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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Smough's Flagship
Smough listens. He nods and takes puffs of his pipe. With a deep hum he considers everything.
"So you're a westerner... from earth." Smough says staring at Gaul. Smough reaches out and places one hand on the bag but doesn't take it. Aesir treasure is enticing. But it's it worth getting involved?  "Before I say yes. I need to know one thing. What's your aspect? What'd they put you in charge of?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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Gaul smiles a tired smile, and says one word, “Wyrd.” Anyone with even a modicum of understanding would know that wyrd means fate, but that fate itself has been classified as many things. Magic. Destiny. Luck. Willpower. Time. Life. Death. The possibilities of just this one word are almost incalculable.

“Do we have a deal?” Gaul asks once again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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I see it. I see the energy and life force of thousands of souls sacrificed in his making. I see his incredible density. He is and isn't like anything and everything I have and haven't seen.

The Prime Mind is dormant now which means he was the directive all along but right now he doesn't seem like a weapon. He seems lost. I speak to Nichols in a low voice. "I would like you and your men if you're staying to be as still and quiet as possible. Please, stay back and be ready to leave immediately should he attack."

It's clear from the feelings of everyone present that the assessment I need to give of this new life form might not meet their expectations. They want him dead. I motion them back as I move forward. "Hello. What's your name?" I continue moving, walking a slow circle around him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Smough's Flagship

Smough had laughs heartily when Gaul answers. Fate. If he is lying then he's a damn good liar. With a shake of hands Smough passed Gaul a Bloodgem and had taken his loot.
"Before we go traipsing off to our deaths, I have a prior engagement to attend in the south. With any luck you'll have just employed an immortal "trading" company." Smough steps back and jangles the bag, smiling at the clanking that follows. "After all, I promised these men eternal life at sea. I'm sure you understand."

East Point Wastes
The New Man knows that Lexianna is observing him. He observes her in the same way. Cautiously. But when she asks who he is the new creature hesitates.
"My name. Is Bahruss." A new line of thought flashes into his mind. Information on who he is supposed to be. "My father named me. My father. I was... am or was not supposed to live. I was stillborn. My mother died. Father was sad. So he made a new mother. But Father is ill." Bahruss snaps his attention in the direction of the Bastille. Clothing and armor begin to grow around him as he walks slowly in the direction of The Bastille. "I was imagined as a knight. But I don't remember my purpose. I must ask Father."

Bahruss takes off in a sprint. As he does he morphs. His cells rearrange themselves and he becomes a cheetah at full speed. When he reaches the barrier he comes to a full stop and becomes human again. Reaching out tentatively he places his hand against the barrier. A small crack appears. The crack spreads and soon the dome that loomed over head comes crashing down. As the Arcane Barrier shatters black alchemical markings appear on Bahruss. Seals.

"I am Sir Bahruss."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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Gaul gives Smough a very somber look, and says that he does understand. He then repeats the wordy ritual of the bloodstones in hopes that it’s the same for the gems. Luckily, it is.

The first thing he notices is the return of the Sight as he catches a brief glimpse of himself at the meeting, but he quickly disconnects from the Stream of Fate and stretches his limbs. They are no longer sore.

Gaul, reinvigorated, looks to the Admiral once again. “Let’s go to your meeting, then.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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With Gaul's story finished, I bounce nervously on the balls of my feet and look up expectantly at Smough. "Admiral is there any chance you could give me a tour of your ship?" I twist a lock of hair absentmindedly around my finger. There's a loud splash somewhere behind me and seconds later I'm sprayed with water.


I hear the unmistakable high pitched squeal and don't have to turn around to know what animal just tagged my sister. Flame turns and immediately a grin splits her face. "Dolphins!!!"

She darts to the railing and leans over as far as possible trying to touch one;completely forgetting that she's in a skirt. Twenty pirate heads swivel so fast I'm sure they have whiplash. The dolphins squirt her again and she giggles. Then arches her back as she shakes off water. Those pirates can now add poor eyesight to the doctor bill as twenty pairs of eyes pop right out of their sockets.

I have murder on the mind but before I can do a thing Flame darts past me and grabs onto Smough.

"Admiral are there whales too?" The look on her face keeps me from killing pirates and instead has me waiting on Smough's answer. Her voice is full of awe, her eyes wide and so full of hope. There's nothing we can do about our differences while stuck on this ship. We'll have it out later but right this second all I want to do is preserve the look of excitement that's bursting from my sister's every pore.

If there's not a goddamn whale in this goddamn ocean I will portal Sia here, shape her into a whale, and throw her in the ocean face first for my sister to find.

I'm seconds away from making this happen. The only thing stopping me is the side track my mind went down at the thought of manhandling Sia.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

West Point
Raia steps into Gin's favorite bar. Sia is chugging a bottle of scorpion venom while everyone stares in awe. Raia tosses Sia over her shoulder and leaves abruptly.
"I can turn my attention away from you for half an hour?" Raia slings Sia over Chron's back and climbs up. With a soft command Chron howls and space time distorts.

South Point
Shadow is in the courtyard addressing his guards and soldiers.
"You are no longer raiders and extortionists. If I catch any more of this I will not hesitate to kill you. For good." A few of the men have gone pale. Shadow dismisses them and starts to head back into his keep when Raia appears.
"Shadow, we need to talk." Raia announces. Shadow smiles and invites her to tea.

 Smough's Flagship
Smough laughs at Flame and her enthusiasm.
"Of course." Smough removes his jacket and shirt then, as he steps up on the railing, his boots. "Shall we go for a swim? I'll show you them. Personally."

Father's Prison
Nevermore smiles.
"No I think I'll pass." Her smile fades and she's melancholy again. "I've lived my life as a weapon. To be employed for power, wealth, justice, peacekeeping... Gale showed me that even though my hands are stained red with blood I can be more."

Nevermore glances at the ring on her finger. The ring Gale was going to propose with. The ring that's another constant reminder. Though she can't bring herself to remove.

"But i'm not sure if I want to be anything more than just a weapon. I had happiness I never believed I deserved and losing it hurt more than anything I could have imagined. Still hurts." Nevermore it's breathing heavily. The outer ring of her eyes have pitch black veins creeping towards her amethyst irises. "Everything hurts."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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"Raia! I was fineee!" Slideing off Charon I walk too stand next too Raia. "Hey! Lord Dark Fart guy! What's up? Teas lame. Got anything stonger?"


"Nevermore.... Things are supposed too hurt. It's what makes us people. If everything was all sunshine and rainbows eventually everyone would go crazy. Hey..
What's wrong with your eye balls?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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I'm still uncertain how to categorize Bahruss. His morphing is fascinating. Once he shatters the dome, I appear next to him.

I still haven't completed my assessment and that's top of my list at this moment. Its conclusion decides what my next steps are. Some changes may be necessary and I'm slightly concerned about my findings; but I'm determined to approach this without any bias aside from my one purpose as a guardian of life.

His aura is transparent which is rare. It could be because his nature has yet to be determined by actions and his conscience is clear. I can read a few things about his morality...or lack thereof already. It's troubling but not impossible. His outlook is logic led.

"Sir Bahruss, I apologize for the delay as you seem to be in quite a hurry but there's still a few things I'd like to discuss with you. Might you tell me about your father? What type of a man is he...morally?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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My mouth goes dry as I watch Smough undress. I'm painfully aware of the heat that travels up my spine as he removes his shirt. He's a god if I've ever seen one. There's no reason why a doctor pirate should be that fit. Unless he's single-handedly carried on every piece of cargo on this thing. He's chiseled alright but it's all lean muscle which is an interesting contrast to Gaul's bulk. How did I find myself in such close proximity to two mega attractive men?

I almost forget why I'm standing here until his boots thud to the floor. The sound echoes in my extremely sensitive ears. "I'd love to swim!" I answer brightly. I spin around, with the intent of asking Blaze to pull what I need out of his portal. As if he heard my thoughts, he tosses a bundle at me. I catch it with my tail as I pass him. "One second."I call over my shoulder at Smough. I dash into Blaze's portal so quickly his leather jacket flaps a bit.

I don't bother changing into my swimsuit. I just strip down to my lace underthings and throw my swimsuit cover up over it. The materials mesh and backless so it doesn't cover up much but it's better than walking out naked. I zip out quickly and can feel Blaze stiffen as I walk past.

At first I think he's angry about what I'm wearing but I can feel his searing stare. It's on my back. It's on my Fox Spirit tattoo. To look at him you'd think he doesn't have a care in the world. His posture is completely relaxed as he leans against one of the posts on deck and watches me with a bored expression. But I know my brother. He's mentally forcing his muscles to relax. His blood is boiling as it rushes through his veins. The bored expression is a mask and his eyes never leave my scarred back. I turn my body ever so slightly, and using my tail as a shield from everyone else, I give him the finger.

I'm up on the rail before he can say anything. "Ready when you are Admiral!" I'm poised on the rail with my legs crossed, facing Smough. Without another word I stick my arms up above me, and fall back into the cradle of the ocean.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Smough's Flagship
Smough gives orders to his crew to head for Shadows hold and to make their new employer comfortable. Then he dives into the water after Flame. His form is flawless and he cuts through the waters like he owns them. Indeed it would seem the water moves with him. He swims over to Flame and points in the direction of a school of dolphin who break through a school of fish. Quickly moving from one side to another he places his right hand on the small of her back and motions to the enormous figure rising up from below. A whale. Am enormous bellowing white whale.

Father's Prison
Nevermore sighs.
"I know that. And there's nothing wrong with my eyes." The dark tendrils remain as she rests her head against the wall. "Don't take this the wrong way. But I don't think you're the right person to talk about this with."

Shadow Hold
Shadow blinks indifferently at Sia.
"Have you two met?" Raia asks.
"Briefly in the forest." Shadow answers. "And I do but I'm not sharing my personal stash with you."
"Consider it a wedding gift to me." Raia says to Shadow.
"Marriage? To who?"
Raia smiles at Sia. "Someone who doesn't care about status."
It takes a Shadow a second to catch on. He chuckles to himself and sighs. "Fine. Let's go to my study."

East Point Bastille
Baruss is quiet for a moment.
"I guess you could call him good. He wants to help people to make their lives better. He uses his mind to create special tools and machines that make tasks easier." Baruss is quiet for a time. "But after mother..."

"Yearn under listless skys.
  Writhe in stagnant earth.
   And be still. Yet living.
    Though hands cease to turn."

The words ring out from deep within the Bastille. They flood over everything and time itself ceases to move. In this frozen world only Baruss and Lexianna seem to be able to move.
"It's father. He knows i'm here." Baruss bolts into the Bastille past frozen guards and Mystic Knights. He runs up multiple sets of winding staircases and down halls until he reaches the laboratory. Where his father waits.

Kneeling before an old man in robes Baruss takes his hands.
"Father, I am here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Smough's hand on my back is comforting in its steadiness. The feeling doesn't last long though because as soon as I see the whale I bolt. I'm am completely ecstatic. I. SEE. A. WHALE! I slow down within a couple of feet of the animal but it doesn't seem spooked by the torpedo like entrance I just cut towards it.

Slowly I stretch out my hand and touch it. Within a minute, I'm sitting atop the whale as it breaks the water's surface. I'm laughing. It seems to snort as it shoots up a spout of water. "OMG! You're so friendly!" I'm spread eagle, on top of the whale, it's the only way I can properly give it a hug. I stroke its slippery skin and laugh even more. "You're so gentle for a gigantic aquatic creature!" I can't believe this is happening. I. AM. TOUCHING. A. WHALE!!!! "This is so incredible!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Stepping next too Raia too follow Shadow, i stop and cup her face in both hands doing my best too suck her face off. Pulling back i smile at her. " You are so getting laid later, or now. your choice." Sauntering past her i follow Shadow into the keep.


Shrugging at Nevermore i turn too Nel. "What do you think little one?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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Gaul looks around after Smough and Flame jump into the sea, his mood temporarily lightened by Flame’s childlike enthusiasm. He turns to Blaze, and asks him to meet belowdecks before striding toward the staircase. He turns before he descends, and calls out in a booming, commanding voice.

“Any of you who once called yourselves Viking should never be ashamed or afraid of who you are as long as you stand with me. Wear your tattoos with pride, and put your faith in me to see you through. I shall not let anyone or anything stand against MY people while I still draw breath, including the Lords of this realm.” Gaul pauses briefly. “You have a god at your side. No more hiding.”

He turns and strides downstairs, hoping to speak to Blaze in private.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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I'm brooding. By this point the only thing that might make it better is the lovely company of a lovely female but seeing as none of those are around, it can't be helped.

My stubborn brat of a sister just flipped me off. For what? For being enraged on her behalf? I start thinking of ways I can turn this into a positive. Sentence her to be marooned on Haust because of insubordination? No, anything I come up with using this will be thin. It was plain as day she was giving the bird to her brother not her King. My eyes narrow. Every muscle in my body wants to coil tightly but I force my breathing even. Force my jaw unclenched.

Gaul asks to speak with me. I look up barely catching what he said. It's a welcome distraction all things considering.I push off the post I'm holding up and follow him down.

Once we're below deck I make myself comfortable on the floor. I lay on my back, legs crossed, arms behind my head, and settle in. "Alright bro what's up? What do you got me down here for? "
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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Gaul sits patiently on a nearby barrel while Blaze stretches out across the floor, and waits for him to get comfortable. Once asked, he jumps right into it.

“What was that giant fox spirit back there at the mountain? Putting two and two together, it would have to be either you or your sister, but what exactly was it?” He pauses briefly, then continues. “It seems to be a rather powerful ability, but it was uncontrolled. Raw. Primal, even. Could it be controlled, or is it always like that?”

He sighs. He knows how he sounds. “I’m not being judgmental, nor am I upset about it. I’m merely asking if I should be concerned, or if it’s nothing to worry about. We’re heading into likely hostile territory, on a plane we understand very little about. Hopefully the angel has discovered more than we have. Now that I have my full abilities again, I have the utmost confidence that we will prevail...whatever it is we’re supposed to be doing here, anyway. One king to another, I hope that you trust me as you trust your other companions. If I’m out of line, or ever cross a boundary with you, please let me know. I wish only to be useful to the group, not a hindrance.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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I knew this was coming. It was just a matter of when. Gaul deserves the answer. Hell I'd be worried if he didn't ask. He's respectful of course. Doesn't make it any easier to answer. Every time I think about what could have happened...

I take a deep breath and force control over myself. Force my pulse to stop racing, force my voice to be even. "That was definitely not me. It was my sister. What you saw was the Phantom Fox Spirit."

I open one eye to peer at him before closing it again and continuing. " It can't really be controlled just...directed. There are two. The Phantom you saw is more about rampaging. The other spirit, the Wraith is more about deadly precision. Almost like the difference between a beserker and an assassin."

It is a sufficient answer but it's not everything. I don't really want to continue but the rest comes out. "The spirits are driven by blood. The first state the Frenzied state, in this case, was to begin a blood letting. The more blood the more powerful the spirit." I shake my head. I didn't know she was building for the Fox Spirit because I didn't know she could access it. It's common practice for Honorbloods to Frenzy. Releasing the Spirit however...

I can't help it and one fist clenches. "It's a miracle the thing didn't topple the entire mountain and kill us all with how much blood was in the air. It was probably due to my sister's near death exhaustion that it only lasted as long as it did. Considering how strong the smell of blood was the second we stepped foot on that cursed mountain, it was reckless and dangerous to start a Frenzy state."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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What I have been able to deduce so far, is sustaining Baruss wouldn't cost additional life. It doesn't seem like he is interested in senseless death or death at all. It was a tragic outcome of his creation that all those souls were lost. He's severely logical in thought and would need to be taught a bit about compassion. The rest is yet to be determined.

I teleport into the hallway. I stand visibly in the doorway to let my presence be known, but I don't intrude. Instead opting to give them some time alone, and waiting for an invited introduction.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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Gaul sees what Blaze isn’t saying. “You fear it,” he states plainly. “Which is, of course, understandable. Its power is beyond denial. I only have one more question: has anyone ever mastered it, or do you honestly believe such a thing to be impossible? If it is possible, I could potentially help her. The process would be...experimental, to say the least, but I believe that I am uniquely suited to handle it.” He clenches his fist tightly, and activates his seals. When he opens his hand, a small field of null energy levitates above his palm.

“My seals have the power to negate all forms of energy. I could create one of these,” he nods toward the sphere “large enough to encompass the spirit. It would be unable to harm anything and allow Flame ample time to reassert control over her body. Again, I’m not sure it will work, but we could try.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Southwest Ocean
Smough laughs as he joins Flame on the back of the whale. He kneels next to her and smiles.
"Enjoying yourself, Princess? Next I'll show you the schools of jellyfish." Smough reaches out and slowly runs his thumb over her lips placing an enchantment on them that will allow her to breath underwater. "There, how's that?"

Father's Prison
Nel looks up at a Razz.
"If The Nevermore wants to serve, then she should be able to. For those like us the mission is our truth. We usually don't have any truth beyond that. So if she lost her other truth. Then ther only one that remains is her old one, right?" Nel smiles at Nevermore. "I hope I can find a different truth one day. By the way, I thought father took your ring. How did you get it back?"

East Point Bastille
The Old Man has simple robes and short translucent white hair. He is blinding in one eye and is shaky on his feet.
"Stand up son." He says in a soft yet strong voice. Sir Baruss stands up to be embraced by The Old Man. "Step forward Lexianna. After all I have you to thank for this. Apologies for my wife. She's not been the same since her accident. As you've no doubt assessed, I am Lord Mystic."

He is cut short by harsh wheezy coughs that produce blood. It's obvious that he has lung cancer. Terminal. Despite this he produces a cigarette tin lights one with a small fireball. He takes puff and smiles.
"Menthol, something I've been experimenting with. Soothes my airways."

Mystic watches Lexianna closely. Despite his age and affliction he is sharp of mind deceptively lucid.

"I'm glad it was you that came. Your companions are... lacking in subtlety. You however are very clear in your morals and direction. Which is why I want you to look after my boy. Help him to become what it is he truly desires." Mystic coughs painfully. Sir Baruss starts to help buy Mystic gently swats him away. "I've spent my life teaching, guiding, helping those around me. It's been a good life. One I want to be done with. Help my boy be like me. Consider this an old fool's dying wish."

Mystic reaches out and takes Sir Baruss's hand and in that moment all of his power is given to Baruss. Lines appear on Mystic's body in a pattern that resembles Seals of Power as he goes limp and ceases to move.

Baruss turns to Lexianna with both sadness and resolve burning in his eyes.
"I want to help."

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