Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silyan

Silyan Antisocial Nugget

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@ArkmageddonCat@Silyan@Happy Go Lucky
All characters accepted

Thank you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Crimson Lion>

Thank you.

No problem you antisocial nugget
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll try and get a post up tonight or tomorrow.

Is TheWindel not rejoining? I thought they were...

Wasn't there somebody else too? Or was that it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll try and get a post up tonight or tomorrow.

Is TheWindel not rejoining? I thought they were...

Wasn't there somebody else too? Or was that it?

There was me. Had an entertainingly busy few days but I'm ready to rock now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@TheFake Accepted
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So...who's gonna post?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As soon as I finish making my second character I'll write up a post for Nilara.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Irisara Silaen "The Pirate Queen"

"Call me a fish elf, I dare you..."

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Kingdom: Water Kingdom

Persona: Not your average Sea Elf pirate, there is more to Irisara than one can see at first glance. Being the captain of a ship full of ravenous cutthroats requires a strong mind and body and Irisara is a shining example of that. Tough as nails with a mind for naval warfare she leads her crew and those she calls allies into battle with a combination of precision and ferocity. Irisara can come off as a bit of a grouch but eventually once she warms up to others she quickly becomes more amicable. Until then it's best not to upset her as she is a pirate and fighting is something she isn't afraid to do.

Post Example: The sails of The Amaranthea caught strong tailwinds as she attempted to close the distance between herself and her prize. It was a Meredith merchant ship traveling along the coast with spices, coin, and other valuables just waiting to be plundered. Unfortunately for the crew of the merchant ship, the night prior brought in foul winds causing the ship to be dragged a bit farther from the coast while still maintaining its route. This was perfect for The Amaranthea as this meant that the prize was farther away from help and less likely to escape to a harbor.

The Amaranthea moved in on the merchant ship surprisingly well. The ships ram slammed into the rear of the ship and destroy its rudder. On the deck of The Amaranthea it's captain stood with her arms crossed as she nodded to her swivel gunners. The order was given and without delay the two swivel gunners fired two chain shots at the masts of the merchant ship. Their prize was now without a steer and winds to carry it, the ship was now a treasure chest on a raft. The pirates boarded the ship howling like mad men as their swords rang out of their sheaths. The merchant sailors had little time to react but even for those with the sense to arm themselves it was all for naught. The pirates cut down those who fought back and blooded those who didn't. In a matter of minutes the ship was theirs and the pirates cheered as their captain exited the quarters of the merchant ship's captain...holding the man's head by his hair.

"You goddamn savages! The Royal Navy will have your heads for this!", one of the merchant sailors yelled as he was brought to his knees. One of the pirates, Quartermaster Dashiil hit him with the hilt of his sword before barking back, "Shut it before I cut out ya tongue! You is in the presence of Captain Silaen, Pirate Queen of The Amaranthea!". Irisara laughed as she tossed the head of the former merchant captain overboard, "Its quite alright Dashiil, I'll look past the formalities right now. How many did we lose in the fight?". Dashiil looked down in scorn of himself as he uttered the words, "Two, Captain. Velosi and Neiro, the bastards managed to gut our boys early on".

"Well that's unfortunate, but I do believe we have a chance to fill the void left by their deaths. I see twelve men before me, six if you count the ones living. I say we do some recruiting", Irisara watched as her crew began to smile one by one while their prisoners looked on in horror and confusion. "So who among you lot wish to join our little family? C'mon speak up, anyone?", at first there were no takers but soon enough one spoke up after realizing what the alternative was. Then another spoke up, and another, and another until all six were yelling over each other. "My aren't you all eager! Unfortunately we only need two of you so..", Irisara pulled out four crude wooden knives, they were small and thin but strong enough to pierce flesh. Taking the tips of the knives she pressed them against her fangs causing the venom to coat the blade. Once all four were coated she handed them to Quartermaster Dashiil. "Lock them below decks and toss these in with them, don't let them out until only two remain", the crew began to chuckle as their prisoners started to panic and look at each other in fear of what was to come. One of them even had the gall to yell back, "You fish elf bitch! And if we all are poisoned?! What then? No replacements for y-". The sailor's insults were silenced by Irisara shoving a poisoned knife into his neck. The entire ship went silent as the man's body collapsed on the deck writhing about as the venom destroyed his body.

"...now that he's done with, let's be on with it then", the crew cheered in unison as they pillaged the lower decks of the merchant ship and brought up with them various wines and foods from which they all ate merrily. The gold would be brought up after the main act. Quartermaster Dashiil lead the prisoners below decks carefully jabbing at them with his cutlass before leaving them below and locking the hatch. The pirates gathered around the gridded cargo hatch to see which of these sailors they'd soon welcome into the fold. Irisars stood above atop the hatch and looked down at the five unfortunate souls with a smirk on her face, "Alright boys, get to it! After this we make haste for Stormacre!" The men roared in anticipation of the wine, women, and song that was to come. They danced, drank wine, and scrapped while waiting for the battle below to come to a close. Unfortunately for them the lookout began to cry out, "SHIP AHOY! CAP'N SHES A MAN O' WAR! MEREDITH NAVY APPROACHIN' PORTSIDE!". Every soul on both The Amaranthea and the merchant chip went dead silent as they waited for their captain's orders.

"All hands back to The Amaranthea, leave the spoils! Quartermaster have a group of men take what blackpowder is below our decks and place half of it on the merchant ship!"

"But Cap'n the spoils! The powder'll be more useful with us than blast in way our prize!"

"That Man O' War'll blow us to hell if we stay on. The prize and the powder will weigh us down when we flee!"

"I assume ya have a plan?"

"We load the powder onto the ship, we sail opposite it and when that man o' war comes near to inspect it our swivels blast it to hell. It wont stop the navy but it'll give us time to put as much distance between us and it and along the way we toss the rest overboard as fire barrels"

Dashiil nodded with an approving smirk before relaying Irisara's orders to the crew, "ALL HANDS ON DECK, BRING UP THE POWDER AND SPLIT THE PILE! HELMSMAN, TURN US AROUND AND GET US TO STORMACRE!. The crew of The Amaranthea rushed across the decks as they moved the powder. At the same time the man o' war was closing the distance but it hesitated to fire on the ship, instead it fired warning shots into the water. Irisara was suspicious, the man o' war's crew easily outnumbered her own and while her's was skilled the numbers alone had them at a disadvantage. "Dashiil, my spyglass", she called and not a moment later it was in her hands. To her surprise when looking through the telescope she saw a deckhand waving a white flag as the man o' war approached. "Strange...they wish to speak", Irisara hadn't known the royal navy to deal with pirates and she wasn't going to let her guard down because this lot claimed to. When the man o' war arrived Irisara made sure to use the merchant ship as the neutral ground. The massive ship came up alongside the trade vessel and it towered over both the merchant ship and and Irisara's brig. Captain Silaen and hee Quartermaster stood atop the deck of the merchant ship as they awaited word from the royals. A rope ladder unfurled down the hull of the warship and shortly after the Captain and an emissary came climbing down. The two groups eyed stared down for seemingly an eternity before the emissary nervously spoke, "I-Irisara Silae-"

"Captain Irisara Silaen", Dashiil corrected with a scowl on his face.

"Forgive me, Captain. I represent the three kingdoms in their efforts to establish a coalition force to combat the monsters plaguing the lands"

"What's this have to do with us?", Irisara was on edge. The sooner they'd be done with this the better.

"Well the coalition wishes to make you a deal. Aid us in this endeavor and you will be given a royal pardon from all three kingdoms-"

"Damn your pardons, we've been fine without 'em for this long and we'll last much longer still"

"There is also a considerable reward for each beast slain., Irisara's mood perked up immediately after hearing the last part of the offer. She looked back to her crew who looked on with looks of support, they knew their captain was the woman for the job, and the fact that she'd be bringing home a trove of gold made the deal all the sweeter. "Where we headed?".



  • Leviathan's Touch- A trait of all Sea Elves, Irisara has small barbs on her fingertips which can produce and inject a paralytic venom into an enemy.
  • Siren's Kiss- A more rare genetic trait where instead of barbs, Irisara has two fangs capable of injecting venom so potent it can kill a man in minutes with a single bite. However both the Leviathan's Touch and the Siren's Kiss are barely used by Irisara unless she is without weapon. That doesn't mean she never uses it to intimidate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That is one sick-ass blade, brah.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I know! I saw it and immediately thought, "This is it. My search is over"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by ArkmageddonCat>

There was me. Had an entertainingly busy few days but I'm ready to rock now.

Accepted, as long as you don't go to overboard with the power.

Irisara Silaen "The Pirate Queen"

"Call me a fish elf, I dare you..."

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Kingdom: Water Kingdom

Persona: Not your average Sea Elf pirate, there is more to Irisara than one can see at first glance. Being the captain of a ship full of ravenous cutthroats requires a strong mind and body and Irisara is a shining example of that. Tough as nails with a mind for naval warfare she leads her crew and those she calls allies into battle with a combination of precision and ferocity. Irisara can come off as a bit of a grouch but eventually once she warms up to others she quickly becomes more amicable. Until then it's best not to upset her as she is a pirate and fighting is something she isn't afraid to do.

Post Example: The sails of The Amaranthea caught strong tailwinds as she attempted to close the distance between herself and her prize. It was a Meredith merchant ship traveling along the coast with spices, coin, and other valuables just waiting to be plundered. Unfortunately for the crew of the merchant ship, the night prior brought in foul winds causing the ship to be dragged a bit farther from the coast while still maintaining its route. This was perfect for The Amaranthea as this meant that the prize was farther away from help and less likely to escape to a harbor.

The Amaranthea moved in on the merchant ship surprisingly well. The ships ram slammed into the rear of the ship and destroy its rudder. On the deck of The Amaranthea it's captain stood with her arms crossed as she nodded to her swivel gunners. The order was given and without delay the two swivel gunners fired two chain shots at the masts of the merchant ship. Their prize was now without a steer and winds to carry it, the ship was now a treasure chest on a raft. The pirates boarded the ship howling like mad men as their swords rang out of their sheaths. The merchant sailors had little time to react but even for those with the sense to arm themselves it was all for naught. The pirates cut down those who fought back and blooded those who didn't. In a matter of minutes the ship was theirs and the pirates cheered as their captain exited the quarters of the merchant ship's captain...holding the man's head by his hair.

"You goddamn savages! The Royal Navy will have your heads for this!", one of the merchant sailors yelled as he was brought to his knees. One of the pirates, Quartermaster Dashiil hit him with the hilt of his sword before barking back, "Shut it before I cut out ya tongue! You is in the presence of Captain Silaen, Pirate Queen of The Amaranthea!". Irisara laughed as she tossed the head of the former merchant captain overboard, "Its quite alright Dashiil, I'll look past the formalities right now. How many did we lose in the fight?". Dashiil looked down in scorn of himself as he uttered the words, "Two, Captain. Velosi and Neiro, the bastards managed to gut our boys early on".

"Well that's unfortunate, but I do believe we have a chance to fill the void left by their deaths. I see twelve men before me, six if you count the ones living. I say we do some recruiting", Irisara watched as her crew began to smile one by one while their prisoners looked on in horror and confusion. "So who among you lot wish to join our little family? C'mon speak up, anyone?", at first there were no takers but soon enough one spoke up after realizing what the alternative was. Then another spoke up, and another, and another until all six were yelling over each other. "My aren't you all eager! Unfortunately we only need two of you so..", Irisara pulled out four crude wooden knives, they were small and thin but strong enough to pierce flesh. Taking the tips of the knives she pressed them against her fangs causing the venom to coat the blade. Once all four were coated she handed them to Quartermaster Dashiil. "Lock them below decks and toss these in with them, don't let them out until only two remain", the crew began to chuckle as their prisoners started to panic and look at each other in fear of what was to come. One of them even had the gall to yell back, "You fish elf bitch! And if we all are poisoned?! What then? No replacements for y-". The sailor's insults were silenced by Irisara shoving a poisoned knife into his neck. The entire ship went silent as the man's body collapsed on the deck writhing about as the venom destroyed his body.

"...now that he's done with, let's be on with it then", the crew cheered in unison as they pillaged the lower decks of the merchant ship and brought up with them various wines and foods from which they all ate merrily. The gold would be brought up after the main act. Quartermaster Dashiil lead the prisoners below decks carefully jabbing at them with his cutlass before leaving them below and locking the hatch. The pirates gathered around the gridded cargo hatch to see which of these sailors they'd soon welcome into the fold. Irisars stood above atop the hatch and looked down at the five unfortunate souls with a smirk on her face, "Alright boys, get to it! After this we make haste for Stormacre!" The men roared in anticipation of the wine, women, and song that was to come. They danced, drank wine, and scrapped while waiting for the battle below to come to a close. Unfortunately for them the lookout began to cry out, "SHIP AHOY! CAP'N SHES A MAN O' WAR! MEREDITH NAVY APPROACHIN' PORTSIDE!". Every soul on both The Amaranthea and the merchant chip went dead silent as they waited for their captain's orders.

"All hands back to The Amaranthea, leave the spoils! Quartermaster have a group of men take what blackpowder is below our decks and place half of it on the merchant ship!"

"But Cap'n the spoils! The powder'll be more useful with us than blast in way our prize!"

"That Man O' War'll blow us to hell if we stay on. The prize and the powder will weigh us down when we flee!"

"I assume ya have a plan?"

"We load the powder onto the ship, we sail opposite it and when that man o' war comes near to inspect it our swivels blast it to hell. It wont stop the navy but it'll give us time to put as much distance between us and it and along the way we toss the rest overboard as fire barrels"

Dashiil nodded with an approving smirk before relaying Irisara's orders to the crew, "ALL HANDS ON DECK, BRING UP THE POWDER AND SPLIT THE PILE! HELMSMAN, TURN US AROUND AND GET US TO STORMACRE!. The crew of The Amaranthea rushed across the decks as they moved the powder. At the same time the man o' war was closing the distance but it hesitated to fire on the ship, instead it fired warning shots into the water. Irisara was suspicious, the man o' war's crew easily outnumbered her own and while her's was skilled the numbers alone had them at a disadvantage. "Dashiil, my spyglass", she called and not a moment later it was in her hands. To her surprise when looking through the telescope she saw a deckhand waving a white flag as the man o' war approached. "Strange...they wish to speak", Irisara hadn't known the royal navy to deal with pirates and she wasn't going to let her guard down because this lot claimed to. When the man o' war arrived Irisara made sure to use the merchant ship as the neutral ground. The massive ship came up alongside the trade vessel and it towered over both the merchant ship and and Irisara's brig. Captain Silaen and hee Quartermaster stood atop the deck of the merchant ship as they awaited word from the royals. A rope ladder unfurled down the hull of the warship and shortly after the Captain and an emissary came climbing down. The two groups eyed stared down for seemingly an eternity before the emissary nervously spoke, "I-Irisara Silae-"

"Captain Irisara Silaen", Dashiil corrected with a scowl on his face.

"Forgive me, Captain. I represent the three kingdoms in their efforts to establish a coalition force to combat the monsters plaguing the lands"

"What's this have to do with us?", Irisara was on edge. The sooner they'd be done with this the better.

"Well the coalition wishes to make you a deal. Aid us in this endeavor and you will be given a royal pardon from all three kingdoms-"

"Damn your pardons, we've been fine without 'em for this long and we'll last much longer still"

"There is also a considerable reward for each beast slain., Irisara's mood perked up immediately after hearing the last part of the offer. She looked back to her crew who looked on with looks of support, they knew their captain was the woman for the job, and the fact that she'd be bringing home a trove of gold made the deal all the sweeter. "Where we headed?".



  • Leviathan's Touch- A trait of all Sea Elves, Irisara has small barbs on her fingertips which can produce and inject a paralytic venom into an enemy.
  • Siren's Kiss- A more rare genetic trait where instead of barbs, Irisara has two fangs capable of injecting venom so potent it can kill a man in minutes with a single bite. However both the Leviathan's Touch and the Siren's Kiss are barely used by Irisara unless she is without weapon. That doesn't mean she never uses it to intimidate.

Accepted, and remind me not to shake her hand
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Meh you build an immunity to it after a while. Ain't that bad once you get used to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meh you build an immunity to it after a while. Ain't that bad once you get used to it.

So..."is it like alcohol?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

...well many have claimed they taste alcohol when hit with a dose of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

...well many have claimed they taste alcohol when hit with a dose of it.

Can it pierce metal gauntlets?


While we started out pretty slow we seem to be picking back up now...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

:[ ] I totally forgot about this, sorry. Been busy. I will get a post up soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nah cloth and thin leather at the max for the fingers because the barbs are short so she mostly goes for the neck or exposed skin. The fangs are another story, they are pretty sharp and strong so the more pressure she bites down with the better. I'd say like 1/4inch of metal is the max her fangs can get through but that's when she goes try hard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nah cloth and thin leather at the max for the fingers because the barbs are short so she mostly goes for the neck or exposed skin. The fangs are another story, they are pretty sharp and strong so the more pressure she bites down with the better. I'd say like 1/4inch of metal is the max her fangs can get through but that's when she goes try hard.

Well I guess that means Ijō can at least shake her hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm just picturing a montage of all the times Iris will paralyze people by touching them...

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