Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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"I beg of you, don't lose this. No matter what,"

Hibiki was on her way home from working at the bookstore when a man in a brown trench coat and hat that hid his features well, approached her and shoved a brooch in her hands. The stranger's voice was extremely quiet, but she just barely managed to make out what he said. Before she could ask, the man ran away. She called after him, "Huh?! W-Wait!" but the stranger didn't seem to listen, and he was clearly too fast for her to even try and follow. She blinked and she asked "What just happened...?" She looked down at the brooch. It was gold in color, and this brooch had a music note engraved on it with a single jewel in the center as a decoration. She shrugged and she held onto the brooch, figuring that if she ran into the stranger again, she'll be able to hand it back to him.

That was two days ago. Ever since that time, Hibiki's hearing improved greatly, to the point that the improvement was somewhat painful. She could hear everything around her, even if a particular was some miles away from her. She was also able to notice small sounds that everybody else may miss. At first she wore headphones to try and dull the sounds and the pain that came with them, but she found that it didn't help. Thankfully today, the pain wasn't as bad as it was yesterday. Now, it was just a peaceful and yet a not-so-quiet Saturday, the only free day in Hibiki's schedule between high school and work. As of now, she was strolling through town. They just got out of the movie theater, where a new and highly anticipated movie was released.

Hibiki's friends spoke amongst themselves about how great the movie was, while Hibiki was left in her thoughts. She couldn't help but think about the news she heard of a slasher that was out and about, and how many people were murdered by this elusive slasher. Now that she thought about it, she had heard that the crime rate was on a surprising and unusual rise in this once peaceful city. She also couldn't help but think about the brooch she had. She snapped out of her thoughts when the three of them reached the place where they split up to go back to their homes. Her friends said to HIbiki
"OK, see you on Monday!"
"And remember Hibiki! Don't sing those awesome songs on your way back! You may cause somebody's ears to bleed!"
Hibiki rolled her eyes and laughed somewhat sarcastically, "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll be sure not to. See you guys!" She hated that she liked to sing whenever she could, but she was apparently considered too tone deaf to even try without hurting everyone's ears.

She walked alone, heading for her home, and as she did she couldn't help but hear everything around her once again. As she walked on, she couldn't help but notice that the street she walked was quieter than usual. She shrugged it off thinking that nothing was wrong and that she may just be paranoid. As she walked past the bookstore she worked at, she started humming one of the songs she heard from the movie, and it soon turned into quiet singing. She never noticed that her singing had greatly improved...and it caught something's attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Two days ago when Arisu had been taking a walk in the park a man walked up to her. He was dressed in a hat and jacket that made it impossible to identify his features.
"Don't ever loose this. You have to keep it," the man had whispered to Arisu as he gave her a brooch. She had looked down at the brooch. It was gold in color and had a line going across it, like a gash. There was also a single jewel on it. Arisu decided to keep the brooch. She liked it. After that she had returned home.

Currently, however, Arisu was walking around town. Her perception of pain had been changed recently. Sometimes things hurt more and sometimes less. It was annoying but it was avoidable. All Arisu had to do was avoid getting wounded. And that was going to be so fucking easy. Arisu, who was lost, in her thoughts, banged her knee into a bench, breaking her train of thought. It hurt more than it normally would. Arisu held back the urge to swear. Why did her perception of pain have to get so out of whack recently?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Ikaku stood outside, hidden in the alley of the book store he spent his weekends working at and the maid café that more often than not held perverted old men looking to get their rocks off by taking pictures of the teens that worked there; one hand at his mouth, a cigarette between his index and middle finger and his other hand in his pocket. His fingers clenched around the small medallion he had been given by that strange figure. The gold medallion had an eye in its centre, a small onyx gem acting as the pupil. Ikaku took another long drag from the smoke in his mouth and crushed it under his black dress shoe “What a fucking weirdo….” He said softly before scratching at the tattoo’s that were etched in black ink across his neck before walking out onto the street and looking into the maid café.

“Hello Ika-kun” the main server said, she bowed to him quickly and giggled.

“Hey there, Mio” He nodded, his voice coming out as coolly as it always did “is my order done?”
Mio giggled again, a part of the Maid act that was her job “your coffee and muffin? Yeah it’s done…I’ll go get it” She smiled and ran off to the kitchen. Her black hair flared out as she walked off and the small skirt on her costume did the same. He shook his head, never really understanding the appeal of these places. She came back with his coffee and muffin and smiled “So Ika-kun….when are you gunna ask me on that date?”

Ikaku shrugged “probably never” He smiled and walked out of the café and into the street, recognizing the sound of one of his co-workers singing. It was Hibiki. Though her singing had improved since he had seen her last….which was only a few days ago. He raised an eyebrow at that fact. No…it couldn't be the same thing could it. Ikaku’s sight had been playing up for a few days as of late, the sun had even blinded him a few times…almost causing some accidents. He shook his head and waved at Hibiki “hey, what happened? All of a sudden you aren't shit at singing” He smirked a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Isu leaned against a wall in a dark alley, his gaze on a small badge in his hands. It had a tomoe symbol on it with a small gem in the middle of said symbol. His face contorted in thought as he recalled the events of attaining the badge. Who was that man who gave Isu the badge? Why give it to him? Was it random or for a propose? The young man chuckled slightly to himself. Who was he kidding, he wasn't at all anything special. That strange man had to have given it to him randomly. It was odd, after he was given the badge, it seemed as if he could move more fluently than before. He stopped falling over his feet like he use to, he seemed to be able to run faster too. Isu shook his head, all of this was way too weird for him.

Suddenly someone rounded the corner looking quite angry at Isu. "Hey! You still owe me some money!" Isu jumped, his attention moving to the person who was yelling at him.
"What?" The young man placed the badge in his pocket and stood up right.
The other person started to advance toward Isu in a fit of rage, "You owe my money you no good slacker!"
Isu backed away a bit, "Wow, um I think you got the wrong.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence as the other person swung a fist at him. It was strange it was almost as if Isu could read the others movements just before they actually did anything. He dodge the punch and bolted out of the alley and around the corner. Isu hid behind a corner as the other person ran the opposite direction of him, still screaming about something. He sighed, sliding down the wall and sitting on the ground. "Well, that was interesting." He ran a hand across his face, trying to process what just happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Once again Takuya looked at the weird gold colored badge with the head of a bloodhound engraved on it, that weird guy in the trench coat gave him about a week ago. While Takuya was told not to loose the badge he was heading to a pawn store in an attempt to sell it for a decent amount of cash.Ever since he got it his sense of smell had been improving, right now it had reached the point where he could tell that the maid café three streets away from was baking fresh muffins, which kind of made him want one

Of course there were also less pleasant smells around like sweat, and worst of all the underground sewer."Ugh at this rate summer won't be any fun." Takuya thought to himself. Trying to block out all the scents he kept walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

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Akiro turned to the man that had given him the strange badge.
"What in the world is this?" he asked looking up from the gold color imprinted with a clock and decorated with a jewel. Where the man had just been standing was his boss who looked at him and could clearly be seen as pissed off.
"Mr. Tagitsuhime You were late again this morning if your punctuality doesn't improve you won't ever get a chance to act." he said angrily before storming off.

That was four days ago today however Akiro was on time, perfectly on time at that. When his boss walked by he grinned and looked to Akiro.
"Today's the day. You've been so great at getting to work on time that I'm getting you an audition for the next Kamen Rider series." his boss said sending Akiro into total shock.
"Thank you sir that's incredible." he said standing up to bow in thanks. A few hours later he was walking home and just happened to be passing by an alley way as another person darted around the corner and slid down the wall. Akiro waked over to him and crouched so he was more level with him.
"Are you okay? You look a little freaked out.' He said watching the other man carefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Ryo sat in the far corner of the maid café as he sipped on a cup of coffee and enjoyed the muffin that was in front of him as he thought about the events of two days ago when a mysterious man had given him a golden badge with the emblem of a scale on it. That said badge rested next to the his muffin as he thought about how his balance seemed to get better as he couldn't seem to get tripped anymore or lose his balance at all.

He left the café after he finished off his muffin and coffee with the badge deep in his pocket and looked around to see that it was a nice day out which he felt like enjoying it. He walked down the street until he came across a nicely shaded tree that he could sit under and just rest before he went home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Hibiki stopped singing when she heard a familiar voice, and recognized the voice belonging to none other than Ikaku, her co-worker. She waved to Ikaku smiling at his indirect compliment, and she joked a bit in response to his question, "I don't know. I hope it's not because my terrible singing made you tone deaf," She was happy that someone said that her singing wasn't awful, but she couldn't help but wonder if Ikaku suddenly did become tone deaf or if there was another reason, and if it involved with her enhanced hearing. She noticed Mio glaring at her through the window before the maid huffed and walked away. She ignored Mio and she asked Ikaku, considering she hadn't seen him in a couple days, "So how are you, Ikaku-senpai?" She usually called him by senpai because he was older than her and he worked in the bookstore longer than she did.

She felt a shiver up her spine and she looked behind her only to see nothing. She thought someone had been staring at her, but she guessed it was only her own imagination. After she looked around, she looked back to Ikaku for his answer.
No one could see the thing that lurked nearby, because it blended in to its environment and was indirectly invisible unless someone had sensitive eyesight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Ikaku laughed, ignoring the faint shimmer of movement that he assumed was a trick of his eyes that seemed to follow Hibiki “I’m fairly certain I am not tone deaf juuuuust yet” he said slowly, measuring his words before his eyes flicked back to the shimmer. He furrowed his eyebrows a little and felt something heating up in his pocket. The medallion was growing hot to the touch. He frowned as he watched the shimmer move closer and closer “I am doing fine” he liked the fact that little Hibiki remembered proper manners when it came to addressing superiors “just my eyes have been playing…” he watched as the shimmer suddenly became solid “HIBIKI MOVE!” He growled suddenly and ran up to her, pushing her out of the way as the thing that he could only call a monster.

The monster growled loudly and swung its blade like arms at the new target that seemed like it would put up more of a fight. The serrated knife arms dug into Ikaku’s arms. Ikaku screamed out in pain, his face contorting under the immense burning in his arms. The medallion in his pocket felt as if it were on fire, its heat spreading through his body. Blood started to trickle down his arms and Ikaku growled, pushing against the monster. A voice resounded in his head.

“Grab the medallion….activate it’s power…or you will die”

Ikaku wrenched on his arms free of the blades and the monsters screamed, a blood curdling noise that felt as if it could shatter glass. Ikaku reached into his pocket and grabbed the medallion. The burning in his arms cooled and he felt instinct take over. He placed the coin on his thumb and flipped it up “hen…” as it reached eye level on its way down he saw the black gem flash as he caught it with his other hand “…shin.” The medallion in his hand flashed brilliantly and Ikaku was covered from head to toe in glinting black armour “Psi-Sight – Active” the medallion flashed as Ikaku spoke aloud. The monster squealed once more and Ikaku pushed off the ground, his fist finding a direct hit into the monsters abdomen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Isu jumped a bit as a man walked up to him, seeing if he was okay. He scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, you know, just running from a man who thinks I owe him money. Just the normal stuff." He stood up and without saying anything else, walked away. As he walked he noticed two people talking to each other, at first he didn't think much of them, but then suddenly, some sort of.... monster shot out of seemingly no where and attacked the two. Isu's eyes widened as one of them, in a flash of light, changed into black armor and fought against the creature. The young man stood gawking at the sight, what in the hell is going on? What was that thing the man was fighting? Ever since he got the badge from that strange man, his life has gotten weirder and weirder. He shook the disbelieve from his mind and tried to process what was happening. That's when he felt it. Some type of unknown force pulling him to the badge in his pocket. Isu pulled it out and stared at it, the badge started glowing and he felt an energy flow through him.

Isu's body began to vibrate slightly, his eyes changing to a red hue. Then the badge glowed brighter and after a large flash of light, he was clothed in black. Without a second thought Isu charged toward the fight, stopping just a few feet from the monster. He sat for just a few seconds, reading the movements of the two fighting. Just before the monster was about to make contacted with the man fighting, Isu bolted forward blocked the attack and jumping in the air, spun and kicked the monster in the face knocking it to the ground. "Seems like you could use some help." His voice was dark and a smile slowly spread on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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"General! We found Subject 415 of Group A, sir! It's going to attack! What are your orders?"

The bald headed figure who was addressed as the General that stood with authority looked at the screens displaying Hibiki and Ikaku. He called "Ready the troops! We'll take it out as usual!" However, before anyone could do anything, a figure in a lab coat called "Wait! Don't send the troops," The General growled "What? Why not, Doctor?" The figure in the lab coat answered "Watch!" The General watched the screen. He was surprised to see the boy whip out one of the duds the lab made, and used it to transform into armor. His eyes were wide and his mouth was gaping. The doctor smirked and said "Things just got interesting," as he pushed up the glasses that reflected the screen's light. The Doctor then called "What are the GE signals?" Another scientist answered "Sir! The GE from the Sight dud is activating the other duds that are nearby!" This made the Doctor smile even more.


Hibiki was caught by surprise when Ikaku stopped talking and shouted, telling her to move. She yelped as she was pushed but she looked behind to see something had lodged a large blade in Ikaku's arm. Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped as she called in worry, "IKAKU!" After his scream and her scream echoed, she felt her brooch pulse. But she ignored it as she watched Ikaku wrench himself free and take out a badge much like her own, except with an eye on it. She watched as he suddenly called out to transform and he was suddenly wearing black armor after a bright flash of light. Everything was happening so fast as Ikaku sent the humanoid creature to the ground with a punch and a kick from another who also had a badge.

Hibiki saw the monster stand back up, at first it was black and red, but it then faded from her sight. She looked at her own brooch after noticing that the stranger had one as well. She stood up and she heard the brooch as though it had a heartbeat. As the heartbeat quickened, her thought 'I need to help them...I want to help them!' grew stronger and she gained more resolve, until it was beating at a fast enough rate, and she called "HENSHIN!!!" A light shined from her brooch's jewel and changed her attire, and her hair and eyes. Despite the headphones over her ears, she could still hear everything around her, much to her slight disbelief. She called out "Psi-Sound. Active,"

Acting on instinct, she screamed and sent a powerful sound wave that stopped the monster in its tracks. After that she lifted the bow that appeared in her hand and pulled back the string. As she pulled the string back, an arrow appeared after a flash of light, ready to fire. Hibiki could hear humming from the arrow, but she ignored it and she was about to fire it at the monster, when she heard a voice say to her in her mind,
"Don't kill it.
She aimed and she fired an arrow at one of the creature's feet so it wouldn't move. The arrow landed successfully after sailing over the two mens' heads, and the creature squealed, while trying to get its foot free from the arrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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"It's time." Ryo stuttered awake from the nap he had been taking under the tree and looked around frantically as he thought he had heard a voice and than shrugged and settled back down. "It's time. Use your badge." He heard the voice again in his head and than began to feel a burning in the pocket that had the badge in it and when he pulled it out he could feel the heat resonating off of it but wasn't getting burned. He than heard a bunch of noise coming from behind the tree and he rolled over to see several people fighting what could only be described as a monster. Suddenly, he gripped he badge tightly and muttered the words to himself. "Henshin." He was blinded by a light that came out of the badge than he instantly became away of the pull of the earth's gravity on his body and stood to his feet. "Psi-Balance. Active."

He ran over to the group that was already fighting the monster and gripped the hilt of the sheathed katana that now hung from his hip. "I believe I could be of some help." He said to the group before feeling a surge of power run through his body as he snapped his fingers and sent the power into the monster. The monster all of a sudden stopped trying to remove the arrow that was in its foot as it tried to keep itself from not falling over but to no avail as it fell over onto it's side and had a hard time trying to regain it's balance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Arisu walked she looked at her medalion. It was a beautiful shade of gold but the gash on it looked like a crack. She giggled to herself when she noticed the blood red jewel looked like a drop of blood, and it was placed to look like blood from the gash.

Arisu found herself moving in the direction of the bookstore. She didn't know why but she felt like she was needed. It might have been her imagination but she still headed there. After a short period of walking Arisu found herself at the bookstore. She saw the monster, and stood still, wondering what was happening. She looked at her brooch, and shouted "HENSHIN". She didn't know why but she shouted it. A crimson colored light came from the brooch. Arisu felt her hair change color and a fox mask covering her face. "Psi-Pain. Activate," she said as she spun a crimson and black scythe that had appeared in her hands.

Arisu took advantage of the fact that the monster had fallen over. She leaped at it and swung her scythe, it's blade hitting the monster and cutting it's flesh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Akiro had followed the other man just trying to be a friendly person. As he rounded the corner he stopped and stared at the chaos unfolding before him. Everything was happening so fast and he wished everything would just slow down. As the thought crossed his mind everything around him slowed to a snails pace. That's when he noticed the energy charged blade attack the monster was preparing to use and felt the badge in hi pocket begin to feel like it would burn through his jeans. He reached into his pocket and heard a strange voice say.
"Your Time I now!"
Without thinking he held the badge forward and shouted he thing he ad wanted to shout since he was a little boy
"Henshin!" he shouted as a wave of purple energy coursed through him and covered him in a purple and black armor. "Psi-Time, Active" he added before drawing the sword on his back and dashing forward barely able to deflect the monsters attack.
"How's that for an entrance." he chuckled aloud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Takuya arrived in the street where the pawnshop was located he saw several people in strange costumes fighting a monster with knife like arms, completely ignoring that fact his badge was glowing. Just as he was about to run in a panic he noticed someone holding out a badge similar to his, and transforming into a Kamen Rider knock off. Just as he wondered if his badge had the same power he somehow knew it did and also how to activate it.

"Scent, out all the powers there are, this thing gives me scent related powers?" After he complained about his seemingly lame power Takuya held his badge out and transformed. "Henshin!" His clothes turned into some weird red spandex like material with black marking around his legs and metal armor and a helmet appeared around his head, chest, shoulders, wrists and legs. "Psi-smell, Active."

At the same time as they guy in purple Kamen Rider armor blocked the monsters attack, he somehow released a cloud of the worst stinking gas, he could imagine in the direction of the monsters face. "Don breathe in that gas!" While he had no idea if the monster could understand him, he would rather risk it being unaffected than let any of the other humans breathe in potentially poison gas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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"Thank you all so much for coming!"

The crowd had practically exploded at that sentence alone. The movie premiere was crowded with celebrities and other famous stars. The leading lady, Yuka Minako stood at a podium, just before they would enter to see the movie. She flashed one of her well-practiced smiles as the many cameras flashed in her direction. It was truly a spectacle to behold.


Yuka opened her eyes, scratching her cheek as she let out a grumble of acknowledgement. The grand premiere of her movie was just a few hours ago, at the moment she was riding in her limousine, on her way back to a new penthouse she was renting. She let out a rather loud yawn as she stretched her arms out, though once she finished she resumed leaning her head against the window. She was glad for the tinted windows; had anyone been able to see her, she'd have been swamped by fans. But she wanted to take it easy for a while before starting anything. She had released a movie, two albums, a photo shoot from some fashion magazine, and a commercial for some sort for a new brand of flavored water (or was it soda? She didn't remember) and quite frankly, she needed a break. She could work on her new songs in peace.

She sat up, shuffling underneath her clothes. She was usually always cold, having been sensitive to the weather as a child. Nowawdays, however, it was quite the opposite. She had half a mind to undress right then and there, she felt so uncomfortable. And yet, for one reason or another, she blamed the entire process on the badge in her jean skirt pocket. That was when it had started, after all, and while she wasn't so dimwitted to accept things from strangers (which, considering her status, proved to be a dangerous thing) he had quite literally dumped it on her and left.

She then sat up, a hand holding her shirt away from her heated chest. "What is it, Hiroshi?" She asked, peeking outside the window. Had they arrived?

"There's been a roadblock. Shall we take a detour?"

Rolling her eyes, Yuka sat back in her seat, chin perched on her palm. "Yes. I want to get there as soon as possible."

"Of course, Ojousama."

As the limo turned and rode down another street, she examined the many shops. It was quite quaint, really, and peaceful looking. So long as she kept her head down and avoided attention, she should be able to wander the streets. A puff of smoke caught her attention. What was that? She leaned closer to the window, squinting, and let out a gasp as she spotted someone in armor swinging away. What in the world was going on? She rolled down the window, poking her head outside to get a better look and ignored her chauffeur's questions. There was some kind of creature, along with a handful of people fighting it, or something. Was this some sort of new part of the police agency?

"Stop here." Yuka ordered, getting back inside and rolling the window up. "Stay here, I'll be back in just a moment."

"Certainly, but where are you going?"

To see what in the world is happening over there. Yuka thought, grasping her badge. She made sure to roll up the window to the driver's seat, giving her some privacy. "Psi-Temperature, Activate." She ordered, opening the car door. As she walked, a ribbon like light wrapped around her body, transforming her previous clothing into an outfit akin to something you'd see in a video game, her hair going from her usual blonde to a bright, cherry pink. She wasn't going to jump in just yet, choosing to hide out of sight for the moment. If needed, she'd help, but she wasn't about to go into something that could probably be handled--and she had no idea who these people were, anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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Ikaku growled back violently at the monster as it leapt up and started to swing at him, aiming at his head once more. Ikaku jumped back slightly as a sudden blur of motion caused the monster to reel back from its swipe. Ikaku looked at the man that had caused the thing to crash down. Ikaku simply nodded, unwilling to actually make contact with this strange man. A sudden flash and shout from behind resounded out before an ear shattering scream ‘Hibiki?’ was the only thought that ran through his head as he continued to move back from the monster, the adrenaline of the attack slowly leaving his body. His eyes slowly began to flutter shut behind the grim visage of the pure black mask, but he could still clearly see everything around him. His mind reeled suddenly from the visions he could see behind his eyelids. He could small arms pulling back a bow string to fire off an arrow, powerful force sending the monster toppling back to the ground, scythes flashing, swords flaring with unnatural energy, a man that smelled atrocious, and eyes hidden behind tinted glass of a car simply watching.

This is your strength…the ability to see all…the ability to alter the sense of vision’ A small voice in the back of his head whispered softly.

Ikaku’s eyes suddenly snapped open, his mind flooding with knowledge from an unknown source “everyone, together” His voice came out in a more commanding tone than he had anticipated, his fingers clenched tightly into fists. “Heigan…” He muttered gently, his left gauntlet opened at his command. The green eye that was hidden underneath the metal plate flashed gently as Ikaku raised that arm to point at the woman wielding a scythe “Split.” The woman became fuzzy around the edges before multiple copies of her appearance shot from her body. The monster cocked its head at this, an almost purr escaping from its deformed mouth. Its ‘lips’ then curled into a sinister taunting grin before it mimicked Ikaku’s movements and blurred around the edges. Ikaku and his group were suddenly surrounded by multiple copies of the original monster. They all curled their lips in unison, its grin a scar that split its face. With a strangled roar they threw themselves at the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Everything happened so fast, new people with other strange powers appeared fighting this monster. Isu watched as the monster was attacked from multiple angles, a slight maniacal grin spreading across his face. The man he saw fighting the monster first suddenly used a strange ability which seemed to allow him to copy the person wielding a scythe. When the monster observed this technique, however, the monster was able to mimic this ability and used it on itself. In a matter of seconds the group was surrounded by copies of the original monster. The monsters quickly closing them in, not giving the group a way out.

Isu's eyes widened, "It... can.. mimic what we can do?" He was becoming overwhelmed, not knowing what his next move should be. The young man's body began to vibrate again, but this time more violently. His eyes quickly jumping from one monster to the next. As the monsters just began to swing, Isu yelled, almost like a battle cry and he sprinted to one of the monsters. His movement had increased immensely to the point were all you could see is a small glimmer of where he was. Isu ran from one monster to another throwing kicks and punches at incredible speeds. Slowly, but surely the monsters began to get pushed back, just enough to allow the others time to do some damage. He stopped and knelt down on one knee, breathing harshly. "Well, that's new." He silently joked between breaths. He watched as the monsters again began closing in,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Hibiki looked at the others as they joined in. Every single sound reached her ears, including the sound of a car pulling up nearby. However, before she could look towards the source, she saw that the monster grinned in a way that sent chills down her spine, before it split into copies, mimicking Ikaku. She heard what one of them said in shock and whisper a joke between breaths. She could hear everyone start to tire out, or have their wounds get worse (she could see that Ikaku's arm was still bleeding from that attack) and she heard the voice speak again,
"You have to sing if you want to heal your friends,"
Hibiki muttered in response despite that she knew the voice wouldn't answer, "I have to what?!" She sighed and she figured to just do as the voice said. She sang as she sent fired more normal arrows at the monsters in order to pin them down. As she sang, the other sentai's exhaustion disappears and any wounds they had slowly healed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ryo was breathing hard as he continued to fight against the monkster with the other people that seemed to have powers like himself. It seemed like each one of them had a different power that complimented each other in some way but he couldn't figure out what all their abilities were at the moment. He could feel his adrenaline start to wear off as he started to breath heavily and the sword on his hands started to feel heavier and heavier by the second. All of a sudden the girl that was wearing headphones started to sing and Ryo could feel his energy start to return to him as he dodged one of the monsters and swung his sword through it and was surprised to see his katana slid through the monster with no resistance revealing that it was just a illusion.
"Your turn to help your allies." The voice in his head said as a new strength rose through his body before shooting out to each of the other people that were fighting the monster. This new ability seemed to allow anyone affected by it to retain their balance no matter what the situation as well as boosting their agility. Ryo decided to test out this new ability as he drew his sword back before dashing forward and leaping from one monster to the next as he slashed threw them trying to find which one was the real one.
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