Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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In the darkness, the only recollection you grasp is a name.

Your own? Or someone else’s? It’s uncertain.

Your body is your own. Your mind is your own. And yet, you are bereft of all that you once had.

The memories are displaced, leaving you only with a sense of emptiness.

An emptiness soon forgotten, as the darkness is split open by light, and you…


Altera ; Of Departures and Deliverance

Three generations have passed since the destruction of the King of Corpses by the prophesized hero, and yet, the continent of Altera had not yet been claimed by the Empire of Mankind. Fractured as they are, the demihumans that once banded under the Corpse King’s banner have stayed strong in their respective territories, pushing back all attempts of liberation to this date. Of humanity’s many conquests, only the Seaside Fortress-City of Andeave remains stalwart against the monstrous nations, a frontier town guarded by thousands, housing those drunk on imperial propaganda, those holding delusions of grandeur, those without a home on the fatherland.

But this is not a story about the patriots, the fortune seekers, the outcasts.

This is about those without pasts, without memories, without families, without friends. Those who awoken in the catacombs of a church, who, with no futures to work towards, were conscripted into the Volunteer Army and tasked with the slaughter, the pillaging of the inhuman.

None of them are heroes, and this is not a fantasy.

But no matter how dreadful the circumstances, no matter how painful the departures, how far off deliverance was, life goes on.

And they must live on.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Skyswimsky
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Hmmm, I suppose I'd have a bunch of questions, especially about the start and all, but I am just going to assume they will be answered ICly through the narrative. That said, if Magic is a no go, will gunpowder be a thing? And could you clarify what is actually being remembered, just a name? 'faintest vestige' is all purple prose-y and stuff!

Also, hopefully, some people join despite 'permadeath'.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Magic exists. Just no resurrection.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Buzzkill
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Buzzkill Circling

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"This is not a fantasy"
Tags: #fantasy


Lmao anyway I'd be interested, I love slice of life/army/whatever. Starting from a relatively blank slate (memory-wise) is neat too!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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@Buzzkill pls, there was no smooth way to incorporate 'power fantasy' into ittttt.

@Burger English pls Glad to have some unfamiliar interest. Just to confirm though, would you be able to post regularly, on a minimum of a weekly basis? Asking cause it looks like a buncha the RPs you joined seem on the slow side and all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

English pls Glad to have some unfamiliar interest. Just to confirm though, would you be able to post regularly, on a minimum of a weekly basis? Asking cause it looks like a buncha the RPs you joined seem on the slow side and all.

Yea, I'm all good for weekly posts. Technically the only RP I'm in right now hasn't even started.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Cool. I'll probably toss out a CS template for people to get started with once a fourth individual shows interest.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Dio older

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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CS template is up. If you want elaborations on stats and such, feel free to ask.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Skyswimsky
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Day 634: It has been many years now since the great Guild fall and the page is still a shit. Good thing I don't care too much about formatting.

Have something! For once not the usual JUSTICE slut~

Moniker: Muu
Sexuality: Female
Countenance:157cm | 62kg | Usually wears oversized clothes for casual attire

To strangers, Muu appears to be a rather timid, and shy person who lacks a great deal of self-confidence. While not precisely anti-social, she nonetheless is troubled speaking with others. Stumbling over her own words, worrying over nothing, avoiding direct eye-contact and easily getting scared are included in the usual flow of conversation when interacting with her.

This doesn't change all too much in regards to her friends, except her closest ones. People she can rely on, hide behind, and give her confidence. Those that serve as a mental pillar for her own well-being. Just too bad Muu doesn't open up easily to strangers, even if put together in a bizarre situation.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Buzzkill
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Buzzkill Circling

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Moniker: Matteo
Sexuality: Male

Countenance: 5'7, on the shorter side and petite, a little underweight. Dark, patchy brows. Hair is darker brown and curly-wavy, a little too long in the back and over his ears. Looks messy/slightly disheveled. Slightly upturned gray eyes. He wears glasses. Complexion is clear and skin olive-toned. Appears to be late teens-early twenties. Has a bit of a wandering eye, which makes his gaze look a little unfocused.

Facade: Matteo tries to explore every possibility. You might call him "argumentative", or you might call him "cautious." Maybe even "philosophical." In reality, he's just A. very intelligent and B. very lazy. He's the first to come up with ideas for solving a problem and the first to offer alternate solutions. He often falls into the role of coordinating other people, not because he really desires any sense of leadership, but because when other people get stuff done, he doesn't have to do it. He's a logical, formidable debater for his own self-interests, and (unfortunately for some) tends to be very convincing through a mixture of assertiveness and reason.

Thankfully, he's pleasant and sociable company despite his tendency to take the easy way out. Matteo is very patient, level-headed, and polite. Even insults are usually worded thoughtfully. He does have a tendency to get irritated with people who he thinks "don't listen to reason" (aka don't listen to him). He's fairly humble and self-aware, and he sees no shame in apologizing if he does something wrong. He does have a rebellious, vice-favoring streak he occasionally acts on. Bullshit comes easily to him and deception isn't something he's above. As much as he struggles to "make sense" of the world around him, Matteo also knows when to give up and just trust in fate.

• Vibrance – E
• Gestalt – A
• Conformity – C
• Physique – D
• Composure – B
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by XmasForJuan
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What a coincidence, I just finished reading the 8th Novel of Grimgar a few weeks ago.
I'd love to join if you'd have me, but just to be sure, the characters we are submitting are new arrivals, no?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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You'll be starting out as new arrivals yeah. I've only gotten up to the fourth novel myself. Heard things get really wild in the latter ones.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by XmasForJuan
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More or less ^^
The next two are said to be a bit slow due to the appearance of some new characters, but I didn't mind it too much. Novel 7 was definitely one of my favourites however. Anyway, before I become "that guy" I better stop myself now before I accidentally spoil something.
As for my Character Sheet, I might wait for a few more people to post their characters before posting mine since I am generally fine with filling any emerging gaps, but if you want one right away I don't mine providing one either. I'm just happy to be joining a Grimgar RP after all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Only problem with the 'wait for others to finish their sheets and then fill' is that if others follow the same strat, it's a deadlock. Just make something you'd like to play.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by XmasForJuan
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Makes sense. It is 02:38 AM over here right now so I might have something ready in a few hours, or latest, after I got a little bit of shut-eye.
I'm personally excited to see how long our group is going to be stuck killing goblins in the beginning ^^

Will you be submitting a character yourself?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Naw. Protection only covers six targets, after all. (・ω< )★
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by XmasForJuan
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All you need to do is quickly kill off one of the characters xD
But yeah, you're right. Wouldn't want one of the Priests blaming themselves for not having Protection on after all~
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