Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia just sat there staring blankly at the screen and didn't snap out of it until the Tv was turned off. Slowly she looked over towards the two sisters and tried to force a bit of a smile but it was obviously hard. She knew she had an air tight alibi for the night before and she had been cleared of all charges when it came to Simone but that didn't really make her feel any better. After all those years locked up in that place she referred to as hell and the threat by her doctor that they would toss her back in and throw away the key if she even so much stepped a foot out of line was weighing heavily on her damaged mind.

Looking down she fiddled with the bacon in her fingers and started rambling. "I didn't do this. I know you didn't do this. They know I didn't do this. Yes I know they know you didn't do this. Do you think that they know they they know that I didn't do this? I hope so. What if I am next. Why would you be next? You know why? I do. Of course. Oh yeah. Well do you? Do what? Think I could be next? It's possible. Why would you say that! Because it is the truth! What is the truth? That you know. Are you sure? Well I think so. Well what if you are wrong? That's what worries me. Why? Cause if I am wrong then... Yeah, then..."

Sighing deeply she flopped back on the bed and shoved the bacon strip fully in her mouth. Chewing loudly as she started to sing.

"Down at an English fair, one evening I was there
When I heard a showman shouting underneath the flare

Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts
There they are, all standing in a row
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head
Give them a twist a flick of the wrist
Thats what the showman said

Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Every ball you throw will make me rich
There stands my wife, the idol of me life
Singing roll up bowl or ball a penny a pitch

Roll up bowl or ball, a penny a pitch
Roll up bowl or ball, a penny a pitch
Roll up bowl or ball, roll up bowl or ball
Singing roll up bowl or ball, a penny a pitch

Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts
(They're lovely)
There they are all standing in a row
(One, two, three, four)
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head
(And bigger)

Give them a twist a flick of the wrist
Thats what the showman said

Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Every ball you throw will make me rich
There stands my wife, the idol of me life
Singing roll up bowl or ball a penny a pitch
(All together now)

Roll up bowl or ball, a penny a pitch
Roll up bowl or ball, a penny a pitch
Roll up bowl or ball, roll up bowl or ball
Singing roll up bowl or ball, a penny a pitch."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Tinder Family Home: Marc's Bedroom

Ashley cussed under her breath (as it was unladylike to swear aloud in company and when not in serious pain) and then squeaked in surprise as Marc swept her up and shifted her out of harms way. There wasn't a lot of glass but he was right that there was enough to do some damage to her feet if she stood on it. Serve her right for not thinking ahead for situations where you have to stay in your highschool sweethearts childhood home because of a mass murderer out on the loose killing her classmates. However would she live with herself?! Crossing her legs underneath herself on the bed, Ashley gave a silent little nod and smile towards Marc as he left the room to get a pan and brush.

Her fingers idly moved up and tucked her hair behind her ears as she looked after him, the door holding her complete attention as her mind began to wander as she realised his teasing words a few moments too late. Wait... did he just... he did. Walk of shame! Oh god Marc..." She found herself chuckling and shaking her head as a goofy smile spread across her lips. She quickly snapped herself out of it however when she realised what was running through her mind. It had to be the fact that she was in his bedroom again after all these years. Sure he didn't live here anymore but the last time she had been in here, they had been dating. It didn't matter that it had been a decade ago, right now it only felt like yesterday to Ashley.

Falling back on the bed, her hair fanning out beneath her head and her hands flopping down onto her chest, Ashley watched the ceiling and traced the lines of the cornicing decoration with her eyes and admired the swoops and swirls of the etchings. It felt like an apt personification of her emotions and feelings at this time in her life. She was terrified, guilt ridden and ecstatic all at once and she honestly had no idea or grasp on how to handle it. Her fingers fanned out as she felt the rhythm of her heartbeat pounding beneath her fingertips. Why was it beating so fast? Perhaps it was the shock of smashing on of Marc's picture frames but no, that would be just an excuse. She knew why it was beating so much but she refused to acknowledge it lest the guilt that was plauging her finally swallowed her whole.

Sitting upright with a start, Ash looked around for her cell. She threw pillows off the bed to lay unceremoniously on the floor and threw the blankets up into a messy bundle as she hunted for her phone. When she couldn't find it she decided to brave the glass by shifting one of the pillows on the area that she'd dropped it. The pillow would make a good stepping stone of padding so she could head to the guest room and grab her cell. Okay so she knew she shouldn't be leaving the room but she had to check and see how many missed calls and messages she had.

As she slipped out of the room she quickly jogged down the hall to the guest room and saw her phone laying beside her purse on a chair inside. "Oh thank goodness I didn't lose you!" She picked it up and realised it was switched off. She smacked her forehead lightly as she remembered that she'd turned it off last night after Al had upset her. Bracing herself she turned it back on and listened to the incessant buzzing as all the missed call notifications, messages and voicemails came through. Taking a deep breath she unlocked her screen and checked what was in store.

"...No way." 15 voicemails, 27 text messages and 53 missed calls. She was definitely in trouble, well that or someone else had died.

Location: The Plaza Hotel: Her Room

Finishing up in the shower, Jas gave her hair a squeeze out then began to towel dry it until she was happy with it. Grabbing a larger towel, she wrapped it around herself and opened up the bathroom door letting the steam flood out from the room. She casually walked out and spotted Lawson sitting on the pull out bed. "Get a good sleep, Marine? Gotta say, you snore like an absolute lumberjack. Good job I'm a heavy sleeper." She gave a small giggle and made her way over to the bed before sitting on the edge and grabbing a hairbrush from her bedside table. As she sat there, easing out the knots in her freshly washed hair, Jas considered Lawson whilst he had his top off and gave an approving little nod to herself.

She didn't regret the two of them not getting drunk but she certainly couldn't stop herself thinking about what could have happened. She felt a small smile twitching at the corners of her lips before it turned into a full blown smirk. Ten years ago this would never have even been a dream in her frizzy haired little head. Time really did change everything but it didn't heal all her wounds like she was promised, a lot of those were still fresh, open and oozing. She knew it wasn't healthy but fuck it, the longer these people didn't recognise her the more satisfied it made her. It also made her a little sad but she did her best to fight those thoughts deep down. They had no place in her new life.

When she was done, Jas turned to look at David and gave him a smile. "Hey, you think you could pass me my shoes that are just down near the door of the room please?" She folded in on herself as she reached under the bed and pulled her suitcase out from underneath before placing it on the bed. She rooted around until she found a set of underwear and a plain tan coloured vest top. She'd wait until he went off and grabbed her shoes for her and then slip this on before grabbing a skirt to match the shoes that Lawson was about to bring her. It was a good thing that she bought interchangeable clothing that went with everything. Practicality was not something she lost when she gained her sense of fashion fortunately.

Location: Great Wolf Lodge: His Room

The grin on Kai's face was one that could have lit up the entire hotel were they to see it. He held onto his Anela tightly and let her guide him back into the hotel room where she, as she always had, took care of him and his mess that he'd gotten himself into. Leaning back on the heels of his hands while Ada worked on band-aiding his foot, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back for a moment glad that they were no longer in the fighting mood. If she hadn't literally just stormed off, he'd have given her a silly and cheeky response back but he didn't want her running off on him again so soon after calming her down. He hated when she got worked up and he hated it even more when he was the one responsible for it but it was just how they worked. So long as there was more good times than bad going forward, he'd live with it.

Hearing the TV switching on, Kai opened one eye and glanced at the screen that was half hidden by sunlight glare as he recognised the voice speaking on screen. His first instinct was to hold Ada. His movement was sudden and he fell into her a little but his arms were wrapped around her faster than she could react as he held her close to him. "I'm here, we're good. I think we should turn my cell back on and give Marc a call... Do you... Shall I make the call or do you want to hear it from him? I'll do whatever you need me to do."

Truth being told, Kai was absolutely terrified. This was a full blown serial killer and they were potential targets. This shit was crazy but he was going to keep his game face on for Ada. He owed her at least that damn much.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

"You always were a Cookie Monster," Tuesday mused, eating the remainder of the food, now that Cynthia and Riley had gotten their share. Munching on her food, she watched Cynthia out of the corner of her eye, deciding it was best just to let her ramble and get it all out of her system. That was, of course, until she started singing. She raised an eyebrow, elbowing Riley. "You two should do concerts together -- could call yourself the Pretty Coconuts!"

She giggled a bit, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. With all of the murders going on, she couldn't help but feel woefully ill informed. As far as she was aware, there could have been more to this than was being let on. Glancing at Riley, she turned the conversation back to the grim happenings, perhaps for the worst.

"Do you guys have any idea what sick fuck is doing this?" Tuesday asked, perhaps a bit too bluntly. Cynthia, Riley, and herself had all been ruled out. Anyone who had gone in a pair back from the party was ruled out. And from what she'd heard last night, prom dresses had something to do with it as well.

"They've managed to narrow it down to a few people....right?" Tuesday questioned, already a bit worried about the answer. The murder mystery in the sleepy town hardly made any sense to her, and a bit nervous, Tuesday scratched at her arm subconsciously. It wasn't that she was fearful of being killed--she was afraid that she, somehow, might be blamed for all of the deaths. So many of her classmates had become celebrities, she wouldn't have been surprised if the story made national news.

"Riley, maybe you should go back to your tour?" Tuesday suggested. "You've got bodyguards and all, probably safer there..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley turned to look at Cynthia again it seemed like the voices had suddenly just returned to the crazy girl and started her usual crazy talk to herself. She would sigh slightly as she ran her hand through her hair and then gently patted Cynthia on the shoulder, Riley did feel bad for her, maybe she would help her out after this grim reunion would end. Riley looked back towards Tuesday and laughed softly and shook her head while Cynthia started to sing. "Then i'd need some backup vocals, which I think you would be good at." Riley said as she nudged Tuesday back with her elbow. But then of course the grim subject returned as Tuesday brought it up again it seemed to be something that wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"Well certainly not Atlas who I thought was because you know he was a douchebag back then. But now he is taking the never ending sleep if you will. I really have no idea who or why someone would even do this sort of thing to anyone." Riley said as she bit her lower lip when Tuesday suggested going back to her tour, which she had canceled at the very last minute to come here for the reunion. "As much as I want to, I really can't because I canceled my tour to come here at the last minute. So they probably pulled up another band the very last minute." Riley sighed slightly.

"And I can't get any bodyguards right now without having to wait several days, and can't rely on the cops because well they already got a shit ton on their plates." Riley said with a slight shrug as she looked at Tuesday gently patting her on the shoulder. "But I can handle myself, had a few run ins with some crazed fans ended up taking some defense classes and what not."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Marc Tinder

Location: Parents House

Grabbing the dustpan and broom Marc headed back to his room, glancing around and getting a little worried when he didn't see Ashley there. Stepping back out he noted that the guest room door was open and he caught a glimpse of her blonde hair. Letting out a sigh of relief he decided to give her a little space while he cleaned up the mess she had made instead of hovering over her. He was sure she got enough of that on the day to day, granted now he had an excuse. There was some mass murderer out there and he was not about to lose her, not now. Not ever.

As he cleaned up the glass he sighed. He knew she was dating someone and he wasn't going to interfere with that. All those years Ashley had tried to get him to open up and he just couldn't. Now that he knew what to say, how to say it, he couldn't bring himself to. Not because he was shy anymore but because he felt it wouldn't be right. It wasn't something a gentleman did, pushing into the territory of another man. As far as he knew her boyfriend treated her well enough and didn't hurt her. Who was he to poke his nose into things now? He had had his chance, it was his own fault if he never got another.

Finishing up he gathered the dustpan and broom, dumping the glass into the trash can in the kitchen before putting everything away. Sighing he ran his fingers through his hair and went to find Ashley. Stepping into the guest room he smiled solemnly towards her. "All clear, can walk now without it feeling like a bad Annie Lenox song," he chuckled a bit as he leaned against the door frame of the room and looked at her. She was as beautiful as ever, even with her hair all a mess from sleeping and no make up on. In fact to him, she was more stunning than ever.

"Okay, I am going to grab a quick shower. Not everyone of us can wake up looking like a runway model. Stay in the house, I'll leave the door unlocked to the bathroom, anything happens you come get me," he said before running his hand along the back of his neck and turning to head towards the bathroom. He needed to get cleaned up and then head over to the police station but he still wasn't letting Ashley go anywhere without him.

Dj Lawson

Location: Jasmin's Hotel Room

Lawson chuckled a bit as he stood up and tossed his shirt over his shoulder, stretching his hands high above his head. "Hey! That isn't snoring! That is dreaming in surround sound!" he joked before nodding and stepping over to the door to retrieve her shoes for her but not being giving her a lingering glance. She was a beautiful woman but he had learned the night before she was even more beautiful on the inside. Hanging out with her, talking and eating had been one of the best times he had had in a very long time.

Turning he walked back to her and set them down at her feet. "There you go Mi'lady," he teased with a bit of a bow before turning and heading to the bathroom. It was time for him to get cleaned up. He was rather efficient about the whole thing and was in and out of the bathroom within about five minutes. He didn't like wasting time in the shower, had never been one to just stand there and soak it in. He washed and cleaned up his facial hair before wrapping a towel around his waist. Gathering his clothing from the day before in one hand he kept the other at the knot of the towel as he stepped back out and gave her a goofy grin.

"That's better. Want to go grab a bite to eat? Or just want to wait until the picnic?" he asked as he stepped over to his bag and rummaged through it to find something to wear for the day.

Adelaide Grimaldi

Location: Kai's Hotel Room

Ada leaned into Kai, her arms wrapping around his waist as she buried her head into his chest. More dead, more people they had known when they were younger. Sure, not all of them were wonderful people but they didn't deserve to die like this. Taking a few deep breathes and breathing in the scent of Kai she sighed deeply. Right then she just wanted to hop the first plane out of the city and go home, with Kai next to her. She didn't want to sit around and wait for the next person to die.

Looking up at him she shook her head a bit. "No, you call. I can't," she said, admitting her own weakness. Adelaide had always been one to face things head on but right then she wanted nothing to do with anything related to the murders. She was half scared that if Kai called Marc he wouldn't answer, that his body had just yet to be discovered. Biting her bottom lip nervously she buried her head back against Kai's strong frame and closed her eyes.

"Just don't want you to leave my side today..." she said quietly against his bare chest. The day before had been both horrifying and wonderful and she felt a pang of guilt that in the middle of all this death that she had found what she had been wanting all these years, him.

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia just sat there, slowly pulling a pillow over into her lap and hugging onto it. There wasn't much she could say, her mind was spinning. The voices were fighting with one another and it was so much she couldn't even put it into words that were rambles at that point. Slowly she looked over at the sisters and finally managed to squeak out a few words....

"Stars... Camera.... I am Ishmael."

What on earth was she talking about now?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

For a moment, Tuesday the drug addict vanished. Instead, timid Chloe Ridgeway had returned. Her eyes widened at Cynthia's simple phrase, reminding her of an essay she had written for AP English Literature and Composition. One of the principle turns of phrase in Moby-Dick, how the narrator says "Call me Ishmael" rather than saying "I am Ishmael." In the essay, she'd explored the simple connotations of that phrase, how it served to further exemplify the way others dictated Ishmael's life and moves.

But that wasn't what struck her as important. It was the meaning of the name itself: a name used for outcasts. She bit her lip, her mind pondering the words stars and camera. She doubted that Cynthia had meant anything to do with Hollywood, no, it had to be something else....

"Ishmael, the narrator of Moby-Dick," Tuesday explained, glancing up at Riley. "You know who's doing this, Cynthia?"

Looking down again, Tuesday felt a bit of an urge to cry. Here she was, stuck at a wall, on the gap of some sort of understanding. She was still the high school overachiever, pushed by her parents to excel in order to receive their love and praise. Pulling on her own hair, Tuesday continued to ponder those words. Stars. Camera. Stars. Camera....Popularity?

"This has to do with popularity somehow?" Tuesday blurted. "A social outcast, and...people who were popular, since they'd be photographed a lot like movie stars?"

And in an instant, Chloe Ridgeway vanished. It was Tuesday again, and she laughed a bit, tossing her head back. "I mean, the fuck do I know...This shit's just crazy."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley looked towards Tuesday as she glanced at her and then over towards Cynthia for a moment as Cynthia said those words and then looked at her sister she was confused. She never viewed herself as popular though she remembered getting a good turnout whenever she was asked to play at their high school events. "Maybe you have a point, I mean a lot of us were in that picture so we were popular at some point with the school I guess?" Riley said with a slight shrug as she looked towards Cynthia for a moment, maybe something in that crazy head of hers Cynthia might have known the person who was doing all of this. Riley sighed slightly as she rubbed the bridge of her nose she just wanted to catch up with her friends and classmates.

She looked towards her sister as she simply just tried to laugh it off, it could be very possible that someone who was a complete outcast was jealous of all of them. Though Riley was scared at the thought of seeing the classmates that she had become very close friends with over the last few years. "What time is the picnic and where is it again?" Riley asked, she just simply wanted to change the subject again that didn't seem to try and get away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Tinder Family Home: The Guest Room

Ashley thumbed her phone and groaned as she saw how many were from her agent and from Al. She expected to be given a tirade of "Why aren't you answering?" "Call me back NOW" and so on but instead they were all "Are you okay?" "i'm worried, call me" and the likes. That was... new. Frowning some, Ashley listened to the voicemails and felt her eyebrows disappearing into her hairline as she heard her agent practically in tears down the phone hoping that she was safe and alive. But it was the voicemail from Al that really made her wonder what was going on...

"Hey sweetheart, I know we had a bit of a fight but I'm really worried about you being there all alone with all these murders happening. We might be in a rough patch right now but, you know I love ya. Keep an eye out for me. I'm on my way after all."

Ashley's fingers wrapped around her neck as she started to massage the knots that were forming. Al was coming here, soon. She felt herself wishing he wasn't and that alone made her scared. She had gotten mad at him for saying he wasn't going to come earlier but now... Everything was a blur and she didn't know what was happening inside her own mind or heart. She was lost, a small boat adrift in the vast oceans of emotions and there was a hole in the boat that was just getting bigger and bigger while the darkened cloud in the distance rolled in closer and closer.

She could feel her breathing becoming more shallow with each breath as she hung up her phone and stared at it with uncertainty etched across every inch of her face. She was only brought out of it when she heard Marc coming into the room. She quickly put her game face on, a perk of being an actress, and gave him a half smile as he made his silly reference and she let out a light laugh. "Look at you remembering one of my favourite songs." She couldn't help the smile becoming fuller as she watched him.

She almost bent over double laughing at his next comment and she rolled her eyes before flicking her hair comically. "Don't hate me 'cause you ain't me." She grinned after him as he announced his need for a shower and she called out after him in answer to his instructions. "Don't worry, I won't run off like yesterday. I'll be right here dealing with my missed calls... Or maybe I'll go raid your room and see what secrets I can find!" She had no intention of going through his things, not really, but she liked to at least try and push his buttons.

Laying back in the guest bed, Ashley hit the callback button for her agent and listened to it ringing just once before Frank picked up.

"Ashley! Baby! Oh god am I glad you are okay! I thought I'd lost my little money maker in the making!!! How are you?! How is it in the death capital of the USA? You should come home right now, you hear me? I don't know what we'd do if you got murdered, baby, I really don't. Well, I do, we'd find someone younger and fitter but after a decent mourning period, you know? But c'mon we've got a lot of money to make together! You ain't gonna let your old pal Frank down by dying, now are ya?"

Ashley remained silent as Frank ranted on and on. She was used to his nonsense but at least he was always honest and upfront, that's why she worked with him. "I'm fine Frank, just had to spend the night at a friend's place as the police don't want us separating. Everything is in hand, they're going to catch this person and they're going to put them where they belong. I'll be back to work next week as planned. Now look, I'm on holiday, so unless there is something REALLY god damn important, do not call me, okay? Text or e-mail is fine, but only call if you're dying or dead. Otherwise I don't want to hear about it. I have enough to think about so just please, Frank, for the love of God... Focus on your other clients right now, okay? Okay. Goodbye Frank." She hung up the phone then, not giving him a chance to butt in with another useless rant about how they worked well together or that they were a pair made in heaven or some other weirdly worded nonsense about them making money together.

Frank was really weird.

Location: The Plaza Hotel: Her Room

Jasmin smiled at Lawson as he left her shoes down for her. She gave him a grateful nod and smiled as she replied. "Why thank you, kind Sir. Much obliged." She slipped her feet inside and fastened the straps around her ankles before standing up and walking over to the wardrobe where she pulled out a cream, pencil skirt that matched the cream shoes that she had just put on. She tucked her vest into the skirt waistband and then grabbed a light grey cardigan with a lace back and lace trimmed, three quarter length sleeves.

She turned towards Lawson as she ran a brush through her hair, watching him as he rummaged for some clothes. He was a nice guy, really nice and definitely handsome. It had been a fun and adult night last night. Jasmin was glad for the company and was glad to not be hiding behind an old face or using a new one to hide the old with him. It was like being back home where no one knew who she had once been. Actually, it was better. He knew everything and hadn't judged her and that alone made him worth spending time with in any capacity.

She considered his question and took about half a second to answer, knowing what she was in the mood for as soon as she felt her stomach bubbling. "I could kill a latte if I'm being honest. Want to grab a coffee then head to the picnic for food? No doubt Ada has killed herself to give us something amazing today." She gave him a smile and finished up dealing with her hair, fixing it up into a high ponytail that trailed down her upper back. "That is, unless, you really want to grab some food in which case I can just have basic coffee." She let out some light laughter and moved around the room grabbing her purse and keys, getting everything she'd need for the day inside of it.

Location: Great Wolf Lodge: His Room

Kai just held onto Ada as he stretched over to grab his cell, flicking through names until he found Marc and hit dial. He felt himself getting more and more anxious with each second it took for the phone to start ringing. This whole thing was a fucking rollercoaster and a half, nevermind the fact he was back with Ada but just... all of this. Simone all over again and just people dying left, right and centre. He wanted to take Ada away, far away but he couldn't just leave his friends behind either. He needed to try and help, somehow, in some way, he had to help. Marc would point him in the right direction.

Unhappy with the length of time it was ringing for he went over the names in his head once more, reassuring himself that Marc and Ash were not amongst that number. They were both going to be safe. No doubt they'd all spent the night making sure everyone was paired off and sleeping in the same places as some others that they were friendly with back in high school. No doubt Marc was with Timothy burning the midnight oil and Ash was probably with Riley and co, having a right old fashioned slumber party like the ones Ash and Ada would talk about contstantly when they occurred.

Why the hell was the phone not ringing?! Kai glanced at his screen only to realise he hadn't hit the damn call button. He grumbled as he held Ada closer to himself, his free hand stroking her hair to stop himself from smacking his own forehead. "Have I ever told you that I fucking hate technology?" The phone began to ring this time and Kai waited for Marc to answer.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Marc Tinder

Location: Parents House

March chuckled as he stepped into the bathroom and turned on the water. Letting it heat up while as he pealed out of his clothing and took a look at himself in the mirror. His fingers running across the small scars that dotted his chest, turning to see more covering his back. Sighing he stepped into the shower and cleaned up, shaving as well and making sure to brush his teeth before he was exiting the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. His clothing gathered in one hand and his phone in the other he peeked back into the room and smiled over to Ashley.

"If you want to grab a shower, it's all clear now. Don't know how much hot water I left you though," he said with a light grin on his lips as a few beads of water still rolled down his chest. Turning he was about to go and get dressed in his room when his phone went off. Looking down he perked a brow when he saw it was Kai calling, his heart dropped into the pit of his stomach; for several reasons. He hoped Kai wasn't calling to say that Ada was missing but it wasn't only that. Looking over to Ashley he wondered how anyone would react to the fact she had stayed with him over night. No, he wouldn't tell Kai that. It wasn't his place. Ashley deserved her privacy and nothing had happened. Sure she wound up in bed with him but that was for comfort he figured.

"Tinder here," he said into the phone as he answered it. Giving Ashley a faint smile before turning and walking down the hallway back to his room. He waited for Kai to speak before he said anything, looking through his clothing as he spoke. "Are you and Ada okay? Nothing happened during the night did it with you two? Everything is fine here. Made sure everyone was paired up before they left the gym last night. I am heading over to the station to speak with Tim shortly. I'll be at the picnic later on."

Dj Lawson

Location: Jasmin's Hotel Room

Grabbing some clothing he stepped around the corner but left the bathroom door open so he could be heard as he got dressed; well partially dressed. Once he had his underwear on and his black jeans he stepped back out, resting the towel on the knob of the door to the bath room. "Some coffee and a pastry would probably be good, nothing big. Then we can head over. Well that is if you want me to go with you," he said as he finally realized that maybe it wasn't the best idea for him to go with her to the reunion thing. Ada and Kai would be there no doubt. Did he really want to see them together?

Sighing he stepped over to the TV and turned it on, wanting to get the weather report for the day. When he saw the replay of the news conference with Tim, he shook his head and turned the TV back off quickly. "Well that settles it, looks like you have yourself a bodyguard for today ma'am," he said in a rather business like fashion. He was a Marine after all and there was a killer on the loose. He wasn't about to let a sweet little gem like Jasmine go out alone.

Pulling on a grey t-shirt he slipped on a sport coat over it. He figured it would work. It was casual enough but still slightly dressed up. Sitting down on the end of the fold out couch he started pulling on his boots. "So, is Britney's Cafe still the best place in town for coffee?" he asked as he stood up and pushed his hair back, smiling over at her.

Adelaide Grimaldi

Location: Kai's Hotel Room

Adelaide leaned against Kai as he grabbed his phone, her arms wrapped around him as she rested her head on his shoulder. There was a killer on the loose and people she had known her whole life were dropping like flies but oddly she didn't feel scared. Being with Kai had always set her at ease in a way nothing else could. It was like nothing could get close to her as long as he was there. She had been scared of many things in her life when she was younger. Speaking in public, her swim meets, and especially giving her speech at graduation. Yet, each time Kai was there, watching over her and staying close. He made it to where she could keep going, as if nothing could ever harm her as long as she was in his sights.

"We'll just blame it on lack of sleep," she teased as she held herself closer to him while he made the call. He heard Marc pick up on the other end and was glad to hear his voice, to know he was safe. She worried about Ashley and Jasmine and the others but her phone was broken and she hadn't gotten over to the store to pick up a new one yet. Sighing she just stayed against him for now, figuring they could pick her up a new one before heading over to the picnic. It would be fine. She was with Kai.

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia's eyes shot over to Tuesday and she bit her bottom lip hard. It was obvious at this point she was frightened, which was odd even in her twisted state. She had shown she was crazy on several levels over the last day, and would lash out; she had also shown her ability to actually be kind. She had not shown fear as of yet and now it was washing over her like waves on the coast. Her eyes darted around as they remained peeled open, nodding quickly as her fingers clutched together and wrung at each other.

"She knows. Yes, I know. Of course you know. Come on tell her. Why? She needs to know. No, put her in danger. It's okay. No it isn't. We are safe. No one is safe. Then we need to make them safe. Why? If they aren't safe we aren't safe," Cynthia sat there debating with herself over what she should say and what she shouldn't or if she should say anything more than she already had. Had she already said too much, she thought she was safe because she was crazy. The killer wouldn't target a crazy person, a crazy person wasn't a risk; no one listened to crazy people.

"Stars, so many stars. Golden. No, not golden. Ash? Yes, like Ash. Stories. Yes stories. Outcast? No!!!!" Cynthia added before cupping her head in her hands and gripping it tightly. She was rocking back and forth constantly now just mumbling incoherently. That was until Riley mentioned the picnic. Her head looking up slowly as her mind shifted to something less stressful.

"Hour before lunch. When is lunch? Twelve. Noon or midnight? Noon silly. So noon? No, hour before lunch. So eleven? But why eleven, why not just make it ten? Because it's eleven."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

Tuesday frowned a bit, seeing Cynthia's obvious panic and fear. She'd have to listen to her a little more carefully in the future, because it sounded like her craziness was just a cover up to give out information. It was a gigantic puzzle, one that involved the deaths of several of her classmates. Not that she cared too much about each of the dead--they hadn't cared very much about her, after all. Some of those bitches had it coming. Some of those bastards deserved to die the way they did.

"Hey, we're safe," Tuesday reassured Cynthia. "My bitches taught me to how make a shiv in prison. Ain't no one going to mess with us, okay, kid?"

Ash....Realizing that she must have meant Ashley, the actress, Tuesday took a mental note of it. Stories, but not an outcast. Ishmael was also the narrator of Moby-Dick...Someone who narrated through the flash of a camera, who took stories...Yearbook staff? Tuesday grimaced a bit, her lip twisted comically.

Maybe I'm still high.... she pondered, shaking her head a bit. None of it made any sense at all. There was no point reading into crazy. It'd only drive her crazy. "Sounds like it's at eleven," Tuesday chuckled a bit, a wry smile. "Should we head over there now?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley watched as Cynthia's face started to turn into fear which she hadn't seen her react like that before yet, she then started to listen closely when Cynthia mentioned Ash she raised an eyebrow. She wasn't sure yet as Riley stood up from the bed and stretched slightly looking down at the two of them. "Well, how about this the three of us stick close together when we are at the picnic that way none of us will get separated during the picnic sound good?" Riley said as she went over towards the door where she had left her shoes. "And Cynthia you got me as well, I have a little self defense training and Tuesday can make her shivs and shank someone." Riley said teasingly she would never have thought her twin sister would know how to do that she seemed to innocent back in high school they were both alike and different at the same time.

"Lets head over to the picnic shall we?" Riley said as she opened up the door to their hotel room, and started to head down the hallway and went towards the elevator and waited for Tuesday and Cynthia to come. Once they were inside Riley pressed the down button as the elevator went down towards the lobby. Once they were on the first floor Riley headed out towards the parking lot and made her way towards her car, she unlocked it and then opened the passenger side door and moved the seat forward to let whoever wanted to sit in the back. Riley then made her way to the driver's side and got inside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia glanced over towards Tuesday and chuckled a bit. "She made a joke. Yes she did. It was funny. Well that is why we are laughing isn't it. We were laughing? Chuckling is a laugh. Is it? Isn't it? Well if it was a laugh, why not just call it a laugh? I guess there is a bit of difference. See, I win. Well I win to. How? If you win, I win. Oh yeah," she rambled off as she held her hands against the side of her head. Slowly she sat up a bit more fully and glanced around.

"And I can paint pretty pictures!" she exclaimed suddenly and this time fully laughed as she made a reference to what she had done to Atlas the day before. Getting up she ran over to her shoes and slipped them on before catching a look of herself in the mirror. Gasping slightly she picked up her purse and pulled out her hair brush, starting to run it through but the bristles getting caught in the mats she had created in her own hair.

"Yeowch! That hurts! I know it hurts! Well we have to get pretty! Yeah, to stay off camera! Oh yeah. See, help me!" she said as she spun around to look at both Riley and Tuesday, the hair brush just hanging there against one of the rats nests and she rolled her eyes a bit. Reaching up she yanked but the brush stayed, the handle on the other hand did not and it snapped of fin her hand. "Fuck!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel ---> Riley's Car

Tuesday chuckled a bit. "I know, took going to prison for me to get a sense of humor," she added, teasing herself. Riley was already raring and ready to go out of the door, and Tuesday quietly assembled her purse, feeling around for anything she could smoke later. Coming up empty, she let out a sigh. Being high would certainly help with the tensions of the picnic, though she supposed that someone there would either still deal or be into dealing. Grabbing her phone, Tuesday grimaced a bit. She had three missed calls. It didn't take her long to recognize the number. One of the girls back in California must have needed something, but they could wait. Shoving the phone back in her purse, she glanced up, just in time to see Cynthia break the brush.

"You're already smoking hot," Tuesday grinned, grabbing her own brush and a few hair ties. "Here, I got you." Carefully untangling Cynthia's matted hair, she extracted the brush, tossing it onto the bed behind her. Tuesday's brush was one she got at a salon, designed for wet hair. Her hair always tangled and she found that only this super-brush could do the trick. Running it through Cynthia's hair, Tuesday held the roots of it, in order to minimize the pain of detangling.

"There..." Tuesday paused, before starting on a french braid. She had had plenty of time to practice braiding hair in solitary. "Does Chris still film everyone at these things?" Tuesday asked. She remembered him, president of the AV club back in high school. She always expected that he'd become the next director for Marvel. Funny how life turned out.

Finishing her job, Tuesday stepped back a bit, admiring it. "Youah look gorgeous, doll face~" Tuesday joked, twisting her face up slightly in her absolutely wretched impression. Holding the door open for Cynthia, she let out head out first, before joining Riley in the elevator. The entire time, she couldn't help but expect them to bump into someone they knew, but the coast appeared to be clear for the moment. Once out of the elevator and into the car, Tuesday took a seat in the back. She figured Cynthia would enjoy riding shotgun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Tinder Family Home

Ashley placed her phone on the bedside table and glanced up as she saw Marc walking over to the room door. She giggled at his words and shrugged her shoulders. "That's okay, only need enough to wash my hair. The rest of me could do with a cold shower." Her eyes lingered on his torso, the water droplets running down his skin and she felt her face flushing as she realised what she said. Her eyes darted back up to his face and then she glanced away as she rambled on. "I just mean that you have never learned to use a thermostat and it is absolutely boiling in this house... oh god." She ran her hands over her face and just shook her head as she called out after him.

It was probably a good thing that his phone was ringing. She gathered her essentials from her bag and made her way into the bathroom as Marc wandered into his room talking on his phone. Ashley savoured the water as it cleaned the grime from the warm sleep that she'd had through the night. Her face began to flush again as she realised what she had said minutes before to Marc. Sure he was attractive and she certainly could appreciate that but she was in a relationship! They had had their chance together once before but that time had passed. He may be regretting the decisions they had made as teenagers but Ashley had to respect her relationship with Al.

As the water chilled, Ashley turned the shower off and stepped out, drying herself off with one of the guest towels and then used one to wrap around her body, covering her modesty as she left to head back to the guest room. She got herself dressed and brushed out her hair after drying it off with a towel. It could dry itself from here on out, she just needed to style it so it would set nicely.

Happy with her choice of clothing for the day, Ash opened up the room door and wandered over to Marc's room. The door was shut so she figured he must still be on the phone. She knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. Her phone buzzed on the bedside table of the guest room and she jumped with a start and lightly jogged towards the room before picking her phone up and noticing a picture message. Unlocking her phone and pressing the message button, Ashley's eyes widened as she saw the photograph on her screen.

Her breathing became shallow and she dropped down to the floor, her legs splayed out at either side of her as she stared at the image and the message beneath it.

Stars should set examples.
But this star is misbehaving.
Remember, stars are falling all around you.
Shall I do something to help keep you up?

Location: The Plaza Hotel: Her Room

Jasmin bit her lower lip as Lawson walked out topless. Why did they agree not to drink and make mistakes last night? Oh right, he had just had his heart broken. Duh. "That sounds doable. I can drive and you can follow in your car?" Jasmin finished up with applying her mascara and raised her right brow as she considered Lawson's offer to go to the picnic with her. "Would you be comfortable there? I can always go by myself..." She knew that Lawson seeing Ada and Kai there, together, would hurt to no end right now. She watched as he walked over to the TV and turned it on.

Jasmin's face fell and her mouth gaped open as she listened to the short amount of the conference before Lawson turned the screen back off. Her face looked up to Lawson and she gave a silent nod. "I appreciate that. Thank you. Shall we discuss charges for security work?" She gave a small, weak smile and clutched her bag tightly to her body. She had no idea that things were this bad. She thought it had just been Jessica and now... She rubbed her temples and wracked her brain. She'd have to look into this when she had a moment. She looked to Lawson and considered her words but chose not to say anything else regarding the murders just yet.

At Lawson's bringing up of casual discussion, Jas couldn't help but laugh a little. "It's still running smoothly last I heard, haven't been there in a long time but was considering going at some point. Why not now? Do you mind driving, I've got some things I'd like to research in the car on the way if that's alright with you?" She moved forward and hooked her arm through his and smiled.

Location: Great Wolf Lodge: His Room

"Hey man, we're fine. Nothing bad happened last night, we just saw the news and wanted to check on you. We're gonna call Ash once we're done talking with you. Glad to know everything is fine. Okay, so you're going to talk with Tim so that means you know what's happened and it isn't all a joke. Alright, well I'm glad you're safe man. Keep me updated, don't want you wandering around by yourself during all this okay? Alright, talk soon. Keep us posted!"

Kai hung up the phone and kissed Ada lightly on the top of her head. "Alright, one down, so many more to go. We should call Ash then I think, for sanity sake, we get you a new phone before we head out to get the picnic sorted. Although it feels weird going on as normal while someone is running round killing our former classmates..." He sighed as he squeezed her lightly in his arms and then hit the call button for Ashley. It rang a few times before she picked up.

"H-hello..?" Her voice was shaky and she sounded like she was holding back tears.

"Ashley, are you crying? What's happened? Where are you? What's going on?!" His voice was laced with panic and he looked down to Ada with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"I'm f-fine, just stubbed my toe and it's..." She winced slightly before continuing. "It's just really sore. Made my eyes water so hard I couldn't see then hit my knee as well. I'm okay!"

She was starting to sound a bit more like herself but Kai wasn't certain. He frowned and thinned his lips as he spoke. "Alright, if you're sure. Where are you?"

"I'm in my room at the hotel. Everything is fine. I'll see you guys at the picnic, talk later."

She hung up the phone and Kai blinked and looked to Ada with worry etched all over his face. "We need to go get Ash. She's at her hotel and she doesn't sound too good despite saying she's fine. C'mon, we better get dressed and moving. We'll pick you up a new cell once we pick up Ash." He gave Ada a gentle kiss on the lips and then rested his forehead lightly against hers before standing upright and gently guiding Ada up onto her feet with his hand in hers. He squeezed it lightly and then raised it up to kiss the back of her hand. His eyes watched hers as he looked over her wrist at her beautiful face. "Come on, let's go."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel, the way to the picnic.

Riley looked towards Tuesday as she watched her sister climbing into the back seat of her car, she was hoping that Tuesday would sit next to her but she couldn't force where her sister wanted to sit and she knew that Cynthia would probably like sitting shotgun. She saw Cynthia's hair and smiled at her. "Looks like Tuesday did a great job with your hair Cyn." Riley said once Cynthia was inside her car she started to pull out of the parking lot. Even though there were so many murders that were going on since she had returned home to Grim, she wanted to meet more of her classmates the ones that she didn't get to meet yesterday. "I'm sure you are excited to see Ada soon right?" Riley asked looking towards Cynthia, she knew that the two of them were pretty close since Cynthia was locked up.

Riley then looked over towards Tuesday sitting in the back of her car, she still wanted to have that talk with her, since the two didn't really have any alone time with one another since they were bunking with Cynthia not that she minded it. "So sis, what else have you been doing?" Riley hadn't had much time to catch up with Tuesday since her work has kept her from trying to keep in touch with her, and Tuesday was the only family that she kept in touch with despite what happened in high school. Riley didn't even try and keep in touch with any of their parents since high school.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Why did you have to push it Simone? You knew better, or didn't you? What, just because I am someone who is smaller and more quiet? You thought you could mouth off and treat me like shit. As if I was just like everyone else? Someone who would take it? Now, you see, that is what you get. Now you know better than to trifle with me." Chris pushed her dead body with the edge of the bat and tilted his head to the side as he looked at her lifeless eyes. There was something amazing about how the light and fire that had been in them moments ago just was gone now. There wasn't even the trails of residual smoke that came with fire when it was doused. There was just nothing.

Looking around the back of the gyms storage room he stopped, the light on his camcorder flashing red, and smiled to himself. Stepping over to one of the old volleyball nets he pulled it out and started to drag Simone's body into it. Wrapping it up before he hauled it away. Doing what he needed before slipping out the back and rushing to put something's in place. He had an idea now and it would be magnificent. What would unfold would put him on the map, he would be the next great director; telling a story and weaving a tale of woe so heart wrenching he was going to be assured an Oscar at one point. It would be the start of a glorious career in the spot light, surrounded by stars. Not these measly stars in this little town but real stars. People of power and influence and he would be directing them. It would all be.... Perfect.

Looking down at the invitation to the high school reunion, his hands began to shake before his fingers curled around the intricately designed piece of paper. It was obviously Adelaide's work, she was always known for being the organized one in the school, always heading up this committee or that one. Everyone loved Adelaide. The paper crumpled in his fingers and landed with a hollow sound into the empty waste basket by his desk. Reaching up he ran his hands through his hair and spun around in his chair at the local news station.

His plan had not worked out he anticipated. A moment of rage and anger had turned into what he thought he could turn into his break out debut as a director, everything fell apart. He was told his work was mundane and trite. It nearly crushed him and he never left Grimm. Stuck there all these years, working with the news paper and the news station, behind the scenes. No one knew who he was.T The only stars he was surrounded by were the stars he had known in High School and there were only a few of those living in town these days, most had left. On to bigger and better things. Things he had never known. They were living their life in the limelight, surrounded by people of power and influence. Where he should be.

The thought of that night had barely crossed his mind over the last decade; he pushed it away. So disappointed in those that could not see his genius. He didn't want to think about it, he wanted to forget it. Yet, now the reunion was coming and it was back in front of him. And Cynthia was being released. What a perfect opportunity he thought to himself as a smile crept across his lips. Sitting up straight in his desk he gathered his things and shoved a few choice items into his bag before he left the studio. He had work to do and not much time to do it. They would remember him this time, this time he would leave his mark.

Marc Tinder

Location: Parents House

Marc hung up the phone and finished getting ready for the day, opting for something a bit more casual. A graphic t-shirt and jeans would work today with a nice pair of loafers. Granted they wore like sneakers which was fine for him. Grabbing a sports coat to put on over it once they were outside he slipped his phone into his back pocket and strolled out of his room. He was ready to go, hopefully Ashley would be as well. He knew he needed to get down to the police station and work on the case but he wasn't leaving her alone. Nothing could get him away from her until he knew she was safe from any harm.

Knocking on the door lightly before pushing it opened his eyes widened a bit as he saw Ashley. Moving quickly over to her he reached out and pushed her hair back gently. His eyes flashing with worry as he looked at her. "Ashley, baby, what's wrong?" he asked with concern on his voice as rested his hand on his shoulder. Taking his jacket he wrapped it around her shoulders and helped her to her feet.

"Talk to me sweetie, tell me what happened," he said rubbing her arms lightly as he stood in front of her. His head tilted to the side as he leaned down so he could be eye to eye with her. Something had thrown her off and he doubted it was a simple call from her agent or boyfriend. Boyfriend... What type of man that knew a murder happened was not here next to her already? The first murder had been all over the news for over a day now. There was no excuse in his mind that the man shouldn't have been in Grimm by her side last night. She was to be protected.

Dj Lawson

Location: His truck

Lawson chuckled a bit as he grabbed his things and finished getting ready. "I will be fine, I'm a big boy. And I will ride with you if you wish to drive. I would rather us stay together as much as possible until we are sure you are safe. As far as charges go, you can pay for the coffee," he said with a smile as she hooked her arm through his.

"Well then I am you man Miss Daisy," he chuckled, he didn't mind driving her around town for the day. He found her presence relaxing and refreshing. Leading her out the door he walked over to his truck once they were out of the hotel and opened the door for her. Extending his hand and helping her up into the vehicle before shutting the door and moving over to the drivers side.

Hoping in he shut his door and started up the truck. Pausing for a moment he reached behind the seat and pulled out a black duffle bag, setting it in his lap he unzipped it. It was full of various guns and ammunition. Pulling out a glock he shoved a full clip into place and set the safety. Shoving it into the back of his jeans he put the duffle bag up and looked over to her. "Better safe than sorry," he said in true Marine fashion before pulling out of the parking lot and driving down to the coffee shop.

Adelaide Grimaldi

Location: Kai's Truck

Adelaide leaned back against Kai as he spoke to Marc and then called Ashley. Her brow perking up slightly as she listened in on the conversation. It wasn't hard to hear, she was snuggled up against Kai after all as he spoke. As he hung up she nodded slightly. Her lips pulsing against his and standing with him. Even with everything going on he was calm and laid back as always. In a way she envied his ability to stay so calm even when the world was turning upside down.

"Yeah, let's get this over with. At least I know I'm safe as long as you are next to me. Thank you Makana," she said softly as she reached up with her free hand and brushed her fingers through his hair. Taking a deep breath she reached down and laced her fingers with his. Letting him lead her out of the hotel and over to his truck. She stayed near him, glancing around the place a little before climbing in and waiting for him to join her.

"Okay, Ashley first. I can pick up a phone and something to change after we know she is okay and with us," Ada said as she sat next to Kai and leaned against him. Ashley could have the window seat, she wasn't about to be ore than a hairs breath away from Kai now.

Cynthia McMillan

Location: Riley's Car

Cynthia stopped and let Tuesday deal with her hair, standing there and let the girl get the brush out and fix everything into place for her. As she mentioned Chris she froze a bit and nodded slowly. She actually didn't say anything but it was clear just the mention of his name made her change her actions for a moment.

Then her hair was done and she actually got a chance to look in the mirror. She squealed in delight and gave Tuesday a big hug. Mumbling thank yous from all the voices in her head before darting out the door with them. She giggled as she saw Kai and Adelaide walking over his room. Ada leaning against Kai as she crawled into the cab of his truck. Even with all the worry, Ada had a glow about her. "I think they got biz.....ie!" she laughed as she did a little dance before climbing into the car and bouncing around. She had flipped form worried to giddy just like that but unfortunately for her that was common these days. Anything could trigger her for any reason. Some of those triggers were bad, some were good.

"Forward ho!" she exclaimed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Car

Having made a mental note about Cynthia's reaction to Chris' name, Tuesday couldn't help but wonder if she should talk to Marc about it. On one hand, Cynthia was entirely bonkers, that much was certain. On the other hand, her crazy reminded her of riddles -- little hints -- maybe the blonde actually knew what happened. It was foreshadowing in a book, almost, and the literary nerd in Tuesday was screaming at her to contact the FBI agent.

But the criminal, the druggie, wanted to say as far away from Marc as possible. She didn't intend to go back to prison, and the more she hanged around law enforcement she figured, the greater that possibility became. Her phone buzzed again, and Tuesday declined the call once more. But as luck would have it, fate decided Tuesday would be forced to talk about her recent life choices anyways. "I've been job hunting...It's harder than catching measles at Disneyland," Tuesday joked, hinting towards the Anti-Vaccine movement that had gotten a large following in California. "No one really wants to hire an ex-con, you know?"

She let out a sigh of relief, hearing Cynthia's latest round of giggling. She really didn't want to talk to Riley about how she had gotten high, and where the drugs in her apartment came from, and where she would occasionally sneak them into. "Maybe they'll make a baby Ada or a baby Kai," Tuesday giggled. "What do you think they'd call it? Kadelaide maybe?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel, the way to the picnic.

"I'd imagine Kai and Ada would have probably gotten it on last night since I guess they are officially back together now. And I think they would have like five little Kai and Ada demons spawns running around in the next five years." Riley said with a light laugh as she then turned her attention back towards Tuesday she felt bad for her sister. "I couldn't imagine myself working at something like Disneyland or anything like that, and deal with little kids constantly."

"You know I could hire you, and we could travel the world together and what not." Riley offered to her sister, she could never imagine herself being put into prison she may have gotten speeding tickets in the past but she was never put in the back of a cop car. "That's if you want to, its really up to you though Tuesday." Riley said with a soft smile. As she continued to drive towards the picnic Riley looked back towards the road and thought about visiting their parents since they were in town or at least by herself. Maybe after this whole thing blows over she would visit them she hadn't talked with them since she was kicked out of her house.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: Riley's Car --> The Sidewalk

Cynthia was as giddy as a child on Christmas morning now as they drove through the town and towards the park in the center of the small hamlet for the picnic. She wanted to get there a bit early, less people and more time for her to settle in before things got a little too stimulating for her. She wanted to speak with Adelaide, Adelaide helped keep the voices in check and she felt more normal when she was around her. The meds were helping but they never worked long and she knew with everything that was going on she would need all the help she could get. She just hoped that Adelaide showed up before it got all too overwhelming for her.

Tuesday and Riley were helping a lot, they had given her an evening and morning that was more normal and controlled than most that she could remember over the last ten years but she was still settling in with them. She didn't know them as well as she knew Adelaide. It was a comfortability factor. Adelaide had seen Cynthia at her worst and still stuck it out by her side. Others had only seen small glimpses of just how insane the poor woman really was these days because of what had been done to her in that so called hospital.

Looking out the window Cynthia suddenly started pounding on the glass of the passenger side window. "No! No! Don't! We have to say! No! Don't move! I have to! Why! It's got to stop!!" she screamed out before pulling on the handle and popping the door open. Cynthia rolled out of the car and onto the curb; coming to a stop on the sidewalk before she got up and darted over to the window, her fists banging on the glass as she screamed out. "NO!!!!!!!" Through the glass window of the sporting goods store was Trent Lanier put up as a front window display, blood dripping through the netting he was strung up with and into a puddle on the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Car ---> Chasing Cynthia

"They just make messes all of the time," Tuesday agreed, glancing out the window as the car headed towards the picnic. It almost surprised her, how little Grimm had changed. In her head, it would've evolved into something more than it was, but it hardly looked different than the day she left. The same shops were in business, and the new ones hardly looked any different than the old ones. People walked up and down the street, all of them wearing their Small Town attitudes on their sleeves.

She blushed slightly at Riley's offer. She swallowed thickly, already knowing that she couldn't take it. She'd rather fall than have to lean on her sister for support. "I'll be fine, Rye," Tuesday responded, her eyes flickering down to her phone. She did know of a few ways that she could increase her income, but it would be risking her freedom as well. Assuming she survived the deadly reunion.

"Cyn, what's the matter?" Tuesday asked, jolting a bit when the blonde began pounding against the window. Her eyes widened, her hands shaking slightly as she witnessed what, to her, was the start of an episode. As soon as Cynthia fled the car, Tuesday glanced up at Riley, and unbuckled herself. She followed Cynthia out as well, her knees aching from the impact. She'd definitely need to practice at that for next time. "Cynthia, sweetie, talk to....."

She stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth open with horror at the body. "That's....That's that jock kid...." Tuesday's mind raced, attempting to place a name to the body, only to remain entirely befuddled. Pulling on her own hair, Tuesday tried her best to stay calm, staring at the blood in front of her. She eyed Cynthia, and it snapped her out of it. "Cynthia, sweetheart, I've got this," Tuesday promised, walking over to the girl and attempting to pry her fists away from the windows. "No one's going to fuck with you while I'm around. This asshole'll be caught by the end of the day, I bet, and put in jail. They're going to hate jail, the fucktard, but they deserve it. Okay? It's all going to be fine."
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