Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hey Hylian, I have a question or two about the electrokinesis power before I continue Heather's power development. I was looking more into the power, namely the super power wiki, and I was wondering if any of these abilities are off the table for this rp. I don't want to accidentally god mod. haha http://superpowers.wikia.com/wiki/Electrokinesis
Alright! (There's something about being on a computer that lets me be more productive than when on my phone. Just more organized I guess.) So, with this, I'd like you to use your best judgement. These students have had their powers for merely a month, that's about 4 weeks, 28 days roughly. Would Heather have the handle on her powers to do what you're about to do with her? I have no real problems with any of the applications listed there so long as Heather would be able to perform them. As she's only had her powers for a month, creating lightning constructs would be a bit out there for someone so green but charging electrical appliances or absorbing electricity can be more on her level. I'll leave it up to you and if I see a problem, I'll more than likely PM you to sort of talk it through with one another. I don't want to be the all-powerful being here, I want use to work together. But at the same time, I will have the last word. So... ye... @DP Ye. Emily is totes the girl from Arrow... Damnit, what's her name? Felicity! I totally didn't just look that up on IMDb... So ye... I think everyone has a potentially useful power in their own right when used in an effective manner. Granted, Penelope's skill isn't like... catastrophic but she could be terribly hard to pin down or capture. She could also, potentially, be able to form her hand or such into an object like a key. Granted, this would take quite a bit of training and experience, but it's a potential. She would also be very hard to predict in combat as the nature of her ability leans itself towards unpredictability. So... any power can be useful. Emily could play mind-games with her foe. Like, bribery or blackmail. And in instances where machines are involved, she could stop a big machine from crushing the lot of us. Penelope can really only get herself out, but Emily can stop the damn thing from destroy everyone in it. So, it just depends. .-. -waddles around like a penguin-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vee would turn into an elephant and just carry the thing on her back. By the way Rose, can I ask what you think counts as an "animal" for Vee's power? Is it something she has to have seen before and knows is real, or could it be anything that could theoretically live in the world?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Also Scumbag Nick won't let Vee catch a break
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vee would turn into an elephant and just carry the thing on her back. By the way Rose, can I ask what you think counts as an "animal" for Vee's power? Is it something she has to have seen before and knows is real, or could it be anything that could theoretically live in the world?
She has to have seen it at least in live action, video or RL. She can't shapeshift into things she doesn't know exist. And the reason I exclude pictures is because you don't get a very good idea of an animal you've never seen before from a picture. She'd have to KNOW the animal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Now that domonic has left the RP should we re open the Roster for 1 new player? and where is darius?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

i am guiltily interested in rejoining this, but it's all up on rose
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I like Nick's power, he can just watch tv to train. haha
hahha he will be bringing his smartphone to watch videos from ;0
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey Hylian, I have a question or two about the electrokinesis power before I continue Heather's power development. I was looking more into the power, namely the super power wiki, and I was wondering if any of these abilities are off the table for this rp. I don't want to accidentally god mod. haha
Alright! (There's something about being on a computer that lets me be more productive than when on my phone. Just more organized I guess.) So, with this, I'd like you to use your best judgement. These students have had their powers for merely a month, that's about 4 weeks, 28 days roughly. Would Heather have the handle on her powers to do what you're about to do with her? I have no real problems with any of the applications listed there so long as Heather would be able to perform them. As she's only had her powers for a month, creating lightning constructs would be a bit out there for someone so green but charging electrical appliances or absorbing electricity can be more on her level. I'll leave it up to you and if I see a problem, I'll more than likely PM you to sort of talk it through with one another. I don't want to be the all-powerful being here, I want use to work together. But at the same time, I will have the last word. So... ye...
Yeah, I wasn't expecting Heather to instantly be able to do all these things, I just wanted to make sure these abilities were approved. I plan to make it so Heather has an reserve of electricity she generates through sleep/rest, and if that reserve runs low, she will tire/weaken. Any additional power she has depends on how much electricity she can siphon from around her. If she were to siphon too much, she could be at risk of burning out quickly, passing out, or some other consequence that I might explore later. I really like the idea of paralyses people, really will be a fun way to subdue someone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hey Hylian, I have a question or two about the electrokinesis power before I continue Heather's power development. I was looking more into the power, namely the super power wiki, and I was wondering if any of these abilities are off the table for this rp. I don't want to accidentally god mod. haha
Alright! (There's something about being on a computer that lets me be more productive than when on my phone. Just more organized I guess.) So, with this, I'd like you to use your best judgement. These students have had their powers for merely a month, that's about 4 weeks, 28 days roughly. Would Heather have the handle on her powers to do what you're about to do with her? I have no real problems with any of the applications listed there so long as Heather would be able to perform them. As she's only had her powers for a month, creating lightning constructs would be a bit out there for someone so green but charging electrical appliances or absorbing electricity can be more on her level. I'll leave it up to you and if I see a problem, I'll more than likely PM you to sort of talk it through with one another. I don't want to be the all-powerful being here, I want use to work together. But at the same time, I will have the last word. So... ye...
Yeah, I wasn't expecting Heather to instantly be able to do all these things, I just wanted to make sure these abilities were approved. I plan to make it so Heather has an reserve of electricity she generates through sleep/rest, and if that reserve runs low, she will tire/weaken. Any additional power she has depends on how much electricity she can siphon from around her. If she were to siphon too much, she could be at risk of burning out quickly, passing out, or some other consequence that I might explore later. I really like the idea of paralyses people, really will be a fun way to subdue someone.
Sounds like a fun time to me. :D Also, how's everyone doing? I just submitted my application for a thing at school and while I still need to work on getting one part of it completed, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm still stressing over getting stuff done and doing well, but it's much better now that that's sort of done with. I'm sort of... trying out this whole, "Be a better student," thing so we'll see how that goes. It'll probably just mean, for you guys, that I'll only be able to post once or twice a day at most. Anyway, I'd like to know how it's going for you guys. Also, how are you all feeling about the RP so far? I'm going to try and let everyone sort of RP stuff out that they want to, but if we want to just Timeskip to a specific time, like 5 minutes before Group Two planned to meet, then we can do that. We just need to try out best to keep everyone on the same page, I suppose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Also, how's everyone doing? I just submitted my application for a thing at school and while I still need to work on getting one part of it completed, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm still stressing over getting stuff done and doing well, but it's much better now that that's sort of done with. I'm sort of... trying out this whole, "Be a better student," thing so we'll see how that goes. It'll probably just mean, for you guys, that I'll only be able to post once or twice a day at most. Anyway, I'd like to know how it's going for you guys. Also, how are you all feeling about the RP so far? I'm going to try and let everyone sort of RP stuff out that they want to, but if we want to just Timeskip to a specific time, like 5 minutes before Group Two planned to meet, then we can do that. We just need to try out best to keep everyone on the same page, I suppose.
Well, I'm sick. <-Inactiveness explained But other than that I'm good. Busy-ish. Recital prep is under way, I'm about to send in my audition recording to a professional audition (resumes suck), I'm flying to Boston next week to do two grad school auditions, and uh...rehearsals and concerts and junk. I like the RP so far. I think I'm starting to get the hang of Emily. I'd be fine with a timeskip - Emily would basically agree with people and then lock up next time I made a post for her. Though, Group One hasn't planned a meeting yet so I could have Emily take initiative like she does and suggest a meeting time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 11 days ago

I was hoping that a few more of us would post, but I guess we can't help it. As for stuffs, I'm doing pretty neato. And the RP has certainly been fun and good, although it seems like we lost a ton of steam and have been slowing down. As for group one's meeting, go right ahead. Ferghus has all the silly comic book hero stuff distracting him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I was hoping that a few more of us would post, but I guess we can't help it. As for stuffs, I'm doing pretty neato. And the RP has certainly been fun and good, although it seems like we lost a ton of steam and have been slowing down. As for group one's meeting, go right ahead. Ferghus has all the silly comic book hero stuff distracting him.
I'll throw up a post when I get back home about 4 hours from now. -leaves to go to class-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've been fine, just had to take the time to study for exams coming up soon. I might not be able to post a whole lot until all those tests past. So far, I'm enjoying this RP. I still need to get a handle of Felyse, but other than that I'm pretty excited about the upcoming mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Also, how's everyone doing? I just submitted my application for a thing at school and while I still need to work on getting one part of it completed, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm still stressing over getting stuff done and doing well, but it's much better now that that's sort of done with. I'm sort of... trying out this whole, "Be a better student," thing so we'll see how that goes. It'll probably just mean, for you guys, that I'll only be able to post once or twice a day at most. Anyway, I'd like to know how it's going for you guys. Also, how are you all feeling about the RP so far? I'm going to try and let everyone sort of RP stuff out that they want to, but if we want to just Timeskip to a specific time, like 5 minutes before Group Two planned to meet, then we can do that. We just need to try out best to keep everyone on the same page, I suppose.
Well, I'm sick. <-Inactiveness explained But other than that I'm good. Busy-ish. Recital prep is under way, I'm about to send in my audition recording to a professional audition (resumes suck), I'm flying to Boston next week to do two grad school auditions, and uh...rehearsals and concerts and junk. I like the RP so far. I think I'm starting to get the hang of Emily. I'd be fine with a timeskip - Emily would basically agree with people and then lock up next time I made a post for her. Though, Group One hasn't planned a meeting yet so I could have Emily take initiative like she does and suggest a meeting time.
Ewwie! Get better! And good luck with all the things and things. I know it's probably stressing you out.
I was hoping that a few more of us would post, but I guess we can't help it. As for stuffs, I'm doing pretty neato. And the RP has certainly been fun and good, although it seems like we lost a ton of steam and have been slowing down. As for group one's meeting, go right ahead. Ferghus has all the silly comic book hero stuff distracting him.
Well, that usually happens. People get excited to post for new things and when it gets boring, they tend to slack off on posting and focus on their real world problems. I'm not going to harass anyone for not posting quickly (Too much anyway...) because I myself have things that come before RPing like my education. So... I understand all that stuff. It's why I try to give people a little lee-way about posting.
I've been fine, just had to take the time to study for exams coming up soon. I might not be able to post a whole lot until all those tests past. So far, I'm enjoying this RP. I still need to get a handle of Felyse, but other than that I'm pretty excited about the upcoming mission.
I'm glad! (about you enjoying the RP...) Good luck on those exams! I'm sure you'll do well. (:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I"m really enjoying the rp so far! Its been a while since I've been here, so I'm glade my first post hiatus rp is such a good one. I think we should time skip after the meetings, just to give everyone who hasn't been posting enough the time to catch up and get some character interaction in. Also, I might not be on Friday night. I tend to find myself at drunk get together after work and I"m very certain no one here wants to see me try to post in the rp while under the influence. lol Hylian, as Gm, will you be providing the actions/interactions for these criminals?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Yes, I will be controlling the villains. Also, would anyone oppose to a Timeskip to 8:30 when both of the meetings should end? That way we can have some more interaction and have them go to sleep and such and then timeskip to the day they all decide to get together before heading out on their missions. .-. Also, I am very sleepy. .-.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Also, would anyone oppose to a Timeskip to 8:30 when both of the meetings should end? That way we can have some more interaction and have them go to sleep and such and then timeskip to the day they all decide to get together before heading out on their missions. .-.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sad news for you guys: I'm going to be gone for a few weeks :( Not gonna stop RPing, but I'll need to focus on my studies for awhile. Sorry :(
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

eh, it will speed things up, sure
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

-pokes thread- .-.
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