Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Bethany Bell

New York, Frost International
Skills: N/A

Bethany turned her attention towards Emma Frost and Cyclops as they both came down shortly behind was Rouge as well to, she gave the two of them a slight wave. "Thanks for allowing us to come here." Beth said to them, as she turned her attention over towards her counterpart who walked over towards Emma and Cyclops. Probably so that the others wouldnt get to confused with the two of them, Nightlocke turned to stare at Klara as she complained about it being to confusing though that was understandable. Then Klara decided to use her magic and hit the four of them with it as a sticker appeared on their foreheads with their names on it. "Was putting them on our foreheads really necessary?" Nightlocke said sounding a little bit annoyed as she rolled her eyes slightly as she peeled it off and crumbled it up.

"It's at least better then getting hit with a glitter bomb our Klara's mother told us that she did it a lot back in our reality." Bethany said as she took the sticker that was on her forehead and crumbled it up as well to. She turned her attention over towards Mary for a moment as she answered some of Cyclops' question so far they had been pretty helpful and decided to tell them more.

"Back in our reality the rest of our group were all on Asgard. Forseti Runa's uncle i'm not sure if you all met her or not, but anyway he somehow had the Reality Stone on him and was using it to destroy other realities. We managed to stop him, and were on our way home when we were suddenly transported here and separated from the others." Beth told them when she paused for a moment as she started to get a new memory, and turned to look at Nightlocke before turning to both Ed and Mary. "Are either of you getting flashes or different memories since you've been here?" She asked Ed and Mary.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Inside Frost International

Ed smiled at Klara's laughter and pulled the sticker off his forehead and then placed it on his chest. If it helped it helped he supposed. He couldn't quite help but not want to trust the version of himself from here. He watched himself mirror the movement, but instead of placing it on his chest he crumpled it and placed it in his pocket.

Ed raised an eyebrow at Bethany and how forthright she was. "A bit." He said honestly.

Mage wasn't looking at Mary like she was a ghost. He had never met her. Though, he did know who she was. It wasn't the same for him. "When you say memory flashes what do you mean by that. There was a hint of concern in his voice.

Ed sighed, "Memories that don't belong to me, but I suspect belong to you. We just want to find the rest of our group and get home." A part of him didn't want to be in this room with his counterpart anymore. It felt like it was against the rules. All the fiction spoke of time travel and how it was bad to interact with yourself. Who knew what it meant to interact with yourself from another reality.

His newest memory though was interesting. It made him think he might not be far off thinking Klara was their Klara, or the brain scramble had been on purpose. Had the Loki here been more accomplished in his task since they weren't stopping him? He placed his hands into his pocket and touched the shield charm there.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Sketchy Hotel Room —> Alleyway – New York City

It was true that Lance would likely survive a building collapse but there was always the odd chance that he wouldn’t. The decision was quickly made and Pietro picked up Guin and Lana before disappearing. Antoinette sighed, a bit relieved that they had gotten out. She turned to Lance and opened her mouth to speak but before she could say anything, Pietro had returned and was taking them out of the building. There was a spark of bullet fire that made Antoinette flinch from the sudden noise but they were out of the building before any damage could be done.
Once outside, Antoinette took a deep lungful of air before letting it out and smiled at the group. ”Thank you, Pietro.” Antoinette relaxed, happier with a bigger group and having the Asgardians with them now. They were still missing Ed, Mary and Bethany though. She turned and looked at Klara and Runa. ”Do you know where the others are? Guin tried searching for them earlier but could only determine they were close and in the same plane we are.”
Before Antoinette could get an answer though, a strange sparkling opened up in the alleyway and started to widen until Doctor Strange walked through. Antoinette’s eyes widened at seeing the man but he didn’t look pleased at seeing them.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: NYC Motel, Outside
Skills: N/A

Runa had been about to join her cousin in casting a spell to stabilize the building when new arrivals came in waves; first, Pietro with Guin and a girl Runa did not recognize, second, Pietro with Lance and Annie and lastly, the man who was Sorcerer Supreme in their home reality, Doctor Strange. She didn't have a chance to tell Annie she had used divination to locate the others. Runa didn't know how strong Strange was in this world though and given that her own powers were being inconsistent at best, she didn't want to fight a potential Sorcerer Supreme. Instead, Runa stepped forward as to be visible to him, raising her hands up slowly. "Are you this dimension's Sorcerer Supreme?" Runa asked calmly. "We're refugees from another dimension. We have no wish to dwell here."

If he was reasonable, Runa was certain that he would believe them and potentially even work to help them return home. If he wasn't though, they might have to fight the wizard. She knew how to use a sling ring. If Runa could take the ring from him, she could trap him inside of the Mirror Dimension, buying them the time they needed to come up with a plan to escape back to their home reality. She had one idea in the back of her head, but it would be incredibly risky - her grandmother didn't tend to mix very well with mortals, finding their emotions to be a dark and corrupting influence.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel -> Alley
Skills: Telepathy

Don't worry, I'll only give you a little boost, nothing too major, Guin reassured him. She didn't want to hurt Pietro (obviously, as she was madly in love with him), but she did want to make sure that they all made it out okay, especially their accidental kidnapping victim who they were dragging around all over the place at this rate. The damage that had been done to the motel was really impressive and Guin couldn't help but be a little bit proud of Runa - she was so tiny, it was easy to forget the pure Asgardian might that Runa contained. "Don't worry about it," Guin told Klara, when Klara asked who Lana was.

Pietro luckily managed to get Lance and Annie out okay, but before they could celebrate, the universe seemed determined to remind them all that this was a shared universe as Doctor Strange, the head magician himself, popped on out of a portal, looking ready to fight. Runa instantly stepped in, probably figuring that it was a magic user to magic user sort of moment, and Guin couldn't help but feel a bit wary about their chances. They had met Doctor Strange before, back with the entire House of M nonsense - if he was just as powerful here, they'd struggle to defeat him. "Sup, Steve?"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sketchy Hotel
Strange shot a bit of an annoyed look at Guin, clearly not thrilled to see her at all, before considering Runa's words that she spoke. "I am the Sorcerer Supreme," he responded calmly to Runa's question. Though one thing would be a bit obvious, he was seemingly thinking deeply about whether or not to believe Runa's statement about them being from another reality. He seemed to contemplate it for a few moments, looking around at the group. "Very well. Would explain a few things."

"Wow that went easier then I thought..." Pietro couldn't help but comment, seeing Strange and clearly surprised that he seemed to so easily believe Runa's words. Everything was really weird to him, and he couldn't help but wonder what was going through the wizard's head.

"You aren't the first beings from another reality that I have encountered. Though you are definitely some of the most unexpected. Considering who you are in company with currently." He wasn't very specific about who in the group was a bit off to him, though the only 2 people he didn't really glance to stare at for a moment were Lance and Runa.

"Uh... So think you might be able to help us get back home?" Lance asked, wondering if the glorified wizard actually could aid them in some form or another. It was kind of hard to tell with him, that much he could figure out. Though right now he was a bit curious as to what happened with New York and why everything was somewhat quiet (well, before Runa's attack on the hotel) despite it being a rather large city.

He seemed to contemplate the question. "Perhaps, though I will require a little bit of time in order to find the solution, shouldn't be too long, the time is more it has been a while since I've messed with other realities. The most difficult part of those sort of spells would be lining everything up with the correct one. We will see what the quickest way for you to go and be on your merry way."

"Cool... So are we going to just sort of stand here in he street that got half destroyed? Or somewhere else?"

Strange didn't seem to give a direct answer, however he used his magic and sling ring to open up a portal. This time the group could more easily see inside of it, and they'd see what looked to be the inside of a warehouse. and he stepped through, "Follow me," he more or less ordered, allowing the others to step through the portal, and once everyone was through, he'd shut the portal behind the.

The area seemed to almost be a bit of a makeshift hideout of sorts with its layout, including several pieces of furniture. "I will need to warn the others that you are here though, so you'll need o wait here for a moment," Strange added. Pietro had also grabbed Lana as they went and set her down on a couch of sorts. There was a thing that was apparent though, and that was they weren't alone in the room as there was the sound of snoring nearby. They'd be able to see figure in a chair, and Klara's eyes went wide.

"Father?" she commented, seriously a bit confused.

Frost International Building
If looks could kill, Bethany would very much be dead right now. Mary was not sure who in their right mind would instantly trust someone you essentially just met. Sure, they didn't know much about where they were or what all was going on, but the thing was that she personally had omitted some of the details on purpose, since she did not trust Emma Frost. Oh how she wished she was a telepath or that he other two were, but nope, they weren't, so she couldn't easily mention her concerns within a few seconds of having them. They haven' exactly had an instant where they were actually alone since before they ran into Rogue and Wolverine. Sure, she trusted the old team, but she didn't trust Emma at all. She was clearly a bit annoyed with Bethany for not seemingly trusting her to know what should and shouldn't be said, and she wasn't even going to correct her on the fact that Forseti was Runa's brother. Not uncle.

"That definitely is quite the story there." Cyclops commented, thinking for a moment. "Not sure how we might be able to go and find those who came through with you. They could be just about anywhere on the planet, though they might not have come through with you either."

"Based on what has been said, I bet that they are aroun' somewhere, just might take a bit of looking to try and find everyone. Though if ya don't mind me askin', how many people came through with ya or were with ya?"

Once again, Mary was in that sort of position where she wasn't sure it was a good idea to tell the group and share literally everything that they knew in general. Things weren't going to go well, but thankfully, she got distracted slightly by Klara, who was just being her somewhat usual giggly self. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that Klara had amnesia and had know idea really who she was in full really, then she wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between her and their Klara.

Klara meanwhile giggled with the mention of glitter bombs. "Pink glitter and any form of sparkles is always the best way to go about things!" As if to prove her point, a swirl of pink glitter appeared in her hand, and she proceeded to throw it over by the couch where it exploded and covered the couch and floor surrounding it in glitter.

Mary listened to Bethany's comment, and she shrugged a little bit, "Nope, nothing for me, only weird thing that has happened to me was just me passing out earlier, but that only was for a brief second or something like that. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, well isn't this a bit peculiar of a problem..." Emma seemed to muse a little bit, looking at the group a bit. "If you don't mind me making a slight request... We might be able to determine what is fully going on, if one of you don't mind me perhaps taking a look into your minds to see perhaps? Edus, I know at least Mage doesn't care too much for telepaths especially if they are poking around in his own mind, and I assume that you might be the same way... So Bethany, would you allow me to take a look?" she seemed to be at the least just asking, and fine with them perhaps not allowing her to if they didn't want to.

Once again, Mary truly wished she could easily just tell the other two what was going through her mind. She really didn't want Emma poking around in any of their minds, but of course, she couldn't say anything. Since the question wasn't directed towards her though, she decided to more or less turn her attention towards Klara's counterpart a little bit. "What's with the circlet? It doesn't really go with the jacket you're wearing..." she couldn't help but ask. As far as she knew, Klara, much like Runa, tended to care a little bit about appearances and fashion and clothes in general.

"Oh this thing? I dunno, I just think it was probably made by someone important to me... Though I do know it is enchanted and has some magic. Some sort of protection thing from what I've gathered.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Alleyway —> Warehouse Hideout – New York City

Doctor Strange didn’t look happy to see all of them but he seemed to be the one that they had all met and worked with before. Antoinette was happy to leave with someone who might have a better idea on how to get them back home but she was still worried about the others. No one had been able to answer her yet, due to Strange’s appearance but she figured she would get answers once they were off the street.
Doctor Strange and Antoinette stepped through the portal with the others into a warehouse. She thanked Doctor Strange for his help before she took in the surroundings around her. There seemed to be a few scattered chairs here and there and someone’s snoring. Antoinette looked at the figure in the turn and cocked her head to the side, trying to determine why the person looked familiar but different.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Bethany Bell

New York, Frost International
Skills: N/A

Bethany turned to look at Mary seeing the look that she wanted to kill her on sight if she could and quickly looked away for a moment, maybe it wasnt really the smartest thing, but from what she knew about Emma Frost she could easily just take the information out of their heads if she really wanted. She couldnt help but wonder how the others were doing, and where they were right now, and if they were okay as well to, when she turned towards Rogue asking how many of them there were. This time she turned to Mary and Ed, she didnt want to spill any more information again.

She was at least glad that Ed seemed to be experiencing the same problem that she had been since they had gotten here. Beth turned her attention over towards Emma as she asked her if she could go into her mind and find out what was actually going on with them. "If it's alright with Mary and Ed." Bethany said, she was slightly uncomfortable with someone sifting around inside of her head but if the others were alright with it then she'd let her do it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Inside Frost International

A bit of relief went through Ed when Emma explained that their Ed, Mage, didn't appreciate mind readers either. That meant the family laws were held here. Even with their twin dead, Ed couldn't believe that Mage would have strayed so far as to break those laws. He listened and frowned though.

"As Ms. Frost has just mentioned. As a general rule, I do not like mind readers. As such I will refuse to subject myself to that. Beth, I would prefer you didn't either, but I cannot make that choice for you." He was glad Guin wasn't there. He was certain it would have made this conversation much more awkward. Then again if they had Guin that would give them the advantage of being able to read their minds back. Ed was a fan of even ground.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City alley -> through a portal
Skills: N/A

Runa relaxed, pleased that the Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension believed them - she hadn't been too certain how that would go, what with them having destroyed the greater portion of a city block. "Thank you. Myself and some of my companions are sorcerers in our own right and may be able to help you with the requisite spellcraft," Runa explained. Edus and Klara should both be able to assist, although they'd need to find Edus first. At least with Strange's aid, they had a stable place to operate from now and could begin the necessary spells to bring everyone into one spot. That would at least be one of their primary goals - just gathering everyone into one space, so that way they could all go home.

Runa stepped through the portal that Strange summoned, noticing what looked suspiciously like her Uncle Thor, his belly peaking out from underneath his shirt. Klara, understandably, was quite confused. Runa was speechless for a moment, not really certain what to say. She wasn't the most vocal of people anyways, but she had more or less felt a need to take on something of a leadership role, at least when it came to speaking with wizards. "...Hello, Uncle," Runa greeted, curtseying slightly.

Guin went through the portal as well, also pleasantly surprised that Strange hadn't decided to blow them all up - or question the fact that they had accidentally kidnapped someone. "So, you know that girl on the couch? We sorta accidentally abducted her, since she attacked us, we knocked her out, we couldn't leave her on the street because that was dangerous so... Any chance you have a magic spell or something that could send her on home?" Guin asked Strange, figuring it was best to jump out in front of this one.

Too bad his name isn't Merlin, it'd complete the little Camelot theme Lance and I have, Guin murmured idly to Pietro. She didn't really want to think about all of the horrible, fucked up things she had been shown. She wanted to think about anything else. Namely, she wanted to think about funny references and a way to get home - not that in this world, Pietro was a complete psychopath and a murderer. It was one thing to know that everyone had darkness within them - it was another thing to see exactly how that could all play out.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Haha very funny Guina, Pietro responded to her with a bit of a laugh. I still find it slightly amusing that we're basically just going along with the magic wizard when we know nothing of what's going on really.

"Oh, you mean Banner's daughter?" Strange responded to Guin, glancing over towards Lana, "She already is home, she lives here. Banner typically at this point tries to keep track of both of his children considering one died and one was kidnapped by a cult. Though that isn't exactly easy in and of itself."

"...He kind of looks dead?" Pietro commented, looking at the person who obviously seemed to be this reality's version of Thor. He was being very still and it was a little hard to tell if he was even actually breathing.

"He always appears like that. He's more or less been stranded on Earth since not long after the Battle of New York. After Stark's funeral he returned to Asgard only to get banished for a reason that he would not disclose. However from what I've gathered it involved Loki."

"Oh?" Klara responded, tilting her head to the side slightly, thinking about what was said now.

"...So who all exactly calls this place home or use it as a base or whatever?" Lance then asked him, figuring he'd ask who those "others" were that Strange mentioned having to warn that they were all there. From the sounds of it though, his father was, and obviously Thor and Strange were, but who else was here?

"Several members of those who were the Avengers of course, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Banner and Thor of course, myself, as well as a few other heroes who were more based in this part of the city. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil. Though we'll see if the others aren't too busy elsewhere and will be around. A few don't live here but come over when possible to aid in matters."

Klara seemed to be half paying attention to what Strange was saying, and had decided to go over and poke her father in the shoulder, "Father are you okay?" she asked a little bit louder now.

Thor seemed to stir a bit, shifting slightly in his chair. It was hard to tell because of the sunglasses whether or not he opened up his eyes. Though he did move a bit more, before he seemed to acknowledge the group there, "Klara? Runa? What brings you two to Midgard?" he asked, before surveying the rest of the group there, "And what are the rest of you doing here?" he sounded a little on guard or something with regards to most of the others in the room.

"I'll explain a bit more later Thor, I'm going to go find the others. Don't attack them though unless they do something they shouldn't be doing," Strange responded, before seemingly leaving the area and heading off somewhere else in the building, leaving the group there with Thor.

"Well this is definitely going to be entertaining... Wondering how many people will actually believe the reason we're here or how we got here, well aside from Doctor Strange of course..." Lance couldn't help but comment, wondering what the others really thought of this entire situation. Of course, he was still a little weirded out with the whole idea that they were in another reality and had other versions of themselves wandering around the universe. It was really weird to think about.

Frost International Building
Personally, Mary didn't want Emma Frost poking into the minds of anyone at the moment. She very much still thought it was a bad idea to trust her, and if the others here trusted her, she was a little hesitant to trust them. Though she had some faith in them. "It's your choice, you get to decide if you want her poking around in your head. I still have yet to really have that problem," Mary responded with a shrug. It ultimately was up to Bethany, who clearly had a bit more faith in them then she did.

"Well, the offer still stands should you wish for me to see what the problem might be," Emma simply responded.

"Memory issues, yeah join the club with that one, could be a lot worse. Though you all really should try to figure out what's up with your memories if you're able to. Personally I'd like for my memory loss was able to be figured out, without making things potentially worse for me..." Klara couldn't help but comment. To her, potentially fixing what was wrong with her head was a great idea and she'd do whatever she could to fix it if able.

"Do you perhaps have any sort of idea where the other members of your group are? It would likely make it a bit easier to aid you if we knew who you were looking for. Locating people is not very difficult for us if we know who they are..."

Okay, now that uneasy feeling Mary had was starting to become more apparent. Then again, she knew perfectly well that Emma Frost could easily mess with their heads, they weren't exactly immune to telepathic meddling. None of them were naturally immune to that sort of thing, the closest that she herself had was that because of the existence of Chrysi, it made it a little bit more difficult for people to mess with her head. However it still wasn't much help.

"I mean, with two people who have magic powers and are the same person, plus me who has magic, and that thing you have where you can sort of locate people using your telepathy in some weird way, it probably isn't rocket science to get a locator on a few people."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Bethany Bell

New York, Frost International
Skills: N/A

Bethany looked over at Edus and Mary seeing that the two of them rather Emma didnt want to be looking around in her head, but the whole memory change that happened since coming here was really bothering her. She looked over at Nightlocke who looked like they wanted to take a seat on the couch, but seeing all the glitter there was a bit annoying. "It's going to take forever to get all this glitter out of the couch." Nightlocke complained as she stared at Klara before turning to her. "It's totally up to you." Nightlocke said to Bethany as she nodded slightly.

"It's only for finding out whats going on, nothing more." Bethany said she didn't really like or care for the idea of someone snooping around her mind. The others seemed to not really trust Emma and she was inclined to believe them, she wanted whatever this was going on to stop from happening to. There had to be some reason why this was going on, and the others who werent here maybe going through the same thing as well to possibly.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Inside Frost International

Ed frowned. "Ah, yes, the others were farther north of us when I checked at the Manor. Tracking is one of my specialties." He explained. Though as he said it he glanced at Mage and had a feeling that explaining that was unnecessary. He got a sardonic grin from Mage in response and knew that was what he was thinking.

"At the time," He continued. "It appeared to be two groups. One somewhere here in New York, while the other group was even farther north. If there is a quiet space that I can use I can do my spell again and see how where they might be now." The tension oozing off of Mary was setting Ed on edge. He did not want to be here much longer. He also wanted as few people from this group joining them as they progressed as possible. Especially considering who was in their group.

At least it didn't seem the world exploded when two versions of the same person met. That was a time-travel thing, but it made him uncomfortable to be in the same room as Mage.

Mage, himself, was standing quietly to one side of the room observing the gathering of people. Orange light emanated from his hand and he cast Prestidigitation to clear the glitter away. He seemed to only focus on the couch, not bothering to clear anything else away. There you go Nightlock, you can sit. The glitter on the floor stubbornly stayed.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
Avatar of KazAlkemi

KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Warehouse Hideout – New York City

The man sitting in the chair was revealed to be Thor and that certainly wasn’t the Thor Antoinette remembered. She glanced at her friends before finding a place out of the way while she listened to Dr Strange talk about this reality. Antoinette was shocked to hear that Tony Stark had passed in this reality and she looked at Guin, wondering how she would feel about that. It wasn’t her dad from her reality but it wouldn’t be odd to find it upsetting.
”I wonder what our counterparts are like,” Antoinette mused after Dr Strange left. She wondered if he would be able to tell them. She didn’t know much about time travel and a vague amount of alternate realities because of being in one before but that had been different than what it is now.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: N/A

"Kinda fatphobic of you," Guin commented, not exactly happy with Pietro saying that Thor looked dead. He seemed alive to her - just not the same Thor that they had known before. But she didn't go further than that with the gentle um, maybe rephrase she had more or less given her husband. Her mind was still swimming slightly with information she had learned about this world - and it stung in particular when Annie wondered what their counterparts were like, with a whimsical manner to it. Everything here seemed horrible. She didn't even know what to make of Lance having a twin sister - and one of them had apparently died and the other been abducted into a cult. Guin knew which one had died though. She knew it as if she had been the one to experience it.

Strange had left the room though. She knew this was information that Annie and the others would want to hear. Guin sighed a bit. "So, our counterparts - at least, our meaning me and Pietro, they're kinda fucked up. Like not great people, nightmare scenario, the works. I think... I think I'm the reason Lance is dead in this world. Or was dead," Guin said. "For your sake, Ann, I hope that your counterpart is better... But ours don't even qualify for a classic become-an-Avenger-and-leave-your-criminal-past-behind redemption arc."

Meanwhile, Runa was focused more on what had once been the Prince of Asgard, the Mighty Thor. Strange had told them that Thor had more or less been exiled from Asgard, likely due to one of Loki's tricks. Runa's heart ached for him. She knew how much he adored his family and his people, even if he did spend much of his time on Midgard. The Bifrost made it so the distance between the two realms was really not that great. "We come from another universe on Yggdrasil's branches. We are not the Klara and Runa that you know, but... We are family all the same," Runa said.

She wanted to reassure this Thor and ensure that he was on their side. She didn't want him thinking of them as strangers or threats or foes - but instead, as family that he needed to help and protect. Clearly the years had not been kind to him, she had never seen the Mighty Prince of Asgard like this before, and she felt an urge to protect him. She saw much of her own sadness and grief that she used to wear like shackles in him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"That's not exactly what I meant by that Guina..." Pietro responded, but decided maybe now was not the time to actually go about and explain why he said things the way he did with how things were going currently. Annie wanting to know what their counterparts were like made him want to gag a bit. "Yeah, sorry, I've met my counterpart, I don't like him, he's annoying and I'd prefer not to run into him again."

"Not sure meeting our counterparts is something we actually want to do right now, but something tells me it's going to happen whether we want it to or not. And from what Guin is saying, meeting our counterparts might not end well... Also the fact that Strange has to go warn people about us being here should say everything about the situation, and to probably expect trouble from the rest of the group if they decide to show up anyway," Lance commented. Great, he'd died, that sounded like a whole lot of fun. Though he was a bit curious as to how he had been dead and suddenly was not, so many possibilities in general with that sort of thing really.

Thor seemed to just sort of look at Runa and Klara, as if thinking for a moment about what Runa had said with regards to the entire situation. Slowly, he stood up from his chair, and after a moment, he instantly hugged Klara, who was a bit surprised for a moment, before returning the hug herself. "Even if you are not my versions of them, you are still them, and I am happy to see you, both of you." he said the last part towards Runa.

There would soon be the sound of footsteps nearing, and voices talking, one obviously was Strange, the other was also easy to identify. "Why would you assume I'm going to kill them?" Banner asked grumpily as he and Strange walked into view.

Lance was a bit startled, but just sort of waved slightly, "Uh, hi dad."

Strange sort of waved his arm in front of the group, more pointedly towards Pietro and Guin in particular, "I believe it doesn't require much of an explanation as to why." Banner didn't really seem to give a response, his skin instantly turning green as he shifted into the Hulk, resulting in Strange sighing a bit, "And you wonder why I thought you'd try to kill them..."

The Hulk was now going to cause a few problems for them, as he let out a loud roar. Lance face palmed with regards to the entire situation. Great, this was going to end well wasn't it? "...This is the one thing I don't miss about having you around..." Lance muttered a bit, more or less looking just a bit annoyed with his father at the moment.

Pietro was not thrilled with this whole situation now, This isn't going to end well at all, he commented mentally to Guin, and right he was. The Hulk instantly charged right at them, but luckily Pietro was fast on his feet, as he instantly grabbed Guin and bolted out of the way, dodging the attack.

Over on the couch, Lana was finally waking up again after Guin's mental attack on her earlier. To say she woke up a bit confused about the situation was a bit of an understatement. She was about to say something, when she noticed the Hulk rampaging, and figuring with the rest of the group being there, she clearly seemed to have missed something important. "Seriously dad? You really have to freak out so much? A bit dramatic really don't you think?"

Lance sent up a wall of light between the Hulk, and where Guin and Pietro were now. Clearly sort of annoyed, but at the moment he really didn't want to end up shifting himself if he didn't have to. Since it was a bit obvious that the version of him from this reality couldn't do that, so it might surprise a few of the people in the room if he did, and currently he didn't want to do that.

Frost International Building
"Oh, you need a quiet place to do a spell or whatever? That's cool, if you want, you can use the room I've been using. It's down the hall, last door on the left. There isn't much in the room, so it should be quiet enough, plus it's far enough away from here where you likely won't be able to hear much if anything from out here," Klara offered to Ed, pointing down one of the hallways directing him towards the room. "As I said, not much in there, but feel free to use it."

"Well, feel free to do your spell or whatever," Emma commented towards Ed, nodding her head at him, before turning her attention back towards Bethany. "Now, relax a bit will you darling, and it'll only take a moment..." With those last words, Bethany would be able to feel something poking at her mind a bit, but that was about it.

Mary still wasn't too sure about this at all, but it ultimately was Bethany's choice in the entire endeavor. She really wanted to get out of this place, but without knowing exactly where the others were, they wouldn't be able to get too far in this reality. Since she still wasn't entirely sure how good of people this group was. "Just be careful Bethany..." she ended up commenting. She started getting a bit dizzy in the head, and she felt like she was passing out again, before her vision went black entirely.

Though to the others that wouldn't be the case, the only thing that seemed off aside from her seemingly losing her balance for a moment was her eyes starting to change colors. "Well isn't this an interesting situation..." she muttered under her breath, before turning her attention more towards what was going on in front of her then her dizzy spell and all.

Emma paused for a moment, seeming to think for a moment and the poking Bethany felt in her head would stop. "Well... Your mind is much clearer to read then the Asgardians, probably because your memory problems are still in their early stages whereas for her we found her when it had already clearly progressed along with the amnesia that was already there. Your memories, seem to be entangled with that of Nightlock here. You have some of her memories now, as if they are fully replacing yours, though it sounds like the same cannot be said for Nightlock I presume?" she said, before turning to look at Mary. "And no memory issues for you?"

"Nope, no issues from me, just a sleight fainting spell earlier, but other then that I'm perfectly fine. Just a quick blackout and nothing more then that." she responded with a bit of a shrug, her demeanor changing only slightly.

"Fainting spells are not a good thing either," Emma commented, before seemingly thinking a bit about something, "Well aren't you a strange one..."

She didn't really seem to pay attention too much, and turned her attention towards Ed, "I think finding the others needs to happen, since then we can at least see about how best to get back home where we belong."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Inside Frost International
Skills: Magic (Tracking)

Mage knew full well Ed did not need a quiet place. He was doing it to remove himself from the others and keep something secret. He smiled though, and said, "I can show you the room." He gestured and led the way, not giving Ed a chance to say no.

Ed was uncomfortable with the whole Bethany situation, but she had agreed so that was her choice. "Thank you, Klara. I will use it." He frowned when Mage started to lead the way. He glanced back at Mary. "Yeah, I'll figure out where the others are right now. Hopefully, we are closer to them this time."

He entered Klara's room, followed by Mage. It was an unpleasant feeling being followed by oneself. For now, though he ignored it. He looked around the room taking it in. On the desk was a notebook that caught his eye. He frowned. Pausing to look at it. Ed wasn't the type to do that but what had caught his attention was something he couldn't ignore. His stomach dropped. Drawn into the notebook were the game pieces from Jumanji.

He pulled out two vials. One for Runa and one for Annie. He'd look for Runa first he decided, then Annie. He picked the pair of them since they had not really been mentioned and no one knew much about them in the Frost group. It wouldn't be like he was searching for someone confirmed evil here, or dead. A thought crossed his mind and he removed Klara's too, he'd get back to that.

At first, the connection didn't happen and his stomach twisted. He tried again. Hoping, that maybe there was just interference or something. He tried again. This time it connected, barely. The pair of them were together and in Hell's Kitchen.

Then he cast the tracking spell on Klara's hair. But as he cast it he imagined the one sitting down the hall. The one without their memories. But when the spell connected it linked to Hell's Kitchen too. He didn't know if this was a perfect way to tell. But considering everything he was convinced that the Klara here in the Frost building was in fact their Klara originally. She had been in Jumanji. Sif had been right. Something was wrong. Had they been switched somehow? Or was the Klara they had been traveling with, as he feared Loki in disguise?

"That's some good news." He said smiling at Mage. "Previously they were split it seems the groups have met up." He had to talk to the others. He had to talk with this Klara.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Bethany Bell

New York, Frost International
Skills: N/A

Bethany turned to look at Mary and nodded towards her, she was still really uncomfortable with the decision to do it, but it was probably the best way to get some answers since Mary didnt like Emma Frost and didnt trust her. And Ed didnt like people tampering with his mind really either due to his family. She nodded slightly and started to relax, letting Emma into her mind, feeling her poking around in there for a few seconds just as Emma had finished.

Nightlocke looked over towards Mage and smiled towards him as he managed to remove the glitter at least from the couch that is anyway, she then plopped herself down onto the couch stretching her legs out slightly. Nightlock listened to Emma as she explained to her counterpart what was possibly going on with her. "Nope I haven't had any kind of problems as far as I can tell, though maybe if roles were reversed i'd probably be experiencing them same thing possibly." Nightlocke then answered Emma.

Bethany turned her attention over towards Mary seeing her stumbling slightly and her demeanor changed slightly and Mary's eye color changed, looking slightly concerned. "Are you alright Mary?" Bethany decided to ask her, maybe it was something to do with suddenly being here maybe.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Warehouse Hideout – New York City

No one seemed eager to know about their counterparts but Antoinette was curious by nature and although mingling with others in the timeline wasn’t right, she was still intrigued. Pietro was right though. He had met his and he had been a killer. Lana had also looked at Guin and Antoinette like they were evil as well. That only made Antoinette more curious though. She wanted to know why this version of her was so bad.
Doctor Strange returned with Lance’s father and he didn’t look pleased to see any of them, quickly switching into the Hulk. Antoinette took a couple steps back as the man grew. She never liked being on the wrong side of the Hulks. Sometimes they paid attention, other times not so much and this Hulk was not happy to see any of them. Antoinette made an effort to stay out of the way. She didn’t think her fireworks would please the Hulk and any illusion she casted might not soothe this Hulk like it would with the one she knew.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Darkness Manipulation

Guin was very much thankful for Pietro's speed, as Banner came into the room, saw the pair of them, and instantly transformed into the rampaging Hulk. What she would have given for a convenient set of Hulkbuster armor at the moment, however... Pietro could dodge, but offensive tactics weren't going to be very effective against the green rage monster. She did remember, however, that the Hulk was weak to magic. "Would one of the wizards PLEASE stop him from killing us? Thank you!" Guin shouted. The Hulk was basically immune to telepathy, meaning that she couldn't hop inside of his head and take him down, or force him to see sense.

Runa pulled herself away from the small Asgardian reunion. She was one of the wizards after all - and a goddess, making her more than qualified to deal with the Hulk. She could survive a blow from him when others could not. "Banner, whatever quarrel you have with these two, they are not your enemies. We come from a different world. They are not the people you think they are," Runa cautioned.

The Hulk didn't seem very convinced and Runa sighed. She didn't want to fight the Hulk. But she would, if that was what was needed to protect her friends - they were from her world, and this Hulk was not. Lance had crafted a wall of light to protect Guinevere and Pietro from the Hulk, so Runa concentrated her magics and crafted a wall of darkness to reinforce Lance's barrier, the two opposing forces standing ready to fight the Hulk.

"... I guess that works, but now we can't see out, hooray," Guin grumbled. The darkness layer that she assumed Runa had put up against Lance's light wall, was, well, dark. And kept her from getting a clean view of the Hulk. She could try to use telepathy to see through the eyes of others, but she wasn't very practiced at that. Whenever she had tried in the past, she ended up being severely motion sick.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Is now really the best time to be complaining about not being able to see the Hulk? Since if we can't see him, he also can't see us, that's a good thing right?

"...Runa honestly sometimes trying to reason with the Hulk is probably the worst option..." he said to her with a shrug. Honestly he was currently going through the best possible ways to deal with the situation. "...I mean the ways I know of people stopping him from going on a rampage comes down to three things... One, as Guin stated, magic. Two, honestly the dumbest thing of all, summoning a swarm of puppies or something, since the Hulk for some reason loves puppies, and three, the obvious thing that people do, try to beat him to a pulp."

"That last one tends to be the most popular option. Can't you do something or whatever so he doesn't try to kill us???" Pietro asked, the Hulk was currently pounding on the wall, trying to get through to where Guin and Pietro were.

"I will be blunt, pretty sure in a fight I'd lose, especially since usually whenever the Hulk went crazy in the past it ended badly for me, whereas now, yeah, I probably could go a few rounds but I'd still likely lose cause I've never fought him before since I ended up with a Hulk form of my own, never thought to try to figure that out since he kind of disappeared right after all of that popped up!" Lance also didn't really want to potentially find that out, even though he was still positive that he'd lose no matter what happened.

"What are you going on about?" Lana asked, she was still incredibly confused as to what had happened while she had been out of it.

"How about less talking and more actually figuring out what the hell to do?" Klara interjected, having moved away from Thor and was now focused on the entire situation in front of her. She instantly drew out her sword, more then ready to potentially fight the Hulk.

"I did try to warn him to keep his anger down, but of course he didn't listen," Strange commented.

The wall that Lance and Runa had created seemed to be holding up to the Hulk's attacks, however cracks were starting to form, meaning that Pietro and Guin likely weren't going to be able to stay behind it for much longer. Especially since the Hulk seemed to be focusing almost entirely on them and ignoring everyone else in the room.

"Dad stop and calm down!" Lance more or less yelled at him, though he did hear Lana saying the exact same thing at the same time as him too. The Hulk more or less let out a bit of a roar, before picking up a piece of furniture that was in the room and throwing it at the group, before going back to trying to tear down the wall separating him from the pair. Lance threw a rather large ball of light at the Hulk, hitting him in the head, but it wasn't strong enough to do damage, or to even really annoy him at all.

Sooooo Guina... Have any suggestions for what to do? Because at this point my only suggestion is to dodge, and to keep dodging no matter what... Until he maybe tires himself out. Since obviously Strange isn't going to help at all.

Frost International Building
"Hm?" she said, looking over towards Bethany as she asked if she was alright. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" Of course, she wasn't going to bluntly start saying what was currently going through her head really, but she figured that she'd see about just telling her essentially the truth, that she was fine. Well, she couldn't really say the same for the other person in her head or whatever who was still being oddly quiet currently, but who really cared about that?

"The obvious question of course is why does it seem like it is only effecting one of you, and why are your memories becoming entangled with hers, so that both exist inside your mind? That is a rather peculiar thing now isn't it?" Emma mused, thinking a bit about what might be the issue.

"Well that is just another mystery to add onto..." Klara commented, before there was a bit of an alarm that started going off in the building, and Emma seemed to be scanning the building using her powers..

"What the hell is that?"

"It seems we have some uninvited guests in the building, the Brotherhood again, as usual," Emma mused a bit, before there was a loud crash that could be heard from elsewhere in the lower floors of the building. Though whatever sort of crashing was going on seemed to be getting louder as whatever was causing it seemed to be getting closer.

"I'll go get the pair of wizards, need to go grab something anyway," Klara said instantly, before she raced off down the hallway.

"You guys really need to up the security in this place..." Mary commented, creating vines that were seemingly creeping up along her arm.

Back in the other room with Ed and his counterpart, they'd hear the alarm sounding off, as well as the crashes coming from the levels below. Klara would zip into the room, "Hey, soooooo the Brotherhood decided to send a few people to cause a few issues, so you two might want to finish up whatever it was you were doing and get back out there," she said, before she walked over to where the pile of somewhat broken armor was in the room and just sort of kicked it with a loud clang, "Honestly, how useful is armor supposed to be if it's broken before you actually remember it being in one piece?" With those words, she picked up what had been underneath the armor, revealing a scabbard. With it in hand she instantly drew forth her sword. "Haven't actually gotten to be in a good fight since I ended up coming here, so this will be fun." With those last words, she raced back out of the room.

Back in the main room, the crashing had seemingly stopped, until there was a ding as the elevator reached the top floor. Klara returned to the room just in time for the elevator door to suddenly get a rather large dent, before being forced open, revealing three people, one of them was obvious, as it was Quicksilver! The next one through was a bit surprising that apparently the elevator could hold him as he came into the area, the ground shaking with every step he took. Another man just casually walked out behind them both.

"Well isn't this an interesting place ya got here? Mind if we break a few things?" Quicksilver commented with a bit of a laugh, looking around.

""...Is that Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy?" she commented. This was not a match up that she would have expected. Of course, she had vague ideas of their powers, and it wasn't Quicksilver, or even Juggernaut she was worried about. Quicksilver was fairly simple to deal with if you could deal with his speed, Juggernaut you needed to get his helmet off and attack him telepathically, or use powerful magic, and they just so happened to have a few wizards around for that. Black Tom's powers were similar in a way to hers, and that was the thing she was worried about. She didn't actually typically deal with people whose powers were like hers. Then again, Chrysi was currently in control, and Mary wasn't saying a word in her head at all. The only real way to describe the difference between the two is that while Chrysi had more of the brute strength and no holding back with how strong their powers could get, Mary had the more tactical mind and could easily think of ways around this sort of situation. This was not going to end well probably, but maybe brute force will work out in her favor?

Juggernaut instantly smashed a chunk of the wall out, before picking it up and throwing it directly at the group. The piece of rubble would just barely miss hitting Bethany as it slammed into the wall and hit the large window showing the outdoors.

"Huh, am I just seeing double today? Cause earlier I saw another version of me running around, and now two of another person? This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder, but oh well," he added, before he raced around and flipped the couch over sending Nightlock to the ground, before he paused for a moment next to Mary, "Haven't I killed you before?" he asked, before shrugging, and going back to racing around and destroying everything in the room.

Tom meanwhile sent a blast of energy from his club, which ended up being strong enough to knock Mary down to the ground. She instantly sprung back up, and was clearly a bit annoyed, as she sent vines flying back at him, but he managed to easily dodge out of the way of her attack. "You are so annoying..."
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