Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Excerpts are taken from Hertzflet's Book on Theory Of Magic, a Beginners Practical

...My students would ask me "How can everyone use magic, but not everyone can use the same spells?"
And frankly, it's hard to answer that question. Anyone can technically visualize and pray really hard and get magic to take effect, but not everyone has that extra...calling to draw the power forth like a muscle...

...While there are no limitations to what magic can achieve being only limited to the imagination, will, and beliefs of the user, we teach ourselves limitations all the time. Because our imaginations are not infinite, we all close our mind to some possibilities, and will is a funny conversation in and of itself. SO it's difficult to say what is literally possible in magic, and what is not. Because how can you know what you can do, if all you've done is what you can think of doing?...

...It takes a force of will, and strength of spirit to use magic. You can wish all you want, but if you have a weak mind or body, you'll collapse quickly when using greater magics. It's easy to toss out a simple cantrip or jinx the housewife at the well. But if you want to close a wound, you have to know what is wrong with the wound. You have to know how the wound should heal. What goes where and how. Otherwise, you'll exhaust yourself...and just make things worse.

...People usually specialize in one form of magic or another. As my readers should know, I work almost exclusively with theoretical magic. Learning what is possible, how you can push the limits of what can be done. The Great Powers know how I struggle at times trying to apply this knowledge. There was this time where I...but I digress. When you start specializing, sure you start limiting what you can do. But you learn a single specific level that most mages just can't reach. So you give up other skills in exchange for being the best. My ability to divine the truth is unparalleled in this Kingdom, and most others if I can boast here...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Welp, I started on a cs but it probably won't be finished until tomorrow or maybe until the day after. I have school in the morning & then work right after, but I'll work on it as much as I can. Night guys :)

Take your time man! No rush. I'm throwing this together as we're talking. It'll be a little while technically before I should even be trying to read CS's technically. I haven't even formally typed the history of the Kingdom and posted it yet :p

I was thinking of creating a more repugnant character, perhaps a young prince whose heir to the throne, and desperately wants to prove himself fit for the mantle of kingship. Seeking to be the one to crush the rebellion so that he will have a throne to sit on once the king dies.

We have a princess and a prince! Both taking different stances on the issue. I like that! Adds a nice bit of drama too! Man, you people make me feel good about attempting this story!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm thinking of a brother/sister duo where the sister is a legitimate noble born and the brother is a bastard, therefore her half-brother, though he doesn't know of his lineage, and she knows he's out there but has no idea who/where he is

I missed this in the rush of my thousand posts a second (I really should stop sending three posts out for every one post I get from other people :p) But I like the sound of this a lot!

I'm kinda sad that everyone is a noble or royalty! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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@Dusty we should talk about our siblings relationship since they are not on the same sides. That is definitely going to be interesting to rp
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

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@OneStoryToManyupdated the cs
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Yes, we certainly should, and we should also decide upon a last name. To the PMs?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Dustyi would imagine he would know Fenros as well perhaps we could work out something
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Yes, we certainly should, and we should also decide upon a last name. To the PMs?

Sounds good!

@Dustyi would imagine he would know Fenros as well perhaps we could work out something

We could always start a group one since there will be overlap of pasts between all three of us
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by spencerishere
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spencerishere huny buny

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<Snipped quote by spencerishere>

I missed this in the rush of my thousand posts a second (I really should stop sending three posts out for every one post I get from other people :p) But I like the sound of this a lot!

I'm kinda sad that everyone is a noble or royalty! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Don't be too sad! The brother in mine is apart of the Vieled Ones ;)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by OneStoryToMany>

Don't be too sad! The brother in mine is apart of the Vieled Ones ;)

YAAAAAAS! Growth! More groups. And I do like the thought. Let me type some things about the Veiled Ones up for you. Their cultural Veiling isn't a constant thing. But more importantly are you a Bastard of a male noble and female Veiled One (I'm gonna say in their language they're called The People, VIeled One is what the outside world calls them...because they're Veiled any time an outsider was around.)

Veiled Ones:

A race of people currently living in the Desert to the West (DIRECTIONS) of the Kingdom (Ummm how do people feel about the name Cealla The Pearl by the Ocean?) They're a mostly nomadic tribe, however, they have 3 major cities (at least one of these places better be visited :p) They are traders with an unknown amount of wealth. Sometimes an over-abundance. Sometimes they cannot feed their children. They travel throughout the Lands and trade with different peoples. Their weaving is considered extremely valuable and the Court Ladies in Cealla compete to have the cloth. However, they have their own fighting and magic systems. They use a curved sword and a form of martial arts that is based on dance movements to strike the enemy down. They are fast and graceful. Men become warriors. Their magic is curses and minor healings. Drawing water up from the ground or out of the air. They work in groups, no single Witch will attempt to take a group of enemies down, however, they could. Women become Witches. (In this culture at least.If you want to play a male who uses magic or female who uses a sword that is not forbidden but they'd be kind of an outcast to society at large)

They worship Sol: the Life Giver and Death Bringer. Shrikant: The Desert wind. Macea: THe lady of the Oasis. Basic religious ideology is that Sol is neither male nor female, but the creator of Shrikant and Macea who came together and gave birth to the world at large.

There is some sexism within their culture however, they have female tribal leaders and the Witch covens have power throughout their people. Being a woman isn't horrific here :p outside of their people there is some IC racism against them.

But uh that's all I got for now for what I've decided on their culture. The rest is for you to work up.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by spencerishere
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spencerishere huny buny

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<Snipped quote by spencerishere>

YAAAAAAS! Growth! More groups. And I do like the thought. Let me type some things about the Veiled Ones up for you. Their cultural Veiling isn't a constant thing. But more importantly are you a Bastard of a male noble and female Veiled One (I'm gonna say in their language they're called The People, VIeled One is what the outside world calls them...because they're Veiled any time an outsider was around.)

Veiled Ones:

A race of people currently living in the Desert to the West (DIRECTIONS) of the Kingdom (Ummm how do people feel about the name Cealla The Pearl by the Ocean?) They're a mostly nomadic tribe, however, they have 3 major cities (at least one of these places better be visited :p) They are traders with an unknown amount of wealth. Sometimes an over-abundance. Sometimes they cannot feed their children. They travel throughout the Lands and trade with different peoples. Their weaving is considered extremely valuable and the Court Ladies in Cealla compete to have the cloth. However, they have their own fighting and magic systems. They use a curved sword and a form of martial arts that is based on dance movements to strike the enemy down. They are fast and graceful. Men become warriors. Their magic is curses and minor healings. Drawing water up from the ground or out of the air. They work in groups, no single Witch will attempt to take a group of enemies down, however, they could. Women become Witches. (In this culture at least.If you want to play a male who uses magic or female who uses a sword that is not forbidden but they'd be kind of an outcast to society at large)

They worship Sol: the Life Giver and Death Bringer. Shrikant: The Desert wind. Macea: THe lady of the Oasis. Basic religious ideology is that Sol is neither male nor female, but the creator of Shrikant and Macea who came together and gave birth to the world at large.

There is some sexism within their culture however, they have female tribal leaders and the Witch covens have power throughout their people. Being a woman isn't horrific here :p outside of their people there is some IC racism against them.

But uh that's all I got for now for what I've decided on their culture. The rest is for you to work up.

Thanks! This all was really along the lines of everything I had already thought of :) & regarding IC racism, the bastard child is much lighter skinned than his peers because of his father so he's considered an outsider
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by spencerishere
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spencerishere huny buny

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@OneStoryToMany Also, how do the people in the kingdom feel about magic use?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@spencerishere That works fine. He'll probably be an outcast on both sides, and the mother would likely have been an outcast due to having a mixed child (There is an us vs. the outsiders perspective there.) So there is that.

Now, public opinion about magic and its use. Magic is accepted unless you're good at it. Odd yeah, but people think that if something "seems" easy then there's something unnatural there. Everyone has some access to magic, but take a Mage trained in university and the "miracles" they do, and the public would be understandably questioning.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

First draft of the map!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by spencerishere
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spencerishere huny buny

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@OneStoryToMany These are obviously just bare bones and unfinished, but I'd like to know what you think so far :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@OneStoryToMany These are obviously just bare bones and unfinished, but I'd like to know what you think so far :)

Are you attempting to win my heart's affection? Hahaha just kidding. But I love these two characters. Both have motivations that have NOTHING to do with the story at hand but add so much possibility to the story. Liram has my heart already, the poor little misfit. Just be careful, the Ouroboros might just gobble him up! For now, both are definitely on the side of being accepted (Technically like I said with Aerandir's once you finish them they're accepted.) I'll probably end up tossing something your way to think on. But I have to think about it first.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

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I'm here! A little late but I'm still here!

I was wondering if I should make a character now or later. I definitely want to be part of Ouroborus, but I don't quite now how I'd go about it. I'll think of some things c:

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


To everyone, I know I have accepted some characters already. However, I want you to know that they're just early birds and all that. You do NOT need to feel rushed. Take your time if you need it. Anyone who was called in this "roll call" has a space saved for them up until the OOC is completed and posted. Unless they state they are no longer interested. So no worries about a time crunch cause....I'm not gonna have the post up immediately or anything it'll take some time. If anyone has shown interest prior to this post and has not been "roll called" please inform me so that I can save your spot for now.

I don't want to turn away any of my initial players who showed interest here. So, take your time, and make a character you'll love!!!


If anyone further shows interest, don't worry there is still space available. While I don't want the group to get to an unmanageable size, not everyone who originally showed interest will decide to post a character or play the game, so to speak. So if you are interested, please consider preparing a character and posting. If some drops out later and you weren't initially accepted we'll happily add you to our group if possible (I'll even write a reason for certain characters, post start of the game, for why they'll join later if necessary.)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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@OneStoryToManyI'll have my C/S up tonight. Currently my Friday at work, so everything is busy busy for the holiday
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@OneStoryToManyI'll have my C/S up tonight. Currently my Friday at work, so everything is busy busy for the holiday

I work at a gas station so while I may be at the store Thanksgiving night......I won't really have a lot of work to do for the Holiday. We'll get a bit busy, but that's it! and like I said. There's no rush :D Take your time...I am!
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