Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jujube
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"Yeah," Indy replied, taking a seat by the foot of the bed.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by iKatamalicious
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Margo was a bit apprehensive to join Dan and Indigo and share feelings and backstory and all that but it seemed important after the breakthroughs she's been having with Indigo Rose. She knew that they'd all feel better with everything in the open soon, but it was a little scary to think of what Dan might be holding out from them--after all, what was so bad that he couldn't tell his best friend?

Giving a reassuring nod, Margo took a seat on one of the guest chairs that the hospital had set up in Dan's room, smiling encouragingly.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheForgottenArc
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TheForgottenArc Generic Player #592

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dan took a deep breath, his chest feeling a singe of dull pain.

"Well. I guess I'll go from the easiest and go from there."

Dan looked at his own hands, he was shaking, not voluntarily, a side effect from the medicine.

"I guess I never told you why I came here. Not the real reason atleast." He said, looking back at his friends.
"I came to get away, from Mom." He sat in silence for just a moment before speaking again. "I've spent all my life taking care of her. Me and Dad. But since he wasn't here a lot, it was mainly me and because of that, I never really got to be a kid, even though I sure as hell act like one. I always had to be responsible and take care of most people I know. I came here because maybe..."


"Maybe I can be a Kid again. A normal kid." He said, his voice shaking a little for a moment.

Indigo sighed sympathetically, nodding. He, Margo, and Dan all had their own fair share of problems. They were all running away from something. Was this common amongst trainers then? Despite the events that had happened, there was a tiny spark of hope ignited within himself.

"I've always loved Pokémon. Ever since I was small I used what little time I had free to study up on them, I've wanted to be a trainer for awhile. But, after being here awhile, I know I'm not that great of a trainer, not even a decent one. I'm mediocre at best, but something about Training and Battling gives me that spark. That energy."

Indigo nodded. He hadn't been the biggest fan of pokemon, and he wasn't sure if he still was. But the past two weeks had been decent at least, even if taking care of his pokemon had ended up being so much work. To see them so brilliant, vibrant, and healthy... It was funner than he had exected, that was for sure.

"But nothing, compares to the smile your Pokémon give you every time they see you. The love, the trust." Dan looked at his thumbs, yet again. "I just wish Twiggy trusted me. I wish he'd stop looking at me like I was a monster." He said, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt." He said loudly, more tears forming and sliding down his now rosy cheeks. "So why...." He said quietly "Why do they look at me like one. Why can't this all go away."

Indy opened his mouth, then closed it. He knew that feeling all too well. Poor Hero. Hero the Mothim that had deserved so much better.

"I'm sorry." Dan said, wiping his eyes. "I didn't mean to get worked up. It's just....." He stopped himself for a second, regaining his cool.

“Well, I get what you mean about feeling like a monster,” Indigo admitted after the silence.

“You do?”

“Yeah, duh.” Indy slumped further back into his chair, looking out the window of the room. “I mean… I abandoned my Burmy, remember?” It still stung so badly to admit it out loud, but with every acknowledgement came the power of owning up to his mistake—and choosing to conquer it. “I didn’t really think I was hurting Hero either. At least for me, I was more concerned about myself. I didn’t even think about it. But now Hero’s gone, and even worse, some brat’s got him.” Indigo paused. “Not that—I’m not trying to make this about me. What I’m trying to say is, I relate. Completely. And… I understand how difficult it can be.”

Margo had been silent most of the time, and she kept her thoughts mostly to herself. She was interested in what both Dan and Indigo had to say. Taking the time to observe, the only reactions she gave were nods and “hmms.”

“How do you deal with it? I just… I don’t know how.”

“For starters,” Indigo said gently, “you own up to your mistakes. Look, the truth is, no matter what our intentions were, good or bad, we both hurt our pokemon. It’s up to them to forgive us. But, I think, the more you own up to what you did, the more you apologize, the more you talk about it with your pokemon… The better it’ll be.” That sounded about right, he thought. “But you just have to apologize, let them feel what they want to feel, and just… Hope for the best.” There were no guarantees that Hero would forgive him, Indigo thought. No reassurance at all. And he would have to accept that. Both of them would have to move on from whatever had happened.

“What if they don’t… like me anymore? What if they never like me again?” Dan asked, voice wavering and chin quivering.

That was one of the harder answers, Indy thought glumly. “Honestly, I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. You just have to accept that they might not like you. I think that’s just… Part of life. I mean, at school there’s people that don’t like you. Or, you know, in general there’s just people that won’t really forgive you.” He exhaled. “But that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. If you’ve made a mistake, you can keep working on yourself. And… If a person or pokemon or whatever doesn’t like you, even after the apologies or after you’ve changed, you just have to accept it. And, even if someone doesn’t forgive you, it doesn’t mean you’re a jerk.” Was he making sense at all, Indigo thought. The words were flowing, but was the meaning present too? He hoped so. “It just means… They don’t like you. And we’re always gonna find someone who doesn’t like us.”

“But Indy-! You’re saying Twiggy and I won’t be friends anymore?” Dan sat up, clutching his sheets with a horrified look on his face.

“That’s not what I’m saying!” Indigo snapped momentarily, forgetting himself. The subject of forgiveness was a touchy one, he knew it all too well. And his own issues were getting in the way of his communication. “I’m just saying… You have to accept what happens. That’s just life. And learn from your mistakes. That’s all you can do. But for the record, I don’t think Twiggy hates you. Give him some time to cool off, and keep showing him that you care. I think… I think he’ll be okay. But you have to actually communicate, Dan. Don’t just shut yourself up and mope. Keep talking to your pokemon.”

Dan settled back into the bed. “I just thought… I didn’t mean to hurt anyone… I get it but… It’s hard.”

“I saw this quote, and it was like, ‘Even the best intentions have consequences.’” Indigo replied, picking at the thread on the bedsheet. “It doesn’t matter about what you meant. You just have to own up to your mistakes.”

There was a long, quiet pause. Dan sniffled and wiped his tears away once more.

“I understand a little better now. Thanks.”

“You’ll be okay, kiddo,” Indy replied, a ghost of a smile on his face. In reality, it was not easy seeing such a pale, sickly boy fraught with worry in a hospital bed. But Indigo was trying his best to be normal.

“There’s some other stuff I need to tell you guys.” Dan clasped and unclasped his hands nervously. "I asked Dad about Uncle Richard. We talked for awhile, turns out he was in Team Rocket, same as Dad, but unlike Dad, he didn't settle down like Dad did once Team Rocket disbanded. Dad hasn't seen him since either, only had a note saying he 'Would be better than Team Rocket ever was!' That's all I was told, at least. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. Not like it was anything bad."
“Not anything bad?” Indigo looked at Dan with an incredulous expression. “You’re kidding, right? Your uncle poisons us, nearly gets us killed, escapes from the police, he continues doing this Team Rocket stuff, and he left a note saying that he was going to be better than Team Rocket ever was? That is pretty bad, dude.”

“Well, I just,” Dan shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know what to do.”

He still hadn’t told them about his father, Indigo thought. How could Dan trust his father? The man lied, cheated, and stole for a living! “I wouldn’t really trust anything your dad says,” Indigo couldn’t help it. “He’s kind of a piece of shit. So…”

“Indy!” Margo’s eyes burned into Indigo from across the room; he didn’t even have to look back to feel them. “There’s a better way to say what you just said.”

Indy looked into Dan’s eyes. “Sorry. I—I probably shouldn’t have said that.”

“If I don’t forgive you, I guess you’ll just have to accept it,” Dan retorted back Indigo’s own advice with a sly grin.

Indy chuckled. “Bet.” It seemed that they had dropped Daniel’s family issues for now, and while there was much to be uncovered still, it seemed that Dan truly was in the dark about everything. His father was a different story, but Indy decided to drop the matter for the time being.

"So.... I guess its time to talk about why I'm in the hospital." He didn't want to tell them, but he had to. ”After what had happened in the center."
Indigo and Margo both nodded, leaning in.

"Remember in Pewter, after the Mister Mime hit me and Twiggy with that sonic burst? Well, I had felt like shit for a bit after that. My chest felt like someone had punched it thirty times over. I thought it was because of the force of the blast, but, when I told Mom, she told me to go get myself checked out. Just in case. Because she struggled with heart problems for awhile now."

Dan gripped his shirt.

"Maybe I should've listened to her." He said " Turns out that blast kicked off a condition that's been 'Unnoticed' according to doctors." Dan handed his friends papers listing the disease and other information. And a picture of his now scarred chest.

"Heart Arrhythmia, basically my heart doesn't beat right. It either goes to fast or too slow and can change to each extreme very easily. From stress, too much exercise. That sorta thing.” He pointed to the bottles on the side of his bed, a mix of 8 different pill bottles. "I have to take 8 pills every day, or have a higher risk of a heart attack." "As well as that, I got a pacemaker, to keep my heartbeat on track."

“Cripes,” Indy muttered under his breath, not knowing how to react or what to say. Margo walked up to the bedside and put a comforting hand on Indy’s shoulder, her eyes on Dan with a concerned gaze.

“That’s so awful,” she murmured. “I’m so so sorry.” What else could anyone possibly say?

Dan's frowned deeply "Even with all this stuff, they told me I probably won't live past thirty. I leave to get away from this sorta thing and it just follows me, just my luck." Dan smirked "Least I don't have to exercise any more." he said, trying to bring a little bit of light to the conversation.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, that’s why you’ve been avoiding us?” Margo asked.

"Yeah, that's why I've been avoiding you guys. I just didn’t know how to say it, I’ve been bogging everyone down so much and now this stuff happens… And I was just worried, you know, like, is this gonna change our journey? Or how we travel? I just… I should have told you guys.” Dan said. “I guess, in a weird way, when I ignored it… It was kind of like it wasn’t there, you know?”

“You’re still a moron for not telling us,” Indigo said bluntly, though he had a small smile on his face. “Dunno if I’ve forgiven you just yet. I guess for the time being, it’s okay.”

At this point, Margo stepped in, eyes alight. “But you actually do have to tell us this stuff and keep us updated. When you fell in the center, neither of us knew what you had. The nurses kept asking us, but we didn’t have any info on your condition. Something like this might happen again, Daniel. You have to let us know so we can take care of you if something happens. This is serious. You can’t just ignore it.”

Dan nodded.

“And I doubt it’s going to really change the way we travel, in fact,” Margo said, a grin spreading on her face. “I might have an idea…”

Indigo and Daniel exchanged confused glances before looking at Margo, who was now standing in front of the window, her arms spread out quite dramatically. Looking over her shoulder, there was a glint of mischeviousness in her eyes.

“We need to get flying pokemon!” She jumped ontop of a chair, her hands balled into energetic fists. “Oooooh—this what trainers do! Come together when the going’s are tough! We get going!”

Just like that, the severe atmosphere in the room was broken, and the teens were bubbling with laughter.
“Or maybe, at least pokemon we can kind of ride on, even if they’re not flying types,” Indigo added. “Rapidash would be so pretty and like, the fastest pokemon ever…”

“I just see myself on a big, cool Honchkrow!” Margo said, hugging herself.

“Riding on Twiggy would be like having an entire island to myself,” Dan grinned.

As the night went on, the kids enjoyed themselves by imaging their futures, bright and steady ahead of them. Laughter filled the rest of the night, and they were sure to get a refreshing, comfortable sleep. For the first time in a long time, they would sleep with no anxieties.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jujube
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The next day was a partly cloudy one, with a 30% chance of light showers, according to the weather app on the pokedex anyways. Dan would be getting properly discharged from the hospital while Indigo was just waking up. The balmy late morning sun rays filtered through a crack in the curtains, finally rousing him from his sleep.

"Ughhh is it time to wake up already?" Indigo shook his head. "Time to get ready..."

After grabbing breakfast, getting ready, and packing up his supplies, he was ready to meet Daniel and Margo at the front of the pokemon center so they could decide on their next destination. There were quite a few routes they could take, and while the choices were all equally interesting, they needed to decide their next destination somehow. There was the adjustment of traveling with Dan's condition, they couldn't get his heart rate too far up. Indigo thought back to what Margo had mentioned. Perhaps there were service pokemon available...?

Well, they would figure it out, he was sure of it.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by iKatamalicious
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Margo had actually woken up late, thrown off by her internal clock's tardiness. "Shit, how'd that happen..." She murmured under her breath as she quickly got ready for the continuation of their adventure. She settled on a lightweight sweater that showed off a freckled shoulder and some jeans, her hair put up in a braided bun.

The teenager continually rubbed her eyes as she made her way out of the center, lugging her backpack behind her as she tried to wake herself up. She couldn't say she was surprised by Indy at the front of the center before her, but she was a little sour about the fact that he had gotten up before her.

"Heard from Daniel?" Margaret grumbled to Indy as she took up a spot next to him, closing her eyes and leaning her head back to feel the sun that was desperately trying to pry its way through the clouds. She wasn't hopeful of its presence throughout the day.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheForgottenArc
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TheForgottenArc Generic Player #592

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dan had gotten up early, getting his stuff sorted out and getting ready to get checked out of the hospital.

After doing his morning routine in the facilities provided and taking his medicine, he was released with a stack of papers which he copied onto his Pokedex.

It took him awhile to get to the center, when he got there, he saw his two friends standing at the entrance.

"Heard from Daniel?" Margaret grumbled

Dan had only just heard Margo speak "Right here, just give me a second though. I've got to grab my Twiggy, he's still in my room." He said as he entered the center, quickly trekking up to his room and grabbing what remained in there.

After 5 quick minuets Dan was already back with his friends.
"You guys ready? I think I've gotten my fill of this town." He said. "Don't worry about me keeping up, if I feel bad, I'll just ride on Twiggy."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by iKatamalicious
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Margo tried not to show how startled she was by Dan sneaking up on the two of them, giving him a tight lipped smile. A quick nod was the most he got from her as he went to grab Twiggy. The teen kicked at the dirt as she held the straps of her backpack and stood with Indy in silence.

After rejoining them, Dan insisted upon not waiting up for him. She wondered just how deep his condition was going to affect their journey together. ‘I mean... Seriously how long can he walk for before he needs to rest? How long does he need to rest? What if we get to some of the cities and towns that have awful weather conditions? I guess I didn’t even think about how much this might change how we go about our travels...’ Margo was looking at Dan with furrowed brows, a sympathetic expression put on her face without realizing.

“Well, where to boys?” She suddenly blurted, looking between the two. She forced herself to stop looking at Dan like a kicked Growlithe.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by jujube
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Indy squinted at Dan in observation. Well, apparently Twiggy didn't hate him that much if Dan could grab a ride whenever. Feeling better about it, Indy decided that there wasn't really anything to fret about. So began their trek up the craggy, sandy, mountain trail.

Still, after an hour, Indy found himself wanting to take a break. They still had probably another six to seven hours to go, and the hike had made him hungry. Even with it not being a very hot day, beads of sweat dripped down his forehead and his breath was coming up in wheezes.

"This kinda sucks," he grumbled. Though not unfit, the path was challenging even for the most seasoned of hikers, that was for sure. "You guys have to be at least a little tired." Indigo sighed and wiped at his forehead. "Sure would have been nice if that stupid, dinky Shamba Town had some actual services for trainers. They've got a gym but barely any businesses." Indy rolled his eyes. "I miss Celedon. They've got like 5 story shopping malls there, and there's nothing you can't find." They had just come back from Celadon, true, but the events at Pewter had spoken them up so they hadn't truly been able to enjoy themselves.

"Wish we could have showed you the funner stuff, Margo. Actually, I kinda wish we had a car right now...."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The gang had made it only half way up the North Western stretch of Mt. Leeman when exhaustion started hitting them...

"This kinda sucks," he grumbled. Though not unfit, the path was challenging even for the most seasoned of hikers, that was for sure. "You guys have to be at least a little tired." Indigo sighed and wiped at his forehead. "Sure would have been nice if that stupid, dinky Shamba Town had some actual services for trainers. They've got a gym but barely any businesses." Indy rolled his eyes. "I miss Celedon. They've got like 5 story shopping malls there, and there's nothing you can't find." They had just come back from Celadon, true, but the events at Pewter had spoken them up so they hadn't truly been able to enjoy themselves.

"Wish we could have showed you the funner stuff, Margo. Actually, I kinda wish we had a car right now...."


Indigo's words didn't fall on deaf ears. From above on a cliff, an old friend of Daniel's spotted them. The little boy with wild hair and dirty clothes yelled down. "Hey Daniel! Who are your friends!?" But instead of waiting for a reply, the boy made a loud roaring noise. He then jumped without a care.

Jagged rocks and thorny bushes lay below him, but he didn't mind; he was smiling. About halfway through his fall, a Drampa came floating out of his cave. The creature looked tired and a little confused, as if it had just been napping. But when the boy landed on his back, that confusion dissipated. If one was close enough, they'd be able to see the dragon roll his eyes and smile.

"Hey Pawpaw, can you take me down to my friends?" the boy said into the dragon's ear, while pointing down the mountain. The dragon made a soft grumbling noise and began gently floating downward. As they got closer to the ground in front of the group, the boy introduced himself. "My name is Zvi!" The Drampa's feet touched the ground, but Zvi didn't get off. He looked very comfortable on the fluffy creature.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TheForgottenArc
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TheForgottenArc Generic Player #592

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dan had done really good at the start of the hike up the trail, but, as the crew went on Dans leg felt heavier and heavier with each step and large beads of sweat began to form on his face. With time his heart began to beat faster and faster.

"Wish we could have showed you the funner stuff, Margo. Actually, I kinda wish we had a car right now...."

"Tell me about it, damn." He said as he wiped the sweat off his brow. "I'm gonna need a break soon.... My hearts getting fast." He said

"Hey! How have ya been?" He said with tired breaths as the Drampa touched down on the floor and as Indy bent to grab Twiggy to catch a ride on "That's Indy." He said pointing "And the girl's name is Margret."

"What's HIS name?" Dan said, looking at the Drampa.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by iKatamalicious
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I wont argue with you on that one.." Margo sighed in exasperation, leaning over and placing her hands on her knees to catch her breath with the rest of their group. "I wish Crowne was a Blastoise and could carry me around already." The teen straightened and brought a hand to her own forehead, looking ahead at the trail before them.

A voice pierced the otherwise silent air, her head swivelling to meet a... wild boy atop a dragon? Her eyes shone excitedly, suddenly rejuvenated by the grumpy old-man-like pokemon before them. "Hello Zvi! What a beautiful pokemon!" She smiled up at the boy before returning her attention to the Drampa, fumbling in her backpack for her pokedex to scan the Drampa.

'Drampa, the placid pokemon. This Pokémon is friendly to people and loves children most of all. It has a compassionate personality, but if it is angered, it completely destroys its surroundings with its intense breath.' The robotic introduction only made the pokemon more interesting, Margo slightly enamored by the raw power.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Hey! How have ya been?" He said with tired breaths as the Drampa touched down on the floor and as Indy bent to grab Twiggy to catch a ride on "That's Indy." He said pointing "And the girl's name is Margret."

"What's HIS name?" Dan said, looking at the Drampa.

..."Hello Zvi! What a beautiful pokemon!" She smiled up at the boy before returning her attention to the Drampa, fumbling in her backpack for her pokedex to scan the Drampa.

... The robotic introduction only made the pokemon more interesting, Margo slightly enamored by the raw power.

Zvi chuckled at the sound of Margo's Pokedex, then looked to Dan, "I call him Pawpaw. He basically raised me. I can't remember not being friends with him."

Zvi then scratched the back of his head in a closed eyed smile. He was having a quick moment of reflection. The moment passed in an instant, and he looked back to the group in front of him. "You all look wiped out! Would you like a ride!?"

[Insert what I assume to be everyone's acceptance here.]

"Okay then!" Zvi yelled out to them, before he leaned over and spoke to his Drampa "Hey, do you think you could go find one of your buddies, so we can give them all a ride?"

The Drampa snorted out a loud breath from its nose.

"Thanks Pawpaw!" Zvi then jumped off the Drampa, so it could fly away. Once the Drampa was gone, Zvi joined the group of teenagers to chat and wait for Pawpaw to come back with a friend. It wouldn't take too long, thirty minutes at most.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jujube
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

It seemed as if an unknown force had heard their pleas or something, Indigo thought as his eyes shifted over when a large shadow suddenly passed over them. Incredibly enough, an old but regal looking dragon pokemon had a boy riding on his back. The kid was a little dirty, his clothes ragged, but his face was shining with a broad smile and his posture was relaxed. As he touched down in front of them, Indy couldn't help but notice how elegant the pokemon he was riding on was.

Woah, he thought. It appeared that the boy, Zvi, and Daniel knew each other. Well this was a welcome surprise, even if Zvi seemed a bit odd. Raised by a pokemon? I've only seen that in movies, not real life. But here was an example standing right before him. As much as he wanted to ask questions, his tiredness was more prominent. After he caught his breath he would be more open to chatting. For now though, as Pawpaw the Drampa called over another friend, Indigo was more than comfortable waiting in silence. "Don't mind me, I'm just chilling," Indigo said with a lazy wave of his hand. "Nice of you to drop by, Zvi. Thanks again. You have no idea how much this helps us."

Zvi busied himself with peppering Daniel and Margo with questions, their conversation animated and inquisitive. But they were once again interrupted by a shadow crossing over them once more.

"Ooooh, this is Hermes! Meet Hermes, you guys, he's a friend of Pawpaws!" Zvi beamed. "Hermes, meet Margo, Indy, and Dan!"

Hermes flicked his ears, his maw stretching into a friendly smile. He made a noise from the back of his throat, a low, rumbling growl. Still, the pokemon didn't seem to try to be threatening them.

"Two per person, so one person could ride with me and the other two can ride with Hermes," Zvi offered.

Indigo stood up, yawning. "Let's do it," he said, walking over to Hermes. The Drampa wagged his tail, almost as if he were a dog. Indigo couldn't help but grin. It was a beautiful pokemon, and draon type too? Perhaps there was a chance he could catch this one. First thing first though, he'd have to acquaint himself properly.

"Indy," he said, bowing to the dragon, reaching out to touch the scaly snout. Hermes let out another low rumble before offering a soft wing for Indigo to climb upon. Grabbing the feathery fluff and hoisting himself up, Indy marveled at the exquisite texture of the pokemon's downy coat.

"This is awesome," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around the Drampa's neck and leaning against the pokemon. "Don't mind me, I'm ready to go whenever." He closed his eyes. He'd just have to catch this pokemon. He'd caught an ugly Magnemite in Kanto, and he had been raising it! Surely now the wind would be blowing in his favor?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheForgottenArc
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TheForgottenArc Generic Player #592

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dan had taken out a pill bottle and some water as the other Drampa touched down.

"Ooooh, this is Hermes! Meet Hermes, you guys, he's a friend of Pawpaws!" Zvi beamed. "Hermes, meet Margo, Indy, and Dan!"

Dan waved at the Pokémon after taking his pills and drowning them with water, the pills just helped keep down his Heart Rate when it got a bit fast or slow, they always came with a slight searing feeling in his chest after a couple of minuets.

"I call riding with Zvi, I'm sure we have a couple mountains we need to yell off together." He said, knowing his friends wouldn't get the reference to the first time he met Zvi.

"Ready when you are, dude!" He said as he climbed the Drampa, not before introducing himself to it. "Let's get this trail over with."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by iKatamalicious
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Hermes? What a cute name~" Margo tried not to gush as she bounded up to the other Drampa, gingerly petting its neck. She was surprised at Indy's graciousness towards the regal pokemon, but after a moment of thought she realized why: it was quite a handsome fellow.
Of course, she came to expect this from her companion and simply gave him a semi-disapproving look as he hopped onto Hermes and made himself comfortable. A quick glance over at Dan, as he finished taking pills, and Zvi told her she'd be riding with Indigo.

Margo got onto Hermes with a little help from a reluctant Indy and sat behind him, leaning back on her hands and looking around Mt. Leeman Trail before they took off. She wondered how high they'd be going--hopefully not too high, right? She didn't want to cling to Indy's back like a Komala but she never went on an airplane or a flying pokemon before... was she scared of heights? She supposed she'd find out sooner rather than later.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She didn't want to cling to Indy's back like a Komala but she never went on an airplane or a flying Pokemon before... was she scared of heights? She supposed she'd find out sooner rather than later.

Zvi and Dan flew in the lead, rising straight up the mountain. All those twists and turns of the trail would have taken forever on foot. The air was refreshing, despite the hot rising sun.

In less than an hour, they had made it halfway up the mountain. It was time to make a decision. "So which way do you all want to go from here!? The forest gets thick and foggy that way, and there are some cool temple ruins if you go far enough! Or we can keep going up, to Zanna town. Kinda boring up there, though!"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jujube
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Indy couldn't help it- he sneered at Margo mischeviously. "Don't freak out too much." Now that he thought about it, he didn't want Margo choking him with a deathly grip if she got too scared though...

They climbed higher and higher, covering distance that would have taken them hours in a matter of seconds. Indigo patted the Drampa's neck. What a strong, noble pokemon it was! He'd have to try and coax it to join his team. Enjoying the breeze that lifted the sweat off their perspiring foreheads and their spirits, they soared with ease. Indigo enjoyed with a quiet admiration at the varying colors of the canyon and flora that turned into what seemed like brushstrokes on a canvas. "It's beautiful."

Sometime soon though, Zvi shouted out a question, and Indy knew where he wanted to go. "Say, Cloud Temple sounds like an awesome place to go!" He shouted over the wind, hoping Margo and Dan would agree.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by iKatamalicious
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Margo decided she wasn't that scared of heights, only grabbing onto Indy's waist when they first went airborne. She let go once she realized it wasn't so windy up in the air, opting to let her companion go sheepishly and put her hands on Hermes as a support. She couldn't deny that it was pretty being so high up, all their problems left on the ground.

It was hard to hear Zvi with the distance between themselves but apparently Indy heard, shouting out a location they should visit. With caution, Margo grabbed her pokedex from her backpack and checked the map app. Zanna town or Cloud temple... She supposed that Cloud Temple might be cooler than another community. She poked Indy in the ribs to get his attention and gave a thumbs up, not wanting to shout in his ear, before returning to looking at their surroundings.

It seemed not looking down was key to not being scared of heights.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheForgottenArc
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TheForgottenArc Generic Player #592

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dan nodded "I agree with Indy, Cloud temple sounds nice."

Given his condition Dan was doing reletivly well in the air, it wasn't a fear of heights that concerned him, it was the falling part that freaked him out.

"So, what'd ya take earlier, in that orange thing?" Zvi asked
"Just my medicine. For my heart. Not doin so good." Dan said.
"Oh...Well that seems stupid." Zvi said aloud. Dan took no offense to that, knowing he tended to speak his mind.
"So what HAVE you been up too, Zvi?"
"The normal."
"What IS the normal." Dan asked
"Just going around with my friends" He said as he patted the Drampa "I haven't gone into the town lately. Nothing fun ever happens there"
Dan chuckled "Tell me about it. I think the closest to fun I've had was a lost Pokémon me and Indy dealt with."
"What happened?"
"Well me an Indy had to babysit some pokemon and...." Dan reminisced about the incident, while they drew closer to the mountain.
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