Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Nybras almost nuzzled into her hand when she touched his face but he caught himself, though he didn't do anything to move her hand away either. He did well to remember that he was siting next to a succubus but she did seem to have at least some genuine interest in learning from him. He returned a smile "well, I suppose it will be nice to have a pupil" he gave a weak and slightly awkward chuckle at the mention of punishing her and then he remembered what they were supposed to be doing "um, for now we should get back to this" he looked to the paper "so we need both our eyes on this at once?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Dom watched Moriko as she calmed down. He let out a small smile as he looked at the piece of paper. He wanted to know if she would be able to use her minds eye in order to see it. His training methods were bazaar to say the least. He knew that most didn't understand how to activate it directly after being taught. It was something that usually had tp be practiced for hours to fully grasp. He let out a little chuckle and motioned to the parchment.

“He said that we would both need to open our minds eye at the same time and read the parchment?” Dom asked her not really listening to what was said in the “class.”

“If that is true then please lets get this over with.” He informed her as he pulled the parchment between them. He moved next to her like a young man needing help with his homework, and asking the person next to him for it. Just so happened to be a very pretty young girl and he was a demon.


When Nybras almost nuzzled into her hand she smiled and looked at him.

“It seems someone likes being pet...” She started but he shook out of it. He mentioned something about having a pupil and let out a weak and awkward chuckle after she mentioned being punished. When he got serious about teaching her… she also got serious. Like switching a light on and off. The change in her character was intense.

“From what he said we both need our minds eyes in order to see what the paper contains.” She explained as she looked at him. She started to pout her lower lip and her eyes became teary as she looked at him.

“I never learned how because they always made fun of me.” She explained as she looked at him and she was just about crying.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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Moriko took a deep breath once she realized what she saw. The green glowing arrow disappeared into nowhere. She was getting calmer as the seconds passed. He took the paper and looked at it. It looked like he was getting more serious. Moriko thought back ad what Dom had learned her. It seemed much more simple to her now than before. Moriko looked over to Dom as he asked her the question about what was said earlier. "Yes, He has said that when he gave us the parchment." Moriko replayed with a smile back to him. With the paper in the middle, Moriko couldn't help but to think about what there may be written on it. She really didn't have a qlue. Dom wanted to finish it quickly, Moriko nodded to agree with him. "Let's try it then"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Nybras was a bit surprised by her sudden teary outbreak and admission of being made fun off, what she was even mocked for spirits only know. He turned to the teary-eyed succubus and put his hands on her shoulders and smiled "well them I'll just teach you then right" he glanced at the paper quickly "hmm, I don't know if I could teach you in one class though, but there may be something we could try together right now if you're up for it" he smiled at her again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

He nodded to her as he held the paper in front of her and him. He moved closer and wrapped his arm around her so they could be really close. At least he tried, if she pulled away he would just smile at her. He looked at the scroll and then at her.

“So I suppose we could count down and open our minds eye on zero.” He explained to her as he looked and concentrated on the paper.

“Three.” He started.

“Two.” He continued.

“One.” He finished and opened his eye. He hoped that she understood how to open hers.


When he touched her shoulders on both sides, she pulled her shoulders closer together to show off some cleavage. Her hand moved up to her mouth as she smiled and giggled.

“You like touching my shoulders?” She asked with her mouth slightly opened as she moved closer to him.

“I would really like to learn from you master.” She purred as she got closer to him.

“It usually takes a few rounds for me to understand magic.” She mentioned as she moved against him and placed her hand on his chest.

“I'm up for trying anything right now.” She admitted as moved her finger around in circles on his chest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Nybras couldn't help but glance at her chest but his gaze quickly returned to her eyes when she drew in close. He did admittedly like touching her, of course he would she was a succubus, but still at least she was comfortable with intimacy "I-I'm going to help you open your eye, okay?" He brought one hand back and grabbed hers, holding it against his chest "just um, relax and focus on me alright?" He moved a bit closer as well, to the point that his snout was almost touching her nose, and stared straight into her eyes. His eyes started to glow lightly again. He was looking into her this time, reaching out to guide her into revealing and opening her own. If this worked they'd likely get brief glimpses into eachother before they could focus on the paper.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

She smiled noticing where his gaze fell and felt in control of the situation. His words filled her with a thrill, more akin to someone hunting. However, that was quickly shattered when he took her hand.

She usually was one to play with her victim and she didn't quite expect him grabbing her hand. She wasn't used to someone brimming with confidence nor someone with a strong passion, let alone both. A genuine blush filled her skin as she sat awestruck by his gentle yet strong embrace.

He was truly kind and could see this as he got closer. He would have helped her even if they didn't know one another and were outside of this strange building...well, they didn't know one another but she felt connected to him like she did.

Either that or her third eye opened at that moment. She felt guided by him as she did so and peered into his true soul, the true him.

((What did she see?))

When Nybras peers into her he sees many female forms. The one that stands out the most is a little girl crying in the corner with horns on her head. A small tail wrapped around her as she sniffles trying to cry but the wells of water being empty. She doesn’t look like a full blooded demon but a Tiefling. Memories flood into his mind leading to her current form. A demon had taken her and trained her in the ways of being a succubus.

Each form from there becoming a little more corrupted as she begins to age. Confidence and an eye for betrayal. The older her forms get the less she trusts and more she uses lust to kill others and take what she wants. The demon that took her would reward her by not taking her to his room and keeping her from the other demons… she has never known freedom after being taken.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Nybras was at least a bit more prepared for the intensity this time around. While he was getting a glance into her she, of course, got a brief glimpse into him as well. She could see the comfortable, if secluded, life he lived at the mage academy he'd come from. The shy lizard would always tuck himself away from most of the other students, burying himself in the search for more magical knowledge and power though as much as he dedicated himself to his pursuits the pangs of loneliness would still overtake him at times, he'd wonder why he was seeking with no one to share it with but he still never found the courage to seek out his peers.

Both their visions were cut off after not too long. Nybras found that either he, or her, or perhaps they had both pulling into an embrace, his arms were wrapped around her and his snout was nestled into her neck. When he managed to regain himself he pulled away "I...T-that, um, it's only temporary but it should help you...with your third eye, I mean" he fidgeted a bit nervously, looking between her and the paper.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


She felt a warm almost burning sensation on her face. Nybras was like her, alone. The small difference was he never felt a connection with anyone. Everyone she ever felt a connection with betrayed her.

‘Does he feel one with me? A true connection?’ She thought, hoped. All of this was drown out by the fact she couldn't see! At first she started to panic and then her hand moved to her eyes.

Tears were falling… She had forgotten what they were and how they felt. She no longer cared about this test and pulled herself into him. Burying her face into his chest. She was a mess. All of the years of bad crap came flooding back and she let it all out.

After what seems like an hour, she finally stops crying. However she doesn't pull away immediately. She just sat and sniffled in his arms. He was first person she felt safe with.

A cough rang out has the teacher reappears, well he was always there.

“This is cute and all however the others were taken away.” He started with a small grin as he walked across the room.

“It seems that opening their mind's eyes to one another was too much. I was going to leave you alone for another hour or so but it didn't seem like the gentleman thing to do. Leaving a lady with a… “ He paused searching for the correct word.

“Male who may wish to court her in the future.” he finished with a small grin. He nodded at the piece of paper and then looked at them both.

She shifted in her seat and then nodded to him as she pulled away. She left her hand entwined with his as she looked at the piece of paper.

“On the count of three?” She asked him.

She would wait for him to help and reveal what was on the paper. There were three arcane symbols. One of an arrow, the next of a heart, and the last of a wall. These words were symbolic and meant something.

“Oh… that is interesting.” Said the child like man standing near them.

“Solve this riddle.” He stated as he moved away from them. She shook a little looking at the symbolic puzzle before them. Her mind's eye closed a few moments into looking at the parchment.

“I think this has something to do with the heart and possibly love?” She questioned as she looked at Nybras. Her hand gently squeezing his as she looked at their “teacher.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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It took Nybras by surprise when she pulled herself back into their embrace, but nevertheless it was still with no hesitation that he wrapped his arms around her again and holding her for along as she was against him. Though when the teacher interrupted them and made his comment about courting he grew quite embarrassed and flustered, and he was again thankful that a blush doesn't show up to well on scales. He was still happy to keep his hand in hers when she pulled away. He nodded when she asked if he was ready and looked with her to find what was on the paper.

The three symbols they found were...remarkably ordinary, at least for what Nybras was expecting, and they didn't really seem like a riddle at all, a hint at something maybe. He couldn't really understand them on their own but maybe they were suppose to take other things into account, and when he thought to the young succubus he was next to it seemed like that idea made sense "I...I think you may be right" His eyes flicked between her and the paper, his hand gently squeezing hers back.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Their teacher looked between the both of them. You listen to the answers and nodded slightly. When it was obvious that neither of them would figure out the actual answers Behind These riddles he rolled his eyes.

“Well, I suppose I wouldn't be much of a teacher if I didn't teach you.” he stated as he placed his hand on the paper. He started moving each of the symbols around. As he explained what each signified.

“The heart can be hurt when we foolishly love.” he started as he moved the arrow in the first slot, then the heart and lastly the wall.

“However if two truly love one another.“ Another pause as he moves the symbols around. This time the heart is first, then the wall, and lastly the arrow.

“Those who love will always be protected by their lover from and heart pain.” He finishes with a smile.

“The last one is lonely.” He starts as he moves the symbols around. In the first slot is the wall, next the heart and lastly the arrow.

“As you can see the walled off heart and the weapon keeping everyone away?” He asks and the arrows point is away from the heart.

In the distance a bell rings and an old man stands in the doorway.

“Come now boy you can't solve it for them.” The old man states as his slippered feet move across the room.

“Hungry?” He asks and in truth it has been eight hours since they entered this room.

“Excuse me then.” The young teacher bows and walks out of the room.

“I think that this test is over. I hope you both learned something.” He said as he moved out of the room, waiting in the doorway.

“Come now.” He suggested as he waited.

“Food, is this like a date?” The succubus whispered and wondered out loud and tired to keep it to herself.

She would wait for Nybras to move and hoped he would help her up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Nybras was just confused by the...lesson? not that he didn't understand it, more that he didn't get why this particular thing was the lesson. Still as a bell rung and another person appeared and call their teacher away he put it aside for now in favor of a lunch break, not having been aware of just how long they been at this. As he was still holding the succubus' hand he favored her with a light smile and asked "would you...like to eat together?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

She almost stalked down the hallway standing close to Nybras.

‘Don’t want to smother him…’ She thought keeping a little distance between them. That gap closed when he asked her on a date. Her eyes lit up and something strange was happening to her. It was as if she was changing. Her face seemed to have lost a bit of the roughness she had from her upbringing.

“Y-yes…” She stuttered as she followed. Then they made it to her room. She bowed politely and excused herself.

“Come now boy. Give her an hour to get ready. We are going to need to get you attire to match for this date.” The old man said as he led Nybras to a massive wardrobe. It could possibly be classified as several metropolis city sized stores.

“You should find anything you need here. The Master is a shapeshifter after all. He has lived a lifetime in the skin and presence of every race. From babe to full grown man or woman.” The old man explains as he huffs and sits down. He looks like a well aged human. His face seeming to sink into itself with cracks of old age.

“Stop gawking at this old man and pick out a formal attire. Dark red and black.” He starts and if a questioning looks crosses Nybras then he continues. “Succubus usually tend to stick with those…” He pauses.

“Nevermind she is picking jade and dark grey. You will want to bathe also.” He states as he lays back. Soon after sleep takes him.
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