Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“I’ll take it that you’re a fan of superheroes, then, Miss Miarika?” Gael smiled, hefting his luggage upon the unoccupied of the two beds and carefully unzipping it. He didn’t hold much interest in them, himself- there were far too many that served to be little more than squeaky-clean paragons of morality- but it helped to be aware of the idols of man. Whether they took the names of “Flash” and “Raven”, or “Lysander” and “Cordelia” didn’t matter.

“And that I am, Miss Miarika. Although nobility hardly matters in a place such as this one, I’m sure. Here, you and I are equals alike.” The Demon paused, pulling out a sizable teddy bear from his suitcase and tucking it gently against the pillow. “Destruction...Kakalukia...I’ve heard a fair deal about them in passing, yes.”

Gael chose not to go into detail about what, exactly, it was that he had heard. Manners maketh man, after all.

The contents of his luggage were strangely mundane, given his nature. Several changes of clothes. Books. A sewing kit. A music box, which was placed upon the top of his dresser. The only things that likely would stand out were the knives and daggers at the very bottom, which, too, went to the dresser. Gael unpacked wordlessly, only humming to himself until he finished his work. When the last blade had been stowed away, and the hollowed-out suitcase had been pushed under the bed, Gael turned towards Miarika and beamed.

“I have to admit,” he began, “I’m rather curious. Flash- is he your pet, Miss Miarika? Do you own him?”

His expression was that of innocent curiosity, although his eyes held something more...strange. Wrong.

@The One

One moment Grace was on the ground, and then she was on Esperanza’s head, casually chatting away like nothing had happened. Esp started a bit, standing to her feet and reaching up to feel the creature on her head. Her fingers ran through Grace’s fur up until she vanished.

“So soft,” Esp murmured, awed. Then, in her normal volume, “I will not under...under...estimate you, Grace. I was just very confused about why you are the pink bunny, and not the person. I had been thinking I would be put in the room with the other girl, yes? So I was very surprised.” Esperanza’s surprise only increased as Grace pulled some sort of file from out of nowhere, and began listing very personal information about her. Her religion, her powers, her family- even her height. She frowned.

“Do not do that.” She said. “I do not know where you are getting the...knowing from, but it is very rude.” A pause. “And she is not ‘some god’, Grace. She is Death, and she accepts all people. We give her souls so we can thank her for what she does.” Despite her offense, Esperanza obliged in reading the next offered file, skimming over what information wasn’t classified.

“There is not much here.”Esp commented.

@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Miarikia listened to Gael and gave a soft nod. She wasn't a huge fan of super heroes, the spell she used was a simple one and Flash named himself based on his powers. She shrugged before speaking.

"Flash isn't my pet, no. He's a friend and he chose his own name. The spell I used is a simple but powerful one. So while I don't dislike super heroes, I don't really care for them. Besides Gael, I couldn't possess you even if I wanted to. In order to possess demons they need to be in hell."

She turned around and held out her hand as she did a bookshelf appeared with hundreds upon hundreds of magical books. She smiled before looking over to Flash who spoke up.

"Miarikia is a witch, name a spell and she probably knows it."

He smiled before looking back to Miarikia who sat down on her bed. She would go back to the Grand Hall soon but she knew she didn't have to just yet, they would be able to get a few minutes break before they began lessons.


Grace rolled her eyes as she began to talk about Death. Quickly she spoke up.

"Please, don't mention his name. My kind has nothing to do with him, and the reason everything is classified on my file is simple, my kind, what I am is more superior than yours. It's a need to know basis. I have files on everyone here."

She looked around and then smiled pointing to Kuro.

"Him, over there."

She raised her hand and a file appeared in front of Esperanza.

"He's a neko, with a high affinity for magic. Being a neko he can also transform into a cat. He has a pet called Yoruichi who shares his power and he is 13 years old. His birthday is in March."

She then swiped her paw and the file disappeared before raising her hand, this time a file on Arken appeared.

"Human and Head Master of the academy, he has mastered every spell that exists, he can also weaken and enhance powers or cancel them all together. He is even able to predict your movements. He had two brothers and three sisters. He has several spell books hidden in his room, reading one every day even though he has read them countless times."

She swiped her paw again and the file disappeared once more.

"Just point to someone and I'll have their file on hand, how you ask? Well, that is just one of many mysteries to solve isn't it darling?"

She laughed softly before looking up.

"Anyway we won't have long before the first lesson starts. Do you want to check out our room while we can?"

Grace tilted her head as she waited for her answer. It was clear that whoever Grace was she was very important. Grace just loved mysteries, and she just kept making more and more mysteries for Esp to solve and it wouldn't be long before everyone was challenged with the mystery.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Death is the woman,” Esperanza said, frowning. “And everyone cannot avoid her forever, no matter what. The world will die one day, and then the...the universe. There is no escaping her.” It was a rather bleak outlook that she blurted, but the girl clearly didn’t see it as such. After all, Death was the final gateway to the afterlife, for good or bad. She held no judgement, no malice. She welcomed all with maternal warmth.

As Grace went on, drawing out file after file of student and headmaster alike, Esperanza couldn’t help but feel a bit...disappointed, really. This girl-cat-rabbit clearly thought herself above her. It was the sort of pretentiousness that her family had warned her others might hold, the easy dismissal, the slight amusement. Esperanza had been hoping for her roommate to be another, simple girl like her. One that she could talk about boys with, or binge-watch movies with, or share secrets; like in the movies that Esp had watched before her arrival. Perhaps, even, show interest in her religion.

She doubted that she would get that sort of closeness with her roommate.

Regardless, Esperanza didn’t want to upset the being she would be spending the semester with, so she nodded and gave Chu a little squeeze. “Oh, yes. That would be nice.” With that, she left the main hall, smiling a bit as Chu lapped along her chin.

@The One

Gael cocked his head to the side. “A servant, then? From what it seems, he doesn’t appear to have much in the way of independence.” Reaching into his pocket, he drew a pair of lollipops, unwrapping one and offering the other to Miarikia. “Candy?” He asked. Regardless of her answer, he proceeded to cork the opened one into his mouth, poking it about with his tongue.

“I would think that bringing up demonic possession in front of a Demon would be in rather poor taste, Miss Miarikia,” Gael said, “especially when implying that you would have no issue in binding other students that happen to be Hell-bound. Although that’s a matter of mindset, I would suppose.” Smiling, he clambered onto his bed, wrapping an arm around the stuffed bear he had laid there.

“There’s no need to demonstrate your knowledge, Miss Miarikia. I can already tell that you’re a very sharp young lady.”

@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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Gill was not in the mood for games, especially not a potentially dangerous one since he was tired from the chaos that happened at the meeting.

"No thank you. I am not in a state for games involving force of will. Anyway it is nice meeting you red, I'm going to go find some food and rest for a bit" he said as he headed off to do just that.

@The One


Finn was glad that his roommate wasn't one of the crazy ones. He had already gossip from some of the other students at the academy about the incident that happened before people were transported to the school. Hearing the story made him grateful to have the luck of being with someone nice. Finn did notice that his roommate carried himself a very gentlemen type of grace and that made him wonder if the Satyr was from a rich family, in truth he had never gotten to know a satyr before.

"You lead the way" Finn said as he followed the cloven hoofed creature towards their room. When they finally got there he watched Allegro hold open the door for him like some servant and Finn found this a little amusing, he had never had someone hold the door open for him before and he chuckled a little.

"Are you a butler or something? I thought you were rich at first, but your mannerisms seem like those of a servant" he inquired curiously as he blew a small bubble with his gum.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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Allegro Vivace

Allegro started. "B-b-b-... b-b-b-butler!?" He stammered. "I'll have you know that I am the third eldest son of Adagio Vivace, famed violinist of the royal orchestra in the Fairy Court! I held the door as a matter of courtesy! And if you must know, yes, my family is very rich, indeed!" Allegro had to catch his breath. He wasn't accustomed to such outbursts, not from himself anyway.

Once he had caught his breath, he walked into the room and closed the door. He let his bag fall onto his bed before gently placing his violin case beside it. Regaining his composure, he turned to his roommate. "I apologize. That was most uncharacteristic of me. But you must understand how deeply you insulted me just now." He explained, removing his coat, folding it, and putting it on the bed alongside the rest of his things. "I have been raised along a very strict set of guidelines. For you to refer to my mannerisms as servant-like isn't just insulting me. It's insulting my family. And that is something I can not tolerate."

Silently, Allegro turned back to his things, deciding to unpack. It wasn't until everything had been neatly tucked away that he finally removed the long, red scarf he had been wearing this whole time. He gently folded it before gingerly putting it away.

@Weird Tales
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

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Leval Lamrue

@PharaohAtem@The One

The sphere of woven trees that he had been guarding suddenly moved away from him, and in his haste to catch up to it lost track of the rest of the scene. So when the battle ended in what seemed to be a moment and Arken teleported in their midst, it took Leval by more than a little surprise. Arken praised some, Leval included, and rebuked others, like Sekhemi, and as he spoke Leval felt energy swirl back into him, all the small threads of his magic somehow recalling into his magic. Whatever Arken had done seemed to speed along Ash's and Cinder's healing abilities as well, the blood coming from Leval's head ceased its flow and he felt the wound scabbing over. Even the large bruise from Wukong's blow seemed to have vanished. With a simple snap of his fingers, Arken teleported all of them, at once, to the an incredible, Grand Hall.

Leval was a bit too stunned for proper reflection and contemplation of the events that had just transpired. Arken went over the rules as to what was and was not allowed at the ordinary Mythical Academy. As Arken spoke, his mind readjusted to this new situation and then began to move in overtime. Each of these rules were interesting in their own respect, especially the first, but it was what he said about how they were each aligned that grabbed most of his attention. It was obvious from the earlier situation that some of these people had definitely dark aligned interests. 'Why would he allow people that have darker aligned interest along with those with more light aligned? It would be one thing if it was just one or the other, but wanting to help both is rather odd. What is his goal here? Why help us all increase our powers? I should've thought of this before I accepted the invitation.' For now though Leval decided that what he needed was some time to think on his problems. Maybe lunch as well.

Shela approached him and shyly told him it was alright if he did not want to be her roommate. Leval looked at the girl curiously, head slightly tilted to one side. He had not had the opportunity to actually examine the girl whose life he had saved. She couldn't have been older than 13 years old and had an air of persistent sadness with her. He looked around the room and spotted a map, at the same time he spotted Wukong coming towards him with his hand ready to slap his back once again. Leval blanched and reacted quickly with his new found energy. He weaved an exact copy of himself in his exact position, vanished from sight and rolled away. The illusory Leval slammed against a nearby wall and popped with a burst of confetti. Leval stood up, brushed himself off and reappeared. "Wukong you should know, humans are a lot weaker than your kind. That last slap on the back nearly killed me. Maybe just a thumbs up okay? See you at the training. Shela, follow me."

He held out his hand in case, Shela needed assistance, but would take no insult if she decided not too. He led her down the halls towards their room. As he went he saw Pozuzy @The One upside down, with a large grin on his face. He glanced and saw that the door number had been changed to '666.' He sent down a thread of sound illusion magic that whispered only into Pozuzy's ear,"You forgot to do the other doors in the hall." Further down the hall, he found their room and opened the door with a soft squeak. It was more like a small apartment than anything. There was a small kitchen area, two rooms, two bathrooms, and a sitting space. He pulled up a chair for Shela in the sitting area and peeked inside one of the bedrooms. He sent a weave around the entire room, styling it in the fashion that he assumed Shela would like, her beaver being the center point of the style. Overall, the room gave off a positive, and more importantly a comforting feeling.

He closed the door again, and grabbed a pack of chicken and veggies and began to cook. Despite being extremely basic in preparation, the room filled with the smell of fresh chocolate cookies and cinnamon, despite that being clearly not was being prepared. The scents filtered out the door and into the hall of the third floor, enticing those who smelled it. "Shela, you are entirely welcome to stay here with me. We are going to have an excellent meal and then head back down there with our stomachs full. When you are ready, you should look at your room." He turned, suddenly wearing an illusory, bright pink apron with her stuffed beaver's face on it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


He was taken aback by his roommates indignant response and it looked like he had struck a nerve calling him a butler. Even before Allegro explained who he was Finn was convinced that he had to be rich. He had no knowledge of the satyr's family and wondered the what the heck was this fairy court.

"Okay okay, sorry if I offended you. I've never socialized with a rich person before" he replied with a slightly amused face. He was genuine when he said that he had no experience socializing with the rich and their mannerisms, he always guessed that they were snobby and not the nicest people. His roommate talked about how his comment had also insulted his family and Finn almost rolled his eyes, but he refrained from doing so.

"Again I'm really sorry. I had no intentions to insult you" he stated as he blew a big bubble of gum.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Shela listened to Leval and as he held out his hand she slowly grabbed it. She walked with him until they got to the room. When he opened it she walked in. When she did Leval began to change the room around making it all nice. She sat herself down and watched as Leval began to cook. She listened to him and before she could say anything Drake stepped up.

"I swear, you better not forget about me! I'm hungry too, and I can never depend on her. He rolled his eyes before Shela looked to him. She looked back to Leval with a small smile.

"You don't have to do this you know. You really shouldn't waste your food on me. I could probably find myself something. I don't belong here. I don't even know why I am here."

Drake rolled his eyes again before speaking.

"She's got no powers. None, at all! Completely useless."

He looked to her and she gave a small shrug.



Miarikia listened to him and gave a shake of her head. Flash was very dependent but if he couldn't see that then it didn't matter. Instead of defending him she decided to stay silent so he could defend himself. Flash stood up and spoke confidently, staring at the demon.

"I'm very independent I'll have you know. Sure I follow Miarikia around and do a few things her here and there but we each have different opinions, different ways of handling the situation and as Miarikia said she can only possess demons who reside in hell so anyone here would be safe."

Once Flash was done Miarikia yawned with boredom. She stepped forward and spoke for herself.

"Besides from what I know you're the only demon prince here. There's a Seraphim but the angel would stop me if I tried possessing the demon. There is a sin demon too, but again he isn't in hell so there's nothing I can do."

She gave a small shrug before looking to the stuffed bear. She never met a demon who liked stuffed animals, but it wasn't any of her concern.


Red listened to Gil and when he began to walk away Red began to follow him on Snake. She smiled, not caring that he didn't get on the huge snake to ride with her.

"We can go together! We will have to be back for our first lesson though. I don't wanna miss it!"

She smiled and continued to ride on Snake with him, as she did Snake shrank in size to 10ft again, he didn't need to be so big now that she had found her room mate.


Grace listened to her and gave a soft nod, it was true you could never escape death, but she knew that there were certain kinds of people death couldn't touch. Like Angels, they were reborn whenever they 'died' some angels were simply sent back to heaven. She shrugged before speaking.

"Yes, there is no escaping death but there are certain kinds of people death just can't reach, like me and my kind. I don't have to worry about death."

When she agreed to go to the room Grace took a quick look at the mind, absorbed it's information then placed it away. She smiled and spoke once more.

"Why walk when you can teleport?"

She flew over to her and landed on her head. Then they teleported in the room. Grace looked around slowly as she flew off Esp's head. The room was rather nice actually. Better than what she was expecting.

"Not bad, not bad at all."

She smiled then walked to the nearest window. She stared out at it for some time then looked back to Esp.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

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Momo must have blinked, because everything was over in a heartbeat. She thought that she noticed a big baby? Once she was sure that no one would be fighting anymore, she released her monkey friend into the wild, saying, “Be free!”

She remembered that she had left her suitcase and backpack when she ran away. She jogged back to the center of the field. Thankfully, they were undisturbed. Looking up, she finally noticed the headmaster speaking to all of the students.

Momo blinked again, and suddenly she was in a building, presumably the school.

“Woah!!” She hadn’t been expecting that to be how they would be transported. She had assumed they would float up on a magic carpet or a dragon or something.

She only half listened to the headmaster’s speech, distracted by her rats, who were startled by the sudden shift. Could you really blame her, though? They were her babies and they were scared. She did hear, however, that she would be rooming with someone named Lilly.

When the speech was done, Momo wondered how she could find her roommate with only a name to go on. But, as it turned out, Lilly found her. She was the kitsune that Momo had met before! Awesome!

“Yeah! Let’s go!”

She put the rats on her shoulders. Chanel stayed where she was, and Coco climbed up Momo’s hair and settled on her head.

Good morning, how's the weather dear?

@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 7 mos ago


Sabrina listened to Pozuzy an honesty thought that coming here solely to have fun was a bit of a waste of time since you could have fun anywhere sure she hope that her time here would be full of fun and excitement but she at least came to learn something they continued to walk to their rooms and once there she looked to Pozuzy a little confused when he asked if they had gone the wrong way she honestly had no idea what he was talking about she assumed he was attempting to pull some kind of prank on her

"Just so you know you will never be able to fool me with illusions like that because I have been blind since I was a little kid and I have had to learn to use magic to see i have linked my senses with my dolls so I can see and here everything they see and hear and since they see using magic they can naturally see though magic"


Rose listened to Kuro and was honestly a little surprised not by the size of his collection of spells although that was a little surprising and somewhat impressive in and of itself but because he actually took out his book and announced that it has a wide verity of spells as well as all the spells from marlin it would not be hard for someone to steal or destroy that book although she understand why a little more when Yoruichi explained he had memorised the hole thing at least he could replace it if needed

"Honesty if you have the ability to give Yoruichi her own powers and abilities why bother sharing your power with her it only weakens you and from what I saw down at the meeting spot this school is not a place where you can afford to weaken yourself"

Rose then stopped for a moment and pulled out a some books one on rune magic one shapeshifting magic on mind magic one on elemental magic one on spirit magic and finally one about merlin the books began to flout around her as she continued

"Honesty there a lot of spells that could do the trick with mind magic there are plenty of spells to give someone telekinetic powers but sprint magic can allow you to communicate with your mind by setting up soul links then you have shapeshifting magic you could give her the power to change into anything she wants with that she could grow human vocal cords that will allow her to speak as well as you or I as for defensive and offensive powers you have elemental magic that will allow her to tap into the forces of nature and bend them to her will or there's rune magic that can do all that or more or you could use some of merlins spells he had a few that could give his familiars more power because even he with all his power knew it was a bad idea to share your power with anything else because you never know when you might need access to all of your power"

As she mentioned type of magic spell the book containing that spell would flout in front of Kuro and turn to the relevant page but as soon as she mentioned merlins spells she passed for a second

"Wait that book contains all the spells of your ancestors right that mean your descended from merlin who was descended from the royal Neko blood line so that would make you a prince that's actually pretty interesting so it would be safe to assume that book contains the entire magical knowledge of the entire Neko Kingdom and if that's the case that's one impressive collection"

Rose paused yet again this time because she saw Grace bring out some files with the names of her and her roommate on them they looked quite big like they contained a lot more information you would expect to find in a school file she noticed that Graces was heavily redacted this peaked her curiosity she waved her hand in front of her face one again and like before her glasses flashed she took a look at Grace and her file thanks to the spell she casted on her glasses she could not only see graces true form but all the information in her file she then looked back to Kuro


Listened to Shade before responding

"I may have only just met you but I can say one thing for sure you are no monster you show regret and remorse when you do something wrong and own up to it and apologise for it a monster would give in to their darkest impulses willingly a monster wouldn't care who they hurt they would not feel the slightest bit of guilt and they would never apologise I have met my share of monsters but are not one by any definition"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

“Oh I am sorry I did not realize the Shela had a friend with her. What type of flavor do you enjoy?" Leval’s response was polite, but his eyes narrowed at the creature’s words and dismissive tone. He listened to Shela and the reptile, learning that Shela possessed no powers. ‘Arken brought all of us here for some purpose. Just because that is where she stands now, doesn’t mean that is where she will always be.’ He plated some of the food and put it before Shela, then grabbed a much smaller plate found with a bit of searching through the various cupboards. He plopped a much smaller portion of food in front of Drake.

“Shela, first this food is what I found in the fridge haha, it is definitely not mine. This is our room so it is our food, not just mine. No need to find any food, plus I am sure there are some shared meal times. And far more importantly, no powers will make your time here hard, I wish I could lie to you and tell you otherwise, but that is the reality you face. You know that. Hell, even for me where I am it’s going to be hard. But you need to know, power is not everything. Not in any sense. What is far more important is what you do with what skills you do have or decide to train into. At the moment, your potential is limitless. Even if you don't have magical skills now, you can always learn. A magical gear specialist is powerful due to their ability to use their enchanted gear to the fullest and they do not use magic, example. At the moment Shela, your potential is limitless. You can become whoever you want to be and when you become strong, you have an advantage over the competition because you will have known what it is to be weak. Remember this, real power comes from these, nothing but these." Leval pointed to his head and his heart through his pink apron.

"But as my mother always says, eat first, think later! Let's dig in and then head down!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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Allegro Vivace

Allegro sighed. "Apology accepted. So, tell me, Mr. O'Connel, what is do to entertain yourself?" He asked, trying to change the subject. In these kinds of circumstances, it was usually appropriate to inquire after one's profession, but as they were both attending a school, that hardly seemed necessary. He figured that the next best thing was to ask a variation of that same question.

Allegro hopped onto his bed and sat, legs crossed, facing his roommate. As he waited for Finn's response, he took his violin out of it's case and began expecting it, making sure it hadn't suffered any damage when he had fallen in the dining hall.

@Weird Tales
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Princess Seninia

Seninia listened to him and gave a soft nod. She was fascinated by his story. When he came to look at the flowers with her she tilted her head slightly as she could hear the flower's 'thoughts' but she didn't quite understand them. 'Let's trip her up' is what she got from them but she couldn't understand why. She shrugged it off and turned to face Nelos and just as she did she tripped on some vines from the flowers she had created, as she tripped she fell into Nelos and accidentally kissed him. Seninia's face went bright red and she quickly stepped back.

"I'm so sorry, the flowers tripped me over."

She continued to blush, not sure what else to say.



Drumdawn listened to Dawn and gave a small nod. He walked with her to the room slowly and it didn't take long for them to reach it. Once the door was unlocked and open he walked on inside. It wasn't surprised that the room was huge. It must of been way bigger than other rooms. He looked around before walking inside.

"Well this is the benefit of rooming with a dragon. You've got plenty of space for yourself. We'll be able to get a few minutes rest before we have to head back for our first lesson."

He smiled and laid down on his bed, which wasn't a typical bed. No, it was clear these rooms were specially made for his 'bed' was carved into the wall itself, leaving a nice cave like space for him to rest while Dawn seemed to have a normal bed.



Winter listened to Angela and gave a small smile. There was a simple reason she decided to come, to harness her powers and to become stronger. She looked around seeing that a lot of people had left for their rooms now before looking back to her.

"I came here to become stronger, to learn more about my powers and other mythical species. How about you?"

She did wonder though, when was the first lesson going to be starting?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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AllHollowsEve A bored board

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nelos Oakleaf

Nelos had also heard the flower's plan. Though he wasn't sure who they meant by "she", he figured it would be safer to assume they meant Seninia. He began studying them, his pupils narrowing to slits. He traced their vines with his eyes before finally uncovering their plan. One of the vines had oh so slowly grown up over the window sill and was wrapping around Selinia's leg. He turned to tell her what was happening, but he was too late.

As Nelos turned, she lost her balance and fell towards him. He managed to catch her, but not before her lips connected with his.
He held her up for a moment before she took a step back, brushing profusely. She apologized for it. "That's alright. It was the flowers that tripped you." He said, seemingly unaware of the kiss itself. "Lilies can be kind of mischievious at times, but it's usually all in good fun. They're kind of flirty." He added as the flowers silently giggled. The bee, having had it's fill of nectar, flew off back to it's hive.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


When he heard Red following him and asking him if she could come along he gave a sigh. He kind of wanted to be go alone, but Gill guessed that it would be best to let his roommate come along with him.

"Sure. I hope that classes aren't too soon" he replied as he went towards the dining hall to find some lunch.

"Do you know what food they serve here?" he asked curious to know.

@The One


Finn was relieved that his roommate had cooled down and wasn't mad at him anymore. He made a mental note to not call Allegro a butler and then proceeded to unpack his stuff, which was a small amount of clothes, a note book and a football. His roommate asked him what he did to entertain himself.

"I mostly play ball and other games, I also read a bit. That type of stuff" he replied as he blew another bubble and twirled his football with his fingers.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Arken looked around as he saw everyone wasn't quite ready yet. He rose his hand and a magical clock formed in front of him. He gave a nod softly, it was about time. He clicked his fingers and suddenly everyone appeared in the grand hall again. He watched everyone get ready and settled then he slowly stepped forward and spoke.

"It is now time for the first lesson. I want to know more about you, I want to know how you act in front of your fellow students as well as what you can do. I want to know how you think. We will all head to the training room where you shall demonstrate your power. I shall note down everything you do and how you do it as well as your general strategy and thoughts. Do not fear, there is no wrong answer no matter what you may do however first we teachers shall introduce ourselves."

With that, he clicked his fingers and everyone was in a huge white room. There was nothing in it, just a large empty room. Arken spoke up once again, talking to everyone as he did.

"Now then, let me demonstrate how this works. The training room is designed to fit your perfect room. Whatever you imagine, will become reality however nothing can leave this room if it does it is destroyed instantly. Now, if you were training together the room would combine both of your imaginations together for the perfect training exercise. Another thing, in this room you have literal infinite energy. You could train here for 14 days straight and still feel like you just gotten out of bed however, it cannot provide the simulation of food so you would be very hungry. Let me demonstrate now."

Arkan walked over to the middle of the room and closed is eyes. Suddenly the white room became am dark and gloomy graveyard with crows squawking loudly. He looked around and smiled.

He walked to the front again and spoke up.

"So, like I said, here imagination is everything. When you are done leave the room and everything will return to normal. Now, without any further ado, please come up one by one. State your name and a bit about yourself that you feel comfortable with sharing. Finally show me whatever you wish to show. Do whatever you want to do however, it shall be recorded and noted down for later use. We shall start with the teachers. I am Arken, Headmaster of this academy. I wish to teach you all how to control your powers as well as help you to overcome your weaknesses. As for my powers, I have a strong affinity for magic, although the rest of my abilities you will have to find out yourself. After all, I don't want to make your exams too easy."

He held out his hand and created a huge mountain using magic. He gave everyone a quick look before summoning his staff. With that he pointed his staff at the mountain and sent out a huge fire blast with swirling wind around it. As he did he held his staff in front of him creating a magical barrier. When the attack hit the mountain there was a huge explosion and the entire mountain was vaporised. Bits of debris smashed into the barrier but nothing managed to break it. With that all said and done, he walked out of the room. The room returned to it's normal boring white self. Arkan then stood back and watched all the students and teachers carefully to see how each and every one of them would react and do.


Suddenly a swarm of bats flew in the training room after Arken had done his display. The bats circled around in the training room before forming a woman. She laughed softly and stepped forward with a confident smile.

"I am Fianciona, and I am a dark angel. It is nice to meet you all. I possess powerful magic like most teachers in this school, I also possess the ability to control darkness as well as the wind. Watch and learn."

She stepped backward and rose her hands quickly. Suddenly an entire literary was summoned out of nowhere, coming out of the floor. She then looked around before hold out her hands. Suddenly all the books rose up, she shot her hands out and the paper in the books were ripped out and formed a large dragon. It shot fire at the wall before she swung around and shot a purple blast. It hit the wall and bounced off, hitting the dragon in the back suddenly it transformed into a dark dragon, the paper and roared loudly. Then, she clapped her hands and it all disappeared. With that she bowed and walked away.

Lady Red

Lady Red stepped forward from the shadows and slowly walked into the training room next. She tipped her hat to everyone in greeting before looking at them all with a smile and began to speak.

"I am Red Summer Rose but you may address me as Lady Red. I have the ability to copy a single power and imitate it perfectly. On top of that I can preform perfect calculations in seconds."

She turned around and held out her hand as she did darkness began to swirl around her. It quickly shot out and attached itself to the wall. In a few seconds the entire wall was covered in darkness. She then tapped her foot against the floor, doing the same. She looked to the crowd and sunk into the darkness coming out of the wall. Then she stabbed herself right in her heart with a knife she fell to the floor seemingly dead although she just faded to darkness and another copy stepped out.

"As you see."

She bowed to everyone and left the room.


Next was Sokolov, he flew forward in the training room, Xer walking beside him. Once he was in he turned to everyone and gave a simple nod of his head before speaking.

"I am Sokolov, a familiar, beside me is Xer who is also a familiar however he is not bound to me. My abilities are simple. I have psychic abilities, more powerful than most and I can control the spirits. Please observe."

He turned around and held began to speak, as he did he created several elements using his psychic abilities. "Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago the four elements for use for peace, to protect and serve until others sought power and used it only to kill and destroy. Only the Chosen One, master of all four elements could stop the war but when the world needed him most, he vanished."

With all four elements beside him he shot them all at the wall creating a huge explosion, boulders sent flying through the air hot scolding water splashed on the floor while lava shot up from the floor. Harsh wind blew against him. He held out his hand and it all came to a stop. With that he looked to Xer who spoke up next.

"As you can see from my appearance, I can manipulate my own DNA however I please and also possess psychic abilities, nowhere near as powerful though."

The two nodded and left the room.

Uncle and Arken

Uncle flew in the training room. He looked around before speaking in a old wise voice.

"My name is Uncle and I am able to control and manipulate spirits. One more thing! I have lived many many years, and gained ultimate knowledge. One more thing! With this ultimate knowledge I am able to see anyone's weaknesses just by watching them. One more thing! I can sense anyone power and aura just by looking at you. One more thing! Being so old and wise I can predict your movements and attacks. One more thing! I know all types of magic known to existence. One More Thing...."

Before he could continue Arken quickly cut him off.

"Uncle, perhaps you should just show everyone."

Uncle gave a soft nod.

"That would be wise. I could go for 100 centuries speaking of all my tales and the magic I possess."

He held out his arms and closed his eyes, as he did two spirits flew towards him. He opened his eyes and quickly the spirits flew around his arms, they wrapped around them and quickly his arms became as large and just as well muscled as Wukong's He clenched his fist and infused his magic into his arms, lightning now coursing through them he punched the wall which instantly shattered to pieces. He looked to everyone and held his arms sideways, at that moment the spirits left and his arms returned to normal. He held his arm towards the wall and it was instantly repaired.


Foxy watched flew up to the middle of the room next. She closed her eyes and a place that looked like heaven. She smiled brightly and spoke up loudly for everyone to hear.

"My name is Foxy, and I am an Angelic Fox Spirit. You see, God himself sent me down to Earth on a mission. That mission is obviously classified, but I wish to share everything I know with each and every one of you. I have the power to control water. I also process Psychic abilities. Then like most teachers, I possess powerful magic."

She looked up, and suddenly a weight formed above her. It fell quickly and landed on Foxy. Instead of killing her however, water splashed everywhere. It was like a huge water bomb had just gone off. The water reformed quickly into Foxy. She gave a simple bow before walking away to stand with the rest of the teachers.


Kreia stepped in the training room and looked around. She was glad that Arken had stopped Uncle, she was sure he would of just kept going otherwise. She looked on to everyone and quickly began to speak.

"My name is Kreia. I am the first Salem Witch, I was the one who created the Salem Witches. I possess powerful enchantment magic, but of course I can use many other types of magic too. I am able to create anything from thin air and lastly I am able to control and manipulate the moon as well as harness it's power if I wanted."

She held out her sword and it began to glow a ghostly fire. She slashed it as the wall and the fire the two ghosts that Uncle had used, instantly killing them and turning the ghosts to nothingness. She looked back and gave a soft nod before raising he hand and reviving the ghosts, to a point. Restoring their ghostly form before walking out.


Abaddon walked into the training room
"My name is Abaddon I am a Nether and I have no unique powers or abilities other then the natural powers all Nether Demons possess for those who don't know what a Nether Demon is a Nether Demon is a magic focused demon they draw their powers from nether a natural energy source that flows between the realms of the living and the dead giving me access to a vast supply of magic and access to all kinds of magic and when you take into consideration that I have been around since you mortals where living in caves I have had more then enough time to hone my magic abilities"


Sekhemi didn't give a rat's ass about the rules, but what he did care about was this training room. He was teleported back to the grand hall then to the training room. He smiled brightly, hearing as well as seeing everything it could do. He had to put this thing to the test. He walked up when the teachers were finally finished talking and showing off and stood in front of everyone.

"I am the almighty, all powerful Prince Sekhemi! As you are about to see, my skills exceed any and all of yours that you may process. You mortals are nothing but dirt beneath my shoe. Watch as a God shows you his immense power!"

The white room changed to a setting that was obviously Sekhemi's home. Then over 2000 men at the very least appeared out of thin air.

Sekhemi then began to sing a song, as he did, Ra, Mut, Khnum, Ptah, Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket, Anubis, Anukis, Meshkent, Mafdet and finally Horus all appeared in front of him, each of them joining in with the song.

Sekhemi laughed and prepared himself. First, the 2000 or so men ran at them like the worthless rats they were, throwing their life's away. Sabertooth stood beside him and Sekhemi spoke softly.

"I'll take the right, you take the left."

Sekhemi grabbed his golden knuckles and ran ahead. He jumped and punched the ground as hard as possible which made the earth come up and hit somebody in the face. He then boosted himself up and shot a large fire bomb at the ground blowing a load of men up. Meanwhile, Sabertooth ran at his enemies and created a large energy blast in his mouth. He roared loudly knocking everyone back and killing them with the energy blast, he grew a horn out of his fore head and stab a few in the chest. The two worked hard, and within a minute or so, everyone was dead. Sekhemi then looked to the Gods and bowed before them.

"However, even I cannot defeat the Gods of Egypt. They are the only ones I follow. I serve no mere mortal."

To demonstrate his power even more, he made dark tentacles come out from the ground. He even rose the dead and created zombies. It was clear that Sekhemi used extremely dark and evil magic. After all that, he left the room and chuckled.


The next person who decided to go was was Rika. He slowly stood himself up and walked on in front of everyone to introduce himself. He wouldn't do a big scene like Sekhemi did, again. No, he had the perfect one just in mind.

"My name is Rika and I am a Seraphim. I am half angel, and half demon. The two sides are constantly at war with each other and normally the demon wins. The demon grows strong when in large crowds or when there is a lot of negative emotion in the area. This is why I have my eye covered in bandages, my demon eye as it suppresses him and weakens him greatly but even that isn't enough sometimes."

The room changed quickly to a setting that obviously resembled heaven, literally. He walked in the middle of the room and looked to everyone.

"This will keep him suppress while I train."

He sighed for a moment, taking a deep breath and released it.

"Air, water, earth, fire, thunder, light, dark, these are the seven elements of the world. All at my finger tips."

He pushed his palms forward and suddenly a gust of wind shot out, then he spun around raised both hands towards the roof which created a waterfall, immediately he pressed his hands together and closed his eyes which created a statue of himself finally he jumped up and kicked the air which created a large fire blast, destroying the statue. He took a deep breath once more before turning around.

"I will not use light or dark, as using them either angers the demon or makes him stronger. Both options are no good and can make me lose control."

He pulled his own spine out as he did a new one grew in it's place. He threw it down to show everyone and finally he ended his session.


Kuro decided to go next. He closed his eyes and activated his perfect place. However, nothing changed whatsoever, except a few animals had appeared. He walked up but not as himself, as a cat, speaking to everyone.

"My name is Kuro. I was the ruler of the Neko Kingdom before I came here though I am too young to be official king. I do not wish for your praise and attention. I am no different from you, I am just another person like all animals are. No matter how different we may be, we are ultimately all the same. My power is what you see. I can transform and control animals, as well as completely understand them. However my main power comes from my sheer magical power."

He raised his paw and words appeared above his head 'Magic Cat.' He smiled and transformed back into his normal state before bowing to everyone. Then he reset the left and stood back.


Shela decided to go next, she closed her eyes and activated her perfect place. It was beautiful, it wasn't a place, it was a thing. It was what she dreamed to be. It was nothing but her older self.

She stared at herself before looking to everyone.

"My name is Shela, today, I will be showing you nothing. Every day, I wonder who and what I will become. I fear, that no matter what I do, everything will crumble before me. I want to help others, I always have."

Suddenly, a tear came down her face as her older self fizzled away. Instead came a scene of her younger self surrounded by men, kicking her and punching her.

"I was bullied, called cowardly and pathetic. I wouldn't stand up for myself, I just took the beatings, I didn't even resist. It hurt of course, but it came the normal life for me. I came to know that everyone hated me."

The scene changed again, this time a little bit further ahead, where her parents comforted her.

"My parents told me that I was special, that one day I would gain powers that nobody could ever imagine. I believed that for a long time, I kept up hope that I had potential, that I wouldn't be myself anymore. Weak and pathetic, worthless and unable to do anything but watch but I was wrong."

Finally, the scene changed again further into the future of her past life where her parents were dead and Shela sat in front of them crying.

"My parents died protecting me all because I couldn't protect myself. On that day, I learned that I was nothing but a burden. It came to a point where I didn't care about my life, and I still don't. Even now, people call me worthless, weak, pathetic and I will happily agree by not saying a word, because of me, of me being a failure, my parents are dead. I have no powers, I'm not even sure why I came to this school in the first place."

With that Shela sat on her own, not crying, not mourning, not doing anything but sitting on her own. The room changed back to normal as she left the room.


Miarikia and Flash walked up to the front. She didn't bother changing the screen, after all she didn't want to make a dramatic scene.

"My name is Miarikia and my friend here is Flash. I won't be showing much of my power either, as it is incredibly dangerous to do so. I know many forms of magic, however that is only a fraction of my power. I have the ability to process a demon entity but when I do this my personality changes to that demon so I can become extremely aggressive when I do so. I literally become them. However the demon must reside in hell for me to possess them. It has helped me in a few situations, saving my life but it has hurt more people than it has helped."

Flash stepped up and smiled a little before running super fast all around everyone. He stopped finally and spoke up.

"I have super speed! Fastest creature alive, The Flash! I also process some magic abilities however nowhere near as much as Miarikia does."

With that the two left and watched the others.


Next, it was Red's turn. She went to training room and suddenly, the entire area became covered in flowers and grass of all different types and colors. Trees and mountains were everywhere, it was breath taking.

Red walked in front of everyone then paper came out of her sleeves, it was like an endless supply as the paper twirled around each other, twisting and turning as it shaped itself into the 10ft snake.

"Hello there! My name is Red! Nice to meet you. I can play with paper snakes! I can run fast too!"

She then ran about as fast as Flash did, she giggled happily, then laid herself down with a sigh, lightning was still coursing through her body as she relaxed. After a minute or two she got up and left the room with a giggle. It may not be so clear what she could do to some people, but if people were smart enough they would able to figure it out.


Shade went up next. He looked around and gave a little sigh. He had only one thing in mind. Suddenly, the room became full of heartless of all different shape and sizes. The moon appeared, but it was pure black, but that wasn't all. The grass and trees were dead, the plants were dead, the soil was black, there was no living thing in sight. The Sky was black, everything was dark, corrupted, evil. Shade stood forward slowly and spoke softly.

"I am a monster, I do not deserve a name, but I have one anyway. My name is Shade and all I am is a heartless. What is a heartless, you ask? A heartless is a being without a soul nor heart. A being created purely to destroy and kill. I have that instinct in me, as some of you might of saw if you were at that meeting place. I can normally control it well in most situations. Especially around my own kind, since I have lived with my own kind for many years, and I have gotten used to the feeling of the heartless magic they use. Being a heartless, I can control darkness, I also have psychic powers, these powers helped me keep and remember my memories from my past life. I find it hard to grasp the concept of emotions now, but sometimes, I can almost remember what they felt like, but don't be fooled by that. I am still a monster, still a heartless being set to destroy and I will always be a monster, even if I am different from the rest of my kind."

He sighed and began to sing.

With that, Shade walked away and sat down, waiting for the next person.

Dixon and Dixoz

The twins were next. They ran up to the training room and looked to each other then looked at everyone else with a smile.

"I am Dixon" "And I am Dixoz"

"Together we control all that is good and all that is bad.

"Healing, protection and fun." "Attacking, Defending, killing and all that is bad."

The two twins giggled Dixoz shot out a large dark energy blast. It hit the wall and bounced off. Dixon held up his hands and made a blue dome to protect them both as he did the dark blast hit and exploded. Then the two walked out.


Ruby was next, she walked up slowly and turned to everyone.

"Ruby, Werewolf, Magic, Animal Manipulation."

With that she walked away slowly not bothering to show any of her power. She leaned up against the wall and closed her eyes.


Sky was up next. He flew up and smiled brightly. He didn't need to make the training room fancy. He looked around at all the students, before looking to the ring around his neck.

"My name is Sky. I have the power to control both light and dark, but my power is so great, that I use this magic ring around my neck to suppress my power, so only 1% of my power remains. So I cannot do much at all, honestly, I am afraid at what I can and will do. My powers are dangerous, and I wouldn't want to hurt anyone."

He gave a soft nod then flew off and waited for the next person.


Lilly went in the training room next. She smiled to everyone and spoke calmly.

"I am a Lilly, a Kitsune daughter of Drumdawn who also goes to this school, because I am half dragon I have Dragon Physiology. Then I have my natural kitsune powers, but no actual power of my own other than my natural abilities. Allow me to demonstrate. Shela, You are not useless, you are here for a reason, you are not a burden to anyone.

She smiled and with that she began to sing using her sound magic. As she sang she walked closer to Shela through the large glass screen without leaving the training room as she sang to her.

Once she was done singing she smiled to Shela then bowed to everyone before walking away. She knew her sound magic would give Shela a boost in confidence for she knew that was what she needed most.


Pozuzy waited for his turn. After everyone had been, he went up next. He smiled, and even laughed slightly.

"My name is Pozuzy, a sin demon and I can do illusion magic, with it I can summon anything, anytime, any where."

He giggled and then rose his left hand, suddenly a demon appeared, then rose his right and monster appeared. He stared at everyone with an evil look, and then suddenly he as well as the monsters and demons began to sing. Throughout the song he summoned more and more monsters and demons. Of course, any good illusionist would know that they were all fake.

But as the song was coming to an end, not Kuro, Red, Miarikia, Sky, Shade, Grace, Dixon, Dixoz, Ruby, Lilly, Sekhemi, nor Rika showed any fright. In fact, Red was bouncing up and down and smiling like a five year old with candy. Pozuzy stared at them for a moment then his eyes turned red. He flew up quickly and shouted.

"Aren't you scared?!"

Of course, if anyone knew them well, they would know that Rika was no longer afraid of monsters and demons, considering he had one inside of him. He was more afraid of it coming out and hurting his friends. Kuro was the most knowledgeable in magic and knew it was all an illusion, Miarikia knew a lot about magic too, and even if she didn't she was a demon, add the fact that she possessed powerful demons too, she wasn't scared a bit. Sky knew he was far more dangerous if he allowed his power free range, he could easily kill demons like that if he wanted to. Shade saw himself as a monster, and nothing more. Heartless were feared and hated, plus, Shade lost access to his emotions when he became a heartless. He hardly knew what fear was anymore. Sekhemi found it pathetic. It was only demons, he believed he could take them down no problem. Grace knew they weren't real and even if they were she could out match them easily, Ruby just didn't care, Lilly was a kitsune and knew enough about magic to know they were illusions, the twins found the entire thing fun, they enjoyed scary things. Finally, Red liked all things scary, well, most things scary. She found it cool and fun instead of frightening like the twins. She spoke up with a happy giggle.

"No, you're funny!"

At that point Pozuzy's eyes glowed a blood red and fire began to appeared behind him, although, this fire was no mere illusion, it was the real thing. He had made his illusions real. He spoke in a demonic voice, not caring about Rika, Kuro or anyone else anymore, even though Kuro was getting a little frightened as now, it was no mere illusion.


Red laughed again, and Pozuzy slowly flew away, breathing heavily. He dislike people not being scared by his tricks and pranks, but he despised it when people found them fun instead of scary. Arken simply watched, raising a small eyebrow as he stared at Pozuzy then, seeing him go stand by Sabrina.


Finally it was Grace's turn. She flew forward into the training room and looked to everyone.

"My name is Grace, I am.....well... what I am doesn't really matter. All I'll say, is that I possess powerful magic. The rest is a mystery you'll have to solve."

She looked behind her and as she did Arken appeared. Although, Arken was outside the training room. It was obvious she used the training room to make a duplicate of him. He rose an eyebrow and began to pay close attention.

"To demonstrate my power, I'm going to fight Arken."

She smiled and stepped forward. Quickly she disappeared completely although the fake Arken didn't move a muscle. After a few seconds, he raised an arm and shot a powerful magic blast at seemingly nothing. Then Grace appeared right in front of the magic blast, her eyes widened and she gasped loudly. It hit her and she fell to the floor. She laughed a little, golden aura surrounding her and her injuries were instantly healed.

"Oh you're good. I'm going to enjoy this."

She opened her wings and several golden gates appeared. They opened up widely and Grace jumped in one. She came out behind Arken and shot out a blast of Holy Light, then another Grace came out and did the same thing, and another, and another and another! Soon Arken was completely surrounded. He laughed before speaking confidently.

"You're gonna have to do better than that to beat me."

He watch as the light blasts came straight at him and the moment they hit he closed his eyes. Suddenly they turned completely black and shot back out towards each of Grace's clones. Each and every one was hit at the same time, they all disappeared in a explosion of light as they were hit, all except one who fell to the floor again. She struggled up and sighed softly.

"You won't win. You know just how powerful I am!"

Golden aura surrounded her again and she flew up once more but as she did Arken spoke as he stepped forward.

"I know how powerful you are but you will never win if you never use your full power."

Grace laughed, and then began to sing as she tried again.

She raised her paws and her wings opened wide. Golden aura covered her from head to toe, then she flew at lightning speed at Arken. Just before she reached him she disappeared and reappeared at his right side. She rose her paw which became covered in lightning. She quickly jabbed him with her and sliced right through him though as soon as she did he vanished. It was just a clone. He appeared behind her and smashed his shoulders into her back sending her back to the ground. She winched in pain before rolling over and getting back up. He was good, really good. She sighed and closed her eyes. A heart appeared underneath her, he traveled up her body until it reached her chest. She opened her eyes and she smiled.

"I won't give up, no I won't give in."

She flew towards him again then disappeared. She reappeared and shot out a large golden blast then disappeared again. Just as Arken held his hand to dispose of the magic blast Grace appeared in front of him again this time slightly below. She opened her mouth and shout another blast he smiled and lowered his arms.

"Fine. Have it your way."

With that he looked to Grace and his eyes flashed. Then, as the golden blasts hit him, Grace opened her eyes wide and she felt unbearable pain. She was sent flying even before the golden blasts exploded. She hit a wall and coughed up blood then fell to the floor again. This time no golden aura healed her. Arken sighed and rose his arm. He healed her quickly and Grace slowly looked up. She watched as he disappeared before sighing. She said not a word and walked out.

(I haven't posted Foxy yet, I will be posting her Cs for everyone to see today.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@The One

Leval leaned against the back of his chair, jaw hanging somewhat open. 'Is Arkan really going to give me, an illusionist, an infinite amount of power? Even just for training of mock fights, I could make whatever I wanted. Displays that only exist in my dreams, illusions so-' Leval stopped himself and thought, really thought about the implications of what having access to such power might do to him and his training.

Sekhemi, to no surprise to Leval, went first displaying an impressive amount of power. His imagined landscape was somewhat more interesting however, for Leval had never seen a God before. He wondered idly in the back of his if he should have taken a photo or something. Rika left went up and gave an explanation of what had happened earlier, before showing off a surprising amount of skill in elemental magic. 'Half Demon and half Angel huh? I wonder how that- oh my god he just ripped out his spinal cord. Why?"
Many others came after: A magical cat boy who was also a prince, apparently the King of Hell himself ('Obviously. This school really just had to up the danger factor every chance it got. I am beginning to doubt Arkan's selection process.'), a werewolf, a demon summoner who had to be a friend for New Satan, and a paper manipulator who seemed quite jolly.

Of all the displays made before him, Shela's was the one he paid attention to the most. The girl had no powers. No defense. No chance of surviving any of the monstrous creatures around them if they had no choice. Yet here she was, apparently selected by the Headmaster himself to come and join what could possibly be the most dangerous student boy of all time. She had had an extremely difficult life, seemingly plagued only by hardship and strife. Leval rubbed furiously at his eyes, sniffing slightly to maintain control over himself. [color=aba000][i]'The only reason she could be here is if the so-called "hidden power" her parents talked about exists. But still to bring a defenseless-'. [color=aba000]'HOW? I am an illusionist, how am I supposed to -gah! Now's not the time for that, for now concentrate on what's ahead of you.'[/i][/color] His face grew serious and thoughtful once again.

Leval raised his hand to go next. His mind was made up, despite the small flame of doubt inside him. The room was left entirely unchanged with one large exception. A comfortable looking chair had appeared in the center of the training room. It was covered in cloth, slightly ripped by the tiny hands of generations. The top of the chair looked sunken in as though a large cat had spent a long amount of time lounging in the sun, discoloring it slightly. The bottom looked like the chair could rock slightly back and forth. Leval went forward and sat down in it, extremely comfortable, it gave a slight squeak of protest, the way an old friend might say hello. Leval raised his hand in greeting. "Hello there. I have introduced myself to many of you already, but for those who do not know I am Leval Lamrue. He looked around and smiled at some. "I hope that we will be great friends. Now as for my power, Arkan, there is something you should know." He stood up and looked the Headmaster straight in the eye. Inside, he felt somewhat discomfited, but this was something he had to declare here and now. "I would like to turn off the infinite energy program for my training purposes. Nor do I ever intend to use it during any type of training fight. I also do not intend to set up a perfect environment for myself, though I may add small touches to others if it came to a mock battle. Also I don't understand why several of you were singing, like at all." Leval stopped talking, not giving any reasons for his decisions, looking at the Headmaster a moment longer before sitting down.

"Now for my power demonstration." Sitting in the training room produced chair, Leval sent out an invisible thread of his magic conjuring the image and mass of a loom, only needing to lightly brush his own source of power. Then he conjured large threads of power, spinning the threads into large spools, sending them into their desired locations to set up the project. Leval turned the threads visible for the benefit of his audience. In his hand, the weaver's tool, the shuttle appeared already spooled with the thread of his power. He passed the shuttle gently through the opening between the opening between the threads of power, known as the shed, then pressed a beater down to tighten the thread in place. He did this again somewhat faster this time. Then again. And again. Faster and faster each and every time till his hands were a blur of speed and motion. His eyes unerringly tracked the shuttle pacing back and forth across the shed, strings dancing along the the vibratic hum of his speed. The scent of hot cloth filled the air. The threads seems to sing with a crystalline note as he continued, almost as though he was playing a many stringed violin. Leval stopped moving his hands at all, sending the thread back and forth with the speed of instinct. Then he stopped, the loom vanishing without a sound leaving only the weave of his magic. He picked it up and turned it so that everyone else could see. A perfect image of the audience before him showed from the weave. There was simply no sign of cloth or sign of its handwoven nature, almost as though a picture had been taken of the scene before him. "My power is illusion magic."

Leval rose and exited the training area, his weave and chair vanishing behind him. Leval was aware that from any standpoint, his display of power had been minimal at best. In fact, he had barely used his energy at all. It was not a flashy display of blaring lights and sounds, or the power he had used on the earth below against Sekhemi or his entourage. What Leval had shown was the sheer technical prowess he had with the skill, taking the art of illusion magic down to its very core, taking the barest amount of material to create a display that should have been impossible to replicate with such little investment, displaying the fine intricacies of the craft. It was skill that could have only been born from his grand efforts and innate gifts in the magic. While not flashy, anyone that knew even the basics of illusion magic would have no doubt of his skill.
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