Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“Excellent! And don’t think I forgot your reward. I’m sure the others have given you something amazing, so uh... Well, o hope you accept this humble gift.” Yerro went to fetch a few books. “My father once told me the best thing you can give someone is enlightenment. These are a few books I’ve had that has always helped me do business, so I figured you could use them. I don’t know if you’re much of a reader, but I always find a good book helps ease the mind.” There were three books here, the biggest being a time called “Herbs and Edibles V. I”, then two considerably smaller books called “Tales of Spice and Wolves” and “Traveler’s Guide To Gransys”.

“If you ever feel like foraging, the Traveler’s Guide has a handy list of things that are and aren’t safe to eat. The herbs book is also good if you ever want to identify important herbs and ingredients. The last book, Tales of Spice and Wolves, that’s a work of fiction but it’s a tale I’ve always loved. Really gives you a first-person perspective of the traders life, with some tips and tricks.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Funny enough, while the clothes, and the harpoon and kitchen set were amazing, Sylvia couldn't help but brighten up considerably at the sight of the books. While the books may be humble to those who were actually from the world of Keratia, to Sylvia they were a source of knowledge for her pour over. These books may even save her in the future. Her smile was even wider, and she could help but clap her hands once and gasp in sheer joy at the sight of them. She listened quietly as he explained what each book had in store for her. She could barely contain her excitement.

She thanked Yerro after he was done, "Oh my gosh! Thank you, Yerro! These books are definitely going to be of great help! You're a life saver!"

Yeah, she knew what she was going to be doing at the inn. Reading! Just some good old reading to learn about the world a little more.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Yerro smiled politely and bowed his head. "Heh, thank you kindly! To be honest I thought you might be a bit disappointed. I mean, I can't even get my own kids to appreciate a good book. They'd rather be off playing on the docks or listening to tales at the tavern. Even the temple and their sermons get their attention better than my books do." He seemed to gripe for a bit, but then perks up. "Well, not that you need to worry about that. I bet if I tell them a story about you and your appreciation for books, that might convince the minnows to read! Now then, is there anything else I can help you with?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia grinned a bit at the thought that she wouldn't appreciate the books. Her? Disappointed with books? Never. She listened as he talked about how his kids didn't appreciate books. She noted the gripe at the sermons in the church. She got the impression that a lot of people didn't like the church for some reason. Maybe she should really be on guard when she goes there for information...

Her curious look went back to a smile when Yerro mentioned telling his kids about her and her appreciation for books. She couldn't help but laugh a bit, "I hope my story really does inspire them to read,"

When he asked if there was anything else she needed, she answered, "I think that's it for now. I gotta take the time to rethink my grocery list a little more,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Of course. Still plenty of time before I close up shop, usually a bit before the afternoon bell. Even if you don't feel like cooking, I also sell some salted fish and preserved fruits, great for long trips. Ah, and I suppose if you're really interested, you could always try to catch some fish down by the beach. Bring whatever you catch back to me and I'll smoke and salt em for ya, so long as you let me keep a few for myself."

If there was nothing else she wanted to do with Yerro, he would return to manning his spot behind the counter. His shop was decently stocked now that she had some time to look it over. Unlike what she might've experienced in her world, many of these vegetables felt somewhat warm and soft, since they weren't refrigerated or kept moist. Still they looked edible enough, similar to what you might expect at a farmer's market. There was a section where Yerro's salted fish was kept, from mackerel to trout, as well as clay jars with fruit preserves. There was even some fruit wine for sale.

If she was done shopping, there was still plenty of places to go. The church was still available and up the hill. Yerro more or less gave her a sidequest to go fishing if she wanted to get some free smoked fish. And of course she had these books she could spend time reading as well. Just a quick glance would let her know that whoever wrote these books has a much better grasp of english than what she had seen on those notice boards, though a few questionable grammatical and spelling choices here and there would remind her that this world's english is not entirely like her own.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded to Yerro, and answered his advice, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you again, Yerro," She'll have to get herself a fishing set and learn how to fish. She had never really gone fishing before. She looked around the store a bit before finally heading out.

As she walked through Cassari, she flipped through the pages of the book and took in the writing at a glance. Unfortunately, she had business to take care of before she can relax and read. She decided to drop off her rewards in her room at the inn, and then head to the church. If the church knew anything about her being here, then it was worth investigating. Plus, maybe she can get some insight on why Pylia and Yerro seem to have a negative opinion about the church here.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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After putting your books away, it was a bit of a hike to the church. There was two ways to get there: the main road, which was the longest but had the most space, and a small alleyway staircase that was quick but narrow. Either way will see her to her destination. Compared to the other builds made of wood and molded stone, the church stood out with it's grey bricks, glass windows, and the large bronze bell at it's highest tower. Painted on the stain glass was the open-hands/wings symbol. The doors were huge and heavy, but soon she would get inside. Surprisingly calm right now. You would only notice two people: a man standing by an altar praying, and a younger man lighting some candles. If you had to guess, the man at the altar was the head priest. You may infer as much since he wears a fancy hat while the other man wears a cap.

Despite the windows the church was oddly dark, illuminated only by a few windows too high to lighten up the entire building, and the candles being lit by the other priest person. The candles sat at tables which had various small statues on them, each depicting the church's presume holy symbol with a book resting on them. It may have some religious significance. Soon the lesser priest spots you, and he blows out the long candle he was using to light the other candles to come greet you. He does a very strange greeting, holding his left hand to his heart while raising his right hand slightly above his head. "Greetings young lady. Welcome to the Maker's Church. How may this humble acolyte assist you?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia had decided to go to the church via the main road. It may have been long, but she preferred the space to the narrow alleyways. She had thought the church on the outside was pretty grand, but on the inside? The inside was kind of strange. Most of the churches she's been to have always been structured so that during the day, the sunlight would illuminate the inside. Here? It was dark. She wasn't sure if it was intentional, or if it was poor planning on the construction of the church. She was glad to see that she didn't come in during a sermon.

She waited patiently until the younger man finally noticed her and approached her. She raised an eyebrow at the greeting quizzically, before she continued, greeting, "Hi. I was informed that the church may have information about...a strange incident, and I would like to know as much about it as possible,"

Sylvia was mentally debating whether or not she should say that she was the one who is going through this 'strange event' or if she should just say that a friend is going through it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“A strange incident you say? Well, that’s rather vague, but I’m sure we could help. If you’ll just follow me.” The acolyte would lead you to a room on the corner. Inside was a small library of books, so many that a ladder was needed to reach some of the books on higher shelves. There were three chairs in this room, one between each book selves save the one spot where the door is.

“Those who follow the Maker have always assisted people throughout the world with their problems, where they’re mundane matters of the heart or exorcisms to eliminate diabolical entities. Now, could you give me more information about this ‘strange incident’? Perhaps we have a record of such an event happening before!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia followed the acolyte to a room on the corner. She had to admit, she didn't expect to see that many books here. She nodded at his request, and she answered "Sure. But unfortunately I don't have very much to begin with, hence why I am here," She then continued "This strange incident I'm talking about...It's kinda like the whole fey kidnapping people in their sleep and putting them elsewhere. The exception in this case, is that person has found themselves in a completely different world. Different countries, different time, everything about the world they found themselves is in is different. They went to sleep and then woke up with no memory of how they got there,"

She decided to keep who the person was vague. She wanted to gauge the acolyte's reaction first before she let them know that the person she was talking about was herself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“Hmm. While kidnapping others and putting them through a harrowing journey does seem like something the fey would do, they aren’t so spontaneous as to never leave some trace of their handiwork. A calling cards of sorts, such as a strange marking or some other hint to show the unfortunate victim that they have been influenced by the fey. If there isn’t anything like that, then that simply widens the culprits. Hmm...”

The acolyte picked up a large tome, flipping through the pages. “Do you have any other details? Where this person came from perhaps, any visions they had since they arrived? Do they perhaps have any affinity with a creature either mundane or mythological? Every bit helps.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia couldn't help but wonder if there was a mark on her body...She would have to get a mirror and see if she could find such a thing on her. Other than that, Sylvia didn't remember seeing anything like a calling card. And she doubted skeletons would count as fey calling cards.

Sylvia nodded at his question, and she answered "I do. This person came from a place called New York City, in the country of the United States of America. The world is called Earth, and it was in the year 2019. When they found themselves in the cave, they were surrounded by ancient skeletons. When they exited the cave, the cave entrance just disappeared. As though it was never there to begin with..."

At the mention of the visions or an affinity with an animal, Sylvia thought a bit. She then asked the acolyte in curiosity, "Do dreams count as visions?" She couldn't help but recall the dream she had the previous night. Maybe dreams counted as visions here? It could mean something.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“Hmm. Those places don’t sound familiar, but 2019? That’s surely ancient! Many of our records don’t even stretch back further than a thousand years. But perhaps...” The acolytes flipped to a specific page before going to the ladder and climbing up to a book shelf. As he listened he looked down and you and nodded. “Dreams and visions are often one and the same, yes. Was there anything in this dream which may be relevant?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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"I'm not sure. But considering that the incident and the dream are both recent, and happened within a span of a couple hours of each other, it might be worth mentioning," Sylvia answered thoughtfully.

She continued "Their dream started out showing a hurricane over the ocean. But the clouds soon broke to show the sunlight. The clouds continued to part until a huge black dragon could be seen, with an entourage of flying monsters. The dragon was flying over the ocean to somewhere. But the dream ended before they could see where the dragon was going. The last thing they saw was the dragon looking at them with burning yellow eyes,"

She studied the acolyte as she recounted the dream, trying to gauge his reaction once more. She wasn't sure if he was going to react in fear, or if he was going to give some other reaction she wasn't expecting.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The acolyte seemed surprised. "A dragon? A dragon hasn't been spotted in at least sixty years, not since Duke Erod himself slew the beast. He too slew a black dragon, but..." The acolyte looked around and managed to find at least two books relevant to what you were looking for. Both were about the duke based off the titles on their ridges. "I'm afraid that information about dragons themselves can only be found at larger churches, and I know for certain that only members of the clergy are allowed to research such beasts. Here we only have these two biographies about the duke, one penned by the lord himself, and another written more about his reign than the man. I'm sure the might have some insight about this dragon at least." The acolyte tried to think of what else could work and had an idea.

"Well... Suppose if you too became an ordained member of the church, you may be allowed to read their tomes at the city. Tis no easy task of course, but you seem a capable sort."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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So dragons weren't exactly common in this world. They existed, but not common and haven't been seen in sixty years. She was surprised to hear that Duke Erod had slain a black dragon. At the suggestion of becoming a member of the clergy, Sylvia became unsure. She couldn't join a religion she knew little about in good consciousness, plus there had to be a reason why there was a negative opinion about this church. But she might need the information about the dragons...

Thinking of finding other resources of knowledge, including Duke Erod himself if need be, she decided to go with her gut. She answered the acolyte "I don't think joining the clergy is necessary,"

She then asked "Would it be okay if read those two books on Duke Erod? They seem like a good place to start,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The acolyte seemed disappointed, shaking his head. "I see. Well, I understand your hesitation. Tis an important decision to make after all. In any case I do not mind if you wish to read these books, however I must ask that you only read them here, in the temple, for safe keeping. We once allowed the villagers to take books to read at their own leisure however after many valuable books were lost we cannot allow any to be taken anymore. And naturally, please do not damage the books. These texts are fairly new but paper is a fragile thing." He left the two tomes on a small desk nearby. "When you are done, you may simply leave them on the table. I would not want you to risk harming yourself trying to climb the ladder whilst putting the tomes away. They can be quite heavy."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded at his requests and she answered him, "Sounds reasonable enough. Thank you," She then got to work reading on the books. She decided to first read the book about Duke Erod, written by a different author. She figured that reading that book first would give her good context before going into Duke Erod's own narrative. She wanted to know what kind of person Duke Erod was first before reading the narrative. Somehow...Sylvia wouldn't be surprised if the tale of Duke Erod slaying a black dragon was completely made up, even in a strange new world such as this one...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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It takes you a little over an hour to get through the first book. The author wasn't much of a writer, and seemed to largely be writing about Erod's reign over his rise. In it the author writes a lot about the good things Erod had done such as revitalizing the military and economical foundation of Gransys, as well as forging beneficial alliances with the neighboring countries, formerly enemies and even conquerors at times. There was only brief information about his dragon slaying days at the beginning, and even that was mostly about how bad things were in Gransys already before the Duke, at the time a mere warrior, slew the dragon and earned dukedom. At the very least it mentioned how the Erod was given the divine right to be duke after slaying the dragon. After that though it just went into details about the political system of Gransys.

All in all, not much about why you're here. You've never received any form of divine direction sans the dream, assuming that wasn't simply a dream. At least there was Erod's book which might at least speak more about the dragon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Gransys....that was her next stop, wasn't it? So the duke was there.

Sylvia still couldn't help but let out a slight sigh in disappointment when she couldn't find anything there. But still, there was no point in quitting the research now. After reading the first book, she set the book on the table, and moved the second book closer. She opened the book and started reading Erod's tale of how he slew a black dragon. She hoped she'll find something in that one.
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