Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AoStar
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AoStar Ano Buta

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shuu was happy to let Amami take over, despite being so dedicated to cooking a grand breakfast beforehand. He sighed in relief, as he trusted her cooking skills. When Sume-san came upon the rice cooker, he blinked in confusion. How long had that thing been up there? Months? Years? Generations? He couldn't even remember a time where he had actually used it. Maybe someone else in the house had. Atasuke was pretty independent. Mishi was like a silent fart, Shuu figured, sneaky and deadly. Haruko might have used it before. There was no way Hajime did. Isabella's small hand tugging his sleeve brought him back from his thoughts. "Bella-chan," Shuu pouted, "coffee now?" How was he to make that? And Bella's face, however devious it was, was just too cute. No. This would be easy. What was he worrying about? Shuu opened a low cabinet and took out a large coffee can, blowing away dust gathered on top. "Okay, coffee... Now, water," he mumbled to himself, as he took the entire can to the sink and started filling it up. Behind him, he heard Vernon's voice. He looked back at him with an encouraging smile, as the overly-dressed boy put his device onto the table. As the device started to shake, Shuu realized the water-coffee mix was overflowing from the can. He quickly turned off the tap. Okay, so now what do I do? He clicked his tongue. Ah! It has to be warm. This time he knew a spell that would work. "Ignir, shamela!" As the perfectly buttered toast popped up from the toaster, the can burst into flames. Shuu screamed like a girl, jumping into Kei's arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bozo
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Bozo Biker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

For the most part, Atasuke wasn't able to hear the commotion going on down the hall. Rather, he was too busy focusing on getting his now finished paperwork into a folder, shuffling the stack of files calmly before placing them into his briefcase. Most mornings went by like this one. He got up early, went downstairs at four o'clock, made himself a cup of coffee, went back up stairs, did a little bit of paperwork before getting dressed. Some of the others thought he was a bit obsessed about organization, despite him protesting that it was proper to have a routine. The clock struck seven as he left his office-like bedroom, giving out a quiet ring as Atasuke fumbled with his tie, before shoving an MP3 player into one of his overcoat's pockets. Sauntering down the hall, the voices of his fellow tenants seemed to be getting louder, gradually overtaking the music that was blaring into his ear, and causing him to quicken his pace as to not keep them waiting any longer. Finally, he emerged in the kitchen doorway, examining the scene before him with quizzical eyes; what happened next made him smile.
A large mechanical device was on the table, pulsating softly as a slice of buttered toast lay atop of it. "Yoshi!" He exclaimed, his teeth barring a rictus grin as he smoothed back his hair. "A new toaster! And here I thought that there was a fire with all the yelling." He took a step forward, plucking the toasted slice of bread off the paper plate. "Itadakimasu." He said gratefully, raising the food to his mouth and giving it a solid munch. "Delicious." Atasuke chuckled, wiping a crumb from his lower lip. "Anyhow, I'm going to be late for work at this rate, so I better get going!" He placed the slice between his teeth, poising himself to dash out the door until his phone beeped suddenly. Pausing, he reached into his pocket and withdrew the cellular device, quickly flipping the front up. His eyes widened. His heart stopped. A bead of sweat trickled down his face. The blue light from the phone enveloped his face in a sapphire hue, and the office worker couldn't help but stutter in disbelief at the message on the screen. "A-a day off?" He mumbled, his voice sounding muffled. "Company holiday?" With a sigh, he flipped down his phone and placed it back into his pocket. This had never happened before. Meaning that he was stuck here for today; would he have to socialize? The thought of being near these Demi-gods terrified him. He was just a normal man! Wait. He sniffed the air. "Is something burning?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

With all of the commotion going on beneath him, Koneko soon forgot about his little fight with Shuu over his right to sleep on top of the fridge. With that forgot, Koneko didn't have anything to do, and a bored kitty is a mad kitty. So in order to occupy himself, he decided to play with the magical bread maker that Vernon had brought. Jumping down to the ground, he crept up to the bread maker like a fierce lion stalking it's pray. Once he got close enough, he quickly batted it with his hand. When he did, a piece of toasted bread shot out of it and hit the ceiling. Seeing this, Koneko's eyes widened. He then proceeded to rapidly bat at the toasted bread maker, a piece of toasted bread shooting up the ceiling every time he hit it. Also, something may or not have been on fire. Koneko was a little to occupied to care
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Amami watched, in dumb-founded silence, as the world seemingly unfolded before her. Atasuke walked in, bellowed about a toaster, and...ate the toast from the machine. Amami waited quietly, expecting the man to collapse to the ground requiring medical attention, but it never happened. He left the room, but then her nose perked up. Was that...the smell of fire? She looked over and, sure enough, there was a coffee can on fire. Now, having access to basic knowledge, she was well aware that fire was bad. Having access to more than average knowledge of physics, after all letting bullets ricochet around willy-nilly without calculation wasn't wise. So, she whipped out her pistol, and fired a shot. The bullet lanced out, bounced off the wall, whiffing over the can and knocking it to the ground. As it tumbled down, she fire a second shot that winged the sink, turning it on and sending water flying at the can, she twirled the gun around her finger, then blew on the barrel, sending the gunsmoke away. She then slid her gun into the holster and, once the fire was out, walked up and flipped the sink off, the new chip in it..and the new bullet hole in the wall notwithstanding. She then sat the rice cooker on the cabinet and plugged it in, humming slightly as she said "I'll cook anyway if you'd like, Shuu-chan."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Isabella kind of stopped thinking about everything after hearing what Shuu called her. "Bella..... chan? Do I... look like a 'chan' to you, mongrel? It is 'sama', you brainless human." Isabella started floating, and even though Shuu was already scared witless about the fire he himself had started, Isabella couldn't have him thinking he'd get away with calling her something as disrespectful as 'chan'. "Fufufu.... Fufufu...." She laughed, in quite a creepy way, before her red eyes started glowing and she glared at Shuu and Kei. "Humans never learn. I will show you true fear once more. I don't even need my butler to scatter your innards all across the room." She moved her hand, and it was followed by a trail of dark energy. Of course, she didn't count that the other girl with the guns would actually shoot at the can of coffee standing over the fire. It would not be long until it hit, so why not dump the fault on something else for what she was about to do? It'd probably be the best. "Mongrels who do not know how to treat royalty. You can repent in hell!" Isabella muttered under her breath, before sending magic over to the can right before the bullet hit it, or she thought. She didn't take into account that the girl would actually pull an stunt like that, or that she was even capable to do so. The bullet landed safely in the wall and didn't explode as planned. "Ah." And it only pissed her off more. She changed the target of her anger to the new machine of the inventor boy. His inventions had gone wrong countless times now, one exploding now wouldn't be too much of a mystery. Using her magic, she prepared everything to make it explode. Now, she only had to wait for the next one to come and try to get something from it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Toast!" Sume-san grabbed his blobfish and plonked him onto his head as he plodded meaningfully over to the new toaster Vernon-san had made, which Koneko-kun was currently in the middle of exploiting. But suddenly, he sensed a surge of dangerous power. He turned to his left to see Bella-san leering evilly as she prepared some kind of spell. "Oh no! Koneko-kun is in trouble!" He rushed as fast as his small legs would allow him to, over to the small table the toaster was situated on. He plunged his jaws into the wood, and prepared to heave! "Strong nibble!" He said, heaving the table upwards and flipping it over his head, Koneko-san and the toaster sailing through the air, before releasing the table hurtling towards Bella-san. He felt a bolt of energy being released and he saw it collide with the table causing a large boom! as the wood shattered into splinters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bozo
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Bozo Biker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"You people are out of control!" Atasuke growled, ducking a shard of wood that slammed into the wall behind him. "The more damage you cause, the more difficult it will become to pay rent!" The house had gone from being quiet to a war zone in less than thirty seconds. That had to be a new record. His first day off and already he has to try and unfuck things; he was not a happy camper. Flinging off his overcoat, he desperately looked around for something that could put out the fire. Salvation came in the form of a bucket of water, which was conveniently located directly next to the stairs when it had been brought down from the time the ceiling still leaked. He clutched it, tossing the water over the fire, aiming to extinguish it with no regard as to who got soaked. "Enough is enough!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Edgey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sometimes, the greatest pass time in this nuthouse was to simply watch events unfold. Hajime was certainly entertained as he watched Shuu burn his coffee, Koneko shooting toast into the air ritualistically, Anami's rather impressive method of putting out the coffee fire (but not as impressive as Hajime was), and Isabella's little failure/temper tantrum. Sume's antics with the table were just the icing on the cake. The oddest thing might've been that Vernon's toast machine didn't explode of it's own accord. "Atasuke's right, you guys all need to chill out. Just like me." For all that was going on, Hajime was pretty calm. Of course, the others weren't such muscular bulwarks that they could hope to be unharmed in the event of more explosions and hijinks, so maybe they had to give them a little slack for all this. "So, was the point of us all coming down here to engage in wacky hijinks? Cause I think I remember something about a roll call before the rice and the coffee...." Hajime figured he was probably the only person that remembered that they were all called down here. He was just so great like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amidst a flying/exploding table, a fire which was quickly doused the old fashioned way whilst there were several shouts and screams, Vernon put on his ski goggles. It'd protect his eyes from all the crap that was flying around, like the wood debris from the table that was now in pieces. On the bright side, his invention had proven to be an unqualified success, and didn't follow with an explosion so far. At the same time, Vernon had been quite disappointed with the results; there didn't appear to be any adverse effects to eating the toast from the machine, something which he would have gotten some sort of kick out of. Without a table for it to rest on, the machine dropped to the ground. Vernon considered picking it up, but that would interrupt the situation at hand. At least one of the many pieces of toast it made had to be tainted somehow, and it was only a matter of time before someone found it. Ignoring his creation for the time being, Vernon turned to the first and only test subject taste tester of the T0@ST3R's unrivalled buttered toast; Akatsuke. "How was the toast?" Vernon asked with a smile which attempted obscure his disappointment. "No nausea? Internal bleeding? Not even an existential crisis?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Several things were happening all in quick, rapid succession and each one served only to give Kei headaches; it was already bad enough that the supposed adult had no idea how to cook the basic of the basic, but add to that people shouting, people shooting, and people setting things on fire and it rocketed up from 'bad' to 'this has to be a joke'. And if that wasn't bad enough, Kei was holding, not by choice of course, Shuu in her arms, cradling him like she was carrying him out of a burning building. Which was quite possibly the case, were the fire not attended to. And then there was the bit with the table. Kei made a split second decision once the table was flipped, once things were flying about, and once water was being flung through the air, and that decision was to simply shriek out in annoyance and stomp out of the kitchen; it was a madhouse in there and she was not going to be committed so early in the morning. Not in her pajamas. As she re-entered the hallway, she realized that her walk was...slower. And then she remembered she was still holding onto Shuu. "Ohhhh," she mused, "Wait, that's not right...how would an adult react...Oh!" Kei cleared her throat. "YOU PERVERT!" she shouted, letting her grip go and dropping Shuu to the floor. Kei marched off towards her room. She would come out when she smelled breakfast. Or the smoke of the house burning down. Whichever came first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bozo
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Bozo Biker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The chaos had stopped as quickly as it started. Kei left the room in annoyance (with Shuu in her arms for some reason), and everyone else opted to stand there in a prolonged awkward silence. Atasuke could only sigh, placing both of his hands against his head, massaging his temples in an effort to cease the roaring headache that flared up when debris started flying. A few moments later, after the fire had been put out, he crossed his arms, nodding in appreciation that Hajime shared his sentiment. With Vernon trying to get his attention, however, the salaryman could only shake his head when asked about any side effects. "Sorry to disappoint you, Vernon-kun." He chuckled, knowing fully well that the youthful inventor was always trying to stir something up. Returning his gaze back to the floor, he couldn't help but grimace at the mess the fight had made; there was always work that needed to be done, despite whatever 'vacation' the company gave him. "Everyone," He began, pointing to the mess. "Why don't you find something else to do while I clean this up? I'll make us all something wonderful to eat, something that isn't poisonous, alive, whatever. It was I who picked up the groceries yesterday; they're in the pantry." He turned to the closet, flinging it up and retrieving a mop and various other cleaning equipment. "After this, we'll have some steamed rice with broiled fish, tamagoyaki on the side with some fermented soybeans." He flashed everyone a large smile. "I'll call everyone down in about an hour or so. Since the table is destroyed, breakfast will served on the balcony upstairs." Atasuke then retrieved some rubber gloves and an apron, before rolling up his sleeves and beginning to mop up the floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Amami, after watching Atasuke get ready to start cleaning up, decided to help him out. For her part, she grabbed a broom and dustpan to begin sweeping up the table. "Sorry, Atasuke-san, I helped make this mess so I'll help clean it up. Its only fair." A gunslinger of her caliber had to fix their own problems, and this was one of them. After all, at least part of this was because of her firing her guns inside. On that note, she grimaced slightly at the bullet holes in the wall. Those would be a pain to patch, insulation and all, but it'd have to be done. At this rate, she'd have to get a part-time job to help pay for it. Of course, Amami had never held a part-time job, so she wasn't sure how she'd handle it. Shaking this train of thought out of her head, she redoubled her efforts. The wood was proving difficult to sweep up, as the chunks varied in size and shape, so getting all of it required concentration. One particularly stubborn piece really upset her, as it kept bouncing around every time she tried to move it. As she grew more and more frustrated, a vein in her forehead began to pulse and her face turned red. This stupid piece of wood! Why wouldn't it get in the darn dust pan?! She huffed slightly and moved on, but she wasn't ready to give up on that wood yet....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Nya?" One second Koneko was playing with the magic toasted bread maker, the next he was flying through the air as it exploded. Needless to say (although I'll say it anyway), Koneko was a confused kitty. "Nya...I'm hungry" although that didn't last very long. Making his way over the the fridge, Koneko opened it up to find a horrifying sight "RALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He let chilling screech. Slowly, he closed the fridge door, and with equal speed turned around to face the others "which on of you ate my fishy?" If voice's were capable of having temperatures, then Koneko's would have just broken the third law of thermodynamics by achieving absolute zero.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AoStar
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AoStar Ano Buta

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Kei-chaan!" Shuu called out, arm outstretched in desperation as the girl ran farther and farther away. A loud orchestra played dramatic music within his mind. Pervert?! Him? Well, maybe. The kitchen was a wreck. Shuu's rump ached. He got up from his spot on the ground and went back to the kitchen, where the others had started trying to piece the kitchen back together. Looks like we'll be buying a new table, huh Ata-chan?" He mumbled guiltily, scratching the back of his head with a disgruntled frown on his face. "Oh, Hajime-chan. About your earlier question. I thought it would be great for all of us to get up early in preparation for the tournament." He took a brochure out of the back pocket up his pajamas and held it up as a bright light radiated from it. "This tournament. It's hosted by the Universal Abilities Co. We're going to be divided into different pairs. I decided we all have enough talent, so I entered us as a competing team. If we win, we get a vacation at a beautiful resort." His eyes roamed over the destruction. "We probably need it the most."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Edgey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

At first Hajime had thought that his question would be lost in this mess of activity. He himself was distracted by all the new hijinks, with Kei carrying Shuu out of the room, and Atasuke and Anami getting down to the cleaning. The shrieking of both Kei and Koneko accompanied everything. He was about to get up to help with the cleanup, after all, who better than him? But then, Shuu returned and answered his question from earlier. Hajime had to admit, he was mildly reliable. Very mildly. But he was more concerned with the announcement that they would be participating in a tournament. "Now you're talking my language!" He exclaimed. Hajime had been competing in martial arts tournaments since he was a kid, and he won every single one of them. Of course, this 'tournament' was being hosted by a fruity sounding company that probably didn't intend for them to get through by punching everything. But that was okay; Hajime was brilliant enough that he would get through or punch enough things to succeed anyway. "Do we get to pick our partner?" He asked. Hajime felt he didn't need a partner, but he could think of plenty of people that would be a pain to be saddled with. Isabella was first on that list, as even if she could probably handle herself she would be nothing but a nagging wind in his ear. If they were going to get chosen randomly, then it would be the devil's luck that he would have to endure her nonsense the whole time. All he really needed was a partner that would shut up and let him lead the way to victory, however.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"A... a tournament? Are you crazy?! You know I can't fight. I would be about as useless as a squash in a tournament." Mishi said after Shuu announced why he had woken everyone up so early. She was boiling over anger from Shuu's stupid decision. The least he could have done was ask them if they wanted to enter. But, no he went right ahead and signed them up anyway. Mishi was far from a fighter like Hajime or Amami. Heck, even Sume-san would be useful in a fight than Mishi. Then again, Mishi was standing right in the center of the chaos that was the kitchen and somehow came out without a scratch on her. "Well, at least if we win then we can get a nice time away from home. After all, it seems like we are going to truly need it at this rate." Mishi stated as she looked at the wrecked kitchen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Prepare a coffee worthy of my palate, and I shall forgive this rudeness against my person. If it disappoints me in the slightest, I think I'll blow up the whole house. It'll make for very pretty fireworks, I'm sure." The demon stopped floating and landed gracefully on the ground. "And we all know that I will not be the one paying for it. Shuu boy, I hope you aren't bankrupt yet." Isabella said, before turning around and trying to leave the inferno the kitchen had turned into. But of course, Shuu's announcement had picked her interest. A tournament, huh? It had been quite some time since she had the possibility to measure her powers against others. AS long as I can destroy things at my heart's content, it doesn't really matter to me. And also, as long as I am not put in the same pair as the muscle brain around there, I will win that tournament for us." Isabella said, giggling all the while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bozo
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Bozo Biker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Atasuke had been idly sweeping the floor, sighing as he moved the debris into a corner so that he could properly toss it in the trash when the table shards were picked up. He was nearly finished, only stopping when he noticed that Amami was having a difficult time with a single shard, raising an eyebrow as he watched her face slowly begin to redden the more frustrated she got. It was humorous, in a sense, knowing that these kids were having a difficult time sweeping floors and cooking rice. After all, how pathetic did you have to be to not know the basics of living? Yet, he wasn't angry or upset; he was happy, rather, seeing as the youth of today were still as persistent and focused as ever. "Amami-san, you are over-thinking it." Atasuke informed her, smiling as he bent down to pick up the shard of wood, and placing it into the trashcan that was near him. He shrugged, before giving her a quick wink. "Remember, getting frustrated serves no purpose. A master has failed more times than a beginner has even tried." Isabella was an exception, however. She was probably doomed from the start. He was about to return to his work, but Shuu spoke up, saying something that the Worker's blood run cold. "T-Tournament?" Atasuke stammered, letting the broom clatter audibly to the floor before raising his hands in front of him. "I-I'm useless! You know I don't have any special powers, Shuu-kun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 8 mos ago

When Atasuke picked up the troublesome wood shard, Amami turned to him and smiled, nodding at his words and saying "Hai, arigatou Atasuke-san!" However, not too much longer afterward, Shuu said there would be a tournament "Ooh!" Amami said, bouncing slightly at the prospect of this. Her gunslinging was world class, surely she could get them through the tournament! And that wasn't even counting Bella, the powerful and bratty demon, Hajime, the overclocked Martial Artist, or any of the others! Between all of them, no opposition could stand between them and that vacation. Which was good, Amami reasoned, because they really needed it. Then, however, Atasuke began to note how his lack of ability may impede his usefulness. She couldn't abide that, especially not when he'd just offered such sage word! "Don't worry, Atasuke-san!" Amami began "I can train you to use a gun! And loan you one of mine! Then you can fight with the rest of us! And even if you don't learn enough, you can still help Atasuke-san! If everyone entering is like us, they won't expect you, you'll be like a wildcard!" With that, Amami offered him a thumbs up, before gathering the cleaning implements to stow them. She then grabbed one of her pistols and slid the clip out, popping the bullet from the chamber as well, then handed it to him, grip first, saying "Here, Atasuke-san! You can get used to holding one!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sume-san felt somewhat guilty for throwing the table. If he had just gotten Koneko-kun out of the way, it probably wouldn't have made as much mess as it had done. He felt like he should be responsible for cleaning up the remains of the table, but Atasuke-kun and Amami-chan were already cleaning it up for him. There was however, still pieces of toast all over the floor which he could help clean up. "You can't escape the darkness in your soul." His blobfish said as Sume-san hopped around, picking toast up in his mouth. But then he heard something that made him excited. "Mmmmh! Mmmh mmm mhmhh!" He said, jumping up at Shuu-kun, mouth full of toast slices. He shoved the pieces of toast deeper into his mouth and swallowed, 5 pieces of bread somehow sliding down his throat. "Did you say a holiday, Shuu-kun?" But suddenly, he felt something in his stomach. He suddenly fell over, what had gone wrong? The world started to fade to black as Sume-san tried desperately to keep his grasp on consciousness, but it was all in vain and he lapsed into unconsciousness. "Hope is but a fragile illusion that only fuels despair." His blobfish said.
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