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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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The clock had just struck noon and the infamous Arkham Asylum had already had it's second attempt at escape, fourth inmate attack, and sixth attempt at suicide, in other words it was quite the slow day. The sounds of the deranged shouting at the voices in their heads rang through the halls, the smell of recycled air flowed from the vents, and the feeling of dying hope seemed to seep from the walls. It was about time for the Doctors to begin their usual treatments of the inmates, starting with the lower cases and working their way up. One such doctor, Dr. Tracey Heart, was on his fifth patient of the day, or as she put it the longest hour of her life. The young doctor, wearing her blond hair in a bun and a freash lab coat, made her way into the more heavily guarded part of Arkham with her escorts of two guards. She found her way to a cell with a automatic sliding bullet proof glass door, a cell she was all to familiar with. She asked on of the guards to fetch her a chair before she strolled over to the cell and spoke in a tone of utter announce. "It is time for your daily session Mr. Doe." She said to the green haired fool that lied inside.
Inside the staffroom of Arkham the head doctor, Dr. Christopher White, was briefing the newest arrival to the asylum's staff. "Alright Miss Dunklemen we have been through the safety procedures you must follow while in a session with one of the inmates. Now I believe it is time for you to threat your first patient." Dr. White then handed Casterly the file on one Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel. "You'll be holding your first one on one session with her today so make sure it goes well." He said with a stern tone before he exited the room to attended to his own patients.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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Flint read through the report closing it as he sighed loudly "so ......explanations" he said to the chief of security standing in his office.
The man gulped "well.. sir it seems that the guards where ill equipped for the task . they where unsure to shoot to kill or try to disable the subject. And by the time the rubber bullets and mace where loaded we already had two casualties....." the man said shakily holding his arm to his side.
Flint sighed once again "see to it that all guards are to be paired up . One will load lethal rounds and the other will load non lethal. Also have every guard make sure to keep there key card within their front chest pocket to avoid the incident of the escapee once again.... You may leave"
"Thank you sir " The chief of security quickly places his hat back on his head and leaves hurriedly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Joker looked up at the fine doctor and said "Ah doc we've been over this call me Mr.White." he then turned to the guards and back at the doctor "Are they really needed? I mean we've spent 4 sessions together already trying to break the record eh?" He then laughed remembering the other doctors trying to help him some went insane, others died and one even joined him. "Actually how is my Harley you treating her nice and good?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Dr. Heart grew a slight sneer. "And I've told you Mr. Doe until you give us your true name you are to be referred as Mr. Doe." She said in a cold voice. One of the guards returned with a chair for the doctor. She thanked him before taking a seat and returning his attention to the madman before her. "Yes they are needed Mr. Doe. Do not think that your previous assaults against your former therapists have been forgotten in the slightest." She said in the same icy tone as before. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly when the so called joker brought up the topic of Harley. "You know you are to not have any information concerning Dr. Quinzel given to you. Now Mr. Doe the last time we spoke we were on the topic of your father do you care to continue?"
The sound of static escaped the walky talky on the warden's desk and the voice of a young guard screaming for a moment came shortly after. "Shut up Ed and report it!" A gruff voice in the background quickly broke in. "Uh y-yeah yeah right." The young voice stammered before taking a breath. "Mr. Flint h-he is d-doing it again, Dr. Lanstrom I-I mean. He is... ch-changing..." The young guard said in a trembling voice of a frightened child.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

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Flint looked to the radio and picked it up "stay tight lock all weapons on the door, I will be down in 010"
Flint soon got to the high security cell. The lock securely bolted along "Dr Langstrom can you here me" He said through the large metal door loading his revolver as he did so.
The noises from the room where horrendous and one of the recruits quickly went to throw up in the corner. He called over 2 more guards so we had 3 rifles trained at the door. Flint knocked again "Dr Langstrom we have been through this before you are not aloud to change or else you will be chained up again!" he said angrily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Joker looked up and then said "Ah yes my father. I hated him, he loved me far to much. I had to kill when I was 8. Don't even get me started on my mother she thought it was an accident and promised not to tell. If you really want something my Grandpapa he wasn't around much but when he was he was hiding from the cops and I loved him." Joker then just laughed out of nowhere knowing he just lied to the doctor about his family as always. he then turned serious and turned to the guard and replied "How is Ron Officer? He doing well, last time I saw him you were working late. What about the wife going on 2 years now?" Joker then began laughing some more waiting for the officer to come over and take his rage out in a positive way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Dr. Heart was jotting down some notes regarding what Joker said about his father and Grandfather, merely nodding as he talked. It was when the guard Joker was baiting yelled "You son of a bitch!" and made a move to unlock his cell that the doctor stood. "George stop!" She yelled quickly pulling the man back. "Did you hear what that piece of shit said?!" The guard said in a tone dripping with blood lust. "Yes I did, but that is no reason to-" Dr. Heart tried to say but wasn't able to finish. "The hell it isn't!" George replied back. "That's enough! Harry take George here to the lounge to cool off." Heart told the other guard who escorted her here. The two soon left and Dr. Heart turned to the Joker with a disgusted look on her face. Happy with yourself?"
With in the cell of Kirk Langstrom that scene was one that would make most lose there lunch. A white hair man was one his hands and knees vomiting up blood. Then the crunching noises started, it wouldn't take long to realize that they wear the man's bones. His bones were being broken and popped back into new shapes, shapes that were not of a human. Kirk let out loud cries that slowly started to sound less and less human by the second. It was when the familiar voice of the warden out side his cell that made Kirk get to his feet. "There is no Langstrom!... Only Man-Bat!" He yelled as he banged against the cell to his door. As he began to grow his color began to tighten around his neck, causing him to let out a high pitched screech that echoed out into the hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

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Flint stood back a step before continuing "return to human form or you will get the hose , whatever has upset you I am sure I can get some PhD stroking scientist to make you feel better." Flint went to one of the guards and told him to go get the fire hose. The guard nodded and quickly went away returning soon after. He attached the hose to a small hole in the cell door "Last warning "man bat" " Flint said sarcastically as he motioned for the guard to get ready with the valve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Joker waved to the guards leaving and said "BYE!" the Joker then said "Dr. I'm always happy." He said with a smile. "Anyways Tracey, What about you? You must have some family issues someone in your family must be insane otherwise you would take no interest in people like them and civilized people such as myself." He then edged towards the door noting a slight crack in the door from when the officer tried getting in. "Please doctor do tell. Otherwise I won't think you would understand me if I should say something and you won't get the truth." Joker then looked out of the door into her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Casterly took the file she was given "thank you for the opertuinty sir" she watched as he left her and he made her way flipping though the file as she walked coming to her office. she waved down a orderly "please have Dr. Quinzel escorted to my office please...her first session will begin soon" the orderly nodded and went towards the cell block.
Casterly walked into her office and closed the door before she placed the file down and pulled out a audio recorder "this is Doctor Dunklemen, first audio log file for patient 1532 dash HQ...Doctor Harleen Quinzel AKA Harley Quinn...this is not my first meeting with Dr. Quinzel I once spoke with her when we both were starting out in medicine briefly at a dinner party, My job is to help these men and women reenter society....and i hope to start with Dr. Quinzel" Casterly stopped the recording and waiting for her first patient.
Ivy laid on her coat basking the glow of the lamp she was allowed to have that gave off UV light since there was no windows in the cells, Ivy was bored she was not allowed in the garden nor really allowed outside at all, so she just laid in bed. she reached out a green leaf covered arm and grabbed a hardcover book bringing it to her chest before opening up to a spot she had bookmarked and continued to read not paying much attention to what was outside her walls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

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"Doctor Dunkelmen will be seeing you now" the guard remarked unlocking the door to Harley's cell and having her step out "what happened to the old Doc?" she asked as she slowly walked out. Putting her arms out for the handcuffs which where slapped harshly behind her back. The guard held her upper arm as they began to walk to the office "where we going" Harley asked but the guard knew not to talk to any of the inmates. "hey c'mon you can talk to little old me ... " she tried smiling sweetly but the man stayed silent until they got to the office. Walking Harley in and sitting her down at the desk. The guard moved the handcuffs so one of her arms where attached to the chair. Harley frowned and attempted to wiggle the handcuff out to know prevail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Dr. Heart grew a sneer that she didn't bother to hide from Joker as he asked about her past. "You know very well Mr. Doe that you are to call me Dr. Heart. Also this is your session not mine so I will be the one asking the questions." She said in a stern tone before returning her attention back to her note pad. "Now moving on tell me have you ever had a romantic attachment to anyone other than Dr. Quinzel."
Kirk let out anouther shreeck as the final bone snapped and reformed. The monster that could no longer be called human rose from the ground and roared, a high pitch ear shattering screech that echoed out of the cell. It then turned it's attention to the large door in front of it and let out another roar. Man-Bat didn't wait a moment to charge at the door, ramming it with an amazing force. A large dent was already forming as Man-Bat backed up and charging again. The sound of Man-Bat's collar hitting the door rang out into the hall along side it's roars.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mr.Zsasz sat in his cell humming. He spent his time counting the number on his body. He asked the guards out the door "Why do you do what you do? Your lif ehas no meaning.....nothing you do will matter...nothing you do will change anything..." The guards didnt answer. Zsasz said "The bat....his life is meaningless....he cant change anything." He laughed "Soon we wil all be out again.." Zsasz heard loud noises and a shriek

Victor was in the lab the asylum provided him. The guards out the door and cameras wartchign him. *soon my beloved.....soon you will be alive and we can be together again*
"Times up Victor." He sighed and said "I still have another hour..." The guard siad "I said come on." He walked over and pulled Victor away "Dont touch me!" He punched the guard. "I wont let you interfere." The Other guard ran in and tackled Victor. Victor punched him but the first guard hit him again and he fell. He screamed and fought back begging them to let him finish his work and that screaming threats "We need back up to hold this guy down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 25 days ago

"Fire the hose !" Flint yelled as the guard turned on the water. Blasting man bat against the rear wall and keeping him there. The water hitting hard and rushing against him wearing him down .
My radio crackled "We need back up to hold this guy down." a voice said from the radio
"Get two guards down too Victor Fries have them armed and ready to incapacitate him if he doesn't comply."
"Tell Victor I want to talk to him" I said through the radio as I looked to the cell in front of me with man bat
"Keep that water on him until he cools down. If he escapes from his cell you may use lethal force." flint said to the two guards as he began to quickly walk to Victors Lab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Man-Bat hit the back of his cell and let out another roar, this time it was higher pitch do to the pain. It flashed it's blood red eyes at the guards for before it started to force it's way forward. It let out another louder roar as it neared the door, but sadly Man-Bat lost it's footing and went hurtling back against the wall. Man-Bat let out a finally roar before it slumped to the floor and went silent. Then slowly the cracking sounds from before started again and Man-Bat began to shrink. It wasn't long until Kirk was lying on the floor with a gash on the back of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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The Joker looked at the doctor and said "Oh, come on doc. One doesn't kiss and tell." He then began laughing he opened the doorway that the guard had left unlocked. He then jumped on the doctor a and began choking her. he then laughed gleefully and said "Poor doc looks like your not a record breaker" He continued to choke to the point of killing her. He then took her pen and picked the chair up in front of him aimed at the door way that the guards would surely attack from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 25 days ago

The guards turned off the water and quickly ran into man bats cell. They put a gun to his head as they quickly got him on a stretcher and to the medical ward.
Flint quickly paced towards Dr freeze's cell grumbling to himself as the guard beside him pumped his shotgun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Casterly hit record on her auido recorder once again now placing it in the center of the table "hello doctor Quinzel, how are you today?" she smiled sitting down on the other side of the desk jotting down a few notes "I'm Doctor Dunklemen I am your new doctor, would you like a cup of water?" she asked reaching for a plastic cup "this will just be a short introduction session after we talk for abit you will be able to return to your cell, but i will stay here and talk with you as long as you like okay?" she placed the cup of water down "So first...how have you been Dr. Quinzel?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 25 days ago

Harley smiled softly "Well I could be doing better if I wasn't locked in the cuckoo house" she joked reaching for the water with her handcuffed hand then, realising her mistake, picked it up with her free hand and sipped the water. "Mr J killed the last doctor didn't he.... he has a habit of doing that but he is really nice once you get to know him! I'm sure you will be fine though puddin " Harley said loudly, smiling once again as she drank the rest of the water. "When do I get to see Mr J again? I miss him dearly , you must know how it feels Doctor Miss D ... to not be with the one you cherish deeply." a saddened tone had began to form in her voice as she looked gloomily into her empty cup.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Victor struggled and managed to shake the guards off. He threw one guard into the wall and saw the other one clumsily standing and touched Nora. "dont touch her!" He screamed tackled the guard. "If you touch her I will make you pay!"

Zsasz chuckled and quietly tilted his bed upward an twisted the leg off till it broke. He smirked and Began sharpening it carefully and not to alert the guards out the door. *The zombies will be gone soon*
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