Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If you clicked on this thread then welcome! you probably already know the Bleach universe and what it entails, if not then it would be best for you to read up, or maybe avoid this one for now.

So! I'm been hankering for a bleach RP for a while now but they haven't come along as often as they used to. This Int.Check is less of a 'here is a story, what do you think' this is more basic, I simply want to gauge interest and get a little preemptive recruiting done. I DO have a story arc but I'll be keeping it under wraps for now.

The one thing I'm really looking for at the moment is a Co-GM. They structure of the RP will be that me and said Co-GM will play the entirety of the bad guys as OC's/semi-NPC's, whilst all the players are part of the Gotei 13. This means the Co-gm will have to be passionate, willing to work on story and plot with me and willing to control a multitude of characters. The reason I'm doing this is two-fold. Firstly one of the major problems I think Bleach RP's face is the fact that the cast has to be so large, you have 13 Shinigami squads, each needs a captain, and then you have the opposing side, if it's something like Espada then that's yet another 10 characters. By having the bad-guys controlled by the GM's it means the cast quote is halved. Equally when the bad guys are controlled by two GM's, we can be sneaky. We can keep the plot to ourselves, we can bring about situations to drive the plot and for your characters to react to. Much like Dungeon masters or whatever they are called.

So firstly, who would be up for a Bleach RP? and secondly, perhaps more importantly, who would be up for Co-GMing it with me? be warned this means you will not have a Shinigami OC to play as, you would most likely control half the bad guys (Including help with designing them) so hopefully they kind of become your characters. Someone with GM experience would be appreciated, someone whom likes and is good at being in control and whom would like to help me build this RP from the ground up.

If you made it this far, then thank you! I hope you are interested and I really really hope this gets off the ground and lasts a long time!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'd love to take part in a Bleach rp. Not sure about Co-Gming though. I can make characters and plot, but sometimes life just jumps out of nowhere and goes boo so I don't think I'd be able to post as often as a COgm should.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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Possibly. Had previously been working on a bleach character for another RP and that went bottom up so I wouldn't mind trying for another
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Great! thanks for posting guys. I guess my search for a Co-Gm still continues but its good to get interest in the RP anyway :) I'll keep this thread updated with any developments.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Tentative interest. Not so much on the CO-GM front I'm afraid though :/
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Might be interested, although not in the co-GM spot. For one thing, haven't actually read Bleach since around the time Soi Fon's bankai was revealed so I'd have no idea what I was doing. ^^;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I am interested, but I am little unsure about that Co-gm stuff. NPC charasters are fine, but two controlling all the bad guys is odd, because I am sure there could be players who want to be espada. I just think that you could get all espada titles open to anyone who want to join and the rest which nobady didn't take to be Co-gm/ NPC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tentative interest. Not so much on the CO-GM front I'm afraid though :/

No problem, thanks for showing interest! however tentative it may be.

Might be interested, although not in the co-GM spot. For one thing, haven't actually read Bleach since around the time Soi Fon's bankai was revealed so I'd have no idea what I was doing. ^^;

That shouldn't matter, we wont be following the cannon arcs so you don't need to know what happens/happened.

I am interested, but I am little unsure about that Co-gm stuff. NPC charasters are fine, but two controlling all the bad guys is odd, because I am sure there could be players who want to be espada. I just think that you could get all espada titles open to anyone who want to join and the rest which nobady didn't take to be Co-gm/ NPC.

If we opened the Hollow character to be OC's then that would take away from people playing as Shinigami, so instead of having one full roster we would have two half filled rosters you know? This is assuming we wont get 20+ players in which I never expect and to a degree don't want THAT many people in this. Which would then result in the GM's controling Shinigami and Hollow NPC's which would be very confusing for the GM's and would lead to less fleshed out characters for people to interact with.
I hope that explains the decision. If you cannot play without being an Arrancar then your welcome to be the Co-GM (I might even accept two Co-GMs depending how big this gets)

EDIT: Think of it like a D&D game, where everyone is a Shinigami and I throw monsters and traps and scenarios at you in the form of hollows. Rather than a big sandbox of - make any character, do what you want - Which in my experience is set up to fail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Blackbeard...Y'know usually I'd be annoyed at people mixing up "canon" and "cannon", but with a name like Blackbeard I'll let it slide since cannon seems more appropriate. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Blackbeard...Y'know usually I'd be annoyed at people mixing up "canon" and "cannon", but with a name like Blackbeard I'll let it slide since cannon seems more appropriate. XD

That pun was...intended XD
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm interested!

I've been wanting a good Bleach rp for a while now, but every time I find one, it just...dies. T.T

I also may be able to Co-gm, but I would like to tentatively apply, since my schedule is busy (School and all that jazz), but I have nearly constant internet access.

I may as well ask here, because its going to be asked later, but what is/will be your policy on Visoreds?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Crimson Raven Yes Bleach RP's have a habit of dying, that's why I'm trying something different in an attempt to keep this one going!

Now this is where I might kill the RP before it starts. Throughout every Bleach RP I've been part of (which was quite a few back in the day) what I call 'snowflake syndrome' was absolutely rife. Snowflake Syndrome is the notion that everyone wants their character to be the series special little snowflake and so they have all the strange and rare powers, to the degree that these kinds of characters would often end up becoming the majority (I was in an RP where the Gotei 13 was more Vizard than regular Shinigami). As such! I will be severely limiting stuff like that, I hope this doesn't scare people off!

As I've already explained everyone will be part of the Gotei 13. That means no Quincies, no Bounts, no Fullbringers and to be honest I'd very much prefer there to be no Vizards either. It's just Shinigami vs Hollows, back to the good 'ol days. What I am willing, and even encouraging is high ranks. I'm hoping that everyone who joins will make a Captain of the Gotei 13 (Excluding the Captain Commander for now) and will have the option of making a secondary character of Lieutenant or slightly lower rank if they so wish (Although I was thinking if you do have a secondary character they can't be in the same squad as your captain, to encourage interaction and differing characters etc)

On top of this I'm looking to restrict other rare powers namely dual Zanpakuto and the generational prodigy. In Bleach dual Zanpakuto are incredibly rare and the fact two Captains had them was unheard of. Secondly the young prodigy only came about once in a generation, Gin was the prodigy and Hitsugaya is now. Going by these rarity standards in the universe I'm thinking I'd only let one Prodigy and one Captain to wield Dual Zanpakuto in. There can be exceptions if you make an amazing character but I'd like to keep to those limits.
I'd really like to hear from those whom have expressed interest about these rules/guidlines whatever you may call them. I realize they could seem harsh but I've chosen to do so for good reason, most prominently to hopefully keep this RP alive for a long time.

As a final note what I'll say is whilst I stand by all that I've said, I am saying not now. I'm not saying never. In future arcs if the RP could utlize it well then I'd definitely be open to including some of the rarer powers or perhaps even races. Quincies could be the focus of another arc for instance?
I do loathe Bounts and Fullbringers though, so if anyone is holding their breath in anticipation of making either, please don't.

So please share your thoughts on the matters!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Definite interest, already have a few char ideas in mind~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Yvain
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Its been a while since my last bleach roleplay but I'm interested for sure. I've never been that big a fan of shinigami though so...maybe co-gm? I'll have to think about it for a bit though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@IceHeart I don't want your decision to help Co-gm be the result of not wanting to play as a Shinigami. Co-Gms will need to be passionate about building an RP and creating a really cool story for everyone to enjoy. It will be quite different than simply joining an RP, as I've said its more akin to running a D&D Game, in which you wont have your own character but will set out the scenarios for the players (although a Co-gm might grow to love one of the NPC hollows they control like a character).
I just wanted to make that clear, if people ask to be co-gm's simply to be Hollows instead this RP won't last very long.

I hope you do join though Ice! Shinigami aren't all that bad :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Well, follow-up question, I have a premade character from another Bleach RP that I really like. Only problem is, he has a dual zanpakuto. Can I submit him for review, and have a chance of being accepted?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Crimson Raven Oh totally. The problem would arise if multiple others wanted dual Zanpakuto as well. If nobody else does then your all good if they do then either it would be best character wins or I'd make an exception (If both characters were excellent). I'm not saying that nobody can have these rare powers, I'm just making sure they stay rare.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Yvain
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Yvain Lets mosey...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@BlackbeardI already like your rules for this role-play, especially the snowflake comment
Also, I already have a lightning shinigami planned. I'm totally interested~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Crimson Raven Yes Bleach RP's have a habit of dying, that's why I'm trying something different in an attempt to keep this one going!

Now this is where I might kill the RP before it starts. Throughout every Bleach RP I've been part of (which was quite a few back in the day) what I call 'snowflake syndrome' was absolutely rife. Snowflake Syndrome is the notion that everyone wants their character to be the series special little snowflake and so they have all the strange and rare powers, to the degree that these kinds of characters would often end up becoming the majority (I was in an RP where the Gotei 13 was more Vizard than regular Shinigami). As such! I will be severely limiting stuff like that, I hope this doesn't scare people off!

As I've already explained everyone will be part of the Gotei 13. That means no Quincies, no Bounts, no Fullbringers and to be honest I'd very much prefer there to be no Vizards either. It's just Shinigami vs Hollows, back to the good 'ol days. What I am willing, and even encouraging is high ranks. I'm hoping that everyone who joins will make a Captain of the Gotei 13 (Excluding the Captain Commander for now) and will have the option of making a secondary character of Lieutenant or slightly lower rank if they so wish (Although I was thinking if you do have a secondary character they can't be in the same squad as your captain, to encourage interaction and differing characters etc)

On top of this I'm looking to restrict other rare powers namely dual Zanpakuto and the generational prodigy. In Bleach dual Zanpakuto are incredibly rare and the fact two Captains had them was unheard of. Secondly the young prodigy only came about once in a generation, Gin was the prodigy and Hitsugaya is now. Going by these rarity standards in the universe I'm thinking I'd only let one Prodigy and one Captain to wield Dual Zanpakuto in. There can be exceptions if you make an amazing character but I'd like to keep to those limits.
I'd really like to hear from those whom have expressed interest about these rules/guidlines whatever you may call them. I realize they could seem harsh but I've chosen to do so for good reason, most prominently to hopefully keep this RP alive for a long time.

As a final note what I'll say is whilst I stand by all that I've said, I am saying not now. I'm not saying never. In future arcs if the RP could utlize it well then I'd definitely be open to including some of the rarer powers or perhaps even races. Quincies could be the focus of another arc for instance?
I do loathe Bounts and Fullbringers though, so if anyone is holding their breath in anticipation of making either, please don't.

So please share your thoughts on the matters!

I've never heard the term "snowflake syndrome", but it applies. Only, why not call it an "avalanche syndrome" because it's the amount of snowflakes that cause all the problems?

Speaking of restrictions do you have any limits for inventions, and/ or custom Kido?

@Crimson Raven Oh totally. The problem would arise if multiple others wanted dual Zanpakuto as well. If nobody else does then your all good if they do then either it would be best character wins or I'd make an exception (If both characters were excellent). I'm not saying that nobody can have these rare powers, I'm just making sure they stay rare.

Ooh! Speaking of which, how about a CS skeleton? It helps me figure out what kind of character I'm going to do? ^.^

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