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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 17 min ago

alright thanks but just so you know some did, Ion Team did in the book Dark Lord: the rise of Darth Vader. basically they received the order but figured it was a enemy signal and helped the 3 Jedi they were with escape. i think there were others but i cant remember the references. Pretty sure there was a squad at the Jedi temple that helped others escape.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@ReusableSword I'm kind of picking and choosing between canon and the EU for certain elements. While a lot of canon can be trash I like how the Clone Wars (the Filoni series) treated order 66 as an implant that literally took all control away from the Clones when the order came down. Makes it a bit more believable that most of them just went along with it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Member Seen 27 min ago

@Double At a solid three days without another Knight sheet completed I hereby accept your sheet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Sep render judgement upon my padawan please. She's ready for review!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 27 min ago

@Renny I like the concept, and it certainly explains what happens to the Togruta of Kiros after the efforts of Anakin, Plo Koon and Obi-Wan manage to rescue some of them.

However what's up with this Dark Side Force user? I want to know more about what's going on there before I'd consider accepting the sheet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Sep Honestly the Dark Side wanderer serves little purpose to Byleth's overarching plot. His real purpose was to get Elda Beh out of the picture and Byleth to the temple. But he ended up providing some "angst" for young Tes as well. Internally, the Dark Side wanderer will probably play a minor role. Externally, unless you wanted to use him or something, I wasn't expecting him to make another appearance.

Also the illness on Elda Beh was an experiment by the Dark Side wanderer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Member Seen 27 min ago

@Sep Honestly the Dark Side wanderer serves little purpose to Byleth's overarching plot. His real purpose was to get Elda Beh out of the picture and Byleth to the temple. But he ended up providing some "angst" for young Tes as well. Internally, the Dark Side wanderer will probably play a minor role. Externally, unless you wanted to use him or something, I wasn't expecting him to make another appearance.

Also the illness on Elda Beh was an experiment by the Dark Side wanderer.

I dislike the use of story elements that are solely for 'angst' especially as during war time there's 101 plausible reasons to have them return to the temple. The Council even periodically called people back just to relax and chill for a bit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Sep Well I didn't realize that would affect my chances of joining the Rp. The Dark Side user is kept ambiguous specifically because I believed it would enrich Byleth's character simply by experiencing the macabre and unknown of the Dark Side as well as the brutality of the Clone Wars. I know I used 'angst' sardonically but It wasn't meant to imply that I wasn't taking the character seriously. Of course I put a lot of thought into Byleth and his future developments. If you'd like I could attempt to expand on the Dark Side user but it might not seem as organic or genuine as the rest of his profile.

As for the 101 plausible reasons, I simply didn't consider them as I explored his story in my mental before writing it down.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 27 min ago

@Renny If it's important to your character, there should be some background/context, I'm not saying your character should have actively interacted with the Darksider beforehand, but some reference to what happened to them would be nice. As no doubt Jedi would have been sent to deal with the issue. In terms of other parts of the sheet.

Force Freeze can be a pretty strong power depending on the level of proficiency, so I'd expect to see it mentioned in the shet somewhere but as of yet haven't. Feel free to tag me with any other questions.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Eventually his guilt urged him to become involved with the ongoing investigation, that he was at first, hesitant to assist in. His fear of this gaunt man, draped in a too-large robe of black, was palpable in the Force. And yet, oddly enough, it also became the catalyst for change. Back on Kiros, with a handful of Jedi Knights and a singular Master, Byleth found himself speaking out during the investigation. Guiding them along their path to the cove with an expectant, yet calm demeanor. A part of him wanted nothing more than to see this being again. This man with shiny black-skin and a red lightsaber. This man who had infected his Master with some Force Disease. This man who possibly had the cure.

At once, the Master staid his steps at the entrance. He wobbled slightly and mentioned a shudder in the Force. Byleth was quick to remind them of his Master's awkwardness at the beginning of the battle. "Guards up, Jedi." The Master was no slouch, certainly not foolish, and above all else, he was cautious.

It was terrifying to step back into the cove. Like stepping back into a nightmare, only this time Byleth was prepared. The gaunt Dark Sider rose to his feet and again Byleth remained a few steps behind the others, lightsaber ignited and trembling. Again that nausea echoed through him. The Jedi seemed unaffected... at first. Very quickly it became apparent that the Knights were slipping, making mistakes that led to two of their deaths. The Master was holding up well, beating back the Dark Sider until he was desperate enough to take a hostage.

Byleth was held prisoner by the glow of his bloody blade. The horrid stench on the Dark Sider assailed him with each of his panicked breath. "Let me be, Jedi! Do that and this welp livess. Move an inch. We both die." His voice was dead, coarse and quiet.

There was moment between the Master's reply, hard to detect, that he pleaded sternly, through eye contact, for Byleth to defend himself. "What are you? Sith?"

That plea calmed his mind for a second, just long enough for him to realize who and what he was. He was Byleth Tes, a Jedi Padawan, strong in the Force but weak when it mattered. When the situation required grit, he usually folded. Not this situation, he decided. It was mystical, a serene whisper in his heart but he knew it to be the Force. It showed, not with images but intent and feeling, what needed to be done.

Byleth directed his palm towards the Dark Sider and exerted. It was only a stillness that lasted a single moment but the Master had noticed it and quicker than was thought possible, acted. He sped forward, stabbing his blue lightsaber through the Dark Sider's skull. The blade sung so close to Byleth's ear that it stole that sense for several minutes.

The Master explained on the way back to Coruscant that Byleth's latent ability was both rare and powerful; Force Freeze was its name. It spoke on the soft nuance with which the Padawan used the Force. It also appeared that the Force Disease was directly tied to the skeletal Dark Sider. With his death, the remaining Knight and Master found its effects fading. That gave Byleth hope, that the eight standard-days it had taken to defeat his Master's adversary was worth it.

When he returned, that hope was dashed. The Force had been stripped of his Master, that was the last stage of the disease, an irrevocable detachment from the Force. It killed one's Midi-Chlorians, depleted them. If not for them slaying the Dark Sider, it would have eventually killed all infected. In the end Master Elda Beh was 'released' of his duties as a Jedi. That singular outcome carved Byleth inside-out for a time, he never even said his goodbyes.

So this is the conclusion to Byleth’s interaction with the Dark Side wanderer. I like it. the story came easy enough and I was actually kinda surprised. Hopefully, it satisfies your critiques from earlier.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

And here is my Master Submission, for your review Septimus Prime.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 27 min ago

@Heat your 24 Hours are up. Houston we have a Padawan!

@Renny I've re-reviewed your sheet and your twenty-four hour review time starts now.

@Zarkun I've reviewed your sheet, as this is the master slot I'm going to extend the time until acceptance to 48 hours. Anyone with interest in the Master Slot needs to compete for it during this time.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Heat
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1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 27 min ago

@Renny I missed saying it yesterday but your 24 Hours are up and you're accepted.

To everyone here I'll be throwing my sheet up, hopefully today potentially tomorrow, with an aim to get the ball rolling Monday.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 17 min ago

@Sep was busy there for a little while, still a knight position open or just padawans?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 27 min ago

@Sep was busy there for a little while, still a knight position open or just padawans?

Sorry my last two days have been hella busy. It's looking like Padawans as I'm about to give @vancexentan his twenty four hour till acceptance period.

So yeah Vance, I like the sheet. 24 Hours until acceptance if anyone wants to try and compete for the slot. You are free to alter your sheet in that time if you do so please [@Mention] me so I can take a look.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Rhon Duul

Species: Kel Dor
Initiate Trials: Rhon passed the initiate trials at the age of eight. Struggling in the trials due to his lack of finesse with a lightsaber he made up for it in his adhering to the Code and his strength in the Force. He is what many Jedi consider to be a prime example of a 'Consular'. He did not waver in his ability to move objects in the Force, having to lift rocks far larger than he was. Nor when he was visited by images of darkness did he submit. Drawing on the code to keep himself on task and focused.
Physical Appearance: No discernable differences to the image provided.

Rhons saber has a light blue cyan colour.
  • Lightsaber Skills: He is no duelist, but he understands the basic flows and forms of Lightsaber combat.
  • Diplomacy: Working before the War, Rhon moved between tribal worlds helping to solve disputes, trying to convince some smaller worlds to remain in the Republic rather than joining the fledgling Separatist movement.
  • Healing: He knows how to heal with or without the Force, receiving medical training from Clone Medics during a relief mission.

Force Abilities:
  • Basic Force Understanding: Like most Jedi he has an understanding of telekinetic abilities. He, however, has always struggled with the ability to influence the mind of other beings.
  • Alter Environment Rhon can influence the Force to manipulate the local environment in terms of weather. He can use it to cool rooms and small areas, create winds, fogs or minor spots of rain. It’s most efficient when he manipulates an already chaotic
  • Plant Surge: Rhon can manipulate plant life to grow to his whim, entangling and ensnaring victims. He is skilled with this, however not as good as his master yet.
  • Force Heal: Using his own energy, or the energy of other things he can cause healing/accelerate healing in others.
  • Animal Control/Empathy: He is attuned to all living things. While he struggles with mind control of sentient beings, animals he can influence with relative ease.

  • Combat: He can't really fight against anything living. He can fight off a couple of droids, but as can any Jedi. Living beings/vast numbers of trained individuals and he would be easily overwhelmed.
  • Breath: He needs a special concoction of gases to breathe properly forcing him to wear a mask. With the Force he can survive for a time without it, but not long.
  • Dissident Faction: Rhon belongs to a sect of Jedi who believes they should never have gotten involved in the war. This political sect isn't terribly popular with the main caste of Jedi.

Character History: Rhon was sent to Coruscant by the Baran Do sages at the age of three. He was part of a long standing agreement between the Sages and the Jedi Order so that in order to live in peace the Sages would occasionally give the Jedi Order a youngling with strong potential in the Force, in exchange the Jedi would not actively recruit from their planet on a regular basis which would allow the Baran Do time to grow and evolve as an order. As an initiate, he took to the Code like a Moth to the flame, like many of his species he had a very strong moral compass so once good and evil were instilled into him he saw the world in a very black and white monologue.

It made him a difficult child growing up where some would have issues with his strict adherence to what they were being taught. While he grew strong in the Force his combat and lightsaber skills lacked and didn't involve much with them, he believed in the religious aspect of the Force wholeheartedly so while he struggled to get a grasp of Lightsaber combat he never spent much time in an effort to correct this fault.

As he became a Padawan under the Wookiee Jedi Rowoorr, who had just finished training his first Padawan Lucina, Rowoorr took him to quiet worlds outside of the growing Crisis. Humanitarian missions were the norm for him, as he went around the galaxy resolving issues from the medical crisis' to food shortages. He learned a lot from his master in these days, such as how to encourage plant life to grow in ways that would aide him, in ways to encourage the healing process in other living beings with the transfer of energy.

Rhon, his master, and his masters former Padawan Lucina were present after the second battle of Geonosis. Working in a forward operating base they set up a medical center and helped to defend it against Geonosian attack. As the war raged on Rhon eventually was returned to the temple after the Battle of Coruscant. Rowoorr being sent to Kashyyk to help Master Yoda repel the droid attack on the Wookiees.

Though something didn't seem right.

I hereby give myself twenty-four hours.
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