Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FrankenDaughter
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FrankenDaughter Land Child

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eh, screw it. Final character sheets go on the character page anyway. Everyone please let me know if all of this is hunkydori. Character images are usually the last think I look for and I'd prefer to write out a physical description, but if you still want a few samples I can dive into google for a bit.

Also... uh... I only just realized that swearing might not be acceptable overall so I edited 95% of the dialogue I gave Paulie. Was that the right choice? I tried to do some research about profanity here and couldn't find a proper link on the guide to moderation policy for that.


Alexandra Pauline Cooper

Character Image Pending
"Everywhere I've tried to live always winds up being under somebody's thumb. I just want to feel like I can wake up someday soon and know that isn't true. Is that really what we were trying to work towards tonight? Because if not, screw you Simon, and screw your stupid One Saturday Morning bad guy team too." - Poet, to Simon, after carrying out her last mission for Dark Shadow the previous summer

Name: Paulie "Poet" Cooper
Gender F
Age: 27
Alignment - Dark Shadow - Doubting
To Paulie, The Guild is just another good idea with a hierarchy that doesn't have the best interests of its people in mind. Dark Shadow might exceed her means and sound like a terrorist cell plucked from a Hollywood blockbuster, but the most realistic outcome of its success is clear; instability wide enough for nicer people to make a real difference and be heard in the community--a true reform.
Rank within Organisation - Member
Poet... has established a reputation for getting things done. Her abilities are nothing so fancy as what people read about in storybooks, but guns can even the odds in magical combat just fine. Poet's skills lie more in never having to fight in the first place. If not for what have been obvious loyalty issues she'd probably be captaining her own cell. She's a valuable infiltrator. No one's certain she can be anything more yet.

Birthmark Shape: the silhouette of what looks from most angles like a pair of glasses, about four inches long and two inches high.
Location of Birthmark: Just above her left knee along the inside of her thigh.
Magical Abilities
-Tongues: Manifesting at a very young age was Paulie's ability to understand and speak/write any language she encounters. It is a gift many have mistaken for mere heightened lingual aptitude but it extends much farther. Poet can intuit ciphers at a glance, draw concrete conclusions about local graffiti, and even parse and replicate contrived dialects like twin if she hears a single syllable or sees only fragments of writing/iconography.
-Suggest Absence: Her true power manifested during her first years of puberty. Paulie can seem to be invisible to people. This ability can manifest in multiple ways, but only one way at any given time.
    ---Latent Blank: Anyone who can see Paulie doesn't see her in their direct vision. She can still be seen in reflections (but Blank doesn't fade unless they directly notice Paulie), and anyone looking through multi-lense (telescopics, flash cameras) or digital instruments (phone cameras etc). Once a person sees her this way, they are immune to the effects of Latent Blank for a long time. Paulie has no knowledge of when someone has overcome this ability, but she knows every way to circumvent it and can often guess when the jig is up or she's unlikely to really evade people this way.
    ---Controlled Blank: As long as Paulie concentrates, any surveillance equipment (digital cameras, motion sensors, laser detection, physical photography etc.) she can see or knows the field of view for. This requires enough concentration that Paulie can't use any other magic (Tongues won't function alongside Controlled Blank). Paulie always knows when this ability fails, including when it doesn't work at all. When there are too many devices to obstruct, say, ten cameras observing a vacant lot, the ability can't function when called on. Device limit is up to the GM and may vary depending on the size of the space Paulie is trying to Blank through, i.e. in a ten foot corridor, Paulie might be able to Blank two dozen separate pieces of equipment; in Tiananmen square, she might be able to Blank three cameras at best.
    ---Selective Blank: As long as Paulie concentrates, she can choose exactly one person to be unable to perceive her with any senses other than touch or by any external means. Selective Blank includes reflexively manipulating devices and even magics so that they can't find her. She can only use this on a person she can see, and once it is active she can concentrate on it indefinitely. Once she stops concentrating, she has to see the person again to Blank them again. The only trump for this ability is for whoever she's targeting to have a mommet of her hair, a small sample of her blood, or some other similar totem of her flesh to focus on. Paulie has no knowledge of when someone has overcome this ability. Most importantly, Paulie has no idea that this ability can be overcome.

Note: Concentration can be broken by pain intense enough to cause shock, falling unconscious, or chemical inmbalances from drugs, alcohol, sugar rushes, etc.

Non-Magical Abilities: Paulie has a fair amount of practice on firing ranges with pistols and a small amount with conventional shotguns. She also has a hobbyist's understanding of Tai-Chi (she has played recreational Push-Hands for fifteen years). She supplements any combat she engages in with Blanking, to deadly effect when she intends to kill.

Place of Birth: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Present Residence: A home van: currently just a few hours out of New York City, and heading in at the beginning of this story.

Personality: Paulie is a happy soul with an acerbic exterior.

Apathetic toward society - "Life is sacred, nothing else. Screw your church, screw your money, screw your car, and screw your stupid freaking phone. Buy me a drink, I'll roll you a joint, and we'll have a good day."
Hopeful - "What are you apologizing for? You're not a jerk and you're not an infant. Don't sweat the small stuff. Be better. You usually are."
Generous - "I attend Earthskills festivals because it's the only work I've done that feels like it truly makes a difference in people's lives and my own. You should attend one sometime, maybe get some work-trade in. Want I should shoot you an e-mail?"
Anarchic - "That crap doesn't work. Once enough people get an idea how to manipulate other people they'll always have more attention at their disposal. You miss things, other people see opportunity and just take advantage, and the schemers walk away with whatever means the most power at the time. Tax evasion, stock markets, ponsy schemes... they're all symptoms of a flawed system. Education is about giving other people the means to exercise enough attention to not be victims. Fuck that shit. The system is fixed. We need to break it. Education should be about giving people the means to reject it."
Vengeful - "Marcie's one of my best friends from that town, and she was so excited about giving her virginity to Atticus. I was really happy for her too--it's sweet if you care about that sort of thing. Everybody needs a couple of beliefs. When word got out how things went down and that he'd told her to 'Bite the pillow and take it like a champ?' Yeah. Atticus doesn't get to come to Green Gravel Gathering, and if he shows up there he won't leave with both of his testicles I swear to god."

History/Bio: Paulie was born into a large, non-magical family during late November of 1989. Her parents were liberal arts advocates in the community, her father a faculty member at what would eventually become the Chattanooga Center for Creative Arts magnet school and her mother a singer/guitarist who would go on three month tours around every other year, and Paulie grew up the youngest of six siblings, nine years apart. Her early childhood was privilaged and comfortable, but around six years of age her talent for language began to manifest. At first her parents accepted this as a fortunate aptitude, encouraging her studies and delighting in each stride she made. By age eleven she could speak French, Spanish, Mandarin, and had developed a particular love of Latin American Portuguese.

but Paulie's eldest sister was the first to notice how extraordinary her abilities were. Paulie had stayed up with Sasha one evening while Sasha was watching a Run, Lola, Run, a german film, subtitles off, for her deutsch studies. At first Paulie just seemed fascinated by the visual spectacle, but when Paulie started asking Sasha pointed questions about the dialogue, Sasha became suspicious and deduced that Paulie was a polyglot. It was the only explanation--Paulie had never expressed an interest in learning deutsch.

After Sasha exposed Paulie to the rest of her family, they were both delighted and concerned. Her parents used their influence to contact local linguists, but wound up drawing the exact wrong sort of attention. A local Guild agent responsible for maintaining their anonymity in the southeastern United States. He was a powerful mentalist, and his investigation into her abilities meant the end of her normal life. Alongside other Guild agents, Paulie was abducted, her history and the memories everyone had of her erased, and relocated in a remote area of West Virginia, where she was forced to remain while she was educated about Magic and The Guild.

Her caretaker was a radical anarchist but, paradoxically, a fervent believer in The Guild's methods and goals. In short, a mageocrat. She grew into adolescence with a benevolent but strict and often times physically and mentally abusive teacher. Ultimately, their relationship grew too toxic, as he began succumbing to a blooming opioid addiction and was unable to care for her as a growing teenager and himself as a person. This coincided with her mastery of Blanking. At the age of seventeen, she executed a careful plan of escape that took advantage of the guild's reluctance to share records with non-magical beurocracies and her caretaker's newfound incapability. She hasn't seen or heard from her caretaker since, and has never returned to West Virginia.

Paulie's adult life is a carefully controlled cycle of espionage and hermitage. 'Pauline Cooper' is a well known member of most circles in the Earthskills Gatherings community, and enjoys friendships with a cast of characters throughout the eastern United States from all walks of life. To the normal world she is a political activist, an environmentalist, a dirty, dumpster-diving hippie, and a self-made scholar of music and political history. To the magical society, 'Poet' is a rather mundane urban legend known throughout eastern North America. To the Guild, 'Alexandra Cooper' is a wanted defector whose activities seem dangerously visible to the more radical isolationists among them. What The Guild intends to do with or to her if she is found is largely up to the cell that finds her. Intentions vary widely.

Paulie's three years of dealings with Dark Shadow largely extend from her direct interactions with with one of her best friends and current sexual partners. Simon MacCaffrey is a prodigious telekinetic based in Queens whom Paulie met during a debauched bender at Lightning In A Bottle. Paulie is in love with Simon and has considered the possibility of settling down for the first time in her life. It would be a huge compromise for her to make given how much pride and comfort she takes in her freedom to travel and the ties she has all over the continent. Simon does genuinely care about her, but since the beginning of their relationship has been instructed to play her for her powers of Suggestion. He is secretly fanatically invested in Dark Shadow and will do his best to keep Paulie from getting in their way if she becomes troublesome. He would not hesitate to kill her, but he would have to be ordered to directly by a superior.

Paulie doesn't know that Dark Shadow is engaged in violent activities nor that they are intent on doing more than merely subverting and destabilizing The Guild. She carried out what she feels are several harmless infiltration missions in New York City. These were done during the summer months when she is most reluctant to travel. Last year Paulie struck a particularly harsh blow by inciting a drug raid that resulted in the arrests of two Guild members and their cell of non-magical sympathizers. The repercussions of the event lead to the first time she'd ever questioned Dark Shadow's goals. If she found out that all of the people she'd framed had been quietly executed behind closed doors, it would break her heart.

Currently, Paulie has three hours left on her return to New Yourk City. She is excited to see Simon again and needs to take her van to a mechanic for what she suspects will be an expensive job replacing her transmission. Simon has hinted that this visit could mean a lot for her advancement within Dark Shadow.

Name: Rose Miller
Relationship - Cold - Unacquainted
Characters opinion of them: Everybody. Knows. Rose. If they don't know her, they know about her, and her reputation is spotless. Paulie's opinion of any member The Guild is heavily influenced by her memories of her abduction and the spiral of addiction and abuse her caretaker exposed her to, something she sees as a product of Guild paranoia and not her caretaker's personal flaws. To Paulie, Rose is a diamond in the rough, but corrupted by her fixture in The Guild as its figurehead. How could she not be? None the less, Paulie's heard enough that she would be willing to give Rose the benefit of the doubt of she met her in person--a courtesy she can't say she'd extend to any other member of The Guild right now.

Name: Aloysius Leighton
Relationship - Warm - Unacquainted.
Characters opinion of them: Simon MacCaffrey is the most senior member of Dark Shadow that Paulie knows at present. He and the three or four others seem almost apologetic about the name of the organization. Simon claims to have met the leader of Dark Shadow and seems to think highly of him, a fact that colors Paulie's own opinion. Simon even thinks that Dark Shadow's leader and Paulie would seriously hit it off, and Simon's been right about such things before.

Name: Olivia Turner
Relationship - Warm - Acquainted
Characters opinion of them: Paulie was the magic user responsible for saving Olivia's life. She incapacitated the first two muggers while Blanked, but had to use Selective Blank to incapacitate the third mugger, who had seen her reflection in a window. This allowed Olivia to see Paulie as if she appeared out of thin air. Olivia could only see Paulie for a few brief moments before Paulie used Selective Blink on her and Olivia felt herself being carried by some unseen force to the bus stop. It seemed to Paulie that Olivia was in a bad enough way that she truly needed medical attention, and she stayed long enough to be sure Olivia was picked up by an ambulance before leaving, unseen by anyone.

This... isn't the first time Paulie has anonymously saved someone from one misfortune or another, although it's definitely the only time she's saved someone else's life. She's developed a queer fascination with the people she saves, and on her visits to New York City she sometimes uses her powers to stalk Olivia for a day or two, going so far as to crash in her living room without ever being seen. Olivia never saw Paulie after the incident.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 17 days ago

I am currently working on a character sheet but was curious if @Stormflyx would mind if Olivia Turner's character might've been saved by a magic user that is also a PC in the story?

Totally fine with that and hoped it might happen!

Just run it past GM

And sorrrrry @jakeb1993 I haven't had much time to get round to this but I have a long layover at the airport this evening so will knuckle down on my post then!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 8 days ago

@FrankenDaughter That CS looks amazing. Unless @codex has any issues, then it is approved.

In terms of pictures, just a single one will do, just to help people who can't visualise very well.

In terms of swearing, it is OK. I don't mind it, as long as every sentence doesn't include a swear.

@Stormflyx It's OK. I don't mind waiting, right now we are still in the accepting stage.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FrankenDaughter
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FrankenDaughter Land Child

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

CS subbed. Obviously if codex needs me to change anything, that can be done.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by codex
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@FrankenDaughter I have no problems with it, very interested to see how your character develops.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FrankenDaughter
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FrankenDaughter Land Child

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

To be clear, we're all open to make prologue posts while we're still getting more people together?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 8 days ago

@FrankenDaughter Yes feel free :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FrankenDaughter
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FrankenDaughter Land Child

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Are we still interested in trying to drum up participation?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by codex
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 8 days ago

@FrankenDaughter If you could drum up support i would appreciate it. I am liking where this going, and also: Great first post!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, well, well....

Color me interested.

And y'all can thank @FrankenDaughter for showing interest in EC for me finding this little gem. I'd never have stumbled across it otherwise.

Before I even begin on a CS submission, however, I'd like to know:

  • How powerful are you willing to allow? Or shall we play it by ear?
  • I may have overlooked it, but was there any age limitations?
  • Do you have any specific power types you'd prefer be avoided. I.e. time control, matter manipulation, etc etc
  • Again, forgive me if I overlooked this, but while this is set in present day, are we using legitimate present day technology all around, like robotics and such?

    • Furthermore, if yes, does magic have any innate conflicts with such technology? Would one not function properly around the other?

I think that's everything I'd like to know before proceeding.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Hi @Old Amsterdam,

@FrankenDaughter is amazing, and Codex has been helping make some graphics for the RP too. I am really pleased with the way the roster for this is turning out.

So from the top:

1)In terms of power i am currently allowing people to submit what they like and move from there. The only thing i would say, is that @Codex's character is supposed to be the strongest, so try to keep it lower than that, and usually only one ability.

2)There are no age limits, however i would give any character under 18 a higher bar, it's not something i am keen on, but if someone can convince me with a good CS, i will bite.

3)Time travel would be only no no, everything else; try and amaze me.

4)We are in 2017, as you see it today, Trump and all. So if you see it today, it is allowed.

5)There is no current conflict between tech and magic. I know that it is something that might become a thing, but if you need it to make the character you want, add it into the CS and if it works out we can implement it.

In summary, i really want to try and avoid dragging peoples creativity.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

How would you feel about a Death Mage? Their abilities summarized would be roughly:
After obtaining samples of DNA, they can meditate on a person to get a better understanding of said person. From there, if they can get a good enough understanding, they can make a charm or replica of the person to redirect harm onto said person.

Their other ability would also follow the voodoo theme, allowing them to grow and animate dolls they've already created.

Just to touch base and see how you feel about the possibility.

I'm not sure if I want to roll that direction or not, but I do recognize that it's an... Powerful ability if used creatively.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Old Amsterdam knows I love and stalk him But I found this well enough on my own and am here to express a tentative interest, until I have time to read through the lore and decide if I'll labour to produce a CS

Edit: Okay, color me firmly interested. I'll be working on a CS today after work. I'm thinking something with aura manupulation for her powers - healing mostly, but able to harm as well, and other asorted effects I can come up with as long as they meet with the GMs aproval.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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@Old Amsterdam It sounds interesting. Not sure if i am fully on board with it (@codex what do you think?)

@ihinka I am glad you are interested. Can't wait to see what you create. Those powers sound quite reasonable.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, how about I create a CS and we go from there?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FrankenDaughter
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FrankenDaughter Land Child

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ihinka @Old Amsterdam

Thanks for showing interest guys.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright, here's a brief concept. Don't want to dump a bunch of time into it just yet if the powers aren't alright.

Like I said, just a basic outline of the powers to see if it's acceptable.

If it is, I'd like to know if the bigger dolls would be able to have washed down versions of their target's powers?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@jakeb1993@codex I went with Captain for her rank in the Guild, but if you think it's too much I'll be happy with a member too I could elaborate on her participation in the Guild in her bio if you decide to let her keep the rank. Also, hope you like mah girl
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by codex
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@Old Amsterdam I feel that's a bit OP but will leave it up to @jakeb1993's discretion.

@ihinka I like her and would love to see you expand on her role in the Guild. Jake will also have to approve of course, but he does not seem to be on at the moment.
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