Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chit-chatter. Stanley could hear the chit-chatter from the outside, a group of 'tenants' had obviously just encountered one another and decided to activate a gossip, how disgusting. The spectacled boy sat in his computer chair staring out the window, a frown on his face, knowing there was something afoot. Something big and bad, something only he, Stanley Grove, could stop. The incoming reptilian invasion. He backed away from the curtains and drew his thick black curtains, lined with tin foil. They had spotted him yet, he wasn't gonna be eaten.

He backed away from the window, a suspicious look on his face. He knew what they were up to. They couldn't fool him. He twirled around on his computer chair again and unwrapped a Mars bar, quickly holding it over a bin as to avoid crumbs getting bloody everywhere. After he had finished devouring his candy bar, he turned to his big, neat bookshelf. Still in his computer chair, he rolled up to it and began looking for the R section. It took him 42 seconds to find the book he was needing. 'Reptilians: How to Expose them'.

He grinned deviously as he read the book, sweating as well though in case he got a paper cut. Then...he heard a noise. Faint at first, but then it grew with another noise. Oh no...this couldn't be happening. He had a new neighbour. He dropped the book with a terrified look on his face. Then the book hit the ground, and he suddenly broke into panic. "GOD DAMNIT!" He shifted at the topmof his lungs as he scrambled to the ground and picked up the book. Carefully and oh so very cautiously, he put it back in its place and decided to get dressed out of a robe.

He slipped on some of his more casual clothes, a purple tuxedo designed to send aliens strange mind signals and a pair of back suit-pants. He also out on a tin foil hat and walked towards the door. He pushed it open softly and noticed another thing he had feared. Daniel was already there. With a shifty look, Stan creator out of his room. "I have a new neighbour..." He said with a little grumble. "Is he home, Daniel?" His face was that of frustration right now as he pushed his glasses back on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgniSpirit


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amelia didn't move an inch when Erin hid behind her once Cat and Dog came up to them. It was incredibly understandable since Cat's daunting height and piercing glares would intimidate an average person. To a man-phobic like Erin, he was downright terrifying. Amelia hoped Dog's presence would keep his older brother calm. That's when said boy suddenly offered to have Cat return the spoon to Adonis. The red-head's mouth gaped open as she tried to offer her services instead, but before she knew it Erin already kicked the spoon to Dog. Amelia pouted but did not let her bad move tarnish her cheerful good bye to her escaping friend. She turned back to Dog and Cat just in time to see the limber Cat jump up a story and reach Adonis's balcony in record time. Her jaw dropped a second time, this time out of awe. What she wouldn't give to jump like that!

Dog joked next to the red-head and she spun around to face her friend. She gave him a grin and a nod, agreeing with his statement about Cat's overall attitude. Another voice caught Amelia's attention and she glanced up to see Alice the cat-girl. Amelia wrinkled her nose when the girl imposed her OCD ways on Adonis. Maybe it was jealousy, maybe it was because Alice always looked at her as if she was imperfect; who knows. All in all, she knew she didn't like her and did not try to hide the smirk when Adonis shot down her weird offer. It became a pout a second later when he suddenly changed his mind and allowed Alice onto his property.

Once Adonis said his thanks and disappeared back into his room as Cat followed him in like... well, a cat, Amelia decided this was her turn to leave. Dog was already running off for the chance at food, reminding her that she hadn't eaten lunch yet. Or taken a bath. She really needed to those things. Rushing inside, she ran up the two flights of stairs and straight into her room. Twenty minutes later, Amelia stepped out of her room dressed in cargo shorts and a baggy maroon T-shirt with a brown knapsack slung over her shoulder. She jumped back down the stairs, wondering where she should go for lunch. She couldn't get two free meals at the restaurant she worked at. Maybe she could check in on Cody. Oh, but she'd have to see that little brat. Maybe she could eat with Dog. Oh... but Cat.

Amelia wandered the halls of the first floor of the Blackwing Apartments when she heard a commotion. Curious as always, Amelia peeked around the corner to see Daniel and Stanley the conspiracy theorist crowded around the door to 1C. She wondered why they were knocking on a supposedly empty apartment and quickly pulled out her notepad and pen. She scribbled on it as she walked towards the two and held it up for the two taller tenants.

"What's up?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She sighed, listening to the other people around. Lots of yelling and... yeah. She didn't know. She turned when she heard Kenzie coming to the door. She knew it wasn't Lucy because the footsteps would have been lighter and Cody was at work. She gave Kenzie an awkward smile when the girl asked if she missed her already. "All the time, Kenzie." Stella responded dryly shaking her head.

She felt Kenzie's weight shift as if she was about to do something but then hesitated.


"I'm gonna grab your hands, okay?" Kenzie asked Stella. Stella tensed up, both from the thought of being touched and the thought that maybe Kenzie knew.

"N-no." Stella stammered through her nerves before being whisked away. Stella's eyes shot open as she was pulled through the flat.

N-Not okay! Not okay! SAY SOMETHING.

Just as she was about to open her mouth, Kenzie whispered something into her ear, "I think Lucy's scared of you, and I want her to see you're not scary… well, most of the time." Again, Stella tensed up.

Scary? I'm not scary. Other people are scary.

She pulled away from Kenzie and began to walk where she thought the door was. In her nerves, she forgotten to keep track of what direction the door was in and so.. she fumbled around, trying her best not to cry. As she walked, try her best to convince them she wasn't blind and that she wasn't crying, she stumbled on something on the floor and fell onto the couch, her face planted into a pile of what she assumed to be pillows. Moving her feet around, she felt the culprit, a blanket piled up on the floor.

"I'm... o-okay." She stammered, her voice shaking quite a bit now but muffled in the pillows.

Yeah, totally not obvious now, bimbo. If Kenzie didn't know, she did now and soon Lucy would. Great...

Stella turned around and planted her ass firmly on the couch, placing her hands in her lap in attempt to recover. "I just... wanted to sit on the couch. Relax? You know?" She told them, laughing awkwardly.

Crisis averted? Maybe?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

About the moment Isam opened his door, he was greeted by a bundle of fruit. And behind that, a man. He looked up at the guy, confusion in his brown eyes. Why was this man bringing him fruit? A better question may be why he was doing so in a dress. Isam forced a smile and took the fruits from the tenant.

"Thank you, er, Danielle," Isam said, thoroughly butchering the poor man's name. He looked warily at the other tenant, who seemed to be watching him just as carefully. He turned back to Daniel. "I will...put these in the kitchen, thank you." He turned and headed back into his apartment, bumping the door halfway shut behind him so that they wouldn't follow him. Hopefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cody Mensah and Lucy Coure

Lucy grinned as Kenzie complimented her, brown eyes gleamed with a slowly growing ego as she overlooked Kenzie's outfit choice for the day. Tank top and jean shorts, casual yet handy for an extremely hot day like today, nicely done. A modest smile painted her face as she turned to her breakfast and continued from where she left off; cutting up everything into bite sized portions. At Kenzie's idea to eat all fancy she turned and stared, watching as the older girl took a ridiculously fancy bite of cereal, and amazement filled her eyes,

"That was PERFECT, Kenzie! I'll do it too!" Lucy glanced at her fork, stabbing one of the cut up pieces of pancake, and, just as Makenzie had done moments before, she made a show of lifting her pinkie and taking an elegant bite. She then grabbed the next napkin on the table and wiped her face before turning to grin at the girl, expecting more praise. No praise was received, however, instead there was a knock at the front door, and a somewhat familiar voice. Odd. Lucy glanced at the clock just above Cody's bedroom door, noting that he wouldn't be home for another hour so it couldn't be him, and as she turned to look at the front door again her nose was booped.

"Looks like you're popular today, I'll get her, go and finish your fancy breakfast."

Her? Oooh, it was probably Kenzie's blind, super powered roommate. Lucy shivered slightly before turning back to the breakfast, taking a few, quick bites before getting up to clear an easier path for the blind girl, not wanting to have a disabled guest (even if she was probably a monster of sorts) trip. Cody would probably reprimand her if she was rude to a guest, after all, which often led to her being rude OUTSIDE of the apartment. Kenzie eventually returned, saying something about how Stella was lonely, but Stella seemed to be more focused on wandering aimlessly.

"Watch-" Lucy jumped up slightly as the girl staggered, feet tangled by a forgotten blanket, and fell face first onto the couch. At first she was dumbfounded, expecting the girl to read someones mind as to realize every inch of the room's obstacles, but then laughter bubbled in her chest, and she giggled cheerfully as the girl attempted to act cool about the whole situation. Maybe she's not some kind of monster, maybe she was just... Clever? Lucy slowly sat back down on the couch, staring rather obnoxiously at the girl's face. Interest gleamed in her eyes, but faded as soon as she realized Kenzie was still lingering by the entrance way,

"Kenzie, Kenzie, let's do something! Let's play!" She shouted suddenly, grinning widely. Maybe the three of them could play together, that would be good, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dog watched as everyone seemed to leave her, but she cheerfully waved after her friend Amelia. "Later Amelia!" the more cheerful twin cheered before happily heading off inside as well. Bounding up the steps at a great speed. If there was one thing that made her move, it was food. Especially Cat's food when she actually bought enough for him to cook with.

It was kinda funny really, some scary guy like him able to cook. One sure he wasn't as good as someone like Cody, but hey he was impressive for a street born kid. Also, it was better than when they didn't have any food and Cat would just eventually go out and hunt some animal in the streets and cook with that. Good thing was, Dog was at least making enough money to get proper scraps of food and pay the little rent she could to their landlord.

After all, eating a rat, a bird, a squirrel, a stray cat or dog never were very appetizing. But it was better than Cat being hungry. If he got hungry he got cranky, and therefore was more wild and violent. He was already scary when he was calm, just imagine how terrifying he was when he was cranky and hungry. So she didn't complain too much whenever Cat went scavenging. The brunette at least tried to have him look for some thrown away goods first before resorting to killing. Thankfully he seemed to comply with the request, so they hardly ever have too much to worry about.

Finally reaching her room, Dog opened the door with her key and went inside, kicking the door closed with her right foot as she strode in. Her twin was already sitting in their empty 'living room' with two bowls filled with a yellowish liquid and chunks of ingriedients.

In otherwords, soup.

Grinning from ear to ear, she sat down in front of him cross legged before chowing down sloppily onto her meal. While her brother was more calm and clean about his eating habits, slowly putting the spoon in the soup before it went into his mouth. Never letting a drop escape, while the smaller of the two already had it around her mouth.

"Eat more slowly or you will choke on the chicken or the vegetables." Cat instructed cooly, taking a moment of eating to scold his messy sibling before continuing his meal.

"But it's so yummy! And I'm starving! Man I'm glad I got that bonus to get you enough to make this! This really is heaven." Dog cheered as she ate, sometimes with her mouth full.

Cat simply decided not to answer and continued to eat at a much slower pace.

After finishing her dish, she held out her bowl for seconds, but only received a stern glare. "Tomorrow. We have to save it." he said.

"But I'm still so hungry! There's no way that's enough for a growing boy like me! You too your have a lot of weight to keep if your going off running around." Dog whined as she pouted a little. Her rusty eyes widening in the cutest puppy dog expression she could muster. She was a master at it, she had to be in order to at least win Cat over sometimes. Unfortunetly it did no work this time around.

"Then don't eat so fast." Cat said before finishing his meal and picked up their dishes, walking over to the kitchen sink and washing them thoroughly. Afterwards he left them in the sink before heading to his room.

Dog watched him go silently, though pouted more, knowing now there was no further chances. He was going to nap now until it was dark. Plus she couldn't sneak more food or he'd teach her a harsh lesson. After the first few times of it, you just learn to do what he says.

With a sigh she poked at the ground, wondering what to do now. She could see what the others were doing, but they may be eating as well and she didn't want to interrupt them. Sure she'd love nothing more to eat more food, but it was just rude to beg from your neighbors. Cat was her brother, so therefore begging rights. With a loud bored groan, she rolled over on her back and crossed her arms behind her head. Yawning a little. Deciding to take a quick nap at least. She could use one after work this morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Let's get things straight: Mackenzie Cole isn't the sharpest crayon in the box. She knows that, her friends know that, anyone who talks to her for more than five minutes know that. But she does pick up on things; it might take her a little longer than usual, but like that one slow ass turtle in that story with the rabbit, she gets there eventually. Kenzie realizing that Stella had a thing about being touched happened about three weeks after moving in, just a couple weeks before she came across another big revelation (the revelation… you know, the one where her eyes don't work?). After getting rejected every time she offered a hug, and feeling her flinch when she so much as gave her a friendly pat on the back, it just clicked.

Kenzie misdiagnosed it as germaphobia, or whatever that was called. It made sense—have you seen her room? It was always clean and sparkly. After finding out, Kenzie took the time to wash her hands and use hand sanitizer every time she got close to her flatmate. She would deliberately do it when she was close enough to see, so she had solid proof that she was germless. But even that didn't work. Stella still seemed to have a problem with touching.

It wasn't until she figured out she was blind that she made up another theory: blind -> can't see -> can't see who's touching her -> scared it might be some weirdo. Kenzie thought for sure that if she'd announce it to Stella beforehand, there wouldn't be any problems. But lo and behold, she was wrong. Again. Guilt washed over her as she watched the dark haired girl get flustered after she'd forcibly dragged her to Lucy.

Shitshitshit. She just face-planted on the floor!

Kenzie was quick to react, hand already outstretched to help her up, but she retracted it as soon as she realized what she was doing. No more touching, she had to remind herself. She was about to apologize when Stella laughed. It was little weird-sounding, but still, she laughed. Kenzie practically melted with relief. So she didn't make her uncomfortable after all.

Hold up, was she just doing a clown act? Kenzie turned to look at Lucy, who was giggling at Stella's antics, and laughed with her. Stella was a genius! She wasn't really sure what to do to make Lucy not afraid of Stella anymore, but her pretend clumsiness worked like a charm. Lucy even seemed like she was already starting to like Stella. At the very least, it seemed like she was open to letting her play with them.

"Kenzie, Kenzie, let's do something! Let's play!"

"As you wish," Kenzie replied, bowing theatrically. "So what does the Princess feel like playing today?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She laughed awkwardly as she felt the small girl leaning over closer to her. Doing what? She didn't know. Which bothered her so... She leaned away, leaning over the side of the couch with an awkward expression on her face.

That went... well.

The giggle was a good sign at least, even if they were laughing at her. It was better than silence. Silence meant pity and she didn't like what pity meant. Stella even managed a small smile when the girl asked Kenzie to play something. What sort of game would they play? Probably something Stella wouldn't be able to join in on but.. She'd be able to listen. So that... wasn't so bad.

Unsure of what to do with herself, Stella resigned to holding her hands in her lap rather awkwardly, her feet still tangled in that damned blanket. Slowly, she reached down and picked up the blanket, setting it behind her on the head of the sofa.

"P-Play what?" Stella asked, still feeling a bit nervous about her last... event of the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Daniel Wordsworth

Long dark lashes fluttered at the abrupt meeting, a hand rising over his mouth as he thought aloud, "Well. Rather introverted isn't he?"

Daniel turned instead to Stanley, offering a smile and a shrug, commenting with, "Well, it seems so. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. He seems friendly enough." There was a pause before the taller male shrugged and sheepishly added with, "in his own way." His eyes turned then to the girl that'd decided to join the sausage fest, raising a notepad. Offering a large smile, Daniel answered, "Well, not much seems to be happening here, it seems."

A light laugh escaped his lips as he tucked a bit of his slightly damp hair behind his ear. "Our new neighbor doesn't seem too keen in visitors," said Daniel as he started to walk off, turning slightly as he started, "I'm just about to head out and help Jin with watering the plants. Would you like to join me?" He paused then straightening as he covered his mouth shaped in a small o of shock. "Ah, but you don't have to, of course," he assured. "It is almost lunch time, isn't it? I wouldn't want you two to work rather than eat."
Adonis "Andy" Ring

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the -


Andy sat up straight, spitting out the spoon that'd been forced in his mouth. He had been frozen from surprise, shock, indignation, fear. Who does that? Who just ups and strolls into people's fucking homes like that? Who just straight up shoves spoons in other people's mouths? What the fuck?!

Breathing heavily, Andy reached a hand over his chest, trying to even out his breathing. He felt suddenly rather closed in, the bandages covering him seemed to tighten as thought trying to suffocate him. In frustration he hurriedly ripped off the one around his arm, barely slipping out of it before clawing at his throat with one hand, the other ripping away the bandage on his forehead. Covered in unwrapped gauze, the brunette wandered around his apartment aimlessly, heading first to his balcony and locking it, tugging at the curtains and shutting them, an immediate darkness covering his home. As though walking on air, he made his way towards the rooms and shut the windows there as well, flicking on any open light shut, surrounding himself in comforting cool darkness.

Reaching for his phone- he didn't have many familiar contacts, a few being some of the tenants and the others being clients- Andy called for a familiar friend only to reach voicemail. Fighting back a retch, Andy put his phone aside, heading back to his pile of pillows. By now his bandages had fallen off completely, strewn across his apartment and revealing the bruises and scars around his neck, the sloppy tattoos on his being. Staring at the pillows Andy shook, quickly rearranging them before completely tossing them aside. The pile reminded him too much of the invasion.

Giving up on the pillows, he made his way instead towards the small room, pulling out the futon as well as a blanket, curling himself up instead. Everything itched. Just calm down, he told himself inwardly, shutting his eyes. Fall asleep. Forget.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stanley was busy glaring at the door that hid his new neighbour. He had never wanted any neighbours, Jin knew that! He grumbled something as the guy took the fruit basket and disappeared back into his apartment. There was something fishy about this guy, maybe he was a pawn of the illuminati sent into gain control of the apartments and recruit him and the other tenants for the New World Order. Stanley put this thought away for a little bit. He'd work on that later when the guy was being more....co operative.

He frowned a bit at Daniels smile abd shrug about the neighbour. In his own way? What did he mean by that? Stan was never sure if he could actually trust Daniel, but he didn't seem like a guy that could be a reptillian, alien or a member of a shadow organisation. Stanley gave him a nervous smile back too, not sure how to respond to him. He hated that Daniel was taller than him, but he was generally considered a bot short so it didn't matter. "I'm not sure I agree...." He responded in a quiet voice

He then also turned around to see a girl approach, he thought maybe he'd seen her around before, but he couldn't be 100% sure. He raised a nervous hand, meant to be a wave and then lowered it again, smiling at her. "Oh just a new neighbour, those are always annoying.... And look he's right next door to me! He could eavesdrop on me quite easily." He stopped himself from going further into his rant, but made a mental note to ask Jin fir soundproof walls.

And then that's when he got a stroke of luck, once again. Daniel was going to go help water Jins plants, that would be a good chance for Stan to get some sunlight. He made an agrreement he'd get some sunlight once every week. He turned to the girl again and noticed, he could kinda trust her. The illuminati used words to manipulate the world and she couldn't talk so... "Sure why not?" He replied to Daniel. "But I don't want to be out there too long...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


Member Offline since relaunch

With pillows perfectly reset, Alice stood up from the futon and brushed herself of. She always brushed herself off when she stood up, no matter how long she had been sitting there or where she had been sitting. Who knows what kind of things could have settled on her clothes while she was sitting? Not to mention wrinkles! Ugh she hated wrinkles. They made everything unperfect. She dreaded the day that when her skin would start to wrinkle. She would have to iron her skin. Wrinkles was one thing she could not handle.

Andy's balcony. Another thing she could not handle. No matter how hard she tried to push it out of her mind, it kept creeping back up. She couldn't help it anymore. That mess just had to go. Her hand was already placed on the handle to her balcony door. It was like her body knew what needed to be done before her brain could even catch up. Or perhaps her body just knew what her brain was going to decide? She shook it off. That stuff did not matter right now. Right now the only thing that really matter, was that awful mess.

The sun was beat against Alice's bright yellow hoodie as she found herself on her balcony again. She need to clean that atrocity next door, but how? It's not like that recluse would let her in his apartment and with the shape his balcony was in it's not like she even wanted to see what kind of cataclysmic state it was in. So here she was, standing on the edge of her balcony and staring at his. The gap wasn't to far, was it? "Gahhh!" She stifled a scream of desperation with a cottony sleeve covered hand. She had seen Cat do all kinds of crazy things, he had just run up the side of the wall so...so how hard would one little jump be? Air out her nose as she sighed again. There was always the original 'Fuck No' answer her neighbor had given her to start out with. Maybe he wanted his balcony dirty.

Alice laughed to herself. Of course he didn't want a dirty balcony! Who would? She was just being a good neighbor and helping him out. With this revelation she carefully pulled herself onto the metal railing, and though a little wobble, managed to balance on it. She was faced with the original problem. Could she even make this jump? She glanced down at the ground below her as her vision got a little blurry. "Well I'm only on the second floor." She tried to reassure herself. "It's not like I would die if I fell." Wait, would she die? Cat did this kind of thing plenty of times. She even saw the mute girl do things like this too. It seemed safe when they did them.

Alas she was not them and found herself in another dilemma.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cody Mensah and Lucy Coure

Lucy tapped her chin thoughtfully, make a rather low humming noise as she thought of a good game that they could all play. Hide and seek probably wouldn't be a good idea, tag... Nah. Eye sp-! No, no that wouldn't be fair, and it would probably offend the blind chick. Running out of ideas, the child lowered her head and sighed. Nothing came to mind at all, she was probably still tired, but they could always play... That.

"I have," she jumped up suddenly, one dainty finger raised high above her head, "an idea!" Lucy ran into her room quickly, leaving the two to converse while she rummaged through piles of clothes and toys, mind set on finding one particular item. Once her fingers wrapped around the familiar plastic hairpiece she grinned and pulled it fully out of the pile of clothes. It was a white and blue tiara, and some of the fake gems were missing but it was still pretty obvious what the toy was. She placed it on her head gently and then ran back into the living room, standing tall before the two girls,

"We'll play 'Princess'! Who ever wears the crown is in charge, and the crown is passed around so everyone gets a turn!" She smiled, then returned to her seat, resuming her think position. After a while, she removed the crown from her head and passed it on to Kenzie, shrugging with a somewhat annoyed look, "I couldn't think of anything funny for you guys to do, so Kenzie goes first! You can tell us to do anything!" Lucy grinned and awaited the command, taking side glances at Stella to see if she was doing okay.

Meanwhile, Cody was preparing to head home, stepping out of the back door of a family restaurant, wincing as he entered the warmed air and brutal sun. His hand was wrapped around his rather old flip-phone, and his thumb scrolled down across many missed texts and a single call from Andy. Huh, something must be up. Cody re-dialed the missed number and waited a few rings, all the while walking up the sweltering sidewalk with a sudden boost of speed. When no one answered he gulped, then awaited the beep to leave a message,

"Andy, you okay? I'm heading home now, I'll check in on you after I see Lucy. If something is wrong call back." And with that he shut the phone and started to jog lightly up the hill, despite feeling the sweat build on his brow and the drowsiness from working.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Isam set the basket of fruit on his kitchen counter. What strange little traditions Americans came up with. Every time he moved, and he did so more often than most, his new neighbors brought him food. He had plenty of food; he didn't really need their's. Sometimes they brought cakes, or cookies, and fruits. More often than not, it was all too sweet. The day someone brings him a bottle of vodka as a welcoming gift would be the day he made a new friend.

He chuckled at the thought. If he invited the team over, one of them was bound to bring a bottle of alcohol of whatever kind. Isam wasn't picky. But it was a bit too soon to be throwing parties; he wasn't even sure if he was going to be staying here. Speaking of his new apartment, he still needed to figure out the place's layout. He needed to find the laundry facilities, the mail boxes, gym if it had one, and maybe pick up a few brochures before the office closed. It was a big city, and Isam didn't know this part of it very well.

He went back to his front door, still slightly agape, and peeked out to see if the other tenants were gone yet. They were. He quietly slipped out and rested his hands in the front pocket of his cargo pants as he began his exploration.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 14 days ago

Alex watched for an annoyingly long time the goign-ons of the various people he called neighbors. What an interesting bunch....A twitch of an eye and the man sighed. "Yeah, I know I know...i'm going." Taking his multiple warnings in head he headed down the stairs, his sandals making their namesake flopping noises as he descended. Coming to ground level he began humming to himself, some sweet song with a slightly sad and slow undertone. A soft smile on his pale face and his pockets dug comfortably into his pant pockets.

"Time to water..." he broke the tones to help himself remember his goals. Honestly without his constant friends reminding him of what he wanted to do, he would probably never get anything done. Not that he did much. Passing a door that had just been ajar, yet was now closed, Alex gave a smooth look around. An alien back revealed itself, just turning a corner. "Hm..." A shadow of protest was wiped away from his mind with a smirk and his steps became half a beat quicker.

"Hey pal!" He jeered warmly to the stranger. His arm not busy with holding the shoe bag was raised and waving back and forth in a relaxed manner. A soft sort of smile was on his face, his eyes read intrigued yet not exactly excited. "New around here?" He asked as he sidled shoulder to shoulder.

The plants could wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Isam was looking over the crudely illustrated map of the apartment, trying to figure out where the hell he was. He'd gotten better maps from men who barely spoke English. Or Arabic. Or any of the other many languages he spoke. He turned the thing this way and that, trying to figure out if he was at the east end or the west end when one of the residents came up behind him, greeting him rather suddenly. Isam spooked, his shoulders tensing and his breath catching before he settled.

He turned to look back at the man. The kid was clearly younger than he, but Isam knew first hand not to underestimate the young. "Naam. You could say so." He looked the young man up and down: shorter than him, smaller, he could probably take him. Then again, he'd thought the same about others many times and had been mistaken. At least this fellow seemed a bit more normal than the two he had met earlier.

"I am looking for the al-mawrid, er, londree room. Could you show me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Lucy excitedly ran off to get something from her room, Kenzie couldn't help but grin. Seemed like the little princess was being agreeable today. Any remaining worries she had about Stella and Lucy not getting along were gone, although she can't say she wasn't just a tiny bit disappointed. Sometimes she liked it when Lucy was being a big brat. It was a lot of fun to watch, especially if Cody was around to make things more entertaining.

"Isn't that great?" she turned to Stella, smiling at her even though she knew she wouldn't see. Stella's superpowers probably allowed her to feel the emotions of people around her anyway. "Your plan was perfect! Now she won't be scared of you." She gave her a congratulatory pat on the back before realizing, and quickly apologized afterward. Crappity crap. It was really hard trying not touch people when every fiber of her being screamed to do it.

Luckily, Lucy came back not long after with a plastic tiara now adorning her head, distracting her from her worries. Kenzie laughed at the sight of the girl. Of course she'd go with the Princess game.

She took the crown from Lucy and put it atop her head with flourish. "Royal subjects," she stood up and beckoned at the two sitting before her, a more majestic lilt in her voice. Just an FYI, Kenzie tended to get into roles a little too easily. It took her a little longer to actually decide on her command, but as she hummed the Jeopardy theme song to herself, an idea struck her. She looked at her black guitar case on the couch, and smirked.

"Your queen wants to hold a Disney concert, and she needs backups."

She flashed Lucy a pointed look, as if challenging her to break the rules of her own game. She knew the girl was shy about her singing, but she was also a bit prideful. Lucy definitely wouldn't back out, so Kenzie thought this was a perfectly good time to try and get her past her reluctance to sing. After all, everyone should sing for fun! Worrying about sounding good shouldn't be a thing. At all.

Kenzie grabbed the guitar from the couch and slung it across her back again. "Follow me, peasants. To the courtyard!" She walked across the living room and made her way to the balcony—it was preferred way of entering and exiting, as Stella could attest to, because it was ten times faster than going through the hallways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Yawning a little after a much needed nap, Dog gave a loud groan as she rolled along the floor as she pondered what to do. Maybe she'd go outside again, it was a nice day after all and she didn't want to waste it just sleeping. It be evening soon and then the darkness will come. Cat will be out then, and she hoped he didn't cause trouble for the other tenants, well then he already has. Poor Andy was probably freaked out after that little stunt her brother pulled.

Doing whatever he wanted without a word of notice and without the say so of anybody else. At least though, he wasn't exactly hurting people, that's what she was worried most about. Walking into people's homes, eating their food, or jumping onto heir balcony was one thing and at least didn't cause harm... But all it took was one thing to set him off back on the streets.

One move.

One move and he'd just snap, be his unpredictable self. Be it just outright kill or be merciless and torture his victims. Honestly, she was surprised he hadn't had a incident for a whole year. Since they came here, he had kept his word in behaving as best as he could, but made no promise if he was provoked. Luckily, no one was dumb enough to do so. If they did, there would be a blood bath, and with this sort of place, she was unsure who would come out of it.

And even if Cat didn't trust Jin, he never made a move on him or even said anything really bad. Just that he didn't trust him for the generous home given. It was understandable. The twins by looks alone didn't look like strays anyone wanted to take into their home.

At first, Cat just stayed inside, practically sulking. After a month or so, he adapted and started doing his current routine in wandering around at night. Like a alley cat who thought he owned the neighborhood.

Giving a sigh, shaking her head to rid the thoughts of her brother, she stood up and walked out of their apartment, shutting the door behind her. Pondering if she should try and visit Andy and apologize on behalf of her brother or just go outside. The boy probably didn't want any more visitors so she just decided to go outside.

Heading down the stairs, she spotted Daniel once again, their one of the few paranoid neighbors named Stanley and Amelia. Grinning she waved to them and gave a cheerful smile.

"Hi again!" Dog cheered. "Whatcha up to?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Daniel Wordsworth

The tall dark haired man released a light hearted laugh at Stanley's request, nodding his head. "Alright sure," said Daniel, nodding his head and leading the group out, "I'll make sure you only stay out for a maximum of thirty minutes."

As he made his way outside, he regretted not bringing a large brimmed hat with him, a pale hand rising to shield his eyes. He'd have to stay for a short while, too, Daniel realized, given his dislike for tanning. "Yo, Jin," called out the tall man, waving a lanky arm towards the landowner, who looked up from his weeds. "I- We've come to help." Daniel jutted a thumb to those behind him, to which Jin merely shrugged in response.

The landlord wiped a hint of sweat from his cheek, nodding at a nearby hose before saying, "All the plants need to be re-watered given the heat. And the fish still need feeding if anyone's up for that." Daniel replied with a playful salute before turning to the others.

"You heard the man," said the crossdresser, clapping his hands together, "I'll take care of the fish!" And with that, Daniel made his way to the nearest balcony, tossing small pebbles against the windows of apartment 1F. "Excuuuuse me," he called out, "Do you perhaps have any stray lettuce?"
Adonis "Andy" Ring

The brunette heard his phone ring, but was too busy sulking to try and speed up the getting up process. Nonetheless, by the time Andy'd rolled over enough to reach his phone, it'd gone to voicemail. "Andy, you okay? I'm heading home now, I'll check in on you after I see Lucy. If something is wrong call back."

Well, it's not as though something was wrong, decided the teen as his finger hovered over the call back button. He snapped his phone shut and tucked it away, pressing the balls of his palms over his eyes, groaning in annoyance. What was he doing? It was just... some guy coming in to his house. He didn't need to rant about it to Cody, it was nothing. People came into his house all the time. Except those people weren't strangers, reminded Andy to himself. Yeah but still. He was just returning a spoon. Andy, chided the teen inwardly, the guy pushed the spoon in your mouth.

The thought of it sent shivers through his body, and GOD yeah, he was totally violated and grossed out and disgusted. But... glancing over at his phone, Andy flipped it over to turn away the screen from his eyes. It was nothing to call Cody over. The guy said it himself, he'd check in after seeing Lucy. Andy could wait.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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