Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

In the world of Va’siel a few chosen few can wield certain elements. These gifted individuals are knows as element wielders. These wielders are gladiators, soldiers, police officers, and mercenaries. You are that gifted person, one if the few in our world. All of you come from a variety of backgrounds, you maybe experienced wielder warriors, or criminals, either way you will be accepted. This is Rohad Academy. A school that trains wielders. to become the best wielder mercenary in all of Va’siel. Welcome, Va’siel's future Rohad Mercenaries.

This is a school roleplay for the first part of the role-play. This will take place in Ladria, one of the largest Wielder bases cites in Va’siel. Ladria is home of the very prestigious Rohad Academy. Here, you are trained to become a Wielder Mercenary that can be hired by the government of the people. But with a sister City-State preparing to attack, you may be forced to graduate early.

1. First of all Character limit is 3.

2.Romance is allowed but as usual if things get to intense find a room for yourself.

3. Please no Metagaming or OP characters.

4. No arguing in the OOC thread.

5.My word is the law(in this RP) and please listen to Co.GMs.

Name(Self Explanatory)
Birth Place
Personality (Paragraph)
Bio(2 to 3 paragraphs)
Wielder or Duel Wielder(Choose)
Weapon(If any)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Nova Blake
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Birth Place: Galio
Weight: 145 lbs
Height: 5'9"

Personality: Nova is the oddball of her family, the dreamer amongst warriors. She is extremely intelligent, however her interest in the bigger picture often causes her to miss the small things, thus making her sound like an airhead to strangers. Much like a child, Nova is incredibly caring and abnormally trusting, but to betray her is a mistake. When frightened or upset she has a tendency to explode, both verbally and physically, a fuse that isn't often tripped but best left untouched. Ontop of her trusting personality, Nova becomes incredibly curious about the strangest of things and easily consumed with her distractions.

Bio: Nova grew up in Galio with her parents and two older brothers, her father (a soldier) being the only wielder in the family line. In the early years of her childhood, Nova showed no signs of being a gifted wielder but her father wished for his children to be able to defend themselves in the case of a foreign invasion. Being much smaller than her older brothers, Nova adapted to a style of fighting quite unique to her agile abilities.

It wasn't until she turned 8 that her parents noticed Nova's increasing distractability, her mind drifting to places the rest of her family oculd not follow. They kept an eye on her, expecting it to be a temporary condition, however in the following two years they discovered she was gifted. Unlike her father, Nova's element was much less tangible, more of a second sight than anything usefull. By the age of 15, however, Nova was able to predict celestial events and locate objects in rooms other than the one she occupied.

Finding her abilities intriguing, Nova's father spent more time helping her train her abilities as a wielder, leaving her brothers to train alone. It took seven long years for anything major to happen, but once that seal had broken, it was as if Nova had gained a necessary understanding of her element allowing her to advance through her self-training more quickly. Now, at the age of 25, Nova has decided to travel to the city of Ladria in order to attend Rohad Academy, hoping to learn the necessary skills to push her abilities to the next level.

Wielder or Duel Wielder: Wielder
Element(s): Space

Weapon: Scythe

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Removed Til Further Notice)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mine's a bit... longer, but the ability is quite complex and I had to contextualize and explain it clearly.


No especially unusual features except for his Darkness Wielder glove and his signature pen and scalpel.

Name: Olivier "The Contractor" Chian

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Birth place: Galio

Weight: 175 lbs/ 79kg

Height: 6.1 ft/ 1.84m

Personality: Olivier is a soft spoken and formal individual, with a penchant for being condescending. Hard to surprise, frighten, or excite, he keeps a stiff upper lip about most anything. He is a determined person who knows exactly what he wants and how to get it, and won't be swayed by petty things like empathy or remorse (although he does possess the former, it's just that he prioritizes himself to the point where the feelings and even lives of others become background noise). When someone else starts becoming a key component in one of his schemes, he will adopt the behaviour most conducive to luring that person in. As a result, Olivier has developed a high proficiency both with lying and knowing when he is being lied to over time. He can be very patient and friendly if someone is of great importance to his machinations, and might even develop feelings over time, but he will always be out for himself first and foremost. Lastly, Olivier is both amused and angered by gullible people.

Bio: When he was a young boy in the city-state of Galio, Olivier was thought to manifest an affinity for fire wielding, and was trained appropriately. He was quite mediocre at the art of bending the flames, however, much to the chagrin of both his mentor and himself. Olivier just seemed to have plateaued hard after easily mastering beginning techniques. Eventually, the school for young wielders where Olivier was then studying had to endure some budget cuts in light of the new war tolls, and the number of students had to be reduced accordingly. This was done in a series of one versus one fights where students that wielded the same element were pitted against one another.

Olivier had to fight against one of his old friends. None of them minded that a loss meant being expelled, they were both highly competitive. Even before the battle started, they mockingly decided it would be a "battle to the death" and shook hands over that. After half an hour of thrashing, where Olivier won purely on the grounds of superior stamina and tactics rather than wielding, his exhausted friend conceded. Then, "The Contractor" was born.

The moment Olivier's friend conceded, shadowy arms started coalescing around him, tearing him apart with numerous amorphous mouths with razor-sharp teeth. It was a massacre. Even as the teachers tried to intervene, the shadowy appendages consumed the student whole, as though immune to the teachers' wielding. After there was nothing left to be devoured, the shadowy arms faded away.

A disturbed Olivier was quickly moved to the Principal's office, where the latter explained to him all about the advanced Dark wielding type and the way his special power worked. He was thereafter made to promise never to consciously make use of that power again, or even speak about it. Even at that age, Olivier was considering his new-found abilities with curiosity and apprehensiveness rather than abject horror, so, when he did accept the Principal's demands, it was not sincere.

Then followed years of honing his skills, both general-Dark and related to his unique talent, leaving many dead or scarred in his wake. In the interlope world, he became known as simply "The Contractor". Amused by this moniker and his call to Fame, Olivier decided to give himself a distinguishing feature: As such, wherever he travels, he wears a black suit with a small, white notebook protruding from one of his front pockets, next to a sharp, thin scalpel.

Olivier decided to follow Rohad Academy for the specific reason that he had gotten intel from his various sources about the oncoming war, and sees participating in that event as a way to further push the limits of his power.

Wielder or Dual Wielder: Olivier knows a tiny bit of fire wielding through sheer repetition, which has gone down from lack of use over the years. Now, without straining himself, he can barely light a cigarette. So, for all intents and purposes, he's almost completely a Darkness wielder.

Element: Darkness. He uses Darkness wielding in two ways:

1. His unique power, Contract. Once he strikes a deal with a person wherein whomever loses has to give up either their life, a limb, a sense, or years of their life, the contract cannot be interfered with. The catch is that the people who enter in contracts with Olivier have to do it willingly, of their own accord. Now, if there is a breach of contract, the penalty will be exacted by horrors of Darkness, greatly empowered by the Contract to the point where they cannot be defeated, not even by Darkness wielders with more power and experience than Olivier himself. The contract can be two-sided (like a fight to the death) or one sided (like Olivier going on a quest for someone or vice-versa). For the sake of drama and to give himself authenticity, Olivier often makes small cuts with a scalpel on the fingers of himself and whomever he is making a contract with, and having the contract meticulously written down in his notebook with a pencil and then signed in blood. This is however optional (something which many people do not actually know about The Contractor, and a way in which many have lost their lives). It is said that The Contractor himself never lost any of his own contracts, but whether this is genuine truth or hyperbole, nobody knows.

It is important to note that over half of the people who make contracts with Olivier (aside from two-sided ones) DO NOT lose them. This has helped him become quite respected and trusted with the black market folks and the criminal underworld, not just feared and avoided.

2. Other more normal Darkness powers. He can envelop targets in darkness, jamming their senses, elongate his fingers into blades of darkness useful for both slashing and piercing, tap into the surrounding darkness at night to improve his senses, and create illusory eyes to spy at a distance. Whenever Olivier wins a contract that results in a death, or wins a number of contracts that total up to a death in a weird way of Dark mathematics (for example, having three people bet their eye sight away is equivalent to having one bet his life away), his normal Darkness powers improve by 0.5%. Olivier is currently 47.5% more powerful than the normal Darkness wielder of his age and experience, having killed (or equivalently maimed) 95 people with his contracts.

Weapon: His wielding and he sometimes hires henchmen, either with money or secrets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago


I love the character and his abilities. He does not seen inherently evil for a darkness wielder though. His Contract power, does fit it's forbidden Wielding requirements, unnatural. Accepted, you can post it in the character to if you wish, oh an I updated the CS, just add an appearance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I might make an earth guy or a space guy...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Added another requirement to the CS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Almost finished with my Space wielder, will post above when I can connect my computer to the internet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Almost finished with my Space wielder, will post above when I can connect my computer to the internet.

Alrighty then can't wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I'd love to jump in on this - looks like a well-thought out world!


Her right eye is now a dimmer colour than her left, a small scar above her right eyebrow visible to the observant.

Name: Rhiannon Jones

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Weight: 50kg/110lbs

Height: 5'3" / 1.6m

Place of birth: Ladria

Personality: Cautious cheerfulness. That is the most accurate near-oxymoron with which to describe Rhiannon's temperament. She buzzes with energy but exudes very little of it, always active in speech and mannerisms but with a measure tone. With her speech she adopts an optimistic approach, focusing on positives where appropriate but she will not shy away from speaking unfortunate or unavoidable truths. Especially if ignoring them would be detrimental to the situation or patronising. Rhiannon is also generous and thoughtful but not to a fault; she will help others but is not one who easily puts others before herself.

Bio: Born and raised in Ladria, Rhiannon has always had the famed Rohad Academy prominent in her consciousness. While it did not dominate her early life, her parents had no expectations or predispositions for her to attend the Academy nor did she have a burning desire to do so, her childhood was certainly influenced by its presence. People came to Ladria for the sole reason of joining the Academy, or trying to, and that affected the community that lived around the Academy as well.

As a young girl she often 'played Wielders' with other children in her locality, such was the infusion of culture from the Academy that it affected their earliest years. Things changed a little when she, and a few others, discovered that they actually had the power and the group was split into haves and have-nots. They went to different schools and walked in different circles, occasionally muttering a greeting in the street as they passed; almost-forgotten memories rising unbidden to the surface and making even a short encounter awkward.

Rhiannon grew up into a teenager with an athletic build, her fiery red hair and winning smile making her quite the target of affection for numerous classmates, especially the boys. Her foreign, lyrical sounding accent made her something of an exotic although she had been born and raised in Ladria while her parents had not. During these years she realised her affection for her own gender as well as men and became more comfortable with her own person, garnering a local fame for the confidence with which she intimately interacted with men and women.

News spread that Rhiannon was being put forward for Rohad Academy and, unlike some of her peers, she had a strong chance of entering the prestigious Academy. Very few from her neighbourhood were accepted to Rohad despite its proximity due to their low levels of talent and her local celebrity status rose further. Which was why the events shortly before her entrance to the Academy became an infamous matter; never spoken of openly.

All that is known is that Rhiannon left school as per normal and only returned home early the following morning. People speak of the girl's once fiery nature as having been extinguished, her eyes clouded with a new darkness and her trusting nature replaced by a deep unease when in a crowded place. Certainly, Rhiannon is slower to speak openly on matters of some controversy than she once was and is less brazen but she still has her cheerful nature; it is just tempered with caution now. Her sharp blue-green eyes no longer shine so brightly, her right eye especially showing a faint milky-white glaze synonymous with blindness and a now almost healed scar can be seen just above her right eyebrow.

Away from her old life, Rhiannon shows signs of returning to her old self but the healing process will take time and safety, both of which she is unlikely to receive with events unfolding as they are.

Wielder or Duel Wielder: Single Wielder

Element(s): Rhiannon is a wielder of the water element and no other. Her personality matches some of the characteristics of water: flowing easily between moods without sharp, swift changes; calm and gentle or rough and raging; solid and unmoving like water when frozen.

Her mastery of the element is still a work in progress. She cannot yet alter the temperature, and thus the form, of water but feels that particular ability is nearly within her reach. Currently she compensates for this by utilising the force of flowing water for defence rather than relying on the rigidity that ice might offer in the future. For offence she can simply use the crushing force of fast flowing or large volumes of water or focus it into a tight jet of high pressure, as if like a blade.

Beyond the utilising of the basic properties of water Rhiannon has no specialised or unique abilities.

Weapon: A plain, functional wooden quarterstaff as well as her wielding.

Please let me know if I need to edit anything for quality/lore purposes!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


I love the character and his abilities. He does not seen inherently evil for a darkness wielder though. His Contract power, does fit it's forbidden Wielding requirements, unnatural. Accepted, you can post it in the character to if you wish, oh an I updated the CS, just add an appearance.

He intentionally uses trickery, turns of language, rules-lawyering and subterfuge to ensure that some of the contracts go the way he wants. It's not that the ones who fail have been given an honest shot (except, again, he has to give a fair shot and fair contracts to most people to keep his reputation good overall).

Feels evil enough to me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leysos
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Leysos I have a lot / to learn

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What are the city-states like? Or, to narrow it down a bit, where do you think a married couple of skilled Earth Wielders would live?

Also, is wielding hereditary? i.e. is it possible for, say, two Fire Wielders to give birth to someone having an affinity for Water Wielding?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

You are accepted!

Add birth place and you are accepted!

Think of Athens, huge citys with large goverments! And no
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leysos
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Leysos I have a lot / to learn

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Think of Athens, huge citys with large goverments! And no

No to it being hereditary, or no to the scenario being possible? ;,;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

No to it being hereditary, or no to the scenario being possible? ;,;

No not hereditary, sorry about that mix up. I was in a rush.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wahoo! Oh, I noticed you tagged this as fandom... Can I ask where you're drawing inspiration from? Because I could use a little something like that.

I mean, my character's father is a basic element wielder(I'm thinking first or second stage Fire)... But the character herself is an advanced element wielder soooo... Even if the gene for wielding was hereditary, it appears as if the type doesn't matter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AllIsOne
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AllIsOne The Swagful One

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So I really want to join, but I will only be able to get a cs up in like a day and a half. Can I reserve poison?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Wahoo! Oh, I noticed you tagged this as fandom... Can I ask where you're drawing inspiration from? Because I could use a little something like that.

I mean, my character's father is a basic element wielder(I'm thinking first or second stage Fire)... But the character herself is an advanced element wielder soooo... Even if the gene for wielding was hereditary, it appears as if the type doesn't matter.

A book called The Golden Wielder.

So I really want to join, but I will only be able to get a cs up in like a day and a half. Can I reserve poison?

You can reserve a spot! Cant let you have a whole element to yourself.

Tomorrow I'll make a character, a duel wielder probably.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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