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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Trap Card activates! Madolche Nights! When my graveyard contains no monsters I can negate a monster's effect, which means Ceasar's monster effect is negated" Rumi declared revealing Madolche Nights, A jolt of lightning was sent through Wave King Caesar, its effect negated, leaning on its sword as if it were tired. Flame King Genghis and Lamia had both vanished."Suppose if that's all I'll end my turn"

Rumi's field status

S/T: Madolche Ticket, Madolche Waltz x2 1 set card
Monster zone: Messengelto, Hootcake (def) , Mewfueille (def)
LP: 6400
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

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@Blight Bug

Tekkan could've sworn Fyodor and some other biker passed him by as he ran around God knows where on the island. He screamed as fast and quick as he could- "HEY LEADER! WAIT FOR ME!" -but his request fell on deaf ears.

Dammit, the white-haired youth thought to himself. Guess I'm gonna have to leg it!

The boy ran as fast as he could towards the two bikers, and as he did, he saw a mighty dark cloud up in the sky around where the two duelists were. Almost immediately afterwards, a bolt of lightning crashed down, and a fearsome creature emerged clearly.

The Archfiend Summoned Skull.

Holy shit! Tekkan thought to himself in amazement as he picked up his running speed, his mind racing. Leader has that thing in his deck?! I gotta get a closer look!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Satoshi Kyou@KOGaming

Watching in surprise as Rumi seemed to have a way to top every one of his attacks, Lua looked at his cards with a bit less excitement. With the other two in mind, as he thought over his play and sighed. He gripped on the card he had chosen and put it down in defense mode. it was an Obnoxious Celtic guardian. He watched it create the large, bulky man wielding a large and steel sword that he had repositioned in order to cover much of his body. Lua knew that none of the monsters currently on the field could really kill it, so he'd be safe, at least he assumed. He was a sitting duck if it was killed.
"I put one card face down too" He spoke, putting a precautionary action. The card was put into his spell/trap area. He didn't like that this was his only defense but it would have to do.
"Well... I guess that's my turn" He mumbled. He looked to his hand. He only had four cards. None of them were what he really wanted. He was sure they would come in handy later though.

Cards in hand: 4
Monsters played: Obnoxious Celtic Guardian 1400 1200 (Def)
Spell/trap: Face down card
LP: 8000
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

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Aya barely had time to put the surplus counter on Kyoutow Waterfront before it was destroyed. Her Smash hit trap card had been hit and smashed, her beachfront property had closed, and her terrible tarantula-themed totempole of monsters had been unceremoniously banished back to the bottom of her extra deck. She raised both her arms up and screamed until she had to draw breath again. That made her feel a little bit better. Not by much. That, and it looked extra realistic when the giant dragons speared through her body, inflicting attack after attack on her life points. As the last of her life points ran out, the girl didn't stand a chance. Her face became puffy and red, as she took a few deep breaths, before continuing.

"That didn't count!" She stated, trying to take refuge in audacity. "It wasn't my real deck, it was just for show! A-a-and i know it totally looks like i'm running away right now, but - !"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zepavil
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@The book of bad juju @Lord Szall

Taiyo's mouth was agape, his eyes wide and his pen quickly scribbling down onto his notepad. That was a terrifying combination, completely wiping her field and rendering her cards useless, then decimating her with a force that was almost double her life points.

"... Astounding..."

He wrote down the names of the cards he had never seen before, and their effects quickly on his page. Storm Rage Dragon, Lock Rage Dragon and Fierce Anger Dragon, all pendulum monsters not to be taken lightly. He quickly stood up after listing down what he believed was their effects, unsure of what he should do now that he witnessed the duel end. Truly, it was a grand display, but he wondered what could possibly counter such an immense force.

Taiyo would have to prepare some extra cards if he was to ever take on this duelist. He didn't even know his name. Or the other duelist's name either.

He felt somewhat embarrassed...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Matt Ronwell

Matt silently flipped up Spirit Barrier as his monster was destroyed preventing any damage from being done to his life points. He was impressed. Martin had managed to pump out a lot of powerful monsters quickly without any real difficulty. "Impressive display. I'll summon Sasuke Samurai #4 and use him to attack your Wave King Caeser! Of course his effect will activate and I'll call..." paused dramatically as the large digital coin flipped into the air, waiting for him to declare. "Heads!" It came down as Matt had foretold, causing the diminutive samurai to destroy his much larger foe if everything went to according to plan. After that it was a simple matter of setting one additional card and ending his turn. Truly a powerful opponent, it seemed like the three of them would have to defend from the one of him. Honestly the easiest method, though most boring, would be to simply cause their opponent to run out of cards. Of course it was doubtful they'd be able to stall that long given what he'd seen so far, but it was a bit to early to tell how the duel would go for now.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Szall
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Lord Szall Supreme Dark Entity

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As his opponent's life points hit 0, Yuryuu could almost feel the Mighty Dragon of his deck carry the winds beneath his wings. As the field disappeared, a feeling of adrenaline rushed through Yuryuu, and it began to course through his veins. His opponent fled in an uproar, and for a moment Sikao Yuryuu stood there, observing the feeling through his hands. Through his hands, he felt a glowing light giving him strength. Through his eyes, he turned to see a man standing behind him.

He observed his spectator, a boy about his age in a white suit and black-blue hair. Through him, Sikao saw the same light within him and his deck. He didn't know what this feeling was, but he could feel it throughout the school, spread wide like shattered glass. Yuryuu gazed about the surroundings of his school. I do not know what this feeling is, but I've never had the chance to duel like this. he thought silently to himself, questioning whether the creature in his deck had really come to life.

The feeling became numb, and soon Yuryuu saw nothing but the empty fields of the school, with himself and a stranger standing idly. Turning his back to the stranger, Yuryuu thought only of going back to his goal: He needed to find Tekkan, and more specifically: Leo Kostanovich.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zepavil
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@Lord Szall

As the stranger turned his back and stared out towards the distance, Taiyo raised a hand... then stopped. Before he would wave, catching himself he too turned away. He felt his anxiety creep up, and began walking away, desiring to know the stranger's name, but not bother him. He'd learn his name soon enough, through a class role-call or someone calling out to him. For now, Taiyo desired to find someone else to watch, some other way to pass time. Maybe go through his card collections and start forming a possible Side Deck. There were a lot of choices to choose from.

Maybe getting familiar with the school's layout was the best one. Using the map he had grabbed from the front desk a couple weeks back when he first came in to be enrolled, Taiyo began following the map to it's many destinations, hoping that before long he wouldn't need to rely on it to find out where he was going. Maybe he'd even run into someone else, or even better: watch another duel.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Wave King Caesar's effect activates. I can detach one xyz material from him and..." the remaining orb disappeared right before Caesar was struck down. However, in a fountain had erupted in the very same spot as Matt ended the battle. At which point, Abyss Ragnarok stood up and raised a hand over one area, and returning from the grave was Flame King Genghis, and as a result, Martin took all of 1000 life points worth of damage.

After he had drawn his next card, another jolt of electricity was sent through him, losing one thousand life points from the effect of his Dark Contract, and another from the effect of Wave King Caesar. However, as a result of his Gold Sarcophagus that was played the very first turn, the Necroface he banished was suddenly returned to his hand. At the start of his turn, he pre-emptively activated his face-down card, Trap Stun, in order to stop any subsequent actions.

"I-I'll activate the effect of Dark Contract with the Gate..." he said. From his deck, he received a card, showing it to the trio. It was D/D Savant Thomas. "I-I'll activate Trade-In... In exchange for a level 8 monster... it allows me to draw two cards..." he dropped the electric brain into his graveyard, picking up two cards in return. "N-next, I'll activate Pot of Desires... by banishing the top ten cards of my deck face-down, it allows me to draw two cards... Next, I'll activate Allure of Darkness. It allows me to draw two cards, then banish one from my hand... I'll choose D.D. Scout Plane." As the duel picked up, it seemed Martin had gotten much more confidence in himself.

"Now! I'll activate Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King! With it, I will special summon D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok. But that won't end it for me! Using Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King, I can also Fusion Summon a monster using that card! D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok and D/D/D Wave King Caesar, Fusion Summon! D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok! Next, Flame King Genghis' effect activates, and I can special summon one D/D monster from my graveyard. I'll choose D/D Savant Thomas. Savant Thomas's effect activates, and I can destroy 1 card in my pendulum zone to special summon a level 8 D/D/D monster from my deck! I will destroy D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok in order to special summon D/D/D Doom King Armageddon! Next I'll Special Summon D/D Lamia using her own effect to destroy Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King. Level 1 Tuner D/D Lamia and Level 6 D/D/D Flame King Genghis! Synchro Summon! Level 7 D/D/D Gust King Alexander! Finally! Leel 8 D/D Savant Thomas and D/D/D Doom King Armageddon! Overlay! Rank 8 D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga!"

With four powerful monsters on his side of the field, Martin had a smug grin on his face. "Enter battle! Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok attacks Madolche Mewfueille! Cursed King Siegfried attacks Madolche Messengelato! Gust King Alexander attacks Obnoxious Celtic Guardian! Duo-Dawn-King Kali-Yuga attacks Sasuke Samurai #4!" Martin began his onslaught, ending in him panting heavily, clutching his necroface tightly in hand.

"I'll set a card and end my turn!" he said in an exciting manner, his D.D. Scout Plane returning to the field.

@Blight Bug@GarlandDaHero

Down on the side of the road where the campus officer was chasing the Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway to Hell, another motorcyclist waited. His haircut was distinct, and the sleek, black motor cycle with the high handle bars was distinct. It was Saotome's own Phantom Duelist.

Ryunosuke looked at Tekkan and said "Get on", suggesting that he should get on his Duel Runner. This was, of course, with the intent to show him the duel without having to run after the two who were far too fast for a mere human to catch up with on foot.

As Summoned Skull was about to strike upon one of the smaller defenders, the other two pointed at it with their batons, lending it their power. The monster was alight with a pale yellow aura, its attack increasing to 3000. However, this was not enough to overcome the much stronger Summoned Skull, the monster disappearing with in a veil of pixels.

Though it could be expected that the officer had lost, the dust cloud resulting died down, revealing the trap card Reinforcements. The officer remained at 500 life points.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

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"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" cackled out The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell cackled out as he saw the attack of his Summoned Skull go through and destroy the pitiful officer who even had the help of his brothers in law enforcement. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell knew what he had to do from this success; it was time for a dash of monologues.

"Alack! Ooooh alack!
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Oh you poor misguided authority
tasked with catching me as your priority.
I have just demonstrated the Damned Kingdom's superiority.
You could not defeat me.
So I suggest you flee
Back to your commanders who gave out your command.
Tell them of the master performer of this marquee,
and notify them about everything they have ever planned
will be crushed underneath my feet!
For all who oppose Lucifer's Reign shall be made into mincemeat!
Because I know you 'Ruff Ruffs' and you are not nearly that 'tough.'
Frankly your group of angels are not up to snuff.

It was at this point in the middle of his monologue that he realized, Speed World 2 was still up. Well that was strange. Usually Speed World ends as soon as the Turbo Duel was completed. And he did just unleash a terrifying Final Attack. Maybe the system was broken?

The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell glanced back at the life point count. It should read zero right? This was not the case. His foe was still on the board, with 500 life points, just slightly under his own 800 life points. There was surely an expression underneath the helmet of the Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell as he glanced at the lifepoints of the officer, then back at his solitary card.

A face down materialized in his Trap/Spell Zone as he pointed at the officer. "Clever girls... Go. Just. Just go." he moved his index finger back and forth.

"RuiningmydramaticmonologuegamewassupposedtoendwiththatawesomelastattackImeanitwasstylishandeverything..." grumbled out The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell, as he ended his turn. Summoned Skull, still violently vibrating and shaking from the energy stared at The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell with his mouth agape and using his last moments to give the bird to his commander.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

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@KOgaming @Blight Bug

Tekkan looked over to the biker who had just offered him a ride. His aura was similar to Fyodor's, albeit a bit less...satanic. He knew this was a man he would be on good terms with due to the similarities.

The youth nodded towards Ryuunosuke, smiling. "Right!" He quickly jumped onto the passenger's seat, leaning over the biker's shoulder and pointing towards Fyodor's duel with his index finger.

"Over there!" Tekkan said excitedly. "My Leader's over there, and by the looks of things, he just took a pretty big risk!" He quickly patted Ryuunosuke's left shoulder to urge him on. "Come on, let's go!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rumi took her 800 damage and shuffled the destroyed monsters back into her deck and drew her card "hmm..." Rumi said to herself "I set a monster face-down and end my turn" Rumi knew Kali-Yuga might destroy her spells and traps so she drew a good card to get the field spell back if worse comes to happen

What happened this turn

Cards Set: Madolche Marmalmaide
Life points lost: 800

Life points: 5600
Field: Hootcake, Marmalmaide (face-down Defense)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pulling out another card, Lua was starting to have doubts. He was worried that he had lost for sure. Yet as he looked at his hand he had hope for himself yet. With a gulp, he decided to try his luck with a final gambit of his cards. He wasn't very good at this game it seemed, he had much to work on, but he was going to show them why he was accepted into this academy. He was more than his father's riches, even if he couldn't beat a champion duelist like Martin. With a big sigh and deep breath to take away his troubles, he bit his lip and played his first card.
"Well. I'll use the card I just got: Snatch steal. With this, I can take one of your cards and put it on my side, but each turn it stays, you gain 1000 life points. It's obvious that I want to take Kali Yuga...." He said, hoping that this would not be negated. It seemed that the best martin could do is stall this spell, which gave him a little bit of hope for the future. He shook his head.
"Next, I'd like to take this card and put it face down" He muttered, pointing to the card he had first drawn at the beginning of his turn to put face down in his monsters field, right where his Obnoxious Celtic Guardian once was.
"Now, with Kali Yuga, It'd like to attack your Gust king Alexander... After that, I'll just end my turn"

Lua looked to be shaking a bit. He was looking to his teammates worriedly constantly, hoping they would tell him with their eyes if what he had done was right. Martin was a great duelist and he would have to tell him as soon as they were done.

Monsters: Face down Card, (Most likely) Kali Yuga
Spell/trap: Face down card, Snatch steal
Deck: 28
LP: 8000
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

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@Blight Bug@GarlandDaHero

With his next card, the officer held in his hand a total of two cards, and by the time he was ready to start his turn, he had a total of six speed counters. The law enforcer was quick to activate a speed spell- his first that game. A pot with a lolling tongue on its exaggerated face covered in jewels materialized. Five cards were shuffled back into his deck thereby; those being Goyo Guardian, Goyo Emperor, Goyo Defender, Jutte Lord, and Jutte Fighter. With the first three back in his extra deck and the last two back in his main deck, the policeman was able to draw two new cards.

The law enforcer looked at the cards he drew and grimaced through his helmet. He had drawn poorly. The man slapped a card onto his duel runner blade facedown, a trap card or perhaps a spell, before pointing at Fyodor to let him know that the turn was over.

As this went on, Ryunosuke with Tekkan on his bike had chased down the Ghoulish Rider and his assailant, watching their duel.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

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@KOgaming @GarlandDaHero

Three speed counters. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell took the new card his Duel Runner spat out at him. He lowered his head down in a moment of prayer before looking up at the card he drew. He glanced back at official of the law, taking a brief moment to think about what manner of Trap or Spell was placed onto the field. Shortly after that, he took a moment to recognize that his Neophyte Tekkan was alongside the fellow Road Warrior known as the Phantom Duelist of Saotome. He gave a small nod towards them before returning his attention to the duel.

Quickly did The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell set a Monster Card face down. He pointed law enforcer to signify his turn was over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

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@Blight Bug @KOgaming

Tekkan waved frantically at Fyodor as The Phantom Duelist of Saotome drove closer to the action. "Hey, Leader!" the white-haired youth called out to the devil's disciple. "Kick his ass good, you hear?!"

The neophyte began chanting as he had with Fyodor earlier, hoping to raise morale. "HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN!"

Tekkan didn't know exactly who The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell was facing, but he had a hunch that he was on the run from the law. So Fyodor could use all the support he could get.

He also took this opportunity to quickly shift his deck around a little. Igknight Reload was useless every time he drew into it, so he opted to swap it out for Pot of Riches. Tekkan had no need for 2 Wind-Up Zenmaines since he almost never used his Level 3 Igknights for anything outside of setting up scales, so he took a copy out and replaced it with Blade Armor Ninja. 2 Castel was also a bit overkill, so he switched one of the copies out for Heroic Champion - Excalibur. It would come in handy if there were ever something that he couldn't remove with a card effect and needed to destroy the old-fashioned way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Matt Ronwell

Wow, Martin really knew how to load the field with monsters. His deck wasn't just based on life points, that seemed to be more of a side result. It's ability to flood the field with powerful monsters was quite fearsome. Nobody on this side of the field seemed to be able to match it, though they were managing alright. Lua managed to try stealing the biggest monster on Martin's field but Rumi was being forced to play defensively. Matt's monster zone was empty, but he could try a thing or two. "I'll summon Gambler of Legend to the field in defense mode and activate his effect." A stylish looking cowboy fellow appeared on the field and rapidly flipped three coins in the air, displaying them as they landed in a row upon his arm, holding up two fingers upon seeing the result. Two heads, could've been better, could've been worse. "Two heads means you discard one card randomly from your hand, that's all for this turn." Matt said, wondering how much longer they could hold out. If Lua was able to hold onto the big monster than they might be okay.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

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@Eklispe@manapool1@Satoshi Kyou

Martin shook his head and raised his hand right before Kali Yuga landed its attack. It was clear that Martin did not want to do such a thing to his own monster. A card flipped face up on his field, and revealed was the trap card "Chaos Burst". Of course, even if Lua knew to use Kali Yuga's effect, it could not negate a card that had already been activated, especially because Chaos Burst was not a continuous trap but a normal trap. D.D. Scout Plane disappeared, tributed for the effect of Chaos Burst as Kali Yuga was destroyed before them. Then, Lua took an additional 1000 points of damage.

"Trap Card activates! Madolche Tea Break, I won't let you do that during a tea break" a voice called out. The trap card fizzled, Kali-Yuga remaining exactly where it was.

With the next turn, Martin had lost his Necroface, and looked even more despirited, but with as many lifepoints as he had, did not have much to worry about.

His next turn came and Martin drew his next card. Thanks to the effect of Snatch Steal, he gained another 1000 points of life until Dark Contract with the Gate knocked him back down. "D-Draw..."

Martin had three powerful monsters on the field but for the time being, he was still somewhat outnumbered. The girl had one set spell or trap, the boy had one, and the other boy had two. Regardless, Martin was ready with Cursed King Siegfried to take care of any immediate issues unless they all had a plan to actually work together somehow. "I'll activate the effect of Dark Contract with the Gate..." he stated, adding yet another card to his hand, D/D Savant Copernicus.

"Next, I'll activate the effect of D/D Savant Newton, which allows me to discard it and add another D/D or Dark Contract card from my grave to my hand. I choose D/D Savant Thomas! Next, with D/D Savant Thomas, I'll set the Pendulum Scale. Thomas's pendulum effect activates, allowing my to add one D/D Pendulum monster from my extra deck to my hand, and I'll choose D/D Savant Kepler, which I will use to once again set the pendulum scale. Now! Scale 6 D/D Savant Thomas and Scale 10 D/D Savant Kepler! Pendulum Summon! My two D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok are revived from the extra deck!" Martin performed another strong turn.

"Enter battle" he declared.

"First! Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok! Attack! Now! Since an attack was declared with it involved, his effect activates! I can target one other D/D or Dark Contract card on the field and return it to the hand! Next, I can target 1 face-up card one of you control and equip it to him! I'll return D/D Savant Kepler to my hand, and with it, I'll attach Madolche Messengelato! Because the state of the board changed before the battle commenced, I can redo the battle. Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok, attack Rumi's facedown monster!"

Caesar Ragnarok grabbed Hootcake from the girl's side of the field, then proceeded to use it to beat down her facedown card using her own monster as a bludgeon.

"Next! Abyss Ragnarok! Attack Sand Gambler! Gust King Alexander, attack Lua's facedown monster!"


With Gust King Alexander's attack and Cyber Jar's effect, everything was destroyed. All of Martin's monsters as well as all those of his opponents. After which, five cards were revealed. D.D. Sprite, D/D Orthros, Dark Contract with the Swamp King, D.D.M. Different Dimension Master, and D.D Trap Hole.

Due to the effect of Cyber Jar, D.D. Sprite and D/D Orthros could be special summoned, both in defense mode, however D.D.M. could not be, its level being far too high.

"Darn. I'll end this battle. Enter main phase 2. I'll play Dark Contract with the Swamp King. With it, I'll remove from play D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali-Yuga and D/D Savant Thomas in order to Fusion Summon D/D/D Oracle King D'arc! Next, I'll tribute D.D. Sprite in order to normal summon D.D.M. Different Dimension Master! With his effect, I'll discard D.D. Designator and special summon Duo-Dawn King Kali-Yuga from my banish zone! Turn end!"

@GarlandDaHero@Blight Bug

With the advent of his next turn, the law enforcement agent had a total of eight speed counters and was well on his way to getting to the maximum. However, he seemed to have once again drawn poorly.

Marshalling himself, the officer slapped a card down from his hand, one of his miniature Japanese Kabuki law enforcers disappearing, a steel dragon appearing from his hand. It was Handcuffs Dragon, ready to bring the law. The police man nodded, then pointed at Fyodor's Dragon, intent on destroyed it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@KOgaming @GarlandDaHero

The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell casually looked at the Handcuff Dragons that replaced the little Kabuki Performer acting as if they were a police officer. It was a foul and disgusting creature, which desperately yearned to try to enforce the Law of Angels upon those loyal to the Lord of the Flies. Konstantinovich watched as it made its strike at his Zombie Dragon, and not his face-down monster.
"Still had you huh?" Fyodor mused aloud as the Zombie Dragon let out a hacking cough, unaware that his master forgot he existed for a moment.

Zombie Dragon pondered for a moment as the Handcuff Dragon swooped down upon him. Desperately did Zombie Dragon try to fire off a cloud of acid, but it was of no use as the abomination made of handcuffs snapped its jaws onto Zombie Dragon and killing him.

The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway's Duel Runner lost a bit of stability as he took 200 Life Points worth of damage. Now he only had a scant 100 Life Point advantage over the officer. He needed to assess this situation and respond to it appropriately.

And so he did.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@KOgaming @Blight Bug

While Tekkan went on with his demonic chanting to raise morale, he thought he would do something while he had the chance to. Ryunosuke was focused on driving, so now was as good a time as any.

Carefully slipping one of his hands into the biker's pants pocket, he felt a card inside. Bingo.

With one swift motion, he pulled the piece of cardboard out from the pocket, caught a quick glimpse of it, and slipped it into his own shirt pocket. Mission accomplished.

Tekkan continued his chant. Once the duel was over, he would show his leader his find.

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