Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wouldn't that mostly be down to how you create said individual? I see it going both ways really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm reopening mercenaries, now that there are five players as Heroes. I will not set a hard limit on Mercenaries now, seeing as they're so popular, but I'm still pushing for other factions! I'm surprised at how big this RP is getting, this is my first time as GM so it's a very pleasant surprise. Thank you everyone for participating!

Nosuchthing: Accepted. I'll edit it into the OP soon.

HellHoundWoof: I'll need a better affiliation. I understand being a rogue, so maybe Mercenary? Or Corporate, if he wants a long term gig.

MiddleEarthRoze: Dig the back story and the internal turmoil. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out! Accepted.

Unknown100: It could go either way. It largely depends on whether you want a long-term contract working for a Corporation, or if you want to do different small jobs.

Some really interesting posts, everyone! I look forward to reading everyone's!

EDIT: Moved Accepted CS's to the second OOC post. Editing the OP was way too much of a pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Kate Lockheart
Alias': “The X”, “Codename X”, or simply “X”
Age: 29
Affiliations: Corporate (her own little business)

About 169 cm. Slender build. Brown hair and intense blue eyes.

Her outfit and gear can vary from job to job. Usually she brings things like night goggles, bungee string and flashbangs.
The outfit here:

Enhanced speed and reflexes. Not exactly super speed, but faster than any human can ever move. Her reflexes work roughly 3 times better than the average person.

Enhanced endurance. Not stone skin, but it does make her able to land from a 2-3 store building or limp away from a car crash. She can even suffer a swing from a bat a few times.

Building up physical energy. Basically she’s able to charge up and release blows many, many times her usual strength. The power peeks at punching through vaults, and each blow requires a new charge up. She needs to be able to move, run, jump and spin in order to build up the force she can then unleash for devastating effect.

Extreme gymnastics that only get enhanced through her powers, making her able to do spinning stunt no person would ever dream of.

Then there’s her multiple martial arts, which didn’t take that long to master once she got her powers. Combined with her hard earned skills in gymnastics this makes her a force to be reckoned with. Quadruple spin-kick… no problem!

Equipment: A wide range of spy gadgets and none-lethal hand-to-hand weaponry she can choose from.
Ranking: B Rank
Brief History:
Kate grew up on the street being a petty thief. But as she got older she started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Suddenly she was breaking into places one really should stay away from, but it taught her what she needed to know about infiltration.

Then her powers came…

Everything changed. Suddenly she didn’t need friends, didn’t need allies. She started working on her body and soon she acquired her first 10.000 from selling a stolen antiquity. She got better, did bigger stuff. Failed, but then learned from her mistakes. Succeeded and aimed higher. Failed, but then studied harder. Succeeded and aimed higher. Failed, but then got better equipment, and so on.

5 years later Kate is known as X, and you have only heard of that name, if you are someone. She is proof to the glorified lifestyle powers can give you. She lives in a penthouse, but still has to occasionally do jobs like stealing something, sabotaging something or other kinds of jobs required for a master burglar, to pay for her expensive lifestyle.
It’s no longer just her physical attributes that makes her good. There’s a lair of equipment, gadgets and portable, short-range hacking devices. Occasionally charm is required too, and Kate can most definitely mingle amongst the upper class.
The few times she has met with clients she has posed as a middleman, but getting into contact with her is no easy thing.

But something has changed slightly. A desire beyond living the dream has come. The desire to go after the government. It started after she did a small job for a guy named Mark Fletch. An actual employee working for the federal government, Mark is also an unregistered with an E Ranking. Once the job, removing a few files about him, was done, they didn’t part ways. No, this success has made them both think that maybe it's possible to bring down the system or at least cripple parts of it. Mark has some inside knowledge and Kate has skills, so maybe it will work. But the second things get hot their gonna part ways.
Such an act might not be easy though. After a month Kate has grown closer to him. Closer than she had sworn anyone would get to her.
Now the agenda is breaking into facilities, sabotage, and downloading random secrets. It is not just her adrenalin addiction that fuels it anymore. It’s a protest against registrations and a stab at The Man. But it is also because she believes they might have theories and answers about the reasons behind people’s powers. Untold secrets. Public lies.
This new challenge does not distract from her taste at life; her glorified lifestyle or her need to challenge herself. However it has now put her on the radar of some very, very powerful people and… people with powers, who will go to great lengths to find and stop her…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Holy hopping chirst on a crunch you guys post fast.

Name: Elijah Craigh
Alias(s): None given to him yet.
Age: 27
Affiliations: Mercs

Description: Elijah is a simple man, preferring jeans and boots over suits although he does own one. He does however tend to favor somewhat nice button up shirts with the sleeves rolled just below the elbows. His style of dress matches well with ruggedly handsome face. Adorned with dark hair and even darker eyes. He owns a blue and white motorcycle jacket that he can be seen wearing more often than not.

In costume he is still of the simple minded. A Red carbon fiber, full faced helmet with a slim profile and black eyes covers his head. A black long sleeve combat shirt with red and yellow flaming dragon across the chest. Integrated with split armor plates across his torso, this provides just as much mobility as it does protection. His bottom half his covered in jeans and black combat boots. His hands are clothed in combat gloves as well. Simple yet effective.

His 5’11 frame is covered by a lean 200 pounds worth of muscle and organs. While heavy you would never expect it. Even upon close close inspection one would think he’d he was closer to 180 pounds. A lean athletic frame that is built more on running and endurance than it is through brute power.

Powers: Erupting/Burning body: His primary ability to envelop his body in fiery plasma without harm to himself, in which form he is able to fly by providing thrust behind himself with his own flame, and to generate powerful streams and/or balls of flame. He can also manipulate his flame in such a way as to shape it into rings and other forms. Even when not engulfed in flame himself, Elijah has the ability to control any fire within his immediate range of vision, causing it to increase or decrease in intensity or to move in a pattern directed by his thoughts. Additionally, he is able to absorb fire/plasma into his body with no detrimental effects. He has shown the ability to detect heat signatures (infra-red vision)

The plasma field immediately surrounding his body is sufficiently hot enough to vaporize projectiles that approach him, including but not limited to bullets. He does not generally extend this flame-aura beyond a few inches from his skin, so as not to ignite nearby objects. Elijah refers to his maximum flame output as his "nova flame," which he can release omnidirectional. Flame of any temperature lower than this cannot burn or harm him. This "nova" effect can occur spontaneously when he absorbs an excessive amount of heat, although he can momentarily suppress the release when necessary, with considerable effort. Storm can also direct momentary beams of "nova heat" as a weapon.

Elijah has demonstrated enough control that he can hold a person while in his flame form without his passenger feeling discomforting heat. His knowledge extends to general information about fire as well. In one instance when poisoned, Elijah superheated his blood to burn the toxin out.
Elijah ability to ignite himself is limited by the quantity of oxygen in his environment, and his personal flame has been extinguished by sufficient quantities of water, flame retardant foam, and vacuum environments.He can reignite instantly once oxygen is returned, with no ill effects. He can however only ignite certain parts of his body. A hand, foot, or any other limb as the situation needs.

There are however many limitations that come with his powers. Elijah does have a time limit on the use of his powers. For example in his full body he has a maximum time limit of 3 to 5 minutes. This time limit however grows exponentially when only using a single limb such as hand or a foot, meaning around 30 minutes. This time is lessened when he goes full Nova. Both is Erupting form and his full Nova form cause some level of stress on his body. If he pushes too hard he could pass out. Another problem he has, would be a lack of oxygen. His eruption form could be used indoors or underground but not without risk. His Nova forms burn oxygen up so quickly, that hes been left lying on the floor, gagging. Even outside he has to be cautious, because he can harm his allies with oxygen deprivation just as much as your enemies. Just being close to Elijah can be very draining.

Skills: Through years of hard work, a little stupidity and some help from military. Elijah has cultivate a massive skill set in hand to hand combat, and small arms combat. His close to midrange marksmanship skills are top notch, though he leaves something to be desired in long range shooting.

So long as the vehicle doesn't have much in the way of computers Elijah can serve as an above average mechanic. Much more skilled in motorcycles than cars. This holds true in his ability to ride a motorcycle as opposed to driving a car.

Equipment: Seeing as his powers are based strictly on the amount oxygen. Elijah has a couple of secondary weapons. An FNP .45 Tactical, three spare clips and two pocket knives. One a straight edge lock blade the other is a more tactical weapon, a fixed blade with a tanto tip and a serrated blade.

In his normal everyday life Elijah carries little more than a razor sharp pocket knife and the newest cellphone. He does however own two motorcycles. One a white and blue BMW HP4 and the other a black Triumph 675R with gold wheels and accents.

Ranking: Rank B that can rise to an A

I'm working on the background now, I wanted to get this in before another five people submitted CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


You forgot to add my character to the accepted area o.o

Or was there some reason she wasn't accepted yet? lol

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Unknown100: Acccepted, but she's really more of a C-Rank. A skilled, powerful, connected C Rank, but still a C Rank. I'll let you consider adding a power to bump her up to B Rank if you want, but as she is you're accepted.

AcerRo: I'm glad everything's moving so fast, it's exciting!
Your character needs some power revisions. His defensive abilities are amazing, his offensive powers great, good support abilities, and above average healing. He also has excellent combat skills. His only real weakness is that he needs oxygen to combust. If this was played up more, it might be ok. He can flame on for ten or fifteen seconds full-body, or just do parts of his body. So either his abilities need a major revision, or his weakness does.

Silent Resonance: honestly, I just forgot. I had a feeling I was forgetting someone, but I was scrolling through pages 4 and 5 because I thought I had everyone before that. I'll add you right away. Many apologies!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thank you ^-^ And no worries, it happens. I am the queen of forgetfulness so I can't hold it against you. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hey, is there room for a nice little Technopath, I don't mind what alliance?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Silent Resonance: It's no problem! I really just need to take better notes!

NarcissisticPotato: We do! A technopath would be interesting! And feel free to join any faction, they're all currently open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Sorry to be a bother, but you have my CS with my old powers listed, not the updated one :P also can you guys see my post? I made one but when I go to my subscriptions it says I didn't. Also I feel inadequate compared to everyone else's posts. It's been a while, still gotta get in to it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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StephenRouse: Just a heads up that it looks like Adrian isn't in the accepted post. Do I need to change something to be accepted?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NarcissisticPotato said
Hey, is there room for a nice little Technopath, I don't mind what alliance?


duskshine749 said
Sorry to be a bother, but you have my CS with my old powers listed, not the updated one :P also can you guys see my post? I made one but when I go to my subscriptions it says I didn't. Also I feel inadequate compared to everyone else's posts. It's been a while, still gotta get in to it

"I see your post"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 2 days ago

It decided to show up for me now too, guess the site was just bugged or something
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Duskshine: I edited it in. Sorry, I thought I had already done that.

McFazzer: Another case of poor note keeping and being on page three. I apologize.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

StephenRouse said
Unknown100: Accepted, but she's really more of a C-Rank. A skilled, powerful, connected C Rank, but still a C Rank. I'll let you consider adding a power to bump her up to B Rank if you want, but as she is you're accepted.

Yeah, I thought about that
If I wanna make her someone who can take from society and benefit from it, I really need to make her stronger to make that possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Now she has an additional power that can make her build up and unleash great energy for devastating effect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Unknown100: Accepted again. I'll add you to the Accepted CS's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

With respect, I will need to withdraw from this roleplay. Thank you so much for the opportunity, StephenRouse. It was good to get into the game again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm sorry to hear that, BlessedWrath. I was looking forward to seeing your character's actions; It was one that fascinated. With your blessing, I may keep him in my notes, and possibly bring him up as an NPC?
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