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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@Facepunch No worries, my next post for Umbraxis is closer to Lost Haven, so if you want to investigate, it may be easier to give them a sort of timeskip explaining that they already saw what was going on in the police station or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

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I'm glad I'm not the one who has to deal with Umbraxis. Sure Excalibur may be strong but I don't think it will have any effect on that Jerkbag.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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You're speaking like Umbraxis is just going to be dealt with by one person. When it finally reveals itself as something more than a slaughtering shadow-monster, its going to take more than one guy to fight back.

*Cough cough* Pseudo-Avengers Assemble *cough*
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Thinking about coming back to this one. Not too sure yet.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Holy Crap Byrd's alive
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

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Holy Crap Byrd's alive

The reports of my death were some complete bullshit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

The reports of my death were some complete bullshit.

Someone, get a iron casket!!! Ghost from the friggin' past!!! :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You're speaking like Umbraxis is just going to be dealt with by one person. When it finally reveals itself as something more than a slaughtering shadow-monster, its going to take more than one guy to fight back.

*Cough cough* Pseudo-Avengers Assemble *cough*

I didn't mean to suggest that any one hero can best Umbraxis. But assuming Eva did team up with the other good heroes. Excalibur wouldn't do all that much. Though I have been thinking about defining just how much damage Excalibur can take. If I were to compare Excalibur to something it'd be closer to Captains' Shield in durability. However heroes like Hulk or for someone in IC. Icon can destroy Excalibur. Basically anyone World class or higher can destroy Excalibur. That applies to World class Magic or higher. Though anything less than Cosmic level heroes or magic will still struggle to break Excalibur.

I also thought about giving Excalibur some damage against magic constructs. Or creatures. Because it is a magic weapon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

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Same app, slightly tinkered with.

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Theodore Roosevelt

Alias: None

Speech Color: Normal speech.

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: His identity is known, the fact that he's still alive is secret.

Character Personality: Roosevelt is very gung-ho (bully!) and considers himself a man of action. He will not hesitate to do whatever he needs to do to accomplish his goals. His willingness for combat is a front at this point. He needs to fight to feel alive. Long stretches without missions throw him into a state of melancholy. With no family and no friends, he needs something to do to give him purpose and strength. His is a man who needs a mission and without a mission he falls apart.

Uniform/costume: Picture

Origin Info/Details:

Executive Branch Backstory

In 1776, the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence and went to war with Great Britain. In early 1777 General George Washington met with John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, representatives of the Continental Congress, in Philadelphia. With Jefferson was a man from France. The young Gilbert du Motier, known as the Marquis de Lafayette, was a prominent French military office even at his very young age. With Washington was Prussian Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. Both men spoke to the three revolutionaries about an old and powerful society known as the Timekeepers. Made up of the elite thinkers, noblemen, and politicians, the Timekeepers acted as metronome for the entire world, responsible for maintaining the rhythm and natural order of things. It was the Timekeepers that declared that the time of British hegemony in the Americas would begin to end. The colonies would win the war, Lafayette and von Steuben would help them.

In a ceremony in Philadelphia Washington, Adams, and Jefferson were inducted into the Timekeepers order and shown their secrets. The ancient society possessed powerful artifacts of supernatural nature and had access to magic. Using the Timekeepers' tools, the Colonies defeated England and declared their independence. In 1787 Washington was elected president of the United States, Adams his vice-president, and Jefferson appointed secretary of state. As part of the Timekeepers, all three men had been made immortal and given a serum that gave them special abilities. All three faked their deaths at appropriate times and went into hiding in Europe in the early 1800's.

In 1830 the three men discovered the Timekeepers' long and winding plot that would see the United States expand all the way to the Pacific ocean, and then shatter into two separate nations after a long and bloody civil war. The three founding fathers could not bear to see the country they founded destroyed. Defying their society, the men fled Europe and returned to US. They used whatever means they could to stop and delay civil war, influencing politics from the shadows. In 1860 they used their hidden influence to elect a man who would keep the Union together: Abraham Lincoln. They revealed themselves to him and covertly worked with Lincoln throughout the war. The Timekeepers discovered the founding father's treachery and turned on them. Unable to stop the Union from winning the war, they had Lincoln assassinated in revenge. This did not stop the Founders, who used their magic to bring Lincoln back from the grave days after he was killed.

Europe and the powers that controlled it could no longer be trusted. The old world could never govern nor control the new. The four presidents founded the Executive Branch. It served as a clandestine organization that would protect and fight for the United States, her interest, and freedom any place and anywhere. Their ranks are made up of former American presidents and other historical figures, each of them turned immortal in the same way the three founders were. Their long war with the Timekeepers ended after the First World War, when the last remnants of the old and rotten society were swept away in the fiery cataclysm of the war.

Now in 2015, they wage clandestine wars against a variety of threats that include the Secret Soviet Union, the Fourth Reich, and the Roman Republic of Zombies. But something dark and unknown lurks on the outer reaches of the world. A darkness is setting in, and an old power is returning to take control.

Roosevelt Backstory

Theodore Roosevelt was born in 1858 to a prominent New York family. The young "Teddy" had several adventures, from becoming a boxing champion at Harvard to a historian and politician, to cowboy and sheriff's deputy in Montana, before he ventured into public service. He served as the first Commissioner of the New York Police Department and helped the expanding city's police develop into a true metropolitan police force. He served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy before the outbreak of the Spanish-American War caused him to resign his office and recruit his own cavalry regiment to the fight the war.

As Colonel Roosevelt leading the Rough Riders, Teddy accomplished military victories in Cuba that launched his political career further. He ran and was elected as Governor of New York and began a crusade for public reform. The powers that be in New York became scared of Roosevelt and out-maneuvered him by having him nominated as Vice-President under incumbent William McKinley, tossing Roosevelt out of the governor's mansion and in a meaningless post for four years. An assassin's bullet changed everything.

When McKinley died, Roosevelt became President and pushed forward with the rapid expansion of American military and industrial might, as well as reform in industry, government, and business. He finished McKinley's term and was reelected in a landslide. He decided not to seek a third term and handed the ball to his good friend William Howard Taft. Roosevelt in retirement watched Taft's presidency with a critical eye. He judged that his friend has mismanaged the cause of the Progressives and decided to run for president again in 1912 as a third party candidate in the "Bull Moose Party" the bitter election between Roosevelt and Taft caused the two men to split the Republican and Progressive vote, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to be elected.

Roosevelt watched powerlessly while Wilson guided America into the First World War, a role he believed he should have done. His failing health only worsened when he learned the devastating news that his youngest son Quentin's plane had been shot down over France. The man who had always loved the thrill of combat had the brutal truths of war brought home to him. He died less than a year later at the age of sixty.

Shortly after the war the Executive Branch exhumed his body and brought him back to life. Immortal and reinvigorated, Roosevelt tried to work his way out of the loss of his son. As an operative he participated in OPERATION: SCAR in Chicago to root out occultist bootleggers in 1924 and OPERATION: DAGGER STEADY in 1936 involving the growing mystic powers of the Nazi Thule Society. During the outbreak of the Second World War Roosevelt was active in all theaters, from stealing the German Enigma Code with Abraham Lincoln to battling a Japanese sorceress with his old rival Taft. After the collapse of the Third Reich and the retreat of the Fourth Reich, the Executive Branch dug in to support freedom during the long Cold War with the Soviet Union and their counterpart to the EB, the Heroes of Lenin.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of terrorism as the main concern of the day means that Roosevelt and his colleagues have had to change up their way of doing things to protect the world from threats.

Hero Type: Normal

Power Level: Street Level

Powers: None

Attributes: Roosevelt is an expert marksman with his fabled elephant gun as well as a skilled combatant in a variety of hand to hand fighting styles. Executive Branch training has also given him proficient espionage and spycraft abilities.

Strength Level: Normal Human.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: Roosevelt is immortal and cannot die of old age or disease, but he can be killed.

Supporting Characters:

Franklin D. Roosevelt - Theodore's cousin, director of operations for the Executive Branch
Abraham Lincoln - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
John F. Kennedy - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
Andrew Jackson - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
Fredrick II "Fredrick the Great" - Former Timekeeper grandmaster, Roosevelt nemesis
Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Soviet Sniper, Secret Soviet Union agent, Roosevelt love interest
Richard Nixon - Executive Branch's resident mage and mystic expert

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

Southern Ural Mountains
0455 Local Time

"Something's not right," Teddy Roosevelt said under his breath.

His usual three-piece suit was gone, swapped out for the khaki Rough Rider's uniform with the silver eagle of a full Colonel on the collar. He wore his slouch hat with the bill folded on the right. Slung over his shoulder was the massive elephant gun that could take out nearly any creature on the planet, clipped to his belt was a truncheon -- the proverbial big stick.

Roosevelt stood in the middle of the small camp set up on the mountain plateau. A soft flurry of snow fell from the sky and coated the ground in the powder. Andrew Jackson, a Colt 1911 in hand and his saber strapped to his belt, checked the shacks in the facility with his squad of six tactical officers, former US special forces and police officers handpicked to be part of the elite work the Executive Branch did. Halfway across the camp, Nixon shuffled through the snow with his hands making arcane gestures.

"Have you found anything, Mr. Nixon?" Teddy called to him.

"No," Nixon said too quickly. Roosevelt couldn't see it, but Nixon was sweating profusely even in the cold. His enchantments were picking up magic unlike anything he had seen before. It was old and it was powerful, very powerful. There was a hum, ever so soft, and he appeared to be the only one who could hear it. It called to him, it whispered things to him and beckoned him closer. Nixon looked towards the rest of the group before he slowly shuffled further into the camp towards the source of the hum.

“What is your science telling us, Dr. Feynman?” Roosevelt called out to their resident science expert.

Richard Feynman and two scientists in radiation suits combed the area with Geiger counters. Feynman pecked at the touchscreen tablet with glove-clad fingertips.

“There’s radiation here, Mr. Roosevelt, albeit very background. UV lights show some kind of… liquid all through the area.”

Teddy walked over to the scientist and read their displays. He furrowed his brow as he saw the invisible contrails under the UV light.

“What the devil is that, Doctor?”

“I don’t know, sir.”

Teddy beckoned Jackson and ordered him and his team to slowly follow the trails towards their source. Roosevelt and the tactical squad spread out through the camp. Teddy gripped his elephant gun tightly and prepared for anything.

“Sir,” one of the officers yelled to Jackson. “Contact left!”

The tactical officers, Jackson, and Teddy all turned towards the officer. Shuffling in front of him was a man in tattered clothing. Black, inky liquid dripped from the man’s mouth as he approached the young officer.

“Get the fuck back!” the young man yelled.

In response, the raggedy man belched loudly. A large dollop of the black liquid spewed from his mouth and coated the officer. He screamed and fell backwards. He yelled in pain as the liquid coated his chest and face.

“Open fire!” Teddy yelled.

His elephant gun roared, mingling with the automatic weapons fire of the rest of the unit as they tore into the strange assailant.
Nixon heard the sounds of gunfire across the camp, but distantly. That hum was now filling his ears. Like a siren song it guided him through the dig site towards a pit. Nixon could see strange energy pulsating from the hole. His breath quickened as he approached the source of the power. He looked down into the abyss and felt like he was staring into his soul. A voice whispered in his ear, a dead language that hadn’t been spoken for thousands of years.

“My name?" He asked whatever was in the hole. "I... I am Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States and Archmage of the Trilateral Guild…. Why am I here? I’m here because I know power when I see it. My whole life I’ve craved power, more and more and more. Maybe… maybe we can work out a deal.”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

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This just got presidential.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

I didn't mean to suggest that any one hero can best Umbraxis. But assuming Eva did team up with the other good heroes. Excalibur wouldn't do all that much. Though I have been thinking about defining just how much damage Excalibur can take. If I were to compare Excalibur to something it'd be closer to Captains' Shield in durability. However heroes like Hulk or for someone in IC. Icon can destroy Excalibur. Basically anyone World class or higher can destroy Excalibur. That applies to World class Magic or higher. Though anything less than Cosmic level heroes or magic will still struggle to break Excalibur.

I also thought about giving Excalibur some damage against magic constructs. Or creatures. Because it is a magic weapon.

How would that affect Racheli's metal manipulation though? Namely, it states, that foreign metals if she can 'absorb' knowledge through touch for long enough she mold, twist, etc metals not just earth bound but metals considered beyond the earth periodic table? I assume, or when I made her I did, this would include magical metal as long she got time enough time to examine it. Though in upright conflict gaining that knowledge is impossible really and she can't destroy it as that's not what I consider a manipulation aspect. Not stating a fight or anything, btw. Just want to get that clarified is all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fallenreaper That's a good question. I'd say assuming you do hold onto Excalibur long enough to understand it's composition then sure. So long as you can't break or destroy it. Though twisting it into any shape regardless of how magically sharp Excalibur is will still render the sword useless as you need to be able to cut with it. That said I also might edit the rules of ownership. I'll run that by you guys later after work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Well, Theodore Roosevelt just came back, so this is going to get interesting.

As for @VATROU's Excalibur, I'd think that not even World Heroes should be able to break such a weapon. This isn't just any old magic sword, after all, this is a legendary weapon, one of the most well-known swords in the world. Saying it would do nothing even against a World Power wouldn't do such a thing justice. Even its scabbard had power, and that's saying something. I would put a sword like that in leagues with something like Thor's Hammer, or at least higher than Cap's Shield.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

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@NeutralNexus I had a post all ready to go from my phone. But I'm just worried that Excalibur could be too strong. There are Heroes like Icon who I intended would have the stuff needed to destroy Excalibur, I didn't mean to say just anyone of World power level could. And even then Icon would still struggle to bend the sword.

Though in the Marvel Universe there are Villains like Molecule Man who can destroy both Thors' hammer and Captains' Shield. Or Thanos who quite literally bitched slapped Captains' Shield to smithereens.

But I guess the question is. Is Excalibur underpowered?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Fallenreaper That's a good question. I'd say assuming you do hold onto Excalibur long enough to understand it's composition then sure. So long as you can't break or destroy it. Though twisting it into any shape regardless of how magically sharp Excalibur is will still render the sword useless as you need to be able to cut with it. That said I also might edit the rules of ownership. I'll run that by you guys later after work.

She can't destroy as that goes from manipulation, Racheli's ability is a lot, a lot like Magneto's though in some instances he did change the actual consistency as you would see in the X-Men movies such as the jail break after Mystic ejected an individual with metal. Though reason I bring this up is so I don't abuse Racheli's powers due to her personality. She won't be worried about mangling that thing up if she's threatened by it after all into a pure ball of metal.

@EntertheHero You still around bud? You started a reply than abruptly stopped, which I or Tearstone can't go until you wrap your bit up please.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Welcome Back Byrd
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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Working on a list of what actors/actresses I think would looks the best as our characters (although I am taking physical appearance over acting ability, since my knowledge of actors/actresses is kind of small :S). I have casted so far War-Pulse, Arachne (obviously) and my NPC Wasp (Kelly).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Working on a list of what actors/actresses I think would looks the best as our characters (although I am taking physical appearance over acting ability, since my knowledge of actors/actresses is kind of small :S). I have casted so far War-Pulse, Arachne (obviously) and my NPC Wasp (Kelly).

Oddly enough, I have all of my characters cast, except Icon. I did have an actor for him at one point. I had cast an unknown actor when I saw him in a show called The Tudors back in 07. Of course, I had to change actors once he was cast as a certain Man of Steel in 2013, and I haven't found the right actor to replace him just yet.....
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Oddly enough, I have all of my characters cast, except Icon. I did have an actor for him at one point. I had cast an unknown actor when I saw him in a show called The Tudors back in 07. Of course, I had to change actors once he was cast as a certain Man of Steel in 2013, and I haven't found the right actor to replace him just yet.....

Holy Cow! I was going to say that I had no idea whom I would cast for Icon and it would be the easy way out to cast Henry Cavill (assuming his is the actor you are referring to).

Is it bad that I have picked out actresses for Kelly and Sammy but not an actor for Zac.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@Dedonus I'm actually super curious who you cast for War-Pulse.
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