Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira... smiled, softly as Lyn sat in her lap. She had quite the healthy appetite, especially considering her size. She simply let her eat, thinking about things for once. If it weren't for Meirin, she wouldn't be sitting here at all... On the other hand, she had explicitly paid Lucilia to ensure something like this did not happen... Nonetheless, what mattered was she was safe. There's always the next caravan, she can always take another mission, but to lose Lyn? Why, there wouldn't be much point in living anymore. She had nothing resembling family or purpose anymore.

However, soon Ssarak came to take Lyn away. He gave a fairly reasonable motive, but she knew what was going on, especially when Meirin and the Yarosmerian came to the bar. She looked to the two, and spoke, her voice low. "There's nothing ta talk about. I fucked up, but we're all alive. You can complain when something does happen..." She returned to her mead, set on ignoring them, And nothing short of violence would get her to pay attention again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Using her magic, Meirin manipulated the mead out of Alaria's mug and onto the floor. Some of it also splashed on Alaira's face, entirely accidentally, but hopefully it would also get her attention. "You didn't just "fucked up", you nearly killed us all! If it wasn't for Lyn, I would have my arms torn off and the entire caravan would either be engulfed in flames or at the bottom of the river. We didn't get by because of our skills, we got by because we got lucky. Nothing you did helped us at all. You're actually more than useless, seeing that we could have taken those bandits if you hadn't decided to be a fool and try to burn us all alive." Meirin said harshly and bluntly. She would hope that her words would get through to Alaira, but in the event that they don't, Meirin wasn't afraid to dig deeper. "I heard what you did when the demons attacked. Fought your way to the infirmary and even managed to take out a demon that no one seemed to be able to touch. But you also used up all your energy taking that one demon out, and guess what? The battle wasn't over. For all your strength, you don't even know how to use it. You throw your weight around without any discipline or skill. What if another demon had shown up? You fought so hard to kill just one, and another one shows up in it's place after you wasted all your energy. You tried so hard, but fell short because you didn't act smart. And the only reason you survived back than was because of luck too. Well no more."

Meirin never raised her voice or even moved from her spot, but somehow she seemed to increase her presence. There was still chatter in the room, but quite a few of the patrons were looking at her now. "This is an order Alaira. Next time you listen to me, Darius, or Ssarak before you do anything, even draw your weapon. If you can't do that, go back to the college. You're not fit to protect anyone. Not this caravan, not yourself, and least of all Lyn. She isn't even suppose to be here, but has done more to save the caravan than you have."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime
Looking up at the man, Cynn was astonished. Given her new, longer hairstyle, this man looked like a slightly older, male version of herself, though she supposed that didn't matter. She still had no clue who he was. She was still a relic from the past.

The young elf wiped away some of her tears. A relic from the past...she liked that analogy. The gears in her mind started spinning, distracting her from her existential crisis for a moment. She was a relic, an old, unused tool that didn't have a place in the new and improved world that she had been brought into. No, that wasn't quite right. Artifacts could provide those in the new age with a history lesson, at the least, or maybe a starting point for improvement. Sometimes - even if those times were few and far between - they could even be the last piece of a puzzle. Even more rarely, they could actually be better than the technologies that already existed. Indeed, Cynn thought, to move forward, one first needed to look at where they'd been.

But maybe that was just wishful thinking. She had just been thrust back into a world after being long-removed, after all. It would be helpful to be reassured that, against all odds, she could still be worth something to this world. Her distraction from her predicament had been fun, but now it was fading. She felt the tears welling up again, pressing against her eyelids, but she tried to blink them away as she turned her attention back to the man in front of her.

"Why are you talking to me," she asked the man. "You don't even know who I am. Why would you worry about me at all?" Cynn noticed that she'd kind of spat the words at the man, and she felt kind of bad about that. In fact, it almost sent her back into a sobbing fit, so she shoved her head back into her arms. No tears came, though. Maybe she'd been dried out, or maybe she just didn't care; she felt it was probably more of the second.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by louie221
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louie221 Ravenclaw

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pitch Black

Pitch hardly picked anything up but her last sentence. 'Why would you worry about me at all?' she said. Well, there were many answers for that. Number one, she was sobbing loudly in a quiet dining hall. Two, she was sobbing loudly in the dining hall. And three, she was crying in the empty dining hall. Not too appetizing to hear somebody weeping, while your trying to enjoy a good breakfast. He would've said it, if he hadn't felt a twinge of sorry for her.

He'd never really felt sorry for anybody. Well, anybody he knew. Technically, he didn't even know this girl either, but he did go to school with her anyway. Maybe it would be helpful to get to know some people at the college. He might make some friends, something that he hadn't had since... Well, never. He removed his hands from the table, and slid onto a seat beside by the table. By then, she'd shoved her head into her folded arms, looking as though she was trying to cry. He could not help but give a chuckle, one that only a madman could've given.

"Pardon my saying, miss, but I don't... Worry, about you. It's more that I'm interested in why, you are crying. Especially in the middle of the dining hall. Surely there must be better places to..." he pause, searching for what to say. "To weep. You certainly don't look like you should be, you seem like you should be out and about." he finished, unsure of how he even said that. He cleared his throat as if it would help him figure out where it had come from. It just spilled from his mouth. It also came to his attention, that he'd returned to standing, staring intently at the woman in front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Her eyes saw yet she failed to move, her vision unable to tear away from the undead corpse’s approach. Mar hadn’t seen Coco’s body crumble from the head blow, Leith’s bicep bearing half a spear point now, Grey and Althalus still working on the door, or the guide’s attempt to help. She was obvious to everything around her and felt entangled within a web of invisible thread, each piece fixed her in place. The child stumbled once causing the Naga’s heart to climb into her throat and sat there strangling her.

Each time Mar tried to reason it wasn’t Lyn, her emotions seemed to rise up then lash out against the logic. In moments, the child with the unsettling grin, her hand firmly about a scythe, would be on her. Then there was little she could do to defend herself.

Suddenly something skirted into her vision. It was transparent yet murky as it zipped across the air, then smacked right into the child’s head. Her hair darkened from where the water hit, her knees gave out from under her and immediately she tilted off balanced right back into the dirt. The droplets flew off into a scattered pattern while the weapon fell from her fingers. It skittered and slid out of her reach, her eyes lifted long enough to glare at Leith’s direction after she determined where the water ball came from.

“Stupid face,” she spoke with a frown in a way she would’ve in life, her voice flooded into slightly tearful sobs that mixed with anger, “Why can’t you just die!?! I wanna sleep… to be with mama again…why won’t you just die?”

Mar blinked when she was slightly caught in the splash, flickers of droplets landed on her face stirring her from the spell. Her skin had become paler and stained with her own blood, dried slightly into the dulling brown, from the earlier slash wound. Seeing the child’s reaction jarred her into action and back to the present. She whipped about to spot the biped, Leith she recalled, who was looking at her while he asked a simple question. “Mar! Are you okay?”

Despite her shock, her mind felt a slight irritated swell in her at the shorten version of her name being used so casually. Now an emotion better than fear was presented and instinctively Mar’s mind latched onto it before she was crippled again. It boiled and surged, heat of her rage filled her core for several moments while her knuckles tightened about her bladed weapon until they were white. For once, Mar felt rather grateful to have something to jar her from her shaken emotions. Her eyes flashed toward the albino man, filling with anger, confusion and bitterness that quickly faded.

“No… I’m not.” She wasn’t all right when she considered the truth. Already her emotions had cause problems when in the past it would’ve never gotten in the way and now she was forced to face a bitter truth. Even worse, she hated it.

Her voice spoke in a firm manner at Grey and Althalus, her head looked over her shoulder for a brief moment. She motion for the guide first then followed with the others. “You, guide, bring Coco… the plant creature, a Foreas, to the door. Grey, Althalus, that door better be open shortly. Leith, I believe, I’m going to use my tail to take many in a wide sweep but it leaves my torso exposed. Any that gets too close, take them out and watch my body language. I’ll look your direction before I swipe out, watch for it or risk getting hit.”

Without farther warning, Mar’s eyes looked at Leith a moment then her tail lashed out sending the first few undead flying backwards. Thankfully, the guide had already pulled Coco clear when Mar attacked, but didn’t have any time to warn Leith if he failed to hear Mar’s warning.



If Grey had been working on the door the whole time, he would come to notice a few things. First, the wood was weakening. Already the framework creaked and splintered in protest against his great strength pushing against it, the middle bowed inward enough someone was able to punch through it. Althalus stood edgy while his head jerked to Mar then back to the door, unsure if he should help the Mar or simply end the brat within the house’s life immediately. If Grey could spot the weakened middle, then it would’ve been easy to punch through there and fit his hand inside. Once inside, his fingers might find the very board holding the door in place and could easily toss it aside. The door would easily push open allowing the group to file in with their wounded, unconscious, and other fitter fighters. However the door would only hold some much before it would crumble then they would be over ran by undead charging in….might be a good idea to begin a barricade to buy more time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

"That was good mead you know..." She said dismissively as her tankard fell to the floor. She rolled her eyes as she heard the same damn thing out of her mouth, again. 'blah blah blah, could've killed us all, blah blah blah, idiot...' really, it was all the same. What did she know? She acted exactly as her training required of her. "At least I did somethin', you lot would have just sat there and talked about it for a year..." She wasn't paying too much attention, she cared little for their opinions. She froze when Meirin continued, her expression turning grim.

When she was finished, Alaira slowly rose to her full height, and turned. Quickly, she grabbed Meirin by the throat and rushed forward, slamming her against the wall. She was furious, and every part of her face relayed that message. "And what would you have me do?!" She screamed, tightening her grip slightly as lightning arced along her arm for a moment. no energy entered her, and she could still breathe, however. Alaira had enough control to avoid actually harming her. "Hold back?! Let that nightmare kill Lyn n' Mar?! HUH?!" She pulled back, slamming her against the wall again. "Then, you'd have me tell Athalus his lover and child are dead because I had to fight 'smart?!' Well screw you, nobody tells me how to fight!" With that, she more or less dropped her to the ground, as she stormed out of the bar, her fury seeping out of her by way of the electricity playing across her form every so often.

"If you need me, Kindly GO FUCK YOURSELVES!" She shouted, slamming the door shut behind her as she leaped up to a nearby building, clambering off to the roof. She found a spot to sit, and did so, looking up to the sky. She sighed, quietly sobbing to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 16 min ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose and Lyn
Ssarak walked with Lyn at his side, holding her hand gently. In his mind, he went through what arguments he might make for allowing Lyn to stay with them, which was not entirely easy, considering that he did not even want Lyn to join them. He would much rather return her to the safety of the college, but as he and Meirin discussed, that was simply not a viable option. He could always take the tough approach by making it clear that the majority of his guards would refuse to leave Lyn behind, and pointing out that it would be suicide to go on without them. Ssarak did have the advantage of leverage in that case, but he would much prefer to keep his argument civil. Unlike Alaira, he had no intentions of burning bridges without looking for another option first. It was his hope that the caravan master had some level of sympathy within him, and that Lyn could help to bring it out.

Taking a seat in the annoyingly small chair across from the caravan master, who was drinking alone, Ssarak lifted up Lyn into his lap. "How are you feeling? The events at the bridge were stressful, near traumatic, almost. My friend is speaking with Alaira regarding her actions as the moment, so I am hoping we will not have a repeat of the incident." He explained to start the conversation.

The caravan master just grunted when Ssarak arrived. When Lyn came along, he continued to look into his mug. "Look... I know why you're here... And I think I made myself clear before... The roads are already dangerous enough with these talks of demons and bandits, and that pyrominiac harlot ain't make this trip any safer. Last thing I want weighing on our minds is the safety of this little girl." The caravan master refused to look at Ssarak or Lyn and continued to drink from his mug until it was empty, in which he simply began to drink from another mug he had near him.

Ssarak gave an understanding nod to the caravan master. "I understand your concerns, as I share them myself. I know what dangers we may face on the road, as we have likely only experienced a taste of what this land may throw at us. Unfortunately, I fear our options are limited. She would be safest at the college, but with the bridge out, I do not know if any of us could take her back alone. My friend healed me as best as she could, but my wings are still in no condition to carry the both of us all the way back. She was able to hide well enough in the carriage to avoid detection from all of us, so as long as we protect it, we can protect you and her simultaneously. And to leave her here...it would certainly be a death sentence for her." He explained, glancing down to Lyn with a worried expression that seemed completely genuine.

As he was awaiting the caravan master's response, he decided to give a telepathic message to Lyn. "I wouldn't be worried about his attitude, he has been through a lot. He nearly died back at the bridge, so I think it shook him up. You are a wonderful little girl, and I think he will come to like you. Why don't you give him a smile? See if you can help cheer him up." He suggested with a slightly cheerful "tone." While Lyn was not Human, her face and body was close enough that the caravan master might view her with the same kind of sympathy. After all, she was a toddler who was small, seemingly defenseless, and, by Human standards, quite cute. Just to be sure he could judge the caravan master's reaction properly, Ssarak also reached into his mind to sift through his drunken thoughts.

Lyn had been idly toying with her bear after Ssarak had lifted her into his lap, her feet careful not to smack into his leg. It wasn't until his words edged into her head that she instinctively looked at him, more out of habit then need when someone talked to her either in her head or out of it. She noted his suggested and seemed eager to help. So Lyn shifted in her seat, her eyes fixed upon the man to flash him a genuine smile that seemed to make her cheeks dimple.

"Nsh... No, it's too dangerous for a kid like her... Roads ain't safe for anyone, not even her..." That is what the caravan master said. But as Ssarak looked into his thoughts, the caravan master was trying to drown a different image in his head.

It was another caravan, but with a larger group, a better wagon, and it was a bright and shining day. The caravan master was sitting at the front of the wagon, but beside her was a young woman. In his mind, the woman flickered between three images; one of a young girl around Lyn's age, another of an older young woman, perhaps around her teenage year. Another was a much older woman, more around the caravan master's age. And despite how each of the three images changed by their ages, they all shared a similar apperance about them. A daughter or wife perhaps? The alcohol was doing it's job to make it hard for both the caravan master to remember and for Ssarak to get a clear imagine, but the implications still remained.

But than the scene changed. The horse-drawn wagon are mvoing faster now. The caravan master glances behind him for barely a second, but in that second it felt as though hours went by. Images of horsemen, demonfied to be something much more horrible. The female next to the caravan master shrieks in three different voices. What came next became more blurry as the caravan master continued to drown the memories in ale, but it appeared that the caravan master was moving closer and closer to a large pit. A ravine. There is a bridge, but it looks far too narrow for even the wagon. It is. The caravan master and the female next to him are forced to dismount and run across the bridge. It looks decepitvly short, but as the caravan master tried to run across, the brdige grew longer and longer. By the time he reached the end, he was alone. There was no noise. He turned around, looking on the otherside of the bridge. There is nothing but darkness. He shouts, but no sound comes out. The images began to blur as the alcohol continues to take it's effects, and the scenes change.

The caravan master sits by a fire with a little girl in his lap. He appears to be reading a book, but instead of words there are images which move on their own, acting out the story. And in that story is the caravan master with the older girl, both on horses riding alongside each other. They seem to be talking, and as they move onto a new area it changes to the same caravan master talking to an older woman sitting on a wagon. It looks much like the one the group has been hired to guard. The caravan master looks grim, but the woman looks smug. She rides off on the wagon as the caravan master looks on. His face is gone, replaced by a blank visage before the entire memory turns to black.

"... Maybe she's a good little girl, but danger don't care who she is, and I don't care either. She can't come, not while I still run this operation..." The caravan master's speech is heavidly slurred and repetative. He has more or less been repeating the same message over and over, and isn't even drinking anymore. He just looks solemnly at a spot on the table, sipping what little of his ale remains in his mug. It looks like he's about to fall asleep.

While the caravan master's words were blunt and stubborn, his thoughts were far more interesting. With the alcohol in his system, the story they told was hazy, and not entirely complete, but it had clear implications. It was not that he did not care; indeed, it seemed that he cared a great deal. What Ssarak saw in the man's mind was not enough for him to know for certain what he wsa remembering, but it carried with it no small amount of pain. It was enough for Ssarak to realize that the caravan master did have genuine fear for Lyn's life, a fact that was quite useful in crafting his response. Ssarak just needed to convince him that leaving her here meant leaving her to die.

"I just...want her to be safe." Ssarak said, lowering his gaze and showing the same amount of sadness as the caravan master was feeling. He was exaggerating his emotions, but it wasn't entirely baseless, as he was drawing on the genuine fear he felt for Lyn's life. "The dangers we may face do not discriminate...but at least we could be there with her. While Alaira's recklessness may not have shown it, we are each skilled warriors. With us, she would be far from defenseless. Her name is Lyn; her kind matures quickly, but she was born only a few months ago. Her body looks a few years in age, but she has only the experience of an infant. Here, in this place, she has no one, no cheritable soul among the strangers. The only interest she has gathered was from the con artists outside attempting to scam her out of the coins she carried. She cannot survive here, as much as I wish she could. She cannot find food nor water on her own. To leave her here.." He said, pausing for just a moment to raise up his head and look at the caravan master while tightening his grip on Lyn just enough to be noticed. "...would be to leave her to death."

Lyn noticed the grip the Esyire had and again, her head tilted upward and looked at him. She seemed tensed. Her body ridged and saddened while she lifted one hand from her toy to place it on his arm as if saying it was alright. 'Everything alright?' It was simple and heartfelt, she didn't want anyone upset because of her. She didn't want that for anyone. Not her mother, father or even those she just met. Her head turned to the Caravan master and seemed to plead him for an answer to why Ssarak was upset.

The caravan master seemed to be asleep, though Ssarak's words simply struck him closer to his heart that the man would care to admit. "Neh... No... Too young... Not... This isn't the life for her..." The man mumbled weakly. In all honesty he likely didn't catch everything that Ssarak was saying. But his mistake was looking up. He was going to stare Ssarak in the eyes and try to make it clear to him that he had the final say, but instead of looking at the dragon, he saw Lyn. Thoughts flooded his minds as tears began to form.

The caravan master leaned forward, his face laying on the cold wooden table. He was sniffing and snorting, with his bread catching most of the snot. It was a fairly disgusting sight. "My little girl... This isn't the life for her I said, too dangerous I said, but no one listens! They think they're invincible in this world but they aren't! Stupid, stupid girl, she had so much... So much to give to the world..."

The caravan master became a blubbering, sobbing wreck. His mind was unfocused, but filled with bittersweet memories of his time with the girls from his previous thoughts. By the time he regained a semblance of coherancy, he was still protesting against the idea of bringing Lyn, but it was weak and repetative. "She can't come, I can't protect her, she needs to stay somewhere where it's safe and she won't have to worry about bandits or monsters or crazy bitches or getting hungry and being poor!"

The caravan master's words were confirming the pain Ssarak saw in his thoughts. For a moment, he looked down at Lyn once more and gave her another telepathic message. "I think he lost someone close to him in the past, so it makes him worried. It isn't that he doesn't like you, just that he wants you to be safe. I just need to show him that you will be safest with us."

Lyn blinked and shifted her toy to her shoulder, her eyes looked to the other man with eyes that seemed to sense the compassion. She in reality was at a loss to how to make it clear she wasn't as helpless as some might think. While she lacked the experience, her mother ensured she knew how to handle the dagger should she need it. Uncle Tyrael even ensure it was able to hold demons at bay by paralyzing them enough for her to retreat and run to safety. Quietly she listened to the pair continue.

Ssarak looked back up to the caravan master with a sympathetic expression. "I could not agree more. I would want nothing more than to return her to the college where she can be well-protected, where she will not face the dangers of the road, but there is no way for us to bring her back, not at this point. And leaving her here would be like dropping her on the side of the road for scavengers and opportunists to prey upon. As much as I hate it, as much as I wish there were another way, we are the only ones who will protect her. And no matter what we are going to be facing...I think we are her best chance. I have been trained as a warrior since the day I was hatched. My friend Meirin was raised by warrior monks from a monestary in this land, and I saw personally Darius' skill during the demon attack at the college months ago. Even Alaira, as reckless as she may be, is completely dedicated to protecting Lyn's life. Never have I seen someone so comitted to the safety of one not of their own blood. Had she known Lyn was in the carriage, nothing in Tien could have compelled her to leave its side. Bringing her with us...it is not the perfect plan, but it is the best we have."

The caravan master simply laid on the table. He seemed very tired and was easing in and out of consciencness. He wasn't in any state of mind to make a concrete decision, and he knew it. He wanted to keep saying no and trusting his gut, but his own heart couldn't stand to leave Lyn to the wolves. But he simply wasn't sure what to make of the situation. After a few minutes of snoring, the caravan master stood up. He began to walk away, stumbling. "I'll... Talking this... In the morning..." With great difficulty the caravan master headed back to his room. His thoughts were clouded and murky with memories of the past, but digging a bit deeper, the caravan master was already thinking of arrangements to fit Lyn in the wagon.

Lyn watched the man rise and walk away. Her toy cling tightly to her shoulder and her hands rested within her lap, her feet perfectly still during the last part. She twisted to look at Ssarak. 'Did I break him more?'

Ssarak would have liked to get a more definite answer from the caravan master, but it was clear that he was in no shape to continue their conversation, so he let him go without protest. Besides, his thoughts, as muddled as they were, revealed a bit more than his words. Upon hearing Lyn's thought, he looked down with a reassuring smile. "No, you did nothing to harm him. I believe it was his drink; he will be better tomorrow. Or...mostly better. I think he will be happy to have you along."

Since the caravan master was no longer present, Ssarak released his hold on Lyn so that she was free to get down from his lap if she so chose, though he did not force her to do so. "You were very helpful, Lyn. Just seeing you was enough to help him realize why you should come along. There are some things I would like to tell you, though, about where we are going. It is not very safe at all, which is why he didn't want you to come. I think you will be safer with us than alone, but I would like to help teach you what to do to be as safe as you can be, okay?"

'Like mommy did when I got my dagger.' Lyn's head instinctively tilted down to glance at her weapon, still fastened in her belt, safe and secure. She turned back to Ssarak and then nodded. 'Okay. What do I need to do?'

Ssarak had saw the dagger before, though it made him uncomfortable to think that she might actually have to use it at some point. At her age, it would be much better for her to remain hidden should danger arise. However, if Mar had felt it was safe for her to wield a weapon, he was not going to say otherwise. "Well, if we run into danger, the first thing you will want to do is stay hidden. I think it will not be too many years before you grow to be big and strong, but right now, you are still pretty small. But, that means you are just that much better at hiding, I think. You were able to hide in the carriage very well before. Actually, do you remember how you got in there?" He asked, taking a moment to satisfy a curious thought which had been on his mind.

Lyn listened intently up until the point Ssarak asked about how she got in there. Then her head tilted down and legs shifted in the same way guilty child did when they wanted to hide something they knew better then to. Her eyes averted while her hands pulled her toy to her small body. Her arms wrapped about it, hugging it tightly, as inside she struggled with what she should say. A big part of her didn't want Lucilia to be in trouble but she knew it was wrong to tell a lie. Even her mom had taught her that.
So she decided to change the question with another. However she knew it was only possible to delay it and if he insisted, Lyn knew she would have to tell him the truth. 'I can hide well but where?'

[i]"Well, the place you hid before seems like a good spot. We didn't actually find you until you got out by yourself."
Ssarak answered, though it was not hard for him to notice that her answer wasn't quite as enthusiastic as before. Young children were really not the best of liars, and had plenty enough experience with them to catch her hesitation. "So, how did you end up where you were hiding? You can tell me. Nothing can change what has already happened, it will just help me understand it better."

Lyn bit her lip slightly, her eyes fixed on her toy being played with between her hands. Finally, after several moments, she set her bear on the table and answered. 'Lucilia helped me. She asked what I wanted and I showed her. Mommy and daddy were leaving which meant I had to stay at the college alone. Ponders can be fun but I hate bothering him and I was left behind. The other adults are too busy to always play with me. I just didn't want to be alone again and mommy's been sad lately, I didn't think she would've let me come along if I asked.'

Her shoulders slouched slightly while she seemed to sigh. She didn't like being alone and while the first several times her mom stayed behind, it wasn't the case this time. Her eyes held a slight pleading to them as she added more. 'Please, you won't tell anyone or tell mommy what I said, will you? I didn't mean to get Lucilia in trouble...'

Ssarak couldn't help but to feel angry upon hearing Lyn's explanation. If it was true, then Lucilia had willingly endangered her life, and the lives of the others on their mission, for no reason other than that she did not want to bother with keeping her entertained for a while. It was grossly irresponsible to a degree that Ssarak simply did not expect for a teacher at the college. Still, he maintained his composure, as there was no reason to concern Lyn with the issue, not at this point. "I wouldn't worry about Lucilia. I don't think anything I could say would ever get her in trouble. She is a very important person at the college. Still, I am going to talk to her about it, at least. She should not have put you on that wagon; it was way too dangerous. She should have found another way to help you stay happy. There are a lot of good people at the college, and she did not have to put you into danger. Anyway, like I said, nothing about that can be changed now. We just have to focus on keeping you safe. The dagger your mother gave you, how much do you know about it? What do you already know how to do with it?" He asked.

Lyn gave Ssarak an unsure look, then relaxed. 'Mommy wouldn't have given it to me unless she said I can use it. I know it's not something fun and that if I'm not careful, I can hurt someone. Uncle Tyrael said it was good against demons. Said if I managed to cut them, it would give me time to get away and find mommy or him. Daddy I need to hold it down and then slice...'

She paused a moment, her mind thinking it better to show then just tell. Her hand lowered and reached for it, gently and carefully pulled it free from its shealth. She placed it flat on the table to show the part that was sharpest. 'I use that part to cut if I have to, then I'm to put it in my shealth or keep it away from my body while I run away. I know daddy suggested I hit the area around the here,' she pointed to the blood rich veins of her thighs.

'Mommy also told me, if I have to then use my fangs.' Lyn's finger pointed to her fangs which had grown longer and sharper, If Ssarak looked closer, he note some murky clear fluid that seemed to drip upon her small finger causing her to wipe it away on her pants.

Ssarak nodded along with Lyn's explanation. Considering that her parents were Mar and Althalus, he wasn't surprised with the extent they had taught her to defend herself. He wasn't precisely sure in what manner the dagger was meant to be "good against demons," but if it was from Tyrael, then perhaps it had some kind of magic within it which would allow it to harm them more severely. If her fangs were anything like those of a venomous snake, however, they might actually be her most deadly tools. With many venomous creatures, anything from an infant to an adult had the same strength of venom.

"I think their advice is good. Just be sure that you run away whenever you can. Try to find one of us to protect you. You should only try to fight back if you absolutely have no other choice, and then, it should only be so you can run away. There are a few things I would like to suggest about the dagger, though." Ssarak began as he grabbed the weapon from the table and pressed it against his steel breastplate. "If you absolutely have to use the dagger, and the person threatening you is wearing armor, then you have to be very careful about how you use it. If you try to stab it in most places, like right here, then it will never go through, no matter how hard you try. Even if it isn't thick metal armor like mine, it will be hard to cut through a lot of different things. Some of the most common armor people wear is actually just thick layers of cloth, a lot like the clothes you are wearing, but even that takes a really strong swing or stab to break through."

Ssarak moved the dagger away from the breastplate and instead hovered it over the inside of his elbow. "Just to be safe, even if you don't think they are wearing something strong, you should try to for places that are weaker. If you look here, there is a small spot that the metal plate doesn't cover so my arm can move. A lot of other kinds of armor have even bigger gaps in places like that. That is where you should go for with the dagger. Here, I'll show you the different spots to aim."[/i] He said as he began to go through each gap in his armor, such as his knees, neck, and so on. The way the plates of his armor overlapped gave hm quite a lot of coverage, but it was not possible for armor to have no gaps at all.

Lyn watched, her eyes sincere in their expression while she tried to absorbed everything Ssarak spoke of. Her head tilted and shifted, following her blade as he pointed to each new part. She was sure if she was strong enough or could reach the places he show when the moment came but she would try. Her toy seemed to absorb the information better in its silent way, the dark, beady eyes moved faster then her own head and seemed to quickly digest the details. 'Alright. I'll try, promise. Also...'
She paused for a moment, her mind seemed to feel slightly guilty before she added the rest. 'I'm sorry if I made anyone mad or sad.'

With a sympathetic expression, Ssarak gently placed his hand on Lyn's shoulder as he answered. "I can say that you have not done anything to upset anyone else. I will not lie and say that the fact you are here will not cause any problems at all, but that is not your fault. Lucilia should not have put you on that wagon. Even if you wanted to come, you had no way of knowing that it would be dangerous. Lucilia should have known better. Just like I said before, though, nothing can change what has already happened, and there is no point in worrying about things you cannot change. Now, how about I give you one last bit of advice? The dagger, I think it would be best if you keep it hidden so no one can see it easily. When someone sees a blade like that, they know it is a weapon, and they know it is dangerous. If someone sees that you have a weapon, then they will know you are dangerous. If they cannot see it, though, then they will think you are harmless, and they might not try to hurt you at first. I can help you find a way to carry it so it will be hidden." He suggested.

'Alright, but where can I hide?' Lyn asked, her body slowly edged off Ssarak's lap so the Esyire could reposition her dagger. Her toy had made its way to the table and now sat there, eyeing the student as if ready to attack him should something not seem right. It seemed somethings didn't matter much to the toy other then Lyn's safety. Lyn, however, shook her head at it and seemed to be trying to discourage something while she returned her attention to Ssarak.

"Hmm." Ssarak began as he looked over Lyn for a good place to conceal the weapon. There were a few options that might work, but one seemed notably simple. "Well, your turnic is rather long. Instead of wearing the belt for the scabbard outside, you could simply wear it underneath. If you practice, you could still draw it fairly quickly. That way, if someone threatens you and you cannot run away, they will not expect to have to defend themselves."

Lyn nodded as she lifted her arms to undo the belt, then handed it to Ssark. She then lifted her tunic and held it in place so the Esyire could fasten it about her slender hips where the leather rubbed slightly against her skin, which was really perfectly layered scale. It offered only a margin more protection then normal skin but hardly anything that made a difference worth noting. After it was placed seh shifted uncomfortably for a moment, not use to the leather's coldness against her body, then thanked him with a smile. 'Better?'

Ssarak smiled and nodded. "Better." He said, this time aloud. "Now, how about we simply relax for a while and stop worrying about such stressful topics."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey did all he could to destroy that door. He was aware of the situation, and it was not good. It tore him apart to just... leave coco there, but he had to kill that kid, it was the only way... Eventually he felt the door weaken, and he knew that his time was near. He'd pour everything into his next strike as he backed up. Faintly, glowing purple lines could be seen under his flesh as he charged forward. With a mighty roar, he slammed his shoulder into the door as he blasted it off it's hinges, rocketing into the room. He quickly got up, turning back to shout "Change of plans! I'll get him!". he charged ahead, up the stairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A light sigh escaped Meirin's mouth as Alaira stormed off. Perhaps she said too much, but regardless this wasn't over. Steeling her will, Meirin stretched her neck and went after Alaira. By the time she was outside Alaira was no where to be seen, but she did ask one of the patrons who were taking a breathing outside if they saw her, and they did mention seeing a woman storm off near one of the buildings. After getting directions Meirin found the building, but no signs of a forced entry. Meirin was about to continue her search elsewhere when she heard a quite noise. She didn't pick it up at first, but as she was trying to find Alaira, she heard a very faint breathing noise. Crying, perhaps. Meirin didn't think that it would have come from Alaira of all people, but as foolish as she may be, Alaira still had feelings. Meirin was starting to feel a bit of guilt now, but that just means that she still has a responsibility to uphold. And like it or not, Meirin still had some things to tell Alaira.

As Meirin tried to focus in on the very faint sobbing, she was able to figure out that Alaira somehow managed to get herself onto the roof of one of the buildings. Meirin was quite aware that if she went up there, Alaira may very well attempt to attack her. And in her state, Alaira would only do more harm to herself than to Meirin. She'd hope this wouldn't have to come to blows, but given Alaira's actions before, Meirin was more than ready for a fight. Using a simple maneuver Meirin blasted herself onto the roof with a gust of wind, landing on the opposite side behind Alaira. Meirin kept herself ready for the insatiably bullrush or lightning bolt, but appeared to be standing calming with her arms crossed behind her back.

"We could use your help Alaira. You have so much ability, so much strength, but you don't talk to us nor do you listen to us. We're suppose to work together, but you keep trying to handle everything yourself. I'm not just angry that you nearly killed us all with that wild fire. I'm angry that you didn't at least tell us ahead of time, so we could be better prepared and make that insane scheme work. I want to trust you with my life Alaira, but before I do that I have to know what you're thinking. I want to know more about you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Darius watched the event unfold in front of him. When the half-elf ignored them, it took everything he had not to try to beat sense into her. Instead, he set down his mug and let Meirin try to talk some sense into Alaira. If that didn't work, he'd try his own method. At first, it appeared that Meirin wasn't making any progress, but when she mentioned the demon attack, the half-elf stiffened, stood up, and rushed Meirin, slamming her against a wall.

Darius stood up and made his way towards the two, ready to break it up if it got more violent, but they separated before he made it to them. Alaira stormed out of the bar, slamming the door behind her. He raised his eyebrows when Meirin followed after her. He hadn't expected the girl to continue. Hell, he didn't expect her to shrug off being slammed into a wall. He shook his head slightly and hurried after red haired girl.

He waited while Meirin got directions and followed her towards the house. He looked around for the half-elf but he couldn't find her. He stopped when he heard a voice coming from above him. They were on the roof. Taking a few steps back, Darius readied himself for the jump. He took three deep breaths and waited for his head to become clear. Once it had, he jumped, higher than he usually would, and pulled himself onto the roof.

He hadn't heard what Meirin had said, but he watched the both of them with his arms crossed over his chest. He was ready to stop anything that happened on the rooftop. It wouldn't do if two of the escorts injured themselves. So he waited, and he watched.
Leith Calder

Leith was relieved to see Mar move. He pondered her comment about being not okay before she started issuing orders. He nodded when she told him what he needed to do before looking at him. For a moment, panic flooded his mind. He wasn't sure if Mar was looking at him as an example of what she'd do, or she was about to swipe with her tail. He chose the latter and took a few hurried steps backwards. He was right. Mar's tail swept forward and knocked the undead backwards. There were a few that were out of the range of the sweep and had started shambling towards Mar.

They weren't going to make it to her. Leith made it to them first. He lashed out with his sword and cut the first one in half from just below the ribcage. He looked over his should to see if there were any on the other side of Mar. There wasn't any at the moment, so he turned back to the two in front of him. He moved his sword from his right hand to his left, wincing at the pain it caused. He grabbed second one and whipped it into the third. They flew backwards and landed in a heap of arms and legs.

A tremendous crash boomed through the air. Leith looked back at the house and saw that the door was no longer in its frame. They were that much closer to ending it. He heard Grey's shout that he was going to get the kid alone. Not good. If that kid could raise the entire village, there's no telling what else he could do. He glanced at Mar and switched his sword to his right hand as he got ready to run to the house. "Let's go, we need to close that door up again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime
Cynn peered over the top of her arms at the man who sat in front of her. He hadn't told her who he was, but at least he seemed to be trying to cheer her up a bit. For a moment, at least, it kind of worked, but she wasn't over this stint of sadness quite yet. However, there was no reason in crying anymore, so she wiped away the tears and sat up straight.

"So," she started. Her voice faltered, and she had to start over again. "So, who are you? I didn't see you before... Well, never mind that." She was trying to avoid saying it flat out; she was worried it would send her over the edge again. Hopefully the human wouldn't notice. As sort of an afterthought, she added, "What Blood do you have?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by louie221
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louie221 Ravenclaw

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pitch Black

Pitch looked at the elf with uncertainty. He sort of looked himself over, assuming maybe something about him made him look inhuman. His blood? Obviously he was ab odd human being. A fairly gloomy one, at that. Noticing that he'd been silenced for quite some time now, he looked back to her, clearing his throat. He did an awkward sort of bow, his legs seemingly tangled up.

"Pitch Black, Obiligatio, at your service." he said, bringing himself back upright. "Here to learn Necromancy. And you?"

Pitch eyed her, trying to guess what type of magic she was here for. She seemed like the earthy type, especially considering she wore the clothes of any adventurer he'd seen. Maybe she was the nature type. Or, she could be tricking him, maybe she was something completely out there. He simply stood there, a concentrated look painted to his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira was aware of Meirin and... other guy, when they arrived thanks to her keen senses (To be fair, massive wind gusts and landings like that weren't exactly stealthy... not that anyone was trying to be), though aside from quickly debating fleeing she didn't do much... The yarosmerian said nothing, but Meirin said quite a lot of things... Alaira fell silent, sniffling as she turned to look to Meirin. She looked utterly miserable, and it was probably the first time Meirin had seen her without a trace of anger or arrogant pride.

"I don't regret what I did back then... I-if I had to die to save Lyn, it would be alright... And if I had taken just a single second to come up with a plan, I would have failed. B-but today..." She buried her face in her hands, sobbing once more. "T-today I almost killed her! I-I promised I'd always be there to keep her safe, b-but she almost died! F-for no reason! And th-then you got stuck with cleaning up my mess... y-you saved her and almost died yourself, just because I had a bad idea..."

She grew silent again, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Sh-she deserves better... L-like you..." She said, quietly. "Y-your pretty and smart, everyone likes you... I'm just a brute... I'm just a burden, only good for wrecking shit. The most I can get from anyone is to leave me alone... I've always been alone..." Hrm, she usually wasn't willing to talk to anyone about... well, anything. Perhaps the alcohol was to blame?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime
The young elf smiled a tired smile. "At this point, Pitch," she began to answer, "I'm not sure I could do anything anymore. But before I...well, before, I was a Geomancer."

Cynn couldn't help it; she had started to think about before she had entered her coma. She remembered the dining hall in shambles. She remembered standing in front of a masked man, holding her rapier. She wondered where her rapier had gone; she'd have to look for it later, she thought. She remembered being cut and cut by the man for what seemed like hours, never losing faith that she could stop this...murderer. He was a murderer, and she knew that she could take him, either by one way or another. It wasn't the confidence that she had exhibited a few minutes ago, but something different.

Suddenly, she became conscious of her scars. There was the one on her throat from when she'd been ambushed in the woods. It was old, and she paid no real mind to it. Then there were three on her right forearm, and two on her right hand; those made sense, as the murderer probably tried to get her to drop her weapon. Moving that hand left, she felt four more keloids on her lower abdomen and two higher up, with one of those two in the middle of her chest. The puncture scars were easier to find. There were five of those; one where one blade of the masked killer had run through the outside of her left arm; one on the front of her right shoulder; one on her left thigh, and two on her right. Cynn didn't feel shame at the scars. If anything, they filled her with a sense of triumph to know that she had survived that. It wasn't enough to make up for now having to play catch-up with everyone else, but it was something to start with.

Noticing that she must have looked like she was feeling herself up, she jerked her right arm away from her leg and placed it back on the table. Her cheeks flushed red, which was more pronounced when viewed in conjunction with her white hair, despite how dirty it might be. She looked at pitch and tried to talk, but it seemed her social ineptitude had finally caught up to her.

"So, P-Pitch..." she began, cursing herself mentally. "How...long have y-you...studied at this Co-College?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Crossark (User:Talk) 10:26 PM 7 December, 2014 - Reverted 1 edit by Crossark: Copyediting. Possible Vandalism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by louie221
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louie221 Ravenclaw

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pitch Black

As soon as the elf started running her hand along everywhere on herself she could get to, }Pitch raised an eyebrow. He noticed that the places he could see were covered in scars. He blinked a few times, now noticing how many there were. He felt a twinge of sympathy toward her. What had happened? It mustn't have been pretty, considering they were all over. When she seemed to snap back into the moment, he hardly noticed she was talking. He completely ignored her question.

"Well, what happened there?" he asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "Looks like you were ripped to shreds. I wonder how that feels... That could be fun, depending on what was doing the shredding..." he rambled on for a few moments, explaining how he thought the best way to be shredded up is, and by whom. When he finished, he realized how long he'd been talking.

"Oh, my apologies. What was that?" he asked, a more gentlemanly smile on his face than you'd expect from an insane person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime
Cynn felt slightly violated by Pitch's stare, but she was more annoyed that he hadn't listened to her at all, choosing to rant about his own masochism instead. For once, however - though it was unknown to her at the time - she didn't feel empty and sad. It wasn't that big of a step up, but it was one.

Anyhow, the young elf was pretty angry at the man in front of her. She repeated her question with a much more determined and bitter tone, not noticing that she had gone back to covering up one of the scars on her left arm.

"I said," Cynn began, "How long have you studied at the College. I've been...out for a bit, and you're the first person I've met upon returning, so... I'd just like to know, okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"You are a brute." Darius said as he shifted his stance, both relieved and disappointed that he didn't have to stop a fight. "But that does not mean you need to stay one. Think before you act, and today will not repeat itself." He turned around and got ready to hop off the roof, but before he did, he spoke over his shoulder. "It does not look like you are alone now. That child seems to enjoy your company." With that he jumped down onto the ground below.

Darius sighed as he made his way back to the inn. Hopefully, the problem would be solved for this mission. He had no idea if the events at the bridge would stay with the half-elf after the mission was over. It wouldn't be his problem after, so he didn't really care that much about it. He opened the door to the inn and scanned the room to see if Ssarak was still around. He was, so Darius went to the bar and ordered two mugs of mead. Once he had them, he made his way to Ssarak's table and sat down across from him. He offered the dragon man a mug. "I think we need to celebrate surviving today." Darius smiled. "Let us hope that we will not have to celebrate this every night."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by louie221
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louie221 Ravenclaw

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pitch Black

Pitch noticed her hand running up her arm again. He grinned, a soft chuckle coming from his lips. When she spoke, he could hear her frustration and he chuckled a bit more.

Frustration, he though, frustration! Ha ha ha haaaa! He rubbed his hands together, now actually paying attention to what she had asked. How long had he been there, she asked him. Hmmm. He had already lost count, but he knew he'd been there at least a few days. He mentally stabbed himself for losing count so quickly.

"Oh, I've just gotten here. Arrived a few days ago." he paused, watching her caress her own arm. What the hell was she doing? She seemed like a canine that attempted to scratch itself. "What the hell're you doing?" he asked, fully aware of the sarcastic tone in his voice.
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