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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Gabe was in his room, doing pushups, when the alarm went off.
'Great. A team mission. Can't wait to see how this goes,' he thought, getting up off the floor and walking towards his 'Supersuit'.
The supersuit was a special suit of black and orange armour, able to withstand extreme heat. Gabe grabbed it, putting it on.

Upon clicking his fingers, a black flame appeared in his hand. Gabe's power was solar energy manipulation, enabling him to generate flames of extreme heat. "Good to see you're still here," he said. Suited up and powers ready, Gabe snuck out of the makeshift base he had begun to call home, using the stealth techniques his mentor, Batman, had taught him. He had to get to the scene of the crime before his teammates. 'Besides,' he thought, 'I can't let Orbit get all the action.'
He took flight, heading towards the location of distress.

Upon arriving, Gabe, called Hellfire on the field, was disappointed to see his teammates, and specifically Orbit, actively dispatching Icicle. Plastic Man was cheering, for apparently having floored the young superheroes' opponent. Lowering himself to ground level, Hellfire approached his partner, Orbit.
"Sorry I'm late, Orb," he said, "What did I miss?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Showers. They didn't have them on Themyscira. On Themyscira, it was either the communal bathhouses, or the ocean, and bathing in the ocean sometimes ended with you smelling worse than you did before you entered. Alexander thought back to his time on the island, remembering the early days. Back then, he didn't mind sharing the bathhouse with the Amazonians. As a child, aside from the obvious curious questions here and there, he hadn't even given it a second thought. As he had grown older, however, it became more and more apparent to him that his differences as a male wouldn't allow him to blend in so well among the Amazonians anymore. He started visiting the bathhouses less frequently. However, do to the rigorous training regiment he endured thanks to Wonder Woman, he couldn't afford to not wash at all, though he wished he could, as more and more awkward situations had developed for him in the bathhouses as he grew older. When he turned fourteen, he began visiting the bathhouses only when nobody else was there.

When he had first been relocated to the Star City facility, even among all of the amazing technology he had come across there, the first thing he did was take a private shower. Since that day, he'd spent a large amount of time in the shower. A secluded, private place. He began to realize that it wasn't just great for getting clean, but it was a wonderful place to be alone with his own thoughts, and he had much to think about. Sometimes he wondered what the rest of the team thought he was doing in there for so long, and the thought would make him chuckle. With one such chuckle, Alex dipped his head under the steaming water and sighed contentedly as he closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair. Ah, to be clean, and alone. Undisturbed.


The alarm blared in his ears and his eyes shot open. He quickly turned the water off and opened the sliding glass door to the shower. He leaped out, not bothering to dry off, smiling in excitement at the prospect of combat. Then, his wet heel hit the ground and he slipped, flailing in an attempt to grasp something stable. He managed to grab a towel, but it didn't serve as a very good support, and he collapse in a heap on the floor. He grunted, the alarm still blaring at him, and hopped to his feet, bursting into his room to find his equipment.

By the time he had fully equipped himself, and slung his bow over his shoulder, the team had already departed. He didn't waste any time drying his hair as he walked out of the compound and into the street. He passed a stranger on the road, and with a nod and a handshake, asked the bewildered woman where Broadway street intersected with Grell Avenue.

"I uhm... Aren't you...?" The woman stammered, taking note of Apollo's appearance.

"Yes, I am. Now, there's trouble on the corner of Broadway and Grell. How do I get there?" Apollo smiled at the woman, but he patted his foot impatiently. No sooner had the woman finished her sentence did he run off in the direction of the action.

He jogged at an ordinary pace at first, but soon, with his Olympian muscles, he picked up enough pace to keep up with, and even surpass the traffic. He reached a traffic light and leaped over several cars at once, grinning widely as he felt the sunlight hit him when he cleared the cars and landed in the intersection, feeding his strength, and lightening his already giddy mood. A gift from Father, he thought. When he landed, he saw what could only have been Hellfire in the sky. He noted the direction that Gabe was looking, and altered his course to meet gain a better vantage point/firing position. Now he was on Broadway street, staring down the road at a ring of police officers, and a cheering Plastic Man, who was standing over the blue crystalline lump that could only be Icicle. Apollo jogged up towards the scene, nodding at the cops, who didn't return the nod, but did let him pass. He knocked an arrow as he neared Plastic Man, the arrowhead and shaft glowed very brightly, a warning to Icicle to be sure didn't try anything clever.

"Well done, Plastic Man. That was impressive. Our mentor would be pleased." Apollo said, giving a smirk to his teammate as he steadied his aim at Icicle. He hadn't noticed until now, but his hair was still dripping wet from his shower, and his clothes had sopped up some of the water as well. He looked like he'd just been swimming in them.

"Late, and messy. You sure know how to make an entrance, Alexander..." He thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Cyber spent some time analyzing the situation. Her assessment was to burn it to death, then she remembered that killing was not permitted. She found a partially destroyed car. She harvested some of the metal and the gas tank to create a flamethrower. She then tested it to make sure it worked.

Once the new toy was working she got up close and unleashed her flame at full force at Icicle. She thought she heard someone scream but she paid no attention to it. She forgot to take into consideration of heat build up in the flamethrower itself. A failure she wouldn't make again because after only a minute the thing was about ready to explode, so she threw it into some snow to allow it to cool down and to prevent any collateral damage from shrapnel. She glanced down at her right hand, it and most of the forearm was melted and twisted. She severed the melted & twisted material and absorbed into her abdomen to be broken down into base components to build more of the nanites that her body was made of. For now she re purposed the nanites that made her boots into a new arm.

She found metahumans to be an interesting evolutionary advance of humans compared to previous evolutionary steps that lead to humans. She reached down and grabbed Icicle, from her palm a needle came out took a sample of his blood for study later. She then dropped him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Patriot took a big breath before he took off out of the training room at supersonic speed, and flew off in the direction of the crime scene in the city. the air blew past him at great speeds as he came to area of the battle between the supervillain Icicle and his teammates. he was ready for action, but saw that his teammates were doing pretty well for themselves. but then Icicle sent out a huge blast of frost which hit a mighty force, sending his teams to the ground, making the air around the criminal become freezing.

"time to get into this fight" Patriot said with a smile as he shot down straight towards Icicle, and with a swing of his right fist, sent the villain flying for about thirty feet. he then began to draw upon the electrical power of the lights and buildings around to charge up reserves of electricity in preparation to shoot a blast of energy at the ice-based villain.

"if he comes in another attack, i will blast him with a painful dose of electricity" he said to his teammates, and he was proud of himself for giving his team enough time to recover from the blast of cold air. he loved being a hero, and he was ready to take it to the bad guys with all that he had if necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by riurik

riurik Fighting evil, so you don't have to

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When Phil finally got on the scene, it was a mess. The “team” was scattered all around. Apollo looked soaked, probably from melted ice. Icicle was down, and Plastic Man was celebrating. Phil shook his head. It was all over before he even got there. He knew he shouldn't have tried the teleportation spell. His teleportation spell was off by several blocks, forcing Phil to fly the rest of the way – and his flight was slow. Thankfully, back at base, things became hectic before he had to show off his abilities to his teammates. The helm gave him power, not precision.
As always, Phil watched the events unfold. He watched as Cyber Knight made a flamethrower. Phil was impressed. He definitely couldn't do that! But he was less impressed with what came next. With horror, he watched the robotic girl blast Icicle with molten death.
“What is wrong with you?” he yelled, rushing over to see if Icicle was even alive. As he approached, however, he was hit by a blast of frost. Alive and kicking, thankfully. Patriot was overhead, providing cover while the team regained their feet. Phil was hatching an idea. Maybe he could try the snare spell he sorta knew. What he lacked in practice, he would have to make up for in casting time. Yelling “Cover me!” to no one in particular, Phil began working on the spell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Orbit's eyes squeezed shut behind her goggles, as the cold hit her. It was as if winter was seeping into her very bones. She couldn't think, to shield herself from it, to move... All she could do was curl herself into a weak ball. The faintest of whimpers came from her mouth, hopefully unheard by anyone else on the team. For a brief, horrible second, she knew she would die, here, in the winter...

And then it was gone, suddenly, and she could think again as warm air hit her body. Straightening up, she shook her head a few times, and took assessment of the battle. It was helpful to distract herself from what had just occurred. She had thought she was over that. Batman would not be pleased that she had such a debilitating weakness. Nor would the rest of the team. She could easily become a liability. "Get it together, girl." With a wave of her telekinesis, she unlatched her 6 orbs from her belt, and got them floating. Then she got a running start, and pushed herself from the ground in a burst of power. Using the nearby buildings as another kicking point, she got herself airborne enough to get a better look at the situation, before landing neatly on the top of a streetlight. "Ready when you are, Flag- er- Patriot!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hákon moved slowly, but surely, towards the scene of the incident, having opted out of the impromptu show and tell that some of the others had set up in the midst of the alert.

"I'll never understand some people," he thought, shaking his head as he made one of several transit switches, that would take him to his destination. The bus, he found, was simple enough to redirect, given the proper compensation for the driver. He donned the only uniform item he possessed, a slick, angular white mask that covered his face. It wasn't there for any real purpose, other than to protect his identity, which was only a routine he adhered to due to Ice's insistence. His identity wouldn't place anyone at risk, even if he were to announce it to every villain he came across. But if he were to make himself known to any law enforcement agency that had affiliates around the world, his ability to perform as a "superhero" would be severely limited.

Hard to fight crime from behind bars. Criminals, absolutely. But it would be meaningless in the end.

As his transit finally came to an end, Frostburn dropped a few bills onto the outstretched palm of the bus driver who had so kindly gone out of his way for him, then stepped off the bus to witness the chaos that the team had wreaked upon the corner of Main and Grell.

"Gods, these people..." He muttered, walking towards the scene and assessing the situation.

Hákon was not a flashy hero, and he was not particularly potent in close quarters combat (something he had been meaning to work on), but he was as cold as his namesake, and he had an intellect that made his powers even more potent than they would have been in the hands of a being that operated purely on instinct.

So, with the others pounding away on Icicle (the poor guy), Frostburn opted to take the role of damage control, walking into the midst of the frozen scenery and bringing his powers to bear.

It was a simple matter for him to find that connection to the ice that coated much of his surroundings, rearrange the molecular structure of the solid water, loosening and breaking the bonds that gave the chemicals their crystalline structure.

In a matter of seconds, the solid ice had become unstable, and it turned to slush, then to liquid water.

With much of the cleanup taken care of, Hákon drew the water to himself, leading it up his body, where it formed layer upon layer of incredibly dense ice sheets. This was what he colloquially knew as "Aufeis armor," after a formation of layered sheets of ice that formed atop rivers in his homeland.

Thus protected, Frostburn moved towards the action, looking to Icicle with no small amount of pity.

"Have any of you attempted to apprehend this man? Or are you all satisfied with trying to kill him? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe our sponsors killed in order to protect the citizens." He called out, looking pointedly at Icicle. If he wanted to give up peacefully, this was the best opportunity he had been given.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The rest of the "team" if you could call it that as of yet, were all too ready to take down the poor guy. Veronica had to admit, the plastic man combo was something fierce, although she had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy, especially when the villain started to get back up. Robochick managed to cause herself and a couple teammates some harm as Veronica flipped backwards and to the left out of danger. Next up was Patriot who sent him flying. Honestly, was it really even necessary she came? She pulled out a small metal rod from her trench coat, which extended when she touched a certain part. With her hand hovering over it she magnetized it to her and sat on top of it, elevating herself to a birds eye view. Attacking the poor guy even more after all that seemed like a bit of an overkill now.

"Ready when you are!"She heard being called out. "Cover me!"As Fate readied a spell.

"Whoah guys don't you think the dudes had enough?" She called out. It was then that frostburn went to reprimand the rest of the team. She nodded at him, as she went off. Racing to the scene, she could see him slammed into a warehouse, on top of bricks groaning. She guessed the "proving oneself" didn't end back at HQ, this guy looked pretty beaten up. Veronica shook her head as she reached closer to the ground. Quickly magnetizing the pole to her hand, she landed with a small thud on the ground as she made the pole recede. After she chucked it into her pocket, she immediately called the authorities and for good measure, told them to bring in the paramedics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Orbit blinked several times, looking down at voices below her. Then she peeked up at Icicle, who... really wasn't moving anymore. "...oh boy." Talk about overkill- there wasn't going to be much left for the police to take to jail if this kept up. "Hey, Patriot, hold off... I think he's done." Or at least, she hoped he was done. Gotham had taught her that some criminals, despite their stupidity, were intelligent enough to have the instinct of survival. If given the chance, they would stop what they were doing when things got bad. Batman had even told her that one time, some low-level crooks had disarmed simply because he told them to. Didn't even have to throw a punch.

She took two steps forward into the open air, and let gravity take her. A few feet from the ground, her powers slowed her descent, and she hit the ground in a light jog, toward Frostburn. She looked him up and down, before nodding once in a brief gesture of respect. "I think a few of us have missed the lesson on restraint... He was attacking up 'til Patriot sent him into that building." But he hadn't moved since. "Do we stick around and wait for the cleanup?" In Gotham, once the criminals were done with, she and Hellfire didn't wait around for congratulations. Then again, they were technically operating outside the law.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Hellfire had watched the battle with interest- watching as his teammates dispatched the already downed Icicle. He didn't feel the need to intervene, as he thought his team would realise it was overkill. But they didn't. So right as Hellfire moved to prevent the death of a supervillain, Frostburn beat him to it. And now Orbit was talking to him, and Hellfire remembered what happened before the overkill. She ignored him.

He had asked what he missed, and she ignored him. It wasn't emotional hurt that came over him, but rather, concern. She had her eyes closed tightly, her body rigid, when he talked to her- a sign of panic. But panic from what? Then it hit him- the blast of cold, right when he approached Orbit. She was scared of the cold. He walked towards Orbit and Frostburn, prepared to confront Orbit about her fears. They could cause her to become a liability, after all. But then he thought better of it- he'd spare Orbit the embarrassment of admitting her fears- at least until they were in private. Instead, as he approached his two teammates, he congratulated everyone on their good work, before arriving at Orbit's side.
"So... What now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

"We go home. Cops can arrest. City cleans up." She picked up her flamethrower and dismantled it absorbing everything but the gas tank to break down into base components to make more nanites. She then shifted her shape into her more aerodynamic shape. "Non-flyers need a vehicle to get to crime scenes." She then flew back to base, already working on a design to accommodate all the non-flyers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Hellfire watched Cyber Knight fly off towards home base. Interesting person, she was. He then looked at Orbit. "Any chance I can get a ride on your bike?" he asked, predicting the glare she gave him. Orbit did love her bike. "Alright then. I'll see you back home." It was then that he took flight, planning his post-mission workout in his head. He had nothing better to do, anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Orbit snickered, as he started to fly before she could respond. "You can ride with me, you're just not allowed to drive!" She called out over the sound of growing sirens. "The bike's waiting. Come if you want to." She nodded to the others, before heading for her bike. Now that adrenaline was wearing away, she felt it. Cold. Deep in her chest and stomach. Her footsteps stalled, and she had to lean against the building that she'd left her bike near to steady herself. Her jaw was clenched against the pain, even though she knew it wasn't real. She wasn't being frozen from the inside. She was just a coward...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"is he okay? I'm sorry if i went too far with my punch" Patriot asked his teammates. he was worried that he may have gone too far with his blow, and Superman would most definitely not approve of him using excessive violence.

he then let the electricity coursing through his body fade away, and waiting to for the cops to take away Icicle, he hoped that the villain was not critically injured. even though Icicle was a criminal, Patriot had duty to make sure the apprehended villain's life is not threatened. he then heard Cyber Knight say that they go home now and that the cops arrest the villain and the city repairs the damage. she then took off back to base and Patriot said, "she could have at least staid to see if Icicle is not near death. anyway, we could stay and help the injured civilians and make sure there are not people trapped by any debris.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Mistress Dizzy said
Orbit snickered, as he started to fly before she could respond. "You can ride with me, you're just not allowed to drive!" She called out over the sound of growing sirens. "The bike's waiting. Come if you want to." She nodded to the others, before heading for her bike. Now that adrenaline was wearing away, she felt it. Cold. Deep in her chest and stomach. Her footsteps stalled, and she had to lean against the building that she'd left her bike near to steady herself. Her jaw was clenched against the pain, even though she knew it wasn't real. She wasn't being frozen from the inside. She was just a coward...

Hellfire stopped mid-flight. Did Orbit just say he could ride on the bike? He turned around and went back to the scene of the crime. Once there he saw Orbit, leaning on a building, her bike not far from her. She seemed to be in pain. Concern took over him, and he rushed to the ground fast, breaking into a sprint. "Orbit? Jin? Are you okay?" he asked, placing what he thought was a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Orbit tried to stop the violent shivering wracking her body, but she couldn't get it under control. Even after Hellfire's hand on her shoulder cut through the cold, it was a struggle to respond without her voice shaking. "I'm fine." A bold-faced lie. There was a sheen of sweat on her forehead that had nothing to do with the effort of battle that had just ended. "Just..." She clutched at her chest, as if struggling for breath. Her mind was fighting a silent war. On one hand, there was a part of her that was fighting to keep them alive, one that had reacted to the biting cold the way it always did. That was the reason for the shivering, for the pain. The other part of her was trying to save face, especially in front of Hellfire. For a fraction of a second, she leaned toward him, as if seeking warmth. Then she fought back the worst of it, straightening up. "I'm fine." But she couldn't look him in the eyes as she started to step for her bike. "You want that ride?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Hellfire didn't believe Orbit. Not one bit. It was obvious that something was wrong. But he didn't want to push her to admit it. So he let it slide, and replied enthusiastically, "Yes, please!" walking after her and towards her bike. He worried about Orbit. Ever since Batman found him and took him in, Gabe found his first friend in her. She was the only friend he'd ever had, and he would stop at nothing to help her when she's in need. So he would find out why she was in pain. He would find out why she was scared of the cold. And he would help her overcome that fear. But all in good time. All in good time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Orbit couldn't help the faintest smile. Gabe understood, or at least had sense enough to know that they weren't going to have a deep conversation while out in the field. She was grateful that he didn't press her. Before getting onto her bike, she opened the hatch in the seat, removing a second helmet, one that was black with an orange streak. Handing it over to Hellfire, she got on, and revved the vehicle, calmly waiting for him to join her. Once they were both set, she took off, heading back to base.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hákon looked to Patriot with a bit of incredulity, wondering just what these other members of the team had been taught by their mentors. So far, he had seen nothing but adolescent abandon, as if they had only just discovered their abilities, and had no discipline with them.

"Do we need to do some homework back at HQ?" He asked, rhetorically. "How are we supposed to make people accept us as these 'champions of justice' if we run amok, blasting every petty criminal we see into submission and disregarding the safety of everyone around us?"

Shaking his head, he peeled away his aufeis armor, turning it to water in his hand, where it formed a large puddle on the street.

"Patriot, how well versed are you in national history?" Hákon asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Patriot didn't understand the reason for the weird question, did he know a lot about American history? of course he knew a lot about his country's life story. "Yes I know a lot about American history."

Project Cadmus made sure that their experimental hero was smart and knew as much history of his country as possible if he wanted to relate to the American people. He wondered what the reasoning behind Hakon's question was. Regardless, Thomas hoped that the ice-based young hero would give him a quick answer so he could go help some of the clear some of rubble and debris caused by Icicle. He had an image to keep and causing great amounts of destruction without helping to clean it up, would not give a patriotic hero like himself a good reputation for being for the American people. He was a symbol, and symbols if not handled carefully can be twisted and turned into something they were never meant to be.
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