Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shyla Nesthorn
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Shyla Nesthorn Tactical Combat Maid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pvt. Reginald Weber

Reginald leaned back into his chair, taking the cigarette out of his mouth between his index and middle finger and giving a polite nod towards the scout who introduced himself. He looked around the room at the other various people who had gathered, chuckling to himself again. This was Gallia's last line of defense? He'd be better off slipping over to the Imperial side, surly his old connections Empire side were still floating around. Of course, thoughts like that were quickly put out of his head when he remembered the sight of an Imperial tank driving over the remains of his cafe. Taking another look around the room, Reg could easily see who was fresh and who had been fighting for a while. If his crime life had taught him anything it was the look of a killer. Making quick note of those who looked experienced, he stuck his cigarette back in his mouth, letting out another puff of smoke. He looked over towards the young scout from earlier, he wanted to know why they were gathering and didn't feel like being yelled at by a 'superior'. He stood up and walked over to to the scout, taking his cigarette out of his mouth to speak. "Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt but, Colin you said your name was, right? I was just curious if you had any idea on why we've been called here. I was never told why, just to report here as soon as possible."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

PFC Colin Nelson

"Alex Glaive. Nice to meet you. I suspect we will be working together sometime. I am a commando... well scout / engineer but I like the other title better." the soldier said back as they shook hands. Colin nodded. "Lookin' forward to it" he said sincerely. "Commando sounds better anyway. Name suits you."
"This one is that girl Alex and the scout who's failed to tell me his name thus far." he heard from the side, and held up a finger. "Hold on a moment, Alex." he said before turning to Private Hexner real quick. "Sorry 'bout that. I'm Colin Nelson-"
"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt but, Colin you said your name was, right? I was just curious if you had any idea on why we've been called here. I was never told why, just to report here as soon as possible."
"Right." Colin said, his mind moving a mile a minute. "Just here as new recruits for this squad for an assault on Vasel I think. Did I get that right?" His last question was aimed at Alex Glaive.
@Shyla Nesthorn@Evil Snowman@Kitsune@Raven_Operative
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Corporal James Hunt|Inside the Coach House

James watched the wounded guys from squad nine go up to relieve Durandal and Lilly and sighed, mentally making a note to help assist in lowering casualties in the next battle. However, he was also listening to the conversations going on in the room and shook his head as potential candidates continued trickling into the room. "Half right, Nelson. Squad Four, mine and Glaive's squad, took fewer casualties than Squad Nine did, but we still need to reshuffle people around enough that all the squads in the attack are as close to full strength as possible. I'm thinking most of the fresh meat's going to Squad Nine, but I look forward to working with whoever helps fill in our gaps too."

Actually coming back inside, Hunt grabs his pack and sets it up like a stool, sitting on it and pulling his pistol free of it's holster. Ejecting the clip, he takes it apart in a practiced motion and starts cleaning it, a short process since it wasn't used often. Finished, he puts it back together and reholsters it before moving his uniform to check the wound on his shoulder and make sure the bandaging was holding up. Gotta be more careful next time, don't want anyone dying because of my orders anymore that Stichler does. But...well, let's leave that train of thought for less dangerous times. Lifting the bandage, he takes off his uniform top and pulls out a flask, removing the old bandage and then pouring more alcohol onto the bullet wound. This illicited a hiss of pain from the Corporal, but after a few seconds, he wrapped it with new bandages and put his uniform top back on, picking up his scout rifle and new sniper rifle and slinging the latter over his shoulder while looking at the others. "So, any other regular army attaches here, or am I the only one?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Private First Class Cecilia Rousseau

Jatmoore had explained to Cecilia how the guns were going to be dealt with, and she just nodded, before waiting around. After a moment Jatmoore and Durandal seemed to talk for a moment before Hunt called them both. Soon after, injured members from Squad 9 came in. Cecilia started to feel left out, being the only Squad 4 member guarding the prisoners. Was it because she was still new to Squad 4 that she wasn't called upon? *Sighing* she decided to make best of the situation that she could.

Her butt and left thigh were shot, but it wasn't too bad. It made her uncomfortable with some pain, but it wasn't too bad. Her shoulder was bandaged, it was only a light wound, so she was still fit enough for all her duties. She was lucky to have made it with light wounds, considering that she was rushing in head on. She really does get too reckless sometimes. The Squad 9 members spoke to each other, with mixed emotions and mixed topics. One was offering ciggies. Cecilia took the chance to take one, but she didn't really get a chance to talk to them. They seemed to be keeping to themselves more. It might have been a slight squad grudge, as their squad was in the firing line the whole time.

Eventually, Cecilia thought she should also head to where the others were for the meeting. She was uncomfortable in the guard room. Entering, it seemed a few new people were around, and there were a few people talking. Cecilia noticed that Hunt had picked up a gun that was from the Imperial pile. "Yo, Hunt, or should I be calling you your title right now? Is it alright if I take one of the guns? Also, leaving me alone with the prisoners and Squad 9 members. They didn't even want to talk to me." Cecilia casually spoke to Hunt. Looking at the new faces, she introduced herself, "PFC Rousseau, Shocktrooper. Nice to meet you all."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Private Glaive

@Evil Snowman@Raven_Operative@POOHEAD189@Zarkun

Alex couldn't really accept that the girl was not a rookie if she got annoyed by just some words, but then again she did not bother to continue with that line of questioning. "Hello Lilly." She gave the girl a small wave before she started to check over the SMG once more, wondering if she really could keep the weapon! "Yeah that is right, mostly anyway" She mentioned to Colin and even nodded in thanks to him for liking her taking the name of commando, which was good because she had no intention to go back to a normal name anytime soon. Thankfully Hunt went into more detail about what they were going to be doing, which was just fine by her since she did not come here to take up her old rank.. Oh by the emperor that would have been oh so awkward to meet her father on the battlefield as she was commanding a force against him! Shaking her mind clear she holstered the SMG and her rifle before listening to even more new people starting to come into the building "This is a surprising amount of people that we are getting, I am starting to get a little worried that they think we need numbers..." She stopped herself from saying numbers over quality but she did hope it was not the case...

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raven_Operative
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Raven_Operative The Paranoid CS Student

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lilly Jatmoore

Lilly nodded thoughtfully as she listened to what Private Hexner said, before leaning in to get a better look at the image. "I see... Hmm, you may want to find and talk with PFC Sykora some time. She is also an artist and the two of you probably have a lot in common. You seem quite adept at the art." She furowed her brow when mention was made of Alex annoying her, though that line of reasoning was quickly diverted when Hexner asked for an introduction. "...Might I ask what Miss Glaive did to annoy yo-Oh yes, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lilly Jatmoore. I am a scout from Squad 4." She did a sleight bow in lieu of a curtsy as she spoke, before smiling and commenting on the pack. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Hexner. Yes, I assumed you were an engineer. No other vocation caries such a large load with them out of necessity for their duties. Are you one of the soldiers from the armour column who may be joining us then?"
@Evil Snowman
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Private Hexner

Hearing the name of someone else that was interested in art. Aria was quick to make mental note of the name, thinking she might seek this Sykora person out at some point. It be nice to meet someone else who was an artist given she had meet none since being drafted, at the start of the war. It was then the no named scout came over and provided a somewhat hasty introduction of himself. Aria not even able to get a reply back to before he started talking to someone else.
"Tch ... what was the point of introducing himself like that?" she asked herself out loud, tilting her head noting the name but confused by the rushed intro.
"Whatever."Aria muttered to herself turning her attention back to this other girl who gave Aria her name when she requested it. Again mental noting the name this time the girls class as well.
"Pleased to meet you, but please just call me Aria, or Hex, everyone else did in my last squad. Your comment about my pack is amusing. I would laugh ... but that something I have trouble with." Aria said reply to Lilly introduction. Aria looking a tiny bit sad when she mentioned her last squad, although it only lasted for a split second.

Looking at the girl for moment as she opted to answer the question she was going to ask just before she introduced herself.
"Yes I came up here with them. Although I was a last minute addition to a squad just for the trip. I guess I get my next permanent squad assignment here. I dunno, command didn't feel like telling me anything. Annoying, heck they didn't to my temporary squad leader what to do with me until we got here and he asked." Aria stated bring the drawing back into it original position. Starting to work on it again although only at a slow pace. So she could pay attention to Lilly.
"As for Alex ... her attitude ... that's what annoyed me. Don't worry about it thought, I'm over it. If anything I should thank her that annoyance got me drawing. So I can't complain. Although next time she might not get so luckily." Aria stated answering the earlier question with a dismissive wave of her free hand given her tone remained neutral, Aria feeling it didn't convey that she was over it.
"So did you help secure this building? If so maybe I should add you in here. Give you a touch of immortally." Aria stated, looking up from her work as she spoke.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raven_Operative
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Raven_Operative The Paranoid CS Student

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lilly Jatmoore

Though Hexner's manner of speaking was unusual and her comments more than slightly odd, Lilly carried on with the conversation like nothing was out of the ordinary. "Alright Miss Hexner, I will try to work on that." Lilly's own unusual mannerism was that she never referred to anyone by their first name unless they were related or extremely close (a product of her formal and strict upbringing), so keeping that promise was unlikely. When Aria went off about how her squad leader didn't know what to do with her and how last minute everything had been, Lilly couldn't help but nod in agreement. "Yes... It does seem like the militia is lacking in organization these days, though I suppose that must be a product of the chaos of war. One can only hope that after this battle our squad assignments will be settled in a more permanent fashion."

When Alex was mentioned as having an annoying attitude, Lilly sighed. "I see... Private Glaive does have a... unique manner of conducting herself, though she truly means well. She has been with the squad almost since it's inception, though, and is probably one of our best members when it comes to combat. I pray the two of you will not let this conflict come between you in the future. She probably did not mean to cause offense." When Aria said she was over it, Lilly smiled and nodded. "That's good, then. I see I had nothing to worry about."

She continued to watch the girl as she went back to drawing, admiring her handy work. Lilly knew how to dance formally and play the piano, but had no practice or skill when it came to painting or drawing. Part of her almost felt envious.

"So did you help secure this building? If so maybe I should add you in here. Give you a touch of immortally."

When Aria asked that, a series of complex emotions flooded through Lilly causing her expression to darken. She was indeed here when they secured the building, but so many people had died or been wounded here... mostly imperials, but the point still stood. She certainly didn't think that moments like this should be forgotten, rather they should be preserved for future generations to look back on and see exactly what the soldiers of the Gallian militia experienced... but she didn't want anything to be able to tie her to her role in the war. If it was something that she could keep and use to remember those who might perish in the future, she might have been fine with it, but since it was a personal sketch to be kept by Aria, she didn't want to be included. If she were to survive, the less things in existence that could remind her of the horrors of war and those she killed and wounded, the better. It was because of this that when she was asked that question, she responded in a serious tone with: "I think that it would be best if you did not." After a moment, her dark expression lightened and she composed herself, before adding to the statement in her usual cheerful voice. "Though I thank you for your kind offer."
@Evil Snowman
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Private Hexner

Hearing Lilly call her by her surname again, mentally sighed. Hoping that Lilly use her first name or the nick name she had told her, really finding being call by her last name made her feel old. A feeling she didn't like, but one she could deal with if she had to not that she wanted to. The moment Lilly said it seems the militia was "lacking organization" Aria shook her head in disagreement.
"I think given the circumstances the Militia is pretty well organized. I mean they raised up a second army pretty much over night and made sure we are all supplied. That alone is feet I respect ... my last minute thing I suspect was down to my regiment commander being killed in action. I dunno not really thought about it ... trying not to." Aria stated looking around the room as she spoke.

As Lilly mentioned Alex had an "unique manner of conducting herself" Aria merely looked at Lilly for a moment, shaking her head.
"Don't worry if she's really ticks me off you'll know about it. I doubt she can though, I'm pretty thick skinned." Aria stated looking over at Alex studying her intently for a moment.

When her offer was rejected Aria shrugged, as if she didn't really care. Which truth be told Aria didn't. She only offered to be nice plus Lilly would end up being drawn at some point. Although since Lilly had rejected the offer Aria would keep her faceless or if needed alter it.
"Very well. But know if we end working together you'll end up in here at some point, but you'll remain faceless. A shame really such a pretty face it been fun to draw. If you ever change your mind let me know, even if you want copy of whatever I do or just want something personal. I don't mind, wont even charge you. So long I get to indulge myself and forget." Aria said stretching the arm she was using to draw.
"Anyway, whats your story? I mean what you do before the war? I'm an art student, was studying at Yuell university. I guess I wont be doing that. That city seen quite a bit of fighting, a good part of it in ruins. Dam Imps." Aria said feeling a little interesting in getting to know Lilly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raven_Operative
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Raven_Operative The Paranoid CS Student

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lilly Jatmoore

Lilly blushed a little at the comment about having a pretty face, but was satisfied that Aria had respected her wishes. "I see. Thank you very much for your consideration." When Aria continued on and mentioned copying her art or allowing her to make requests, she smiled. She actually had a certain person she would want to be sketched for posterity; a person who she would want a reminder of, especially if anything were to happen to them in the upcoming battles. "Thank you for your offer, Miss Hexner. I may very well take you up on that in the future... though it would be improper to commission an artist such as yourself without a proper payment."

When Aria began discussing her studies as an art student, Lilly's curiosity was piqued. What was studying in a university like? They were large communities dedicated entirely to learning and housing the students and staff, weren't they? Her classes must have been so much different and more exciting than Lilly's own tutoring and home schooling. "A university student? What was it like there? I've heard a lot about that university, but I have never been to one. Did you live on campus? How were the subjects taught there?" Lilly was about to continue the storm of questions when she caught herself and brought a hand up to her mouth as she laughed softly. "My, my, please forgive me for getting carried away with myself there. I lead a very isolated lifestyle, so I am not knowledgeable about these things. It is a shame that the city was damaged... Perhaps they will be able to rebuild after the war is over."

Lilly paused a moment and brushed some more dirt off her pants that she had just noticed, before continuing. When ever she noticed a spot of dirt, it immediately began to irritate her like an itch that needed to be dealt with, so her conversations were occasionally interrupted with cleaning routines like this. "Oh I'm sorry. I asked so many questions, but have yet to answer yours. As for my story, I did not have a job before the war. I spent my days living in my fathers mansion and being tutored on the art of how to run a business. My father owns the Jatmoore Arms company and expects me to take over the business once he is no longer able to run it himself, due to age." Most people would recognize what Lilly just said as being odd. Not many people would admit to being the heir of one of the country's largest and most powerful businesses so flippantly, but Lilly had just spoken of it like it was nothing unusual at all. Either way, regardless of this, she would continue the conversation until they received further orders.
@Evil Snowman
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

PFC Colin Nelson

More and more people seemed to pop into the room, and Colin was getting lost in speaking the previous 3 conversations at once. "Uh, no I'm not in regular army other than basic. They shoved me into Scouts pretty quick." he said, almost sounding embarrassed. If he had to be honest, he was pretty humble about his quick and accurate skills. He didn't like to bring it up in conversation too much. "This is a surprising amount of people that we are getting, I am starting to get a little worried that they think we need numbers..." Glaive said. He spun. "Hmmm? Concerned that we'll face big odds and need numbers you mean? I guess that's-" "Tch ... what was the point of introducing himself like that?" That comment stopped Colin in his tracks, and he looked downward, a tad crestfallen. She was probably right. He needed to learn to slow down a bit. "Right..." he said to himself breathlessly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Private Hexner

Even Aria noticed Lilly blushed, feeling rather pleased with herself she picked up on the reaction to her words. She was also pleased her words had netted such a reaction, Aria thinking Lilly looked cute for half a second.
"Cool come talk to me whenever then, I'll be looking forward to it. I'm sure we could work out something." Aria stated in response to Lilly saying it be improper not to pay an artist like her. The comment making Aria feel flustered for a moment, finding the complement to be a nice little boost.
"That made me happy." Aria stated idly giving an update on her current mood, the comment falling out of her almost automatically.

When Lilly began to bombard Aria with questions about university Aria for a moment look a tad overwhelmed not expecting such a barrage of questions. It take all the time Lilly stopped to clean her pants, for Aria's brain to process all the questions. The sudden barrage annoyed Aria, however before she could state that Lilly apologized. So Aria didn't state her mood, as to her it seemed Lilly didn't mean to just got swept up in a wave of excitement. As Lilly answered Aria's questions, Aria set down her pencil and listened to Lilly closely. Finding her what she told about her life to quite interesting. She could never picture a life like that. Growing up she always had some to interact with or interacting with her. Even if most of the time it was her own siblings.
"An isolated rich girl. Interesting ... in a good way. I'm not judging, I was raised not to judge by up bringing. Most of been a little lonely. I can sort of relate, never saw a lot of my parents, always had to work to make sure we where fed and sheltered and things to play with. Luckily I had 3 siblings to keep me company and later my art to pass the time when they where busy or not around. Your dads company, I think I've heard of it. Maybe ... never been into fire arms. Barely passed marksmanship in high school and when I was being trained when I was drafted. Passable now though ... well for an engineer." Aria stated looking at away form Lilly for a moment as she talked about he less then great marksman ship.

"Anyway I'll answer your questions it is only fair since you indulged me. Now, yes I did live on campus. In a room that was about half the size of this one. I shared said room with another young woman. The University it self was very nice very well maintained although some building are old, you could hardly tell. Classes where taught like they would in any other school, mine consisted of 14 people including me and one old man who taught us. I think he was a professional painter, that liked teaching. I recall he said he held a masters degree in something. Oh well it wasn't important. He'd give lectures on various topics and we'd take notes. He'd then give us some from of work be it actually doing something artistic or simple stuff out of a textbook related to said lecture. From time to time he'd give us large bits of work to do outside of class. Normally those took a few days to do and he'd normally only just give us enough time to do them." Aria stated hoping she answered all of Lilly's questions well enough for her. Although at this point Aria was enjoying the conversation so she didn't mind talking in more then a few words. That and Lilly had engaged Aria on a topic she liked so had been pried out of her shell ... well for the moment at least. She'd retreat back into it once the mission started or someone new talked to her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raven_Operative
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Raven_Operative The Paranoid CS Student

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Captain Meulemann

"Come now, lad, don't look so disappointed. You'll get your fill of combat soon enough." Meulemann approached the coach house, flanked by several of the column's squad leaders, 'Sergeant' Celeste, and a very disappointed looking tank commander. The group had spent the last half hour discussing squad members, replacements, logistics, and all manner of other important things for the upcoming attack and were just about ready to begin. When the captain entered the coach house, he noted with satisfaction that the majority of the soldiers were in the process of mingling and getting to know one another. "Good afternoon, Gentlemen. I assume everyone has gotten properly acquainted? Good. We've finalized the squad assignments for the upcoming mission, so do lend me your ear like the good chaps you are." The Captain walked into the center of the room with a list of names in hand, and once everyone was paying attention, began to list off the squad assignments.

"Skye and Franklin, you're with squad 8. Rios, Muller, and Fina, report to squad 9. Stichler, squad 10 was deployed without a corporal so you're with them. Dresner, Meyers, you're going to be working with squad 11." The captain continued through the list, until everyone who was moving had their assignments before motioning to the squad leaders behind him (helpfully designated by the numbers on their patches). "Without further ado, Squad leaders, please see your recruits to their vehicles and prepare for departure. Come on, move it. No time to dawdle." There was a stampede of motion as the squad leaders took command of their new members and started guiding them out of the house and towards the vehicles. Once everyone had left, the Captain remained and adressed the remaining soldiers. "One, two, three, four... Excellent. It seems like we have just enough to make an effective squad here. The rest of you fine young chaps will be merging into squad four and remaining at the coach house as a reserve unit in the event that something... unpleasant happens." He took a step to the side and gestured for the tank commander to step forward. "Since your APC is currently away, PFC Snider and his light tank will be attached to your squad temporarily. You can ride it to the battle in the event you are needed." The brown haired and rather unremarkable looking soldier stepped forward and gave a half wave. "Hello everyone, I'm PFC Snider. Lets fuck up some imps." The captain nodded to him after he introduced himself, before continuing on. "Well hopefully that won't be needed, but regardless..." He paused a moment, and looked over the squad. With Stichler needed in one of the front line combat squads, squad 4 was once again leaderless. Meulemann furrowed his brow as he recounted who was next in the chain of command. "It seems like the squad is once again without a leader. Corporal Hunt, you have the most experience, so you are temporarily in charge. Once this battle is over, we'll see what we can do about getting you a proper squad leader again."

The Captain looked around, thinking to see if he had missed anything, before clapping his hands together. "Alright, I think that's everything. Feel free to go back to chatting or what ever it was you were doing, though do it outside of this room. My aid and I will be using this as our command room. Dismissed." With that, he turned to leave and walked back to the column. Several minutes later, orders were being shouted and the column started to pull away with the infantry riding on the roofs of the tanks. The battle of Vasel was about to begin.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Corporal James Hunt|Inside the Coach House

James, having finished with everything he could do to occupy himself, took up a position keeping an eye out a window facing the road heading into Vasel while the others mixed and mingled with each other. He couldn't shake the feeling that something big was on the horizon, but he couldn't place it. Well, here's hoping it's that we get to sit back and relax. Plenty of the squad needs it.

One half hour later, he turned and acknowledged the captain, Stichler, and the commander. Finally they would learn the plan and he or Stichler could give the squad some good news. He leaned against the wall and listened as the Captain spoke, noting as each person lined up where they were needed. There was a couple of people shifted out of squad four, Skye being one and then. Stichler? Then who in the hell is leading us? Still, he kept his mouth shut until after everyone had been assigned. As he went to ask who was in charge of squad four, the Captain assigned it to him for the duration of the battle. "Understood Captain. Alright squad 4, lets move into the back area. Once I figure out who's still with us, well get fireteams arranged." He realized that with Stichler's transfer, they were short at least one lancer, so their anti-tank power was slightly diminished. This is going to be tricky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raven_Operative
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Raven_Operative The Paranoid CS Student

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lilly Jatmoore / PFC Snider

By the time the squads had been organized and the armour column began to move out, Squad 4 had been thoroughly gutted. Well... Not entirely gutted, but they were down a significant number of members from the outset of the mission: only nine in total remained. Nine plus the tank crew, but they were only temporary members. When Hunt was assigned to be squad 4's temporary leader, Lilly nodded approvingly. It wasn't that she distrusted Celeste but she felt that Hunt, with his prior military experience, would make a stronger leader in combat. When he called for the squad to organize in the back room, Lilly (and Snider) followed after him.

"Alright, so what's the plan, Hunt? Keep in mind, I drive a light tank. It'll explode if anything bigger than a lancer sneezes on it, so I'd appreciate not being on point." Snider was the first to speak up when they entered the room, citing the limitations of his vehicle. A tank that couldn't tank? Lilly's minimalistic training had not focused on the roles in armoured warfare, so she was having trouble figuring out just what the use of such a weak vehicle would be. Just why would such a weak vehicle be included in the armour column if it didn't serve some sort of auxiliary purpose? Maybe it was for scouting?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

PFC Colin Nelson

Colin was finding that not everyone in his squad was agreeable or friendly, but he reminded himself that a few of them there seemed nice enough. As soon as Captain Meulemann entered, he flinched and spun, before saluting and standing, reminding himself to breath after a few seconds. As the list of names were announced, he deflated until he had what could only be described as an expression as curious as a lost puppy. That is, until he heard that he'd be staying here. Well...guess that's my luck.

He gave another salute to the Captain, before saluting Corporal James Hunt and following him. He slipped his hands in his pockets and looked around as he followed, so very ready to fight but also so very ready to make lasting friendships from his comrades. If only he could learn to slow down a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Private Hexner

The moment the captain entered the room Aria paid close attention to what he was saying. All the while she stopped drawing, hoping she captured enough of the room to finish it later. Packing up her notebook and pencils, stashing them back into there designated home. Getting to her feet as the captain began running off who was going into what squad. Once everyone had been assigned Aria watched as those assigned to other squads left the room. Looking at those that remained, with a small level of interest. Looking at the Corporal as he told everyone to move into the back room. Nodding at the order Aria stretched and moved over to her pack. Picking it up Aria followed the others as she slung it onto her shoulder. Feeling rather pleased she'd been able to take it off for a little bit, she could now haul it around all day, If needed although Aria would prefer not to. Walking in to hear PFC Snider make what she'd consider a joke about his light tank. Aria finding it amusing. Looking at everyone in the room Aria felt a little unsure of her new squad assignment, it seemed to be a mish mash slapped together with command hoping to would work. The polar opposite of her last squad which had been carefully crafted to a particular propose.

Ignoring the feeling Aria continued to watch everyone around her, feeling content in just observing for the moment. As she waited for Corporal Hunt to assign her to a fireteam.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Corporal James Hunt|Inside the Coach House

James took a moment to consider how best to deploy their Light Tank support without getting the guy and his crew blown to hell. Then he remembered how the APC had been deployed when they took the coach house. "Well Snider, I figure should we get deployed, you can provide us cover moving forwards and then fall back to provide cover fire once we reach the city. If we're even deployed." Once they were all in the back room, he took a step back and looked his temporary command over. After a few minutes of deliberation, he came to a decision on fire team make ups.

"Alright, first off, I'm Corporal Hunt. As you all already know, I'll be commanding the squad for the duration of the battle. Before I give you your fire teams, there's a couple of you newbies who are saluting myself and the captain. Out here, don't. We're in enemy territory, don't tell the snipers who to aim for to make our jobs more difficult. With that out of the way, Rousseau, Fairglaive, and Nelson, you're with me in fire team alpha. Jatmoore, Hexner, Weber, Sykora, and Durandal are fire team bravo. Jatmoore, I'm putting you in charge of it. Any questions?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raven_Operative
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Raven_Operative The Paranoid CS Student

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lilly Jatmoore

Lilly listened carefully as Hunt gave everyone their assignments of who was going where. Two fire teams, that was good. They could cover a bit more ground that way, she just wondered who was going to be leading the second te-"Jatmoore, I'm putting you in charge of it."-What? What. No, that wasn't right! She wasn't ready! Didn't he see the state she had been in during the past few battles?! What was he thinking?! She couldn't lead, She couldn't give orders, she could barely hold herself together under fire. What was she going to do if people died under her command? She knew entirely too well that she would not be able to live with herself and might be unable to go on, should the worst come to pass. *static* ... And now that damn buzzing was coming back.

"Any questions?" When Hunt asked that question, Lilly's flustered state of mind was exposed for all to see. "I. Wait. Mr. Um." Lilly forced herself to stop and took a deep (if slightly ragged) breath, clasping her hands against her chest and trying to calm down. Calm down, Lilly! *static* Stop. You just gave everyone more than enough reason to doubt you, do not give them *static* any more. The one thing that helped calm her down was that this designation meant that Mr. Hunt trusted her. Or at least, thought her better suited to the role than the rest of the squad. He wouldn't have done something as careless as to chose people at random, would he? That confidence helped to ease her nervous shakes, and she replied in a quiet, slightly calmer voice. "No questions, Mr. Hunt." Regardless of her own thoughts, Mr. Hunt and the rest of the squad were counting on her. She resolved to try her best, such that it may be.

Once everyone else had finished talking, Lilly walked away from the group and over to a corner of the room. She needed to do something. She didn't know if her team was already acquainted with each other, so they might as well get formalized introductions out of the way. "Team Bravo, please meet over here!" Lilly waved her hand in the air as she beckoned to her team. Once her group joined her in the corner, she tapped her fingers together nervously as she addressed them. This was her first time in any position of power, and while she recognized she would need to lead when she eventually took over her father's business, the prospect of it still terrified her. "Um, Alright. Good afternoon, everyone. Have you all had a chance to get acquainted with one another?" She took a quick moment to look over the team. She had worked with Sykora and Durandal before, and had just finished talking with Hexner, but she did not know the new person. Private Webber... A grizzled man, many years to her senior, Lilly didn't know why he didn't get picked to be the leader... Or why he didn't hold a rank higher than Private. He certainly gave off the air of someone more suited to the war than her.

Lilly took a deep breath to calm herself, before addressing everyone again. "It would probably be best for us to introduce ourselves in order, starting around the circle clockwise and telling us your name, vocation, and any other information you would like to share. I will start. My name is Lilly Jatmore. I am trained as a scout and joined the militia at the outset of the war, a month ago. This is only my second operation, but I thank you all for putting your trust in me. I will do everything I can to avoid letting you down." Lilly's voice gradually got stronger and more confident as she spoke, but her inner turmoil was still raging strongly. Was she doing this right? Was she saying the right things? Did she look ok? Was she still shaking? Lilly was putting on her best act to try and appear calm; an act that would normally be very convincing, but her outburst upon being assigned leader would have somewhat of an undermining effect. She just hoped that she could do what she had been entrusted with... After finishing her introduction, she motioned for the next person to speak.

@Zarkun@Evil Snowman@Shyla Nesthorn@CirusArvennicus@Slypheed
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Private Hexner

Aria watched silently as the as Hunt told everyone what fire team they where on. Aria making a mental note that she had been assigned to fireteam bravo along with names of other in it. Hearing Lilly put in charge of it made Aria feel a little happy given she had a chance to become a little aquatinted with her. Although she felt a little uneasy at the idea as well, as she didn't know what type of commander Lilly might be. Hearing Lilly call everyone on Bravo over Aria made her way over to Lilly. Giving her a slight nod upon her arrival. Even Aria able to see the Lilly seemed a little nervous about something. Was it the coming battle or the fact she'd be leading others into the fray.
"I hope she's alright. Might ask her later." Aria thought looking at Lilly as she spoke about introducing themselves to each other. An idea Aria wasn't fond off but none the less it would benefit to know everyone's names. Forming into a circle Aria made sure she stood next to Lilly feeling a little more comfortable being near hear then two strangers. So many new faces, it reminded her of her first days in the militia.

When Lilly had finished speak she gestured for Aria to go next. The young woman merely looking at everyone for a moment before opting to speak up.
"Aria Hexner or Hex for short. Art student." she stated plainly before she gestured to the person next to her to speak, having no intention of saying anything else. Introduction where such a pain, people judging other biased on a few measly words. If she had to be judge then she rather be judge as quite. Feeling uncomfortable and little anxious, Aria fished a cigarette out of her hip satchel along with a box of matches. Lighting it up. She took a long drag, which almost instantly made her feel a little calmer. Returning the box of matches to their home. As she watched the other introduce themselves.

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