Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Actually a question for duck, since the Blue Coal appeared in all of Asia quite a lot. What meant Japan was able to steal so much land??? China alone would surely out muscle any production Japan has. And each country would industrialise rapidly and militarise rapidly with their own strong sauce of blue coal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Actually a question for duck, since the Blue Coal appeared in all of Asia quite a lot. What meant Japan was able to steal so much land??? China alone would surely out muscle any production Japan has. And each country would industrialise rapidly and militarise rapidly with their own strong sauce of blue coal.

I will need to talk to Gorgenmast about it.

Victoria2FTW, app denied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taniel2Shot
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Victoria2FTW, app denied.

Well, I guess I have an entire paragraph to wipe from my Nation's History section. lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 4 days ago

Actually a question for duck, since the Blue Coal appeared in all of Asia quite a lot. What meant Japan was able to steal so much land??? China alone would surely out muscle any production Japan has. And each country would industrialise rapidly and militarise rapidly with their own strong sauce of blue coal.

The thing with China in the mid-late 19th century was that they had become ass backwards in a lot of areas. They didn't progress in the same way as the rest of Europe and by the time of the late Qing they were pretty stuck in their conservative ways. They tried to make some efforts but it was ultimately rather lost and rather late. The Empire had lost several wars aimed at forcing China to open up several key ports they wanted to keep closed, which was a humiliation to the Manchu court in Peking. So in the non-fictional world they had a strained concept of the West when the European powers and Japan were carving up their Empire for their sphere of influences.

Hell, at this time many Chinese units would still be using crossbows they're that far behind, never mind using modern rifles or muskets. They may have had the most effective bureaucracy and most advancement, but that was all well in the past. Folks like Cixi were the final nail in the coffin in a China strained with humiliation from several wars over ports and already carved up by outside interference. Sun Yet-Sen probably isn't a factor yet though, so they got that going for them.

And believe me, China being destroyed by the tiny island nation that is Japan took the rest of the world by shock too.

Though that was 1890.

Any political commentators in China might say the Mandate of Heaven was on its way out for the Aisin-Gioro clan. Then promptly get their heads lobbed off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

<Snipped quote by gowia>

The thing with Japan in the mid-late 19th century was that they had become ass backwards in a lot of areas. They didn't progress in the same way as the rest of Europe and by the time of the late Qing they were pretty stuck in their conservative ways. They tried to make some efforts but it was ultimately rather lost and rather late. The Empire had lost several wars aimed at forcing China to open up several key ports they wanted to keep closed, which was a humiliation to the Manchu court in Peking. So in the non-fictional world they had a strained concept of the West when the European powers and Japan were carving up their Empire for their sphere of influences.

Hell, at this time many Chinese units would still be using crossbows they're that far behind, never mind using modern rifles or muskets. They may have had the most effective bureaucracy and most advancement, but that was all well in the past. Folks like Cixi were the final nail in the coffin in a China strained with humiliation from several wars over ports and already carved up by outside interference. Sun Yet-Sen probably isn't a factor yet though, so they got that going for them.

And believe me, China being destroyed by the tiny island nation that is Japan took the rest of the world by shock too.

Though that was 1890.

Any political commentators in China might say the Mandate of Heaven was on its way out for the Aisin-Gioro clan. Then promptly get their heads lobbed off.

Did you intend to write China at the top there? You put Japan then went on about China.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Oh yes, my mistake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

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<Snipped quote by Alfhedil>

Hmm, I really don't know how to play that in, and the Greek Revolution twas an actual event, so I did want to keep who supported the Ottomans as realistic as possible. Those who supported Greece in this timeline stayed mostly accurate, except for say the Russian military support. Most of the European world supported Greece during the war.

Thank you for not consulting me before going through with a 'Greek Revolution'. I am gunning for a strongly Pan-Slavic Russia, and your territorial claims will fly in the face of Panslavist ideals, especially your occupation of Tsargrad, Bulgaria, Serbia and the Danubian Principalities.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Although with Blue Coal China may have decided to industrialise, although their conservative ways as Dinh mentioned may have stilll gotten in the way. It is up to googs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oooo actually about Russia...are we gunna do the sale of Alaska??? Since i am interested in it's purchase from you...much like what really happened it did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

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Yes, you may have that blasted chunk of ice in the middle of nowhere with no real value to us. Siberia's where it's at, folks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Yes, you may have that blasted chunk of ice in the middle of nowhere with no real value to us. Siberia's where it's at, folks.

On the subject of Siberia: It has a few huge blue coal deposits but they will be hard to exploit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hmmm with such wording i may get a bargain. Also whoever has Canada...PM me. I would get a name but I am in a rush and on my phone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 4 days ago

Although with Blue Coal China may have decided to industrialise, although their conservative ways as Dinh mentioned may have stilll gotten in the way. It is up to googs.

Well Cixi did perform some form of western industrialization in the early 60's on Cixi's orders after the Second Opium War. But it probably wasn't near aggressive enough at the start, and given the date difference it probably wouldn't amount to much.

What really sank them was their refusal to update the military. They attempted to do so, but Cixi got pissed off when the British ships they bought came to China with a British crew and still under British command. When negotiations on them turned sour they sent them back to England.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

<Snipped quote by duck55223>

Well Cixi did perform some form of western industrialization in the early 60's on Cixi's orders after the Second Opium War. But it probably wasn't near aggressive enough at the start, and given the date difference it probably wouldn't amount to much.

What really sank them was their refusal to update the military. They attempted to do so, but Cixi got pissed off when the British ships they bought came to China with a British crew and still under British command. When negotiations on them turned sour they sent them back to England.

The idea is that blue coal allows for extremely rapid industrialization, and I am not pushing for total historical accuracy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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You might use the Byzantines. They were Greek. If you can get the GM's permission you might be able to say that the Byzantines were never conquered by the Ottomans and that they expanded into the holylands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 7 days ago

I posted this in the interest check before I noticed that this thing was already made so here, a copy paste of my request :)

Can I join as a United Netherlands? In which Belgium lost its independence war/got reconquered by the Dutch? If I can can I then also please keep Indonesia? Unless someone else wants it... Then I'll have to take it by force! :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Name: Commonwealth of Australia

Territories: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu

Government: Constitutional Government formerly Constitutional Monarchy

Important Characters: Prime Minister Johnathon Lockly, Sir James William Minister of Foreign Affairs, Presley Cooks Minister of Defense

Economy: The Commonwealth's economy is built on plantations built across Australia during the times of the British occupation and are now owned by private interest paying the Commonwealth taxes for the land. Another form of income for the government is the export of Blue Coal from the mineral veins that were found in the Australian outback when expeditions were sent to explore the land. There are also several natural resources on New Zealand and Papua New Guinea that are exported to bring in extra income to the growing government. The Commonwealth of Australia is just starting to build new and improved factories on the main land to make use of new Blue Coal mines to help in the production of airships and other resourced needed for a flourishing nation.

Military: The Commonwealth military is not the greatest at the moment as it is still trying to establish itself after being freed from British rule, but what they lack in sheer number they make up for in ingenuity. They have an almost non-existent standing army with only ten thousand footmen making up the bulk of the army, but even though the land army is small they do boast a large Air Fleet and Naval force. This force has some of the most advanced technology with the direct source of Blue Coal being able to allow researchers to find new ways to use it. Many of the smaller pacific islands scattered around the Oceanic region house Hangers for planes and Air ships as well as Naval bases that can house a few ships to even fleets.

History: The Commonwealth of Australia is one of the new nations to join into the fight to become the superpower of the world. In it's last few decades as a colony of the English, there was growing discontent between the native people and the arriving colonists who were a mix of people looking for a fresh start and the convicts that were exiled to the large continent. There were a few leaders that directed this frustration back at the British government leading to an underground group to form whose purpose was to drive the British out of Australia and the entire Oceanic region. With the rise of Blue coal mines being dug across the Australian outback, the underground faction reached out to the United States of America for support in their effort to fight against the British.

In 1852, the British finally pulled out of Australia as the colony declared independence followed closely behind by New Zealand which soon joined with New Guinea to fall under the umbrella of the Commonwealth of Australia. With their own independence secured, the government slowly grew into an established Constitutional government over the next 14 years with money coming in from the States as they supplied them with Blue Coal and other goods. Over these fourteen years the Solomon islands and Vanuatu were added to the Australia as they continued the ambition of bringing the majority of the Pacific islands under their umbrella.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: The Kingdom of Naples

Territories: Naples, Sicily

Government: The Government of the Kingdom of Naples is a total monarchy, whereby King Pagani holds full control of domestic and foreign policy, as well as being head of the Kingdom's army. There is a Parliament to the Crown of Naples, which in theory is supposed to advise the King on policy making, as well as other matters.

The Parliament to the Crown of Naples, or PCN, is occupied by sixty District Marshals - themselves appointed directly by King Pagani. It has the power to veto the King's decision on any and all subjects, however rather paradoxically, he also holds the power to ignore their veto. Which he has done before, but rarely, owing to the fact that most of the District Marshals are his friends and so never offer much resistance to him anyway.

The common man is kept firmly out of government, and even the wealthy elite have trouble getting a say if their views differ wildly from King Pagani's.

However, The Kingdom of Naples also operates along feudal lines. Each District Marshal has under him a certain number of knights, who under them holds a certain number of soldiers. If the King falls too far out of favour with Parliament, he can find himself short of men - though this has never happened.

Important Characters:

Economy: The Kingdom of Naples has outlawed industrialisation, and relies heavily on agricultural output. Land reclamation work, aided by foreign specialists, has increased arable land by 12% in the last 12 months, and this is likely to rise to 35% over the next few years.

Due to the outlawing of modern machinery, the kingdom's agricultural methods are a laborious and long affair. Oxen and field labourers are the main means of harvesting and maintaining crops, and at present, the country can barely feed itself - a growing source of public resentment to the King.

People are free to trade what they wish, and laws regarding sales of merchandise are relatively lax. Taxes are collected on an annual basis, around March time, and are fixed at 12% of a citizen's total earnings.

The lack of raw materials in the Italian peninsula has hampered the King's attempts to refrain from modernisation, and his fragile economy leaves him little left in his coffers to import foreign aid - not that he would wish to do so in any case.

A small market has risen around the marble trade, with Neapolitan Marble being seen as somewhat a fashion trend in some developed nations. Its hand-crafted background give it that certain appeal to the rich and the wealthy.

With nothing to sell, and no money to buy with, the Kingdom of Naples faces large scale disaster if it does not find a solution to its economic woes. Many feel that modernisation is an eventual step that Kingdom must take, but Pagani seems intent on avoiding this.

However, the resent discovery of small Blue Coal reserves located at Mount Vesuvius and Mount Etna have provided the King with a potential life line - assuming that he can find nations to lease the land to. Though using Blue Coal to prop up the economy may be seen as hypocritical by both his peers, and his people.

Military: Each District Marshal employs 60 knights, who in turn employ 60 men at arms. This gives the Kingdom of Naples a total troop strength of 216,000, although these soldiers are rarely at their posts in peace time.

Typically, the Pagani Army relies on armoured troops and melee combat to win the day. The horse is still very much a prominent weapon, and although generally speaking the country's war machine looks laughable to an outsider, they would do well to learn lessons from Francis II's disaster.

Common Troop Types:

  • Neapolitan Men-At-Arms, which are either foot or mounted infantry. They usually wear armour, and wield swords or shields.
  • Neapolitan Knights, who are the tanks of the Pagani army. Much like their medieval counterparts, they rely on their heavy destriers and thick armour to win the day.
  • Neapolitan Crossbowmen, are exactly as stated on the tin. Crossbow wielding troops, who usually huddle into squares to launch mass volleys.
  • Sicilian Archers, who employ the Sicilian Longbow (more or less a copy of the English longbow).
  • Sicilian Petards, that are lightly mounted skirmishers who carry flasks of gun powder. Typically, their task is to overwhelm a tank and find a way of getting their crude explosives inside of it. Though this seems a desperate measure, it has proven effective in city fighting.
  • Sicilian Catapults, usually of manganol or trebuchet design.
  • Neapolitian Sky Ballistae, designed for firing missiles skywards at airships. They have yet to be tested.

History: View King Pagani's history, as it pretty much sums up the rise of the Kingdom Of Naples - albeit with a focus on him.

Can include an additional history section here, if the GM deems it necessary.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chinese NS goes here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

I posted this in the interest check before I noticed that this thing was already made so here, a copy paste of my request :)

Can I join as a United Netherlands? In which Belgium lost its independence war/got reconquered by the Dutch? If I can can I then also please keep Indonesia? Unless someone else wants it... Then I'll have to take it by force! :P

United Netherlands is acceptable.

On the subject of Indonesia however I planned to have the Japanese start at war to take Indonesia for their own. I would not have it, the war would just be beginning. I was hoping that someone would join as the Netherlands actually so I did not have to NPC them for the war.

Edit: Reviews so-far coming soon.
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