look that demanded she didn't disobey him. Then he was off. He made his way to the man in question who had the build of a professional football player. The give away? The eyes. Mathias pulled out his wrist knife so that only the tip showed. He placed it behind the man's back. "Move slowly outside. Now."

The man was about to protest until Mathias added a bit more pressure to the knifepoint. They slowly began to move. When they stepped outside and off towards the side, Mathias steeled himself, as an elbow almost rammed straight into his face. He raised his forearms as he absorbed the blow. The turned and squared off as the exchanged a series of lightning-fast strikes.

Stars trickled into his vision as Mathias took a fist to his face. That was going to leave the worst of bruises. He kicked out and caught the man's knee cap as the brute stumbled. Quickly, before giving the attacker a chance to act, he rammed his knee into the man's face who fell backwards clutching his face.

His heart thundered in his chest as he fought to calm himself. "Who sent you?"

"Fuck you asshole," the accent was eastern european. "You're dead. The families dead. That little bitch inside is dead! I--"

Mathias covered his mouth as he rammed his knife into the man's shoulder socket. A muffled scream came from the man. "You talk to much," he said, violence seeping into his words. "Answer the question or you'll permanently lose your arm."

Instead of words, the man began to jerk erratically. Cyanide. Mathias stepped away as the failsafe worked its magic. He sighed. He failed to get relevant information, but at least he succeeded in protecting Ryleigh.

With nothing left to do, he began to dispose of the body. As he bent to pick the body up, he turned to face Ryleigh. God dammit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

Ryleigh stood there completely shocked and terrified. Of course she hadn't listened to Matt. Curiosity had caught her attention and she saw him moving to someone. Then they disappeared. She knew it was none of her business to be following, but she did. And now she regretted it as she heard what the man threatened and in moments he was on the floor. Ryleigh wanted to run. She wanted to run and hide and pretend this wasn't happening. But as the words sank in, she knew that they were aimed at her. He had wanted to kill her and now he was dead. And she had seen him die and how were they going to explain it to the police...

It was obvious that she was on the verge of panicking just from her expression. Ryleigh could be read like a book. She was already pulling out her phone to call an ambulance. That was the right thing to do. Even if he was going to kill her, he was injured and help was needed. Then the police could help. Okay so her father was right to get Matt involved. She had to admit that now. But... maybe she was daydreaming. Or having a nightmare. Or maybe she had gotten drunk!

"An ambulance. I'll call an ambulance."

Of course, Ryleigh hadn't had a drop of alcohol. She was stone cold sober. And that made everything worse. She'd seen the men fighting and then Matt stabbing him and then the man had died. She'd never seen a dead man before and she didn't like it. It was like the naivety and innocence Ryleigh held had suddenly left with her colour. She looked as white as a ghost as her fingers shook and struggled to hit the right keys.

"And the police. Yes. The police. They'll sort this mess out. The police." Ryleigh tried to get her thoughts together so that she didn't start crying. It was stupid to cry in such a situation, especially as the man had threatened to kill her and her family.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shock was no where near what Mathias saw in Ryleigh. She was petrified. Afraid. Terrified. Those feelings had long since passed for him. With every life that was stolen, seeing a man die before a killer's hands was mere normalcy. What surprised him more was her intent on phoning the authorities, that simply could not happen. Never in his line of work had he enlisted the participation or help of the police. If they arrived, that meant he failed his contract miserably. This situation was a different matter altogether, but his intent on keeping the police out was non-negotiable.

"Ms. Anderson."

She ignored him. He didn't have the patient to deal with this right now. He needed the body taken care of before more people came out.

He got to his feet and quickly closed the distance between the two. "Ryleigh!" he said. He broke his one rule. He gripped her shoulder roughly as he stared straight into those doe-like eyes. "Why didn't you wait inside as I instructed? This was all done to protect you. Minimize your exposure! You cannot call the police. It will only make matters much worse. Do you understand? No police. No one. Just me."

Releasing his grip, he moved quickly to the body as he began to wipe down any surface he may have touched. He hadn't been wearing any gloves tonight. How stupid! When he was satisfied that his prints were no longer on the man, he picked up the body and dragged it towards a dumpster. Using the man's clothe, he opened the lid and tossed the corpse inside. He wished Ryleigh wasn't here to see the darker parts of his job, but it was far too late for that now. As he closed the dumpsters lid after hiding piles of trash on top of the dead gang member, he caught sight of a tattoo. A bear on its hind legs standing within a skull background. Then he noticed another one. Spetsnaz? You've gotta be kidding me!

Closing the lid, he walked back to the fight scene. He rubbed away as much blood as he could - which he took care in minimizing during the whole ordeal. Once he was satisfied, he walked back to Ryleigh. "We're leaving," he said, his mask of formalities forgotten. "No arguments. Now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

It wasn't just him though. It was her too. Ryleigh just stood watching as Matt seemed to clean up the scene with normalcy. Ryleigh was at a complete loss at what to do. It wasn't right to hide a crime. All she did was good things. But he was her bodyguard. He was here to protect her. He was here to save her life. Her father knew what he was doing and so did Mathias. Maybe it wasn't a crime. Who was she kidding, it was a crime. Instead, she just stood there awkwardly. Matt hadn't killed the man, though. She knew that much. She'd seen him stab in self defence. And something else had happened to the man afterwards. Matt had been protecting them.

But it was a crime to hide the body...

But Matt had saved her life. If her father hadn't of hired Matt today, and she'd have turned up at the party, the man probably would have killed her. It had been crowded and full of drunk people. No one would have known who the attacker was because she knew he would have been long gone as she'd collapsed dead or dying. All she could do was nod as Matt said they were leaving. All Ryleigh wanted to do now was leave. She wanted to leave and get back to her lists and her studies and her reading and forget about the whole thing. If she forgot about it, then it never happened.

She hadn't even registered that he'd called her by her first name. She didn't argue about leaving. She just walked quietly away with him, texting Lainy and telling her that she was tired and leaving. She'd lasted over an hour at the party anyway. And she was suddenly exhausted.

"Thank you for protecting me, Matt." She finally said at some point on the way home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The two were settled in a black sedan as Mathias made their way home. He had heard her thanks. "If you're truly thankful," he finally said. "You'll listen to me next time. I don't say things to annoy you or due to a lack of things to do, Ms. Anderson. My services have been purchased to ensure that you remain breathing."

He pulled into the driveway after he cleared the gate guard that led into Ryleigh's handsome estate. What was the point of having so much land? Though the Society too had many locations, they were at least practical. Safe houses mixed in with mansions. It was part of a great ruse that kept their numerous enemies guessing on their present location. He breathed deeply. This was hardly the most priority of thoughts to have. He remembered the tattoo he saw. It was time to start looking for their enemy.

Parking the car and giving the keys to the valet, he opened the door for Ryleigh. "I'll be up momentarily, if you want to talk," he said. "The first kill is always the hardest. It was for me. I have something I need to look into. Ryleigh. Please, do not go by the window tonight. Given tonight's event, I don't wish to push our luck. Got it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cream


Member Seen 8 days ago

Okay, so he was mad at her. Ryleigh had been planning to reply to his comments but instead she stayed silent. She felt like a child in trouble. She felt like Matt was disappointed in her. How had she been so stupid as to follow him? It had been a stupid mistake. She really regretted it and knew that next time she'd listen. It was better not to know.

The car stopped and Ryleigh listened to Matt. He spoke about the first kill and she tried not to flinch at the admittance that he'd killed someone before. Again though, she naively thought that it was to protect someone. After all, he was a bodyguard. It gave him the right to kill if his client needed protecting and saw in danger.

"I just want to forget about it. Please, let's not talk about it. I just want to go to my room and study. I won't go near the window. I promise." Ryleigh almost sounded like a robot. But she got out the car and did as she had said. She left Matt to do what he wanted to do and she went upstairs, grabbed her books and papers from her desk, and went and sat on her massive bed with them well out of the viewpoint of the window.

It was hard to do what she wanted when someone was trying to kill her, and when she'd watched a man die. She was writing lists. Re-writing lists, making new schedules, her OCD going well over the top as a mechanism to try and cope with how messed up things were becoming. Nothing was normal and someone wanted to kill her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias watched her go. It was better he be harsh and upfront than kind and consoling. How else was she to learn that her position involved a tremendous amount of risk? If he hadn't said what he did, who knows what she'd do next time? Hopefully there wouldn't be a next time he prayed silently to himself. He marched over to where his quarters were. He swiped an estate identification card and went straight to his room. He pulled out a slim black case that contained a lap top within. He proceeded to boot it up.

The room itself wasn't bad whatsoever. Though spartan in decor, it housed a relatively comfortable bed, table, bathroom, wardrobe, and a window that looked out onto the backyard. He smiled. He could set up a sniper's nest in here and monitor his vantage point traps with ease. Of course, nothing could replace personal attendance to the girl, but at least it was something. He took out his phone and dialed a number. A female voice answered.

"It's me," he said. "I need some intel sent to my computer."

"Can you be more specific?"

"I need anything on a russian gang that uses a bear with a skull background. A group attacked my employer's daughter today. I'd rather not be blind if they show up again."

Minutes later, several files showed up on a secure proxy server. "Thank you Huntington. You're a life savers as always."

"My pleasure, Matt," she said. "Contact me if you need anything else."

The line disconnected as Mathias read the files. What in the hell did Ryleigh's father do to anger the Russian Mafia? Though housed in Moscow, they had considerable reach in the states. He should know. Mathias carried out a number of jobs for them. Terrible, nasty people. He saved some files and sent them to his phone of mobile reading when he had the time. Once the confirmation came through on the sent files, he locked the computer. It was time he got back to Ryleigh.

As he crossed the darkened yard, he couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes trained on him somewhere. It was odd. He was typically the hunter. Now, he was the hunted. Oblivious to whomever lied in the tree line beyond.
As he ascended the last stair, Mathias knocked on Ryleigh's door. "I'm coming in," he said. He saw her writing her damn lists. Poor girl. "How are you faring?"

Before returning to his post, he had changed into a loose fitting white sweater and a pair of slacked jeans. It was his definition of casual. Nothing too tight or too flashy. Just plain. He preferred it that way. It made him feel anonymous, which was an art he perfected long ago. But now, he felt anything but anonymous. He wasn't good at this touchy, nicey stuff. He had never the need. It was rare for anything to make him nervous, but for some reason this did it. Maybe he should've paid more attention to his interpersonal lessons. It would've helped now.

Mathias said not a word more as silence reigned over the room. Sometimes, silence was the best remedy for the absurd and traumatic. Silence. Beautiful yet lonely all the same.
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