Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Sho Minazuki @Lugubrious
Mary | Meeting

A small 'Oh!' escaped Mary's lips as the lazy-looking man offered his assistance in the manhunt. He didn't seem like the type to be out on the field very often. More so the guy to be chilling around the house... But she wouldn't judge. She was sure his body guard over there would protect him either way. Speaking of her, she explained she knew of this phenomenon and had sent out the signal for more operatives already. Had The Order really been the only ones who were unaware?

Lady and Sevrin answered Mary's question, only the finest were to be brought along, other troops were to remain as lookouts. She would really have to look into getting the Field Commander to come along now. They also warned that both Angels and Demons were a possible threat. Apparently demons wanted to rule over humanity. Mary frowned a bit at that. The story of Sparda was real, and she used it as an example that some demons weren't all bad. But she guessed she could see their point.

After that, everyone quickly switched gears. Now they were back in normal meeting mode. Sevrin pulled out a briefcase, and began pulling out files for both The Order and Gilga Inc. Mary did much of the same, swapping papers with both of the other organizations at the meeting. A small smile could be seen as she handed over her file on the Hell Vanguard, and hoped her suggestion regarding making a sickle out of it didn't go unnoticed.

After all was said and done and all of her new files were in check, she stood up and began to make her way out after the two DHO representatives with her friend. The Order knight was actually stationed here, so he would return back to his temporary home. Mary. on the other hand, was going to a crappy motel. Once there she would call Kyrie and inform her of the situation. See if Nero was available. But for now, she had to trek to her room. In the rain. Without an umbrella. Ah well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Thinly disguising his disinterest, Souta allowed Otsune to join Sevrin, Lady, and Mary with the paper-pushing, instead pulling out a sketchpad to get to work. Few but the manufacturers themselves knew the process of Devil Arm design, and it lived up to the mantle of professional blacksmithery in complexity of technique. Many imagined that a demon or angel’s soul could only be coaxed into a single shape that represented the original owner completely, but that did not have to be the case. When contained in a Soul Jar, the essence of the slain being could be maintained while frames for specific weapons could be built, which the souls would then serve as capstones for. The natural weapon-form of an angel or demon typically represented the best way it could function, but through careful analysis better still weapon-forms could be discovered, and in this particular instance Souta knew that a rocket launcher would suit his demonic subject perfectly. Even still, he could not afford to be lazy in the design of said rocket launcher.

So intently focused was he that it only seemed to be a few seconds before his sister roused him, and after packing up he joined her in departing. The two moved quickly through the downpour, though to the naked eye there only appeared to be one. Otsune patiently directed him toward the location where the other Gilgamesh operatives would be dropped in, and by the time they stationed themselves under an awning the sound of a helicopter could already be heard. The black vehicle crested the top of an incoming wall of mist and came to a stop almost directly overhead. Roping flew out of its sides like tentacles extending from a creature of the deep, and the reinforcements quickly made their way down.

The first, massive man received a chuckle from Souta. ”Hey, it’s Babyfingers! How are your little baby fingers, bro?”

Holding them up for a flex, the jolly giant laughed. “Small and puny, but just right for my cannon. I really hope that your nickname doesn’t stick. ‘Horace’ suits me much better.”

A woman in white landed next to him, and focused her attention on unslinging her mace, as if the demons threatened to invade just now. With her around, Souta saw no reason to continue conversation with Horace. Though a deadly warrior and a loyal comrade, Ell radiated shyness and social awkwardness, which combined with her obvious beauty to make Souta nuts for her. Ell said nothing, only looking around fearfully with her single visible eye. The next operative came just as quietly, save for the clunks of his weaponized left arm.

“Geronimo!” A shout rang out across the street as the last soldier of Gilgamesh leaped from the helicopter, ignoring the rope dropped for him. He landed heavily, but stood up instantly, and with a smile on his face. Directing it toward Otsune, he rumbled, “Atlas reporting for duty, ma’am. Ready to crack some skulls.”

Otsune blinked. She’d been staring at the horizon –or what little a view of it Barlour’s skyline could afford- with a pensive frown. ”Good,” she whispered after a moment. ”You may need to sooner than you think.”


Even as the rain fell unabated, a new front rolled through Barlour City. It prickled the skin, causing goosebumps to form in self-defense, and kissed with freezing lips the fingers and ears of every pedestrian. Mist followed dutifully on this new weather’s heels, sweeping steadily down the streets in great drifts like ethereal, crashing waves trapped in slow motion. To an ordinary person, nothing could be said to be unusual, yet this cold front felt not just unpleasant, but wrong.

With an unremarkable but nevertheless urgent haste the humans of Barlour City returned to their homes or places of work, and behind them they locked the doors. No extraordinary compulsion forced them to abandon the urban sprawl’s streets; they merely wished to escape the biting winds and stinging, chilled rain of the coming storm. Not a one knew how right he or she was: a storm was coming.

No…the storm had come.

As an ashen tide a new bank of nebulous black fog flowed in from the west. Rather than an all-enveloping shroud, it condensed into a large but singular mass, moving steadily across main street. The smoky fumes billowed over the hoods of cars, slithered around streetlights and signs, and scratched against windows as it passed. It moved, too ominous and deliberate to by anywhere near natural, toward the city center—Memorial Park.

Silky laughter escaped the malevolent cloud as it drew new Memorial Park. Within the swirling black, flickers of red and blue could be spotted, but nothing definitive. At its head walked a single distinguishable shape: a woman, clad in a revealing pink qipao and bearing in hand a sheathed swordblade. Through the pouring rain she strode, her features totally calm but radiating intense purpose nonetheless. Her hair swing from side to side and she brusquely strode forth, and her drenched flesh gleamed with a sultry luster in the light of passing buildings.

The core of Memorial Park, and the epicenter of Barlour City, was a monument dedicated to the city’s founder: Frederick Anatole, a man of legendary creativity and curiosity. It depicted him leaning against a tree, with his faithful dog sitting beside him, all out of bronze. Around it lay a ring of metal grates, through which little fountains of water would shoot upward, and in which children would play in warmer days. The woman in pink approached the statue, the dark cloud directly behind, and after a moment pointed her weapon toward the nearest grate. From the haze darted two floating shapes, their bizarre red heads resting on streaming black cloaks, and they extended spearlike fingers to reach through and then lift up the grate. ”Go,” she murmured, and the cloud belched forth a squad of Hideous, which rushed down into the dark tunnels to begin the descent.

The race for the second seal was on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by itano123
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itano123 definitely not evil

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zio the man of Hearts

Here i am again, watching rain fall as I sit here imbeded in a wall. You would think I would be gone, but I am used to being in a wall.
What was i doing here again? Oh right I was trying to convince the dog to not go around killing people, though the situation seems to be getting worse and worse.
Why does everybody got to be all macho all the time? Arg my head hurts.

Zio Heart’s inner monologue continued as he layed stuck in a wall recovering, he had been conscious the entire time and watched the fight unfold until Zio finally felt like he could walk properly again.

“alright what to do in this situation?” Zio spoke as if there was someone else next to him.
“ah yes it would be bad to not confirm wether this can be solved with or without violence”
Speaking out loud to no one Zio stretched and cracked while getting up.

Picking up Necro who was laying next to him Zio ran over to where the action was.

“EVERYONE CALM THE HELL DOWN AND TALK ABOUT THIS” Zio called out as got near the fight of sorts.

Before he got too close Zio lifted Necro and stopped.
“Looks like i need to stop this first”.
Zio stood with his Sheathed blade and smashed it into the ground.
He used the Heavy hearts style tremor.

Normally it would just cause tremors enough to stop everyone but it seemed like there might have been hollowed earth underneath as the earth underneath seemed to crumble.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Silas raised an eyebrow at the demon's address, his senses here easily picking up the soft-spoken words. He hadn't anticipated anyone of the demon's nature realizing what he was- it hadn't been very long since the Sages had returned apparently from their graves. This made him curious, but he wasn't there to indulge his curiosity- he had work to do.

"I'm surprised at how fast word travels," he said, voice still carrying a trace of his original German accent. "I didn't think anyone of your... persuasion would know of our return just yet. Impressive."

He raised his hand, and the facet of Pleiades he'd fired as a warning disappeared in a flurry of golden particles, before appearing with its other fellows, floating in a ring behind him. Silas took a strong step forward, as Kazfiel and Sraosha came up along either side of him, growling quietly at the demon before them. He glared hard, trying his best to look intimidating.

"Regardless, you are trespassing here, you and all your ilk. You, and whoever your companion was who just left, must leave Barlour immediately, or you will face dire consequences. There is nothing here for you, demon- leave."

He didn't expect the demon to listen to him- they were a stubborn sort, after all- and was preparing for the first step of the battle, when there was yet another interruption. A giant... man? Whatever he was, he lumbered onto the street, looking confused, until he looked up and seemed to just realize where he was, and who he's stumbled between. Silas felt uncomfortable as the giant scrutinized him, and breathed the smallest of relieved sighs when the beast of a man turned to scrutinize the other individual.

"Half-Demon?" rumbled the giant, and Silas' eyebrows shot up in surprise. A half-demon? This other was a half-demon? That was... interesting. Ultimately irrelevant, but interesting. And then the giant went on, and Silas' surprise increased.

"And here I'd thought that Uriel was always telling stories."

"What? You know Lady Uriel, then? Who are you?" Father Roderick had sent him here on the authority of the Sages, but if Paradiso had sent their own agent to look into the rifts here... well. Perhaps they could work together- he'd take any advantage that was offered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lazo
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Lazo Lazy

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Fenn clicked his tongue at the human’s mocking tone. Such irreverence at the face of danger would only be found in the foolish and in the dying. If the human insisted in turning their bout into a physical contest, the second could be easily arranged.

The old behemoth did not flinch as the human threw a belt of munitions his way, simply letting it bounce against his body. The heat instantly managed to ignite the gunpowder inside some of the bullets, but his scales had already proven themselves to be sufficient armor against the projectiles when properly fired, and the old warrior had been in enough battles to recognize a feint when he saw one.

Instead, his attention remained focused on the human closing the gap between them.

To an outside observer, the drive and tenacity needed to stand up to a foe that dwarfed one in physical might by such a margin could have been worthy of admiration. There was a reason why the tale of David and Goliath was common knowledge even to that day. To Fenn, however, the sight of his smaller opponent, his raiments shredded and body wounded by the explosion, was an old and tired scene.

As the human closed, the demon swung an arm towards him, as if to swat away an annoying insect.

A sudden gout of flame propelled the hunter over the blow. Fenn’s eyes widened slightly.

Flying what must have been ten meters into the air, the human was seen at face-level to the beast he fought. As they got eye-to-eye, the hunter stuck a tongue out as an act of defiance. Though, as he reached as high as one thrust could take him, Snider began to fall.

In either hand, the hunter carried two hammers close to the head. His arms shot out, the shaft of the hammer sliding in his hands. The engines on the hammer-heads sputtered as jets of flame spewed from them. Still midair, Snider spun around like the blade of a helicopter with uncanny maneuverability as he hovered closer toward the beast.

The demon raised an arm to block the hunter’s advance. The sound of metal rasping against metal overtook the rain as one of the human’s hammers struck Fenn’s manacles with tremendous force.

Just then, the monster’s ears picked up a second, heavy crash, and he tilted his head to the side to catch a glimpse of the other human, who had managed to rise after Fenn’s first blow. A stabbing pain drew a surprised growl from the beast and his attention refocused on the human closest to him.

Still clinging to Fenn, Snider had brought down the base of his other weapon against the demon’s arm, the sharpened pommel digging into the softer flesh near Fenn’s wrist with the aid of its propellant.

Fenn swung his arm away reflexively, dislodging the hunter and his weapon and launching them away from the demon. Fenn snarled and took a step towards his foe, arm half raised to make use of his chains.

That was as much as the ground below him would take. Weakened by the explosion, Fenn’s weight, and the sudden impact of the other human’s weapon, the ground underneath him gave way with a sudden lurch. Fenn felt himself lose his footing, and the floor rose to meet him. His torso slammed against the concrete, cracks spread from the impact.

The demon’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening, and his arms clawed at the ground in front of him in a vain attempt to pull himself up, his rear legs fruitlessly scrambling to find a foothold. The ground before him gave way to his weight as easily as the ground under him, and Fenn let out a furious roar as he fell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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"I'm surprised at how fast word travels. I didn't think anyone of your... persuasion would know of our return just yet. Impressive."

Gideon would issue a faint smirk at that remark as he crosses his arms.

"Faster than you think," the half-demon remarks with a simple hand gesture, "I've encountered several of you in the last 40 years. Your time to shine has ended long ago... go home."

"Regardless, you are trespassing here, you and all your ilk. You, and whoever your companion was who just left, must leave Barlour immediately, or you will face dire consequences. There is nothing here for you, demon- leave."

Gideon simply spat at his remark as he stands motionlessly, with no plans to leave anytime soon.

"On the contrary," he began, "There is~"

But before he could finish, both men were interrupted by a giant who made his debut. Damn was he tall too, surely over seven feet compared to Gideon's 6'2". It also seemed as if he appeared out of nowhere too.

"Half-Demon? And here I'd thought that Uriel was always telling stories."

"What? You know Lady Uriel, then? Who are you?"

This was just getting boring at this rate. He could quickly beacon Blair if he wanted to take on these fools, but at this point in time, he feels like he can do this himself. With that, he snaps his fingers and popping out of thin air came a dozen small blade weapons that began to circle around him rapidly. He then takes out both of his desert eagles, the infamous Lucifer's Wings, as he prepares for battle.

"You bore me." the half-demon simply states to Silas as he continues to stand there casually, "I have a job to do here, one that doesn't have to do with you or Heaven. Now get out of my way, and I may just let you go bullet-free."

He was true to some extent... then again, it would result in the demise of Heaven and Humanity alike. He slowly points his guns at the Lumen Sage, warning him to back off or face his own consequences.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Sevrin | Underground

Pretty soon the Order of the Sword's more lore-oriented minds would be able to figure out that this city was built upon a ruin. Frederick Anatole was not as great a man as people thought he was, where did his seemingly endless ingenuity and creativity come from? The answer was a demonic contract. There's a reason Barlour City is one of the hot spots for supernatural activity, and it wasn't because of the seal held within it, but because of his various dabblings in dark arts. Barlour City was simply on a location where the veil between this world, and both heaven and hell was a little thin, because this was one of the places where it was all held together. The second seal.

Lady had gone off saying she needed to try and come into contact with her friend, Dante was it? A terrifyingly powerful half demon who did jobs that no normal human could take on. Fortuna and Temen-ni-gru were part of his list of accomplishments, having almost single-handedly ended both events. That was not to downplay the Order's current general Nero though.

In any case, it appears he has gone missing, which suited him just fine. As his train of thought began to wander as he strolled the abandoned subway, he found himself slashed across the chest by a large scythe blade... But there was no blood, no reaction, his walking stance though frozen simply remained the same. But soon the attacker, the Hideous would turn it's head and realize that it had missed it's mark. Sevrin stood a mere two paces away from the spot of attack, where he would nonchalantly flip out a knife and slice the Hideous across the face, forcing it to retreat.

"Well, I guess getting in a little practice wouldn't hurt", he said to himself.

TRACK: Gluttony Fang

Three Hideous... Not a bad start up. He had a feeling there were more lurking in this subway tunnel, because these demons weren't native to appearing in this city. Someone was here looking for the seal also. The first Hideous charged forward to swing at him, but Sevrin merely avoided it's attack, dashing almost instantly to it's side as he strolled forward in a relaxed manner, as the other two attempt to follow up after their friend, they all would experience the same phenomenon, where he would seemingly disappear right before their attacks struck, and as soon as Sevrin was behind all of them... He turned.

He struck a pose as if throwing something, sending out a chain with a pair of beastly jaws at the end, as it grabbed the first Hideous by the throat, the jaws coming down hard as a shattering sound was heard, the chain flying past the other two. Then Sevrin flung himself along the chain's path, and mid air pulled out two of his knives, and slashes the other two Hideous on the way past them, before landing to the one his Hell Leash had latched onto, and delivering a rapid Three Fang Attack, slashing it thrice and ending it. Without turning around he dashed backwards again as the two Hideous attempted a synchronized attack at his back, but again all they struck was some kind of mirage as he found himself standing behind them. By the time they turned to see Sevrin, they were already slashed apart by a rapid array of slashes from his knives. They appeared to stand still as he turned away from them to continue on his merry way, flipping his knife before putting it in his pocket, as the Hideous slid apart like a puzzle, and collapsed.

"Now then, if I'm correct, the Order should be in these tunnels pretty soon too...", he looked at his watch as he had said this. By now, they would've had ample time to mobilize their forces that they had brought with them... Nero was definitely going to come, after all, Sevrin had already made arrangements to ensure he was free this week.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

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Now separated from Gideon, she can go about her business. Keeping in mind the orders she was giving, Blair decided to try something unusual and search in the least suspicious places. After all, while it's usually true that the most suspicious places, like an abandoned building, mine or a hidden wall or floor, in most stories more often than not proven true in missions/situations like these, it's also true that's not always the case.

Though, I guess it would be more accurate to say 'most obvious' place, considering it's common knowledge amongst the criminal ilk to hide something precious in abandoned or not often traveled places but sometimes one would change it up and hide something in plain sight. Blair was thorough as she made sure she didn't discriminate areas, making sure to investigate all areas, regardless of whether it was populated or not. Spotting shadows in the distance, she decided to follow, hopefully onto something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Barlour City-A random meeting gone almost wrong

"What? You know Lady Uriel, then? Who are you?" Wrath glanced back at the Sage, gauging the lad.

"Well, who I am is of not much importance, but call me Wrath, since humans like to know names. And of course I know Uriel, she spent the first fifty years of my life as good as raising me." The Nephilim started to turn to leave, spotting a nearby sewer entrance, though he wasn't sure he could fit through it without a little help from Rage Bringer, when the Half-Demon's demonic energy surged.

"You bore me." The half-demon simply states to the Sage as he continues to stand there casually, "I have a job to do here, one that doesn't have to do with you or Heaven. Now get out of my way, and I may just let you go bullet-free." The answer was a resounding shriek through the air as the great sword left it's place on Wrath's back and leveled with the Half-Demon's neck.

"Now, now lad, no need to be picking fights if you've not got a reason, even if you are a Demon. And especially unwise to do it in front of a Nephilim who's not had a decent fight in the last ten days or so. So, what say the Sage comes with me and we leave you be until such a time as a fight is more fitting for us all?" The sword didn't waver and Wrath gave off a vibe of readiness that didn't outwardly show.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mary | Near Main Street

A small breath escaped Mary's mouth as a cold fog rolled in over her. Part of her really wanted to get back to her hotel room now. But part of her wanted to stay. This certainly was better than the rain that she was being subjected to before. And a cold front was a common indicator of certain demons rolling in. Certainly a change so quick was suspect?

Her suspicions turned out to be correct. From about a street or two over, she noticed some sort of black gas flowing through the streets. It carried a weight to it, as if it was intentionally being held together by some force. She even heard it scrape against some objects. Her breath quickened slightly. The demon looked like trouble, even to a girl like her. She was thankful of the citizenry for returning to there abodes, but deep down Mary knew a divine being wouldn't show itself so readily unless it had a purpose. That purpose seemed to be in Memorial Park, judging by the direction of the smog.

She quickly flipped out her phone. 4 bars, lucky her. She needed to make some calls. Her first was to the Order knight that had accompanied her to the meeting. She directed him to Memorial park with express caution to the smoke demon. There was a possibility it couldn't be hurt by regular weapons. And she was unsure if it came alone. If it really was after the Seal, then she doubted it came alone. The man replied he would mobilize his forces immediately, half towards the park to neutralize the demon, half underground to look for the seal and guard it once they found it.

There was another call Mary needed to make too, one to the Field General himself. She put in his number but hesitated slightly as she hit the call button. Was he even free? Did they even need him? These questions raced through her mind as she hit the button.

"Hello Field General Nero."
"Just call me Nero, Mary."
"Yes. There's a bit of an issue."
"...Then tell me what it is."
"There's a big demon in Memorial park that's trying to destroy the world. It's gonna break an important seal underground."
"Okay. I'll be there soon!"

With that, Mary hung up the phone, and quickly ran into the subway station she was originally going to take home. It seemed the tram wouldn't be coming for a while, so she was safe to use it as a door to the larger underground system that pervaded the city. She didn't know much about this city, but one thing she did know was that the city had some relations to a certain demon. She was sure that that, and the second seal being here were related. So she was going to the ruins underneath the city. The order hadn't really studied these ruins before. hopefully they would get a chance without the threat of the apocalypse hanging over her head. But currently, those cards weren't on the table.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Abandoned Subway

An abandoned subway, below the main subway. It was like New York honestly, a subway below a subway, one that was no longer used and gave way to wear and tear. The history pertaining to it was because there were various mysterious incidents. Now, many trains either ran above it, or around it, which result in Barlour's confusing and as some residents called it, nonsensical pathing.

It was just like the Order members to quickly pinpoint the abandoned subways location, just by studying the train maps as well as the old train maps. It was the old ones that held the key, they were the ones that ran more closely around it. Wherever all the trains avoided, was likely where the abandoned subway was. This information was passed onto Gilgamesh as well as the DHO.

There was also a report of the recently identified demon named Fenn, to have fall into and near the abandoned subway, along with the hunters who were in combat with him, Zio and "Roughneck". Still, the priority was currently the seals, so only minimal help could be sent to those hunters.

Abandoned Subway | Order of the Sword Forward Base

Nero was set to arrive in not too long, but Mary and whatever troops she had with her had set up a forward base as requested by Nero. It was set at one of the entrances to the abandoned subway. The orders he gave were awkward, it looks like his usual lone wolf style was still with him, because he also requested only scouting, no combat was to be initiated. Even then, some of the Order members ran into some of the Hideous, as well as some lesser demons that appeared as a result of the weakened barrier between the human and demon realms.

Gilgamesh's operatives were ready to move out too, so it was all a matter of where for them. There were a large amount of entrances into the subway, through the library, under the main station in Central, below the museum, random points in alleyways and so on and so forth. Still, the point of entry was more out of preference and coverage, so it was all up to them on how they moved.

The DHO has hunters already occupied on the surface, so for now they would have to rely on just Zio and Roughneck while in the subways, as well as on their allies.

As everyone present would feel, they were getting close to the Second Seal.

Barlour City Surface

The movements of Gilgamesh, the Order of the Sword, and DHO did not go unnoticed. Various agents, including the Lumen Sage Silas, and the demons Blair and Gideon, as well as the Nephilim Wrath would notice the movements of the human factions. It was a small number, but for these fine-tuned agents of both heaven and hell, they knew that these human agents knew something about the whole situation surrounding as to why they were here. Even the rogue demon Lily was onto the movements. Things were about to get heated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

That human, whoever he was, certainly managed to present a challenge to Fenn. He wove around the great beast's attacks, doing his best to delivering attacks that would hurt or harm him. He seemed a skillful fighter who knew what he was doing around the Hellhound... Or such was what many would have said, were they the ones observing. Lily, however, couldn't help but frown.

She knew what Fenn was capable of, knew how brutal and powerful he was, and so to see him seemingly being pressed by this human? He was playing with him. No other reason seemed possible. But the fact that Fenn seemed to hold back was not the only thing that gave her a bad taste in her mouth. More than two thousand years of experience had taught her a lot, and the most basic of said experiences was that one had to adapt to their opponent. One did not win fights through brute force alone—unless one possessed overwhelming might as compared to one's adversary—but by observing how they fought and adapting accordingly, making use of openings and whatever advantages there were, all the while making up for the disadvantages and weaknesses one possessed themselves.

Snider... did not seem to do much of that. His moves were hazardous, confrontational, and sometimes downright strange. He seemed to care little for his own life, the only goal being to defeat the demonic hound in front of him. Such may have been the case, but it did not help matters. It still left an acidic taste in Lily's mouth. Oh how she loathed those who thought themselves warriors, yet didn't seem to understand even the basic of combat!

She prepared to dive down to interrupt the fight, perhaps teach the human a lesson or two in regards to how one fought, when something happened that surprised even Lily. A great hole opened up in the ground, like the maw of a beast superior in size even to Fenn, gaping in an attempt to fit the entire city between its jaws. A howl and a roar split the sky as Fenn fell into the depths, the darkness within obscuring him from Lily's sight.

Stupid dog, she thought with a small, mocking smile, angling her wings downward into a spiralling dive, Can't even hold onto a damned ledge. She soared over the area at ever lower altitudes, quickly coming to rest at the edge of the hole. She ignored the human from wherever he lay or stood—she hadn't bothered to take notice—as she peered down into the blackness below. She could see nothing, and assumed that Fenn had simply moved on through whatever tunnels he could find down there. For a while she debated following after him, if only to greet him after having not seen each other for a long time, but decided against it after only a short few seconds. Fenn was in town, and she didn't feel like dirtying her clothes—being soaked through was bad enough, but dirty as well? Demon though she may be, but having dirt in her hair and everywhere else would always be a hassle. He would, inevitably, cause havoc somewhere and somehow, so there was no reason to follow him—she would find him eventually.

Casting a passing glance at the poor excuse of a warrior that was the human, if only to note his position, she spread her massive, dark, wings again, taking to the air once more, angling towards the inner city.

Once in sufficient altitude, however, something caught her eye. How she hadn't noticed earlier confused her, and she could only assume that it hadn't been there earlier. A great cloud of fog of midnight black had rolled into town, spreading quickly. Just one glance told her that it wasn't natural.

It didn't belong to this world.

Where most who saw it would be filled with dread, it only filled Lily with a sense of curiosity. She could have sworn it was a familiar thing, that fog, and no time had passed before she felt she had an educated guess as to its origin and nature: Demonic. Whatever it was, Lily felt certain that a Demon of some kind was in charge of this nebulous thing.

She touched down on a rooftop still several blocks away from what she knew was the park of this city—having been there earlier just this day—her wings disappearing through the slits in her vest and shirt, becoming naught in but a moment. She absent-mindedly noted the subway entrance on the street to her left and the array of streets and apartment blocks on on her right. None seemed important, but it would never do to not take notice of one's surroundings.

Turning her gaze back towards the park, the fog continued to roil and move and—Lily's eyes widened. For while she expected the fog to be demonic in nature, she did not expect it to coalesce into one single form. What's more, the fog retreating into its yet building form revealed a humanoid creature—Demon as well, most likely. Lily mused—seemingly leading it towards the centre of the park. The culprit, no doubt.

Yet she was not the only figure suddenly showing herself. From various buildings here and there, humans started to come out, heading in various directions. None were close enough that she could immediately identify them—standing on top of a multi storied building tended to have such results—but something told her that they had something to do with the fog-being in the park.

With a smile on her lips, Lily started to hum, singing a tune under her breath.

"They call us evil but nothing is worse,
Than passive submission to meaningless rules;
These are oppression and misery's tools."

She thought the song oddly fitting, if only for one reason: Her assumption of the identity of the humans. No doubt they were Demon Hunters of one kind or another, and why did they fight? Why, the song explains it just perfectly, Lily told herself, the smile on her lips widening imperceptibly.

Things were about to become interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lazo
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Lazo Lazy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Under the bowels of Barlour, in one of the tunnels that comprised what remained of the ruins the city had been built under, a pile of rubble shook and shifted. A warm light peeked from within, illuminating pathways that had not seen activity in many a year, and grew in intensity as the creature within the mound began to claw itself out of its prison.

With a final heave, Fenn threw a slab of concrete out of the way and crawled out of the tomb of earth and stone that the collapse had dropped with him. Small fires ran through fur at the demon’s head and extremities, making shadows dance along the walls and giving off enough light to see by. Once out, he turned around and pulled, wrapping the chain around his arms as he freed it.

Now freed, he stood and turned to study his surroundings.

He himself had fallen into a large platform, wide and with a high ceiling, all made of stone. The end of the platform ended on a wide set of stairs leading up. Off to the sides, old rusted tracks tapered off into dark tunnels. The place had a musty smell to it, the air old and stale, and if he focused his attention, the sound of rushing water reached his ears from above. Likely carried in the pipe networks humans built under their cities.

Looking up behind him only offered a view of the crumbled stone, dirt and concrete. He would not be climbing up the way he fell.

The hunters were nowhere to be seen. If they had fallen with him, they were likely separated from him by the rubble, or buried under it. Good riddance if the latter was true.

Fenn grunted and climbed down to the base of the mound. He shook his body like a dog, letting earth and debris fall around him. Metallic, plinking noises alerted him of some of the metal projectiles the human had used on him falling out of his shallow wounds. The thought darkened his already sour mood. He had sustained many small wounds in the fight against the hunter, and yet he had little to show for it. His eyes settled on the puncture wound gazing up at him from his massive wrist. The pain meant little. It was only the latest in a long line of injuries the old Hellhound had suffered throughout his life, an insignificant one at that. The wound itself had already began to close, yet the demon’s pride would not be mended so easily.

Interrupted. The fight had been interrupted. The mere thought sent the flames along his fur into a frenzy.

He had been made to look like a fool. He should have killed the talkative one where he stood, and not even considered sparing the other one his flames. What point was there to testing them? The hunter simply lacked the tools to do him much harm.

Fenn could not help but wonder if he would have been staring at such an insignificant injury had that not been the case. At that point, it would have been a more satisfying outcome. He only had his pride to blame for this defeat.

The demon huffed, dropping to all fours. Perhaps he was growing complacent in his old age.

Putting the thoughts aside for the moment, the Hellhound plodded forward and up the stairs, letting the fire light his way as he moved out of the hall. Other tunnels greeted him as he reached the next level approach, and the demon’s nose twitched searching for any scents that would allow him to find an exit, but the same old, musty smell permeated each passageway. Some of these had old tracks among them, while others simply seemed to serve as passageways between them. For lack of a better course of action, he chose the closest hallway he could fit in and set down its path, nose twitching and ears swiveling as he went.

For several minutes, Fenn wandered aimlessly, his only concern that he should somehow loop back into his own trail, until a scent other than the smell of ruin and decay entered his nostrils.

There were other demons in this maze.

The Hellhound allowed his flames to extinguish and brought its muzzle low to the ground, sniffing at the trail. Fairly recent. At least two of them. There was another smell mixed in to the scent of the demons, but Fenn could not place it. It was foul, even to the Hellhound’s nose, but it made it easy to track.

Fenn set down on the trail, the old warrior’s imposing march replaced by the smooth, silent movement of a predator’s grace. It was not long before noise reached the dog’s sensitive ears. An odd clicking and clacking, like steel softly tapping against the stone floor echoed down the path. After a moment, it seemed to stop, replaced by a chittering noise with an odd inflexion that reminded Fenn of speech. By then, he had no need to follow their scent. The thin, gem-like bodies of the two Hideous glowed with its own inner light, radiated outwards with a pallid, purple hue.

The demons had stopped at the juncture of a T-shaped corridor, and were currently studying the two small passageways leading forward. Fenn grimaced in the darkness. They were both too small for him to follow through.

One of the demons let out another chittering sound before marching into its chosen tunnel, followed by its companion. Once the click-clack of the Hideous footsteps receded, Fenn sauntered into the small room, letting his flames return.

Another curious development. Those Hideous had behaved as though they were searching for something beneath this undercity. Were they looking for an exit, much as he was? Perhaps, but it seemed unlikely. They were moving with a hurried purpose, and that stench that clung to them like rot… those demons were owned. Something had sent them down here, but for what purpose?

He knew something was happening in this city. Power was being drawn to it, beyond the small demons that seemed to have made this city their home before his own arrival. Fenn himself had been summoned by a powerless dabbler, and still had been able to manifest himself in this realm in an undiluted form, something that would never have occurred had the veil been at its proper strength. Demons moved along the city with clear purpose, the scent of Heaven’s Host had occasionally tickled at his nose, and humans aware of the supernatural’s existence had been flocking to this city en masse. The air was tense with violence, but it had yet to be properly unleashed.

He clicked his tongue in irritation. It mattered little at the moment. He wanted to leave these tunnels, but the Hideous’ efforts had only managed to lead Fenn to another dead end.

He had almost left the tunnel when a soft breeze caressed his fur. Fenn turned around, staring at the wall, and caught sight of a small hole amidst the stone. Blue, sterile light filtered through the small opening, along with the smells of smoke and rain. And blood.

Fenn glanced over his shoulder, focusing his senses to make sure the Hideous had gone far enough. When silence was all he could hear from the tunnels, he gave the wall a rough shove. Cracks spread through the impact. A second blow crumbled the wall, letting Fenn walk out of the ruins and into a smooth, circular tunnel with metal tracks running down its length. Close by, Fenn could make out the electric light that tended to accompany human occupation in this era.

He moved up the tunnel and climbed up to the platform, carefully studying his surroundings. The stench of blood was stronger now, but there were no corpses to be seen. Humans must have fled the area already.

He found the nearest way up, two of those moving staircases humans called escalators, and awkwardly crawled up between them, him being too large to make use of them himself. Up the top, he found a barrier, seemingly designed to limit the people who walked down into the station. Fenn tore it out of the way with a small grunt of exertion.

It was there that he found the first casualties. Three humans lay dead, bodies torn by sharp teeth and claws. Two of them had been gunslingers, evidenced by the blue uniforms and small firearms near the bodies. The last one was too torn up to make out much of anything.

One of the culprits’ bodies lied still between them, body riddled with the gunslinger’s small projectiles. A small creature, by Fenn’s standards, the size of a large dog, its body an ugly mockery of Fenn’s own. Reptilian tail, thin hips and rear legs, with a larger torso and obscenely-muscled shoulders. Its maw was bloodied and full to the brim with gaping fangs.

Fenn’s eyes narrowed, now recognizing the smell of minor demons among the stench of death. Bloody footprints led ahead, in the direction pointed by the signs with the word ‘EXIT’ on them.


He forged ahead, after the trail of blood, and ignoring the shops and counters that littered the walls of the station, all either shuttered down or otherwise abandoned.

The sounds of gnashing teeth and tearing flesh announced the presence of the small demons even before he turned the corner. There, he saw large, wide stairs leading out to the city air. Before the exit, three Minions fought over the remains of a single human, barely recognizable as a male at that point. Mercifully dead, blood pooled below him, staining what Fenn assumed were his possessions. A blanket, a cup filled with the metal that humans used as a currency.

Propped against the wall, Fenn could spy a cardboard sign that read “PLEASE HELP”.

Laughter escaped the beast’s throat in a low rumble.

The Minions turned at the sudden noise, and scrambled back at the sight of the Hellhound with a string of surprised hisses. The sound quickly turned into angered snarls as they began to creep forward, seemingly intent in protecting their meal. As if Fenn was interested in carrion.

Pack hunters by nature, the Minions began to fan out as they approached Fenn. It was all instinct. The beasts were rabid and mindless, not easily cowed, and as such prime target for strong demons who sought fearless, expendable forces. Their name reflected that.

A shame Fenn did not much care for the mockeries.

As the monsters approached, the Hellhound took a deep breath, the spaces between his scales lighting from within with a warm light, and belched out a tongue of fire at the closest one.

A shrill whine escaped the thing’s lungs as the fire engulfed it, burning its skin and working its way into the minion’s mouth and insides. No sooner had the lance of flame devoured the first of their kin that the other two darted in.

The first one ducked low under the fire, snapping its jaws at Fenn’s exposed throat. The Hellhound closed his jaws and grabbed the Minion mid-leap, his powerful digits closing around the thing’s neck. Claws futilely scratched at the hardened scales of his arm before Fenn threw him to the side, into one of the shops surrounding the hallway. The beast crashed against a glass window, shattering it and falling somewhere within.

A weight settling on his back, near his neck, informed him of the position and intentions of the other Minion. Fenn slammed his palms against the ground, forcing himself upright in a sudden, explosive motion. Of course, the halls were not meant to house something three times the height of a normal human, and he felt his back crashing against the ceiling, crushing the smaller demon in the process. Reaching around his neck, Fenn grasped the disoriented Minion by the arm and slammed it to the ground, before bringing his arms down on it like hammers. After the confrontation with the Demon Hunters, the feeling of snapping bones was immensely satisfying.

A scuttling sound alerted him of movement and he glanced up to catch sight of the minion he had thrown against the glass sneaking away towards the stairs.

A snarl escaped Fenn’s throat as he launched himself after the small beast. Seeing its cover was blown the Minion erupted into a single-minded sprint up the stairs. It had barely reached the outside of the building when the Hellhound’s massive weight settled atop it, slamming the beast into the ground. Its limbs shook as it tried to struggle out of Fenn’s grip, but the demon’s fangs closed on the Minion’s neck. With a powerful wrench, the monster’s neck stretched out with a cracking noise, and it stilled.

Fenn stood away from the Minion and looked around him, licking the blood from his muzzle.

Sniffing the air, his nose wrinkled. The same scent which had lingered on the two Hideous within the tunnels permeated the air like a thick oil. It filled him with anticipation. It seemed as though whatever he had been waiting for since he was summoned would soon come to pass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lily stood silent for the longest time, watching the fog-being send forth a minor horde of creatures that were definitely of demonic origin. While it was too far away to see them clearly, there was no doubt that anything spawned by a creature such as that one would have ties to the netherworld. Judging by their size and their number, she would guess they were either Hideous or Minions, not that there was much of a difference. Both were weak creatures that could only really kill anything in groups: Pack animals.

While one might be somewhat of a challenge to a single human, when it came to demons they were among the lowest of the lowest. But that meant something, Lily thought. There was a reason for the ones being sent forth being among the weakest of demonic creatures, and in numbers. They were searching for something, and expected resistance. By their very nature, Minions were little more than mindless cannon fodder that didn't care for superior power. They were that stupid, or so the demoness thought at least.

But that only made her wonder as to the second question. They expected resistance, but what kind? Though this city may be one where humans, who thought the occult something interest, seemed to congregate, there weren't much they could do in terms of fighting back. Unless... Lily's palm met her forehead with an audible smack. How could she have forgotten? Idiotic ghost hunters and occult fanatics weren't the only ones who sought this city out, but Hunters too. That human Fenn had fought earlier was proof of that: His presence being just the precursor for all the other ones.

Lily glanced about on the streets below, near and far. Now she was certain, for though she had only had suspicions when she first saw them, no more. The humans she had seen wander the streets earlier were Hunters, of course. It made sense, after all, as no sane human would wander out in a weather this foul—this wrong—unless they knew what they were up against. And only Hunters truly had an inkling as to what facing something supernatural was like. And by the looks of it, these demon hunters were out to either seek something as well, or to face the fog creature.

A shake of her head dislodged the useless thoughts. Whatever that thing was doing, and what the Hunters would do to it, mattered little to her unless it truly became something of proportions. It might yet, but for now it wasn't important.

Another cursory glance of the streets below, however, did reveal to her something she would deem important, or at the very least interesting enough to immediately partake in as opposed to simply waiting.

With anticipation aglow in her dark heart, she stopped off of the edge of the roof, falling down to the sidewalk below. The sidewalk's slabs cracked underneath her feet as she landed and, taking the time to shake the ache out of her feet, she started towards the subway entrance she had spotted earlier.

Hands crossed underneath her chest, Lily stopped a few metres short of a great hellhound, as tall as she when on all four. Her emerald eyes glanced down to the flattened minion below, then back up at the vicious visage that was Fenn, a cheeky grin on her lips.

"One of yours, Puppy?" She asked, indicating the Minion with a nod.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

With the pleasantries out of the way, the six operatives lapsed into silence. Though Otsune, who served as the team's active captain, faded away into invisibility, she did not need to tell the others their destination. No city, no matter its reputation for the paranormal, naturally played host to such malignant fog. Following the path taken by the cloud, despite the obvious danger, stood as an obvious choice. Only the remarkable speed at which the haze swept through the city prevented the warriors of humanity from following on its proverbial heels, and by the time the six arrived at Memorial Park, only smoky traces of their nebulous quarry remained. Grimly wordless, the squad split up to examine the park, and in very short order reconvened at the base of the founder's statue. An invisible hand elevated the fountain grate, and one after another the six began their descent.

Beyond the uniform spread of light trickling through the replaced grate lay mostly darkness. Bullion merely clicked his tongue as he activated his goggles, but his comrades held no such ability. In the shadows, Otsune flickered back into sight, no longer needed her light-warping particles now that the darkness would hide her. On her head, the electronic likeness of a flower glowed softly, its warm light barely scratching the gloom. Souta, meanwhile, willed the magic sewn into his clothing to activate. His own luminescence, teal in color, provided scant reprieve from the darkness. The only other member of the team to be able to cope with the dark conditions, Babyfingers, turned on his flashlight last, thereby saving Ell and Atlas from resigning themselves to squinting. Immediately Otsune disappeared, the click of her augmented legs on the floor the only indicator of her departure, and without any time to lose the other operatives hurried after her.

For nearly half an hour, the six navigated brusquely through a labyrinthine series of tunnels and rooms. None of it appeared overtly supernatural in nature. Souta counted four basements, one horrifically unpleasant sewer, and more than a dozen different staircases. Frequently he thought he heard the sounds of people behind walls or locked doors, but the group never paused to find out. Only after exiting the sprawling, disused underground floor of a parking garage did the operatives find themselves in a subway system. In mere moments they discerned, by the state of the track, the walls, and a nearby access hatch, that this particular subway's abandonment probably predated that of the parking garage's. This place, however, felt different. As best as Souta could describe it, the rooms through which he passed over the course of the last thirty-odd minutes struck him as empty. Here, however, the hairs on the back of his neck rose at a new sensation: ambiguity. Be it smell, sound, sight, or touch, none of his senses could confirm or deny anything in either direction. Only a lunatic did not fear demons, but it was not this fear that plagued him: it was the fear of the unknown. When Otsune elected to go left based on the stronger negative feeling emanating from that direction, and weaved in and out of vision beneath the malfunctioning, yellow-orange, overhead lights, Souta generously allowed Atlas to lead the way.

Only a moment later, the shadows came alive. For a split second the darkness itself seemed to writhe; then came the lance. A dimly-glowing, ember-colored spear shot out from the darkness and lodged itself firmly in Atlas' pauldron. Ell and Souta hopped aside as another pair of deadly lances flew toward them. After narrowly missing, the lances retracted into the dark, and the shapes of three creatures became visible. They looked like black-cloaked ghosts, albeit with spindly red arms, a malformed head, and crystal-blue compound eyes. ”Mephistos,” Souta mumbled, as if the others needed his diagnosis. While capable of killing ordinary humans instantly with their extendable fingers, they occupied a relatively low rung on the demonic ladder. What worried Souta was how many there might be—though this worry did not prevent him from taking action.

In his hand, Maelstrom materialized. He took only a moment to aim before firing at the nearest Mephisto, during which Atlas charged. In a shower of sapphire-blue sparks the fused fireblast blew apart the demon's shadowy cloak, leaving the flailing red scorpion beneath. Stooping, Atlas grabbed it by the head before mashing it into the wall, over and over again. In the meantime, Bullion opened fire, his Devil Arm lambasting the tunnel with its muzzle-flashes. Into the second Mephisto the bullets sank, dealing no damage but preventing it from accurately aiming its finger to ventilate the throat of Ell, who now advanced toward it. The Mephisto attempted to swipe her, but her mace rammed into its body and smashed it into the floor, dispelling the cloak. Ell made no movement, patiently waiting the one second before her weapon activated, sending a shockwave of sound through the demon that turned most of it into pulp. By the time Ell picked her mace back up, the last Mephisto lay frozen in a crust of ice pinned to the ceiling, courtesy of Babyfingers. Very casually the operatives passed beneath it, with Souta reaching up to poke it about where its nose ought to be, and Otsune brought up the rear. Wasting little time, she turned partially around and launched from her left helix launcher a single rocket that stuck into the ice. Then she disappeared, allowing the Mephisto just enough time to grow bored before it violently exploded.

The ice shattered, and with it went the cloak of shadows. Yet the Mephisto itself flopped on the floor, not terribly wounded, until the protective cloak regenerated. With this done, it floated after the group, and the tunnel was quiet once more.


Through the Stygian dark of the web of abandoned tunnels meandered clusters of demons, all singlemindedly focused on their task. While a few rogue squads of the more brainless Hideous roamed on their own, those that obeyed their master's commands traveled in either groups of four and two Mephistos, or teams of three and one Hatred to lead them. Upon the neglected concrete their metallic feet clinked like treasure beneath the boots of dragon-hoard robber, but a mortal enamored by the sound of precious metals would find only a swift route to hell, one lined with draconian teeth and wicked blades. Minions loped around haphazardly, ignored by their less bestial comrades. Nevertheless, the dogs of the pit would not hesitate to attack non-demon intruders en masse, making these winding corridors a dangerous guessing game at best and a messy demise at worst.

Ultimately, however, the efforts of the searchers did not concern Gomory overmuch. At first the demoness had been as lost as any of them, even as she cut an imposing figure as she strode, expressionless, flanked on either side by a devilishly stylish Faust. It did not take long, after she began to truly look, for the darkness to give up its own answers. While Gomory brought shadows with her, in the form of the ethereal garb of Mephisto and Faust, she found shadows of an entirely different sort lurking with utmost subtlety where no shadow should have been. Only the most fleeting glimpses availed her, for they vanished so quickly as to convince most anyone of being nothing more than a trick of the eye, but she recognized them for something unnatural. They appeared like smears of dribbled black paint on the floor or walls, and at the top of these smears faintly glimmered single, green-tinged slit eyes. No demon or angel could boast such an eye—that was how Gomory knew she was close.

She did not expect to stumble upon on an old friend. After pushing open a door, she discovered an octagonal room lined with chalk runes, with an altar at the center. Upon the alter, which depicted chains in golden chalk that gleamed even after unknown ages out of the light, lay a still but no less repulsive shape. Five-legged it was, with each cloven hood radiating outward from a single circular body like a grotesque wheel, and at the center of the wheel resided the face of a four-eyed lion. At first, she assumed it to be dead, and advanced toward it with the Fausts gliding behind her. She drew abreast with the monster, recognized it, and gave a short, dry laugh. ”If it isn't the noble professor.”

In reply, the body jerked to life, and the lion snarled at the woman that leaned over it. When a voice issued from its fanged maw, though, a deep and cultured voice rent the air. “Who are you, succubus? I know you not.”

Gomory blinked and sighed, bored. ”Not a succubus, though I am flattered. You wouldn't know me; I'm rather new to the business. I know you though, Buer. Read almost all of your work on natural and moral philosophy. Very insightful. Now that I know that you were the demon who made a contract with Anatole, however, your scholarly reputation seems tarnished, no?” She reached out toward the golden chalk, but did not dare to pass her hand over it. ”And you got captured with mortal witchcraft?”

Every eye rolled at once, and a look oddly reminiscent of remorse flitted across the feline features. “Alas. I had so wanted to leave the books behind and attempt conventional demonic activities. I got excited over the prospect of the contract, and I suspect Anatole took me for the amateur I was. My part of the contract was to meet him here and give him some of my power in exchange for his soul. Unfortunately, he and a lady friend trapped me here in this circle. For a time, I was like a living battery of occult power for him. Now, however, I am merely trapped. Perhaps you can set me free?”

When Gomory heard this, she sneered. ”What a disgrace.” Unmoved by the pitiable demon, she sauntered around the altar and toward the opposite door. Her Fausts followed suit, billowing across the floor like brides on the way to the altar, and Buer pleaded and protested all the while. The door slammed shut, and the chamber returned to silence. Only a few black streaks, peeking from the corners, continued to move, and even then only for a little while.

The steps beyond the door led down. Gomory could feel it: there was not much farther to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 5 mos ago


The giant man stared at Silas for a brief moment before answering. Although, it didn't answer much of what he's asked. Wrath... And he was "raised" by Uriel? I suppose that explains the name, but knowing any of that doesn't answer my questions... He was about to say something else, but the half-demon decided to get threatening. At least, what he appeared to think was threatening. Silas' mouth twisted in distaste- he'd confronted spiders from Inferno before. Did this upstart really think he was going to be intimidated by bullets?

He was about to put the half-breed in his place, but he was yet again interrupted, this time by the giant.

"Now, now lad, no need to be picking fights if you've not got a reason, even if you are a Demon. And especially unwise to do it in front of a Nephilim who's not had a decent fight in the last ten days or so. So, what say the Sage comes with me and we leave you be until such a time as a fight is more fitting for us all?"

Silas nearly choked. A Nephilim?? He's a... And Uriel... A Nephilim in the service of Paradiso? Wh-why were we not informed of this? Silas shook his head, muscling past (as much as was possible with the hulk of muscle), and leveled all of Pleiades' facets at the half-demon before them.

"Look, you. I am a Lumen Sage. That makes you my business, whatever it is you're doing. And given why I was sent here in the first place, you appear to be my responsibility either way. So here's my ultimatum, half-blood. You leave this city, I go about my business, and my hounds don't find themselves the distinct pleasure of finding a new chew toy."

Kazfiel and Sraosha punctuated this last remark with a snarl, to prove his point. He raised a hand at the half-demon, his blades trembling in midair, as though anxious to be let off of their leash.

"Comply or perish- those are your options. What's it to be?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Blair could only sigh in disappointment as stood over the corpses of the humans she was tailing. "Worthless...." she muttered to herself upon finding out they knew nothing. Having grown tired of the tedious chore of searching manually, she did what she should've done from the start. Much time wasted... Having drained the corpses of blood, she put that blood to work by using her special magic. "With this blood, I give you life, now rise!" she chanted as the blood began to pool and four golems began to raise out of it and line up in front of her.

These golems were her 'scout type' golems, so suffice to say, they weren't exactly strong, enough for the average human, though. Given their numbers, they were on the small side for a golem, being slightly below the height of the average human and weren't entirely intelligent either, like soldier ants that are guided only by order of their 'queen'. Though, they didn't need to be. For these zombie-like golems were designed to relay information upon the golem's expiration or destruction, making them highly useful.

"Now go!" With the simple command, the golems in front of her dispersed in different directions. "Now then...." she looked into the distance as she went on about her way.

As she continued her search, Blair was brought to a stop. Apparently, a 'human' had engaged one of her golems. With a surge of new information, she turned towards the direction of the now-destroyed golem. With a grin, she picked up her pace and soon found herself at some Ancient Ruins. "So it's here...." She walked into the ruins. @Kafka Komedy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The next thing Gideon knew, a great sword was then sheathed from the Nephilim's back and was pointed at his direction. Yet the half-demon hadn't flinched at this. Not the slightest bit. His eyes then look at Wrath with eyes beginning to fill blood red in boiling rage. At this rate, he might as well begin a fight that will pour the blood of these two who dare oppose him.

"Now, now lad, no need to be picking fights if you've not got a reason, even if you are a Demon. And especially unwise to do it in front of a Nephilim who's not had a decent fight in the last ten days or so. So, what say the Sage comes with me and we leave you be until such a time as a fight is more fitting for us all?"

The sword didn't waver and Wrath gave off a vibe of readiness that didn't outwardly show.

Gideon wouldn't mind this at all. After all, he did say he didn't have anything to do with Heaven's troops, yet at least. However, before he could answer, Silas shook his head, muscling past, and leveled all of Pleiades' facets at the half-demon before them. It seems as the half demon was surrounded by blades and sharp-tipped objects from all sides. Yet even in this pressure, Gideon stood his ground, squinting his eyelids and shrinking his pupils. He was on the verge of going berserk and one that will unleash a fury like no other.

"Look, you. I am a Lumen Sage. That makes you my business, whatever it is you're doing. And given why I was sent here in the first place, you appear to be my responsibility either way. So here's my ultimatum, half-blood. You leave this city, I go about my business, and my hounds don't find themselves the distinct pleasure of finding a new chew toy."

Kazfiel and Sraosha punctuated this last remark with a snarl, to prove his point. He raised a hand at the half-demon, his blades trembling in midair, as though anxious to be let off of their leash.

"Comply or perish- those are your options. What's it to be?"

Gideon would love to pick the third option... by putting these two Heavenly fools into their place. After all, they were already beginning to tick him off to his breaking point. As his blades began to circle around him faster and more violently, the half-demon was ready to engage the enemy at hand...

Until he picked up another familiar scent. It seems as if both Heaven and Hell weren't the only factions in Balour City. Humans were also around... but not in the forms of civilians, but rather... Troops. Thugs. Hunters. A human faction was moving around this city. Perhaps the Sage and Nephilim would feel it as well. It was time to return to the mission at hand... or at least until he finds out where and what these humans were doing. He despised these humans, even though he was formerly one himself. Only he is trying to strip his humanity away and replace that for being a pure-blood demon himself.

"I'm afraid that will have to wait." Gideon simply states, followed by a click of his tongue.

As they would probably turn their heads to the scent, or not, Gideon wasted no time as he leaps from his position, as his blades retreat into thin air, and begins to run towards where he thinks the human scent is coming from. Perhaps they may know those rifts as well. It's a doubtful thought, but still possible none of the less. Either way, he'll have fun in exterminating them from this world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hantu Kongkek
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Hantu Kongkek

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Neat the surface of the collapse, the sound of crumbling rubble pushed away was heard. Though there were certainly lives inside the subway, the veteran demon hunter could only save that of two: his own, and that of the other hunter. Calling the police, Snider predicted, would only have negative consequences, as he risks more lives should the demon resurface.

"Come on," Snider grunted at the other hunter, "We're both getting out of here alive, whether you like it or not." With another swing of his rocket hammer, Snider smashed through another hunk of rock. With his bare hands, the man shoveled away the debris back toward Zio.

"You should have stood back" the veteran grumbled as he continued his work. "I had everything under control. Woulda took him down too. Now the bastard's down in the city's underbelly and out of our hands. I don't know if he survived, but I'll be damned if he did."

With the next stroke of his hammer, Snider burst through to the surface. There was an uncontrollable rise and fall of his chest, his vision going blank for a second. His two sledges were planted on the ground, Snider leaning on them for balance. He slowly reached a hand to a piece of shrapnel, still stuck to his chest, quickly moving away as a pained sensation vibrates through his upper body and down his spine.

Snider groaned in discontent. I'll get 'em out later. He reasoned to himself.

"You should go back to the organization. I doubt they haven't already figured out what happened, but if I were you, I'd give them the details just in case." Snider shouted to the boy as he walked away. Snider swung his hammers over his shoulders. The engines sputtered for a second, before jets of flame shot from them, propelling the muscled elder into the air and away from the scene.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Barlour City-Joining the race

Wrath was prepared to cross blades with the Half-Demon upstart, but he sensed a shift in the mood of the city, almost at the same time the half-demon took off. Hell and the humans must have been aware of what was here, and he could only trust one of those two factions to keep the seal in one peace. "Let him go, Sage. We've got bigger fish to fry." Turning towards the sewer access point, he hurried to it and threw the lid off, the strength of said throw leaving it stuck in a nearby wall. "There's a Seal here we can't let Hell beat us to or things are gonna get a lot hotter for everyone. Feel free to follow me down."

Raising Rage Bringer, he slammed the tip into the ground and made the hole larger so he could jump down, which he promptly did and took off towards the strongest Demon readings in the underground labyrinth. If the Sage had followed, he would glance at him before snorting and looking away. "You know, just because the kid's part demon doesn't mean he's bad. Sure, he had a bad attitude, but nothing else to prove he was evil." The demonic presences were getting closer and he gripped Rage Bringer's hilt a little tighter.

He focused, and as he rounded a corner, brought his great sword around in an arc, cleaving the heads off of two Hideous that were there. "Here's hoping there's something stronger than that down here." He stood up straight and rested the blade on his shoulder. Where he could sense the strongest demon presence going was likely the Seal, and Uriel would kick the Nephilim's ass if anything went south.
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