Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Izumi stared at the large building in the distance and then looked over at the girl who was looking behind them. That was a recipe for disaster. "Lets go! That thing will catch up to us!" Izumi took the lead and kept the girls hand in his. He didn't seem to realize it for whatever reason. The only thing running through his mind right now, was that he wanted to live long enough to say thank you to this girl when they got to safety.
Autumn felt the boy gran her hand once more and tug her after him as he ran. [color=gold]"B-But.." She started to protest, glancing behind them again. A bad mistake. She wasn't watching where she was putting her feet and her right foot got caught on a root sticking out of the soil and down to the ground she went, letting out a small cry on the decent as her hand was ripped out of the boys. She lay there for a few seconds, dazed before pushing herself up into a seated position. She hissed as a pain in her ankle made itself known. Already the skin was swelling and turning a nasty purple color. She tried to rise and put weight on it but it turned under her and back down she went, letting out a small cry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Of course James, being up in the trees, had at least some sort of element of surprise because nobody would be expecting someone to be hopping from branch to branch to get to the wizard's castle. He noticed the Chimera going past, then he looked ahead. He saw the one girl trip and fall. He had to buy the other apprentices some time. He jumped out of the tree, aiming to land on the snake that was the tail of the chimera. If he landed on it, he would grip it by the neck, keeping it distracted while keeping himself from being bitten. (Just saying, that family business that James refused to do was blacksmithing. So he's pretty strong already, being a blacksmith's son.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Chimera would stop and bunk like a bronko, the tail suddenly swinging James harder than he could imagine throwing him forward, taking on a chimera bare handed is an insane idea if you don't have super strength, for even it's tail will beat you, he is just lucky the goat head got surprised by him and started to make the chimera bunk or else the snake would of spat the poison gas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James was, of course, thrown into the nearest tree, slamming back first against the trunk of it. Hitting a tree that hard hurt like hell and knocked the breath out of him. He soon managed to get up, and quickly climbed the tree, pulling off branches and throwing them at the chimera to distract it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Chimera would simply look at him annoyed and breath fire in his direction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Being far enough away, James managed to get out of the way in time, barely. But not without burning his shoe in the process. He threw another branch, this time a larger one at the snake head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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Autumn felt the boy gran her hand once more and tug her after him as he ran. "B-But.." She started to protest, glancing behind them again. A bad mistake. She wasn't watching where she was putting her feet and her right foot got caught on a root sticking out of the soil and down to the ground she went, letting out a small cry on the decent as her hand was ripped out of the boys. She lay there for a few seconds, dazed before pushing herself up into a seated position. She hissed as a pain in her ankle made itself known. Already the skin was swelling and turning a nasty purple color. She tried to rise and put weight on it but it turned under her and back down she went, letting out a small cry.
Izumi made sure the girl stuck behind him. Suddenly he didn't feel her hand anymore, he stopped immediately and looked back. She was struggling to get back on her feet and go straight into running. Izumi knew he had to give her some kind of support so they could get to safety. He ran back to help the girl up. "Lean on me, I can hold you up." Izumi quickly looked back towards the beast, he was slightly confused to see another boy messing with the Chimera. As soon as fire escaped its mouth Izumi knew they had to get out of there. Izumi's adrenaline was really starting to get the best of him now. For whatever reason, he was driven to sweep the girl off of her feet and make sure she was locked in. She seemed to be weightless to him. He began to run as fast as he could, making sure he knew where his feet were landing so he wouldn't trip and fall. If he saw that boy again, it would be the second person he would have to thank in less than a few minutes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Chimera's snake head would duck down making the branch miss and stare at James angrily, as the chimera charges at top speed now at James. Most of the apprentices would start arrive to the castle.. to find the gates closed shut, them stuck outside.... they would see a figure standing on top of the wall above the gate, unable to see the figure clearly from the darkness, but the figure was simply watching them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James jumped to the next branch over, and started climbing up higher in the trees, trying to stay out of the Chimera's reach, taking one more glance over to make sure the other two that it was attacking got away before dropping to the ground and sprinting full speed in the direction the others went.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Bristlebane groaned, of course it breathed fire, it couldn't just happen to be chimera that couldn't breath fire could it? And it seemed the snake also seemed to be able to breathe some strange sort of poisen that withered the nearby vegatation even as he watched. Oh gawd that thing was loud, and moving, fast. Bristlebane nearly tripped over one of the many roots spread throughout the jungle turning to face foward. He picked up his pace quickly and agily covered the ground between him and the castle. Out of the corner of his eye he saw several other poeple also sprinting away from the Chimera but ignored in favor of keeping his footing. At this rate unless the Chimera did something unexpected he should make it to the castle before the beasty did. He grinned down at Cas, "Real as that castle over there, I hope so anyway cause if not then we're real trouble. Keep looking back there and tell me if it starts to catch up would ya?" he asked keeping up his blisteringly fast pace.
"Got it." Cas said watching the fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristlebane arrived at the castle tired from the relentless pace he had set himself, luckily Cas was rather light. He dropped her off on her feet in front of the castle. Luckily the Chimera seemed to be pre-occupied with attacking some stupid kid who was lucky to still be alive at the rate it was going. He looked up and some a silhouetted man at the top of the gate, seemed if he had good intentions, the gate wouldn't be closed. Bristlebane grinned, having a coat with many pockets came in real handy sometimes. He pulled out a loop of rope from under his patch work cloak and tied it so there was a hoop at the end. Carefully gauging the distance to the top of the ramparts he carefully wound up and hurled the rope up at the ramparts hoping it would catch. Unless the castle wasn't what it looked like the throw should hook around one of the stone ramparts and they would be able to climb and escape the chimera.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

the rope would just about hook onto one of the ramparts then just disintegrate into ash which flows away in a breeze... there would be no way over the wall uninvited it seems.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Solomon, the moment he heard the roars of the chimera began panicking and thinking of a way to avoid the chimera. He was terrible when it came to physical movement, so there was absolutely no way he was outrunning that thing; in fact, he highly doubted anyone could, even if they were great athletes or something. Using those other kids as a distraction, he came up with an idea. Using the trees as cover, Solomon took the longest route away from the chimera as possible, moving in a veritable curve towards the castle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Ah, good call! I've got a weapon myself. If you'd like, I could give you a crash course on weaponry sometime." He says, feeling like a casual conversation would keep him from messing up along the way. So far, he'd been doing pretty good in terms of avoiding any stray roots or branches that could prevent him from making a clean getaway from the chimera. "Man, of all the things to be chased by, it just has to be a chimera. In a jungle, of all places!" Ven states.
"Oh, would you? That would be wonderful, Ven. I've got seventeen older brothers so they all tried to teach me some things, but they've decided that I'm too small to use a crossbow, not strong enough to draw any sort of regular bow, and a little too squeamish to use a knife. I'm halfway decent with a sling but my brothers don't approve of it." She giggled a little crazily at his next comment. "I've read about chimeras. But I thought they were typically found in dry climates, like tundras and deserts and plains. Usually deserts, but there's been at least a couple of ice chimeras terrorizing the northern villages over the past thousand years. I've never heard of one in a jungle before though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Izumi made sure the girl stuck behind him. Suddenly he didn't feel her hand anymore, he stopped immediately and looked back. She was struggling to get back on her feet and go straight into running. Izumi knew he had to give her some kind of support so they could get to safety. He ran back to help the girl up. "Lean on me, I can hold you up." Izumi quickly looked back towards the beast, he was slightly confused to see another boy messing with the Chimera. As soon as fire escaped its mouth Izumi knew they had to get out of there. Izumi's adrenaline was really starting to get the best of him now. For whatever reason, he was driven to sweep the girl off of her feet and make sure she was locked in. She seemed to be weightless to him. He began to run as fast as he could, making sure he knew where his feet were landing so he wouldn't trip and fall. If he saw that boy again, it would be the second person he would have to thank in less than a few minutes.
"Lean on me, I can hold you up." Autumn glanced up in surprise at the boy. Why had he come back? He could have ran on ahead and made it safety. She followed the boys line of sight and saw that another boy had arrived and seemed to be trying to fight the beast. She gasped, fearing for his life. He couldn't take on a full-grown Chimera! She squeaked, feeling herself suddenly lifted into the air as the boy scooped her up and take off running. She wrapped her arms around his neck, a light blush on her cheeks as she was jostled from how fast he was running. She looked over his shoulder in time for the boy who had been dancing with the Chimera turned and ran for his life. Glad that he had finally saw sense Autumn faced forward, seeing they were approaching the castle. They arrived and Autumn looked up at the large structure. The gate was shut tightly and there did not seem to be a way in. Her eyes caught on a dark shape that was lighter than the darkness around it. She gasped, pointing. "There's someone up there!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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"Lean on me, I can hold you up." Autumn glanced up in surprise at the boy. Why had he come back? He could have ran on ahead and made it safety. She followed the boys line of sight and saw that another boy had arrived and seemed to be trying to fight the beast. She gasped, fearing for his life. He couldn't take on a full-grown Chimera! She squeaked, feeling herself suddenly lifted into the air as the boy scooped her up and take off running. She wrapped her arms around his neck, a light blush on her cheeks as she was jostled from how fast he was running. She looked over his shoulder in time for the boy who had been dancing with the Chimera turned and ran for his life. Glad that he had finally saw sense Autumn faced forward, seeing they were approaching the castle. They arrived and Autumn looked up at the large structure. The gate was shut tightly and there did not seem to be a way in. Her eyes caught on a dark shape that was lighter than the darkness around it. She gasped, pointing. "There's someone up there!"
The whole time he ran, he was focused on getting away from the beast. Izumi noticed how close they were to the building and he began to slow down a bit. As soon as he reached the gate, he came to a halt. He looked around, noticing two others have made it here before them. The girl he was carrying let out a gasp and he looked down in fear that she was hurt more than it seemed. "There's someone up there!" Izumi followed her finger to where she was pointing. He stared at the figure for a while before tilting his head, for he had realized no one was going to speak up. So he gathered the courage he had left and spoke up. "Hey! You! Are you behind this?" Suddenly, Izumi realized what they had been looking for the entire time. He let out a small gasp. "Its him." His words were very quiet, the others may have heard him mumble and the girl he was carrying would be able to make out the words he had just formed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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The figure seems to barely glance at them, and grin slightly before looking back at the forest as if waiting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zedd reached the the last tree were the castle and jungle met and he stops starring at the enormous gate. He jumps out the tree and walks towards the gate wondering why the others who arrived there before him haven't opened the gate yet. He lightly tapped the gate and felt a burning sensation on his finger. Zedd thought really hard ,but there was clearly no way we could get inside this gate another way. He kept searching and came across......a man standing on the gate. What the hell was he doing up there. He whispered to himself.Zedd decided to wait then and sat done with his legs criss cross starring directly at the gate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"Oh, would you? That would be wonderful, Ven. I've got seventeen older brothers so they all tried to teach me some things, but they've decided that I'm too small to use a crossbow, not strong enough to draw any sort of regular bow, and a little too squeamish to use a knife. I'm halfway decent with a sling but my brothers don't approve of it." She giggled a little crazily at his next comment. "I've read about chimeras. But I thought they were typically found in dry climates, like tundras and deserts and plains. Usually deserts, but there's been at least a couple of ice chimeras terrorizing the northern villages over the past thousand years. I've never heard of one in a jungle before though."
"Seventeen? Sounds like a tough crowd. I'd definitely like to see what you can do with a sling. Actually, it sounds like a sword might fit you well." He adds as the roars of the chimera seem to tone down the farther he gets towards the castle. Hearing her explanation on chimera, Ven's eyes seem to light up. "Really? I haven't had to deal with a chimera before, but I've heard the stories. The snake spits out poison while one of the other heads breathes fire. If that's the case with a regular chimera, does an ice chimera have frost breath?" He inquires. It seems he was finally able to come to a stopping point once he reached the castle gates, walking up to them. Surprisingly, he he's not tired from all of the running. "Do you think you're able to walk?" He asks Anna, slightly wary of putting her down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Well climbing is out of the question." Cas said when she saw the hook disintegrate. "There has to be a way in here that we can't see..." She mumbled looking around the gate.
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