Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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A multitude of beautiful lights glittered in the calm night sky. The ones to the far right, left and behind her were the stars of the cosmos, evident by the faint, distant galaxies that accompanied them and the milky, gas structures that arched through space. Although the current lighting made the difference obscure, the glittering lights that took up the vast majority of her view straight ahead and above was that of cities, not stars. As evident by this fact this was not a normal planet despite what the environment would otherwise suggest, an environment magically formed to emulate a planet of theirs that had been destroyed, where they were forced to retreat from to now live in this current home. To make a long story short, what she was looking at was the torso of a Goddess the size of a small planet in height, a Goddess who sacrificed her own life's energy to flood the outside of her body with the life giving properties that would allow those under her care to survive.

The half cat, half human woman known as a halfkin was walking alone on the palm of the Goddess's hand that was cradled in front of her torso. She needed to get over there, to the heart, where the mighty city of Hearthrown was found. Besides Grand Palalm, the city she was originally stationed in that was slowly disappearing on the horizon behind her as she walked, that city was the most important, especially for trade. However, it was a different matter that she was tasked with going there by her superiors at the Investigative Legion. They claimed there was someone who could naturally use magic there, a one in a million claim, perhaps even more unlikely than that. Magic users such as herself, who were called warriors, only got their powers by the insertion of the Goddess's cells into their bodies. How could a mere mortal naturally have such powers?

Rikka Hantrot was skeptical to say the least. She'd have to see it in person to believe it, which is what she was tasked with doing. Should it be true then she would have to somehow convince the person to come in for further investigation. If they were able to gather important information then it may be able to turn the tide in their battle with the macrobians. Or maybe not. Even if true, maybe it was just a one in a million thing and would be of little help to them. Who knew how things would work out, but if they didn't do everything in their power to better their odds, then their odds of survival were grim indeed. Even if the current generation would manage to live until their old age, their children or children's children would not have such a luxury if the war continued as it was. And that is if the macrobians weren't secretly up to some master plan inside the Goddess that would further accelerate the timetable of their destruction. Rikka was a pessimist by nature, so she couldn't help but think about such things. Some people loved to pretend that everything was perfectly fine and dandy. She was not one of them.

Brushing a hand against a long strand of black hair that had blown into her face due to a gust of wind, she continued on her long journey to Hearthrown, wondering what might await her when she arrived.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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The Half-kin, Alluria, slowly walked around the town square of Hearthrown. People called out hello and she responded in kind. a big black wolf lumbered behind her and everyone treated him as if this was normal, of course it was, it had been a few years since Baxter came to live with her, everyone had just grown used to him, the butcher even threw him scraps every now and then.

"how are you this morning, Miss Rito?" an acquaintance asked, an older man who had once been her school teacher.
"I'm doing alright Mr. August, what about you?" Alluria replied.
"good, thank you for asking"

she nodded and kept going about her shopping.
the people here all treated her strangely, she was unique, she could use magic but she wasn't supposed to be able to, everyone pretended like they didn't know but they did.
when she realized she had zoned out Baxter gave her a look that asked 'are you alright?"
"i'm fine Baxter" she replied, petting him "let's get the last of this and head home, yeah?"
Baxter nodded and she hurried to the last stall she needed to visit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Leo was in a small village on the upper arm with his mentor George. He was training to become one of the chosen ones to get the Goddess cells. Leo struggled with the training but he was determined to get it right so that he would pass the test. George was teaching Leo how to combat magic since Leo couldn't use magic yet.


Apollo was over seeing one of squads of Harvesters returning from a quest. Apollo said "what's the status." The leading class B said "all harvesters were able to reach 80% capacity." Apollo said "good, keep this up and you may be given extra energy." The Class B said "yes sir" then that squad left. Then another Class A approached Apollo. "The General wishes to see you Apollo" Apollo nodded and went to see Julius who was in the main base of the macrobians. Apollo knelt before Julius "what is you command General"
Julius stood up and said "I believe it's time that we gave the surface dwellers something to fear."
Apollo looked up at Julius and said "how?"
Julius said "Summon all the class As and half the class Bs and bring them to me" Julius smiled and said "we are going to visit a surface village."
Apollo stood up "right away General" he then left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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Alluria walked down the street, passing the last of the stalls "that's odd" she looked back then down at Baxter "didn't see it, guess we can't have it tonight"
Baxter let out a whine.
"don't start acting domestic now" Alluria chided "it doesn't become you, come on, we'll look one more time"
a woman at a nearby stall said "are you looking for something in particularly?"
"arrowroot, i use it in a bunch of my recipes"
"it is a nice herb, i don't have nay though" the woman said "try mold Hattie though, i'm sure she has some, even if it's not out"
"i will, thank you," she smiled at the woman and turned to the wolf "come on" and he followed her down the lane to the oldest stall in the market place, old Hattie had been there since before she was born.
Alluria smiled graciously at the older woman, giving her a slight curtsy.
"thank you, dear, at least some of you younger folk still have some respect for your elders, do you need anything?"
"i was wondering if you have some arrowroot?" Alluria asked.
"i just might, let me check" she dipped rather slowly to a box beside her.
"need any help?"
"i'm alright dear but thank you" Hattie said, she sifted through the box then brought out a small bag "would this be enough?"
"yes, thanks you Ms. Hattie" Alluria said.
"your welcome dear" she handed her the bag, "whatever do you need it for?"
"cooking, i season Baxter's favorite meal with it, and it's a special day so i figured i'd make him something special today"
"what's today?" Hattie asked,
"it's the Anniversary of the day Baxter saved my life, it's been 3 years now believe it or not" the wolf leaned his large head against her leg, throwing her balance off a little.
"that's wonderful, well i won't keep you, happy Anniversary Alluria"
"Thank you Hattie" Alluria placed the bag in her basket and gently used her knee to push Baxter back into a sitting position "come on, time to go home"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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(long post warning)

Apollo,Julius, and the squad of class As and Bs were waiting inside a pore waiting for the signal. Then one small flying Class E came flying up to the pore and said "the other squads have commence their attack on the surface." Julius said "give the word." Apollo then said "alright let's move out" the squad then came out of the pore right near the village Leo was in. Apollo smiled and said " Attack and when you find that one Elite Warrior that is in this village, Capture him."
the entire group surrounded the village and attacked from every direction.
(their are harvest squads came on the surface all around the village to distract all the other elite warriors in the area)


Leo and George were training when the siren went off "Marcrobians?" Leo said as they ran to the HQ. George replied "most likely, but they don't usually attack villages"
when the two arrived George said "what's going on" The soldier there said "you gotta hear this"
The soldier turned the com on and over the com they said " Class A spotted at Omega gate" "class A spotted at Sigma gate" "Class A spotted at Alpha gate"
The soldier said "every gate is calling in seeing Class As"
George said "this isn't an attack it's a eradication" George then said "evacuate as many people as you can." The soldier said "sir?" George said "do as I say!" the Soldier saluted and ran off.
Leo said "what are we going to do" George said "leave, we can't fight a squad of Class As and Bs."
Leo said "we should at least get some intel and find out why they came here."
George said "fine, but we have to move now."
Leo and George ran outside where chaos was happening the entire village was burning. They went into the second floor of a destroyed building. they crouched down behind the destroyed wall and watched ass the Class As and Bs were going through buildings. They could hear the them saying "this building is clear no one is there." Apollo is then seen walking into view and he yelled "then keep looking, we don't leave till the Elite warrior is found"
Leo looked at George and said "they are looking for you?"
George didn't answer he was still staring over the wall with a look of horror on his face.
Leo looked over the wall to see a macrobian that is bigger than all the class As and Bs "what the hell is that"
George said "I have no idea but the Class As are bowing to it and that's what scares me."
Leo said "we have to warn the council about this"
George nodded and the two began to move toward the door when they heard "where do you think you're going" They both turned to see Apollo and two class As standing on the wall.
George then yelled "RUN" George then shot a ball of light at Apollo and the two rand down the stairs and out of the building. Apollo deflected the ball of light with his sword and said "get them" All the class As and Bs ran after the two warriors. George then said "split up that will make it harder" Leo nodded and rain into a building. George suddenly then just stopped running and turned to face the on coming macrobians. Leo was half way through the build when he stopped and said "damn that old man" Leo then dashed upstairs and watched through the window. George was held down by two Class As as Julius walked toward him. Apollo said "we captured the elite Warrior sir" Julius said " find the other one we don't want them knowing our plan yet." A few Class As and Bs ran off to look. Julius said "I think now is the time to show off our new power."
A Class A said "what new power?" Julius turned to Apollo and said "will out show them what we learned Class Bs and higher can do"
Apollo then turned to George and jabbed him in the stomach with his claw hand and began to drain his power. George began to get pale and George said with the last of his strength "run" and then he turned to dust.
Apollo was confused when a Class A said "warrior spotted on second floor" Leo said "crap" Leo then began to run as Class As and Bs began to follow. Leo reached a Gate and ran through as fast as he could. The macrobians stopped at the gate and Leo just kept running. Julius arrived at the gate and said "why did you stop" a Class A said " we just thought...." before the class a could finish Julius Stabbed him with one of his claws and absorbed the energy from the Class A and said "anyone else was to say anything" All the macrobians were quite. Julius then said "everyone return to the underground"

Leo just kept running till he finally collapsed out side another village. A traveling merchant found him and took him into the village. Leo woke up the next morning and sat up quickly in the bed. "where am I" he said the Merchant said "you are in riverside village just at the shoulder" Leo said "I need to go see the council I have to warn them about the new macrobian." The Merchant said "wait what?" Leo said "you have to believe me" The merchant said "I know a lier when I see one and you are not lying so I believe you." The merchant then took Leo in his cart and headed toward Hearthrown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(also long post)
Alluria walked through town quietly.
she saw a lot of guard movement and it scared her a little, Baxter could tell.
the pair slowly approached a band of guards that appeared deep in conversation.
"... it was just destroyed"
"there were no survivors?"
"none that have been found"
"and the macrobians just left?"
"yeah, didn't move on to the next town or anything, just disappeared after destroying it"
"that's horrible"
"they're planning something, they have to be"
then one of them noticed Alluria "move along citizen"
and she quickly complied, hurrying towards her house. she had just gone through the door when she felt a pull in her chest. she slammed her hand on the wall and saw baxter move in front of the open door and give her a look like 'you're not going anywhere'
"i have to check it out Baxter"
he didn't move.
"fine" and she slowly walked up stairs, baxter following, however, before he could do anything to stop her, she slid out the window and used the wind to cushion her fall. she waited. a few minutes later she saw baxter walk out the door, using his tail to shut it, and reluctantly follow her.
"come on" she started heading towards the gate "they probably won't let us leave, so we'll have to sneak out"
she was right, there was actually quite a few people complaining about not getting to leave, a few because they lived outside the city.
she used this distraction to float to the top of the gate, Baxter just growled and the guards let him out. Alluria then floated down to the other side and her and the wolf headed down the road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Leo and the merchant were riding up toward the town when they saw the guards. The guards stopped them and Leo jumped off the cart and said "I need to see the council."
The guard said "sorry can't let you through"
Leo then held up the amulet that use to be George's. "it's urgent"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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As Alluria was walking away from the town she saw the merchant and the man arrive. she stopped walking and listened, as well as she could.
she heard him mention the council and approached as quietly as she could.
one of the guards saw her and threw her a dirty look, saying "i'll deal with you later" then turned his attention back to the man, looking the amulet over closely, he realized what it was, he turned to one of the other guards "bring him to the council immiediatly"
"yes sir"
Alluria tried slipping past and the guard grabbed her arm.
"oh come on, i didn't do anything wrong"
"you want Macrobians to kill you don't you?"
"maybe" she spat "can i go home?"
"you can't leave the city during a lock-down, it's against the law"
"alright, i'm going back in aren't i?"
the guard held her sternly, Alluria threw a desperete look at the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Leo was taken into the council room which was a huge room with a rep for every major city. The council Leader said "why have you been brought before us warrior." Leo pulled out the amulet and said "The Macrobians wiped out an entire village with a squad of nothing but Class As and Class Bs." The council began to murmur. The Leader said "how many did you see?" Leo said "I counted at least 35 Class As, and over 60 Class Bs." Then Leo said "but that's not the worst news." Leo then walked over to the Hologram table in the middle of the room and said "I want to show you a image of a new Macrobian." Leo then put a wierd looking helmet on and began to think about that scene while the council murmured. Then the Image showed the Class As holding George down. One of the Reps said "That's the elite Warrior George" then the scene continued as you could hear the Class A saying "we have caught the Elite warrior stationed here" Then Julius came into view and the council all stood up. The council Leader said "what is that large Macrobian." Leo said " that is a new class of Macrobian, even the Class As were afraid of him" Another rep said "what about the armored one with the sword." Leo said "I think that he is a high ranked Class A." Leo then said "now watch what they do now" then the scene shows Apollo stab George and absorb his power turning him into dust. The entire council gasped in shock. The council Leader said "so what you're saying is that they have learned to take the energy out of us." Leo said "that's exactly what i'm saying, things are worse than we feared, they are getting more powerful and they are using the warriors that we created to fight them against us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Alluria managed to slip out of the guards grip "i won't do it again!" and quickly followed the man before the guard could catch her, he seemed to give up relatively quickly, baxter had gotten through without a problem and had met her on the other side of the gate as she followed the man.

Alluria wasn't supposed to be able to get to the council room but she could get lots of places she shouldn't, Baxter had to wait outside though.
she watched carefully as the man showed the council what he had seen.
a cold fear suddenly took hold upon her, as the only known Gallean who could use magic without infusion of the goddess' cells she would be a very likely target for these new creatures, if they learned about her.

she listened closely to see how the conversation would progress, that cold fear causing her hands to sweat as she looked down at the council room from a hard to reach vantage point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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The council Leader said "so is this new class of Macrobian the only one that can cyphon energy from us."
Leo said "no I heard them say that Class Bs and Class As can also cyphon energy from people."
The council Leader said "So this new Macrobian, that I guess will be called Class S, do you know how many there are."
Leo said "I only saw the one but I would guess that there may be more and they are going to try and make all the Class As into Class S."
The council Leader said "This is very troubling news." Then he said "Guards escort Leonardo to the medic so he can be checked out for any wounds then find him a place to stay." The council Leader turned to Leo and said "Please rest, we may need your services soon, and the council shall discuss what to do next"
Leo then was escorted to the medical room and then taken to a hotel where he was given a room with a guard at the door. Leo sat on the bed and said "If I didn't know any better I think that they don't trust me"

Apollo was on one knee waiting for Julius to stopp pacing and to talk. Julius finally stopped pacing and said "stand up already"
Apollo stood up and said "yes sir"
Julius said "I can't believe one warrior that wasn't even a elite warrior escaped the grasp of our entire class A army."
Apollo said "I apologize for not being fast enough General"
Julius said "It wasn't you, it was the others they gave up the minute he left the town."
Julius then said "but that's besides the point, I want to double our efforts on the new Portal device."
Apollo said "General that will take alot of energy."
Juilus said "then you will have to increase the number of harvest runs to the surface."
Apollo said "as you wish General."
Apollo then walked out of the General's Room and was met by the Class As and Bs. Apollo shouted "The general wants work to double on the portal and for our Harvest runs to increase, IS THAT CLEAR."
The Macrobians responed "SIR YES SIR" and then all the Macrobians began to double the work on the portal and began to prepare for even more harvest runs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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Alluria saw them dismiss 'Leonardo' and quickly left her vantage, not wanting to be seen.
when she got outside she slowly followed the man after he was brought outside and taken to a hotel.
there was a guard at the door but she needed to speak to this warrior. so she had Baxter wait and both floated and climbed up to the window.
she could see him inside so she quickly (and quietly) knocked on the window, balancing precariously on the windowsill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Leo looked at the window and saw the girl balancing on the windowsill. He walked over and opened the window. "may I help you?" he said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria took hold of the inside of the window to balance herself.
"sorry to bother you, i watched your briefing with the council and ..." she looked away "i needed to know if it was true"
she looks up at him, looking into his eyes "is what you showed really ... truly what happened?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Leo said "I swear to the goddess that what I showed was true."

Julius said "Apollo I want you to lead a harvest team to the surface."
Apollo said "as you wish sir."
Apollo then left and got together a group of Macrobians that would be on his harvest team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria nearly lost her balance "oh goddess give me strength"
she looked up at him "do you have any idea where they might strike next? this is vital information to me"
she looked down at Baxter "my life could be at risk"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Leo shook his head. "I have no idea, all I know is that they just learned this new power so they will be testing it out more, that and their are Macrobians out there that can defeat a elite warrior."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria closed her eyes "oh goddess" then she looked up at him "the elite warrior, he was your friend, right?"
she slid her legs into the room and sat down "i'm sorry for your loss"
her tail twitched sporadically as her mind calculated her chances against this creature that could take down an elite warrior, involuntarily whispering "oh goddess protect me"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Leo said "goddess protect us all" Leo then said "Let's hope this doesn't get any worse"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria nodded standing back up on the window sill
"i'll leave you be, goodbye warrior" she stepped back, riding a breeze down to the ground beside Baxter.
she waved back up at him then turned and headed down the street towards her house.
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