Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana looked around at the room, "It is indeed interesting. It's not hard to imagine why someone would want to get into this place." her eyes continued to follow the intricate wall designs and observed how the dust seemed to flow around inside it. This was strange and quite possibly very dangerous material that she wanted a sample of, but she thought it would be better to leave something like this out of the reach of people. Some people were good and some were bad, she'd have very little control on who it went to after handing it to Ironwood ans she knew this. She watched Eve as she placed the relic on the pedestal and then as the dust inside the walls started violently being sucked into it. "How can anything draw in that much dust? she followed after Eve as she picked up the relic that was now teaming with dust energy. She looked at it with a hint of worry, "I don't know what that this is but it should surely be kept out of enemy hands, something that powerful can't be given a chance to be misused. what ever this was it seemed to be like some kind of battery, and a bloody strong battery at that, it sucked up enough dust to fill the walls of the chamber they were in.

Diana looked around to see if anything else might have been triggered by the transfer of dust into the relic. There could be traps or an ambush planned, who knows what this new enemy she'd learned of so recently was capable of. And then there were the possible traps the creator of this insane relic could have planted. She was torn on which one to be more concerned about, and ancient civilisation or the enemy of civilisation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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Eve's mind was coming up with all sorts of theories behind the cube but her train of thought came to a sudden halt when she caught a shadow moving across the room. She looked to the staircase on the other side of the room. She saw movement of a familiar figure leaving fast. “It's that spy! We can't let him report this!” Eve called back, bolting after him. Quickly bounding up the stairs, she dashed through the opened door. He's quick but I'm faster! Eve sped up through the dark hall but it quickly grew brighter. She squinted at the light as the broken hallway was exposed to the elements. She kept moving and once her eyes adjusted she realized she was on top of him. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck and came to a quick stop.
“Please let me go! I won't say anything! I can't be late! If I am they'll kill her!” There was such panic in the his voice as he tried to get away. Eve realized just how young he was then. She loosened her tight grip on him just a bit.
“Chill out kid! I won't hurt you!” Eve stated calmly trying to get him to relax.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana had spotted the spy as Eve did but she let Eve chase her not wanting to get in the way. Her lantern made moving at high speeds tricky and her semblance could accidentally trip Eve up. She unsheathed her sword and ran after her but not a full speed, she was full ready to interrogate the spy then poke a hole in them. She caught up to Eve as she pinned the boy, she frowned and turned off her lantern as she walked towards Eve and the boy. After taking a kneeling position next to them both with she looked at the kid. she spoke in a very intimidating tone "I will if you don't start talking. Who do you work for and where do I... We find them?" if the spy made eye contact with Diana he would most likely fear for his life. Diana was now in information gathering mode like some kind of switch in her brain had been flipped, and this meant she was getting the information she wanted weather the suppliers liked it or not. "And if you're quick about it we might just be able to save this person you seem so concerned about. Or you could sit here and make this take a while, then I'll kill you after I inevitably get the information and you'll never see her again. I'm not fussed." Diana's last sentence had a hit of murderous intent mixed in, it was very noticeable even for someone as young as the spy. To further emphasise her point she tilted her blade and lightly scrapped it along the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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Marlin continued to watch the shadows as the girls discussed the cube of dust that was now an extreme power source beyond most comprehension. With a drink in his hand, his eyes looking for Grimm and his thoughts on the recovery of his tail he didn't realize what was going on behind him. Figuring it wasn't a big deal since he couldn't really hear them quickly, entirely unfocused from the situation, Marlin turned around to see himself alone in the cavern that was once bright, "Well fuck me." With his light source gone the area was dark, he scanned around till he saw what looked like sunlight coming from outside. Marlin took his time towards the new tunnel, sipping every now and then from his flask. "Eh I'll take my time, they can handle themselves," he said to himself thinking that the fact there wasn't any cry for help there was no reason to hurry.

Though it wasn't till he was approaching the end of the tunnel and back outside that he heard an unfamiliar voice. Eve and Diana seemed to be having an interrogation set up with a young Faunus. Marlin approached and stood behind Diana, keeping a face of seriousness but he really didn't care about the boy. As true as it may be that most Faunus stick together and help when in need, Marlin still never cared about anyone unless money was involved. "Tough luck kid, I'd give them what they want if I were you, especially her, she scares me," he nodded his head towards Diana.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“I'll tell you! I'll tell you!” He slipped out of Eve's lose grip but it pulled off the Grimm-like mask and his hood. His white rabbit ears were pinned down in fear. He didn't try to run just took a few steps back. He was terrified of what Diana might do to him and he couldn't outrun Eve, then he had no idea what Marlin would do.
“Diana!” Eve glared at her bitterly, stepping between Diana and the kid. “That's a bit much he's just a kid! There is no need to threaten his life!”
“Look if that thing is a weapon like you said I don't plan on letting the White Fang or the guy I'm reporting to know about it.” The young Faunus explained quickly trying to diffuse the situation. “All this violence. I'm sick of it. I never wanted it but they have my sister. So I do my best to avoid giving them means to hurt innocent people whenever I can.” His face grew downcast. “Not that it makes a difference…”
“I'm sure it does to some degree.” Eve smiled at him. She admired his courage and willingness to do something good with such a tense situation. He had all the makings to become a Huntsman if he had better circumstances. “What's your name, kiddo?”
“Hansa…” the young Faunus looked nervously among the three. “Hansa Agouti...”
“Hansa is a good name,” Eve smiled sweetly. “It's a yellow just like my surname. I'm Eve Oriole!” Hansa couldn't help but feel the corners of his mouth curl up slightly. He felt of any of them she was the one to trust.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana scowled at Eve as she stood in the way but luckily the child had already confessed he would talk. She met Eve's gaze for a moment just so she could have a taste of her semblance. She growled as she stood up, scraping her blade along the ground before flicking it upwards and sheeting it. "Age is not a shield, I will not hold back because of it." She hissed then walked off to the side, she still listened to what the boy had to say sighed knowing his confessions were genuine. She also rolled her eyes as Eve gave out her name, she'd just told a potential enemy two names of a party sent to investigate them. Amature... she continued looking around for any threats. She was now more annoyed then normal, she'd never had to deal with someone questioning her methods before. She'd dealt with plenty off drunk faunus, but she couldn't handle criticism. Mainly because she'd never gotten it much until this point. Her results were always flawless and that's all that mattered to her superiors. "You are wasting time Eve, we can't afford that. And neither can little Hansa... Diana hissed as she looked back at Marlin then Hansa.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Marlin listened to the conversation that took place before him, although he was drinking he wasn't hammered like the time before with the meeting in Ozpin's office. The boy proclaimed his sister was being held captive by the White Fang, Marlin thought about the girl, though he didn't care about anyone or anything, a small spark of selflessness hit his insides and he felt like he was going to vomit. Marlin shuddered a little when Diana looked at him but his aura was rejuvenating from the incident with the door so her effect didn't last long. She spoke of wasting time and that's when he had to but in, "What are we in a hurry for? Last I remember we came to just study, not like there's a deadline," he stated taking another swig before putting it away.

He took a step towards Hansa and Eve, he bent down and reached for the mask that was once on the boy's face. He studied it for a bit, glancing at Hansa looking at his reaction, like that mask meant something to him. Marlin smirked before crushing the piece in his hand, turning it dust as smaller bits went flying. "You're done with them," he paused lowered his fist back towards his pockets. He wasn't a fan of the White Fang and he knew they played dirty, but he wasn't one to mettle in their business, he just knew they were bad luck. "You want your sister? Helping them isn't going to help her, you stay with us and they'll think your dead, she's of no use anymore, simple as that." He turned his head to look at Eve, "So what's next boss."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“There’s more than one way to get information!” Eve was scared of Diana in that moment but she had to stand her ground. “Intimidation isn't necessary!” Eve realized Marlin came a bit late to the party and needed to fill him in, “He has to meet up with his employer so to speak. Otherwise his sister might be in danger.” She watched at Marlin as he crushed Hansa’s mask and nodded in agreement. When he asked what to do next she turned back to Hansa. “That’s up to him right now.” She took a deep breath taking a split second to gather her thoughts. “We going to help you, but if you are willing, do you mind helping us try and capture this guy you report to?” Eve's tone was light but her expression held a serious note behind her smile. “At the very least we need to know more about his companions and their motives. If anything it will help keep you-”
“I’ll do it!” Hansa interrupted her. After Marlin crushed his mask and told him he was done he knew he shouldn’t turn back. It was time to change his fate. “It’s a bit further north in the forest so we have a ways to go.”
“Then lead the way,” Eve directed him. He started walking and she followed him in stride. “If you have any information that might help us catch him now’s the time, before we need some distance between us.”
“I never got a name from this guy. He’s got long black and white hair and wears white and a top hat…” As Hansa described the man Eve looked to Marlin for a moment. She heard descriptions enough but never saw him herself but she knew Marlin did. It confirmed her suspicions that he “The rumor is he has a tendency to kill anyone who fails him.” Hansa shuddered he never felt comfortable around the guy the few times he met him. “I guess in some ways the White Fang is done with me if they wanted me to work with him...” Hansa paused and took a deep breath, “Eve? Even if something bad happens to me, promise me you’ll help my sister, Rose. You'll find her in a small village outside Mistral.”
“I promise but nothing is going to happen to you!” Eve lightly placed her hand on his head. “I’m going to make sure you both come out of this alright!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana frowned but didn't turn around. She was not enjoying Ironwoods decision on posting her with these people. She wanted to point out that intimidation was her only option, but that would entail her revealing her semblance to them and she didn't want to do that just yet. These people were infuriating. And they were soft, showing all this concern for the boy. She hissed as she felt memories of her early days come back to her, her big brother was all she had... "... Marlin. Your tail is going to have to wait. Take this." She pulled out an extra needle and held it out to Marlin. "Encase the pain starts up again. I only have one more, so make sure not to drop lose it." her tone was off, it gave a slight vibe that Diana felt vulnerable. In truth she was just angry, this boy was protecting his sister just as her own brother had done so long ago. She had no words for Eve, she didn't think Eve would listen to her anyway, she was far to concerned for the rabbit.

She drew her blade and kept it at the ready. She wanted to cut something. Grimm or other white fang spies it didn't matter. She tapped the handle of her blade impatiently as they began following Hansa. This was going to be a long walk for her, memories and anger stirring around inside her like some kind of nasty soup.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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Marlin recognized the description of the man the boy talked about, Eve glanced at him and he returned with a nod, "It's him, the one Yoki ran after," confirming the identity. There wasn't anybody that looked much like him, let alone in the business they were dealing with. Diana handed him another needle, he gave a small smirk and placed the needle in the same pocket as his flask. All his other pockets were filled with dust and he didn't want the dust to infuse with the compound in the needle. They began to follow the rabbit and Marlin could only think of the man, he's seen him in action and it wasn't pretty, and if Eve said the man has killed two huntsman before he really wondered what kind of challenge this would bring. "This mission went from research to capture huh, and you're still not supplied?" he said to Eve remembering she didn't resupply before they left for the ruins. This capture mission wasn't going to be easy, and he could already tell someone was going to get hurt. With all the money he's received and his usual self not really caring about other, being paid to work with a team has turned on light he hadn't seen in awhile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“Ah yeah but I don’t always use Dust in Tippetarius anyway.” Eve placed her hand on one of the fanblade's grip. “I use melee more often because it uses up so much.”
“You guys know this guy?” Hansa asked over his shoulder.
“Supposedly he was the one who killed my brother and husband,” Eve said in a heavy tone. “Highly skilled Huntsmen and they didn’t stand a chance. Between that and from what I’ve heard from Yoki, it’ll be better to aim for information than capture. We just better hope we have the upper hand on the element of surprise still.”
“Then I’ll try and see if I can get information for you…” Hansa was starting to fear him more than Diana. “If there’s one thing I’m good at that’s it.” He tried to hide his fear and he picked up speed a bit. “I’m going on ahead. We are getting closer now.”
“Be careful!” Eve voiced as she slowed her pace and watched him carefully as he darted through the forest ahead of them. She was a bit nervous about how things might go. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt but from what she’s heard about this mysterious man that might not be the case. “If we have the opportunity to catch him then pounce on it. If not we need to stay back. Most of all we need to keep him safe!” She wanted to make her goals clear to her teammates. "Do not push the limits here."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana followed along silently she was displeased to hear about this Yoki leaving his team mate behind in pursuit of a personal goal. What if Eve got hurt or was stuck in a situation that she needed him to be there for? Diana knew what she was going to do to Yoki once she met him. He has the ability to be on a team without scaring them half to death and he bails on them when it would obviously be smarter to tackle a threat like that with multiple people. She sighed "It would be unwise for you not to engage the assassin Eve. You may tell yourself you won't slip up because of your emotions, but it would be safer if I dealt with them." She sounded very confident, she'd never really treated anyone as an equal. You were above her or below her, and until she got evidence you were below her. "If this master assassin shows up, I'll deal with him. Dealing with him doesn't mean I'll capture him or kill him, I will hold him off or repel him... And please don't interfere Marlin. With your injury and lack of a weapon make you an easier target."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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Marlin watched as the boy took off ahead of them, he was a bit concerned but if anybody wasn't going to be hurt by the man it was him. Eve was more worried about getting information rather than capturing the man, plus Marlin thought he was too dangerous to be held as a prisoner and transported back to a prison. When Eve spoke of losing her brother and her husband he couldn't help but feel bad. There was no hope to be in a relationship with her, at least not anytime soon, or ever, he didn't know. He still admired her, her body for sure but now how she thought and who she was and he began to learn more of her, though she was far different from him and he was just a rat living in the gutters.

Marlin sighed lightly, wanting to drink but too depressed to do so. This emotional unbalance was not good for his aura so he had to get out of it quickly if he was ever to stand a chance against anybody. Diana spoke up about fighting the man, she seemed confident in her abilities, something to admire as well, though she seemed to think too highly of herself. Though that's how he thought as well, a power house that believe he was better than all an no once was worth remarking until they proved themselves, he understood her just fine. "Hey if you wanna take the bull by the horns then by all means, I'll hang back." He wasn't going to put himself in harms way if someone else was going to do it, though he was going to step forward as initial contact before Diana beat him to the punch.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“I'm here!” Hansa put his hood back up as he stopped in a clearing.
“You're late. How unlike you…” As soon as she heard his voice Eve grabbed the two with her, since they were chatting, and ducked behind a tree. Eve peered around the trunk. She couldn't see this mystery man very well he was in a blind spot. It made Eve nervous. She couldn't read this guy to see when to step in.
“I ran into some trouble on the way here,” Hansa explained smoothly. “The huntsmen also fell into the ruins and I had to find another way to get in.”
“You didn't decide to start working with them did you?” The man started pacing in the clearing but still remained in the team's blindspot.
“What would make you think that?!” Hansa laughed. Eve had to keep herself from jumping in. She could tell Hansa had done this before because he hardly had any tells as far as she could see.
“You are never late and your mask is missing.” Hansa was unsettled by his smile.
“If you are worried they made me, don't be. A portion of the ruins below the ground collapsed and I fell and my mask got crushed in the sinkhole.” Hansa didn't but he was around the edge of it when it collapsed. It's how he knew to find them nearby. “I wanted to be sure it the ruins weren't related before I reported back!”
“Was it?” The mysterious man asked, a sinister interest in his voice as he tilted his head ever so slightly.
“No,” Hansa lied. “At least as far as I could tell. You haven't exactly told me what I'm looking for. Care to fill me in a bit more?”
“I simply wanted you to update me on their progress in their relic investigation.” There was a sudden explosion at Hansa’s feet and his Aura visibly dropped. Eve immediately ran in but it wasn't fast enough. She dove to help Hansa.
“Hansa! Stay with me!” Eve called out to him. He was in shock. His legs were cleanly severed above the knee. A wound this clean cut could not be the blast.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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Marlin was brought down into hiding by Eve, they were closer than he expected, he kept his mouth shut and his ears perked listening to the conversation. 'He's on to him,' he said to himself, able to read the situation and understand a conversation of hidden investigation and lying. Marlin tensed up a bit, placing aura into his feet ready to pounce when needed, though he remembered that Diana wanted dibs on the man. He didn't really have anything personal against the guy in white so he was willing to let her take the trophy. There was an explosion and Eve took off running before anybody realized what had happened.

Marlin jumped to his feet and sprinted in a couple steps, his speed increased by his aura and he was by Eve and Hansa in no time. He wasn't worried about the man knowing for sure that that was all on Diana's mind, no matter what happened she would go after the culprit they were hunting. Marlin looked down at the boy, sighing heavily as Eve tried to comfort him. Marlin wasn't always a type to care, but something about kids usually kept a soft spot in him, and seeing how much Eve cared about others opened him up even more. With a look in to Hansa's eyes, "This is going to hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me," Marlin glanced at Eve, "Hold him down." The boy was now out of aura so he wasn't protected anymore, and his wounds were wide open and clean, at least the recovery will be short.

Marlin took a deep breath, closing his eyes and focusing, meditating. Alcohol in his system or not he could still perform astounding tasks like this one. He placed every ounce of aura in his body to his hands, grabbing large fire crystals he infused his aura to take on a scolding hot presence. What he was about to do was extremely dangerous to both parties and not easy. Marlin reached down and grabbed Hansa's amputated legs, he needed to close the wound before there was too much blood loss. With the aura his hands scorching hot he started to force his aura into the boys body, increasing the heat to cauterize the ends. It didn't take long but the wounds were closed, however Hansa now held all of Marlin's aura, and it was infused with dust. "There, now listen to me carefully," he knew the boy was in pain but he needed him to listen. "If you don't keep a straight head you'll explode, especially with how much dust is in your body now." He looked over to Eve seeing if she could help calm him down with some words of encouragement. "Close your eyes and listen to my words, I do this all the time. Imagine an empty room, pick your favorite color and that's the walls, now imagine the ceiling is leaking in the middle, a single drop of water falling every second, focus on the sound, focus on the calm stillness around the room, focus on the peace around you, the serenity."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana dashed after Eve and got into a defensive stance scanning the area, she couldn't see much because of the dust but it was better then not looking at all. She held her blade one handed while the other hand was behind her back. She slashed at the air with her sword clearing a small area in front of her. She looked back at the other three then continued scanning for hostiles. "Do not let your guard down. I am fairly sure the assassin is gone. But the boy's pain and fear will bring Grimm." with that she went back to making sure nothing got the jump on them. She heard Marlin doing something behind her and heard the boy in pain, she wanted to turn around and see what was going on but that could cause problems. Sure she had good medical skills, but she lacked the equipment to give the boy proper treatment and she was also the only one who could properly defend against the mysterious assassin. "After you're done treating the boy we should leave." She then realised what Marlin had done after hearing the sound of extreme heat.

"And for god's sake give the boy an anaesthetic shot. That pain must be excruciating."
She then tossed M a device that was clearly meant to make injecting needles easier towards the pair. It was already loaded with the proper shot and dosage.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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Eve held Hansa tightly as Marlin cauterized the wounds. She had briefly thought about using her last Dust crystal for just that but she could tell Marlin had done it before. Hearing Hansa scream in pain was breaking her heart. She didn't loosen her grip on him in the slightest until Marlin was done. Eve quickly grabbed the aesthetic provided by Diana and injected it into Hansa's legs. Eve was surprised the kid was still somewhat conscious. “You impress me, Hansa.” Eve's voice cracked a bit, as she pulled him into her arms. “Your determination is outstanding. I promise to reunite you and your sister.” Hansa wanted to say something to reassure her or even just thank her, but nothing came out. While Marlin gave a detailed description on a way for him to mellow out, Eve began to hum. He thought of a rose colored room but instead of focusing on imaginary water he focused on Eve's melodic humming. It wasn't long before he felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep. Eve felt tears as she was humming a lullaby she used to sing to her son.
“It's you…” that eerie, sinister voice filled Eve's ears as though he were behind her. It sent chills down her spine but when she looked over her shoulder she could see Yoki between them and the mysterious man has gracefully landed on a tree branch avoiding his swing. Eve couldn't see his face very well. All she could see was a twisted smile curling across his lips. The rest of it was shrouded by the white top hat. He stood straight up and snickered.
“Who are you?!” Eve called out shakily. She couldn't help but feel a familiar air to him. Like she'd seen him before but she never had. “What the hell do you want the cube for?”
“It won't matter to you when you're dead,” he laughed. He made a slight movement with his hand. A thin wire weighted by a dust crystal was heading straight for Eve but Yoki expanded his chair sword and knocked it way off course. “You stay away from her you, slimy bastard!”
“Yoki?! What the hell are you going on here?!” Eve yelled at him.
“I think I'll just take my leave,” the man bowed his head and vanished leaving a sinister laugh among the trees.
“Yoki, who is that?” Eve demanded.
“Damn where'd he go?!” Yoki looked around, completely ignoring her. He paced the clearing looking for any sign he could of him.
“Yoki! Answer me damn it!” Eve wanted to run up and grab him to get his attention but she refused to leave Hansa's side.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana had looked around now unimpeded by the dust. The conflict between Yoki and the Mystery man instantly caught her attention but she couldn't intervene. Diana jumped into the path of the assassins attack but Yoki had already deflected it. She skidded to a halt never getting a clear view of the assassin but able to make out a few distinctive features like the suit and hat but those could be easily changed. After the mysterious assassin fled Diana heard Eve call out to Yoki. So this is Yoki... Diana walked towards Yoki and put a hand on his shoulder then forcing him to turn around. As she turned Yoki around she threw a punch at his jaw in the same motion.

If the hit connects she would then wait a few moments to let it sink in, if it was avoided she would simply take a step back. "You're the one who ran off and left Eve on her own yes? You have the privilege of being on a team and you waste on a chase that could lead to your own demise. In my eyes you are filth not worth the oxygen it's taking to say these words to you. Now answer Eve's question..." She would glare at Yoki, she didn't care what he thought about her. He was beneath her so his opinion held no sway with her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Marlin did his best to watch the commotion but his eyes wouldn't leave Hansa, he was extremely concerned, if the slightest thought wasn't controlled he'd surely be dead and him and Eve would be injured. As weak as he was, going in and out of consciousness he fought to stay awake. He heard the man's voice speak to Eve, but then a voice he remembered from a few days ago spoke up, "Yoki?" he said quietly, Eve was probably the only one that heard him. He was surprised that he showed up but glad that there was more people to fight for their side, being that he was out of commission for the moment.

The man seemed to have vanished and Eve started yelling, he was glad it wasn't at him and it was surely something he never wanted from her at all. Marlin then heard a punch and Diana start yelling, as scary as it was to look at her, her voice was another thing he didn't want to be on the other end of. Marlin kind of rolled towards the other side of Hansa where Eve was sitting. He grabbed the kid by the shoulders and shifted the sleeping boy towards him. "Go deal with blondie, we ain't goin' anywhere," he said with a smile, his thoughts more focused on the kid than anything else at the moment. Dust infusion was a big part of his life, his immense training in focus and balance only taught him how dangerous it really was and that most won't be able to do what he can. Marlin cared for anyone who had to be put into a situation like that without training, understanding they are experiencing something without extreme discipline.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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Yoki was stunned for a moment being punched. He managed to catch himself before he fell. When he came to his senses he glared at his attacker but a sense of fear came over him. His ears went back but he was so mad that fight or flight was very much fight as it always was with him. “Who the fuck do you think you are?!” Yoki balled up his fist. “I don’t need the judgement from some Atlesian privileged brat! I’ve got more important things to do than deal with you otherwise I’d have to beat your face in!” Yoki hissed bitterly looking around again. “If he gets away I might not find him again!”
Eve nodded at Marlin and stood up, storming over to Yoki. Yoki Tenne Inari! she grabbed his half-jacket, pulling him down to her level. “You are not going anywhere!”
“Eve! You don’t understand!” Yoki tried to pry the small girl off but her grip was too strong.
“Then make me understand you stupid fox!” Eve pulled him closer so he couldn't escape eye contact. “He’s going to come back no matter what. He’s after the relic! He’ll come to us if you just stick around and be patient you dumbass!” She shoved him back and she returned to Hansa’s side but remained standing.
“Who the fuck is this?!” Yoki pointed at Diana. “And why did she just punch me?! And why is he still around?!” Yoki raised his voice and pointed at Marlin. He had a severe disdain for the man already he disliked that he was around Eve. "He's not even a Huntsman!"
“Well if you'd bother to stick around instead of chasing Mr.Tophat you'd know that this is our new team!” Eve gestured to everyone.
“New team?! Since when?! I was gone only half a day!” Yoki grumbled. He looked the other two over bitterly. “Who is the leader?! Please tell me it's not the chick that just punched me!” He glared angrily at Diana.
“I…” Eve was about to say with confidence but she realized as she started she had no idea, “Don't know…”
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