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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Shocked. That's the only word to describe how Corrine felt. Shocked. She looked up from her ringlets to hear a familiar voice. The curly haired girl knew that voice from a mile away. It was Rolo again! She had been meeting with him quite often. This had to be a coincidence, right? Except he didn't seem as sweet as he was before. In fact, he seemed pretty terrifying. His loud, booming voice was enough to make her heart skip a beat. She could feel her body shudder. But it certainly didn't help the swelling embarrassment she had inside her.

She could feel hot tears form at the corner of her eyes and sting as they slowly slid down her face. She quickly covered her face with her hair once more; This time, covering her whole face. If she didn't make a sound, maybe no one would look at her. Oh, how she wished the class would end so she could wallow in a hole. Or maybe she could jump out the window quickly and save her from the shame.

To distract her, she quickly took out a book. It was nothing that they were learning in class, but one of her personal books. Something to help her clam down while the class was too busy paying attention to something, rather someone, else. The scanned through the pages, but it was no use.

Why couldn't this day just end and save her the suffering? Why was fate such a cruel and fickle mistress? Her stomach turned in knots as she thought of what might happen next. Would people make fun of her? Would they spread rumors and ruin her social life? Such lewd statements could destroy her reputation if taken the wrong way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

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"Get the hell back up!" roared Rolo.

It was during lunchtime when Rolo made his displeasure known. He never felt this way before. He never knew he could be so livid with his best friends, but things were different then. Everything had changed. And it was all because of her. Why did she have to waltz into his life like that? Why did she have to make things awkward between himself and his closest friends? Everything was so much simpler before. But no longer. It was plain to see that there was no going back from those punches. It was done. Things would never be the same again. For better or worse.

Switch and Divo were sprawled on the ground in the middle of the football field. A large crowd had gathered around to watch the internal drama of the Salt Bay Turbos unfold before their very eyes. Such a thing was not a very common occurrence. Rolo loomed over them looking both grim and menacing.

They picked themselves up from the ground and faced Rolo directly. They looked up into his face. A fierce stare met their gaze.

"Look big guy. You can hit us all day if you want. But we won't fight back. We're friends. No! To hell with that! We're brothers!" yelled Divo.

"But we won't apologise for nothin. We're outlaws. We do what we want, we say what we want. Ain't no little broad ever gonna get in the way of that!" yelled Swtich.

"Shut the hell up! She's special to me!" Rolo roared.

"You're letting this little chick change you! You're gonna end up putting her before us!" yelled Divo.

"Yeah! Whatever happened to brothers for life!?" yelled Switch.

"I uh, shut up!" Rolo yelled again.

Rolo brought his fist up again to strike, but then he saw it. The steely determination in the eyes of his friends. He knew that they wouldn't dodge his punch, no matter how hard he would hit. They were his best friends in the world. Brothers for life.

He suddenly felt ashamed of his actions. Rolo never regretted punching people before. But this time, it was different.

"Fellas I, I..." Rolo started to say before he was cut off.

"Alright boys break it up! I will not have any roughhousing in my school!" declared principal Stern.

"But sir, they were just..." Chet was starting to say before he too was cut off.

"I don't want to hear it!" yelled principal Stern.

"You three! Principals office! Now!" demanded the principal.

Rolo, Chet, and Divo wordlessly followed the principal to his office. Not caring in the slightest how much their reputation had been compromised.

Chet shook his head to himself. What was happening to his crew? Who was this girl that Rolo was obsessed with? It was that girl from literature class, the one that came late. The one whom Switchs note was referring to. Chet decided to go check her out later on. To see what was up for himself.

A little further away, Charles watched everything unfold. He grinned smugly to himself. His plan was going to be a heck of a lot easier than he thought it would be. Perhaps, Charles thought, he owed this mysterious girl his thanks. She was doing him a great service. When the time is right, he decided.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corrine was sitting outside of the cafeteria on one of the steel benches. She eats her tea sandwich slowly as she reads a raunchy novel she took from her brother, Oliver. She laughs at the cliché plot; a vampire falls in love with a human, but their love is forbidden. The book is horrible but the lines of dialogue are hilarious! The sex scenes are awful and full of lewd and gross innuendoes to censor the sex scenes somewhat.

A rather large group of students walk back, conversing about a fight that nearly happened. Corrine decided to ignore them and continue reading her book. The longer she ignored the rambling, the louder everyone became. The unbearable noise was maddening! If only the world could stay quiet for just a little bit she could finish her book! She growled to herself, begging for everyone to disappear.

But of course, not all wishes come true.

She slammed her book shut, put everything away in her backpack, and marched over to the crowd for a good explanation for the commotion. She taps, rather violently, on the shoulder of someone who is much taller than her.

"Excuse me! Could you please tell me what's going on. I can't concentrate with all this racket!" Corrine pouts. She pushes up her reading glasses up on her nose and places a hand on her hip. Her book is tightly clenched in the other hand. Her face looks angry but she is one of the least intimidating people on the earth. She looks cute instead of threatening. Or at least somewhat scary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charles felt a rather rapid and annoying tapping on his right shoulder. He turned around and saw an equally annoying girl behind him. Quite the little pocket rocket she was. This one seemed like a real troublemaker. Nobody in the school, save for Chet, was brazen enough to approach him like that.

"Excuse me but who are you?" asked Charles.

Before one of his sycophants could launch an insult Charles silenced him with a simple hand gesture. He wanted to know what this little person had to say for herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corrine could feel her face become hot. How rude! You can't answer a question with another question.

"Well, if you must know..." she starts. "My name is Corrine. I'm the new girl here. Today is my first day. Nice to meet you." She flashes a cute smile and continues her little rant. "It's too noisy here and I want to read my book in peace. But everybody keeps talking about the same thing. Something that happened on the football field, I believe. Could you tell me what happened? Pretty please?" Corrine asks.

This person didn't seem like a very warm or welcoming friend, but she'll take what she can get. He didn't give her the cold shoulder either, so he must be somewhat decent, right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charles narrowed his eyes slightly. This girl was much more annoying than he thought. He really didn't like annoying people. Especially if they're as brazen as this. Though it seemed to Charles that this was the kinda girl who got herself into trouble on a regular basis. A possible pawn perhaps? If she's as wilful as she is ignorant then perhaps she very well may be. A little test was in order. Charles flashed his most charming smile.

"My name is Charles Lansaster III. Heir to the Lancaster oil fortune. You really must be new to this school if you don't know who I am. Pleased to make your acquaintance miss Corinne." he said.

He let his introduction sink in before continuing.

"Don't pay any mind to all that commotion. There were just a bunch of ruffians being as crass as ever. I'm sure you're savvy enough to not let yourself fall in with such a crowd." Charles commented. He flashed Corinne both a wink and a smile this time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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"Well, now, you sound important. Pardon me for not knowing. Pleasure to meet you." She says. A sprinkle of sarcasm was hidden in her response. Corrine rolled her eyes at his words. So he was one of those types. One who thinks the world revolves around them and them alone.

"Oh, I know I shouldn't be getting into this stuff, but I would like to at least know what's going on. I hate being in the dark. It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I can take a hint. I'll just go elsewhere."

She brushes the subject off. Why did he have to be so difficult? He was just like Lenny, always sugar coating things that didn't need any sugar coating. If he won't be useful she'll just find someone else to ask. Someone who could give her a straight answer.

"Sorry for taking up your time. I didn't mean to bother you so much."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As impudent as ever. Charles could respect that, but that didn't stop him from being annoyed. Who did this girl think she was anyway!? Though she did look familiar. Yes, he definitely recognised her now. A wicked smile spread across his face.

"Yes, I remember now. I've seen you around before little missy. By the tulip garden I believe." said Charles. The moment just before the predator catches his prey. He loved to savour those moments.

Before another word could be said, Chet swooped in and wrapped his right arm around Corinne.

"You must be mistaken Charles. This is Corinnes first day here at Salt Bay High. She's never been here before." he said.

"Oh really? You must be a really important girl miss Corinne. Being close friends with the most infamous band of ruffians in the school. How perhance did this sordid little arrangement come to be anyway?" Charles asked.

"Childhood friend, now if you'll excuse me Charles we have to go. We're in a hurry. Thanks pal." Chet said hurriedly.

"Hmm" Charles said to go himself. He watched closely as Chet carted Corinne off around the corner.

"Let's go, it's starting to smell around here. Charles said to his band of sycophants. They marched off as if they were a unit in the military.

"Are you out of your mind!?" Chet whispered loudly to Corinne,

"Do you have any idea who that guy was!?" he asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What in the world just happened? she thought to herself. One minute she's talking to a rich boy named Charles and the next minute she gets dragged away by... who was this guy anyway? He doesn't look to familiar and what was this about childhood friends?

"He said his name was Charles. I was going to ask him what happened on the football field, but you dragged me away. Who are you anyway? I don't recognize you at all." She asks. An explanation was in order. He seemed very stressed as if she shouldn't have done something.

"Um... what's the big deal? Why are you so upset? I didn't hurt anyone, did I?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Look, all you need to know is that if you want to have a social life, you shouldn't cross that guy." warned Chet.

"All I can say is that something big is gonna go down in this school. It would be safer to just lay low for a while, at least until the dust settles." Chet explained.

"So, you're the girl from literature class who's been stirring up my friends. Ya know Rolo is crazy about you right?" Chet asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corrine looks down at her shoes. Her first day of school and everything is already a mess. She couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. She nods and obeys what her peer had to offer. She didn't want to become an outcast just for saying 'hi' to someone.

After she somewhat tunes him out, one sentence seems to bring her back from her reverie. Her head perked up and cocked to the left, confused. What do you mean Rolo likes her? That can't be true!

"What? What are you even talking about? Rolo can't like me; he probably likes someone else. Someone prettier, maybe less bland than I am.

"Listen, I'm sorry for rustling everything up," she apologizes "But I have no idea what's even going on anymore. I'm just going to try my best to go about my day and pretend like nothing happened."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well I don't know about that he he he. You didn't hear it from me but the big guy can be kinda shy, so he doesn't talk to girls very often. He has a soft spot for the sweet and innocent ones though. Rough breakup last year. Darn it I said too much. explained Chet.

"To tell ya the truth Corinne, nobody in this school knows what's going on anymore. That's why it's a good idea to lay low, at least for a little while." Chet explained again.

He hoped that he was being a good wingman for Rolo. Despite Switch and Divos skepticism, he believed it could work. The big guy deserved something nice every once in a while.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Corrine blushes slightly. Oh dear, she thought to herself. I'd better watch what I say.

"Poor, Rolo. I didn't know. I feel really bad now..." she shakes her head and smiles. "Nope! You have to focus on positive things! Like, trying to fix what's going on little by little! And making everyone feel better!" she tries to brighten the mood, even if it's just a bit.

"I'm sure everything will work out in the end! It always does, right? I'm pretty sure we'll all laugh about this later!" She gives a fake laugh. This must be stressful for the gang. The school seems to take status very seriously. One minor flop could ruin you forever.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"That's the spirit!" exclaimed Chet.

He released Corinne from his right arm then turned to face her directly.

"The name's Chet. Leader of the Salt Bay Turbos. You might've heard of us." he stated.

"I take it Rolo has invited you to our little shindig this Saturday?" Chet asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corrine nods enthusiastically.

"Oh, yes! He has! Oh dear, that's coming up fast isn't it? I can't wait to go! Although I'm not a very social person. I can't dance very well either."

She smiles sheepishly. No amount of dance lessons could ever teach her how to properly dance. She was hopeless.

"So, Chet, was it? Sorry for causing so much trouble between you guys. I didn't mean to. I feel like I've made a mess of things."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Nah it's nothin." Chet said cheerfully.

"And none of that stuff matters anyway. Just rock up, meet some cool people, then chill. Or you could, ya know." suggested Chet. The wink he gave Corinne made it plainly clear what he was suggesting.

"Now I gotta go check on the rest of my crew." Chet said as he backed away.

He then turned around and started walking away.

"Stay cool Corinne. And remember what I said." reminded Chet.

He put his hand up and waved without turning around. He then disappeared around the right hand corner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corrine waved back and grumbled to herself. Let's hope he wasn't insinuating something raunchy. Before she could say anything, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. She picked up her bag and headed off to her last two classes, math and history. It was going to be a long day.

She walked through the hallways with her little map in hand. It looks like she'll be going up and down stairs for the rest of the day. Her little legs could barely allow her to walk fast, much less go up stairs. By the time she reached the top she was nearly out of breath.

She took a look around to find her history class right next to her on the far left. Lucky her! A few minutes left of chit-chat from the other students created background noise in the class before the bell rang. The teacher stood up from his chair and glared daggers at his students. Some still were carrying their conversation on before a quick scolding from the teacher set them straight.

"QUIET! Or you'll all be getting detention!" He shouted. He didn't seem like a friendly man. Corrine thought it was just an off day and that it shouldn't bug her.

He walked around the class room, handing out what looked to be quizzes. Corrine quietly raised her hand as the teacher handed her a quiz as well.

"Um, sir? Why did I get a quiz? Today is my first day." she asks quietly.

"Oh well, you should've come prepared for class." he replies as he continues to hand out quizzes. What nerve! That's not fair! To give out a quiz on their first day is appalling! She grumbles as she tries her best to answer the question. She doesn't know any of these at the top of her head! She'll be lucky if she gets a 'C'. It was going to be a long period.

After an immensely boring lecture about the renaissance era, the bells rang. Corrine had never felt so relieved to hear a bell in her life. Everyone scrambled to get out of the classroom. She walked back down the stairs to her last class of the day: Math. Her worst subject. Without help from her old tutor, she's doomed.

She walks into the room to see she's the first one there. An old, short woman is reading a romance novel as she waits for class to begin.

"Good Afternoon." Corrine says softly. The old woman looks up from her book and smiles warmly.

"Hello, Miss uh... Miss..." she takes a quick glance at her attendance sheet to look for the new students name. "Miss Corrine, is it? A pleasure to meet you!" She greets and heads right back to her book. Corrine could feel her heart pound. What a sweet woman! She might actually enjoy math if she stays sweet like that. A few minutes later, the bell rung and everyone went to their seats.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Switch sat in the passenger seat of his fathers pickup truck. Leaving the downtown area of Sea Salt Bay behind. It was yet another one of those drives. Silent and tense. How it had always been with his father. He was just a sad alcoholic anyway. Switch felt no closeness to him. As far as Switch could tell, Divos father was much the same way, though he never talked about his life at home. When it came to Divo, it was probably boring and lame. The short drive to their neighbourhood had never been longer.

"You got yourself into another fight again didn't you boy." said Switchs father.

"Shut up dad!"shouted Switch.

"Whatever" his father answered.

"No point in givin a damn. You're gonna be a loser anyway. Ain't nothin gonna change that." his father stated.

"I said shut up!" Switch shouted again.

"Have it your way loser. You're moving out as soon as this high school shit is over. Don't care if you're gonna be a bum on the streets, which is probably what's gonna happen. Just don't come begging for money." asked his father.

"What do you know old man." Switch answered.

"I know a loser when I see one. Now once we get home, you're gonna cook us dinner. And it better be damn good." demanded Switchs father.

"Or what old man?" Switch challenged.

"Or say good bye to your losermobile." he threatened.

Switchs motorcycle was in the middle of being repaired in his backyard. He had to ask his old man for a ride school that morning. The only person in the world he could turn to was also the last person in the world he would ever turn to, such was his luck.

"The only losermobile is this old beat up hunk of junk you call a truck." retorted Switch.

"Whatever loser." said his father.

The rest of the ride home was as bitter as it was silent. What hurt Switch the most wasn't how mad his father got. It was how apathetic he turned out to be. It seemed that his own father, the only person he had in the world, had completely given up on him. Whateve, Switch thought to himself. As soon as he turned eighteen, he was gonna ride off into the sunset and be the baddest dude around. The world ain't gonna deny that.

Switch contemplated how he was going to create a nice meal with a can of olives, a shaker of salt, and a couple of tins of spam. Liberally applying alcohol always worked. It always gave the meal some much needed extra flavour. It was decent enough for what it was, though Switch couldn't remember the last time he had a decent meal.

And so they drove on, into the bleakness that was their lives.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corrine walked down the same path way she sprinted down this morning. It was a quite street; No cars or bikes to be found. She took a deep breath of the sea filled air that covered the whole town. She was happy to be alone with her thoughts. She could think about what ever she wanted.

One of her thoughts was how she was going to ask Rolo about that rumor. It couldn't be true that he liked her. She wasn't very attractive or interesting. She was just a doll; Everything her father wanted her to be. A sweet, delicate, intelligent, doll. She would grow no bigger or smaller. She would have to be protected at all costs in order to keep her looking nice. She would stay the same. Just a doll to mold as he liked.

She sighed. Just a dress up doll. No real say in anything. Just sit and look pretty. Don't speak unless spoken to. Sit upright. You must look presentable at all times. Your father will decide who your fiancé is. A lady mustn't play an instrument; that's an entertainer's job. Don't eat too much you'll gain weight!

So many rules to follow, she has to be perfect! No matter what! If only they could all just go away. She could act like a normal teenager her age without having to worry about her father. But she should go home in a sour mood; she should think about the positive! She gets to have Charlie's cooking for dinner! He always makes the best sea food! Not only that, but her friends have the same literature class as her. She doesn't sit next to them though. The closest she sits next to is Rolo and even he's a little ways away. But that doesn't matter.

About an hour after walking, she finally reaches home. Andy and Jacob are playing with the garden hose outside, spraying eachother silly. She waves to them and the rest of her brothers before heading off to her room to start her homework.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Divo trudged through the sand, towards the underside of the boardwalk. He could see the rest of the Salt Bay Turbos there, chilling as usual. Lights from various lit cigarettes mixed with a plethora of black leather jackets and blue jeans. An unmistakeable yet familiar and comforting sight for Divo. Sadly though, he had little to be comforted by, for they were uncertain times. For Divo especially. He had more than his fair share of worries to contend with. The kind of worries that weighed heavily on ones heart. Though despite all that, such a sight never failed to inspire some cheer.

He walked amongst the old, familiar crew. Exchanging greetings, secret handshakes, and compliments as he went. Surprisingly, he saw neither Switch nor Rolo there. Their absences, of course, wasn't unheard of. But still, if there ever was a time when the gang needed to be together, it was then.

Divo saw Chet, standing alone, several feet away from the rest of the crew. His back was turned to everyone else as he leaned on a wooden pillar. Chet stared out at the churning sea. His unreadable face betrayed the pensive nature of his thoughts.

"Hey boss." Divo greeted.

Chet unfolded his crossed arms then turned to face Divo. He removed the cigarette from his mouth with his left hand and held it at his side. Its bright burn indicated a recent puff.

"Please Divo, just call me Chet. We're best buds ya know." he replied.

"Sure thing, Chet. And thank you." Divo replied.

"That's quite alright good buddy." said Chet.

They stood there for a moment, sharing a silence. For most other people it would've been an awkward silence.

"Have you ever noticed that the sea churns more on a cloudy day?" Chet asked.

"Nah man, I haven't." Divo replied.

"Well it does." Chet asserted.

"Much like life huh." Chet commented.

"Yeah, I guess." Divo replied.

He found it rather troubling when Chet waxed philosophical like that. There was something going on with the Salt Bay Turbos, beyond the drama between Rolo and everyone else. Far beyond Corinne and her effect on Rolo. And it seemed Chet knew it all too well. Perhaps, Divo thought, Chet was keeping something from the rest of the Turbos.

"I'm kinda worried about this thing between Rolo and Corinne. We can't have our enforcer compromised, not even for a second." Divo confessed.

"Would you relax Divo. I've met the little pocket rocket. She's actually pretty cool." placated Chet.

"But Chet, don't you remember what happened last time!?" Divo asked.

"Worry not your little peanut head. It's all good. Just chill ok." reassured Chet.

"Yeah, I'll be cool. Just remember I got your back dude, no matter." said Divo.

"Whoh, a little overdramatic there don't ya think!? But yeah dude, I appreciate it." replied Chet.

They exchanged the secret Salt Bay Turbo handshake in earnest. Though Divo was reassured, Chets mind was far from easy.
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