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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

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Hector Sea

Hector looked at the dreary night sky from atop his ship's mast. Hector reveled at the thought of getting out of the Black Sea, according to his navigator they were just a couple miles north of Constantinople. Hector, or the Dark Angel, Captain of the Devils of the Deep was on a search for his arch enemy, the dreaded Azaneal. He had assembled quite the deadly crew to fight him, including his own adopted progeny, the necromancer Serena and the Homunculous Werebear, Zero. Rumors where that Azaneal was somewhere in the middle east, and wherever there was a hint of Azaneal it was a guarantee that Hector would be hot on his trail. He could never forgive him for what he did to his family and for making him destroy the sacred city of Carthage, the crowning achievement of the Prometheans who forged a city where humans and supernaturals coexisted. The Prometheans that he had now forged an alliance with.

Hector activated his demon form and black feathered wings sprouted out from his back as he jumped from atop the ship's mast and landed on the deck below. He walked through the ship, ensuring that everyone was doing their jobs. He was quite solemn looking as the fodder of the crew looked on at his true Demon Form in awe. The form dissipated as he reached the quarters and entered. There, he saw Serena pouring over some magical experiment. He approached her and Serena spoke to him.

"Zero and I got in a fight once again. He keeps complaining that the spirits are scaring the cabinboy. Like I give a shit about him! When are you going to do something about Zero?" Serena said.

"Zero is just as important to me as you are, Serena." Hector said.

"Hmph. I don't know what you see in others but it's not there. Living beings are just pawns for the chosen, like us." Serena said

Just then, a loud BANG interrupted the conversation as one of the crew members barged in to the Quarters.

"Captain, Sir, there's trouble! A ship commanded by the Society of Leopold is heading our way, I think they're going to board us!"

Hector thought this might be trouble, but he was sure his crew could handle it. If not, he could just sink their ship with but a thought with his powers. He rescinded that thought, however, thinking he might want to keep their ship for a fleet one day.

"Let them come, we will slaughter every last one them and pilfer the spoils of conflict!" Hector said.

Hector and Serena exited the quarters and saw the ship approaching them, ready to board. Anchors were weighed, and battle was soon under way. Serena summoned an army of Zombie Warriors onto their ship, which caught them by surprise. The half of the enemy ship that wasn't fighting Zombies boarded onto Hector's Vessel, and Hector summoned a shadow cutlass and ran into the fray. Hopefully he wouldn't need to go all out for this battle.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chronos Hybrid
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Zero was checking inventory when he saw the young master walking through the ship in his demon form. Those magnificent black wings and the coil of dark energy swirling around him, he was the captain of the Devil of the Deep and the man Zero respected and called master. He went back to his duties when a loud BANG echoed through the ship catching Zero attention.

Zero rush to the deck just in time to the Young master cutting thought the boarding party with shadowy cutlass. Zero ran pass the captain giving him a quick nod of respect than turning in to his Beast-Human form and Cushing the remaining enemy crew that was still trying to board. He cleared the way for his crewmate to board.

“let’s make the captain proud” Zero yell.
“For the Glory of the Devils of the Deep,” his crewmate yelled in unison. The crew charges onto the ship overwhelming the enemy and quickie talking control of the ship. Zero jump off the ship and landing on the main ship firing upon the battlefield. He landed with a huge thud shaking the ship.

“I want to talk to you” Zero announce pointing his claw at the man shouting ordered. Guard quickly surround him ready to attack.

“kill that beast” the enemy captain yelled as the guard around him charge at Zero ready to die. Zero dough their attach and slice them into pieces. He made quick work of the enemy crew and then went for the enemy captain. He slowly approaches the enemy captain ready to kill him when a sword pierces through his heart killing him instantly. Zero saw one of Serena undead soldier standing behind the captain and holding the sword that dealt the killing blow.

“I had him” Zero said as the undead solder crumple to ashes. He approaches the dead body of the enemy solider and knell down at it inspecting the wound. He places his hand over the dead body and pored life energy back into it. the enemy captain sprung back to life gasping for air.

“I still want to talk to you,” Zero said. He grabs the enemy captain and jumps back to the ship. He landed on the deck in front of the captain. He bowed in respect and gave Serena a hateful glair.

“Master here is the enemy captain I believe we could get some information out of him” Zero said. Throwing the enemy captain on the ground in front of the young master. Zero looked around at the spoil of this battle. It was a decent haul he hoped the young master is pleased.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

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Hector looked on at the Captain of the Ship. He bore the insignia of a member of the Society of Leopold. Hector didn't care much for religious fanatics, especially ones that are set on destroying his kind.

"Tell me, what are your numbers in Constantinople? Have you seen a powerful vampire named Azaneal?" Hector asked. Shadowy tentacles emerged from Hector's back and threateningly enveloped the Society captain.

"Our numbers are thinning in Constantinople...Azaneal's servants are in there. We have difficulties setting up the city as a post with the massive supernatural presence there. It's a warzone, but all Satan's creatures will soon know God's judgement. We have reinforcements coming in-" Hector tired of the man and sent a dark tentacle slashing through his head, beheading him.

"If you aren't going to tell me about Azaneal, shut up. Crew, dump the bodies and take their loot. Half of you commandeer their ship and take down the flags, we're heading into Constantinople" Hector said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

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William "Harbinger" Augustus

William was sitting in a cargo-hold alone, thinking about the assignment he was about to receive from his masters. Only one word came out of his Umbra side the last time they "met" inside the pocket dimension the Umbra used to give him his orders.

"Constantinople" and then he was expelled back into the real world. Moving through the taverns, he learned that Devils of the Deep's ship would be leaving towards Constantinople the next day and while he wasn't quite above killing everyone on the ship, he didn't received the orders to do so and he couldn't pilot a ship on his own so he choose another method. At night he changed into his Umbra form and hid inside the cargo-hold, only changing back to his Umbra form when the pirate crew would venture close to his hiding spot.

After a few days, he heard the crew say that they were approaching Constantinople and he knew his torment of hiding like a rat was about to end. That is when the ship started rock away on the water and the sounds of battle could be heard from about.

"It's time" William said with a grim smile and then went outside to protect his means of arriving to his destination.

He shadow-blinked outside and immediately took notice of the small army of zombies that was attacking the other ship and shook his head. Necromancy, like most other black magic, was a gift from the Umbra some time ago or so his Umbra-side told him when they first "met".
The pirates barely took notice of him, preoccupied with the enemy crew as they were, but the enemy crew did took notice of him. Two fanatics charged him and William without using his own weapons simply dodged one of them and threw the other into the sea. The other soon was upon him again and William shook his head.
"They never learn." muttered William. He dodged the fanatic again and then a sword appeared from nowhere at all and quickly proceeded into sticking the sword in the fanatic's back.
The blood was simply absorbed by the sword and then it disappeared again into nothing.

A bow appeared in William's hands and he started shooting arrows at every fanatic that he could set his eyes upon. Soon after the battle was done and someone brought the captain of the enemy ship to the pirates crew's captain. A few sailors surrounded him and brought him to the captain, he allowed himself to be taken and nodded in a gesture of respect to the captain. Demons and Umbra are both dark forces and William knew it was better not to anger the demon.
" Captain. " his voice was dark, strong and some of his latin accent still remained even after so much time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

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After dealing with the Fanatics, a few of Hector's crew mates brought a strange hooded figure with pale skin before him. Hector was bewildered, who was this man and what was he doing he, was he friend or foe?

"Captain" The man said, quite bereft of words he was. He had an Italian accent and there was something dark and powerful about his voice.

"What are you doing here? Do you know who we are? We are some of the most feared pirates that Europe has ever seen, and while I don't doubt that you are strong yourself being among a crew such as mine will put you in grave danger if your plans are malevolent." Hector said to him.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

William "Harbinger" Augustus

William moved one of his hand as if to dismiss the demon's threat to him. He was not about to let himself intimidated even in this situation.
" What am I doing here? I'm going to Constantinople, of course. I don't know, nor care who you are demon. Your crew had the same destination as I did and so I allowed myself on the ship, had the attack not happened..." William took a deep breath and nodded at a corpse around them and continued talking.

" We wouldn't have met and I wouldn't be having this conversation with you. " his tone suggested that he didn't like the fact he, himself had to talk.

The truth of the matter in all of William's existence as the Harbinger, he didn't spoke to more than 10 humans or supernaturals. Words were for civilians, not for soldiers. The Umbra didn't need to talk, they would share their thoughts between themselves and that's it. Words mean manipulation and that was the work of diplomats or politicians.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

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"This isn't a ferry, it's a pirate ship. You can ride with us into Constantinople, but you are sitting in the Prison Hold until then." Hector said.

The pirates carried him off into his cell. Hector had a feeling that he could break out if he wanted to, so Hector had some pirates watch the cell.

A couple hours later, they had reached the port of Constantinople. The City was surrounded by two seas, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean sea. The flags of the two vessels they brought into portside where neutral, so none knew that pirates were about to occupy the great city. Constantinople was absolutely massive, with all sorts of political groups and supernaturals occupying separate parts of the city. Hector's first plan was to gather information on Azaneal, but it was hard to know where to start in such a massive hub.

Hector walked down into the ship to release the prisoner. He had a feeling that he might not even be there, even with the crew members watching him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

William "Harbinger" Augustus

William allowed himself to be taken away to the prison hold. They were still far from Constantinople and a fight here could mean his death if he was not sure. Of course, if he would die then the Umbra would simply take another nearby human or supernatural's body and the mission could continue.

Soon he was in the prison hold with a few pirates there to watch him. He said nothing to them but simply made his sword appear out of nowhere and started practicing the sword forms taught to him by persons he long forgotten about. The pirates tensed at first but seeing that his eyes were closed and he didn't make any kind of attempt to escape, they simply watched him practice.

Eventually he heard the sounds of the port and knew it was time for him to disembark. William's body became incorporeal and simply walked through the bars of the prison cell he was in. The pirates quickly surrounded him, weapons drawn.
William let a small chuckle and said with his dark voice a single sentence.
" This is my stop, move aside. "

Another sound came from above and a pair of feet descending the stairs. William looked in the eyes of each pirate and let out a small gust of air.
" Looks like you're saved. " he said to the pirates, smiling.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

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Hector descended the staircase and saw the strange man surrounded by his pirates, weapons drawn. He had gotten out of his cell somehow, Hector wondered if this was a wraith possessing a normal man's body, but he brushed the thought aside for he did not care.

"You're free to go. Men, step aside for him." Hector said to William.

"I have other matters to attend to." Hector said. With those words, he dove into his own shadow and reappeared behind Serena, and Zero was right there with her along with some of his other most trusted crew mates.

"Alright, we're heading to any place in this city where we might get any information on Azaneal. We're going to the nearest bar first and foremost. If we can find out where any demon worshiping Vampires might be hiding, we're one step closer to destroying our greatest enemy. Let us make haste." Hector said to the group. The group followed Hector as they explored the city. They entered a bar called the Rusty Flagon and the bar hushed as the large group of pirates silently took seats at a table as conversations resumed, and the pirates listened in closely.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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On the outskirts of Constantinople a small war party stood atop a hill eyeing the city from afar. The horses they rode eagerly trotted in place, ready to move as the head rider gave the signal to advance. As they closed in on the famed city it was obvious these men were not ordinary for they were armored in full plate riding dark armored steeds themselves. To any watchful eyes this normally wouldn’t mean much as Knights regularly passed through the city but there was an aura about them, something dark and the armor they wore was dark and ornate indicating that these men were far from your regular warriors. As they got closer it was evident even the bravest of warriors would tremble at the sight of these heavily armed knights and passersby’s were sure to let them through lest they be trampled under the armored might.
As they entered the city the crowds could only look in suspicion and awe as the head rider raised an armored fist causing his war party to halt. Slowly approaching from among the crowd an individual in a dark robe advanced and bowed his head at the lead armored figure, speaking in a tone only audible to the pair. “Welcome my Lord, I been anticipating your arrival for some time, all that I own is yours to do with as you wish, I live to serve”

Your loyalty has been noted and will be well rewarded.” The figure replied.
The robbed man bowed his head again. “If I may my lord, I would urge some caution. Various clans and other creatures have made this city their own. Your presence will be noted; your enemies will fear you and stay out of your way however those ignorant to your power may confront you”

“Good. It would save us the trouble of hunting down our adversaries throughout this city. I look forward to the challenge” The robbed man lowered his head with respect once more and stepped aside as the head of the war party led his troops deeper into the city.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

William "Harbinger" Augustus

William took his leave from the pirates and walked through the city unmolested. His apperance was enough to acare away any thieves that would think that he was an easy target.
Moving slowly but with purpose, he arrived to his destination. A small church that the humans used to worship their God. Here he was supposed to use an ancient entrance that would make itself visible only if an Umbra was present and enter the pocket diminsion, so that he would recesive his orders.
The irony of the place didn't escape him. A place of worship for a good God to be the place where the Umbra could enter this dimension was a funny thing.

He let a few coins at a "mercy box" and proceeded to walk to the real entrance. Arriving there, he uttered a few words in no langauge that could be found on Earth and disappeared from sight.
Reappearing, he looked around and the sight of what he saw...shocked even him. He was not in the pocket dimension he should've been but on the Umbra homeworld itself. His Umbra side went outside of his body and for the first time in centuries, William felt human.
" Great Umbra. Wh-- Why have you called me? " fear creeped in his voice. He knew that he was the first human that existed in the Umbra diminsion and that could mean one of two things. Either he was about to be killed,in a way that no words could describe or something really bad happened and the Umbra were in real danger.
His Umbra looked up and then back at William and nodded. His fears were unfounded, he was not about to be killed.
" Thief. Traitor. Escaped into human world. Took forbitten knowledge. Bring him back. Alive. Destroy book. Allowed to gain allies.
Traitor with knowledge will prove dangerous alone. He knows you are coming. He waits for you.
" was the only thing that could be heard, from everywhere at once. A human mind would be driven nuts with the înhumam sound but William held strong. He was not human, not fully anyway.
Then as if nothing happened, Wiiliam reappeared inside the dark corner of the church.
Now with a mission, William had to do what he always did. Track,intercept and destroy.

A Umbra traitor was something that never happened in all Umbra history and who knows what will happen if humans would find out about the Umbra. Because a Umbra didn't have a physical form in this dimension, that could mean a single thing. Somewhere in the city there is another half-Umbra hiding or plotting.
William learned from personal experience that a half-Umbra while very capable to hiding between humans, someone eventually will notice something not right about him and rumors would start about that person. Rumors meant a single thing, taverns.

Going back to docks he went through every tavern and started asking questions about the half-Umbra until he finally entered the "Rusty Flagon". There the pirate crew that he used to get here was drinking away their problems or what not. Quickly spotting the captain between the other patrons, he made his way towards him.
Nodding at him as a form of greeting, William said :
" Captain. I have a question and maybe a business proposal if you're interested. ".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chronos Hybrid
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There was something about the man in the prison hold that made that hair on Zero neck hair stand. His aura was strange he wasn’t completely human, or alive. Something was in him something vile and undead. He couldn’t put his finger on it but he was glad that the man was off the ship and he never had to see him again.

Zero follow the captain while they explore the city he could still sense the man from earlier. The thing inside of him seen to be getting stronger, it was strange but he didn’t think too much about it he had more important thing to do. He followed the captain into a bar named the Rusty Dragon and the place fell into silence at the group of pirates that enter and took a seat. Zero took a seat next to the captain and told the bartender to bring him some Ale. The men started talking and getting drunk and so did Zero they were at sea for so long he hasn’t gotten the change to thoroughly get dunk.
Out of nowhere, there was that feeling from before. The man from before was close and coming this way. Zero turns around finding him walking through the door and headed toward them.

" Captain. I have a question and maybe a business proposal if you're interested." the man said.

“Captain don’t trust him there is something weird about he hiding something I don't know what but its nothing we want to get involve with” Zero whispers to his captain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 24 min ago

Vendro of the Unguard

Outside of the hustle and bustle of the city would be a different world entirely, part of that world would be a camp of littered dead bodies of what could be considered outlaws maybe. Their bodies cut and skewered by blade and bolt, few even having been able to pull their blades out of the sheaths. The ones behind this massacre of a camp would be a group of at least six of the Unguard species. Each of them search the bodies and tents, gathering up some of the more precious materials and metals in a makeshift pack in the middle of the camp. Most of what they found were trinkets made of metal, some gems here and there, nicer clothing that could be good for trade and what it seems to be considered the current currency. None of them hoarding the gains of this ambush for themselves, making sure to place everything they found together. For the Unguard, this is the way they evenly split the rewards of a good fight between each of them. Of course after some time, one would sound eager and excited. Coming out of a tent with a wrapped up object in their hands. The others quickly making their way over, they didn't need to see what was inside to know what it is. One of them taking the wrapped up, rounder looking object in his hands as he spoke up.

"Alright, seems we found what we were looking for this whole time. Now we can return knowing we succeeded in our task..." He would grin under his helmet as the others applauded themselves. But there was little time for celebration, they are still above ground and vulnerable to others that may be nearby. But they also had one last thing they needed to deal with before returning to the underground, motioning to the others to continue their search of the camp with new vigor. Once they were occupied he would sneak a peak under the covers and nods, this was definitely what they were looking for. What the Seers were looking for anyway, it wasn't of their concern to figure out exactly what it is or what it is for. But if they need it, it will be returned. Stashing it away in his own personal pack as the group of them gather around their stash, huffing as he speaks once more. "On second thought, let's do this in the underground where it's safe. Besides we may need it later, Mirak! Stash it in your pack for the time being." The Unguard nodding as he quickly moves forward, quickly filling his pack with the valuables. "Once he is done, we move once more." Looking back at the Unguard as he finishes. With a nod of his head they quickly pull away from the camp and dive under the ground, the dirt filling in the spots once they were deep enough to cover their tracks. Their next mission would be unknown as they make their way to the city, moving unnoticed beneath the surface.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

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Hector listened in on the crowd of patrons, all of them talking about random dribble that did not concern Hector. Most of Hector's men who could drink alcohol were ordering ale and reveling. Hector's only concern, however, was hearing rumors from the patrons.

Just then, a hooded figure entered the bar and approached Hector. On closer inspection, it was the man who was a stowaway on their ship earlier.

"Captain. I have a question and maybe a business proposal if you're interested." The man said to Hector.

“Captain, don’t trust him, there is something weird about him. He's hiding something, I don't know what but its nothing we want to get involved with.” Zero whispers to Hector. Serena also went on edge and was cautious of him.

"I'll hear you out, but if I don't care for what you have to say there's no deal." Hector said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

William scowled at Zero but didn't say anything. He was in a way or the other, truth in what he said. William was weird and this supernaturals could feel it more so than a normal human.

" The question first. Persons of your...obvious for the trained eye, talents are quite connected in the world we live in. The question is. Have you heard about someone, similar in appearance and "weird" feeling that recently came to Constantinople? He is in possession of something he stole from my masters and I need to...have a talk with him. " he took a break in his speech, watching the crew's expressions then continued " As for the proposal. You help me track this person down and I'll help you do whatever you have to do here. " he stopped again and looked behind him and listened as if someone was talking with him then quickly added to the group.
" My masters will reward you, Captain, if you help me by telling you the location of any person that is on Earth. "
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chronos Hybrid
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Chronos Hybrid An introvert

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"The question first. Persons of your...obvious for the trained eye, talents are quite connected in the world we live in. The question is. Have you heard about someone, similar in appearance and "weird" feeling that recently came to Constantinople?"

There are more of them Zero thought. He started scanning the area looking for anyone with a similar soul. There were lots of people in the are but nothing out of the ordinary just humans and supernaturals. He was about to give up when he found something. The same vile and undead soul. It was moving not very fast but it was heading this way. He kept an eye on the other person and went back to the conversation with the mysterious man.

"My masters will reward you, Captain, if you help me by telling you the location of any person that is on Earth." The mysterous man said. Zero look at his master who showed little to no emotion at the offer. This was thier chance to catch Azaneal once and for all.

"Captain what chould we do" Zero ask still watching the mysterous man and the other of his kind.
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