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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by benit149


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A grade school girl with a huge crush; An elderly man approaching his last days; A jaded construction worker wanting to switch careers; A gangster who just wants to financially care for his siblings; A hikikomori who is also a hopeless hoarder. What do all of these people have in common?

They are all able to access a peculiar world called Vivi-Dream.

Vivi-Dream is an extremely malleable place that only several people in the world can reach. It changes according to what each dreamer brings, although the general layout is the main city dubbed Remniche branching out into different routes that are each bizarre and illogical by realistic standards. One route is a massive labyrinth that no one could hope to navigate in one night’s sleep. Another leads to an upside-down palace. Another has a house that gets smaller like a matryoshka doll the more someone investigates it. Another could be a broken Rube Goldberg machine that needs fixing. Some locations only appear when a dreamer arrives and vanishes when they wake up.

Likewise, the characters that these dreamers become in Vivi-Dream are equally as bizarre. However, when that persona is chosen, they tend to remain that way for life. Dubbed as Oneiros, these characters represent the dreamer’s interests, thoughts, and life situations. The Oneiros are then able to explore Remniche and the world of Vivi-Dream for the duration of their dream. The trip could be a harmless scavenger hunt, or could lead to a battle against monsters. Usually these journeys reveal something about the world or of the Oneiros themselves, which could lead to enlightenment for the person or solving a small piece behind Vivi-Dream itself.

Speaking of which, Vivi-Dream is accessible only to a select number of people. Not everyone can reach it, and the Oneiros aren’t sure why. When these people wake up, they can remember their experience in great detail. Likewise, if Oneiros meet each other in real life, they experience déjà vu and can then discuss what happened. There is even a small group of people who convene to talk about Vivi-Dream, usually meeting at the local Reverie Bakery and Café at scheduled hours. Their goal is to find out what Vivi-Dream is and why only they can reach it. Several theories have been brought to the table, but nothing has been proven yet.

The ultimate conclusion is to solve the mystery behind Vivi-Dream’s existence and find out its origins. Is it benevolent or malicious in nature? Is there a purpose behind bringing a select few into this world? That’s for the resident Oneiros to find out.


This RP largely takes place in Vivi-Dream, with only short segments in the real world for the dreamers to convene in the Reverie Bakery and Café if so needed. If you’re familiar with the game Yume Nikki, this is extremely similar to it. It’s an exploratory dream world that only has a few static elements, and the objective is to find out what Vivi-Dream is.

Real World Name: (the real-life persona)
Age: (how old they are)
Real World Bio: (Their real life situation. Keep it short – the RL characters won’t be RP’ed as much)
Oneiros Name: (the dream persona’s identity)
Appearance: (short description and/or image of your Oneiros character)
Oneiros Bio: (this one can be a bit longer than the RL bio, but I don’t want to comb through an entire essay, thank you)

Since Vivi-Dream isn’t restricted to genre, you’re able to make whatever archetype you desire. However, you do need to be malleable enough to work with other genres you may not have a particular interest in. You’re able to make a Space Marine, but you should be able to cope with a high fantasy setting as well. You could make a magical girl, but be prepared to have her fight a sci-fi Lovecraftian alien invasion. You can bring a fandom that you like, but don’t make it dominate the story.

And some obvious rules:

1. No god moding. This is a dream world, not the realm of gods.
2. As I want to compile this into a readable story, I ask for the best grammar and spelling you can bring. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but please don’t blatantly disregard the English language.
3. No bashing, swearing in OOC or trolling. Some cursing is acceptable in story, as long as it’s tasteful and for a good reason.
4. Have fun and be spontaneous.

Character Roster

Benit149 - Cordelia Ignavis / Hez; Lin
Beloved - Quinn Malone / Valentine
eddieddi - Alexander Luthor / Dice; Richard Armstrong / Erebus
Berserker - Nicholas Kozlovsky / Black Knight
Zaresto - Samuel Carnell / Realm
Chaos Kid - Belden Sinclair / Dual
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaresto
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Zaresto Can't Wake Up

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll see what this idea has to offer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedi


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think this sounds cool as hell. I'm in
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sounds pretty awesome
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Beloved


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I'd like to see where this goes, put me down as interested! Also, if you'd like them, I had a couple suggestions that immediately popped into mind as to the nature of the dream.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chaos Kid

Chaos Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Interested. I have an idea too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Count me in
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QueenBee


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by benit149


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Okay, since I have a few interested folks, I've updated the first post with the basic storyline and character sheet. Once we get enough characters, I'll start the IC thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Beloved


Member Offline since relaunch

Oh I love what you've thought up, I'll try to get a CS drawn up as soon as possible, though I have a question, may we include a picture of our character's mundane selves despite it being the lesser of the two forms we'll be interacting with? Or would you prefer if we didn't expand on the facets of the CS? I could make due with a short description while the story progresses if a picture isn't acceptable anyway so it makes no difference to me!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by benit149


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Real World Name: ??
Age: ??
Real World Bio: ??
Oneiros Name: Lin
Appearance: a blue-haired girl wearing a grey bolero, a blue dress and socks, and grey slippers. Upon will, she can morph into a talking blue-jeweled sword -> image of both Hez and Lin HERE
Oneiros Bio: Unlike many Oneiros, Lin is a permanent resident of Remniche, which is virtually impossible by normal standards. No one knows who her real life persona is, and she has no memory of anything prior to entering Vivi-Dream. Even so, Lin is a cheerful spirit who doesn’t let this get in the way of her curious nature. She loves to explore and discover new things, and acts as a guide for some Oneiros who may not be familiar with this bizarre world.

Lately however, Lin has taken to following a traumatized mute girl she named Hez, another Oneiros who hasn’t left Vivi-Dream for the last year. As Hez only ‘talks’ in ellipses, Lin serves to translate what she’s saying. They go on scouring adventures together, and Lin has become very interested in finding out more about her BFF. If they encounter a battle, Lin fights the monsters in her talking sword form.

Real World Name: Cordelia Ignavis
Age: 10
Real World Bio: Cordelia is the daughter of Leary Ignavis, the president of the influential Ignavis Institute, a school for the affluent that covers numerous fields of study and every grade possible. Cordelia was involved in a horrific car accident last year and has been in a coma ever since, explaining her prolonged presence in Vivi-Dream. She sustained some internal injuries and is often in critical condition, sometime teetering between life and death. Lately though, Cordelia is showing signs of improvement. Obviously, Cordelia cannot meet her fellow dreamers at the Reverie Bakery and Café.
Oneiros Name: Hez
Appearance: a timid silver-haired girl wearing a large white shawl and cape, a white blouse, a black skirt, and white-and-black sneakers -> see above image in Lin’s profile
Oneiros Bio: As Hez, she is totally silent. Lin found her wandering around a car junkyard at the outskirts of Remniche and took her in as her protégé. Lin randomly named her ‘Hez’ back then, and together they explore the vast world of Vivi-Dream. Although Hez doesn’t speak, Lin can understand her perfectly and translate her dialogue. Hez is unable to participate in battle due to her frightened nature, but is very smart and notices things that others might miss. Hez is also able to heal light wounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by benit149


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Beloved said
Oh I love what you've thought up, I'll try to get a CS drawn up as soon as possible, though I have a question, may we include a picture of our character's mundane selves despite it being the lesser of the two forms we'll be interacting with? Or would you prefer if we didn't expand on the facets of the CS? I could make due with a short description while the story progresses if a picture isn't acceptable anyway so it makes no difference to me!

You can if you want to. Just remember that the focus is roughly 75% Vivi-Dream, 25% real world so I wouldn't go too crazy with the RL self.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berserker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seems rather interesting: I'll start rolling up a sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Beloved


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{Removed, with love.}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by benit149


Member Offline since relaunch

It works for me. I've added a character roster at the bottom of the first post to keep track of our characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Real World Name: Alexander Luthor
Age: 17 (Maybe eighteen now? he can't remember)
Real World Bio: He always loved taking risks, doing stupid things, thats why he started base jumping. his family told him not to do it, his heart said go for it, so he started to base jump. and it went well for a few months untill something snagged his chute on the way down, he landed aquardly, he hang on to life through raw stubbornness, Now in a comma, he drifted in to the Vivi-dream less than a hour after passing out, he knows not when he'll wake, or if his real world body will just fail him.

Oneiros Name: Dice,
Oneiros Bio: He likes to explore, and to prod around in other peoples 'mental zones' as he calls them, but if one wants to find him they can always head to the place he's started to call home, on the outside it looks somewhat like a garden shed but once inside, (and you pick up the right flower pot) you end up in a mad house almost, a crazy place, a maze filled with all sorts of traps. non of them quite as lethal as the look, though they will take off your arm. due to this mad living space he can regenerate his body at a supernatural rate and he also can rapidly create situational energy bursts. For example if someone had just fired a bullet at him he could create a Kenetic burst of energy, hurling the round away from him, these can be directed and shaped in to attacks. though he dislikes fighting if he can avoid it.
Real World Name: Richard Armstrong
Age: 14
Real World Bio: Born on remembrance day, he's always had a morbid fascination with death, somewhat reveling in the fact that his birthday was on the same date as the greatest slaughter in history ended. with a twisted sense of humor and glee in seeing others suffer he was quite a solitary person, and so it remains.

Oneiros Name: Erebus
Appearance: Due to his powers he has two apperances, one is a scrap of shadow or cloth, drifting through the air or across the floor, the other is a grim reaper like figure, though it is shorter than the reaper should be and is without a scythe it is still a skeletal figure with black feathered wings and a long cloak.
Oneiros Bio: Without a place his own mind has created (Yet) he wonders from realm to realm, talking to who he can and struggling with his own inner turmoil, the more he learns about this place the more he likes it and wants to help those there, yet he revels in their suffering and causing them pain. he can switch between two forms, the scrap form is etherial and can fly, while the 'grim reaper' form can only walk/run, the wings do little to help. he carries with him a long sword which he claims is capable of slicing through anything as if it were air, and so far it appears to be true, however he has not used it on another 'walker' as he calls himself. the sword can also discharge bursts of etheric energy in the form of shockwaves, these are very short-range and have only enough power to throw the foe seven or eight meters backwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berserker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Real World Name: Nicholas Kozlovsky
Age: 26
Real World Bio: Even as a young man, Nicholas is run down, counting down the days until he dies. He used to try to protect people, girls, boys, people who couldn't stand up for themselves… and then one day he failed, and that was that. He never saw that little girl again, or knew what happened to her - Nicholas could guess, of course, but he didn't want to think about it. As time went on he became weary, disillusioned, slowly starting a descent into lethargy and madness. One day, half out of his mind and starving, he slumped against a wall and collapsed. There, he began to dream. And what a dream it was…
(A protector, an idealist who was betrayed and sunk into despair and insanity. He fights like a berserker and is constantly starving and nearly incoherent. He needs some serious help, and cannot meet with the others at the Café for obvious reasons).

Oneiros Name: Black Knight

Oneiros Bio: Nicholas's appearance as an Oneiros is nothing like what his appearance is in the waking world. The Black Night is just a suit of armor - nothing resides inside of it but smoke and blackened flesh. Black smoke constantly radiates from him, and he appears like an off-focus photograph; it's hard to get a reading on what he looks like, since his image seems to double or triple at random, like a hallucination. Red light shines from his visor, and his voice is hard to comprehend, garbled and twisted as it sounds. The Black Knight has inhuman speed and strength, able to shatter concrete with a single strike. This is mostly due to insanity, as one of his powers dictates that the more insane he becomes, the stronger he gets. He has two abilities, one which, as mentioned, increases his strength as his sanity drains away. The second allows him to wield anything that he recognizes as a weapon and increase it's durability and power - the remains of a streetlight would become a powerful club or spear in his hands. Something that is not normally perceived as a weapon (like an actual streetlight and not just its remains) would be more difficult, and something that is completely removed from the concept of "weapon" would be impossible for the Black Knight to warp. He seeks to protect others as far as his twisted mind can understand the meaning of 'protecting others' anymore… the Black Knight fights like a berserker, and can barely understand the commands or words of others. One such as he is hard to understand in turn. Very, very strong in close quarters combat, though ranged combat is his downfall.

The Black Knight woke up in the ruins of a dark place at night time, beneath the stars. Overgrown by weeds and and plants, it was quiet and remote. He (more of an it, really) is drawn to what his waking self failed to do - protect. Though, as his soul is steeped in corruption and madness, such a thing has become hard to do. The Black Knight is a fearsome foe, but seems to be able to recognize an ally when it/he sees one. He appears as more of a specter, for now, but who knows what might set him off?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaresto
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Zaresto Can't Wake Up

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Real World Name: Samuel Carnell

Age: 22

Real World Bio: Borderline hikikomori, he rarely speaks, although he manages to make by with a job he has at a local pizzeria. He is constantly trying to find a way to quit work in order to enter Vivi-Dream more often, as he finds that his persona is much more appealing than his real world self. In the real world, he is awkward, shy, and rather clumsy, although he still means well, even if he does make bad first impressions.

Oneiros Name: Realm


Oneiros Bio: Almost the polar opposite of her real world counterpart, Realm is outgoing, charismatic, adventurous, and agile. She has a rather fiery and energetic personality, rarely afraid to hold back, although that comes at the cost of not realizing her limits in many situations along with how she is prone to be rather stubborn. She stays near Remniche most of the time, resisting the temptation to enter any other worlds before she fully explores the surrounding area, seeing as she is rather new to this whole thing. However, she has noticed that she is capable of powerful telekinetic abilities, gravitating objects around her and having the capability to shoot them in any direction she pleases.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

hopefully there's space for one more? :O
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chaos Kid

Chaos Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

CS almost finished.

I know, it's lame.
Real World Name: Belden Sinclair.
Age: 22
Real World Bio: Born with a neuro-muscular disease, he has been wheelchair bound nearly his whole life. He grew up poor, but crawled his way through his arduous childhood, he received a full ride from MIT for designing a working prosthetic arm that has near human mobility and dexterity, capable of being controlled by using sensors placed on the skin. He recently began having weird dreams, ones that others shared.

Oneiros Name: Dual


Real life form: http://zelldragon.deviantart.com/art/TNC-Other-side-of-him-209964838

Regular Vivi form: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Silver-Tempest-211460496

Battle form http://zerofrust.deviantart.com/art/Vector-biomechanical-armor-157479529

Oneiros Bio: A genius and cyborg, he awoke under a beautiful waterfall, it was raining as well It was one of the most beautiful things he’s ever seen. Dual is an all around good person, who sometimes gets stuck on tangents, he loves fuzzy animals and is very kind, as the “Alter Ego” of Belden, he shares most personality traits, including easily being embarrassed. He is also very good at analyzing situations, to get the best outcome. Dual is very loyal and will go out of his way to help others. Just don’t piss him off, when in his ‘battle form’ his physical capabilities are greatly enhanced, especially durability. He can generate energy blasts and blades, as well as use his sensors to avoid danger.
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