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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords Tavern/Bar.
Interacting with: Ntaj & Magnus

Kyra returned, having a natter yonder with Femnal. Yes Femnal, that was the name, certainly clarified now. Not quite clarified in the way of butter, but why Thomas managed to butcher the original name... Regardless, Kyra was back without Sana, Cremwise, and Keystone and Satilla. Suggesting either something went wrong and Kyra was here to kill Thomas after a settling up the fee to bribe Femnal and clean up the body, or Kyra headed back to make sure that neither Ntaj nor Thomas set the place on fire or got themselves into anymore trouble with their gracious host. To that end, given that Thomas was still drinking his pint and not having a bloody arrow through his eyeball, then well, probably the latter was more important. And a slightly afraid wave at Kyra from across the table was given before Thomas' attention returned to the matters at hand.

"{Sorry Ntaj, I got carried away. But I am unsure if our acquaintance here knows elvish or not. You've both asked the same question and I suppose I should answer}" Thomas made an aside to his friend, his elven low and hushed as to not insult Magnus or Maggie, if the swordsman did understand the finer tongue. "{That is a good question indeed, What is a} Crimson Death? {Something that feeds on Blood, Some say the spirit of a} Vampire, {Others suggest a corrupted air elemental since it is gaseous nature}. {I can only remember bits and pieces of it from the bestiaries in} Master Wolfgang's {library, but I recall they are usually solitary monsters}. My apologies, I'm not sure if you understand Elven but, they are essentially vampiric monsters who usually work alone." The last bit in common specifically directed at the swordsman, and the other words in common peppered in.

Finishing his drink now after the tongue mixing linguistics, Thomas stated his scrap of info. "{I should retire for some meditation friend, I need to keep my spells ready incase of another attack tonight, we are down two defenders and I'm not sure if Sana is okay.}"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Crossed Sword Tavern
Actions: Was talking to Thomas, Nor, and Mangus. Now speaking to Kyra.

"Good, good." Slowly but surely, Ntaj believed that he was shaping up Thomas for the better. His elvish felt a bit too verbose for Ntaj, but then again elvish was a very flowery language. Point was that the bit of common Thomas did interject was direct and to the point, easy enough even for Ntaj to understand. Truly one is a good teacher when they can teach someone who is less then average. Though Ntaj made a mental note that he'll have to talk about Thomas about speaking in hush tones. It made it seem like they were trying to keep secrets when frankly Ntaj had been very forthcoming so far. Speaking a different language to others in quiet looked suspicious and Ntaj knew this. That's why he always spoke his orcish openly, as redundant as that may see with him being a half-orc. Point is, don't look shady.

That aside Ntaj thought about the information Thomas had about the Crimson Death. Ntaj had guessed that it's red tint had something to do with blood. The fact he got most of it spilled onto him when it was slain made it abundantly clear what it was. The fact that it was some sort of elemental did sent a shiver up Ntaj's spine. He had thought elemental took on more contemporary forms, like wind or water elementals. Blood Elementals were too deliberately intimidating. But Ntaj took solace in the fact that he did face against it with courage and inadvertently slay it, so he at least knew they aren't immortal. More importantly was the final bit: these creatures worked alone. With that in mind, Ntaj got to thinking.

There are two types of creatures that live alone: those who constantly migrate, and those who are fiercely territorial. He had no idea which a Blood Elemental was, but if he had to guess it might be the former. He knew nothing about these lands and thus Ntaj has no idea how common the dark arts are here, but surely these undead is a new threat to the land. So unless the dead rising isn't an unusual occurrence in this area, the Crimson Death must have been brought here by the necromancer. So there's a good chance that perhaps they won't fight too many more of those creatures. If they are solitary and migrate, perhaps the necormancer had brought it with him, or just chanced upon it one day. Though it did have a draw back in that the chances of finding it's "compatriots" and following them was slim.

With all this information in mind Ntaj devised a plan. A simple one really, but a plan nonetheless: have the stealthy members of this party watch the graveyard tonight and find out who is digging up these bodies, possibly following them if they're able. Basic scouting tactics. While Ntaj may prefer a more forward approach to these things, he wasn't going to deny the importance of espionage and intelligence. Besides, anyone who relies on the dead to do battle for them are not the type who deserve Ntaj's honor. The dead should be just that: dead. They lost any importance once they lost their final breaths, and by trying to make further use of them one may as well literally be beating the dead horse.

"Very good. Go rest Thomas. Need you strong." Once Thomas was gone Ntaj looked at Nor. Ntaj initially struggled to think what he could say that both gave Nor a clear message of his intent, while at the same time didn't make Ntaj look like a uneducated barbarian. Ntaj certainly didn't know dwarf and his common was spotty at best. Simplicity had it's charms, but if Ntaj was trying to negotiated he really did wish someone else could explain his ideas better. Perhaps Thomas, but he needed to go and Ntaj didn't want to press his luck with the boy. Baby steps for now. So Ntaj simply mustered up some guts and tried to speak concisely and clearly for Nor.

"I... Travel with a big group. We only have... One wagon. Not everyone fits. If you can, maybe we can... Form a-a... Ah... Caravan?" Ntaj's words were rather stilted as he tried to get all the right words together. So far so good, he thinks. "Not for free, of course. I don't have much money, but maybe treasure in this. Magic items or money from the dead. Adventuring, you know. Very risky, but very perfi-profet-prefet... Lots of loot." It was definitely a stretch. While Ntaj generally hears that dwarves were mighty warriors and adventurers, he's never actually met a dwarf who was a fighter or adventurer by profession. And while they were certainly skilled in their crafts that didn't mean they could survive a fight. Not that Ntaj intended for Nor to fight alongside them; he just figured that they could use someone who had their own mode of transportation and were willing to haul some adventurers.

As he spoke to Nor, Ntaj noticed Kyra enter the tavern. She was too far from the table for Ntaj to hear what she said as Ntaj spoke. She just paid for a meal and left the tavern. After seeing Kyra's interaction with Maggie, Ntaj could tell she wasn't the type to trust strangers. It was a good mentality: Ntaj wasn't too paranoid because he was cocky and figured anyone fool enough to try to rob him would just get chopped up. If he actually was careful around people, he'd be richer and wouldn't have ever been sold into slavery. But while Ntaj certainly didn't like Kyra, he also knew that he would be working with her for a while. And like it or not, they'll need to be respectful to one another. But the key to working together wasn't a mutually useful, but communication. Thomas's problem isn't just being long winded, it's that he doesn't deliver his message. Whereas Ntaj simply lacked the finesse with the common language to beat around the bush.

Point was, Ntaj was going to go speak to Kyra and report his findings. He was certain she had a few things she needed to say too, so best that they both get it off their chest here instead of letting things bottle and explode at an inconvenient time. "Excuse me. Got to go outside. Have bread." There was still a few loafs left, but being the old bread they were tasteless and crunchy. Good with soup though. Leaving the others behind Ntaj walked outside, taking a roll of pipeweed out and lighting it with a tinder twig. He took a few buffs from it and let out a jagged ring of smoke into the skies as he approached Kyra. "Hi Kyra. Learn anything?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cyne & Nor

Location: Temple & Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:Yomdi & Ntaj

"But he didn't," Cyneburg interjected. She stepped forward and offered a hand to help her stand back up. Looked like that feeling Cyne had was completely correct. The trend of the craziest sounding old masters being the wisest continued to hold true. She had no idea what he did to create that wind, but evidently sucking out all the bad wind did indeed cure her. Somehow. Perhaps she could learn how to do that with her Control Wind spell? That particular venture was stuck under a mental rock for later investigation.

Nor felt himself get more and more aggravated with each word that came out of Thomas' mouth. It was one thing to essentially talk behind the backs of others right to their faces, but another to also throw in words in common for no discernable reason. He almost leaped across the table to grab that pompous kid by the shoulders, drive him to the ground and then repeatedly slap him in the face saying Speak. The. Language. Everyone. Else. Is. And. Get. To. The. Godsforsaken. Point. But he was a dwarf who prided himself on his relatively short list of criminal charges, and this shitdump was the last place he wanted to add another charge. Then the halfbreed brought up forming a caravan, but left before he could even give him a proper answer. With a scowl plastered on his face, Nor grabbed one of the loaves of bread and crunched down on it. Kids these days.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Yellow Rose Temple -> En Route to the Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern
Interacting With: Sana, Yomdi

GM permission to bunny Sana and Yomdi

Alright, Keystone had to admit that he had some concerns regarding Yomdi's technique. It seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with healing nor diagnosis, appearing more like a series of wild gyrations designed to show off his deceptive vigor and flexibility. To be fair, the broad pugilist was not a Healer. Quite the opposite, he was generally called upon to act in his role as a breaker of bones and crusher of squishier parts of (demi)human anatomy. Still, this was weird. Even for Yomdi.

That concern increased when his friend and former adventuring partner, Sana, was rendered breathless. Her struggle to pull good air into her lungs brought Keystone's concern swiftly to alarm; he in fact had stepped a foot forward to do something rash. He wasn't exactly certain what he intended to do, but there was an emotion associated with obligation that welled up to the surface of his battle-scarred frame. In that second, the Gypsy-Bard received a hard smack from Yomdi and breathed in fresh air. Concern left Keystone's face as he heard Sana's clear voice sound out the first of what might very well be a lengthy series of angry insults. His heart beat a little slower, and mirth found its way into his voice.

"Ah good, she'll be alright then..." mentioned Keystone. The landscape of his thought was that, now that she was strong enough to hurl insult, she was strong enough to recover. Of course, that probably meant she still needed a little time to fully recover, which was likely why the otherwise shameless man felt safe enough to poke a little fun. Sana well rested and at full ability wasn't something to take lightly, even for a bareknuckle specialist like himself.

"Keystone?" she spoke with uncharacteristic calm. Something uncomfortable might be forthcoming. "Don't think we're not discussing this later."

"Aw, Bacon's sake, lady! Had me worried, you did. C'mon, let's get somethin' to drink and sup on, talk 'bout hat we're doin' next, yeah?"

"Sure." Still calm. Damnit. "While we're at it, you're going to tell me how many 'friends' you have in this area, in case something like this happens again."

The Master of the Yellow Rose Temple interjected, "Yes, yes. All friends here! You get the Bad Air again, Yomdi will fix you up, good as new! Better maybe... Yes, yes... no. No, just good as new. But fixed!"

The look on Sana's face was not one of encouragement for Keystone. "Look, Miss Sana, he did fix ya, right? Ain't always sunshine an' candies, now is it?"

Again, Yomdi spoke his peace. "Good! Good. Now, you go. Rest, eat, come back another time. Yomdi will be waiting. Yomdi knows you have questions, many questions. You will have answers, too. But now, go to friends." He crept up to Keystone as he spoke, and rose to full height in front of the man. His right hand raised, first two fingers extended. These he tapped onto the side of the Pugilist's head repeatedly has he continued speaking, "Remember to breathe. Maybe Yomdi can fix you too, young Monk. Help you open what they closed. Yes? Yes. Breathe! Now go."

Thoroughly not understanding what the old man was babbling about, Keystone gave a traditional gesture of respect, bowing slightly while tapping his knuckles together in front of himself. It wasn't exactly how the action was performed in this area, he had come to find out, but it was easily recognized as a comparable gesture nonetheless. "Many thanks, Master Yomdi." He moved to assist Sana. She could likely walk out under her own power, but he hoped that she would not begrudge him a small assist as he placed her arm on his shoulder for balance and moved his hand to the back of her waist. "C'mon then. Let's get back to Kyra an' them."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Yomdi

Well this was very strange thing to witness. Yomdi's way of healing Sana was rather... what was the exact word for it. Satilla struggled to explain it before finally reaching the not so great word to explain it. It was hyper energetic! He was all over the place and for a man who appeared at a certain age, the degree of activity he was displaying was rather impressive... almost too much so. Satilla only wished she was even a fraction of active as him when she was older.

“Ah!!!” She gasps in surprise and horror when the bard was thrown across the hall. He was trying to heal her!? Maybe? Or not? She was confused, but what she did know was that the bard's limp body was a fact. The witch was just about to rush forward to attempt to provide some aid when Yomdi coerced her body into breathing. The voice that came out of Sana's mouth shocked the witch. She sounded normal!” How in the spirits...!?” She witch wondered in confusion, trying to comprehend this.

“Ahh yes... I do have questions...” Satilla confirmed to Yomdi, but he appeared to not be in the mood to answer for some reason as he was just telling them to leave. The witch wasn't going to complain about it though, maybe she'd get a chance to rest now. She simply complied and walked after Sana and Keystone.' Those two will end up an item. If they aren't already.' She thought to herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Magnus Arhakaine

Location: The Crossed Swords
Interacting With: Nor, Ntaj, and Thomas

Magnus ignored the bread Ntaj had offered, instead settling for a long sip of his ale. Wasn’t so long ago that he’d had lunch, and he’d barely done anything to make a dent on the food that was already in his belly. You’re not getting much of anything done here, Maggie-boy. Speaking to these adventurers hadn’t provided any real progress with his investigations, which was more than a touch annoying considering he had to deal with the boorish huntress and the needlessly verbose mage. You’d think he’d have more to show for himself after completing those trials.

The swordsman retrieved his pipe and lit up another smoke before looking at his newest dwarven companion under his brows.

“Strange bunch, eh? ”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago


Location: Cross Swords Tavern
Interacting With: Njat, Keystone, Sana, And So Forth.

Kyra picked at her food and eventually slid over the bowl to Ash; to which he ate contently. There wasn't anything wrong with it, it was just that the woman was worried about her childhood friend. She was of half a mind to go over to the temple and see what the hold up was but her thoughts were derailed by Njat showing up. She looked up at him and cocked a brow. "I learned enough," she said before standing up and dusting herself off.

"Though I have nothing to share with you right now," she stated frankly as her eyes drifted back towards the door of the tavern. She didn't know what he had talked about with the man she had "met" earlier but she wasn't risking anything right then. The man presented himself as if he had information but had sat down in a tavern to talk with the people she was traveling with instead of reporting to the local Constable. That didn't sit right with her. Now someone who barely said anything to her was trying to ask her questions. She wasn't sharing anything with him yet. He had proven himself a good fighter but trustworthy? That had yet to be built.

"Kyra," Sana said from behind, causing Kyra to spin around. The hardened cold ranger actually smiled and quickly ran over to the group. Wrapping her arm around Sana and hugging her tightly. It was a rare show of emotion from the woman but it only caused Sana to chuckle.

"You're okay?!" Kyra asked quickly as she let her go. Noting that Sana had returned the hug but was still leaning against Keystone.

"Tired, hungry but yes, fine. How I don't know, thought that lunatic was killing me..." Sana said before looking over towards Keystone.

"What?" Kyra asked confused.

"It's a long story..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern
Interacting With: Sana, Kyra

Wrangling Sana toward the Inn wasn't a really difficult task. She was wiry and strong, but Keystone was a very large, physically sculpted individual. Helping a moderately pissed off Bard get around was a cinch. The occasional looks from townsfolk were stared down with pressing, silent intimidation in short order; their demeanor even served to clear the path of what few people tarried before them. In truth, some of them probably heard rumors of the Chi-infused hindquarter blast from a week prior and, quickly placing 2 and √4 together, didn't want to hang too close around the scarred monolith of a man.

Even if Keystone's more recent reputation wasn't sufficient to make the locals wary, the mere sight of the two of them, battle and road weary, damaged armor and scarred from countless rips and burns of careers spent doing things common folk could not fully comprehend, wearing looks of grim determination - it was more than enough to convince anyone in that town catching sight of them to give a clear berth. They rounded the side of the Crossed Swords, oddly to catch sight of Kyra's back, standing near Ntaj.

The unexpected emotional response from Kyra took Keystone by surprise. Not enough to back away from the two women embracing; such an act would leave Sana unsupported. But he did reflexively tense his core muscles, halfway anticipating some manner of assault forthcoming. Lucky for him, it was just sisterly concern. He felt a bit like an interloper now, not moving away. But they'd have to deal with his presence for the meantime.

Sana's tactless (but rather accurate) concern that Yomdi was trying to do her in prompted a response. "What? Ain't a long story, really. Master what runs the Yellow Rose Temple 'ad a look at our girl, did a bit o' Monk-y business, and now she's tops, more or less." Keystone's choice of makeshift vocabulary aside, his prominent underclass accent probably wasn't doing wonders for his credibility. "But me an' her's in agreement 'bout that first part. I could do with a big meal and a pitcher of ale. If'n you lovelies want, food an' first round's on me. I'm wantin' Cremmy's silver out m'coinsack fair quick, y'understand."

He gave a second of thought, glancing down at himself and at his companions. In a slightly more businesslike tone, he spoke again. "Right. We're also gonna want to rest, repair, an' provision, as we can. Been in a number of tussles with the Undead, I 'ave. There might be a quiet spot whilst they sharpen their sharps and get reinforcements, but whoever's in charge ain't gonna stop 'til they get what they're after or they're painful convinced to change their mind."

"I'm gonna need someone can fix up my coat. Leatherworker or armorer, likely. And I need to restock my nonperishables and road eats. We'd be wise to get an exit plan, 'cause we're like to need it. Sana, I'm helping you inside. I suggest we all get behind a wall and 'ave a chat."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:Magnus

"That's what ye get with most adventurin' groups, lad. Buncha weirdos and outcasts trompin around together, drawin attention from just how wyrd they be. Reckon that if ye aren't either of those two things ye wouldn't be muckin about with fighting monsters and traveling all the time." Nor took another bite out of the bland, crunchy bread and eyed the newcomers to the tavern who happened to be the people that had left just a short while ago. The only marked change was that the broad the big guy was carrying was now on her feet. Wherever they ended up going must have fixed her major malfunction.

However, the big one's mention of there being potentially another undead attack soon and this was a still before the quake made the dwarf grumble a bit. Now he'd have to make sure Dorka was properly protected, get out his fighting gear from his cart and possibly get in that highly effective, but also hot and heavy armor. It was all such a pain in the ass, especially since he might be gone before any such undead attack would occur. That was one more reason to hate this dangleberry of a town.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Crossed Sword Tavern
Actions: Hanging around Kyra, Keystone, Sana, and anyone else nearby.

"Okay?" Ntaj said slightly confused. He could get that Kyra wasn't interested in talking to Maggie for being a stranger, but she seemed oddly reserved with him. Granted it's not as if Ntaj and Kyra were friends, but Ntaj didn't travel with them these past three days because he was lost. Any time Ntaj could have just broken off from the group to go his own way, and indeed if he was truly the cowardly sort he wouldn't have even risked his life when they were attacked by the undead. He had hope that maybe their first battle would have cemented that he was a loyal one, but evidently Kyra's paranoia was stronger than that. "So... What? Just follow you?" Ntaj wasn't sure just how much of a leader Kyra saw herself as. Frankly if she's the only one who knows what's going on, everyone would have to follow her by default. Otherwise they'd have to work off limited knowledge and theory like Ntaj does. Which was fine if he was doing this himself, but less of an idea when you're somewhat responsible for the lives of others.

Or maybe Kyra doesn't care about their lives either. She's certainly shown the attitude for that kind of thinking. Before Ntaj could question any further Sana and Keystone had returned. Surprising Ntaj, Kyra quickly left him to embrace Sana. So maybe Kyra wasn't so heartless, though Ntaj just figured that Sana and Kyra had a history together. Really, this entire quest seemed more focused around the trio of Sana, Kyra, and Keystone, with everyone else just a random passerby lending aid however they can. Ntaj wasn't sure how to feel about that. On one hand Ntaj really had no stake in this; he could leave this village and everything behind with a clean conscious. But on the other hand, the only thing keeping him here was his curiosity. The company, the reward, even the threat itself wasn't really enough to keep Ntaj here.

Rubbing his head Ntaj had a lot to think about. Whatever force was keeping this group together was nonexistent. Ntaj may as well try his hand at getting some of these fellas together and pursue this quest on their own if Kyra wanted to keep secrets. But first, rest. Ntaj walked back inside of the tavern and ordered himself another round of food, putting down the appropriate amount of money on the counter. He was going to need the energy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: Cross Swords Tavern
Interacting With: The crew!

The walk back over to the tavern was calm... as calm as it could be considering the situation. Luckily the eyes of the town's people were mostly drawn towards the big burly man carrying the bard, so Satilla was comfortably away from the sight of people. She just smiled, thinking really hard on the question if Sana and Keystone were going to be in a relationship before long. All evidence pointed towards that resolution. It wasn't a bad thing really, those two seemed oddly suiting each other for whatever reason.

When they arrived at the tavern, Satilla took a breath of relief, it was time for a meal and rest! The two best things she could have had. Her eyes turned big like pancakes when Keystone stated food was on him! She almost wished to hug him... almost. This was great news, especially since she was kind of lacking on the money part. She hadn't been in an adventure for a while since she mostly made her living as a healer and she hasn't healed anyone for money in a while.

“I'm going to need to resupply on healing herbs to make salves and potions off, but considering the situation there probably won't be any to sell at this place.” Satilla stated, looking around the tavern.” We'd better get more stronger alcohol and some wine in this case. Alcohol we could use to desinfect wounds while wine to boost the body's condition. A glass of wine at night's good for the body. Helps the blood flow and other things.” The witch explained.” But we should stock up on bandages at the very least.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords Tavern/Bar/Adventurer's hub.
Interacting with: No One.

The conversation went on, rather tersely, by the time things were dwindling down, and Thomas was just beginning to bade his way to meditations. Kyra had left sometime, and Ntaj seemed keen on following her. The other two patrons of the bar were considerate enough, but had added nothing of what they knew. The swordsman being all the least helpful, or perhaps he didn't quite grasp what sort of trouble a crimson death was. Or explosive skeletons.

Although Thomas did have concerns of another attack, one where explosive skeletons would cause for more concern in this setting. Which was why he had planned to take a moment to prepare his spells, hopefully he would be able to get five Voids in, but perhaps it was best he consult his charts and look to the skies for a forecast if there would be celestial light or not before settling on using The Voids. Using that spell in the presence of light made it friendly to allies. Useful for pulling back an enemy from reaching an ally, or for preventing an escape. Satilla's comment about herbs and potionry did perk Thomas up from his considerations however, and despite the slight buzz he may be under, Thomas did saunter back over when she spoke of requiring stronger alcohol.

And with that, Thomas scurried to his purchased shared room, and his meditation began in the darkness of a roof, the blackness of the cosmos set to counterbalance all that is lit. For without darkness there would be no rest from the light, and all would be seared blind by the beauty above. Maybe this time they'd stop to interrogate the enemy, because any brute can go around killing things, but necromancers had plenty of materials lying around...

All they needed to do was to cast the spell that would dig a hole in the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Cross Swords Tavern (Kyra heading towards Apothecary, Sana still outside)
Interacting With: Njat, Keystone, Sana, And So Forth.

Kyra glanced over at Njat and cocked a brow. She had never asked him to follow her, not once. He had come into her camp, joined those with her. No one asked him to join or to follow. He just did. Why in the hell should she trust him just because they shared a fight together? Enemy of my enemy is my friend - While the battle is going. Since then he hadn't done anything to gain trust from her. Not doing something bad didn't mean that you were good. It wasn't that she thought Njat was bad anyways, she just wasn't seeing anything that was proving to her he was A) very bright or B) very trustworthy. Maybe it was by no fault of his own, maybe he was just naive. Thing was that could get people killed and until proven otherwise she wasn't sharing shit with him.

"Follow, leave. Don't care. Never asked you to follow. You tagged along. Breaking bread with someone who has already presented himself as one that can't be trusted makes me not trust you. Simple as that. So no, I won't be telling you anything until you earn my trust. Don't like it, don't care."

As Kyra was answering Njat, Sana was just watching and cocking a brow. Something was under her old friends skin that was for sure. Kyra was hard but she was usually not this short with people. Kyra turned and listened to Keystone, her own brow raising and then shaking her head.

"Maybe I shouldn't have asked," she said before looking over towards Satilla. The woman needed supplies, that was to be expected. The healer had gone through a lot tending to Sana.

"It's growing close to dark so the shops will be closing soon. We don't need to be caught without. Satilla, could you go and restock at the local apothecary?" she asked as she reached down into her leather coin purse attached to her belt. Pulling out a few coins and several gemstones she handed them over.

"Probably best if you just buy what you need and maybe some restocks for the rest of us that are staying as well? I would but you know this stuff better than me and well, I should help get Sana inside."

"Kyra, I'm fine. Really. Just hungry and tired. Keystone has me, you go on with Satilla." Sana chimed in, which got her an odd look from Kyra. Sighing Sana patted her friend on the shoulder with one hand before pulling her in for a light hug. "Just go get your pale ass supplies, if anything happens, you can kill someone later," she said before letting go and motioning towards the tavern around the corner.

"Come on, food and drink and a damn bath..." she grunted as she she leaned again Keystone for support. She was doing better but she wasn't as strong as she wanted to be. Seeing Njat go back inside she figured she would talk to him but without Kyra around. Something was up but she could find out more as the evening passed.

"Fine... Shall we?" Kyra grumbled as she looked over towards Sat before starting to move towards the Apothecary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Magnus Arhakaine

Location: The Crossed Swords
Interacting With: Nor

The Dwarf’s comments received a spluttered laugh from Magnus. Weirdoes and outcasts. Little fellow had hit the nail dead on the head. The swordsman wiped his sleeve across his mouth before taking another puff upon his pipe.

“Ain’t that the truth?” he chuckled. “I probably qualify for both categories. Unfortunately, the way this place is shaping up, I’m unlike to get any monsters to fight anytime soon. Shame, too. That’s the best part of the job.” He was only half joking too. Sometimes a man just wanted to fight something. You could only take so much fruitless searching of graveyards, pointless interrogations, and insults from ashen haired huntresses, until your ire starts a’building, and your knuckles start itching. He couldn’t go hitting old men, or bad tempered adventuresses – no matter how badly she has it coming – so he was left hoping that some crinkly nasty came a’knocking, just so he could alleviate some of this aggravation. Chance would be a fine thing.

“So, master Dwarf. I came to Salarn cause I’m halfway between a weirdo and an outcast. What brings you to this lovely hamlet. Can’t imagine there’s much call for a barber way out here, or at least not more call than there is in the more civilised parts of the world.”

Striking up a conversation with Nor seemed like the simplest thing to do with his time while waiting for Ntaj to finish his second mammoth meal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:Magnus

"Like army life without the structure." Nor commented, still chewing the bread, now in a bit less of an aggressive manner. Being able to understand what the other party of a conversation is saying was a great boon in calming down. Aside from that, although he was quite young and stupid the kid seemed like he had his wits about him. Now for any supposed skill with the blade? That had to be seen later. Folks that talked a lot about wanting to fight rarely had anything to back up their stated desires.

"I'm just passin' through, really. Currently on me way eo Rosthead to take care of some other business. And since I'm travelin' why not bring me trade with me? I can make a decent amount of pocket change and get me affairs sorted at the same time. Two drow with one arrow if ye will. Did nae expect te come across such a sorry state of affairs in this town. Had heard it was a bit livelier than this when I was comin through from the North."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern
Interacting With: Sana

"Right. C'mon, then." remarked Keystone, after seeing Kyra walk off in search of whatever this town could provide. He put a more supportive arm around Sana and resumed leading her into the Inn. "Got a room with a bath waitin', but I'm guessin' you'll be after food first." As he continued, Keystone craned his neck about as best he could, given the circumstances. "...thought we had someone else with us..." he muttered.

Keystone nudged open the door to the Inn proper and half supported, half led Sana to a nearby table. He wasn't particular anout where, so long as it was near a wall and had a good view of the doorway. Helping to settle her in, he plunked two silver coins onto the tabletop and called out to whomever was behind the bar, "Ay! Need food (decent stuff), water, and ale, yeah? Plenty of what you got. And let me know when that room an' bath're ready.

He probably would have done well to add some sort of grunt or notion of appreciation, but social niceties weren't extremely high on his "to do" list. Maybe he could tip well, or get to it later. Either way, bigger things were weighing on his mind right at that moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: Towards Apothecary!
Interacting With: The crew!

Kyra's request came as little surprise to the witch, it was reasonable considering the whole situation. What she was more glad about was the fact the other woman gave her some money to buy those supplies they needed with.” Thank you, I will try to restock as best I can.” She replied, carefully taking the money and putting it away in her bag for safekeeping with Skittles the cat. Anyone not here trying to get it and would have their hands all torn up by it's nasty little razor sharp claws! When Sana requested Kyra help her with the stocking up on supplies, a stone fell of her chest. The ranger woman would be of great help. Since she can also intimidate merchant into not inflating prices as much!

“They will probably sell at inflated prices, but I have my way about medicine ingredients shopping.” The witch smiled, her fatigue sort of being pushed aside by the relaxing sensation of not having to figure out a hundred or so ways to circumvent lack of medication as she had to do a few times in the past when she was dead broke from helping people and them not really able to properly repay her with money. How many times she took stuff like jars of preserves or other such things is payment, she lost track of.

“Alright, lets.” She agreed and quickly moved to keep up with Kyra. Medical supplies were of most urgency for adventurers and in the situation with undead hordes roaming about, they'd need to keep at best health as possible and not allow any deaths!

“Prices of healing potions will probably have increased at least by half at best... chances are good they'd be twice and perhaps even more the original price.” Satilla stated to Kyra.” Also they'd be on limited supply with the undead attacks... I propose we focus on herbs and other ingredients mainly with potions being secondary in this case.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Salarn
Actions: Wandering around

Ntaj returned to the table with Maggie and Nor. They seem to have been having some conversation but Ntaj didn't pay too much attention to it. He sat quietly with a mug before more food was brought over; another pot of the same stew and bread, but these were fresh. Less than the stale basket Ntaj had brought the first time, but still plentiful for those at the table. Ntaj ate quite a bit, however he didn't finish all of it, leaving the rest to Nor, Maggie, and really anyone else who who wanted to pick off his plate. He was quite full. "Ntaj go rest." Pushing his plate aside Ntaj left and headed out of the tavern.

Outside Ntaj was about to take out another roll of pipeweed before he realized he was down to two more rolls. Snarling he held back the urge and just started walking around the the village. He was still thinking about what Kyra said. Fortunately she kept her sentences short and simple enough that he understood pretty much all of it. Kyra didn't trust them. Probably didn't want him around either. Or any of them for that matter. If that was the case, then Ntaj would have to consider leaving soon. He'd still help, but maybe not with her. If he was he'd need to go get some more information. But who to ask? Probably the town guard or their equivalent. Surely this place had a militia. Assuming that the undead intends to attack this village sometime tonight, it may be in their best interest to be aware of it. So Ntaj went off to find a guard or some such.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords Tavern/Bar/Adventurer's hub/Inn/ Not the Dancing Donkey.
Interacting with: No One? Hopefully.

Fear all data madness twists,
For all that matters this;
unnamed stars in waiting dream,
unaimmed stirs in waking deem:
From such the master exists.

Three spheres:
One which shakes, cold as ice.
One which pulses, dark as night.
One which turns, hot as fire.
Fractals into infinity, a glimpse,
Halls of mirrors as worlds into other realms.
Some younger, some older, some warmer, some colder,
And from these spheres Thomas.

Thomas the child, the innocent one shivering the cruel world.
Pale and waning, wasting away as his pallor deepens the white.
Hide. Away with you my shadow, no longer be afraid.
Thomas the man, the bumbling fool traveling the open road.
Tanned and hearty, marching away into the horizon smiling white.
Go. Away with you my reflection, no longer be rash.
Thomas the elder, the pretentious monk watching the death itself.
Dry and cutting, thinking away the many pages white.
Fade. Away with you my ego, no longer be alone.

What good are friends? The Elder asked of me,
Why proceed with caution? The Man inquired,
How can one be brave? The Child implored.
I have no answers, only the words of my master.
For the experience, he would say.
And I became his parrot.

For friend are more than sack of gold and flesh,
More so than blood and silver or soul and gems,
And so too was foresight and courage.
And with experience come all three,
Or perhaps with all three experience.

Then all the mirrors shattered, splintering like raindrops in the grey skies above. Shards of glass fell upon my body. Though I could not hear the breaking, I could every pinprick entering my skin. The burden heavy the darkness my eyes see became light. A part of me died, released with a fragment of what was, and like a butterfly or moth it flew. Liberated from the darkness into the light. One spark returned, and then I shall join my brethren above. And yet...

A glimpse into the young meditative mind, caught between this world and the next. He had done it many times before, but never could he find each experience the same. Sometimes they were more dreamlike, and yet till grounded in reality. This one in particular was determined for Thomas to confront himselves. The three different natures which debated inside like a raging fire or rolling avalanche. But Thomas has time, he had many more years ahead of him to figure everything out...

Like if he should continue on travelling with the company. No, no, don't bring them into this semi-lucid meditative state. Perhaps Satilla and Ntaj, but certainly not the trio... Because if you die in your meditation, do you die in reality as well? Or was waking in itself an illusion such that this false reality was truly the genuine article?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Cross Swords Tavern (Sana finally inside) - Apothecary (Kyra inside, Ash outside)
Interacting With: Various

Magnus seemed to have enough of conversation for the evening. He tossed a few coins on the table to pay for his meal and got a room for the evening before heading up the stairs and that was that. (I'm too damn tired to come up with better LOL) Now that was taken care of one one of the local tavern wenches came over and gathered the coins, pocketing them in her apron before gathering up the empty dishes and leaving Njat's there. She wasn't sure if he was done or not and he didn't exactly look like the type that would take well to someone taking his food. Granted even if he did she wouldn't have taken it.

"Another one of Kyra's rescues darlin'?" she asked Njat as she wiped down the table and refilled the ales and meads. She had been there in the tavern when Kyra had come back with Lob - another Half Orc. She had gotten him out of a prison cell and nearly slaughtered Marcus, the towns constable, for the treatment Lob had received while in custody. It had been the talk of the town for two days after they had left to go north. She shrugged slightly as he left and then picked up the plate. "Anything else for you?" she asked Nor.

"Yeah, probably a good idea," Sana said as she leaned against Keystone and let him help her into the tavern finally. Cocking a brow Sana motioned over towards Cyneberg. "We still do." Craning her neck a bit she looked over towards Cyneberg. "Gonna come with us or go restock with the others?" she asked but left it open as she walked carefully inside.

Looking around the tavern she spotted Njat leaving the table, as well as someone else she didn't know. She hadn't seen a dwarf in sometime. Last one she had seen was Shela and that woman was an odd ball even for a dwarf. Granted Sana couldn't help but wonder how much better the fight would have gone if they had had that spike armored hellion with them.

"Over there with the others I guess," she said as she pointed towards the table. She half wondered where Thomas was but didn't think much of it. He seemed to let his mind wander as much as his words. Maybe he had turned in for the night or simply left. Shrugging she went over to the table and sat down. Letting out a tired sigh as she did.

"Aye, what can I get fer ya lass?" the wench that had been talking to Nor asked.

"Nothing I have to chew," she said flatly.

"Well then no stew," the woman chuckled and Sana groaned. Rolling her eyes she looked over towards Keystone.

"Could you please talk that Tavern Owner into letting you into the kitchen? I don't think I can handle pig slop tonight," Sana asked Keystone as she pulled her pack from her shoulder and let it drop on the floor. Glancing over at the dwarf she smiled half way. "Did you come along while I was half dazed these last few days?" she asked, still not really sure if they had picked this one up along the way or not. It had been a long last few days. Why she had chosen to sit there even though Thomas was no where to be seen and Njat had left the tavern.

Kyra nodded towards Satilla as she caught up. "Yeah, probably. Don't worry we will get what you need. Not gonna let some fucking war profiteer cause us anymore trouble. We already had fall out cause of one asshat," Kyra said under her breath as she stalked on her way.

Stopping she turned and eyed Satilla. "Listen, I don't trust many people. Never had a reason to. You are one of the few that I think I can trust a little bit. You know because of what you did for Sana. So, thanks," she said before turning and going into the Apothecary. Ash had been trotting along with them, padded in a circle before he sat down by the front door.

Inside an older man was standing there behind the counter picking at his nails when he heard the bell above the door ring. Looking up he smiled. "So, what can I do for you?"

"Not rip me off for starters," Kyra stated flatly.

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