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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Scott Rydzynski

Location: His Apartment - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Trevor

Scott stared at Trevor, trying to figure out how the hell he knew all of this stuff about him. He hadn't reported seeing other people. The illness - well, his friend Chloe had taken care of him. So how did Trevor find out about it? He would have crossed his arms if he wasn't busy threatening the little man with a gun. "That sounds like batshit crazy ramblings," Scott told Trevor point blank. He wanted to kill Trevor to make a point now. But he needed to know how Trevor found out these things about him.

"What makes you think any of this is true?" Scott asked. "Since if you ask me, it sounds like a really bad Star Wars fan story or some shit." Scott wasn't really sure if he had used an appropriate movie to make his point, but he didn't care. He was angry, cranky from having been visited by cops and the medical examiner, and someone might be out there trying to kill an innocent kid. As far as crappy days went, this was shaking up to be a real contender in the Rydzynski Book of Records.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 28 min ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: The group of teens, Isley

Jason was perfectly fine with potentially beating a few kids up if they needed it, or at least attempting to anyway. Odds were he was a bit outmatched, but he didn't care. That group was just asking for trouble, it was obvious, and so he was just planning on knocking a few heads. The idiots really needed to learn a lesson, he didn't care too much about their threat. It didn't matter in the long run, he'd run into them again, so what? It didn't matter.

His sister however, was not too thrilled with that threat. She wanted Jason to stay out of trouble, especially because of everything that was going on lately. With the murderer on the loose and all of that stuff, he didn't exactly have the time to pick fights with random teenagers he didn't know. None of this was too important, but it did make her feel a little better at the fact that he was willing to help someone out anyway.

"Fine with me," he spat at them as he watched them leave, he was perfectly fine with seeing them later, he wasn't exactly one to step away from a fight that was right in front of him. Though the idea of running into them again was not a completely pleasant idea, he wasn't going to back away from it. "Thanks Isley... I would have been fine though..."

"No you wouldn't have been Jace, you were outnumbered, you would have lost fairly quickly if you ask me," Janelle said softly, shaking her head, before she turned her head to where Isley's voice had come from, giving her a slight smile. "Thank you... My brother is getting himself into trouble, again it seems..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
New York City, New York

@rivaan "You are welcome, and good luck." The chief said giving her a smile and then waved her off to go do the rest of her work for the remainder of the day. When Claire got to his desk was his name plate there Detective Ellis Morrow. "Nice to meet you, and yes just meet me here i'll be clocking in at eight tomorrow morning, and make sure you read up there as well." He said gesturing to the file as he sat back down in his desk. "Looking forward to working with you as well." He said, as he went back to his desk work.

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
Seattle, Washington

@BlueSky44 "Oh yeah getting ganged up by three of four people would have totally been safe." Isley said towards Jace, but gave him a friendly smile. "No problem." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest as the rain suddenly stopped as she turned to look at Janelle as well. "So what are the two of you doing here anyway?" Isley asked as she adjusted the purse on over her shoulder and eyed the two of them.

@Morose "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't." Trevor said as he shifted slightly in his seat feeling very uncomfortable still eyeing the gun with a nervous look. "Listen, if you untie me, and put the gun away I can give you my notes and stuff maybe that will answer your questions?" Trevor asked as he sweated quiet a bit, he really didn't like to be face to face with a gun. "They are just theories and things like that,"

Olivia Johnson

Location: New York City/ Scott's Apartment
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Quinn Peterson

Olivia's apartment wasn't very interesting there were some bookshelves which contained a few medical books as well as a few scifi and fantasy novels as well, which wasn't all that interesting. Olivia gave Quinn a smile and nodded towards her as she walked into the small kitchen area of her apartment and grabbed a glass of water. She started to pour a glass of water from the faucet nearby filling it up with water. Olivia however went into her fridge and pulled out a beer for herself and came back setting the cup down in front of her friend at the table and then sat down across from her.

"So the weird visiting session I just had was from someone over in the Seattle area his name is Scott I think." Olivia said as she leaned back in her seat and looked at her as she started to drink from the beer a bit before setting the glass back down. "Anyway, what did you find out anyway?" Olivia asked as she wanted to know what Quinn had found out from her as well.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: LA
Interacting With: @rivaan Amelia Payne & @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Riley looked towards Amelia and she felt bad, and could also see a bit of herself in Amelia when she was younger, she was at rock bottom when she got kicked out of her house by her parents when she came out of the closet. Riley walked over towards Amelia and gently patted her friend on the shoulder. She knew that budgeting was tough as well, and barley scraping by was always really hard as well. Then Fumiko said that she was going to be the one paying for their clothes and smiled a bit.

"Thank you." Riley said towards her friend as she started to head to the front desk as well, and then the price came up which was a bit expensive but not that much more than at some other stores in the LA area. "Lunch is on me then, Mexican or Chinese food which do you guys want to go to?" Riley asked as she started to head out of the store and then over towards her car as well.

Emmie Adams

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: @Natsu Adalene Jones

Emmie smiled at the waitress as she accepted the drink and started to take a few sips from it and started to think a little bit about Adalene's question. "I do like to sneak on a few rides of on Coney Island, that's as far as I've gotten out of Manhattan itself." Emmie said giving a slight smile, as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I'd love to travel to the Bahamas or something I've always wanted to see an actual beach." Emmie answered as she stared to eat her food as well.

"So whats your family like anyway?" Emmie asked looking at Adalene for a moment, wondering what her personal life was actually like also how she would go about it if they ended up coming and visiting since she was very young as well. Emmie took a few more bites out of the nachos as well. "Also hows the stomach feeling?" Emmie asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Claire Winters

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: Colleague@Nallore

Claire smiled at the detective. She studied hte man for a few moments before nodding." Likewise." Replied and listened to him speaking." Alrihgt, not a problem with me, I will be on time tomorrow." She smiled and with a final nod to him walked away leaving him to his own duties while she headed back towards to where she had parked her patrol car. Her partner was probably going to start being nervous after being left alone for quite a while now. She called him over the radio to inform him that she was going back to pick him up now. This day was not turning out how she originally assumed it was going to, but that was not a bad thing. Best part was that she now had a great work opportunity to shadow a detective prior to her own detective exams. Well and the woman with whom she might or might not have tactically flirted with exchanged numbers. All was good in the world.

She hopped into the patrol car, turned on the engine and snowly drove away from the police station. If there was a thing she disliked about this city, that was the traffic. Anoying traffic was bloody annoying and sadly she had to suffer through a lot of it as a patrol officer, after all she couldn't just turn on the siren without reason. Well she could, but if she's caught there was going to be a huge pile of annoyances and possible internal problems and demotions and fines and stuff. So she didn't really want to bother wit hit, especially so close to tackling the detective exams.

Amelia Payne

Location: Los Angeles, California
Interacting With: Riley@Nalloreand @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

As thankful as Amelia was at both Riley and Fumiko for the kindness that they were showing her, she felt as equal amount of regret and self disappointment. This was not the type of person she wansted to be, to always depend on people's kindness. She wanted to be also of use and to help out, but in comparison to these two who were established artists, she was just an ordinary person who didn't even really have a specialty to work with. Worst came to worst, she was going to try and get an internship at a hospital or clinic or something... at the very least it was going to be better than a motel cleaning duty and it was related to her studies. Which she had no idea whne she'd restart again. She had nowhere near enough money to pay for the year taxes.

As the clothing was payed for and put into the bags, Amelia followed after Riley with brisk pace, looking downwards mostly." Hmm... Chinese?" She suggested, she didn't really care too much between which of the two to go to, but if she had to choose, she supposed she preferred Chinese food just a tad bit more than Mexican food. She then looked around, seeing the people milling about, each to their own destination. The busy street, reminded her that she was walking with stars... Musical stars that is. She wondered if people were going to recognize Riley and Fumiko, she also wondered if there were paparazi around...

Maybe she could help the two by secretly zapping paparazi whom she spots? Or even their cameras, if she just as much as touches them, she could probably fry it beyond recovery... just as she did for her phones after this madness started.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Hearing the suggestions for where they were going to eat, Fumiko had to think to herself for a brief moment. "Chinese sounds alright, although they're like, absolutely inferior to japanese cuisine just sayin'" She said with a giggle before skipping to follow along after the two with the bag held over her shoulder as they moved back towards Riley's car. They reached the car easy enough and thankfully without paparazzi incidents, which made Fumiko wonder if her security team was just absolutely on top of keeping them away or if she was just plain lucky today. She was willing to bet on the security team more than anything else.

As she was going to get into the car, Fumiko's phone chimed twice. Looking down at the device clad in an adorable little stitch (from the disney movie) case, the girl grumbled and rolled her eyes. "Well. My costume designer for the movie just quit on us. So we are on hold until we can find somebody Marvel likes for superhero costumes. You two know anybody I can recommend?" She asked with a pleasant smile, hoping that her friends just might be able to help her out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Q U I N N P E T E R S O N:

Wednesday, August 18th - New York City, New York

Straight to business it seemed. "Well, I visited Seattle again and met twins. They are like us and have powers, but the weird thing was...someone else was there. Someone talking to them, but he didn't see me. Or hear me for that matter. It was like I was invisible to everyone except the twins."

"Not only that, but there are more of us out there. Across the country. Probably across the world and we are somehow connected. When I came back, my body was in the same place, like it never moved. Everyone around me continued as if I had been sitting there. So our bodies don't teleport. Only our minds do. I think that is how the killer or killers are targeting us. Which means he/she/they may be like us."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Scott Rydzynski

Location: His Apartment - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Trevor

"First rule of being a competent merc - or person with a gun, really - you don't untie the guy you're interrogating," Scott told Trevor. He wasn't going to untie the man. He wasn't satisfied with Trevor's answers so far and he wasn't certain the man wouldn't try to stab him in the neck with some sort of injection. Besides, if this man was as smart as he was supposed to be, he wouldn't need notes. Just the theories would be good enough - and trust would come later.

"Give me the Sparks Notes version," Scott told Trevor. If he didn't cooperate, he'd knock the man out and dump him across town. Then he'd meet up with the kids and get them out of Seattle. He wanted to make sure that they were safe - and Trevor was threatening that safety. Maybe he'd take them to Canada, get them set up with new ID's.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 28 min ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Isley

"I would have been perfectly fine dealing with them myself!" he snapped slightly, a little annoyed that anyone would think otherwise. It was almost as if Scott was there, the idiot who thought that Jason couldn't really take care of himself. This whole situation was really starting to get on his nerves, so he didn't return Isley's smile at first, or respond to what she had asked, this was really bugging him now.

Janelle heard the bite in her brother's words, and knew that this wasn't exactly going to end well if she didn't step in or anything. Her brother wasn't the best at keeping calm, or dealing with problems like what had just happened. It made her wonder why he even attempted to stay out of trouble, since things like that tended to find him pretty easily. "Calm down Jace..." she said softly, shaking her head.

He took a deep breath, attempting to remain calm, especially because of what his sister said. Jason glanced over at Isley, "Uh, yeah, sorry for snapping like that... I didn't mean it or anything, just not in the best mood today..." he said apologetically. It was true, and with the whole reason that they had come there in the first place, things just weren't going all too well.

"Yeah, the reason we came here was to meet up with Scott... Surprised he hasn't shown up yet actually... We left the house shortly after he had called, so I'd have thought he would have shown up by now... Guess he lives a little farther out than we do from here, but still... Guess we'll just have to wait and see if he shows up..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene smiled, "Well my dad's a marine." She said, "So you know what that's like. Strict, loves me lots, high expectations." She explained. "I'm hoping he can visit sometime, he was really worried when I got deathly ill a few weeks ago." She explained. She didn't see a reason why Emmie couldn't be around for that, save for her parents starting to thing she was batting for the other team. "And my mom can be a little overbearing at times, but she means well, you know?" Her face then flickered for a second, realizing that Emmie, in all probability, didn't know. Quickly, she started to look for anything to change the subject to.

"You know, getting to the Bahama's would be pretty nice." She said, "Especially for you, once you visited, you could go literally whenever you wanted." She said. She couldn't count the number of times she'd just wanted to take a day off, and she couldn't think of s better place to do that than what most people would consider paradise on Earth. "It'd be so nice to just be able to " She snapped her fingers, "And be on one of the nicest places in creation, whenever you wanted." Assuming there wan't some kind of distance limit, they definitely needed to get her to travel around more.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
New York City, New York

@rivaan The traffic started to clear up a bit as she drove back towards the scene, her partner seemed to be fairly calm for now when she told him she was coming back. A few seconds later she was back at the scene when her partner came up to her cruiser and then opened the passenger side door and climbed in. "So what took ya so long?" He asked while looking over at Claire raising an eyebrow towards her, so far things were quiet for the time being as well, and Claire's shift was ending fairly soon as well she would receive a text from Olivia as well.

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
Seattle, Washington

@BlueSky44 Isley stared at Jason when he snapped at her raising an eyebrow slightly towards him, she wasn't really sure why he did it he would have ended up in a really bad situation if they ended up throwing punches at him. "It's alright." She thought about saying more, but she didn't really want to make him angry or anything like that. "Scott? I thought he didn't want to have anything to do with all of this?" Isley asked, she didn't really like the man all that much, but he seemed to be particularly attached to Janelle.

@Morose "Hey I truly hate any kind of violence, or confrontations kind of like this. If you wont untie me can you at least put the gun away?" Trevor asks still nervously as he took a deep breath as he looked around a bit before looking back towards Scott, he wasn't sure why he didn't want to look at all the notes and things he had written down. "I don't know much on whats going on with people like you. But somehow you are all connected in some kind of way, visiting complete strangers without even leaving your place like some kind of astral projection or something. I just wish to learn more about people like you is all." Trevor said. "All the info is in my car, you can take my keys and look at them if you want." Trevor said nervously.

Olivia Johnson

Location: New York City
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Quinn Peterson

Olivia looked at Quinn and nodded a bit as she started to listen to her, and then the thing about the killer was also something that was a bit disturbing as well. "I was thinking that as well, maybe taking people's powers that's how the bodies are turning up possibly in different locations." Olivia said giving a slight shrug as she rubbed the back of her neck, then mentioning the man that these twins were talking to was a bit weird. "Maybe you think he is the killer or something?" Olivia asked, she wasn't sure she hadn't met a guy like that, and then started to remember.

"I think Claire bumped into someone like that." Olivia said as she started to quickly pull out her phone and started to type a quick text to Claire, most likely she was still at work. But she could make a bit of time to answer the text if she wasn't to busy doing cop things in the streets. 'Hey Claire, you mentioned someone meeting you at your apartment correct?' Her attention turned back over towards Quinn. "So anyway what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Olivia asked, as she waited for Claire's reply.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: LA
Interacting With: @rivaan Amelia Payne & @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

"Chinese it is then." Riley said giving the two ladies a smile before making her way towards her car and got into the driver's side while looking over at Fumiko and shook her head. "I'm not to much into the whole fashion and clothes thing for movies sadly and wouldn't have the skills anyway to make anything other than music." Riley said, once everyone was in the car Riley started to pull out of the parking lot and started to drive down the road, and then stopped at a red light.

a few seconds later there was a camera guy on the street who quickly notice the two of them, as Riley started to quickly roll up the window, sometimes she really did hate being bombarded with paparazzi. Which was why Riley didn't go out a whole lot somedays, as soon as the light turned green Riley got out of the way very quickly and started to continue to drive to their destination.

Emmie Adams

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: @Natsu Adalene Jones

Emmie looked up at Adalene for a moment as she started to talk about her parents and smiled a bit as she listened to her and nodded, she remembered her parents enough to know what they were like before they were killed. "My parents were really good people." Emmie said softly as she started to continue eating her lunch while looking up at her, and smiled even more. She would love to travel, and she really hadn't tested her powers in greater distances.

"It would be nice to get out of the city for a bit, and travel. I would love to go somewhere warmer as well to like LA or something." Emmie said as she took a drink from her soda and rubbed the back of her neck a bit. "Ever had any pets while you were growing up?" Emmie asked looking at her for a moment.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Claire Winters

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: Colleague@Nallore

Moving through the traffic was rather uneventful as the traffic was clearing up and soon enough she was nearing her destination. From distance she could spot her partner as she looked at him and slowly moved to park nearby. She waited for him to get into the car before preparing to drive off again." Nothing much... captain temporary reassigned me to work with a detective." She replied to her rookie partner and studied him for a moment." From tomorrow onwards for a while you will be assigned with another for the duration of my shadowing the detective." She stated to the rookie as she waited for the right moment to get the car moving again, she recieved a text.

Using hte chance that they weren't in motion right now, she pulled her phone and checked the message. This information made her frown as she typed quick reply.' Yes, a supposed scientist of some kind or another. Did he come to pester you or something? I'm ending shift in a little while, we can talk more then, message me a location to meet ya.' She hastely typed up and send the message and then started driving off. Apparently that annoyance who woke her up back then had shown himself or something to Olivia. She was not a happy cop right now, maybe it was time to run an investigation into that guy and his employers.

Amelia Payne

Location: Los Angeles, California
Interacting With: Riley@Nalloreand @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Well Chinese food was a great choice, Amelia thought as Riley was driving off into the distance now. It was nice being with friends despite everything. She had a small smile on her face as she held her bags into her lap now. She froze when Fumiko asked if they knew someone who could design some superhero costumes for the movie. That was a big deal, just for a moment her mind jumped to her own designs, but she rather quickly dismissed those thoughts. They weren't good enough... She wasn't good enough... yeah... yeah. She still blushed up a little and looked down before throwing looks at Fumiko and Riley. Well it didn't hurt to try though..." Shouldn't the studio have a back up or something...?" She mumbled a question." Well... Maybe I can help a little? Got some sample designs back home..." She spoke out uncertainly. She was a fan of cosplay and superheros and was usually going to cons every so often masked and in costume. She felt a lot more at ease when people couldn't see her face.

She had also noticed the camera. She was not pleased and quickly sank back into the seat making herself away from view as much as possible. Amelia didn't want to cause Riley and Fumiko any problems by being caught in a photo with them. Rumors were a bad thing... That guy didn't get any photos... right? She thought and looked at Riley. Sadly there was no way to know until after they are already published in a gossip magazine or something similar... the usual MO for these types of lowlife people. She really wanted to break that camera now. Silently she steeled herself for the future. She would help Riley and Fumiko deal with paparazi by quietly breaking their stuff with electricity... whenever they get close to the two stars.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Really? Fumiko was almost disappointed that it had taken the paparazzi this long to find them. Not that she was complaining about not having to deal with them, but they were usually much faster. Were they just getting lazy or had the traffic in L.A. been managing to delay them? She wasn't sure, but she did know that she was likely going to have to deal with them alot more often now. Irritating, to be certain, but not something that she was really unused to nowadays. That much was the unfortunate reality of being such a popular star. She wondered briefly if perhaps the girls she was with were as adept at dodging those pesky cameras.

Whenever Amelia spoke up, Fumiko had to think quietly for a second. "I do wonder why they didn't have a back up. Although, if you make designs for that stuff I would love to see! If you're good enough, then maybe we can get you the position. That would be super cool! Don't ya think, Riley?" Fumiko asked, looking back at Amelia then over towards Riley, figuring her friend would be a good indication on how Amelia might take it, given that Riley was absolutely more familiar with the girl than Fumiko was.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Scott Rydzynski

Location: His Apartment - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Trevor

Scott took his phone for a moment and shot off a quick text to Jace and Janelle: taking out the trash. He didn't offer any further context or explanation. He didn't want it to turn out that someone was intercepting messages between the two of them and for him to have given away life saving information in an act of foolishness. Hopefully, those two kids would be smart enough to figure it out. He doubted the twink was - but hey, maybe Janelle could put two and two together.

"If what's you're saying is true, how'd you learn about it?" Scott asked, still not budging. He wasn't going to take his gun away from this idiot until he knew that he wasn't a threat. How had Trevor figured out about the visitation sessions? Had someone gone and told an outsider? Scott had to mentally slap himself - the thought of an outsider implied some sort of group system, a belonging, a commonality. He belonged to no one but himself.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene clenched her jaw for a moment, seeing she had hit a nerve with her last comment. She didn't mean to do that, and now she felt bad. She didn't want to address it though, feeling that dwelling on the issue would only exacerbate the awkwardness. She cleared her throat, and averted her eyes for a moment. She really couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose both her parents, let alone at a young age. Recovering herself, she remade eye contact with Emmie, and returned her focus.

"No actually." She said, as Emmie asked about any pets she might of had, "I had to move around a lot, and pets would've made that a lot more difficult." She explained. She then thought for a moment. LA might be nice, she hadn't seen too much of the west side of the country. "I wouldn't mind visiting someday, LA could be pretty cool." She agreed She then drummed her fingers on the table, hoping food might come soon. She was so hungry at this point, she felt like she could eat a horse.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Q U I N N P E T E R S O N:

Wednesday, August 18th - New York City, New York

Quinn could only shrug. She didn't know if the man there was the killer or not. He could be, but then again so could any number of people. There was no way to tell really. Man or woman. Young or old. If they possessed powers, enough to use to kill people like them, then it could be anyone, anywhere.

"I don't know, but it's worth looking into. I was going to go get some work done, but I think all of this is going to distract me too much and I won't be able to get anything done. Instead, I may look into past cases online. Find some more connections."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 28 min ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Isley

"Yeah, Scott, of all people... Turns out there are more things we might have to worry about than just are own issues, including his issues of not wanting to hang around anyone at all, the little loner..." Jace said, nodding his head slightly. He still hated the guy, but at least he seemed to care about his sister and truly want to help her, so as long as his attitude towards his sister was like that, he'd be able to tolerate the guy.

Janelle nodded her head in agreement with what her brother had said, her eyes not focusing on any one thing in particular, her disability made that impossible after all. "...The issue we were meeting up to discuss... Well, it is a bit urgent..." she said softly, trying to make it so that those nearby couldn't really eavesdrop on their conversation. It wouldn't be the best of things if someone was listening in on their conversation.

"...You know that killer that we saw in that weird dream of sorts?" Jason asked her, taking a cue from his sister to be a little quieter with their conversation. He didn't even wait for her to respond, before he spoke again, "...He might be here... In the Seattle area... They found a body earlier and the guy had his head cut open, just like the person we saw in that dream..."

Janelle was about to respond, when she heard her phone go off. She had a specially designed cell phone, and from the ding she knew that it was a text message, and put the phone to her ear, as the computerized voice read the message and told her who sent it. Take out the trash? Scott didn't seem like the sort of guy to find taking out the garbage to be overly important, so it probably meant something else. She hoped he hadn't run into any trouble. "Scott said that he's going to be a little late..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Saturday, August 18th, 2018
New York City, New York

@rivaan "Aw leaving little old me already?" Claire's partner said jokingly as he looked out of the window and leaned back in his seat, and started to turn on the radio. He looked over at her for a moment seeing her frown at a text before speaking again. "So talking to a guy or girl?" He asked, as they drove through some more traffic the police radio went on every now and then from dispatch but nothing came up that was close to their current location. They would make it back to the police precinct rather quickly and Claire would receive another text from Olivia.

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
Seattle, Washington

@BlueSky44 Isley looked between the two siblings for a moment as she rubbed the back of her neck a bit listening in on the two of them as they spoke. "I remember hearing bits and pieces of that while working a few minutes ago." Isley said as she looked around there were a few more people as they went on about their business none of them seemed to be really interested. "So want to grab a bite to eat or something while we are waiting for Scott?" She asked, she was pretty sure that Scott would mind if she was there in the end but he wasn't there yet.

@Morose "There's more people out there, like you I mean the ones who were willing to at least talk." Trevor said trying to calm down as he shifted again in the chair. "Listen, I wont bother you again just let me go you wont even see me ever again I don't want to get killed." He said trying to calm down still staring at the gun in his hand. "You can have all my notes and stuff if you want just let me free." He was doing his best to try and not panic after Scott had sent his text out.

Olivia Johnson

Location: New York City
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Quinn Peterson

"Do you happen to remember anything else by any chance? I am off the rest of the day so I don't have anything really big planned so we could look into some stuff online or some weird articles that could pertain to what we have been seeing." Olivia said looking over at Quinn for a moment as she started to think about looking into more cases as well, or at least the really weird ones that were in the news figuring that there could be something that was useful online.

As she thought for a moment Olivia felt her phone going off and saw that it was Claire again and smiled a tad bit as she started to send out a quick text to her. 'No I haven't met a guy like that. You remember Quinn right? Shes with me right now she had one of them visions, or visiting things or whatever met some siblings apartment like us. Anyway I am at my apartment right now we could meet up there if you'd like totally up to you.' Olivia would hit send and also gave her the address as well.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: LA
Interacting With: @rivaan Amelia Payne & @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Riley would look over at Amelia in the rearview mirror for a moment when she said she made some designs which was pretty interesting to hear she knew that her roommate did draw and like art but didn't think that she did anything like that. "I would certainly love to see them, I think they would really look cool." Riley said towards Amelia as she smiled at her for a moment, completely forgetting about the camera guy.

Then they came to a stop in front of a Chinese place that Riley usually would go to from time to time, as they came to a stop Riley got out of the car again. And pulled the front seat up for Amelia to get out again and looked at the two ladies. "Once we are done eating we can head back and then prep for tonight maybe?" Riley offered as she started to make her way towards the restaurant once they were inside Riley got a table for the three of them and followed the waitress to their table.

Emmie Adams

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: @Natsu Adalene Jones

Emmie rubbed the back of her neck for a moment as she sat there awkwardly in silent as she looked around, it was a bit of a touchy subject but she felt like she could trust Adalene enough to talk about it anyway. As she looked up their food finally came as she smiled rather quickly as their plates were set up in front of them. She looked back at Adalene for a moment as she started to dig into her food rather quickly.

"I had a pet hamster once when I was little that's about all that I had pet wise anyway." Emmie answered as she took another drink about emptied it. A few seconds later the waitress came back and took Emmie's drink to refill it for her. "The Hollywood walk of fame would be cool to go and visit as well." Emmie said smiling a bit as she thought about going there in person as well. "So any kind of boyfriend?" Emmie asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Claire Winters

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: Colleague@Nallore

Since she had started driving, she didn't really pull her phone to read right away when the reply from Olivia was recieved. She was a fan of save driving when it was possible after all. That said she did threw it a quick glance while waiting on a traffic light, but only as brief as to confirm the other wasn't in danger or something. Once she confirmed that, she put the phone away for later to read." Sorry, Rookie. Orders from up top and if I miss this opportunity, another might not present itself. Worry not though, I'm going to talk with your next officer in charge, they will take good care of you." She laughed and threw a look at her current servant... ahmm rookie in training.

"A girl... very lovely one at that~" She replied with a sly smile, throwing him a questioning look." Why you asking? Did you find yourself a girlfriend without telling me and now you want dating advice? Cause if that's the case, I'm going to enlighten your simple mortal mind for the sake of that girl." Claire joked with her rookie as they were arriving at the police station where they were assigned to. She parked the car and now pulled the phone to confirm the rest of hte details in the message before she headed to deal with the end of the shift procedures. Bonus thing, she was going to show up at Olivia's place in uniform this time around. Didn't feel like taking hte drive home ot first get changed and then head over to Olivia. That and a uniform usually came in handy.

Amelia Payne

Location: Los Angeles, California
Interacting With: Riley@Nalloreand @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Amelia half regretted speaking up about her art almost immediately as she turned hte center of attention for a few moments there and she blushed up to high heaven, looking downward to escape the eyes. Riley was a friend and Fumiko wasn't a bad person, but she just felt weird being focus of attenion. She nodded and mumbled out a reply." Okey... will show them when we return..." In a weak mosquito like voice. Her heart was being torn between the chance to maybe have her art appreciated outside of deviantart and other such sites and the fear of people. She was trying to convince herself that if it DOES work out, she'd be able to help Riley properly with the rent at least.

"Thank you." Amelia said when Riley pulled the seat so she can exit the car. It was very nice of her. She hopped out of hte car, leaving her bags of stuff bought. After all she didn't have to carry them into a restaurant for crying out loud. So freed of that burder, she stretched her hands a little as she heard Riley asking if they should return back home after the meal to prepare for a night out." Ehh... okey..." Amelia replied, she wasn't sure that she was cut out for clubbing, but she had sort of promised to go. She was just going to buy something non alcoholic and try to not catch any attention, which she had teh sneaking suspicion might not work out because of her companions. She follewed Riley to their table where she sat down and took a menu. She hadn't eaten chinese for a good while. In the end she decided to order chicken with sweet and sour sauce.

From all this shopping and so on, she had complitely forgotten that the last time she went to a place filled with people was before this madness with the electricity started. Suddenly recalling it, she wondered if it was safe to do so... Suddenly felt chills that if somethign goes wrong, it will really go wrong. Amelia wanted to ask Riley what to do, but with Fumiko present she didn't dare... after all she didn't know that Fumiko was in the same boat as them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Scott Rydzynski

Location: His Apartment - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Trevor

Scott looked at Trevor for a moment, before a thought occurred to him. He put the safety back on his weapon and hit Trevor in the face with the back of it, breaking the man's nose and knocking him out. "Rule two - I make the rules," Scott told the unconscious nerd, grabbing some supplies and fashioning a gag out of a washcloth. He then made a blindfold and kept Trevor tied up. When Trevor woke up, he'd have no idea who was there and wouldn't be able to make much of a sound.

Pulling out his phone, Scott then sent a text to Janelle: on my way. He then glanced at Trevor one last time, before he zipped up his jacket and made sure all of his weapons were concealed. Grabbing his keys and such, he left the apartment and locked up tight, all of the blinds in the windows down. He was going to head to the comic book store at Pike's Place and grab the kids. Then they'd go back to his place and figure out what else Trevor knew.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene coughed a but at Emmie's last question. She shook her head, "Nope." A boyfriend right now would be a massive distraction for her, that's what she told herself anyway. She didn't really know if she wanted a relationship with anybody right now. She wasn't expecting that question from Emmie, and the thought briefly crossed her mind that maybe Emmie was somehow interested in her that way. Regardless of how many people in her field did swing that way, she was didn't think she was one of them. "Why'd you ask?" She question, leaning back in her chair, smiling at her friend,

She sipped her water, and though about the walk of fame. That would be something she would be very interested in seeing. All of her idols were on there, and she hoped that she would be too one day. She swallowed, and tried to come up with how they could actually go and see these places. It was a nice thought, but perhaps impractical in reality. She didn't really have the funds to take a cross country trip, and even if she did, she had classes to worry about. There was always break, but her first one wouldn't be for at least a few months from now.
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