Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

After the squires had begun finishing up the inventory, Marius left the young men busy at work. The Ylissean knight was disappointed at how many of his companions, or the lack there of, showed up for inventory duty. If Marius could not count on them to do the simplest of all tasks, just showing up for inventory, how could he ever begin to trust that they would fulfill his or her own part on the battlefield? If he needed help on the battlefield, would they simply not show up? Marius was tired from the events of that evening, so he headed off for his bedchamber. On his way there, he had passed the entrance to the mess hall. While he could have decided to join some of his companions as they ate, Marius just kept walking down the hallway. If his memory served him correctly, the only individual who bothered to show up was that Jerod character. When he first caught sight of this mercenary, Marius assumed that he might be a man of less than noble character. However, seeing that Jerod was one of the few Shepherds to have come down and help with the inventory, either Marius was wrong about that warrior's character, or the character of the rest of this colorful crew were even worse. Anyways, there was not a need to be drinking any alcohol at this time. They were going to be marching northward the following day. While he could not speak for the others, Marius knee he could not be hung over on that journey. Once Marius had arrived at his bedchamber and had finished preparing himself for bed, he climbed under the covers of his bed and rested his head on his pillow, allowing sweet sleep relax his mind so that he would be all refreshed for the coming day's march.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jacob looked back Marianne, she seemed upset with him. "I'm sorry, but if I don't get this people could die. People like you Marianne and it would be my fault." As he sat there working the confidence he normally seemed to melt away. Now there sat a sixteen year old trying to end war and keep everyone who swore there lives to him alive. He had to protect, as he planned for the upcoming day he decide he need to give himself the most dangerous jobs. He could be responsible for there deaths it would hurt to much. :You can stay the night if you like, I know the blankets not very thick so here." With a swift movement he removed his cloak got up laying it over her. "Sorry, I know you'd prefer me not get up and do this but I have, because I care about you, about the others I need to be the best I can for you all." He knew that probably wasn't the answer she wanted, but it was the truth. He gave her a slight smile starting to turn back to his desk.
Jacklyn sipped her wine as filter through reports and information her spy network was vast yet it seemed to have trouble with any place outside of Valm, it didn't matter. She was still angry her troop hadn't caught the champion before he made it to the dock and on to departing ship. Those failures of soldiers were now locked in stockades being pelted with fruit by an angry populace, Rosanne was a beautiful nation but it's people were fanatics for religion. She didn't care, oh sure she'd put on the airs and join them in prayer but really she just wanted one thing, the champion to suffer. She licked her lips and exited the room, out into the grand cathedrals main hall, down below amassed her expeditionary force. Those that would go forth and begin the campaign by gathering those loyal to Naga's church. "I have one last order for you, the Champion will be brought back alive and made to repent for his sins before he is killed!" She smiled as her soldiers cheer, her words invoked the feeling of righteousness in them. Grand Cleric Melissa stood nearby her head bowed, she knew her advisory wanted this war but she couldn't understand this need for bloodshed and that young boy, was he to be tortured until he repented? This could not be Naga's way... Could it? She would need time to think, she watched the troops leave, off to begin genocide.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jerod nodded to the lancelot lassie when she agreed to a mug of booze. So that was two more mugs then, so far, one for him, one for her. The prim and proper knightess lass declined, on the grounds of a low amount of tolerance for the stuff. Chuckling and shrugged, the feroxian barbarian replied with an equally barbed verbal jab, which made him laugh rather then anything else. Leave it to the Feroxians to not have a sense of damn humor, he figured. But he replied easily enough, undisturbed by the comment. "Wh't ever ye say, Feroxian. How 'bout ye, blueblood, willin' t' drink down 'ere?" Whether he said yes or no, Jerod excused himself long enough to get either two or three more mugs of booze, handing one off to the lancelot lassie while keeping the second for himself. The third, if he had to grab one, would have went to the blue blood before he sat down at a table, kicking up his feet to rest on the table while leaning back in a chair, listening to the Feroxian give his reasoning for working for the champion, while the blue blood went on training in the mess hall, for some blasted reason. Oh well, he might as well give the lad an answer. "Ach, gold is part o' th' matter, I grant ye tha'. But th' champion lad gonn' need all th' bloody 'elp he can git. 'e needs soldiers, an' I can provide tha'. 'esides, this Church o' Naga ca' give spirituality a ba' name. Don' need compared t' th' bloody zealots, savvy?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nephene grinned as the merc brought her a drink. Although she acted like an experienced drinker in reality she had never touched alcohol before. She cautiously took a sip of the frothing liquid and barely managed to contain her disgust, and her drink. She carefully set the mug back down having no intention to drink any more of the revolting stuff, she had heard such tales of heroes indulging in drinking contests of epic portions, but how anyone could drink even a mug of the stuff was more than she could fathom. She focused on the showoff noble and his question, "In my opinion our leader seems to be a good tactician and serving a good cause. And any good hero helps a good cause." she said proudly. Of course plunder from their enemies would let her buy cooler stuff, and cooler stuff made a cooler hero...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draexzhan
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Draexzhan Undertale Trash

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cinna snuck along the castle walls with catlike stealth. He couldn't let anyone see him like this. His meal was a bit too messy and he had gotten blood on his hands and mouth. There was small pond just around the next corner that he could use to rinse off. First he had to get there. upon arriving at the corner, he scanned the area ahead for guards and the like, and found only a single pair under a pillared corridor running along the side of the castle. They didn't seem to be paying attention to much, so he hurried over to the pond, and before he washed himself, he took a quick glance at his face in the reflection. The blood had made for a grotesque beard, which combined with his jester attire, made him look like a madman out of a horror story. Without another moment of hesitation, he stuck his hands in the water, shattering the image as he removed the evidence from his hands. Upon finishing that, he splashed water on his face and began rubbing the dried blood off. He could feel pricks of pain where the blood peeled off stubble on his face. He knelt there for several minutes, until he was certain he'd gotten every last speck. When he had, he wiped off the water with his sleeve, put his gloves back on his hands and hurried over to the main gate, where he was let in without any trouble. Cinna took a few wrong turns, but he eventually made it to the barracks, where he thrust the doors open and strode in with his arms outstretched. "Cinna returns! Turn those frowns upside down!" As he finished the sentence, he bent over and put his hands on the ground, raising his feet into the air and performing a handstand. He held it for about ten seconds, then comically fell forward, landing on his back with a loud smack!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rosalite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thalia's brows rose in surprise at Isacc's request, but the faint frown on her face indicated her hesitance at acting as lax with the noble as she did around others. Manners had been a big part in the way she had been raised, so all these people abruptly telling her to throw the titles and (perhaps excessive at times) respect out of the windows was a little jarring for the young woman. Still, after a moment passed, she gave a small nod in acquiesce. "Very well. If that's what you'd prefer, Sir Isacc." Despite her words, her posture was as rigid as ever. She made a very obvious effort to try relaxing herself, but the result was only the faintest sag of her shoulders...which promptly straightened right back up. It would probably take her some time, but she would try. After listening to the others' responses to the noble's question, Thalia leaned forward and set her elbows on the table, propping her head up in her hands. Brows furrowing, she let out a long hum as she considered her own answer. "I was just asked to accompany the group to ensure the Princess' safety, but I can't deny that Sir Jacob's goal sounds like a noble one--and, of course, a dangerous one. I'm still here to protect the Princess, but I'd like to do what I can to keep the Champion safe as well." Sitting up again, she dropped her hands into her lap and smiled. "I hope that I'll be able to provide a positive contribution of some sort on this journey at least!" Almost immediately after speaking, the girl suddenly had to fight off a yawn, which she only half-succeeded in doing. Ducking her head in embarrassment, she abruptly stood up and grabbed her empty tray so that she could return it. "Though on that note, I won't be of any help if I'm suffering from sleep deprivation. I think it's about time I retire for the night."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cerberus0807


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Isacc content with everyone's answer besides lorne's seeing as he'd likely just betray them later for money decided he may aswell say his reasons now. "Hmm...pretty interesting I myself came to see if I could help and I can't just let innocent people get killed over somebody's faith." after saying the Isacc sheathed his sword and let out a small yawn indicating he was starting to get fairly tired he then noticed what Thalia said and decided it'd probably be best to head to sleep aswell "I might aswell head to sleep aswell hope you all have a good night see you all in the morning." With that Isacc headed towards his room to go to sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura bitch you almost got blood on my timbs

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Lorne almost felt out of place as almost everyone in the room declared their intentions for joining the war. Outside of the vague confirmation that the drunken beard man was also some kind of sellsword, most of them had seemingly volunteered for the cause out of a sense of personal justice. He supposed money wasn't the only reason he had joined the fight, but telling them he was there for the thrill of the kill probably wouldn't have gone over any better than his admission of mercenary work. He pounded back the remains of his ale and made for the barrels of the stuff lined across the tables of the mess halls, maneuvering past the strange lad who came bursting in and performed a failed handstand of some kind after announcing his presence. These shepherds certainly had some characters among their ranks, if nothing else. As more of the pale alcohol streamed into his flagon, he briefly turned his head to see Thalia putting away her tray and prepping to leave for bed. Seeing as though she was the only one present he really knew, he went through the trouble of waving her off with a quick 'night'. The noble among them also seemed to leave, although he had little to say on that matter considering their lack of interaction. At least he wouldn't need to worry about getting clipped by his sword. With a nice big mug of ale to fill his belly with, he spun to face the remaining few people within the barracks, raising his mug high. "To a quick, heretical war" He toasted, before bringing it down to his lips and letting the cold liquid wet his throat once more. _________ The incompetence of boarder guards never ceased to irritate Fyra. What did they think a pair of merchants would be doing in Ylisse? Burning the countryside for fun? She couldn't show her irritation though. That would just make things more difficult than they needed to be. Putting on a meek little pout as the guard gestured to her and asked who exactly she was, she piped up in the most cutesy voice she could muster. "I'm his business partner... There won't be a problem with our passing, will there mister? I'd hate to not get to market by the morning..." She murmured, shooting him a pair of puppy dog eyes to smooth the process over, her prismatic orbs sparkling slightly for effect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adam finally rose from the floor to address the guards, signalling the cart driver and Fyra to wait a moment before they could pass. "Greetings patrols. Our purpose here is to just sell my quality goods for the people Ferox." He gestured at the caravan. "Forged by fine blacksmiths of the Foundation, rest assured that these goods are legitimate and finely crafted by hand. Or they're just picked up from dead bandits that tend to wound up on the road." The border guards spoke among themselves for a moment and decided upon a decision. "Lil' missy there on the cart, we won't take much more of your time, but we need to check the legitimacy of Mr. Secret Seller here." So they come along to the caravan and requested it to be opened. The process undergoes another 5 minutes where they confirm the trademark and list of stolen goods... And finally; "Alright you folks are good to go. Let'em through boys." The gates of Longfort opened and Adam climbed onto the Caravan to join Fyra and the driver on. "Stop the cart for me next time... If you do I'll reward you with something." They were on the way to the central district between the East and West Ferox.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chapter one: A Road Of Troubles. Jacob Jacob groaned, he had spent most of the night awake at his desk filling out forms. As the sun rose he went down ordered the squires to load supplies and took delivery of his expedition funding, 10,000 gold pieces in all. After that he went down to see the chefs in the kitchen, picking up a piece of bread with butter he headed over passed out letters, between the heads of each branch Ylisse's military and the backing nobles, each one was personal from him. The next thing he did was go visit the Tacticians academy and pick up half a library's worth of books, candles, and parchment. He knew he would have to lead occasionally but he hoped to pawn the duty off to his sister, she could scare a regiment of knights in to being maids if she put her mind to it. After seeing his personal supplies put away and getting tents stashed in there little caravan, he set about a nap in the pegasus stable's it was warm and quiet, the pegasi themselves were friendly enough, so long as you left them each a apple, he learned his lesson after last time being bucked off the stables, they were two floors up and landing in there droppings only made it worse. Andres Having awoken early at his desk, the old man had fallen asleep at it, the chair there was more comfortable than his bed, he sighed and stretched. He would know perform a morning ritual nearly forgotten by the Shepherd, a Frederick wake up call, maybe next he would bring back the Frederick fitness hour... Grabbing a pot from shelf and a large metal, he put earplugs in and paraded down the hall beating on the pot. "WAKE UP YOU LAZY LOUTS! ANYONE NOT OUT OF BED IN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES GETS CHARRED!" He chuckled repeating it as paraded up and down the Shepherds barracks, there was a reason the Shepherd were housed far away from the main building. A 5:00 AM wake up call would ruffle with the rest of the stuff but here in Shepherd well, no one really argued with a man who turn you to ash. Caroline The princess was then a little angry when a loud crashing noise awoke her, storming out into the hall she turned and glared at Andres. He gave her a smirk, snickering at the pick pajama's that was the last straw, she walked right up to him and delivered a kick that when it connected sounded as if it broken bone. Then angry young women turned looking at the hobbling old man. "If you ever do that again, you dirty perverted old coot I. WILL. END. YOU." she turned heading back into her room to dress, then to order a large and wodnerful breakfast for the Shepherds and maybe poison Andres food, she hadn't decided yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Marius had gotten out of bed long before any of the others, even before Andres' rendition of the traditional "Frederick Wake-Up Call". Even before the red cavalier thought about himself, Marius had gone out and checked on Bucephalus. How could Marius think that he could perform at his best if his horse was not at its best? After checking on his horse companion and giving him something to munch on before their big journey to that place up north, Marius returned to the barracks, where all the others had retired last night. Once he entered through the door, Marius heard the racket that Andres caused in his attempt to awaken the others. Suddenly, Marius witnessed the princess storming out of her room, still garbed in her nightwear, and performing her customary response to anyone who had vexed her: slamming her foot into the old man. Andres crumbled to the ground after what seemed to have been a bone shattering kick. "I. WILL. END. YOU." Caroline threatened the old man. After this threat, the Ylissean princess turned and headed back into her room. "Well, I guess we won't have to worry about anyone going after our healer, right?" Marius said. The knight's voice startled the old man, since, as Marius assumed, Andres probably thought that he had beaten everyone else at waking up first. "Although I would watch out for this little group of ours. There are quite a few short fuses aboard this vessel. Don't want anything spiraling out of control, don't we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yelling had Jerod on his feet in a split second, sword already half way out of its scabbard until he realized it was no one else other than their wonderful old man of the group, Andres. Sighing, half in irritation and half in relief, he returned the blade fully to its scabbard and set it down to begin dressing. Getting ready to go to Ferox had him far more on edge then he should have ever worried about being, but he was, and sudden yelling was never good for the nerves. Or a good nights sleep for that matter. The drinking hadn't left him with much of a hangover at all, but that didn't mean he was happy to be up far too early in the morning. Pulling the mail vest on reminded him that he was stuck with a group of rogues and redeemers that were marshaled into some semblance of a military force, under name of an old Legend. Gods help them all, he thought to himself, finished dressing out and kitting himself out with his rather light load of arms, as in his only sword. The pounding noise hadn't helped his mood or concern either, and he moved swiftly out of the room he was satying in, looking for the man responsible. Looking at the fact that the princess blueblood had gimped the old man Andres, and the stern knight fellow from the inventorying had decided to make his own commentary, it was pretty clear that the old bastard had decided to wake everyone up with a pot and yelling. Loud metal clanging, screaming and hollering, gods would forgive a man for thinking he was under attack, and he was more ticked off now than relieved it wasn't them coming under attack so soon. He crossed his arms, looking at the aftermath from the Andres getting a brutal kick and said kick dropping him, no pity or sympathy in his accented voice. "Wha' in th' seven blazin' 'ells were ye damn well thinkin'!? Hootin' an' hollerin' like th' place was bein' sacked, clangin' about like a damned madman! 'as age made ye dafter than ye look, ya blasted old coot?"Jerod was not happy with the old man, not so much because his sleep was interrupted, although that would certainly have no doubt played a part into it otherwise, but because the way the old man went about it was bloody minded stupid. Out at a camp in the field, that kind of noise would attract all sorts of unwanted attention, and would be reserved for if someone had already found them. Jerod was not impressed or happy with that kind of action, to say the least, let alone from some grand master of the tacticians.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cerberus0807


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Isacc Isacc had an oddly refreshing sleep despite only sleeping for about four hours with a yawn and stretch Isacc stood up put on his coat and walked out of his room. To just see very few people were currently awake so he decided he'd walk to the group of people awake and say good morning. "Morning how are you all doing?" Isacc then decided he'd make his way towards the mess hall and grab a bite to eat...Once he got there he grabbed some bread sat down and began to eat. Meline Meline was annoyed to hear the loud sounds to wake her up and got up dressed and stormed out of her room to comment on the creator of the annoyance. she then soon saw what looked like the princess and and old man and stomped upto them and began to voice some rather loud words to the old man. "Whats wrong with you why would you do something like that are you trying to annoy everyone?" Meline then gave a rather angry face a face that said if you do that again im going to beat the crap out of you. (apparently meline and the princess are similar in temper.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nephene woke up with a start crying out "VICTORY OR DEATH!" and promptly struck her head on the bed above her and fell back into bed, albeit this time with a small bump on her head. She groaned loudly, "Owwwwwww." she slowly, and very carefully, got up and quickly changed into daytime clothes and grabbed her spear. Nepehen walked to, like everyone else, see the old man get the savage kick he deserved, "Well glad to see he got what he deserved, now I need some food." she stated simply and wandered off to the mess hall and quickly began gobbling down breakfast hoping it would ease the pain of the obnoxious bump on her head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marianne blinked her single eye awake to meet the rising rays of sunlight. Or well, it would have been sunrays if it wasn’t still at least five in the morning. Sure the sun was rising, but at a Risen’s pace. And those things were slow either way. Rising out of bed, she wondered just what had happened to make her awake so suddenly. Then she heard the loud banging of pots and loud screeching before it was quickly silenced with a very audible crack. She could only guess that it was the Shepherd’s resident senior trying to rile them up on an early basis. The though made her giggle. “Ah, it seems Mister Andres will be fun to study. Hmm, I wonder how nice it is to squeeze the eyes of a Grandmaster…ah, but when fearless leader becomes a Grandmaster too…it’ll be so soft…” She blinked, surprised by her own thoughts, all too aware of the rising shade of red on her pale cheeks. This realization only caused another giggle to burst from her lips. “Easy girl,” she reprimanded herself. “We have all the time to show fearless leader our affection…Jacob is so fun to break and so…interesting….oh!” She had completely forgotten the rude actions she had taken just a night prior! Not her time spent in Jacob’s bedroom, but rather the dinner. And the fact that she was supposed to help organize the barracks. Immediate shame came to her being, and she pushed off of Jacob’s bed to quickly head for her own room. She noticed right away that their fearless leader was nowhere to be seen, probably out somewhere planning strategies. The man was so determined! Still, she had to make it up to everyone somehow. Bursting into her tent, she quickly traded her black dress for…well, another, much cleaner black dress, before haphazardly grabbing a few materials and heading towards the mess hall. Stuffed in her dress pockets were all sorts of dastardly things, including several Manakete teeth, some shards of glass stained with a blackish-red substance, and a shriveled Risen ear. “This should be perfect for everyone’s breakfast! It’s the best way to apologize for my lack of help last night,” she announced cheerily to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Marius was amused by the reactions of some of the other Shepherds to Andes’ ‘wake-up call’. How would they react when there was an actual thread present and everyone was needed immediately? As soldiers, since they have volunteered to make this journey up to Regna Ferox, all the Shepherds need to be ready for anything, whether an ambush of hostiles or a crazy old man comes their way. They need to be ready. “Well, now that some of you have arisen from your sleeping quarters, please head to the mess hall and grab something to eat for breakfast. This is going to be your last ‘fine’ breakfast, since once we have departed, we won’t have the facilities that we have here to make our meals. Once you have finished your meal, gather up all your belongings that you intend on bringing with you on this journey. We plan on leaving as soon as possible, so don’t diddle daddle.” Once he had given his fellow Shepherds the instructions, Marius made an about-face and headed toward the mess hall so that he could savor one last nice meal before the Shepherds departed. However, before he left, Marius had one last thing to tell his fellow Shepherds. “One last thing, everyone. Please go easy on Andres. He’s an old man and doesn’t need his allies throwing kicks and punches and venomous words at him. Plus, you never know what he might do to you all as a sort of retaliation.” Marius had everything planned. After he had finished with his last fine meal in Ylisse, Marius would double check his pack, ensuring that he had not forgotten anything (don’t want to be that idiot who forgets his weapon behind). Then he would go check on Bucephalus and prepare him for the long journey ahead of both of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andres Andres groaned as he got up. "Alright, listen up kids. We eat breakfast on the road, your leader was up most of the night and morning getting the Caravans filled. Now grab some food and report to the gates." He grumbled as he stumbled off to find a healer. Mumbling curse's that would make a Feroxi sailor blush. The old man sighed when one approached him and began his work, the Bishop here was one of the few who did support the acts of the church and instead decided to support his country. After the Bishop had mended his leg Andres set off for the gates finding eight carts waiting for them, three had tents and food while the rest were for storage and carrying the Shepherds. Climbing into the first one he pulled his hood up and decided to nap. Jacob Jacob arrived shortly after Andres, he had dark circles under his eyes and wore his hood up as well. The young boy went though running over supplies, seeing all the boxes and crates had been load he smiled and climbed into the a cart, he wrapped his robe tightly around him and went right back to sleep, the caravan leaving after the others boarded, the Champion out cold Naga herself couldn't wake him. Caroline The princess of course was furious when she heard she couldn't have her general two course breakfast and such. She grabbed two loaves of bread and a glass of milk from the kitchen scarfing them down she headed out to the caravans. She smiled and climbed into the back laying her brothers head in her lap petting his head. "My baby brother still just as cute as when you first got here." She smiled running her fingers though his long blue shaggy hair. After the others arrived she felt the carriage move, they were off as she still absentmindedly stroked his hair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hearing that breakfast would be on the road, Marianne paused in her happy skipping. Well, it did make sense to eat food on the run, what with a war being waged. With that in mind, Marianne scanned the many carts available, eager to take the one that held her beloved fearless leader. Spotting his sleeping form, she grinned widely and chose that one to settle in. Climbing into it, she was about to head for Jacob when something made her freeze. The sight of the princess placing his head between her lap and stroking it ever so gently caused a surge of malice to spike within the Dark Mage. She was…stroking his hair like…like she was some kind of…Marianne understood that the two were siblings. And yet...were siblings supposed to act that close? It was unnatural. Absurd even. Disgusting. She was touching her fearless leader, her kind, and smart, and devoted, and interesting Jacob. A crooked smile twisted itself onto Marianne’s lips and she approached the two resting royals uneasily. “Ah, good morning Miss Princess. I see you’re…taking good care of my fearless leader.” As she said those words, a mild killing aura began to engulf her core, making the tension rise in the air. It took a good majority of her will and control to not strangle the princess or maybe perhaps toss her overboard right then and there. Instead, she remained with that oh so sweet smile of hers. “Eheh, while I understand that you two have had little contact with each other, do you have to be so C.L.O.S.E. to him? Frankly, it bothers me. A lot. Quite a lot actually. I hope you don’t mind if I politely ask you to S.T.O.P. Reaching into her dress pocket, she fumbled for one of her breakfast meal’s ingredients, eventually revealing the shard of glass stained with the reddish-black material. “If you stop now, I promise not to stuff this glass down your throat or jab it through your nose, ok?” She remained smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Luckily Nephene had gotten a head-start on breakfast and had manged to fill herself by the time everyone else was ready to move. She wandered into a random carriage and set her shield up against the wall of the carriage and decided to take nap, after all it was unlikely that anything would happen until they arrived somewhere or people started yelling. Probably both.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Marius had just finished his morning meal when one of the squires brought him news of Andres’ instructions. Luckily for him, he already had a head start on breakfast, so Marius only needed to grab some bread to nibble on while they made their journey to Regna Ferox. Once he was at least ready, Marius walked out and checked on Bucephalus, looking to see if he was ready for their long journey. After giving his horse companion some last-minute hay, he mounted the horse and steered Bucephalus toward the eight carts that would carry both the Shepherds’ supplies and any of their members who were not horsemen. When Marius arrived at the carts, he heard the voice of a woman. By the way it sounded, Marius knew it belonged to the creepy dark mage that was among their ranks, the one who had that obsession with the Shepherd’s leader, Jacob. “Eheh, while I understand that you two have had little contact with each other, do you have to be so C.L.O.S.E. to him? Frankly, it bothers me. A lot. Quite a lot actually. I hope you don’t mind if I politely ask you to S.T.O.P. “If I have to put up with these kids for this entire journey,” Marius pondered as a rode past the cart that carried Marianne, Jacob, and whom he assumed was the princess, Caroline. However, he stopped in mid-thought, not actually knowing what he would do. While he would understand that girl’s outburst if something incestuous was happening, Marius guessed that that was not the case. “I just hope we run into someone who actually knows some light magic.”
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