Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@GreysonEA Alonzo is approved, put him in Characters and start playing!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Bai Suzhen
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Bai Suzhen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

OK, here's my pitch

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Bai Suzhen That degree of reverse-aging sounds like a pretty strong power for this stage in the game. Buuut I love her, so I'm gonna approve it all before I can talk myself out of it! XD Copy her to Characters and start playing when you're ready.

Just keep in mind that powers are about 2 or 3/10 right now. Muriel can stretch into a long, thin, and/or flat version of herself. If you want to do fancy Elastigirl stuff like turn yourself into a speedboat, you gotta earn it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by LostButterfly92
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LostButterfly92 Little shy flutterby...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

At long last, here is my character sheet! Sorry life has been busy and it took me a while to get around to it. What do you think?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@LostButterfly92 Dani can be approved and put into Characters if you agree to the following conditions:

1. If a dandelion message sender is willing and intentional, Dani can tell who the message came from. If the message sender is unwitting and/or unwilling, Dani can receive a message but can't tell who it came from. So she can learn that Mr. Boddy was murdered but will have to play Clue to learn that Colonel Mustard did it.

2. I trust that you already had respectful child roleplay in mind, but I'm going to officially state that 18+ kinds of situations are for 18+ characters only. Dani can ship with adults after her birthday if she wants.

If you're not ready to accept these terms, we can talk here or PM.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by LostButterfly92
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LostButterfly92 Little shy flutterby...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thank you, @Zanavy, that's a great power rule I forgot to touch on. =)

And don't worry, I fully intend to roleplay Dani respectfully and appropriately for her age. Thank you!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ryker Burke

Ryker stands at about 5’10” with Brown hair and Amber eyes. His body is athletic and muscular, as he must be to do his job. He has a few scars that could be seen on his arms and face, but many more on his body and back. The way he carries himself it’s clear he was a soldier.


Age: 28

Occupation: Detective

Plant Essence: Peppermint

Superpower: Ryker has the ability to cool anything he touches, and can make it so cold it can freeze as if he dipped the object in liquid Nitrogen. He currently can't control his ability, which really comes from his fingertips. So he wears gloves to block it so he doesn’t accidentally freeze someone.

The air around him always seems a few degrees cooler, and his skin is cold to the touch as if he was standing out in a blizzard for too long, this causes his skin to be a bit numb...and because of this he has a higher tolerance to pain. This is also bad, because while he may brush it off as a small thing, or not even realize how bad it is... until he suddenly gets woozy from blood loss. His breath is cold as well, and sometimes you can see a puff of his breath if he was standing in a freezer even if it’s 100 degrees out.

With practice he would be able to control it without worrying about gloves, how cold it gets, and how far it can expand. As of now, it’s about a three foot radius from the point he touches that can freeze.

Personality: Ryker is a very intelligent and observant person. Who is quick to pick up something with what seems like little effort. However despite his natural athleticism and smarts he believes in working hard for what you want. There are many hours of training and learning when people are not watching.

He is kind, and respectful, with the habit to address everyone as Sir and Ma’am. He is quick to make friends, and is always willing to help complete strangers. As if they were close friends. He has a mischievous side to him as well, often joking around even while working. He also is known to always have gum on him, specifically peppermint. In his pockets, car, desk, home. While really odd, it became a joke for everyone that knew him. He claims it's just something he picked up while in the military to deal with stress.

While fighting though, he seems like a completely different person.

History: Ryker grew up in a Military/police home. So it’s clear where he got his strong sense of morals from. However he wasn’t always like that. He was a little cheeky rambunctious kid who always got into trouble all the way through his teens. But he got his act together just before joining the military.

He excelled while there, making three close friends that became his brothers after a small conflict turned bad for them. The short story, which is all he would say always if asked. They were captured and tortured, for a few weeks before managing to escape. No matter how many times, he won't go into details.

After the military the four stayed in touch, he became uncles to their children, despite not being related by blood. He also joined the police force and became a K-9 officer. Where he and his partner Sascha, did really well for five years, somehow managing to be a part of some big busts during that time. One of them, almost killing his Partner. While she managed to live, she was retired from the force and he decided to become a detective after that, not wanting another dog.

A few months later, he found out one of his brothers was killed in a car wreck, along with his wife. Their 10 year daughter, Everly was also in the wreck, but managed to live. He took a few months off to take care of his brother's funeral and arrangements, he also took custody of Everly, as he was named the GodFather in their wills.

About three months ago, when he came back to work, his fellow officers pranked him by filling his desk with hundreds of packets of gum, as well as placing a large Peppermint plant in a pot on his desk. After all the joking was done, he decided to keep it in his office. It was after that he started to have strange dreams of peppermint plants freezing over by themselves. Over the next week he Catch himself looking at Peppermint plant for no reason at all thinking about the dream. That it would just stick with him. He felt a sudden surge of cold surrounding his chest. Then slowly spread throughout him. He didn’t think much of it, as he got up and left, he didn’t see his chair’s arms were cracked and frozen.

-always has a pack of gum, but not always chewing gum.
-Sascha usually follows him around everywhere.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Heartfillia Let it gooooooo! Let it gooooooo!

Ryker is approved if you can agree that humans and animals cannot instantly freeze, but they can get frostbite up to dangerous levels if they are exposed to Ryker's powers for too long. Plants can still freeze quickly.

Since someone made a military veteran character, I'll drop the Easter egg that animal-bonded people are fairly common in many militaries, including the United States.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zanavyyeah, I wasn't planning on instantly freezing people. But how long of a touch for frostbite?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zanavyoh thats good to know! thank you!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Heartfillia For direct contact in the same area of skin, about fifteen seconds would reach severe frostbite with potential for permanent damage. Numbness and less severe frostbite would happen much sooner. Severe frostbite from being within Ryker's power range but not direct contact would take about a minute. All of these times could decrease as Ryker grows stronger. Sound ok?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Heartfillia For direct contact in the same area of skin, about fifteen seconds would reach severe frostbite with potential for permanent damage. Numbness and less severe frostbite would happen much sooner. Severe frostbite from being within Ryker's power range but not direct contact would take about a minute. All of these times could decrease as Ryker grows stronger. Sound ok?

Yep! that works for me!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sorry about the lack of a post, wasn't really sure what to do next. Anyways I'm putting a post up now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by GreysonEA


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Martian Arthur really said gay panic 😂
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Arthur wondered if plant essences could turn you hot

Why don't you go ask Muriel? :)

Well technically, I haven't posted in IC for well over a week, so I gotta include myself on the nag list. XD But the PC's are all clumping together so nicely, and I don't feel a need to squeeze an NPC in there. Unless the group needs someone to shuffle them off to the conference, but we can wait a little longer if people want.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kael O'Conner

Kael is one of those "he looks like everyone" kind of people. He's pretty average in height at 5'2" although his dad always pesters him about why he didn't grow taller, like that was his fault. As I said before, he looks like all other white kids with brown hair and brown eyes, so he's always trying to look different. This means his hair is usually in weird shapes, none of them ever last more than a day before he changes them. He's somewhat muscular and has a somewhat handsome face, like the face you'd see on any other somewhat handsome guy who supposedly looks exactly like him.

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Occupation: Student

Plant essence: Venus flytrap

His skin can become sticky enough to trap people when he gets nervous or excited, he can close his mouth with enough force to crush a walnut, he always smells sickly sweet (like Pepto-Bismol,) he can somewhat control some bugs. (he'll get more powers over time)

He is a class clown, and loves making people laugh. His jokes often take on a flirty edge with girls, but he's pretty good at talking to them without hinting he likes them. He also is described often as a serial killer. This is due to his straight face when lying, smiling when he gets in trouble, and eating French fries with a fork. When he got his powers he started having strange feelings towards other people, like wanting to kill them, but he hides it well... mostly...

He was born a poorer family in Atlanta GA. When he was three his sister lily was born, and immediately Kael knew he would do everything he could to protect her. Kael grew up leaving school everyday just to head to the machine shop where his mom worked. He and Lily would try to lift their mom's spirits while she worked on new designs, hoping to get them patented. Once their dad was done with work he would drive to the machine shop and pick them all up, since the family only had one car.

In fifth grade Kael's mom created a new drill-bit design, which gave them enough money to send her back to collage. Soon the O'Conner family had enough money to live in a nice house, and buy another car. Kael was often picked on during school, but he never hit the bullies back, instead he did much worse things, things that would get him sent to the principal if they found out.

Three days ago he had a dream that a large plant was growing near him. It's roots started reaching up out of the ground until he was trapped. Then the roots went into his mouth... He awoke not being able to breath, until he calmed down and realized he wasn't choking. When he looked in the mirror however, his face seemed green, and teeth long and pointed. He sprinted out of his room to find his parents.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hi, @Kale19! Something tells me you might fit in here, haha.

If Kael is 14, he is a minor and can't ship with adults.

"Controlling" animals would typically fall under the realm of animal powers. Kael is allowed to have some influence over bugs, but it must work with the insects' natural instincts. They can't be mind-controlled to do complicated tasks, but they can do simple instinct-related actions like swarm or flee.

If you agree to these conditions, Kael is approved. Put him in the Characters tab and then you can post in the IC.

I highly recommend reading the first IC post to learn the basics of what's going on right now. Then you can join in the conference building. The actual event will start pretty soon, so you picked a convenient time to join. :)
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Kale19, I'm guessing you're fairly new to rp. Everyone is new sometime. So there are some things we'll try to teach as you go.

1. The other characters haven't reached the conference room yet. It's great that you read through other people's posts, but you're jumping the gun a bit there. I've given them a few days to post on the walk there if they want.

2. There are parts where you mention Ryker and Fauna saying and doing certain things. Controlling another player's character without their permission - you may see it called "god modding" - is one of the biggest no-no's in RP. You are free to declare that unnamed insignificant NPC's take actions like that, but not another person's character. That includes named NPC's, too.

3. Less important than #2, but the thing you put in parentheses would be better placed as a question in the OOC or Discord than the IC post.

Overall, we're here to build a cooperative story together. Everyone has a story to tell, and nobody is the main character. If you have any questions about what to write or big ideas you want to pitch to the whole group, please reach out in OOC or Discord.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Kale19 It's not all bad, though. A lot of your post is fine. Here's an example of a good edit, though you can do something different if you want:

Lily looked eagerly up at her brother. It was not every day that the supers of America met. Lily had developed her powers quite recently, when the family discovered she could float on water, like her namesake, the lily pad. Since both children got their powers less than a week ago Kael's parents were a little nervous to send them off on their own. Of course, after Kael promised nothing bad would happen, and flashed them a grin with his Venus-flytrap-esque teeth, they allowed him to go.

Once their parents had dropped them off he made Lily promise she wouldn't leave. Of course that promise was broken as soon as she saw the dog. She ran off to pet the German shepherd. Chasing after her Kael slammed into a woman checking her purse. As he apologized he noticed the ram's horns sticking out of her head.

After weaving through person after person Kael finally found lily, approaching a man who he didn't know. Pulling his sisters arm disappeared into the crowd.

"Don't talk to strangers, Lily."

"He's not a stranger, he has a dog!"

"Just because he has a dog doesn't mean we've met him before." Kael explained. "Come on, let's head over there." Kael said pointing to a corner at the area. "We'll take a second to talk."

"About what?" Lily asked.

"Stranger danger." He muttered.

Soon he and Lily were heading to the conference hall get seats. [Insert another cool-looking unnamed NPC] was talking to Lily, who had somehow snuck up to sit next to her. Going over to grab Lily Kael passed the ram-horned woman, who gave him a confused look. In return Kael gave her a Flytrapy smile.

"Lily we just talked about this, you can't talk to strangers."

"But this isn't a stranger this is-"

"If you know her name that doesn't make her not a stranger." He explained. Turning to face the girl he said sorry.

"Oh, no problem at all..." She said seemingly asking for a name.

"Kael, Kael O'Conner. Now C'mon Lily let's head back to our seats."

---- If you don't like the lack of interaction with other player characters, another option is to go up to the group and introduce yourself (or have Lily do it) in a way that doesn't control other people's characters. ----
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