Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

The halls are a bit busier than expected as Niti made his way toward his desired destination. Or, at the very least, the direction he hoped would lead him there. Directions shouldn't (hopefully) pose much of a problem. Left or right, this whole stadium was a gigantic circle so it didn’t matter either way. Sure, he had gotten lost before (a lot), but he got better at navigation. A circle was easy-cheesy... maybe.

People both young and old mingled near the walls and railings, a few people hurried toward their seats, and others stood in long lines for the toilets. The Soap Mage maneuvered his way around the crowds with ease and in quick steps, managing to even pass by a person who was balancing a mountain load of snacks and popcorn in their arms without much trouble.

Every time he passed by an opening or a balcony, out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the match in short glimpses. A few ice there and a giant energy beam here. It wasn't long before he felt tempted to watch and, being a slave to his own temptation, he finally stopped and looked over the heads of the audience.

“Whoa, look at them go.” Niti let out a low whistle as the battle was heating up. He began to hop up and down, waving his arms above his head. “GO STACY! GO SAGE! YOU LOVELIES COULD DO BETTER!” He hollered in contribution to some team spirit. Down below, one of the Harpies prepared an impressive-looking arm canon while the other stood ready with flaming arrows. On the other side, Stacy stood next to… err…

“…Dreamboat’s missing.” Niti raised an eyebrow, lowering his arms with a slight affectionate roll of his eyes. Of course he would disappear. The blind mage did have a tendency of doing that even with his own guild mates. It was part of the whole lone-wolf image Sage managed to cook up and maintain. He was doing a good too since he still got this air of mystery going for him.

With a sigh, Niti pouted and turned away from the battle, continuing his path down the crowded halls.

“Does anyone know the quickest way to the judges’ booth?” He asked out loud to no one in particular, mostly to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 1 day ago

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

"You don't have to worry about where Sage is!" Stacy shouted, slurring her words slightly as she stumbled out of her Maker position and into a normal pose. "I'm the most powerful one here..." After regaining her balance, Stacy brought her hands together in the Maker Pose. "Ice Make: Raging Sea!" The ground on the arena underneath her feet began to freeze over, rapidly expanding to eventually cover the entire arena floor. After the smooth ice took hold of the arena it began to ripple, using the slippery and smooth surface to make the motion even more difficult to overpower. Nigel and Samir were going to have a hard time balancing on the slippery and constantly shifting ice, while Stacy didn't seem hardly bothered in the least.

"And Bullwhip!" Bringing her right hand back, a long whip of ice was formed in her hand. More than long enough to reach Nigel and Samir, though length didn't matter too much as Stacy could alter that if she needed. The drunk, pale woman began a series of rapid motions, cracking the whip back and forth to punish her opponents. Wherever the whip was damaged it would be repaired shortly after, meaning she could keep assaulting them with relative impunity. The chain attached to her other arm, leading into her own shadow beneath her, would notably start getting frost for Sage on the other end. The air around the arena was slowly decreasing as well, not only from the sheer quantity of ice but the magical pressure that Stacy was releasing. "Feel the sting!" she shouted drunkenly, before laughing maniacally at her onslaught. While each strike of the whip wouldn't be particularly damaging itself, the sheer speed of the attacks combined with a minor frostbite effect would make successive strikes add up.

Ajax Thera - Hellmouth

Watching the fight from above, Ajax paid close attention to each and every movement of the fighters. While he was in the announcers' box, he was never a talkative man. The sportscasting was being done by the others, Ajax was putting more effort into spectating. He didn't plan on talking unless a question was specifically directed to him by the other commentators. Already he was interested in the fight. He knew Stacy Kaiser fairly well and understood her power, but even still he seemed surprised. In the time since he last saw her she already seemed stronger, thought still nowhere near his own level. Her tenacity is impressive, as is her magical power, he thought. But it is probably not enough for these opponents. She is used to being one of the most powerful members of the Magic Council, but the world of Guild Mages is much larger and has many more powerful mages. She has been a big fish, but now she's in a bigger pond...

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The de-facto team leader of Lamia Scale's participating members was actively cheering Sage and Stacy on. "Make us proud!" Hana was never one to put higher thought into anything, so her efforts were dedicated to cheering as loud as she could for Lamia Scale. "You can win this!" However, when Stacy froze the arena floor and the air around the arena began to grow colder, Hana began to grow uncomfortable. Her clothes were fairly thin, dressed for warm weather. To help retain her warmth, Hana wrapped her arms tightly around her own chest. This comical inconvenience did little to curb her enthusiasm for the fight. "Go Stacy! Go Sage!"

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

Being moved to the reserves team to be replaced by Nigel was a downer for Piper, originally. But as she watched from the Harpy's Wing balcony, the bespectacled sniper felt somewhat relieved. I wouldn't be able to fight like that, being forced to stay near a teammate, she pondered. As well, these guys are strong. The magical pressure coming from those four is impressive. If I was in there instead of Nigel, we'd probably lose rather quickly. He's much stronger than me, so he is better suited for this. Pure power versus pure power, I would never stand a chance with the monsters in the GMG this year...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

Sage's GMG attire

Sage watched the fight from the shadow of Stacy, he was started to be more impressed by the white haired girl with every move she made. Samir was no pushover as well and Nigel was damn strong. Sage wonder how to counter them. Staying within Stacy's shadows was the most better option to find a weak point in their armour. 'There has to be a way to surprise them.....' As stacy froze the ground, Sage mind clicked into gear. 'If she could start moving, i could easily become her partner from the shadows...but that's assuming she moves...."

'Speaking of which, i wanna try something out." moving his arm arm in the shadows he look at the reality in front of him. From behind of Nigel's shadow. a Think black hand rose from his shadow. As the ligament rose higher to his shoulders. He gently tapped the mans shoulder before slinking back into the shadows. by the Sage began to pant lightly. 'Damn...too weak to do that kind of work...i'd guess i'll work from the shadows then." Sitting down in a meditating position, he started refine his magic inside his body. Before he began he took out his notebook and wrote something before sending it out and sticking it to Stacy's back. Well clear from anyones slight.

-If you say you're strong, then i will take your work, once you feel like you can keep going: Fall into your own shadow and i will take care of the rest. I will provide sideline help when you need it also: but i'd doubt it.-

It that out of the way: Sage closed his eye and began meditating. Gathering magic and curse as he mixed it together.

'Breath and create....breath and create....'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyou - The 5th Saint

Watching the fight from above, Kyou paid close attention to each and every movement of the fighters especially Stacy and Sage who is a Devil Slayer. While Ajax was in the announcers' box, he was never a talkative man, she's the one who does all the talk and praise. Already Kyou was interested in the fight. He knew Stacy Kaiser fairly well and understood her power and a daughter she raised and could never have, she's not surprised with Stacy's progress. In the time since she last saw her she already is strong, thought still nowhere enough Liz Weissman the strongest Ice Mage of all time, the former and late 5th Wizard Saint and Kyou's predecessor who is also Gwen, Stacy, and Kuroku's Master. "Woah, that is intense. Ajax, everyone. Do you know that an Ice Mage is at their strongest if they strip? Once they are naked, they are able to release tremendous amount of magic power, their power of feelings that comes within from the glory of stripping." She commented directly to Stacy, "Stacy, I know you can do this....Strip, Stacy, Strip!" She cheered for Stacy aloud, waiting and hoping she'd unleash her power.


She was worried for her friend and indeed is rooting for Stacy to win so that she can fight her herself in the next match. Heck, Gwen doesn't even know if she's going to fight next, she badly wanna fight and show off to Ivory her elder sister and Stacy that she can the both of them and kick their ass and not just bring glory to Vyper Bolt but to herself as well. "Aiden.. I don't get it. You could have eaten Kuro's ice and won." For Aiden knew Gwen so long, he should know well that both Kuro and Gwen have the same fighting style or at least close to it. "Well, it's like saying you could have beaten every Ice Mage in this era."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 2 days ago

Nigel Ballard

Just as Nigel had started charging up his magic cannon, Samir flew in, crashing right next to him, just like he had before. Apparently, one of Sage's Eagles had found their target on her as well. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt and got up pretty quickly. "Wait a minute... Something ain't right. Where's Sage?"

"Seems like she noticed as well... Nevermi-" Suddenly, Sage's partner, Stacy, started shouting at the two; "You don't have to worry about where Sage is! "I'm the most powerful one here!" she said and assumed a stance from which Nigel could only guess she was going to unleash one of her techniques. "Ice Make: Raging Sea!" Stacy shouted and a the ground beneath their feet started to freeze, turning it into solid and, quite unfortunately, slippery ice. And if that wasn't the case, tremors started rippling through the ground, making it even more difficult for the two Harpy members to stay on their feet. Nigel lost his balance, and consequently his aim, and all the pent up eternano charged in his cannon shot several dozen meters up in the sky in the form of a giant ball and exploded, resulting in a rather flashy, but nonetheless non-threatening to anyone in the audience, explosion.

"Shit, I let myself lose concentration for a moment there and look what happens. Fireworks everywhere...(Sigh)" Nigel almost cut his face when he tried to facepalm with his right hand, forgetting he had morphed it into a eternano sword. "Oops, ha ha ha... No one saw that, right?..." he thought, but was pretty sure everyone did indeed notice that little would-have-been accident. As expected, Stacy wasn't going to wait for them to adjust to the new battlefield. She immediately cast another Ice Make spell and a long whip formed on her hand which she promptly started attacking Nigel and Samir with. Nigel started fending off the attacks heading for him, his sword hand easily slicing through the icy whip, albeit it repairing itself almost instantly. "Ugh.. this icy ground isn't making things any easier... How about this?" Nigel thought and morphed the soles of his feet to have large metal treads, allowing his feet to have a better grip in the ice and thus, countering the slippery part of the issue.

"Samir? Can you hear me? I am speaking directly to you through the nanite in your brain. If you can hear me, respond. Just think of the words you want to say and concentrate on my image. If everything goes smoothly, they will reach me without any problem. Anyway, first thing we need to make sure is to protect the chain that binds us. Although beating our opponents will make it much easier, remember that in order to win, we must break their chain, otherwise the fight will continue until one of the chains is broken," he told Samir telepathically.

"I have a plan, although I don't really know if it will work," he said before Stacy's whip came down on him with force, bending and striking his back. "Ugh, concentrating on laying out the plan and blocking at the same time is quite difficult If i must say...." Nigel thought but continued talking in Samir's mind. "As I was saying, both of us are more suited for long range combat. Ideally, I would stay at the back of a team and bombard the enemy with long range attacks, missiles etc, all the while searching for any weak spots. As it is, we cannot do that right now. One of us will have to engage Stacy in close combat so the other one can stay behind and rain destruction upon her. I don't really know where Sage went," at that moment Nigel felt something tapping on his shoulder and he quickly spun around, trying to see if anyone was on his rear. "What the hell?" he said confused before concentrating on Stacy once more.

"I don't know where Sage is and I don't really care much about it. For all we know, he could have gone inside one of those void portal things he pushed Stacy in a little earlier, bidding his time to strike on the opportune moment. What matters is that right now, it's two versus one and I for one, am not willing to let such an opportunity pass. If we are going to strike, we might as well do it now," he told Samir and waited for her response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samir Saron

"You don't have to worry about where Sage is! I'm the most powerful one here!"

Samir realized that Sage was hiding somewhere and that perhaps he would make a surprise attack on the two.

"And the reason not to worry~?"

But before she finish, Stacy unleashes her attack, "Ice Make: Raging Sea!", causing the whole floor underneath them to freeze in ice. Usually, fire would resist ice based attacks or ground, but with no fire portraying from her boots, even she began to loose a little balance herself. Thankfully she got ahold of her balance enough only to see the blast of eternano energy blast high into the sky, thankfully causing no harm to the audience.

"Keep it together Nigel." Samir says in her mind as Nigel almost cut his face with the sword. It was time to make her move. She quickly fires several volcanic arrows onto the arena in a zigzag fashion, each blowing up a circular portion of the ice, revealing the ground below. At this rate, she can thaw out the entire arena with this method! As Samirfires more volcanic arrows at her and keeping an eye on where Sage may leap out of, it appeared that Nigel's Nanite finally began to work in her mind.

"Samir? Can you hear me? I am speaking directly to you through the nanite in your brain. If you can hear me, respond. Just think of the words you want to say and concentrate on my image. If everything goes smoothly, they will reach me without any problem. "

Wasting no time, she answered back with ease.

"I hear you loud and clear Nigel."

Anyway, first thing we need to make sure is to protect the chain that binds us. Although beating our opponents will make it much easier, remember that in order to win, we must break their chain, otherwise the fight will continue until one of the chains is broken,"

"Have a plan?" Samir asks.

"I have a plan, although I don't really know if it will work,"

Just then, Stacy's whip came down on both the fighters, with Samir feeling the same force that Nigel felt.

"As I was saying, both of us are more suited for long range combat. Ideally, I would stay at the back of a team and bombard the enemy with long range attacks, missiles etc, all the while searching for any weak spots. As it is, we cannot do that right now. One of us will have to engage Stacy in close combat so the other one can stay behind and rain destruction upon her. I don't really know where Sage went,"

It was there when Nigel would feel the tap of Sage's hand, something Samir was not aware of.

"I don't know where Sage is and I don't really care much about it. For all we know, he could have gone inside one of those void portal things he pushed Stacy in a little earlier, bidding his time to strike on the opportune moment. What matters is that right now, it's two versus one and I for one, am not willing to let such an opportunity pass. If we are going to strike, we might as well do it now,"

"Stacy is an ice mage." Samir finally answers, "And as long as I keep my Flaming Volcanic Armor on me, I'll be able to weaken her with long-range fire attacks from my arrows. I suggest you should do the close-heavy hitting. In the meantime, as you may see, my arrows are melting the ice, so we should have stable ground by the time the battle is almost through... but I'll still keep a wary eye out where Sage may surprise us."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 1 day ago

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

While the change of battlefield did well to serve Stacy initially, it seemed that both Nigel and Samir were overcoming the terrain in their own ways. In fact Samir was even putting in an effort to eliminate the ice altogether, something that didn't please Stacy too much. With Sage hiding in Stacy's shadow this meant that the Ice Make mage would have to solve this herself. She could press an advantage against them, but in the end it was still presently a one-versus-two situation. "You think I'll just let you melt all my ice?" Stacy asked in her drunken tone. With one last crack of her whip at Nigel the whip shattered into tiny ice particles.

With her hands now free, Stacy began to run forward. Albeit it was a sloppy run that wasn't particularly fast, but even with her alcohol impairment she was fit. The pale girl ran up to the archer-lady, stopping just short from an attack. By now Samir would probably do something to keep Stacy from getting close, but would find that the girl was oddly adept at dodging arrows despite her drunken state. "Stand still." After ducking low, probably for no good reason, Stacy then gave a light hop into the air before bringing her left leg down in an attempt to axe kick Samir. The attack wasn't particularly fast so Samir could very well dodge it, but the plan was more to demonstrate her strength without her ice.

When Stacy's heel slammed into the ground where Samir previously stood, dirt and ice were sent flying in a dusty explosion. In the wake was a small crater in the ground with cracks along the edges. Stacy's physical strength, at least while empowered by alcohol, was nothing to shake a stick at. However, Stacy herself seemed somewhat dizzy from her own attack, almost falling onto her bottom after standing back upright. "Oops." After regaining balance and bringing her attention back to both her opponents, Stacy let out a sigh. "I missed... Ice Make: Wolf!" Two wolf-heads of ice formed over her fists, immediately before Stacy charged at Nigel with a greater speed than before (actually being an effective speed now). She came at him with an overhead strike, aiming to deliver a punch to the top of his head and slam him into the ground. Now that her strength has been demonstrated, she was confident that she could put both Nigel and Samir on the defensive while Sage was doing... whatever it was he was doing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

Sage's GMG attire

He saw it all, what Samir, Nigel and Stacy were doing. Sighing one last time he smiled.

"Let's roll." Sage stood up from the shadow and smirked, Red marking all around his body started pulsing as he clasped his hands together. From the outside world. Stacy's shadow began seeping black substance as it began covering the ice field. Sage grinned wider as it completely covered the entire area floor. Those who were in the stand would see two red eye and a wide, feral smile showing his teeth. Sage knew it was time to show the power of Lamia.

"VOIDED DEVIL SPIKES!" on Command a Row of Black randomly appeared from the black ground, aiming to attack the two Harpy members who were on the ground. If wasn't aim to hurt them, but more to make them start moving. Once that would happen. Sage rose from the ground completely shrouded in black and red Magical/curse. Looking at the current situation. Stacy was taking Nigel. -Fine then, Samir's mine-

The was a reason why Sage turned the area into complete darkness. As long as there was a shadow of Dark matter in fast. he was able to jump to that spot. Now that the area was black. The Field was his domaine. He pointed his unsheathed sword at Samir with his untransformed hand. Before crouching low and dashed of. A simple run towards the blonde woman would be a Shadow jump towards her right side. With his blade coated in black aura he swung at her.

"Voided Devil Claw!" The sword turn into a black claw aim for Samir's midsection. -The fight starts now, Samir-san!- Sage smirked, inside his mind, he looked at the blonde woman.

'She's....really pretty....'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samir Saron

"You think I'll just let you melt all my ice?"

Stacy was drunk... no doubt about this. And this indeed annoyed Samir a bit. It appeared as if Stacy had no shame under the influence and her moves can be considered as mildly sloppy, or so the archer thinks. No honor can come from the warrior that is drunk during a battle. The only one Samir respects is the now late Cana Alberona, one of Fairy Tail's finest warriors back in the day. At least she doesn't drink before or during a battle, unlike Stacy.

"You have just no sense of honor do you?" the archer would say to Stacy under her breath.

But before Samir could think on anything else, the ice mage's whip shattered into pieces under her own will. It looks like the archer got her attention.

The ice mage then made a running start towards Samir, and yet due to her drunkenness, it was a very sloppy one. And this peeved Samir even more. With a sigh, the archer began to fire more volcanic arrows at Stacy, only to see that even under the influence the ice mage could still surprisingly dodge them.

"Stand still." she says in a drunken slurr.

And then Stacy performed a mighty axe-kick with her left-leg, trying to take down Samir and possibly break a shoulder. Yet the archer easily dodged it, as it wasn't that fast. However, the impact of Stacy's heel would cause a dusty explosion in the ground, demonstrating her strength even without ice. It would be no surprise that Samir considered the alcohol would be part of making the ice mage considerably stronger, but she wasn't very impressed. And then Stacy fell onto her butt... all dizzy from what it seems.

"Oops." was all she said.

"You really are quite pathetic..." Samir says once again under her breathe, "Just go home and die... get a sense of honor for once."

"I missed...

And then quite suddenly, Stacy formed two wolf-heads of ice formed over her fists.

"Ice Make: Wolf!"

But instead of rushing towards Samir, Stacy would be rushing towards Nigel!

"Watch it Nigel, on your six." the archer alerts her partner as she fires several more volcanic arrows at Stacy, with most of them landing on the ground and explode on impact. This should hopefully make Stacy loose balance before she could get to Nigel, but with the Ice Mage under the influence, she may have a few unexpected surprises up her sleeve...

And that was when her thoughts basically said "I told you so."

As she lunged towards Nigel, Stacy's shadow began seeping black substance as it began covering the ice field. Samir instantly knew that this was the work of Sage, and while she expected a surprise attack, she didn't necessarily expect what was going to happen next. And then, from above, she can see a two red eye and a wide, feral smile showing his teeth.

"Oh god Sage," Samir breathed as she looked up, "What kind of fucked up concoction did you make up?"

But her answer was nothing more then a Row of Black randomly appearing from the black ground, and began aiming to attack the two Harpy members who were on the ground. Samir knew that if she would stay in one spot, she would surely get hit. She began to move rapidly across the field, her armor changing into a new suit and set.

"Archer Requip: Crossbow Maiden!"

With a flash of light, she then wears knight-like armor and wields a powerful metal rapid-fire crossbow, lined with gold stripes and gold tipped arrows, ready to be fired at anytime. Even with such armor, it was made specifically to allow good mobility, a higher defense and keep Samir's speed and agility, all without making her slower. She would begin to fire a volley of arrows towards the thing above, trying to stop it from corrupting the whole field. And with her arrows being made of the same materials as her Angel Arrows in her Heavenly Armor set, they should do some damage.

And then to her right, Samir finally sees Sage, pointing his unsheathed sword at Samir with his untransformed hand... before crouching low and dashing towards the archer with quite a speed. Sage would then leap towards her right side as he swings his sword at Samir, only for it to transform into a black claw, heading right towards the archer's mid-section. The blonde woman would quickly leap out of the attacks way, missing her belly by an inch! Samir could even feel the raw power rushing by her as she landed on her feet a few feet away.

Now the battle was getting even more intense! Yet Samir wouldn't take the time to dilly dally around. Gripping the trigger with all of her might, the arrow that was about to be fired glowed in a heavenly light, slightly shaking the whole crossbow.

"Crossbow Maiden: Piercing Light!"

And she lets go of the trigger as it rapidly fires several light-charged arrows heading straight towards Sage, which should keep him at bay for just enough time to contact Nigel.

"Nigel. Come in Nigel." she says in a calm voice, "Looks like the battle just got even more intense. We aren't going to get anything done until we brighten up the stage a bit. Don't you agree?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyou the Judge

Rank and Scores of Day 1
Harpy's Wing - 2 5 POINTS!
Lunar Wolf - 3
Lamia Scale - 2
Vyper Bolt - 1
Ruined Maw

The battle time exceeded it's limit and it will be rule breaking if it continues and dragged, abrupt indeed and no flow will be any different if this continues like a loophole. What defines fights are its ingenuity of whichever side and what the contenders have to offer; indeed, both sides have offered a lot and dragging this match is going to be abrupt and convoluted, no longer must it continue. Kyou announced; "Time out. There are no winners of this battle, all of you almost exceeded the time limit. This is match is officially over and it is a tie. Lamia Scale and Harpy's Wing both receive 2 points respectively. It made Gwen a little bit pissed; she took off her clothes and froze Xavier out of comical anger. "GUYS! This is just... even Harpy got ahead of us now! MARDUK, WE HAVE TO TRAIN HARDER! YOU TOO AIDEN. Speaking of which, I don't know where Sairis is. Master Jak told me Cringle will be joining tomorrow. Heh? Why are you frozen Xavier?"

From afar, Moka was bored, "Tenshi. It really is boring to see this, if Aiden's power is like this then no point of fighting him." @Suku She cursed as she was disappointed by Aiden's display. On the other hand Lunar Wolf felt proud as ever being at the top.

Kyou announced the last match, "Last much of the day would be Ivory Blanche vs Sakura of Lunar Wolf! Start!"

Ivory the older sister of Gwen faces off with a member of Lunar Wolf named Sakura, "Too easy." The fight ended too soon and it was over. Nobody knew what Ivory did and much to Alec's praise that is over praising; Harpy's wing gained 3 points which surpasses their own score thus making Harpy the number one contender, numero uno of day one! There is no points granted to a losing team if there is no fight put up. The Harpy's Wing guild cheered a lot!

Gwen is shocked and terrified on what her sister displayed. "That move... could it be?" A member of Harpy's Wing, Elyth Speer is beside Team Vyper. "You didn't notice don't you? Ivory used her Take Over Magic, Lord of Pandemonium; a take over that grants its user the power to manipulate their presence, making the opposer unable to sense Ivory. Face it, vipers. This year isn't gonna be in your favor, Merrian and me are going to participate and you won't stand a chance." She boast and Gwen was left speechless.

As the sun falls, night came and every guild is given a chance to look around in Crocus.

Meanwhile in the Lunar Wolf Guild, Alec was extremely upset with their loss. "YOU PUPPIES! YOU IMBECILES. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? AIM FOR THE HEART AND YOU DIDN'T. Sakura, take off your clothes." And she did, "Good. Good. Good. I could fuck you in front everyone right now." Alec grinned. "OFF WITH ITS HEAD!" Mercilessly, Alec with no remorse brutally killed his own member and it shocked most of the Lunar Wolf except the S Class elite. Blood was spilled and Sakura's body was in pieces, her death was death by wolves.

"Now. If any of you loses, you will pay dearly for your lives. UNDERSTAND! GOOD. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT. Except for you Oram, Tremor-kun, Raven."

Freeroam for everyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
Avatar of Masaki Haruna


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grand Magic Games Arc: 2nd Day

Last night was rather an ominous charade, there have been reports of a man in crimson flames called the Crimson Rider, he who roams the Crocus when a full moon is ripe, legend has it that wherever he goes people are distorted and cursed. Then Sable witnessed Oram killing countless clones of Cynthia and Gwen, the Mage of Lunar Wolf claimed, it was necessary for him to get stronger, to test the limits of his abilities, a project called SIBLINGS. Lamia Scale's Yuuka and Niti were kidnapped last night and was found earlier this morning and due to such serious matter, the Rune Knights are doubled in courtesy of Broven G. Fiore; furthermore the King, the Council, and the 10 Saints were informed of a cult that is looming and lurking therefore the second day will have the gathering of the 10 Wizard Saints as well as the Four Gods of Ishgal altogether as spectators and judges alike. The thing about myths is that they are often based on truths and knowing all this helps us think rationally and differently from a flexible point of view. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today will be a gift, a blessing from the Gods that shine bright and sparkles as a heavenly diamond.

Scores for Day 2
Harpy's Wing - 5
Lunar Wolf - 3
Lamia Scale - 2
Vyper Bolt - 1
Vyper Bolt Team B- 0
Sabertooth- 0
Unity - 0
Ruined Maw - 0

The second day of the match comprises of three events: Chariot, Maze, and battle. Chariot is the traditional event of the Grand Magic Games to where the guilds choose their just representative. Participants are to race on top of interconnected chariots and reach the goal without falling, it involves vehicles and no immunity advantage for Dragon Slayers as they have to conquer their motions sickness, whoever reaches the first gains 5 points, second gets 4 points, third 3 points, fourth, 2 points, last placers are 1 point plus taking down an opponent will reward 2 points!

After the chariot, there will be an hour break to prepare for the Dungeon Maze, this event will test the wits, brains, brawn, and power of mages alike. The rules are simple: Find the way out of the dungeon. If opposing guilds meet, a battle will occur and there will be runes that says battle until the last of them drops, 2 points will the the reward of finishing an opponent whereas finishing first means 10 points. There will be tribulations in the maze such as Grass Fairies and fig trees, taking down Grass Fairies is 3 points. Further information:

First Placer: 10 Points.
Second Placer: 8 points
Third Placer: 6 points.
Fourth Placer: 4 points.
Last Placers: 2 points.

New line ups have been decided by respective masters of the guild:

Vyper Bolt

Vyper Bolt Team B
Black Mamba
Reina @Vongola_Hasayo

Harpy's Wing

Lunar Wolf

Lamia Scale
Sabertooth said three is enough!
Moka, Sam, Tenshi, NPC, NPC.

5 members.

Ruined Maw
5 members.

"Choose your representatives as the battle will commence shortly, first event, Chariot!" Councilman Carter said with full heart. This time Kyou is not present as Carter judges along with Ajax, Master Kat, and Broven Fiore.

Gwen looks at the sudden change of the team, like there is a Team B, who knew? "Even if you're a snake and family. Our team will kick your ass." She said to the Vyper Team B. "So.. whose first? Cringle? Xavier? Marduk? Sai?" She asked her teammates.

Black Mamba kept quiet. "We'll be the one kicking the butt." He said to his team. After that councilman Carter announced, there will be two representative per guild. "Trisanna, Reina. I suggest the both of you knock yourselves out." He suggested to them that they will represent.

Alec said: "Reiner, Yomi. You go first." @Phobos @Suku

Elyth said. "Aria... anyone else would like to go with Aria? Nicolas perhaps?" She said.

Sabertooth, Master Sting chose Sam and Moka.

Lamia Scale chose Niti and...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage and Samir: Aftermath of a good fight

A collab with Lmpkio

The battle time exceeded its limit and it will be rule breaking if it continues and dragged, abrupt indeed and no flow will be any different if this continues like a loophole. What defines fights are its ingenuity of whichever side and what the contenders have to offer; indeed, both sides have offered a lot and dragging this match is going to be abrupt and convoluted, no longer must it continue. Kyou announced; "Time out. There are no winners of this battle, all of you almost exceeded the time limit. This is match is officially over and it is a tie.

Sage halted his attack on the blonde woman. 'Good grief, here i thought i would be able to let loose here...' As he was speaking to himself, the darkness all over the area traveled back into his shadow while he sheathed his sword. Looking at Samir he quickly wrote a note to her.

-It was good fighting with you, Samir-san, shame it wasn't long enough.-

At the same time, Samir's heavenly arrows grind to a halt as they stopped firing altogether. She looks up to see the darkness fade away from the entire arena, leaving it the way it was before, and transforms back into her regular clothing.

"You were good Sage-kun," Samir replies back as she puts away her bow onto her back, "For a second I thought we'd all be in hot water by then. Too bad the time ran out just before things got heated."

-I guess you are right, Samir-san.- Sage wrote back to her with a warm smile, inside his mind, we could help to see how fair and beautiful Samir was. -Hopefully we can cut loose in a one on one fight, with nothing holding us back.- He took a step back and looked at Hana -I should get back to Hana-Nee, she would want to train later on.- looking back at the blonde arch he wrote once more -What are you plans, Samir-san?-

Samir sighs, "Yeah, maybe we can finish this another time. I'll be in my quarters resting up and having a break, maybe even talk with Master Kat." she nods at Sage, "If you want to see me for anything else, I'll be there." She slowly heads back to her quarters with her hair and clothes moving with the light breeze. This had been a long day.

-Goodafternoon, Samir-san.- Sage bowed to her before walking of in the other directions, moving closer to stacy. Maybe Samir and him would run into each other...maybe the demon would work the courage to ask her for an outing...anything was possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
Avatar of Suku

Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago


"Very well it seems as if my time to shine has come" Yomi exclaimed as she walked out of the shadowed area she was at. "So shall we head out Reiner?" She asked as her partner as she let a small smirk grace her face it was about time she get some action even if she was a recent member there hasn't been much for her to do lately. Oh well if anything she was just happy to be even able to participate in the games considering she was a "fresh" recruit all things said and done.
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