Hidden 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Mission Rolling Guidelines

When partaking on a mission, several outcomes will be presented which the team must roll for. An individual roll must be made - for which the mean will be calculated and the outcome will be decided on this.

For example;

Ivy - 7
Dro Sintaba - 15
Venwen - 17
La'Shuni - 12
Meg - 20

Total - 54
Mean = 10.8 (11)

The scenario outcome is then based on the result and where that sits on the scale. Please note - low roll =/= negative result. Nobody will die from rolls.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 14 days ago

20th First Seed - Bruma

You have been successfully employed as a member of a newly founded Adventurers Guild in Bruma, and have arrived at the Guildhouse. It’s less than grand, and needs some love - but it’s a bed for the night, and regular coin for good, honest work. Founder of the Guild is a Cathay-Raht, Dro’Sintaba - whose motivations for this change in career are unknown. He is joined by a red-haired Dunmer acrobatic and mage by the name of Ivy Pernille.

For whatever reason, you are now a member of Dro’Sintaba’s guild! Our story begins during the first day of business - Dro’Sintaba waits for the arrival of his new employees, and Ivy works through the paperwork - assigning first jobs, and putting together teams...

Noteworthy - World State

  • The year is 4E213, the Stormcloaks were defeated and Skyrim sits under the Empire. The Dragonborn has not been seen since the Battle at Windhelm. Empire and Dominion have a tense peace. Presumed dead. No dragons remain in Skyrim.
  • Individual guild/school states to be confirmed;
  • State of provinces to be confirmed;

  • No Godmodding or Powerplaying. This is a story, not a competition to be Billy or Betty Badass. Keep your characters balanced. I don't want to enforce strict rules that stifle your creativity in creating a character, I will always be reasonable and work with you to create a compelling character with the skills that you want but you have to be prepared to tone things down if necessary.
  • Be considerate, communicate. If you can't post for whatever reason, just let me know. If you're working on collabs with other players, let them know too.
  • Be kind. I really, really, really don't want dick behaviour in the OOC, it doesn't foster the kind of atmosphere I like to create. So be nice to each other, respectful, and helpful. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I will remove people who start ruining the groove.
  • Keep it PG-13. You know the rules of the guild. No naughty posts in the IC. If you really have to, take it to PM.


  • Due to the setting of this game, please be aware that your characters will be exposed to perilous situations from time-to-time. They can get hurt, they can get very hurt. Please be mindful when engaging in combat of your skills and setbacks, and who is around to help you should you get very hurt.
  • Please no prior relationships with canonical characters from any of The Elder Scrolls games. If you wish to write up prior relationships with other player characters within the game, then by all means please do so as it can be fun. But it's also just as fun to be ~total strangers~...
  • Be sensible in your capabilites. That means try not to weigh down your character with a full inventory. We’ve all been there in game, with that one extra cabbage tipping us over the edge! I like to play TES roleplays realistically - and anything that your character has, must be explained in some way. For example, if they are carrying a lot of money on them - why is this? Are they from a rich family? They have a pretty swish weapon but pretty basic armour? Was it an heirloom? These are things I will question on sheets.

Character Skill/Spell/Equipment Table;

Please complete for each character as means of reference. Paste underneath character application.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 14 days ago

Mission Time

1. Skeever Infestation
70 Septims
A woman by the name of Pristina is opening a store in town to sell her alchemy goods, the problem is, that her property is overrun with skeever. She is offering a modest sum for someone to resolve the problem.

2. Mystery Cave
5 Septims
Young Boril dropped his ball down a hole outside of Bruma. Can someone go and fetch it?

3. Bandits on the Trade Route
250 Septims
Silas, a wealthy merchant, has been having difficulty transporting his goods out of Bruma. A group of bandits keep ransacking his carts. He’ll pay a tidy sum for the removal of these fiends, and a bonus if his wares are returned.

4. Onion Thief
30 Septims
Someone has been stealing Jack’s onions fresh out of the ground. He’s too old to deal with the thief himself, can someone please assist him?

5. Missing Lover
197 Septims
Cavori Jarian’s lover, Rosetta, has been missing for three days. He’ll pay to have her found.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 38 min ago

Dax atm
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 14 days ago

Documents created for missions!

See the Discord :)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 14 days ago

We are hereby accepting applications from new players.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 14 days ago

A kindly reminder in thread that the deadline for posts this round will be the 20/03/2020, at which point, characters must be caught up to current events -- meaning that finishing a post from the previous round will not count.

This round should be used as a 'downtime' period, to get to know other characters, get up to hijinks within the guildhouse.

The IC time period will be 21st First Seed to 23rd First Seed so feel free to stretch out the time, make daytime posts etc.

The round following will be another mission round where this time, missions will be allocated to characters by the GM (that's me!)
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sage Orion 0312
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Sage Orion 0312 ThE wAnDeReR

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Are you still accepting applications?
I have been roleplaying online for 7 years. (Casual/Intermediate Level)
As well as playing D&D for 2 years. However, I have only campaigned offline.
I have always been too nervous to commit to an advanced level RP but thought I should give it a try now.

Thanks! :)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
Avatar of spicykvnt

spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 14 days ago


Are you still accepting applications?
I have been roleplaying online for 7 years. (Casual/Intermediate Level)
As well as playing D&D for 2 years. However, I have only campaigned offline.
I have always been too nervous to commit to an advanced level RP but thought I should give it a try now.

Thanks! :)


We’re still accepting. Please jump into our Discord or PM me any questions/queries you have.


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