Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Levi the destroyer, Levi of the blue steel both epitaphs used for her as a testament for her skill in battle. Yet it here she was about to make those monikers true once more. Levi let out a small smirk a battle was brewing outside her former home and she was going to protect it one way or another. It was a small skirmish probably nothing compared to the battle happening down below where a hidden EFSF hideout was rumored to be. She was sent away from her post on Earth to this battle for one reason or another. Yet despite everything something seemed wrong to her like it wasnt adding up correctly. Shaking the thoughts from her head she pressed forward her Gouf flying through the debris of rocks as it was nothing. For this battle she forgone the normal shield using and instead focused on the use of her heatrod and gun. This wasn't the first step yet at the same time it was. "FOR THE GLORY OF ZEON!" She exclaimed heading out towards a GM that by the looks probably is from the EFSF version of their living dead squadron in the thunderbolt sector.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arclabe


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Another Zaku met its fate at the hands of her beam spray gun and beam saber, the suit gutted and holed from the intense energy bursts which had reduced those sections of armor to twisted heaps of slag. Her black, gold and white GM stood out among the field of red and white, the two shields hanging off of its back and a third one currently equipped on her GM's right arm for the sake of extra protection.

Underneath that particular shield was a nasty surprise which had befallen a Rick Dom as it had attempted to assault her at close range: a double-barreled beam gun much more powerful than the beam spray gun she held in her mobile suit's right hand, but with far less charges. A Rick Dom was more than worthy enough for its blast. She sighed harshly as her eyes looked over her screens, utilizing the RGM-79's sensors in order to keep track of the utter bedlam which had broken out in Side 6.

They had been assaulted without warning. The Minovsky particle density was so high that most of their long range sensors were useless, and due to the debris field, whatever visual warnings they had were obscured by the field and thus provided an extra edge for the incoming Zeon troopers. Close-in Weapons Systems and heavy artillery attempted to stave off the attack long enough for the hangar bays to open and for the mobile suits to dispatch, but it wasn't long after the first wave launched that those defenses were completely overwhelmed by the onslaught of Zakus, Goufs, Rick Doms and other assorted mobile suits as support. The very first Federation mobile suits into battle were quickly annihilated, but once the first panic had been dealt with, more had launched to fill in the gaps left by their fallen comrades.

Streaks of blazing light and the clatter of solid shell weaponry, followed by the occasional bazooka explosion filled the void, Roan navigating the debris field easily and deducing places that enemy mobile suits could hide, tending to avoid them until she could get back to her unit and attempted to stem the tide of Zeon. Her RGM-79 was so distinct however that she attracted much more attention, not in least part due to the color scheme or the backpack with sub-arms.

Right now, she really wished that she had the color scheme changed a month or so before as a radar contact popped up on her displays. "What? Erf, why now?!"

She grit her teeth and positioned the vernier thrusters, spinning the GM around to catch sight of her opponent: an azure Gouf, one of the more advanced suits used by the Principality of Zeon's forces, and a terror to most people. Roan's forehead beaded with a bit of sweat, her breath catching in her chest as she readied herself for its assault. "So you think I'm important enough to come after...? Maybe I can kick you off far enough to survive..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Valretha stared at the screen. when it had stared, there was no problems and issue in firing upon her enemies. This was the first real test of her combat abilities in all her time as a test pilot and it went well. She'd taken on five mobile suits and decimated them in close combat using only a heat hawk. However, as the battle wore on, she began to feel things. it was like she was in a room of candles all zooming past her and they'd snuff other candles out. She found it harder and harder to take shots as time went on.

Val would aim and she'd feel guilt build up inside of her, moving a finger to the trigger, she'd feel the rage and sadness burried inside of the target on the end of her barrel. If they were coming close to wiping out someone she knew, she could defend them. Ammo for days is what she had on the debris she stood on, however, every pull of the trigger ate at the girl. That's what she was, a girl, a human. 'We weren't designed to kill eachother, right?' is what flowed through her head. She had assumed that the feelings boiling up inside of her were just due to fatigue of fighting and the wear and tear on someone that would come with it. but now she was unsure.

That trigger was getting heavier every pull and her heart was getting weaker. Something pinged in her head and her scope swung form her current target to two distant glints across the field. She saw the azure gouf flying at some insanely painted gm that was apparently doing well. However, down that scope she didn't see the suits, she saw two massive candles which had only just been lit moving ever closer. It hit her in her gut that letting them fight would be a mistake, one that neither side could undo.

The engines on the experimental unit roared to life and the thruster propelled her forwards. they had fixed the main issue in the saturn engine used on the zudah, but it was still iffy under heavy acceleration. A few lights blared on but Valretha ignored them and began dodging beam fire to make her way towards the two suits that'd begin combat shortly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Was this right? Levi thought to herself as she fought the gm this one giving her more trouble than any of the others combined. She fought she killed that was the way it was right? Shaking her thoughts clear she charged forward her large heat hawk at the ready. Letting her gouf grip it tighter she swung it downward at the shoulder of the gm. Getting a hit she went backwards letting out multiple shots from her gouf's gun. This was war it was not pretty but it had to be done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arclabe


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Gouf approached with lightning speed as it swung its heat hawk with savage grace, the deliberate blow swinging across to cleave the left arm of her GM from its body. Gripping the controls, Roan clenched her teeth and breathed in sharply, eyes wide as she used the many additional verniers and the added maneuverability of her Thunderbolt Sector RGM-79 to peel away just enough, throwing up the shield which held her dual beam rifle.

Unfortunately for her, it had already taken its fair share of its. The shield's anti-beam coating failed it miserably before the energy axe cut through it like so much butter, scoring the shoulder of her mobile suit deep enough for the alarms to go off in her cockpit but not deep enough to completely gut the arm's function. However, her dual beam rifle was totally useless as half of the mechanism was slashed through, causing her to dump the shield and the weapon before using her shield-equipped sub arm to block the incoming shells as the Zeon mobile suit dashed away. Repositioning the thrusters, she rocketed to the side in an attempt to dive towards a bit of wreckage, pointing her beam spray gun at the Gouf and squeezing her trigger. "Damned Federation, you can't even modify your Jims past this?! The Zeon in front of me has a bastardly good MS! Even with the Thunderbolt Sector mods, he's going to give me a hellishly hard time!"

Roan's senses tingled as she boosted away from her opponent, causing her to look towards the edges of their battlefield. A sniper unit, which she had tried her best to hide from, was moving in closer. Besides the Gouf being a relentlessly berserker, this one was an even more unusual mobile suit made for stealthier flanking tactics. If she lost it in the debris field, it was more than likely going to spear her GM through its core block. She shook her head furiously as she flew the mech close to the surface of a giant, floating hunk of space colony, the unit flying on its back as she zoomed past its surface and dodged the incoming obstacles with practiced ease. "I've got to get some space from those two!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Valretha watched the two suits engage and begin to fight. She cursed as this occured and the female pressed her suit even harder. She saw more warning lights come off, but had to stop. Infront of her was an older gm, however, she knew she'd have to fight. Sensing his incoming attacks, she dodged them and brought a heat hawk through the cockpit, eyes tearing up as she did.

With the engines given a brief rest, she pushed on, starting to get into comms range of the two suits. Despite the thickness, she had boosted comms and could get through since she had to communicate with her teammates as a sniper. "STOP FIGHTING!" she pleaded and begged over the comms, her voice filled with a desperation and fear that really wasn't from a seasoned soldier. "I... i don't know if you... can feel it either, but... we're not enemies!" the girl pleaded over the comms. "if you keep this up you'll make a mistake neither of you can undo!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



A blue streak darted across the battlefield at incredible speeds, leaving explosions trailing in its wake.


It danced through the debris, pinging from one piece of rubble to another. Ammunition soared its way, striking nothing but the starlit void where there was once blue.


A Federation mobile suit materialised behind the strikingly blue frame, disengaging from its asteroid cover to fire its beam spray gun towards the unprotected back of the enemy. It would be the one to take down this filthy Spacenoid, and in this ambush, there was no way in hell for an escape.

The attack missed.


G.M. JI-

A single crimson eye flashed in the reflection of the GM's visor.

"That was a good shot."

Brizo manoeuvred her Act Zaku away from the unfortunate Federation MS, holstering the beam rifle that had dealt the fatal blow to her enemy's cockpit. One down. A few dozen more to keep the bosses happy left to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

In the old days warfare was loud. It was chaotic, it was frenetic, every action punctuated with the percussive note of shot or shell. Soldiers would return home hard of hearing, and the surest sign of a battle’s end was the ensuing silence.

In space all was silence.

There was no sound of shot or shell, there was no sound when rounds connected with armor, or cockpits were breached. Not even comms worked, past a certain range. Minovsky interference saw to that. The only sounds were the ones within a pilot’s own cockpit. Warnings, alarms, the click of controls engaging… That was it. The chaos was noiseless. But that was okay.

Rebekah Fell could provide her own soundtrack.

The music augmented her mood, the adrenaline coursing through her veins with every squeeze of the trigger. A Zaku drifted helplessly in space, its pilot dead before he even saw her beam. The darkly colored GM was a ghost, striking from long range and reorienting to acquire a new target. In the close-to-mid-range conflict, the markswoman was an unexpected factor. Unfortunately she couldn’t afford to stay at that range any longer. Several of her comrades had fallen in the last few moments alone, and others were hardpressed to hold their own.

More direct action was required. The Striker EX moved its shield into position at Rebekah’s urging and accelerated rapidly towards the fray. Her target, at this moment, was a blue unit streaking through the battlefield with devastating effectiveness. It had shot down a GM before her eyes after evading what would have been a deadly ambush, the maneuver instantly marking the Act Zaku as a threat. Rather than engage directly, she opted for a subtler approach; her anchor shot out and secured itself to an asteroid, letting her reach the rocky surface without using thrusters that would have alerted any nearby enemies to her presence.

The Striker’s feet connected with the asteroid, bending to give way into a low crouch. The position ensured she was presenting the smallest target possible, one easily covered with her shield. Just as importantly the solid footing and anchor ensured maximum stability. The visor that gave the Metal Spider clicked into place, rendering her targets as points of red in a blue expanse. Much easier than relying on the naked eye for target acquisition of a blue mobile suit in the black of space. The GM’s beam rifle came up, carefully adjusted to ensure her accuracy while she drew a bead on the blue Zaku. There was no sign her target had spotted her, and at this range it was especially unlikely.

Just as she wanted it.

She pulled the trigger in time with her exhalation, sending a beam lancing through the void to (hopefully) connect with the Act Zaku’s center mass.

It wasn’t personal, not really. Her opponent was a soldier just as Rebekah was. They fought for their home the same way, and it was not at their feet that blame could be laid. But they were an enemy, and an enemy that had shot down one of her colleagues. Given the chance, they would do so many times over. Not something that she was inclined to forgive.

Her opponent was as innocent as Rebekah herself, for what that was worth, but they were still an enemy.

They could blame it on the misfortune of their birth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Levi laughed in a somewhat maniacal tone "stop the fighting?" She thought to herself while yes it did seem like there was no point in fighting anymore something inside her pushed her to keep fighting. She felt thousands upon thousands of voices all in her head some screaming, some celebrating, some humming to a odd show tune. It was all in her head and it hurt the screams the the jubilation it hurt so much at times. So she did what she always did to quiet it she fought long and hard pushing herself more and more all to end to dampen the pain in her head. "Im sorry but it just hurts it hurts so much..." She trailed off on the open radio so everyone was able to hear it. Her large heat hawk in her head she charged once more she would dampen the pain the only way she knew how.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The girl was almost in tears. "DAMNIT! You can feel it and you only cause more pain!" she cried out loudly, over the open comms, her voice pained. "You are killing people when you silence a voice! You can't silence all the voices by killing as they only cause more to scream in pain! Can't you see that by fighitng this fight you'll only make the screams worse, that you can finally understand what is going on in this war! Do you want this pain to be suffered by everyone for nothing or would you want to carry a burden towards a noble goal? Because zeon isn't it.... feeling a colony of people disappear isn't the noble way or the way worth fighting for!" she pleaded, pushing after the gouf as she was closing in now. The girl's eyes were filled with tears as she pushed her thruster as far as it would go. "Are you a monster or are you human!" she pleaded to know, while aiming to be on a collision course with the Gouf.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


*Dramatic Flexatone Sounds*

Her thrusters engaged immediately, the Act Zaku responding to the rapid commands of Brizo Badamish as if it were almost an extension of her own body, darting away to avoid the streak of light that sizzled through the void where she had once been. She immediately moved for cover, ducking behind the same asteroid the GM she had destroyed had been previously hiding behind, using the mass of the object to separate her from the hostile that was awaiting somewhere in the distance.

It could have been construed as an overly cautious move, but Brizo didn't see any issue in it.

After all, that had clearly been a shot from a beam rifle.

Most Feddie suits had yet to commonly possess them. They usually preferred the cheaper, shorter-ranged beam spray gun (which was a real killer at close ranges anyway), so the fact that this hostile had one ... well, she certainly wasn't fighting any normal GM. She peeked the head of her Zaku over the top of the asteroid before dropping down a mere moment later. She didn't see properly, and the rapid movement of the cameras didn't help with a clear image, but that was definitely no normal GM.

For one, it looked way too tacticool. More edges than the cutesy curves she'd started to associate with those Jims.

Not a standard GM. Had a beam rifle.

And ...

That reaction. If she had felt it ... what of the other pilot?

Another Newtype?

Did the Feddies have some of their own?

That was new.

But that wasn't the issue. The problem she was facing now was different. Could she move quickly enough to close the distance between her and that strikingly-edgy GM without getting hit by beams?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Oh, all dogs of war, shed a tear for poor, fair Dallas. So many miles away from home, stuffed like a sardine into this coffin...all to fight Spacenoids more interested in headbutting each other. I should have stayed on the street corner. At least everyone wanted me there."

The lonely pilot in the custom GM Juggler, despite his impassioned cries for companionship, nonetheless backed off hastily from the Zudah he'd been pursuing at the sight of its trajectory. He could take the older suit with relative ease, and perhaps even handle the Gouf, but the maneuvering necessary would be taxing on the cobbled-together Newtype-use Jim. Even the greatest juggler knew how many balls he could keep in the air, and in case the two turned their backs on Arnaud's teachings and decided to target the Juggler, the resulting slugfest wouldn't be to his benefit.

Dallas Matthieu Renatus Grenier wanted to make love, not war.

He had just reached a relatively safe distance from the two Zeon pilots when he glimpsed the familiar dull viridian of a Zaku approaching him from his eight o'clock. Fast. The Juggler was heavier than the average GM, but Dallas' reflexes were such that it could turn to face the approaching mobile suit and spread its arms magnanimously.

"Ah! Quoi de beau, my dear Zaku pilot? Are you here to shoot the shit with me, or foolish enough to shoot shit at me?"

The Zaku's heat hawk, drawn in retaliation, was clear as crystal. The Juggler seemed to sigh slightly, shoulders slumping - before the two Ball Type Ks attached to its shoulders released and flew towards the Zaku. Each pod weaved towards the Zaku; one released a grappling hook and ensnared the suit by the wrist, while the other ducked under the swing of the heat hawk with a speed that belied the Ball's shoddy reputation. On its second pass, the Type K dodged the hawk again and snagged its grappling hook on the inside of the Zaku's elbow, forcing its arm back. With both limbs restrained, four jury-rigged beam rifles began firing, turning one of the mobile suit's hands to slag and blowing off the forearm that gripped the heat hawk. With their hold on the enemy now lost, both Balls drew back and began firing into the helpless Zaku's cockpit. It was over in seconds. Dallas sighed softly and began maneuvering the Balls back to La Hire, leaving the Zaku's corpse to meander in space. So much time and effort had been poured into training with the Juggler that even he had grown excited to see what it could do - like the thrill he'd imagined from cuckolding a rich man in his own home.

But, just as stealing away from a gold-leafed penthouse didn't quite match the thrill of a hot, messy tryst in the backseat of the car...

This war was just disappointing.

Maybe he could sing to pass the time.


"Allons! Enfants de laaaaaaaa Patrie! Le jour de gloire est arrivé!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago


It had evaded.

The fact was mildly perplexing, given that at this distance it was unlikely that the Zaku's pilot had seen her. Or been warned by their sensors, for that matter. Perhaps she had located one of Zeon's famous Newtypes. But that sensation... She could consider that later. The fact now was that Rebekah had lost the element of surprise. Or more accurately, considering her theory, she had never had it. That required a change in tactics.

Permitting the Zaku to get close was not in her best interest, but she could not herself attack it without getting closer while it was behind cover. She had to flush it out somehow. The GM pilot mulled over her options for a few moments, there was no need to be hasty, and settled on a possible strategy. She couldn't get a hard estimate, not at this distance, but the asteroid wasn't that big. Big enough to take cover behind comfortably, given that both a GM and Zaku had hidden behind it now, but that wasn't too large. And it wasn just rock.

After considering it a moment longer, Rebekah altered the Striker EX's aim towards the asteroid itself and fired. Then, after a moment, fired again. It wouldn't take many shots to break the asteroid up into pieces too small to effectively hide behind. Either the Zaku's pilot would duck back out into the open, to advance, find more cover, or fall back, or they would be forced out when there was no cover left. Either way, their safe haven would not be safe long.

It would have been easier to concentrate, however, if a comrade were not singing in French over the comms.

The Federation pilot sighed quietly to herself.

I wonder if Zeon has to deal with this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arclabe


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Ah, a reaction...friendlies?" She muttered to herself as she peeled across the debris, the heavily modified Thunderbolt Sector RGM-79 skirting disaster as she wove between the thick spires of material jutting out from the debris she was flying through. The verniers jetted every now and then as Roan readjusted her course, her impeccable spatial awareness helping her avoid the sometimes hidden obstacles that would appear from the void as shadows revealed by the sharp contrast of light. Looking down momentarily and back at the Gouf, she heard the Zudah's pilot screaming over the comm before the two Zeon mobile suits moved in for a collision course, giving her enough time to escape. "I don't want any part of that issue, you two go work it out while I vacate the office."

All the talk about voices made her skin crawl. Roan had heard mutterings of her being a 'Newtype,' but the most that she had ever exhibited was an extremely high level of spatial perception and awareness. Listening to the calls of thousands, or even the voices of the dead being projected into her head? Never.

There was that annoying buzzing that she got, but the pilot usually attributed that to the same sort of tiredness she experienced when listening to her commanding officer trying to give pep talks. He never went out on sortie, so she never paid him much mind.

Roan emerged from the section of shattered colony, moving a decent length away from her quarreling adversaries before she caught sight of another GM from her section being obliterated by a dark blue Zaku I, a type she had never encountered before. Fumbling a little before muttering under her breath about wasted opportunities and horrible timing, she brought up her remaining shields, using the sub-arms to cover her flank. Her sensors picked up a fourth GM, this one eager to grapple with the navy-colored mobile suit. It was a highly experimental type she had only seen once, but found utterly ridiculous: The Juggler, a GM equipped with two Ball units that had beam rifles bolted to them in an attempt to mimic Zeon's Newtype machines.

The third GM she had picked up was another type entirely, a far-advanced variant which put her unit to shame. Dark in color, with a four-eyed visor glowing eerily in the void, she had heard of its existence but knew very few that actually roamed the battlefields. In comparison, despite her skills, she was a rank novice compared to whoever piloted them. An asteroid erupted with violent explosions and uplifting debris as she assumed the GM decided to take refuge among the field of space rock formed by its demise. Still, she kept her shields up to protect her unit, gunning towards the asteroid's remnants in an attempt to make contact.

Now if only the singer would shut up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



I wonder if the Earthnoids ever have to deal with attempted teamkills.

Her cover, a poor unfortunate asteroid of about 4.6 billion years in age (too young), was being rocked pretty hard by the blasts coming her way, likely from the strange GM that had attacked her earlier. It wouldn't take long for the mass of minerals to finally fall apart to the barrage, thus allowing her Zaku to be pierced by the one-hit killers that were the beams. It was highly irregular, facing a Federation machine that could spam beams without a care in the world, but it looked like it was that kind of day, and she needed a way to get around those pesky shots without dying.

Brizo was going to have to break away from the asteroid eventually, but if she tried closing the distance, a single mistake meant the difference between having a hole in her or not. And would she be as effective at close range? That was something she didn't know. She hadn't gotten a good look at the weapons after all.

So that meant there was one course of action to take.

The Act Zaku immediately emerged from behind the disintegrating asteroid to fire a beam from its own rifle towards the unknown GM, before Brizo's reactions kicked in, smoothly and rapidly moving the agile Zeon suit away, powerful thrusters kicking into action to push her into new cover behind a different asteroid.

Safest choice seemed to be hit and run, especially if she could be fighting another Newtype.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago


The beam lancing across the void was painfully bright so close to the Striker, but in Rebekah's opinion that was more of a feature than a flaw. It wasn't so bright as to be blinding, but bright enough that you were never going to miss it. Even if it did leave spots in your eyes if it was too close. In this case, though, she didn't bother dodging; she had set up her shield for just this reason, and she used the extra time to observe where the enemy Zaku went and consider what she would do.

Unfortunately, her strategy to flush the enemy unit out only half worked. There were too many places to take cover. Even with her surplus of beam weapons she couldn't destroy all of them. Even if she didn't run out of energy (which she would), it would still take far too long. Her enemy seemed to be intent on avoiding any direct engagements, and she wasn't going to be able to force the issue.

So, instead, she would have to figure out a counter.

The anchor holding her to the asteroid retracted, and her GM pushed off using its thrusters on low power to send her drifting towards another asteroid. She took a single shot at the Zaku's new hiding place before she departed, but focused on maneuvering after that. The Striker's colors helped it remain unseen, and she hoped that using her thrusters minimally would help mask her position. Once she had ducked behind the next asteroid she repeated the process, aiming to maneuver into a position from which she could fire around the cover protecting her foe.

If the enemy wanted to make this a hit and run fight, she would oblige.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Levi took deep breaths her charge stopped midway. While she did end up colliding with the suit she stopped all the less what reason was she fighting? To end the pain? Yet it was only a brief solution at best. Though it seems that despite the battle going on things was going to change just not the way people thought. As she was thinking about it the battle around them suddenly stopped as Zeon was forced to retreat due to something that happened on the ground. With their hasty retreat they in the long run left some pilots and the like behind this was nothing new it was war and as such mistakes are made and in rush and the turmoil of battle. This was no difference. The few people in the space battle left behind in the turmoil that was the aftermath. Yet it was not just one side that made the mistake in the long the vaunted EFSF with their quick advancements in face of adversary was just as prone to making mistakes. Like human debris they were left behind pilots on both side who fought and bleed for their goals left nothing more as debris littering the scape.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The pilot took a few to regain her breaths. Valretha stopped the collision on mere yards away from the other suit. She felt large amounts of presence disappear from around her as there were only scattered people remaining. She had limited anounts of propellant and life support and with her support ships gone, she was as good as dead.

Realizing this, she took several more deep breaths and looked at the gouf. "I need to get to the comms of the colony... They should be able to push through the minovsky particles here... Can you help me get there and cover me? You can feel it as well as i can... So many are just moving away from us... Our ships are gone. We're dead unless we get as many people as we can to work together..." Said the female as she pointed out the station chunk on her nav comm unit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



The attack from her enemy rocked the asteroid that was her new cover (this one a younger rock that had once been held down by Earth's gravity in its earlier days), but that was it. There was no follow-through for a noticeable second, before another blast slammed straight into the asteroid, this time coming from another angle. So the Feddie was going for a hit and run of their own then. Brizo allowed her senses to expand. She could deal with that.

She couldn't see the edgy GM well, but no matter how much they limited their thruster activity, she'd know the general area where she was supposed to point her gun. Maybe not the exact position, but she wasn't going to rely on her Act Zaku for that. After all, she was a Flanagan Institute minion, and that meant she had a few tricks up her sleeve that would help her with this little game of hide and seek.


Her Zaku immediately fired a beam towards her enemy's position, before she once more darted away from cover, breaking for another asteroid to hide around. All the rubble was especially convenient for her. It definitely rocked, ohohoh. That was a relaxing little joke. She decided that she would tell it to her future first friend if they were ever to hang around in an asteroid field.

Right now though, she needed to get rid of this GM.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

A pilot's instincts were critical. Often there wasn't time to think out a reaction, you just had to act. Appropriate responses needed to become more than thought, they needed to be reflex. Practice, and lots of it, could help make up the difference but there just was no substitute for a pilot's gut instinct. It was the little voice in the back of your head that told you something was off even if you didn't know why. It had saved Rebekah more times than she could count.

Even so, exactly what caused her to dart sideways abruptly she couldn't be sure. The incoming beam passed through the space she had previously occupied, something that might have been fatal.

Not that there was time to think about it. Given that her little attempt to be stealthy had been a failure, she decided to abandon that plan. The Striker took up a position behind an asteroid, the cover giving her a few moments to think. Rebekah bit her lip in thought, mulling over her options. Closing to close range was risky, but there was little chance that she could inflict any damage from long range. Not by herself. So if she wanted to mitigate the risk...


The pilot bit her lip harder and opened a comm channel.

"Frenchman, if you have nothing better to do, some aid would be appreciated." The Striker pilot tried not to sound irritated, but she couldn't entirely keep the sound out of her voice. "Those Balls could be more useful doing something instead of just hanging there. There is what appears to be a Zaky variant hiding out in these asteroids."

@Crimmy @Plank Sinatra
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