Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Edward heard Penn hit the ground and turned over, he was fully awake now and his single tear wiped away and forgotten. "Hey, you ok Penn?" After seeing him sit up as if nothing happened, Edward stood up and walked over to the couch and turned on the T.V. "I'm guessing you can't sleep either. I understand you're shy and all but come and watch something with me, it can be anything you want. And if it's not on I can always count on my computer." 'The one thing I can count on.' Edward was visibly downtrodden but his face showed no sign of depression. He had no idea what feeling this was, this emptiness. Edward request to watch something together was much more, it was a sub-conscious plea for some company.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Remipa Awesome

Iyo was being dragged to a room of some sort, it was to hard for him to process but once in that room he was lead to a bathroom which was sweet relief to him. Hunter really help him with this one...maybe if he can sober up he can do something for him but that wasn't really in his line of though at the moment. At least he was in right mind to know how to use the bathroom that going all dog, he pulled down his pants and done everything himself. Pulling his pant back up slowly...it was to hard, he just ditched the pants and wore his underwear... oddly enough they were boy shorts for girl.... yyaaa....

He heard Hunter shouting, he wonder the hell he was shouting about...wallet? whats a wallet... money right? Iyo came out of the bathroom...no pants again and stumbled around, he sat on the floor confused and dazed. "w...wa...lle...l-e...t?" He wasn't sure what was the guy talking about and why the wallet? Looking up at the guy and burped he tilted his head and ought hard again...too much thinking! "O..ohh!...uh...p-pa-pa...n-n..ts..." At least he was able to process where is wallet was though the only thing there was 5 bucks and his workers idea. were he worked he needed an I.D incase of issues. It contained his age which was 16 and where he worked.


Penn nodded lightly, he can't sleep at all but at leafs he can survive it. Nothing to bad he stood up and watched Edward turn on the T.v and began to watch whatever was on. he felt angry a bit, Edward did cause the feeling of fear and pain of memories and can act so causal yet...it was his own fault to be trouble by does fears and Edward doesn't know his fear...he was innocent. He slowly walked toward the couch but sat at the far end and curled up, he still felt not safe but...company...he usually liked feeling alone but with fear...it made things hard to whether or not like company or go way from it. He stared at the T.V, it was some super hero power ranger show...hasn't seen any of those since he was a kid. Penn could help but to laugh. "I remember these..." he spoke inna low voice with no form of stuttering, he can talk without stuttering but only at times when he was happy or ignorant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"No problem kid, couldn't have ya go and die in the school now could I? But I must ask you, and please do your best tp stay calm, what the hell but you in such a statw like that one? As the security guard around here, I have to make sure it doesn't happen again." That being said, Revan had an idea of who could possibly be responsible all ready, and if he was right, he'd be having himself a new wolfskin rug for his room by tomorrow morning.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

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It wasn't enough.

Nothing is enough for the exploit-hoarding Catherine, who, after getting only a tad few tidbits of knowledge about those people, decided to hop just one more bar to cope with her defeat. Now she comes back to school late in the night, a bit disappointed with her "empty-handed findings" and a bit tipsy with the drinks, but not even drunk enough to significantly affect her behavior, get loud, crash if she drived and fall off her balance repeatedly.

Speaking of drinks, Macbeth needed a good dose of "red wine" today. She readied some in her fridge at the room for the first few chugs in the week, and now was the time to take gulps seeing how it has already been 7 hours since she last drank. So she did what to do: walk a few flights of stairs and a few corridors back to her dormitory, open the fridge, pop a cap and guzzle down the refreshing, invigorating red juice.

Such is life in the Zone. as a blooddrinker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Bride took in deep breathes, best to calm down...no more heart attacks. He just couldn't that happened and it was because of that...thing of a beast... He closed his eyes trying to forget it, he got to be delusional...it can't be real. "I-I....wa..was...wal-kwal-lking... t-the..then....I...bu-ump...in..into so-some...one....S-said...sorry b...but...c-changed....m-mons...ter..." He really hated recalling that event, it just doesn't seem real, the more he plays the flashback back it seemed to real, he wanted to deny it. "R..ran...s-scared...th-then...he-eart..." Bride touched his chest, if he did have his weak heart none of this would have happened. Somehow his body began to feel really warm... was it the alcohol he just drank? It really made him feel warm and well it was odd for him, like a fever but not. "..w..warm..."



Rain went to who knows where, the party he was supposed to go but then...he saw a cat then that a whole different story... in summary he followed the cat to a dump petted it and feed it fish and now brought it back with him to be his cuddle pet of the week. The school would always try and throw away his fluffy friends so he gets new ones each time. With a black cat in his hands he walked towards his dorm, new rookie...he wonder who it would be this time...last year it was a guy whop hated his friends... that was not cool... When he entered his dorm he saw his roommate, a girl drinking some sort of red juice... must be cherry or tomato juice by the looks of it. It took him a while to say anything, he wasn't really a good word person. "...Hi...meet Mr.Kitty..." Rain didn't introduced himself at all...just introduced Mr.Kitty. Waving the cat's paw as if it was awing its own Rain was excited to have a cuddle session with Mr.Kitty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It hadn’t taken Katya long to become lost in her own little world as she surfed the net and with the becoming unaware of what was going on around her and the passage of time. This was abruptly ended when some boy came crashing into the dorm making enough noise to wake the dead. The sudden noise caused Katya quite a fright nearly make her jump out of her body. Watching the boy closely Katya was unsure as to why he was here feeling a little wary of him, given his loud entrance. It was only as she was she might want to move off the bed as there was sugar on it and as he called her roomie asking if she wanted anything as heading out to get groceries.

For a moment Katya froze the realization baffling the girl.
“He’s my roommate?!?!” she thought none of the information the school had given said she’d be have a male roommate only that the dorms where co-ed so she knew there was a chance but never really thought she’d get one. The fact she did actually have a male roommate filled Katya with a mix of emotions and made her wonder if her father had anything to do with this or if it was just fate. Either way this was not something she had been expecting and even for her this would be hard to accept.

It was then Katya remembered he asked if she want anything.
“No thank you.” She quickly stated as she climbed of the bed she was lying on and on to the other one, sitting on the end looking at the boy. Part of her did want take her up on his offer but she needed to go investigate the shops herself which was something she had planned for tomorrow. Still watching the boy Katya felt herself frown thinking if the boy was going to like this he’d quickly drive her mad maybe she’d have mess with him while in her spirit from as payback.
“Also when you be walking thought door please not so loud you startled me… that can lead to complication I thinking you not be wanting to deal with. Not trying to be rude… but you entrance just now I surprised you didn’t wake the dead with it.” Katya stated going back to her laptop having said that she had lost all interest in her roommate for the moment although she’d be keeping an eye on him for a while given she didn’t know the boy and unlike Xavier who she took a liking too straight away. Katya wasn’t fond of this boy at this time simply due to his loud entrance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aaron and Kathryn

Kate couldn't sleep, the realization that school would begin tomorrow kept her awake. It wasn't that she dreaded going to school for in fact it was quite the opposite. The main reason Kate was at Orean was so that she'd learn more about her gifts and her people, and the only thing standing in her way was time. She got up from her bed and shuffled around the dorm, at one point she grabbed a poptart and desspite her best efforts to eat it like a civilized individual she instead devoured the pastry within seconds. Afterwards she received an idea which wouldn't make the time go faster but make its passing less monotonous. Kate grabbed a hoodie from amongst her other clothes and headed outside to the forest near campus.

At the same time Aaron was just about to exit his dorm but was stopped by his newly discovered roommate. "Yeah, sorry about the noise. Today has been a real pain. Get it?...never mind", Aaron hung his head low in embarrassment as he rushed out the door. On his way towards the campus exit Aaron caught by chance a glimpse of Kate as she headed into the forests nearby. "What's she up to?", he wondered before following her to a nearby forest clearing. Aaron had known Kate for a long time and he knew what she was doing when she sat in the grass. What he wanted to know was why she was doing this. "Uhh, what are you doing?", he asked after sneaking up right behind her.

The sudden sound of a voice caused Kate to spring forward and away from the source. Turning around she was surprised and relieved to find it was just Aaron, "Naraan, Aaron! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here, anyway?". Aaron simply shrugged he shoulders as he approached saying, "I was going to ask you the same thing".

"I couldn't sleep, I was hoping to pass the time here. And you? What's got you out?"

"My dorm needs food, I was going to go get some. Wanna come?"

"No thanks, I think I'll just relax here for a bit"

"Alright, see ya tomorrow I guess", Aaron turned back and headed towards Orean. In a matter of moments he disappeared into the foliage and Kate turned back towards the forest interior. Sitting down once again she made a connection with the plant life. Unlike before where she was only able to see events unfolding at campus, in the forest she could see for miles, her consciousness travelling across the vast expanse of plant life as she explored the wilderness free from danger. Kate watched as the nocturnal creatures of the forest scurried about unaware they were being observed by her. It was here that she felt most comfortable, not necessarily in the network but in the wilds where her kin were meant to be.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Yeah, I remember these as well. Really old show. My favorite was always the black power ranger." Edward looked over and saw that Penn actually looked calm for once. "Huh, you calm down when the world around you disappears." Edward thought for a moment and then got an idea on how to help Penn with his anxiety. Tomorrow, I want to try an idea, I think you'll like it." He turned up the volume and then laid back in the couch. He relaxed and thought about tomorrow, the first official day of school. It was going to be hard without any sleep but he's gone longer without it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Penn watched the ranger show quietly, he liked the blue ranger and the pink ranger, it brought back good memories yet it did hurt him a little. Anything from then past cuts him up, anything...its scary and tough but eight years of living it makes a difference. Edward began to talk, he was right though... when he is cut off the world it makes him calm. "y-ya...g-gu-guess-ss...s-so..." He went back to stuttering, it was true on that mark...maybe he should have not said anything. Though when Edward suggested something for tomorrow that seemed a bit shady. Well he doesn't know his roommate that much and after that incident it kind of best to avoid each other but Penn was curious. He was really curious, maybe he should have not asked but... "w-wha-what i-i-s...i-it?" The curiosity killed Penn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Marcia Germano

Eh...what wassat noice? Marci had been attempting to go to sleep, she had been a bit tired after today. 'Twas a good party after all, even though she really didn't participate within most of the actions. Though, she heard what sounded like her roommate...Kate, was it?

Marci had gotten out of bed, hearing the doors close, and head out. Only in her pajamas. With boats. Mmm, boats. Oh, had that been Arun? Marci got a glimpse of him down the hall, and went as fast as she could, as silently as she could, as to not be caught. She then followed the blonde, assuming that were he was going was where Kate had been going, as they were brother and sister.

She followed them up to a forest clearing, where Marci had hid behind a tree. She saw Kate sitting in the grass, and Arun--oh, maybe it was Aaron-- sneaking up behind her. It seems that Kate had just been trying to relax within the clearing, and that was understandable. Sneaking out from behind her tree, and going behind Kate, she said, "Hello, Kate. I heard that you had wanted to relax here?"

Adrianne Elouise


Oh, that barhopping adventure had been great! Eli came back quite drunk, and she semi-struggled to get to her dormroom.

Opening the door whilst she assumed her roommate had been in the room and asleep, she walked in. The room wasn't too fancy, and it wasn't too shitty, either. It seemed decent for Eli's needs. She found out that she had some food left, and decided to step into bed and eat it for a while,e, before she got to sleep. She noticed that her roommate was what looked like a male, which was nice to know.

After finishing her quick bite 'o food, she decided to put her pajamas on, and attempted to go to sleep.

Oh, the hangovers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

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It's a boy, with a cat on his hands. And a speech impairment.

Catherine carefully inspected his every detail, trying to draw up more conclusions apart from the fact that he had an apparent obsession with cats. He looked almost like a plant, with the lucid meek blooming sunflower pinned on his verdant matte green hair like a blossom among leaves, and his slightly emaciated tall slender frame like the trunk that held it up. The way he talked was dull and lifeless, and yet one could still sense the emotions that were present in the slight and subtle variations in his tone. From these, Catherine could see that her roommate was a tree-hugging, socially-challenged, awkwardly-mannered and generally just-plain-awkward boy whose unwavering interest with cats was something Catherine could definitely take advantage of, by pointing out her paws at something she wanted and making him do what she willed at her whim.


"Okay." Catherine said, just as she was about to leave the room. "I'm going to sleep outside. Take care of the things for me, will you?"

So Catherine went outside the door, took a turn left, hid around the corner, and did what she planned to do: shroud herself in crimson mist, morph into the same ribbon-adorned dark grey Siberian cat, then walk back into the room as the mist immediately vanished, climbing up the bed, curling up in comfort and pretend to sleep.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rain watched as his roommate left to sleep outside...odd choice but he like sleeping outisidr as well...lots of Ms.snakes and Mr. racoons to pet and befriends with. She looked kinda cool but red hair... its like fire, scary indeed. He just nodded and continued to use the Mr.Kitty paw to wave goodbye. "...bye...bye..." He sat down on the couch and began to do his cuddling routine, rub his face and cheeks on the fluffy fur then lick the fur back... odd routine clearly but he loved animals...of he can he would befriend an entire zoo and cuddle with all the animals all day every day.

Cntinuiing his cuddling time with Mr.Kitty with rubbing the cats fur on his cheeks with dilated eyes as if he was orgasming...odd use of words but it was true. Rain did sorrt of have a fetish of fluffy things so that makes sense. Then...a grey kitty comes in with a ribbon that looks oh so familar. It just walked in and went to the bed to sleep. He watched it and for a while wonder what to do... it was so fluffy and cute...he wanted to cuddle but... something seemed wrong about it. He walked up to it and looked down at the kitty. Mr.Kitty fell asleep on the couch so he can cuddle with him later. Then out of no where Rain jumped on the kitty and tossed up to the air and began to cuddle it furiously, his eyes dilated again and he was kinda drooling abit....maybe he was into beastiality...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

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Edward looked over at Penn and a slight look of evil could be seen, "Don't worry about it, you'll see tomorrow." Once the show ended, he turned off the T.V. and went to bed, "Night Penn, make sure to turn the lights off whenever you get done doing.... whatever it is you do." Edward rolled over and buried himself into the pillow trying to get comfy. Failing, he put the pillow on the ground and used the blanket as a more mold-able pillow. Finally getting comfy, Edward drifted off to sleep, snoring louder than a bear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

-After the party-

The night ended with drunken students and hangovers all over the place. The staff worked hard into cleaning the puke and mess that they left behind all night. As time went on the next day. The classes shall begin, what will the student learn? What would the staff teacher? It is all up to them but for now they start of early preparing for a new day and hopefully will get along with their roommates. While the ones wake up from their homes getting ready for their new day and some who are waking up to meet their roommates. Bring your books, your notes and your will as you all need it.


Penn woke up at the bathroom; he remembered the night that happened and he was immediately terrified of it, even though it wasn’t much it still relieved every moment of it. He went into the bathroom to take the morning shower and locked the door. He was scared and paranoid of anything, a hot shower could really help him a bit. He didn’t know why though he choose to hide and stay at the bathroom was not sure but guessing in was paranoia and well better to feel safe than nothing.

He stood up from he cold floor and stretched his back. His stomach growled loudly, he didn’t really have any dinner except for that watermelon candy he had that helped with his panic attack. Penn walked towards the door and opened it but stop. Maybe a shower first then some food later would do the trick first…calm his nerves. He stepped back and sighed sadly…he was craving to eat some macaroni and cheese. “Great…stuck here…” Also….Edward got some plans for him later….god he wonder how it would it be… please not let it break his mind.

Then his phone rang; it played a cutesy melody as to show he was receiving a phone call. He got it and unlock then gave the greeting to whoever it was but usually it was his manager. “Hello?” A blank like voice answered. “Penn. Its me.” It was defiantly his manager or in other words Vow with some news to him.

“Oh Vow! Morning um…what is it?” Penn asked, wondering why he called, he heard him sigh. “Dead line been changed to tomorrow remember, also you got book for autograph signing later that day sorry lots of things changed in the schedule.” Penn grunted with frustration, the life of a mangaka…and people think that Mico Mico is a girl…

“Okay…I finished what I have done you can pick it up and also might brining my wig? For the signing?” Penn asked as he paced the bathroom. “Yes, I will be there at 4:00 pm see you late Penn.” With those words Vow left the call before Penn could say goodbye. He knew that Vow was like that, strict and tough but he knew he had reasons to do so. He undressed and went in the shower, turning on the hot water he left the warmth take over and let him relax for another hectic day but though he forgot one thing… he forgot to lock the door.


Rain woke up on the floor, he wonder how he got there though because he was sleeping at the top bunk. He stood up quickly and looked around the room, he grabbed on of his favorite plushie. a donut plushie from the floor and bit it like a donut. It showed that he was kind of…hungry. Mr. kitty was sleeping on the top bunk of the bed, Rain didn't want to disturb Mr. Kitty.

“Hungry…need…food…” he walked towards the kitchenette and looked at it once more. Rain…is special in a way, something you called as a Resonance man as he was talented in many things…many as mean a lot. He can cook, paint, fence, dance, write, math, chess…a lot of things but though he was slow minded and well didn’t do well with other sports like soccer….he always ends up in the goal instead of the ball for weird reasons. He continued to but the doll while he got out some eggs and herbs with other ingredients as well.

He was going to make breakfast, as he was indeed hungry. As he continued to bit on his doll he started boil water as he was going to make poach eggs with a lemon herb sauce and a sweet potato frittatas on the side. Rain was defiantly a talented young man but just how he worked and how thing go for him people think he is just a stupid being.

As the room was filled with a scent of delicious cooking Rain just continues to cook with his blank faced and his doll. He missed Iyo though, he wanted to hug him and play with his fluffy hair….that was one of the favorite things about Rain liked about Iyo… that fluffy hair…He smiled and continued cooking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Grimm hadn't slept a wink, instead choosing to spend his night working on the two drawings he had started yesterday, Graiai's being completely finished and Marcia's being mostly finished, just needed to go through a bit of detail work. If his roommate had come in or woken up, Grimm wouldn't have noticed.

However, the call for food from his growling pit of a stomach has put a cease to his work as he attempts to make himself breakfest. After a couple of minutes, a lot of shouting and banging could be heard from the kitchenette area, where his roommate woukd find Grimm, scythe in hand as he stared at the blender, which was currently dancing around the floor with the top of it off.

"You think you can best me, you filthy mechanized abomination, but I shall end you today." As he speaks, he lifts the scythe up and prepares to smash it into the poor appliance.



Xavier awakes to a wonderful morning . . . and a girl passed out drunk on the bunk next to his. Xavier didn't even need his power to know she had been going at it heavily, he'd been in that same position many times before. Getting up from his bed, Xavier began to get an ice pack and some headache reliever, setting them down next to her for ease of acquisition later. Once Xavier had gotten himself properly dressed, he'd shake her gently into horrid consciousness. "I'm sorry to bother you while you're recovering, but may I please ask what're you doing here."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The night before last Watarti had stumbled into my his new living quarters and collapsed on the old tattered sofa that sat in the common area. Tired beyond belief he slept for almost two days before awakening to the sound of his roommate preparing breakfast. There was loud yelling and banging coming from the kitchen area that Watari just couldn't manage to ignore. "You know you think you'd be a little more considerate to you new roommate." He yelled, picking up a one of the pillows that fallen on the floor, he tossed it towards the kitchen in the hopes that his message would make a point.

Rolling over and attempting to go back to sleep now was no longer an option. After being awoken in such an untimely fashion there was no going back. Sitting up almost immediately, the mess of pillows and blankets that were piled on top of him flew into the air and scattered across the room. Who does this guy think he is, I should blow up his house for waking me up. Of course if he did that he'd most likely have to go on the run again since the police would catch on. Walking into the kitchen Watari clapped his hands together and put on his best friendly expression. Looking at Grimm he smiled "So what are you making? It doesn't seem like you're very satisfied with the outcome." Standing in front of him was a tall young man with icy blue eyes and shaggy unkempt hair, raised above his head was a large scythe prepared to come down on the helpless blending machine.


(If you do the look into my soul shit know that I dont have a soul.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After another half hour of bumming around on the net Katya decided to go to bed, knowing she’d have little trouble sleeping due to the mix of excitement and nerves. Well so she thought for when it actually came time to sleep she was out like a light in less than a minute snoring softly and occasionally muttering softly in Russian. As Katya slept she became disembodied getting surprised by something in her dream, but the girl was unaware she was out of her body as she was sound asleep.

It wasn’t until next morning when she awoke to the sound of her alarm did Katya notice she was out of her body and after a moment of panic and working herself back she went thought she awoke again. It was annoying but she had gotten used to it over the years and at time it had played to her advantage.
Getting out of bed, Katya dug out a uniform out of the draw that Mos had packed with her clothes, frowning at how neat they all looked like he had taken great care when putting them in the draw. Shaking her head Katya left the room and headed off towards a bathroom to have a wash and get dressed, not wanting to do so in her room given the gender of her roommate.
“I can’t believe I sharing a room with a boy and loud one at that. I bet father played a part in that… it something he would do to remind me he still has influence even so far from home.

Once she had a wash and gotten dressed Katya went back into the room packed her bag with a few blank note books and after a study of her time table whatever else knew or guessed she might need. Once everything was packed she left the room again and headed towards the cafeteria to grab some breakfast. Once in the cafeteria she ended up getting some toast with jam sitting in an empty seat towards the corner of the room.

The night was a long and fun one for Kenneth as he spent most of the night in his Lycan form. It was always fun for him and even better it would make him feel tried when he would eventually switch forms again and climb into bed. It was an hour before sunrise before Kenneth went to bed still feeling somewhat energetic knowing that a couple of hours of sleep would all he’d need to recover.
As he went to bed Kenneth remembered the scream on that boys face, feeling quite satisfied with himself still a tiny part of him did feel a little bad for the boy. Still it wasn’t enough to make him want to say sorry or even consider how the boy would be right now after all his kind now where the stuff of legend and movies many of which he thought were utter rubbish.

After a few hours’ sleep Kenneth awoke to his alarm telling him it was time start a new day and with it the first day of classes, Kenneth feeling a tiny bit excited as he wanted to meet the students he’d be teaching. Getting himself dressed in a black shirt and jeans, which was his normal teaching attire.
Once dressed Kenneth went about packing a large backpack with his laptop and a large number of printed and neatly stapled handouts. Once everything was packed Kenneth check the time, seeing he had quite a while went about having breakfast which was some form of meat as always and enough to feed a class room of people. The joy of being a Lycan was the constant desire to eat the flesh of others it was enjoyable for him at least… which to Kenneth was important otherwise he quickly grow tired of eating the same day in day out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Last Night...

Marci had left her. Alone in the clearing with the threat of being discovered Kate stood there in fear. What should she do? What could she do? There ws no way of stopping Marci from telling everyone, even if she didn't say she would the girl wasn't exactly the trusting sort. Kate didn't know what to do but figure that tonight was all the time she had left at Orean. She wandered the forest hoping to find some comfort but it was for naught. Later she returned to campus and that was when she bumped into Aaron who had returned from the store with food. "Hey what's up?...What's with the face?", Aaron asked after noticing a few tears running down Kate's face.

"I screwed up, Aaron I screwed up so bad", her voice was shaky and it was clear that Kate was freaking out.

"Hey, relax. What happened?"

"I'm so stupid I should have looked before saying anything I-!"

"Kate. Relax. Now tell me what happened"

Kate had to take a deep breath before she could go on. Being discovered meant Kate and her family would have to pick up everything and move to a new neighborhood maybe even another state or another country. All under new identities, the thought that she'd have to forget about her old life and become another person weighted heavily on her. "After you left me in the clearing Marcia found me, I thought she was you so I didn't try to hide my hands until it was to late. She found out about me, Aaron. She knows, but not just about me she knows about the elves. I don't know if that should be a good thing or not!"

Aaron had a stern look on his face. While he was upset at Kate for being careless he did his determination to protect family overshadowed that. "Did she say anything to you? Anything weird?", he had read Kate's acceptance letter into Orean so he knew there were students here with not so normal backgrounds. Perhaps Marcia was one of them. Kate searched her memories for what Marcia had said to her. In truth she could not remember much besides the essentials as. "All I remember was her saying she met elves at her village in Hereford three thousand years ago",

"Maybe she a vampire? Something with immortality we know that for sure"

"There was something else she said but I don't know what it means, she said in another language", Kate recited Marcia's words to the best of her ability though it was missing a few parts to it.

"...get some sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning", Aaron picked up his bags and headed back to his dorm. Kate headed back to her dorm as well.

Waking Up...

Kate didn't get much sleep. After what happened last night she was afriad her secret would be revealed to everyone. She had tried to comfort herself with the thought that if Marci told anyone they'd just ignore her but it didn't help. That morning she awoke looking drained of evergy which was true as she didn't return to her dorm immediately after the conclusion of her conversation with Marcia. "Guess I should get ready for class...", she thought to herself as she headed to the bathroom. After a shower, brushing of the teeth and the other parts of her morning ritual Kate headed out of her dorm towards class. She wasn't in the mood for breakfast, the fear of being found out kept her focused on just getting through the day.

Yesterday proved to be an interesting first day at Orean. Most of it ent by in a blur but what stood out was the final events of the night. After what Kate had told him Aaron went straight to his dorm and began to search up what he could on Marcia. He searched up Hereford and while there was plenty of information on the settlement there was little about local folklore concerning elves. As for the phrase which was spoken all he could translate was, "I am of Hereford...Witch with the devil...burned the village". So was that it? Was Marcia a witch? Did she really burn down a village? If that was true, and it probably was, then for Kate to be roommates with this person was extremely dangerous.

When Aaron awoke he still had the memory of last night fresh in his mind. He got ready for the day and grabbed his skateboard and research notes. Once out the door he searched around for Kate. She needed to know what they were dealing with before they made a plan on how to deal with their new problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Grimm ceased in his attempts to destroy the machine when he heard a voice a little ways away. He looked up slightly, but never fully took his eyes of tge blender as it danced about on the floor, making that god-awful racket. "I was curious as to this machine's function, as I've never seen one like it before. However, as soon as I pressed the on button, the devlish contraption assaulted me, clatteeing along the rabke towards me whioe making that dreadful noise. I half thought it was the work of a poltergeist, but the lack of a spirit suggests otherwise." Giving the machine another look over, he proceeded with his previous course of action, smashing the blender into pieces with the back of his scythe, not stopping until it had ceased moving entirely. "Whatever the issue, it's done now."

Grim turned to face the shifty look of his roommate, scratching his face slightly as he looked him over." . . . A bit on the plain side, but as long as you don't touch my drawings, I'm sure we'll get along fine. Now, I'm going to get some breakfest from the cafeteria." He gave a small tilt of his head, the scythe vanishing into a pocket dimension as he walked out the door, yawning ever so slightly.
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