Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sun was setting on Covenant Academy's school day. Students from all different clubs were finishing up their meetings and heading out for the day. There were some where cleaning and finishing up would drag them on for a bit longer, and the security team kept an eye on things while students were exiting the school in such numbers. On one hand, many of them were feeling pretty good after a nice, successful meeting with their club or clubs. On the other hand... this was the most likely time for trouble. Indeed, Covenant Academy's Security team was most likely to be busy right about now. After all, it was when students were leaving the Academy, free for the rest of the day. If they wanted to cause trouble at the school, this was the time.

Certainly, it was a nice day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was a beautiful day for anyone to do just about anything they wanted to that required being outdoors. But with clouds on the horizon and the wind picking up, it seemed that the weather could certainly worsen that night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Placing the box on her lap, Sakura headed out of the clubroom. That had been a really fun meeting, they'd spent a lot of time on some new games. She'd brought in one of her favorites, as well as played the other member's games. To put it simply, it was really pretty fantastic! Smiling cheerfully, Sakura continued down the hallway. Oh, what to do for the rest of the day... maybe talk with her friends? Unfortunately, this wasn't one of her better days physically, so too much physical activity wasn't on the table... but it was pretty easy for her to find something fun to do otherwise.

Ah, there she was...

Artemis stood silently outside the doorway. Sakura thought that the goddess was a little bit too overprotective, sometimes, but she admittedly appreciated the sentiment. The purple-haired girl had decided it was important to protect her... regardless of whether or not she was in danger.

"Are you well, Tomoe-san?" asked Artemis. Her voice as she spoke the honorfic was rather awkward, even now. It simply wasn't a word that she was used to. However, Artemis desired to treat her summoner with respect. Which meant, in this language, getting to know the honorfics.

"I'm fine, Arti-chan, " said Sakura, her smile growing slightly. It grew even more at Artemis' confused expression. Oh, it was really kind of fun teasing the goddess... and easy, as well. Simply referring to her with that honorfic worked!

"I do not understand why you refer to me like that... it means you see me as cute, correct?" Artemis raised her eyebrow, frowning slightly.

"I do! You dress pretty awesome, too!"

Artemis let out a sigh, as Sakura cheerfully headed onward. The goddess followed.

Idly, Mira strummed her guitar outside of school. That had gone... very well. Rehearsals were perfect, so she had a lot of confidence for the future. She picked up her guitar case, and began to pack it away. Carrying both at once wasn't an issue when she had demonic strength from her contract, but it was pretty awkward and being kept in the case made sure her guitar was protected from damage. Buckling it up, she lifted the now encased guitar.

... And felt two soft things rest atop her head. She immediately knew what the source of them was. It wasn't hard to guess, certainly.

"... Cut that out. Right now, " her tone was flat. Mira wasn't in the mood for this.

"Hehehe... but you're just the right height for this~! Besides, don't you like how it feels~?"

Mira sighed. Lily... oh, contracting with Lily was certainly useful, she couldn't deny that was the case. However, the demon was a pervert. A pervert who liked resting her chest in awkward places, like on top of Mira's head.

"Shut up. I... I don't want people seeing this!" snapped Mira, pulling away and turning to face the demon girl. Lily frowned, folding her arms under her chest. Mira was certain that was on purpose, emphasizing it like that...

"Are you afraid someone will take me away~? Don't worry, I'll stay with you no matter what!"

Mira quickly turned away with a huff. "Let's... let's just go!"

Stupid Lily...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roland Wright walked through the hallways of the school with a smile on his face. Today had been a good day for the gaming club and a good day for him. Not an exciting day maybe, there were no boss-level rogue contractors to fight, no new event flags seemed to have been tripped, and he hadn't leveled up in terms of his powers or his school knowledge. "Just basic EXP gain," he mused to himself "Might be useful down the line at least."

Roland headed out the door and out in front of the school, waiting to see if anything interesting would happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hibiki sighed as he strolled out into the courtyard, he hadn't been here long and he still hadn't really gotten to know anybody yet. He dusted down his uniform a little as he shouldered his back pack with a sigh. "Guess I'll go find a club to join, about time I did" he said, half to himself and half to Mizuchi who appeared behind him as if stepping out of the very air itself. "You should join one of the martial arts clubs, or kendo, you know your grandfather wants you to continue your training" the white haired man said, strolling behind the young teenager. They seemed an odd pair, the small quiet Hibiki with the tall, handsome Mizuchi whose ever shifting kimono fluttered in the slight breeze. Hibiki nodded as they moved along, "I know, but I could just train alone. I was thinking of joining a more quiet club" he said, looking over at Mizuchi as if expecting him to decide for him. Mizuchi scowled slightly, frustrated once again that Hibiki looked to him for instructions instead of taking the initiative. "It is your decision, the school offers plenty of opportunities to strengthen yourself in and out of the classroom" was all he said, hoping Hibiki would do what he wanted for himself rather than what he was just expected to do. Hibiki seemed to be thinking on this and before long they found themselves before the clubs board, the strange pairing looking at the lists of various clubs. "What to choose" was all Hibiki softly said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Athoriel
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Athoriel Yes?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marcus was laid down, with his back against the tree trunk, his eyes closed against the day to embrace the thoughts in his mind. A bright glimmer of light fell across his view, breaking the wonderful daydream, forcing his eyes open through slits to combat the intense glare.

"Sunset" He muttered to himself with a grimace, shimmying his back further up the tree, until his head sat in the shade of the branches above.

The hulking figure stood just off away from the him, gazing out over the high rise of their hill to look out over the ocean and its setting sun. Frank, the clay Golem, Marcus's faithful companion and what he liked to think of as friend. A wave of contentment radiated from the creature, finding it's way to Marcus, who smiled knowingly at the Frank's back. A stark shadow was cast along the ground from where Frank stood, falling all the way behind them toward the school, and judging by the sun, most of the clubs would be finishing up now.

"Sorry to spoil it bud, but we've gotta get a move on" He said as he rose, running a knuckle over the ache in his back from where a stray knot of wood had dug in.

Frank turned its body toward Marcus, its movements sounding like the run of loose gravel down a slope. A wave of reluctance swept over Marcus, quickly followed by acceptance. This was all he needed from Frank to know they were good to get a move on. The security team would need to be on hand in case of any incidents, duty bound to regulate any disagreements or remove them, he made his way toward the clutch of buildings in the distance.

"Come on, it won't be that bad!" He chided, slapping the Golem on the calf of its leg as they walked, the sun sinking down further and further behind them. The creature replied with a slow and easy nod of the head, forcing another smile from Marcus, the buildings were close now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarumasaLuckySpectre


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Marumasa strolled out of the building, he had just finished packing away the equipment from his club, he looked at the sun whiles covering his eyes with his hands. i wonder where the twins have gone to? Marumasa was a contractor, his partners were two twins known as Huginn and Muninn, the messenger birds of Odin himself.
"Kaw- what am i doing, hey there boss!" a high pitched croaky voice erupted from a black raven, "Huginn here, reporting for dut-"
"Huginn leave the boss alone, he doesn't need your nonsense" a white raven interrupted Huginn,
"how's it going Muninn? Huginn been a pain in the ass?" the two birds sat down on either shoulder of Marumasa,
"just a bit" Muninn laughed.

After a little stroll Marumasa found a quiet empty spot to sit, well would be empty if the twins weren't arguing on his shoulder, "guys how long have you been here for? shouldn't you return to your rightful place, so you can rest up?" he smiled as he silenced the two,
"if you say so boss, we know you don't want us anymore" Huginn sighed out as he took flight
"Huginn you arse, don't talk to boss like that, see you soon boss!" and then both disappeared, returning to the side of Odin.
finally, i can sit here in peace, though, i wonder if any fights will happen today
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roland was, quite simply, bored. This was utterly unacceptable. As the protagonist, it was his right, no his sacred duty to craft the most interesting and enjoyable story possible not just for himself but for everyone involved. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anyone anywhere after finishing his patrols of the school, and he considered a protagonist interacting solely with himself to be the height of bad taste in terms of crafting an enjoyable story! Therefore there was only one thing to do!

Roland climbed to the very top of the school's tallest school building and invoked his contract with the phoenix. Normally this had a number of uses, all related to flame and normally mostly good for heating things or fighting. This time however, Roland wanted to invoke a very, very special kind of fiery explosion. So summoning up the flames of his phoenix contract and tweaking them ever so slightly he filled both of his palms with power until they glowed blindingly.

Finally, when the concentrated fire in his palms had become a shining beacon on top of the building even during the day, he thrust his hands upward and let it shoot straight up into the air...where it exploded into a gigantic array of rainbow colored, incredibly noisy fireworks. The roar from all of them wasn't quite deafening or painful but it would almost certainly be heard throughout the entire school, even indoors. Furthermore the sky was now lit up with an array of bright and colorful burning flowers. Roland jumped down to the center clearing of the school where many of the buildings converged and yelled at the top of his voice.

"Any delinquents or criminals, come on out or I'll hunt you down to become ultimate boss of this school! Any lovestruck maidens or cherry boy's filled with strange new emotions, your reactions are perfectly natural and I embrace them! Anyone who's ever considered whether the power of friendship is real or not, wonder no longer, you've got a new best friend. I'm Roland Wright, and I officially call out every member of this school, regardless of what for!"

Things were often messy when one tried to force the activation of a flag, but stagnation and boredom were worse than death, after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Athoriel
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Athoriel Yes?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marcus whipped his head around at the origin of the loud 'whooshing' sound accompanied by a soft bang, the lapse in his monotonous patrol becoming the center of his attention.
"What manner of foolishness is this?" He asked rhetorically of his Golem, walking at a fast pace toward the commotion. There would be hell to pay for the student who thought it a funny idea to display their contracted power in a manner like this, disturbing the peace and ultimately disturbing him. He rounded the corner and came to look upon the culprit.
"Roland Wright" He said with a grimace, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. His fellow security team member was a lad one year his junior and as rambunctious as the flames he conjured, also somewhat delusional, yet Marcus believed his heart was in the right place.
"Must I remind you that it's our job to prevent commotions like this from taking place Roland, you can't go lighting up half the bloody sky and begin challenging the entire island!" He said, his voice raising in volume as he went along. At that moment Frank, his Golem, rounded the corner, the disapproval it emitted contrasted well with Marcus's own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarumasaLuckySpectre


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Looking up at the source of a large bang and some voice beckoning in the air about justice and delinquents Marumasa smiled a little and begun talking to himself, "looks like this is going to be an interesting year, i bet that guy isn't even as strong as he sounds" he smiled slyly and stood up, stretching as he looked around
i guess the twins will want to see this... urgh i guess i will let them back with that Marumasa closed his eyes and called to the pair, a elegant dark glow surrounded his arms as feathers began to fall from his shoulders, and there perched on either side of the shoulders was Huginn and Muninn.
"howdy boss, you called?" Huginn erupted, forgetting how close to Marumasa's ears he was,
"feeling refreshed boss!" Muninn squawked equally as loud
"guys i would appreciate it if you wouldn't be so loud when sitting by my head thank you" he smiled and headed towards the school, "seem's there is a commotion so i am going to check it out... thought i would get lonely on the way and decided to summon you guys again".
"by the way boss.... nevermind" Huginn looked briefly towards the school building then back at Marumasa, "that can wait"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Virgil was sleeping under one of the trees on campus. Virgil looked at the fireworks and thought about what he should do. All things considered he realized that he should go check things out. "Fenrir! Rise to the challenge of the flame!" Lightning struck the ground in front of him with a thunder clap releasing a beast that roared and unleashed a second thunder clap. "Jasmine, Come forth we have mischief to make." with that the small white fox climbed onto his shoulder. "What mischief?"

"Wait and see." He climbed onto the back of Fenrir and Jasmine curled up on Fenrir's back in front of Virgil. "Let's Go!" Fenrir took off hurtleing towards the source of the source of the fireworks. He arrived and saw the person.
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