Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sika was pleased when the human male was caught in her chains and forced to drop his iron weapon. He still had his strange smelling thing, but it was so short that Sika didn't worry about it much. She transformed into her human form, dressed in her kimono before she squealed in glee and jumped up and down excited about catching the human she so desperately wanted to observe. She giggled and held her hands together, her wings rustling as she did. She cocked her head as he spoke and she moved a bit closer to him. 'Hm? But I just caught you. How can I observe you when I let you go?' she asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 1 yr ago

'You're human, right? You smell human.' she asked. She was almost pulled forward when he kicked away, but she extended the length on the chains and pulled him off the ground so he couldn't do it again. 'Humans are so interesting, I want to observe one up close, but the ones I saw all had other supernaturals near them.' she shivered lightly as if fearing to be near the other supernaturals. 'So then I came here and you smelled so delicious!' she put her hands together in glee. 'And you were all alone, so now I can finally observe a human up close.' she smiled happily. 'But not here though, it's way too open out here.' she started to skip towards another place, keeping him up in the air so he couldn't pull her again. She wasn't admirably strong, so she had to made sure he didn't do that again.

After a short while they arrived at a cave nearby and she trotted inside, the cave having been her sleeping place for the last few weeks. She connected her chains to the wall, created two more to bind his feet to the wall and giggled as she walked over. She poked him in the stomach lightly and looked amazed at the squishy feeling of his skin. 'So soft.. do humans get hurt easy?' she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan heard a gunshot and instantly moved his arms up to protect his main body. He watched as Mason's body began to gush out blood, and his eyes widened slightly. He heard another gunshot, then another, and finally a third additional shot. He had begun dropping to the ground and raising his arms when he suddenly felt the bullet go directly into his elbow. Because of how his arms were bent, the bullet pushed in towards his hand, and basically destroyed his elbow for now. He felt the pain begin to surge and he gripped his wound, clenching his teeth and looking at the ground. He couldn't focus on anything for a moment as the pain completely enveloped his thought process. His mind began to overcome the pain and heard Mason shouting to take cover, he looked around before running off the road to a tree.

Alright... I have no training yet, no weapons, and a lot of pain in my arm... What can I do to help? He closed his eyes as he sat down on the ground. Come on... What can I do? If that shooter had only waited until I had at least been trained in combat before attacking...He quickly moved his head out from behind the tree to glance in the direction of the shooter. "Mason, where are the guns?" He said in Mason's direction. He may not be very good at aiming, or know exactly what to do, but as long as they had an abundance of ammo, he might be able to keep the shooter on his toes in case he got a lucky shot. Sure right now Mason was shooting at him, but any advantage they could get would just be helpful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jae


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Dlayeth said
Lillith carefully unclenched her teeth. Her jaws were starting to hurt. She felt her new-found ally helping her up. "He's not... my friend..." she practically spat through her teeth. She carefully formed her words, she could still feel the currents of electricity going through her trembling limbs."Don't worry, there are other jobs. I won't let him be your boss. Like hell I'll just let him do what he wants. You will not be going to see him after you take me to my room. You will not be taking to my room. We are going to see my Uncle. If Ivan tries to get in my way with this. I will kill him." The last four words were spoken clearly and despite her current state, at that moment it didn't seem like a bluff or an empty threat. In her words were a barely restrained cold fury and killing intent.When they were about to get inside. Lillith forcibly and noticeably gathered herself. She would not show weakness to any of the servants or supernaturals inside. She shakily stepped away from Aniela, and took a deep breath before opening the door. She walked inside as if nothing had happened, though there were traces of her fatigue and shakiness in her movement and speech. After that, she set out to find Vlad. He should still be where he was last. She didn't give a damn if she interrupted anything. She passed by her "cousin" and a strange woman that she recognized as her cousin's actual mother. She nearly stopped them, but decided against it. If they were walking about it would have to be with Vlad's permission, and if they had managed to take down Vlad and Isaac together, then there was no way she could stop them anyways. Beside that, they didn't look like they'd been in a fight, nor did they look like they were trying to escape.

The cuts in her lower lip were still there, and now letting out a small amount of blood. Even thinking of blood make her stomach growl, the animal blood didn't suit her. She glanced over to her friend, "I understand. Lets at least hope I dont have to work for the asshole. " she muttered. She didn't take no surprise in what Lillith said, she would do the exact same to him.. or worse.

She let go of the succubus when she began to pull away, they had passed a young girl and a older one, around the age of Aniela (17) or older. Then not too much later they had passed a male, who had white hair. (Issac) The Empousai watched him go. He seemed to be going for the older girl and the young one.

"Who are they?" She asked, "The woman and child, and that boy." She had to admit, he was hot. Though, she assumed he was a supernatural and she couldn't use her.. charm on him, no matter how much she would want to, she wouldn't be able too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Dutch looked at his body thinking, "Now, how am I suppose to do that?" and then actually speaking allowed, "Fine. Can't you just shrink it or something and carry it in your pockets. It isn't like I can hide it, much less carry it." he then paused, and continued, "You know, sorry. I guess I have been in a bad mood today. I just feel antsy today. It has been almost exactly an entire year and it been reminding me of that hell-hole."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wall of text inbound by Carty and Gonzo!

It had been quiet, painfully quiet for Kain as he slowly regained strength from his ordeal. Before he knew it though gas began pouring in, a gas very familiar to the furred creature. He held his breath at first but eventually was forced to breathe in the fumes, causing it's effects to slowly seep into place. During his last waking moments he fell on his knees, coughing and fighting to stay awake until darkness consumed him.

He only got a few moments of consciousness to realize the guards were dragging him somewhere, where that was the lycan did not know until he was tossed inside the room like the mistreated lrisoner he was. It took a long minute for him to get on his hands and knees, panting softly as he scanned his surroundings.

Daniel looked at the note, and then at the ceiling where the gas was being poured from. He read the note quickly, making it to the end just as the gas was starting to take effect. He pounded at the wall over and over, hoping it would break so that he could see Kaori again, but it was no use. Within an instant, he was out.The vampire awoke a while later to the sound of someone panting. He tried to look up, but it was mostly blurry. He did, however, make out a figure standing up. It looked horrid. Some kind of massive, blurry creature. Was this another torture technique? Was he going to be eaten alive from some kind of carnivore? The thoughts swirled in his mind as he tried to break free of his restraints. He opened his mouth to yell, to scream, to beg for some kind of mercy, but no sound came out, save the small, scratchy sound of air being forcefully pushed out of his throat. he thought to himself,

Kain squinted his eyes and glanced over at a strange sound nearby. His eyes laid on the figure until his head cleared to give him a face. He stared in disbelief but when he sniffed the air a drifting familiar scent had reached his nose, one he had known since the beginning of his cooperation with the humans. "Daniel..." The lycan whispered under his breath, it was loud enough for the vampire to hear though.

The vampire looked over at the figure again, still struggling against the restraints. His vision started to clear up, and the creature took the shape of a lycan. Daniel blinked a couple of more times, and the lycan became more visible. It was Kain; someone else he hadn't seen in a long while. The vampire struggled once more against the restraints and then finally stopped. He opened his mouth to speak, but again the same small sound came out of his throat.

Seeing how the vampire reacted to his name was a positive result for the lycan. He smiled and stood up, walking over to the boy then stopping, remembering the vampire was in chains. "Daniel.. Why are you in chains and I am not?" He knew there was some sick ploy being played somewhere, but he didn't know what. The lycan simply sighed and walked up to the restrained long lost friend, looking over his chains. Deep inside him he didn't believe it, and assumed it was another one of those guard's illusion torture sessions. He without thinking placed one of his massive paws on Daniel's cheeks, his crimson red eyes peering into the pair of ex-human eyes before him.

Daniel looked into the lycans eyes, waiting for him to do something. He didn't want to be tortured, but it had to be done, or else both of them would get it. After closing his eyes for a moment, he remembered he could communicate through thought. He would have hit his forehead if he could. Listen to me, Kain. I know you don't want to torture me, but you have to. It won't be anything new to me. If you don't, they'll probably torture us double, and I cannot go through that again. So pick those damn tools up and go through with it already!

Kain stared at Daniel and hung his head low, regretfully nodding to Daniel's command. "I wish it was the other way around... Daniel its good to see you're alive. I am sorry we had to reunite like this." The Lycan said, not looking into the vampire's eyes anymore out of pure hatred for himself. He casted his eyes over the tools, putting his game plan together, he was going to hurt Daniel as much as he had to, no more, no less. "Is... Kaori okay? Mike and his family? Al?"

Daniel just watched Kain as he looked over to the tools, then closed his eyes and readied himself. Kaori is fine, for the most part. She was in the cell next to me. I got to exchange a few... written messages before they gassed us and put us in here. I don't know about Alfons. I don't know about Mike, or his family. How are you? I don't even remember getting here. I haven't seen any of you guys since that guy on the tv screen told me to come here. I think he has the power to manipulate, like The Manager... A small laugh (if you could even call it that; it sounded more like a soft wheeze and a couple of puffs of air) escaped the vampire's lips. I cant even believe I am saying this, but I wish I was back in the hotel. I mean, at least there I had a shower, and working water; actual clean, working water, food, anything I wanted. Plus, I wasn't being tortured every day... Speaking of torture, just get it over with already...[\i]

Kain nodded and decided to keep his messages internally between himself and Daniel, keeping his words to his thoughts. [i]Usual, tortured until I can no longer stand, thrown into cell, recover, repeat.
A slight smirk grew on his face as he took up a fairly decent knife, the only thing that didn't look like it was use to tear a body apart. The lycan lifted the knife infront of him then looked down at Daniel, a sense of vengeance in his eyes. I will kill that man for taking the freedom we fought for away... No matter what his reasoning is. He sighed and approached Daniel, hovering the blade over the vampire's neck. "Are you ready Daniel?"

He didn't give the vampire time to respond, knowing that talking would break his focus. The lycan put himself to the awful task of torturing the vampire, digging the sharp edge of the knife into the boy's skin and dragging it down his neck to his chest with a movement that was painfully slow. It took him a full minute to draw a cut in such a short distance, letting the smell of blood reach the vampire.

There he stopped but could tell Daniel was wanting him to continue. Taking a deep, shuddering breath the Lycan drew a canvas onthe Vampire's body with the knife before setting the knife aside, taking up a pair of tweezers afterwards. He was worried the blood would drive Daniel crazy but expected it, grabbing one of Daniel's fingernails with the took in his hands. He mouthed a countdown with his back turned away from anything other than the man before giving the nail a yank, treating it off of Daniel's middle finger without a, hint of hesitation. Feeling that he satisfied whoever was watching Kain went back to the,tools, staring down at them with a hint of anger surrounding him... It was quite obvious he was more pissed off than fearful of his captors due to their sick conditions they had thrusted upon him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mike faced Rand when he said that Mike had prissy morals which got a growl out of Mike before he snap his fingers and said "Your right, I may have prissy morals, but that does not mean the bloodwolf inside does". Mike then paced around before he looked at Raid and then walked up to him. "As A hunter, you know Werewolf communicate though howls. Vampires have words and a Bloodwolf has both. I am engaged to be wed Rand, people may call Danni my wife but truth be told we're not husband and wife yet. I've bonded with Danni on a physical and Mental level, as in wolf terms she is an Alpha female and Delilah is an Alpha pup. We share a powerful bond that can't be broken and though that bond I can talk to them, it not an attack or a hidden power it's actually how wolves work"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gonzo
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Gonzo Narcissist and Sarcastic Neucance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

At the moment right before Mike was able to "speak" to his daughter, or Danni, a couple of guards who had been listening to the conversation ran into the room. The held up a couple of tranquilizer guns, and fired darts at him. The tranquilizers were strong enough to take down 2 elephants each, and worked as soon as they pierced skin. Once Mike was out, they dragged the bloodwolf out of the room. Another guard entered the room once the bloodwolf was out and stared at the human on the table. He shook his head silently before mumbling something about how his boss wouldn't be happy. He took out a small syringe, filled with a tranquilizer, and plunged it into the hunter's neck.

"You will be properly restrained again, and someone will be in to deal with you, shortly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mike closed his eye as he sat in another cell, he removed the darts from his body as he looked at the guards. "You know, How about I make a deal with your big overlord?. He lets me leave this place to return to the hotel with the manger with my family, and we never bother him again. We live out our life the way we want to. After all, at least the hotel feeds it guests proper food and not the crap that we're given here" Mike said to them calmly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The great bear let out a long yawn, then proceeded to stretch and get up. He felt like he had slept for ages, and proceeded to shake himself in order to remove any foliage that might have landed on him. Everything smelled different, everything had changed. Course, he remembered that there were intruders on his land, but figured they were to little to steal any food worth going for. He often made these decisions after a long nap, it helped him think. However, more importantly, he was really darn hungry. He started to walk towards the town, but soon smelled something even better. He followed his nose towards the smell, slowly weaving towards it. He passed by many trees, and about a quarter mile later, he found what he was looking for. A recently deceased deer carcass, just what the stomach was hoping for. The great bear reached its' head down, giving the rotting corpse a good sniff, then opening its' mouth, proceeded to rip into the carcass. The taste was excellent, and the partial decay gave it excellent flavor. This was how Goliath loved his food; about a day or two old. After finishing tearing apart the dear, he went to satiate his other needs, first and foremost: water.

(Therseod ((the werehyena as a whole)):)
The werehyena walked (in human form) through the dark halls of the fortress. Despite more wide open areas being closer to what he was built for, he didn't mind Vlad's complex too much. The food was good and the job was fun, that's all that really mattered to him (or should I say them?). He really hoped he wouldn't get fired anytime soon, however he knew it was probably inevitable. It always was. He would join an organization, stay with it for about a year (at most), then get fired. Normally it was for something stupid, like laughing at the downfall of someone important, or failing at a job, or getting too enthusiastic and killing some important prisoner/guest. However, he was determined to keep this one, at least for a while. All of his personalities shared this hope ... except Tod, who was really sort of a wild card. The other two just needed to keep that one under control, and everything would work out for a while.

Thersian at the moment was the dominant of the three, at least for now. He was the most intelligent of his brothers, as well as the most stable. Unlike the other two, he could understand the consequences of his actions, and often though before he acted. He checked his suit, making sure it was neat. He read that impressing your boss was important, and always tried to be professional ... unlike his unruly brothers. 'Must you two always screw things up? The only reason we are here is because of my handiwork, you know?' he postulated inside his head to the other two.

Theo watched as Thersian walked through the hallways, their suit looking neat and spiffy. That arrogant little shit always thought he was better than him and Tod, and it pissed him off. Always acting as the 'responsible older brother', he treated the other two like children. Theo was going to keep quiet for now, even he knew better than to make a fuss now, even he didn't want to lose this job. 'Quit dissin' us you dorky snob, if it weren't for either of us, you'd have ran away at the first sign of danger, wimp' he snapped back at his older sibling. The sensation of not being in control was odd. It was like being the player of a 3rd person shooter, but being unable to move anything. Most of the time two brothers would let one be in control, then switch off when the time needed. However, when one grew too excited, he forced the other out, and that could result in some pretty weird stuff. Most notably the werehyena would start punching himself in the face or start biting on his leg.

Tod's thoughts were more like a jumble of random thoughts and emotions. He laughed at everything, even if it wasn't funny. It was Tod, the most unstable of the three, who often got them fired. He laughed at his brothers argument, causing both of them to yell at him to "shut up". In fact, they said it so loud, that Thersian actually shouted it verbally, gaining the stares of a few guards they were passing by. It was fun to mess with his brothers, their arguing made him laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 10 days ago

Rand gently lifted his head as several guards entered the room and tranquilized the guy Mike, then quickly dragged him away. Nice, screw that guy...werevamp...bloodlycan? Whatever he is. Now just forget about me and- the guard with the tranq really didn't brighten his day as he injected it into his neck. You know what I'm finding a common recurrence with these places? Knock out devices. Gas, tranqs, stun-guns, brutality to the point where I'm out cold for a day. They have it all. Rand drooped his head back, the tranquilizer doing its effect.
Anthony cocked his rifle and looked down at the dog running at him. Continuing his whistling, he took out his sword and Apophis rose up from it. Apophis stared at Anthony for a moment as if confused, then turned and bared its fangs at Pain, lashing out with its fangs right when the dog got close. Anthony threw the sword down in front of him with Apophis still out and raised his rifle again and fired several more shots at anyone who wasn't in cover yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jae


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Devin's walk to go see Vlad was immediately interrupted when a servant came up to him. "Sir, you have been chosen to torture a hunter. There was a mishap with a bloodwolf and him, he was supposed to torture the bloodwolf but then the bloodwolf wouldn't torture him." He said.

Devin cocked his head to the side, a grin forming on his face. "I see. If you might, drop me off to his cell then bring me some tools from my room. The ones I use on the corpses." The servant nodded and began walking.

The necromancer followed him, wondering what he might do to this hunter. If he killed him, he could try to bring him back.. but torturing was the funniest part. It was enjoyable.
The servant led him down to the hunters soon to be cell. He would be brought in later, so Devin sat himself in a chair that was located in the corner. After a minute the servant was back with all of Devins' tools. A scalpel, scissors, and more. Now all he had to do was wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delilah - Castleyard
"That way, mum! The forest" Delilah begun skipping to the forest boundaries, tugging her mom gently along, holding on just a little tighter to make sure she'd never loose such a great gain. Adrenaline paced through her veins, sharp winds cut through bangs, she felt... free . Delilah looked back and forth between her mom's delicate face and the exit, out to the forest. The closer they had gotten to the exit, the more the foliage grew out closer to the path, untamed and vibrant. Flowers of many color lined the path way, bees and butterflies soaring from each one of them. She would jump through a dirt pile with pieces of uprooted grass, some of the dirt would stick the ends of her skirt and cover her shoes. The only exit to the fence that would keep anything behind was nearing.

Something out of the blue would stand out to the girl' the tree where most of the birds would've been singing was silent, because there were no birds, but Issac in the bushes. A small wiff gave his scent away, he was there. Delilah didn't plan to stop until he'd throw he an apologetic 'don't go any further' glance.

"Issy...why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be with daddy?" The little girl's smile was drained of joy as she asked this hesitantly. He was never around until she decided to tell him of her secret doings. A gust of wind blew by as she waited for an answer, silently. It took away but her young mind had fit his reasons of being here together. She dropped her mothers hand, plodding up to the stump of tree to have a clearer view. He was there to stop them because daddy said so. Wouldn't mom have known about daddy saying no? Why did she refuse to listen? Of course this was all of an assumption, recognizing that she didn't know for sure, but settled on what mattered of him being in the way of the forest."Issy......" She whispered, the word's barely coming off her lips, her eyes widened and her purple tinted irises would lighten, giving off one emotion; hurt. Over the year she has been in Issac's presence, never has he defied dad's orders nor let her cross over the line. She didn't have a real to ever cross over the line, regardless.... this wasn't one of those times.

I see the girl I wanna be
Riding bare-back, care-free
Along the shore...
If only that someone was me
Jumping head-first, head-long
Without a thought...

"...." Delilah placed both hands on the bark and gripping on with her fingernails, placing one foot below it and pushing off with all 3 limbs, completing part of a flip. She would have came down onto her head in human form, except four sandy paws would hit the ground with a small thud instead. A complete kitsune transformation. Yes, she has never transformed in front of others, but during one of her forest runs, she found apathy for the form gifted to all of those with traces of kitsune blood. She was no bigger than the average fox since it correlated with her young age, although it kitsune forms were rumored to be deadly as the aged and grew taller.

With a high pitched yelp, She darted towards her mother, digging her canines into her dress as she tried pulling her desperately to the gate. Come on, come on, we need to hurry.... If Danni didn't end of bending to her daughter's will, Delilah would end up ripping the dress apart trying.

To act and damn the consequence
How I wish it could be that easy
But fear surrounds me like a fence...
I wanna break free ....

Delilah would slip through the iron bar gates with her slender form, thinking her mother would be right behind her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lexxiai


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

She snapped out of the soft trance that she was in, to look down at her daughters new form. She had never seen it before however it was strangly familiar to her. What was she doing? Where was she going? Her mind was still in a very harsh daze. She really had trouble comprehending everything and anything. Danni slowly walked in the way she was pulled, the only movement behind it her feet. She had no idea why her daughter was being so frantic in her ways of trying to pull her. "Delilah dear..." She managed to get out, her eyes fixed on something in front of her. She was really out of it and she didn't know what came over her. When all of a sudden, a sharp pain jolted through her head. She let out a loud groan of discomfort and her legs shook, bringing her down onto her knees. Placing her hands on her head, anyone could see her pain as she cliched herself. This painful sensation rendering her of no movement except for her screams.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Pain snarled as he saw the snake slither out from its master's sword and lash out at him, Pain growled deeply, almost letting out a roar of pure rage. He was bitten but he wasn't the only one to be, his jaws clamped down across the snake's body. Mason narrowed his eyes, catching sight of a lone bullet and dodging it with a simple tilt of his head. He turned toward Ryan, he'd need to get this kid a weapon now. "Go into the base! There's an armory insi-..." Mason was cut off by the sound of the gunfire, a new wound appeared on his arm, the same one that had been shot previously. The bullet tore through his forearm, he didn't let his pain show, instead he willed himself to run toward the direction of gunfire, his eyes widening once he saw it was Anthony. "Anthony, what the fuck are you thinking?!" Mason yelled at her, his arm shaking in pain as he tried to raise his pistol up and aim at Anthony, his sword held in a defensive manner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaori/ Alfons torture scene- Based off of Farenhiet 451/ Anthem

"I don't think i like getting my hands too dirty, outside of my terms. Hmm..."With one last glance, Kaori turns from alfons, while throwing a blanket over his eyes. He could see the outline of everything through the blanket, but nothing to detail. The wind outside shifts, with its tendrils bending around the poles of the small prison window. It no longer carried the scent of kaori herself once it got to Alfons, but a metallic scent and fragments of mechanical squeaks. "I really don't know what this is, I think it is called Equality 7-2521 . That’s what it said on the box, at least." Kaori mutters nonchalantly as her footsteps echo back over towards Alfons. Although he couldn't see what she had, it could be assumed that she was carrying something cautiously the way her outline would have one arm extended from her body, holding whatever she had as if it would come for her too.

She dropped what she was holding onto alfon's stomach- it was light enough to be no larger than the palm of a hand, nimble, and with four paws featuring cold metal claws that were as long as large paper clips. It would be placed on Alfon's stomach harmlessly and lifelessly as Kaori whisked away the blindfolds. What Alfons would see was a mere 'mechanical' rat composed of bronze metal, designs, and needles in the mouth and tail .

Kaori took a few steps back as it gently hummed to life, its eyes beginning to flicker a crimson red that would stare into alfon's, It growled once. Than again, a strange rasping combination of electrical sizzling, a frying sound, a scraping of metal, and a turning of cogs that seemed rusty and ancient with suspicion. It tilted its head that would shift towards, skimming over alfon's chin with its nose that had metal thorns, gently. He felt a cool puff of air.

Kaori hurriedly stepped forwards with concern, extending her hand out towards the rat’s tail, “I think a knife looks more appealing for this event…” Her finger tip brushed over the tail, before all hell broke loose.

The rat’s eyes brightened to a blood red, it growls turning into a high pitched scream, many steps higher than a dog whistle although both Kaori and Alfons heard it clearly. Kaori snapped both of her hands back to cover her ears- she thought her ear drums would burst under the pressure, her eyes fled to alfon’s with alarm. How much more worse could a little rat become? Who even invented this?

Equality 7-2521’s tail would lash out, missing her finger with its tail thin enough to cut through bone by a couple of centimeters. Its attention shifted to Alfons, burying his teeth where the middle of alfon’s neck and collarbone would meet. It was a bite only meant to meet his skin, not the bone beneath. Within seconds, Equality would begin to walk backwards, ripping up a line of skin from his collar bone to just above his belly button like he was casually peeling an orange. The connective tissue easily broke away with a series of grotesque sounds of snapping. If this wasn't enough to remind Alfons of his torture treatment, the claws of Equality 7-2521 would make a home inside of his abdomen, or cutting through his ribs during that point so he could use that resistance to pull alfon’s skin back.

Once Equality 7-2521 was to the point of the belly button, he let go and sat back onto his haunches, ridding his face of pieces of stray skin and blood that collected over his muzzle with his paws, like most small animals would do to clean their face (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb5vad6L2oY). The body components he would collect off of his claws would meet his tongue which snaked out, collecting the pieces. The rat would sit there and chew, enjoying the beginning of his meal. All the while, he would continue to emit the noise and cause kaori to step away and protect her ears, or risk damage. This torture wasn’t dance between Kaori and alfons anymore, but the dance between man and man-eating animal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 10 days ago

"What do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor?" Anthony had stopped his whistling and begun to sing as he reloaded his rifle with a new magazine, firing several more shots. "What do you do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning." Apophis opened its mouth as Pain crunched down on the snake and immediately disappeared, its appearance flashing back onto the sword. "Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol. Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol." Taking advantage of Pain in front of him distracted, Anthony aimed down and fired at the wolf. "Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol. Early in the morning." He cocked his head at Mason and continued onto the next verse. "Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver. Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver." The hunter ran at his sword and picked it up, sheathing it onto his belt. "Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver. Early in the morning." After firing several more times, Anthony ran to the nearest alleyway, the rest of the song echoing. "Way hey and up she rises. Way hey and up she rises. Way hey and up she rises. Early in the morning!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Therseod was just leaving the compound to go rustle up some grub in the nearby town when he caught the scent. It wasn't too strong, but it was definitely there. It interested him, enough to make him want to follow it. It had the smell of a distressed creature, something that wasn't quite at it's peak physical strength. That enough would be enough to interest any predator.

As he followed the scent, he couldn't quite decipher what the smell was. He kept wavering between fox and human, which was confusing to him. However, as he got closer his confusion was cleared. It was clearly some supernatural fox-like creature, and a couple of them. One smell, clearly was one of a healthy individual. It was also clearly a child, as it didn't quite have the smell of an adult creature, although he could be wrong. The other smell was definitely a sickly or weak adult. It stunk of fear and stress, that clearly spelled good news. He would gladly take already wounded prey instead of healthy individuals, even better if they had already collapsed, which would make the kill extremely easy. As he got even closer, it was clear that the two were fox-like supernaturals. The scent was much clearer now, and he could tell almost exactly what was up ahead. The female was probably a escaped prisoner, although how she might have escaped didn't seem possible. The other scent, a female child, was weird. It didn't smell like a prisoner, and it didn't smell like an outside person. Maybe this 'child' wasn't a child at all, but only appeared as one. Maybe, it was another of Vlads workers, who was apprehending the prisoner. He shook it from his mind. The most likely outcome was that the child had something to do with the older female, and was probably a trespasser.

Theo watched as they ran through the woods, even howled in joy as he smelled the prey getting closer. He definitely was going to take control as soon as they had sighed their target. They all had roughly the same physical strength, however he preferred the actual killing and chasing to the tracking. That was more Thersian's neck of the woods. He loved to rip into helpless prey, feel their blood rush between his teeth, and watch as their life ebbed away under his vicious gaze. He was, however, impatient. 'This tracking thing takes forever' he said, Thersian replying with an eye-roll, Tod with insane laughter. Neither of his brothers understood him, really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan nodded as Mason spoke, getting ready to run for the inside of the base, but suddenly seeing Mason take another hit. He hesitated, wondering what was going to happen, but saw Mason charging the sniper. He breathed heavily for a moment before rushing towards the base, hoping Mason wouldn't get shot, but would keep the sniper distracted long enough for him to get to the armory and possibly help. Okay, if I find a gun... I wait to reach them before shooting, otherwise I might hit Mason, if I find a sword, that doesn't matter. Either way, you need two arms to properly use a rifle of any kind, right? If I take out one of his arms, he's a lot less of a threat... Assuming he reached the base, Ryan would search throughout, eventually finding a couple weapons. (willing to change this, figure either Mason or Mr. Hi should be the one to choose what weapon I find unless anything's okay)
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