Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ok I will put up a character tonight sometime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Editted Some stuff: Mainly Digimon names and a couple of moves.

Don't know if there is any completed apps yet, but if there is, do let me know and I'll be sure to look them over! In the meantime, I've completed my own app, and boy did it take a while... anyway, here it is!
  • Name: Killian Greegas

  • Age: 19

  • Appearance

  • Personality: A goofy and silly guy who can be considered to be kind of weird. Why the Forsaken chose him out of everyone is a mystery… Nonetheless, he protects his friends no matter what. He’ll risk his life to save those he likes. Even though he’s strange, and says weird stuff and can be awkward, it doesn’t stop him from talking to anyone. Some people have said that his cheerful and naïve personality might be a cover up for something, but most doubt it.

  • Partnered to: Jehumon

  • Backstory: Not much is known about Killian actually… or, he doesn’t say much about himself that is. Only thing is that he was part of a camp somewhere to help people with disabilities and that he enjoyed helping kids who had a hard time making friends; he wanted to be there for those who needed someone; a friend.

  • Other: A small telescope, a sports headband, and some food supplies from being an assistant camp staff member.

  • Name/Species: Jehumon “Jehu”

  • Appearance: See Rookie Form.

  • Personality: Jehumon, unlike others of his kind, is a bit more outgoing and interested in ‘squishy’ things than his metallic comrades. As one of the machines who fine their biology somewhat superior, he comes from a lineage that automatically assumes to be better; thankfully he isn’t like that. One could call her a curious little robot about the world around him.

  • Backstory: Jehumon has a pretty odd story... one that can be saved for later.

  • Evolution Line:

  • Fresh

  • InTraining

  • Rookie

  • Champion

  • Ultimate

  • Mega

  • Powers/Abilities:

  • Fresh
  • Jamming Powder: Releases iron grains to cause temporary disorder in the opponent's AI, then flees while the opponent is confused.

  • In-Training
  • Howling Blow: Generates a resonance between its two horns, creating a sound wave that will paralyze even a large Digimon.

  • Rookie
  • Razor-Stryker: Extrudes a sharp blade from the left arm before slicing at the form; can be used at anytime and for any length of time.
    Resonance Jammer: A stronger version of Howling Blow, creating a sound wave that is capable of paralyzing Digimon for short periods of time.

  • Champion
  • Meta-Burst: By stretching his wings and spinning rapidly and dispersing energy, he can become a torrent of destruction.

    Metal-Stinger: An extremely enhanced version of Razor Stryker that is even sharper, longer, and more powerful, capable of searing through steal.

  • Ultimate
  • Trinity Streamer: The once elongated weapon on Jehu now curves along his arm and now has two purposes; it now serves as a firearm shooting high powered electric plasma while also working as a sword.

    Hand of the Machine-King: A power that covers AnubiJehumon's left arm before bursting forth into a single direction; he can also simply have it cover his arm and pound away on foes.

  • Mega

  • Duat Destroyer: By focusing all of his hovering wings in a single direction, he can fire them as if they were a massive cannon. The power of this attack is on a nuclear reaction level.

    Magna Matrix: A very powerful beam that MagnaJehumon builds from his head and fires it at his opponents that stuns them briefly, and also capable of laying waste to large portions of lands at a time. He can charge this while he's moving fairly easily.

    Lancea Impact: By infusing his energy into the lance that he wields, MagnaJehumon can strike his foes with enough power that it would feel as if a meteor was hitting them. This power is easily capable of creating large craters and even fissures, along with being able to split mountains.

  • Other
  • : Nothing else to add.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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    Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

    Member Seen 11 days ago

    Oh man, a Digimon RP I caught before it's like fifty pages in? Oh man, through fan-made digimon are kind of offput-
    *sees entire line based off of Jehuty*

    Yo you need atleast one more dude? Because that sold me on this.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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    Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    Yeah the Jehuty line is pretty cool looking
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunaire


    Member Offline since relaunch

    It looks like this roleplay is filling up, but if you have room for one more I'd be interested! I can definitely get behind a darker plotline.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



    Name: Carlos “Trip” Rodriguez
    Age: 16


    Some could say that Trip is modest, humble, and gentle. They are right about all of those things. His ideals are not large ones, but they are his own. People think that because he looks the way he does it means that he is rough around the edges and no compassion, but that’s quite the opposite. He’s full of love, compassion, and most of all, kindness. However, he’s very insecure about a lot of things, mainly about his physical appearance and how people assume a lot of things. Some could even say that Trip sometimes hides his true self in fear that people will take advantage of him, which sometimes they actually do that.

    In the company of his family and friends, Trip is reserved. He holds himself at bay for any type of conversation, and he’s not good meeting strangers. Easily frightened and often insecure about meeting new people. Again, that’s where the insecurity comes to play. He’s even shy around his family sometimes. He feels as if they don’t truly understand him. He often feels alone and frightened by change and anything that is related to change. His family notices it and they try to bring him out of his shell, but they fail almost every time.

    Despite all of this, Trip has a very gentle soul and he shows that when he’s around animals or when he’s doing things that he loves to do. For example, when he’s writing his poetry or listening to music, he doesn’t become loud and vocal. He’s as quiet as can be and makes sure he’s respectful. Like, seriously; his guy is so insecure about being around people, and drawing attention to himself. So, he’s not going to do something that would otherwise prompt people to notice him any more than they have to. He mainly listens to teen-angst punk music, sappy pop-punk, and instrumentals of his favorite anime.

    Partnered to: Liollmon

    Being born into the Spanish, Islamic, Greek, Canadian, Mexican, and Argentinean heritage, it’s no surprise that Trip has a big family. His mom, born of the name Ashley Gabrielle Montoya, has roots of Spanish, Canadian, and Greek within her blood. His dad, born of the name, Carlos Rex Shuki Rodriguez, has roots of Islamic, Mexican, and Argentinean within his blood. The combined effort had thus created Trip, who’s birth name is actually Carlos, but he chose the name Trip because he didn’t want to be just another kid in a Mexican country. It’s weird, but he finds pride that he is different.

    Along the years, he grew up in Mexico City, Mexico. Now, one can assume that it really wasn’t that good of a childhood with the Drug Cartel always causing murders here and murders there. Trip just ignored it like anybody should. He didn’t want to get involved so that’s why he just adapted the shy persona he became known for. Sadly, this is also what led to a lot of unhappy birthdays. Even though he put on a happy face, he was unhappy for a lot of days.
    Listening to music
    Reading Poetry
    Writing Poetry
    “Alone time”
    Spicy food(not too spicy, though)

    Meeting more than one person at a time
    Super salty food
    Flying in an airplanes

    Name/Species: Popomon

    Appearance: see rookie form

    Liollmon is a curious, protective, and very stubborn digimon. He will explore till his little heart is past content and he will do so to every data of his being. He's a lion-like Digimon/cat, so the curious nature will take full charge, and because he is a lion-like digimon, his protective instincts are off the charts. He will always protect either what is his or those he cares about the most. He will never waver and the fighting spirit he has within himself will always lead him to protect his possessions. Of course, his fighting spirit might also make him come off as stubborn. Sometimes, that's not a bad thing, but it can be. Just cause he won't ever back down, this could mean in a variety of ways. If there's a point he's trying to get across, he won't back down. He will also never let anything go. That's how his stubbornness comes into play in a negative way.

    As he will evolve, his personality will alter just slightly. As Liamon, his protective instincts are more dominant, but he also becomes a little more aggressive. Don't think just cause he is aggressive that his judgment is clouded. He will defend his friends right down to every data within his being.He is more violent in his champion form, but that's cause he doesn't want anyone to harm his friends. Now, that's where his stubbornness comes into play. He will keep on going even if he is injured. Sometimes, that can obviously be a bad thing, but to him he sees it as being strong.

    As LoaderLeomon, not much really changes. He remains protective, stubborn, and just overall like a lion. The main difference is a sense of justice comes into his being. It's not dominant, but it's still there, and as is his unwavering fighting spirit.

    When in his mega form, BanchoLeomon, he is vastly different. Arrogance sometimes takes charge, but ALWAYS a righteous sense of justice takes residence and in the most dominant of ways. By the blade he weird, BanchoLeomon judges those who have done wrong and by his blade they will be judged. He will use this sense of justice either based on what digimon do or if they threaten his friends. He will protect them with his life and everything that he is will go into stopping any threats to them. This is how his stubbornness gets transformed into a righteous sense of justice and this time it's actually a good thing.

    Liollmon doesn't remember much before he became Friimon. He remembers leaving the Village of Beginnings, but that's about it. He has been wondering alone ever since. He has just been trying his best to survive for as long as he could in hopes he would find something or someone to fight for with all that he is.That's really all he wants. If he can somehow get that, Liollmon would truly be happy. Until then, however, Liollmon will just do what he must to survive, fending off other digimon from taking what he needs to survive or whatever it is they will try to come after. He will just do what he must and that's pretty much all there is to it.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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    Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    For the moment I think I'm done with my Character sheet, though suggestions for improvement are always welcome
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Metal Zeta said
    Oh man, a Digimon RP I caught before it's like fifty pages in? Oh man, through fan-made digimon are kind of offput-*sees entire line based off of Jehuty*Yo you need atleast one more dude? Because that sold me on this.

    Ehehe~ Of course there's room, we're just starting out~! I think we're going to go for at least eight members, see how that feels before we get moving off of the ground, and before we start gathering more Digidestined, but doesn't mean I wont be accepting apps after our initial eight members.

    Which actually leads me tooooooooo...

    Lunaire said
    It looks like this roleplay is filling up, but if you have room for one more I'd be interested! I can definitely get behind a darker plotline.

    Yes, we do have room for one more, and we have exactly eight members if everyone here can create an app!

    As for the current character sheets, they are looking extremely well done. o.O

    Danny's accepted for sure, Duthguy!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunaire


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Sweet! Gnar, I want to run this line by you to make sure it's acceptable (and not too canon-bending). It's a fan one based on Pandamon:

    I was thinking of Punimon and re-colored Tsunomon for Fresh and In-Training.

    Except Pandamon is used for Champion stage here when he's actually Ultimate level... I think I'll switch those sprites around.

    I look forward to seeing more of other people's characters~
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Yeah, I think I'd switch some of those sprites around just a bit~

    But other than that, I'd think that line would be pretty acceptable in my opinion!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    I think I should be able to get Trip done by tomorrow. I need to think of a good backstory for him.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 4 mos ago


    Name: Orion

    Age: 17

    Personality: Orion is an academic and serious most of the time. He offers help to others but it can come off as if he is telling them that they are incompetent. He is quick to let them know that he os sorry though if he knows that he is making someone uncomfortable.
    Partnered to: Candlemon

    Backstory: Orion was a normal kid and was entering his junior year of high school. He often thought about what he would do after school and dreamed of working for an intelligence agency. He was good with computers and had even won a few awards.


    Name/Species: Candlemon
    Personality: Candlemon is almost the opposite of Orion. He is a jokester and tries to get along with everyone. He is there to light the path for Orion to become a better person. When he digivolves to wizardmon he becomes more serious because he knows it is time to fight.







    Fresh: Smoke Blow-- Scatters the smoke issuing from its body all around, then seizes the opportunity to escape when the opponent loses sight of it

    In-Training: Fireball-- Shoots fire from its hands, burning its opponents
    Flame Shot-- Fires a small ball of flame from its mouth

    Rookie: Lava Loogie-- Fires a small flame from his DigiCore fire energy that explode if hits
    Paraffin Paralyzer-- Fires multiple globs of hot wax to paralyze opponent

    Champion: Electro Squall--Summons a thunder cloud which unleashes an intense lightning strike.
    Magical Game--Demonstrates the breadth of its magical knowledge, from offensive abilities to invisibility and illusions.
    Thunder Ball--Releases a ball of energy with varying effects, from explosive energy to memory erasure.
    Vision of Terror--Exploits the target's fears with terrifying visions.


    Mega: Dragon's Roar--Fires energy shots from the palms of its hands, with all the attributes of the Ten Legendary Warriors.
    Dragon Breath--Transforms its body's energy into an aura of a gigantic wyvern.

    Other: Pretty much done. The only thing that I havent done is the ultimate powers but I figure that I have some time to think on that lol
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Looks good Soren, although I forgot to mention that we will be meeting our Digimon in the digital world AFTER being kidnapped... so, if you can edit your backstory, that'll be great!

    Sorry about that >_<
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 4 mos ago

    Ok. I'm just going to leave out most of the back story then. Weee I'm a normal kid! !! Lol
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunaire


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  • Name: Arista Li

  • Age: 18

  • Appearance

  • Personality: On first meeting, Arista has a warm presence that is friendly and not intrusive. Though her outward actions rarely bear the slightest hint of boldness or impulsiveness, she leaves a lasting impression through the air of almost-regal dignity she carries. Her understated charm comes from a polite, tactful manner of speaking and a genuine interest in learning more about other people. As someone with keen social finesse, Arista does her best to make quick reads of the people around her – she is much more calculating than she appears. Situations in which she has no control put her on edge, much to her dismay.

    She spends much of her time hanging out with her wide circle of friends, yet she still holds them at arm’s length. Arista enjoys her relationships for what they are, yet with the seeming expectation that they may end one day. Before, she used to be much more optimistic. Now she has a hard time believing that people can always be naturally good and altruistic. These days, Arista's heart is a bit heaver with the idea that most people mean well, but will act selfishly when it comes down to the wire. For this reason, she doesn't consider it wise to trust someone completely or truly open up to them; she feels it only puts her in a vulnerable position.

  • Partnered to: RubyBearmon

  • Backstory: Arista had a fairly privileged upbringing in a well-connected political family. Her father was a diplomat, so she spent her childhood traveling and entertaining important guests at wherever the family made their home. From a young age, she learned how to talk to adults and be taken seriously. Despite moving around to new places a lot, Arista found it easy to blend in with kids her age.

    She spent her high school years in Japan at an international school. By then, her mother had a career as a researcher in neural engineering and spent half the time at her lab and the other half abroad at a global biotech institute. Left to her own devices, Arista became rather independent and buckled down in her studies. She'd been awarded a scholarship to go to university in the United States, and her plan was to move there immediately after graduating.

  • Other: Also goes by Mei Xue and Miyuki. She speaks English fluently; Mandarin and Japanese, less so.

  • Name/Species: RubyBearmon - simply known as "Bearmon" to friends.

  • Appearance: In Rookie form, Bearmon wears his signature red scarf around his head as a bandana.

  • Evolution Line + Abilities

  • Punimon

  • RubyTsunomon

  • RubyBearmon

  • Ursamon

  • Pandamon

  • MachPandamon

  • Personality: Bearmon is somewhat naive, as he can't really see why anyone would need to have a hidden agenda. Having nothing to hide himself, he acts directly and speaks frankly. He is no stranger to foolhardiness, as he finds it sensible to act first and think later. In fights, he won't stop until he's given it his all. Strength is a quality Bearmon respects highly – he will disregard people he deems "all talk and no action." According to him, strong Digimon are meant to use their power to defend the weak. He understands that Digimon need each other to survive.

  • Backstory: For as long as he can remember, Bearmon has lived in a village in a forgotten corner of the Digital World. He and the other Digimon were fairly comfortable in their green paradise, barely aware of anything that was going on outside of their valley. Bearmon spent his days sparring with his friends, and eventually his position as the best fighter turned into a position as the village's official protector. But he hardly did anything, as there were never any true dangers. In fact, things started getting a little too boring for him. Bearmon's desire for excitement was causing a rift in his community, as others just wanted to lead quiet lives. Although he felt guilty about leaving, he decided that the village would be in good hands. It was time for him to go out and see the rest of the world.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunaire


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    Alright, I'm all done! Let me know what you think.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    @Arista Li: Accepted! Her and RubyBearmon are going to be extremely interesting~

    @Orion: Is accepted as well, just fill in the ultimate abilities when you can~ Sorry for making him more normal than he should be though. ;_;

    @Trip: I'ma accept Trip as well, since you're pretty much completed as it is~

    The team is almost assembled folks~!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 4 mos ago

    Yeah I am going to have to make something up at some point. it would be op though so don't worry
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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    Member Seen 4 mos ago

    Hope you don't mind me bumping this. I really wanna play this rp
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