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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car, then outside.

Riley looked out the window occasionally as she drove through the center of town, she wasn't surprised that it hadn't changed in the last ten years since she had left for LA. She looked back towards Tuesday and frowned slightly, though she could understand her sister didn't want to rely on her constantly. "Well you know if you ever want to the offer is always there for you if you ever need it." Riley said softly as she looked over towards Cynthia as she started to have a mental freak-out, and started banging on the window. "Cynthia what the hell is wrong?" Riley asked sounding worried and concerned she wasn't sure if the girl would do something reckless like crashing her car. Then suddenly Cynthia opened the front passenger side door leaped out of her car, quickly Riley stopped the car causing the tires to make a screeching sound.

Riley quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of her car, and ran over towards her sister and Cynthia. "What is goin--" Riley was about to ask what was going on, that's when she saw in the window of the sporting goods store was Trent Lanier. He was displayed out like Simone was but out on the display window of the store. Riley started shaking slightly as she gently moved over towards Tuesday and Cynthia. "Go inside my car, i'll call, make sure Cynthia doesn't look at the body or try and go inside." Riley said looking at Cynthia. "It's going to be okay, we will find out who is doing this." Riley said quietly trying to hide the fact that she was scared as well.

Riley took out her phone and called 911 to inform the local police about the murder, Riley stood outside of the store and made sure that she wasn't going to tamper with any of the evidence. Then Riley shifted through her contacts again, until she found Marc's number and then pressed the call button to let him know of the latest murder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: In Front Of The Sporting Goods Store Near Town Square

"Trent, god no! Trent!!!" Cynthia screamed before she sank to her knees and went silent, a few tears streaming down her features, over her cheeks and clinging to her chin before they dropped off. Trent and Cynthia had been a rather hot ticket in high school, attending prom together. He was the one person that she didn't constantly run through the ringer. Of course they had broken up after she was arrested. He didn't think that she was guilty but he was young and took what the press might think of him over what he felt and stayed away from Cynthia. They had only spoken once since.

And that was two days ago. He had stopped by her place to talk to her, apologize for not being there for her all these years. Yet he had stopped by later in the day and had found her there rocking back and forth speaking to herself. It scared him to see how fall she had fallen. He wished there had been something he could have done but he didn't know what he could do. Adelaide had shown up shortly before he left. She had tried to get him to stay but he couldn't, or he wouldn't. Either way he had left.

Riley's phone rang a few times before the police department had answered and put her through to Tim. Tim let out a slew of curses before he finally calmed down enough to actually talk to her. He took down the information, told them to get into her car and lock it up tight but to stay put and keep an eye out on things. If anything else happened they were to drive off and head right for the department instead of the picnic, which was where he figured they were going since everyone was going there. Hanging up Tim got his things and a few others before running out the door to the latest crime scene. Marc's phone on the other hand didn't answer and went straight to voice mail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Tinder Family Home: Guest Room

Her eyes stared transfixed at her screen and then it began to ring. It was Kai. She took the call and got him off the phone as quickly as she could. She could barely even breathe evenly nevermind hold a damn conversation. In the moment, she had lied to him and Ada. She felt awful but she didn't want those two talking about her staying at Marc's last night. She didn't need that on top of everything else. She gripped her phone tightly and just remained in her position on the floor. Her limbs felt like jello, shaking and wobbling each time she tried to move them.

She vaguely heard her the room door being knocked but didn't respond. Not long after, it pushed open and then she heard Marc's voice. Of course it was Marc, she was in his parent's house. Wasn't really all that surprising but something about it being Marc that was there in this moment made her flinch in surprise. She watched his eyes, the worry clear as day within them, as he tried to find out what was wrong with her. She felt hollow if truth be told, her mind was a million miles away and her gut was plummeting through the centre of the Earth right now. She couldn't stop shaking.

Licking her dried out lips, Ashley glanced away from Marc as he stroked her hair and then wrapped her in his jacket, helping her get up onto her feet. She flicked her phone on, unlocked it and opened the message before showing it to Marc.

"Someone is trying to mess with me, probably someone thinking it's a good idea to pull a prank. I'll be honest, it scared the hell out of me but I'm okay now. I-I'll be okay." Her voice cracked a couple of times and she wrapped her arms around herself and hugged her chest. Her fingers curled around her arms and she squeezed them, just to prove to herself she was still here and not dreaming.

Location: Lawson's Truck >> On the road

Well no one could say that he wasn't a gentleman, that was for sure. Jasmin smiled and thanked him for his kindness as she climbed into his truck and bid farewell to her Lexus as Lawson climbed into the driver's side. She glanced over and was about to ask him something but the question completely let her mind and she raised a questioning eyebrow at the weapon that he pulled from practically no where. "I do hope you don't plan on actually using that thing? Shit really is serious... It's just... Wow, I never thought my ten year reunion would turn into a media circus." She ran her fingers through her ponytail and draped it across her left shoulder.

She buckled herself in and then played with the ends of her hair, her fingers deftly making small braids as she sat in the car and Lawson drove. She glanced towards him now and again and smiled in an awkward yet comfortable fashion. She put the radio on fairly quickly and let the local radio station play. It kept broadcasting mentions of the deaths that had happened and then mentioned the picnic today. As quickly as she had turned it on, it was off again. "Sorry, thought there might be some music on the station but I forgot how news hungry the media is around smaller towns." She sighed and pulled her cell out, looking through her Facebook feed and finding more than a few status updates from people here at the reunion talking about how they think the killer is after them and that they're in so much danger and all the usual bullshit that comes with these kinds of events.

"I swear people become so self absorbed when it comes to these kinds of situations. At least half of the people I have on Facebook from high school are talking about how they're next and that it's all their fault that people are dying. Fucking idiots, no wonder I didn't keep in touch." She locked her phone and threw it into her handbag. She glanced over to Lawson with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry, I get more than a little touchy sometimes."

Glancing towards the road, Jasmin realised that they were practically at their destination. She had forgotten how small Grimm really was.

Location: Kai's Truck >> Ash's Hotel

"Yeah, of course Anela. Let's go get our girl then get you sorted for the day." He started the truck up and got it moving. Once he was comfortably driving, he wrapped his less needed arm around Ada and glanced down to her and smiled. "So what kind of phone am I treating you to? Something flashy and overpriced or a heap of junk that looks like a brick but refuses to break? I'm thinking we need the latter since your previous phone was destroyed so very easily by the ground..."

He ran his fingers through her hair and then gently down the side of her neck before resting his hand on her shoulder. "I'm really worried about Ash. She sounded off on the phone, right? I mean, that wasn't just me... You heard it too right?" He was glad that Ada hadn't continued storming off on him that morning, it was so nostalgic having her with him again. It honestly felt like they'd never been apart. Except that they had. There was so much hurt in their lives all because of him and his decision. His grip tightened on the wheel and his knuckles turned white. He held onto Ada tighter and rested his cheek on top of her head, breathing her in and keeping her close.

Everything was so fucked up before and now... Kai had no idea what was going to happen but he knew one thing. He'd protect Ada with his life. He owed her that much and so much more.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Outside the Sporting Goods Store

Tuesday nodded, putting a firm grip on Cynthia. She let the girl cry a bit, figuring that her sobbing on her knees wouldn't be too harmful. It wasn't as if the police would claim Cynthia's tears contaminated the crime scene...right? She grimaced slightly, recalling the so called pieces of evidence from before. Pulling Cynthia to her feet, Tuesday wrapped an arm around her. "You know, I think Ada is going to love your hair," Tuesday said, rather than her more natural Oh, shit. What the fucking hell?!

She gently pulled Cynthia away from the sidewalk, not even thinking about the cars in the road. Helping Cynthia back into the car, Tuesday sat down next to her, staring at the sobbing and broken blonde. The Cynthia she knew in high school was gone, dead, and replaced with an empathetic psychotic. Of course, she would've been hypocritical to be surprised at the change. "Cynthia, you can tell me anything, okay?" Tuesday promised. But glancing around, she figured that perhaps talking about something else would be better. She stretched her mind, thinking for something that'd distract the girl...

"Wanna hear about the time I was arrested?" Tuesday joked, reflecting back on that day. The rain had been pouring, a bit uncharacteristic for the climate she was in. She and a friend had attended the same party, celebrating Tuesday's graduation from Stanford. Her search for a paid internship had been relatively unsuccessful, and she hadn't heard back about any Med School applications, but it didn't matter. It was time for the pair of them to party. They'd gotten high, of course, off of heroin this time. And as all good things had to end, so did their highs. The car they stole had crashed and burned, just like her future had. She smiled sadly, reflecting back on it.

"I could also tell you about the time someone swapped out La Rosa's shampoo with bleach and the bitch didn't notice," Tuesday offered, cracking a bit of a smile. "Man, she was a cunt..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car, then outside.

Riley looked back towards Tuesday and Cynthia as her sister helped Cynthia back into her car, Riley stood there as she waited for her call to be transferred to the Grim PD. She held her phone slightly away from her ear as she started to hear Tim cursing multiple times over the phone, when he finally calmed down Riley bit her lower lip for a moment and nodded. "Got it, we will stay put unless something happens i'll call you if some shit happens at the scene." Riley said as she heard Tim hanging up, she turned around and started to make her way back towards her car and got back inside. Riley closed the door and locked the car doors, she looked back over towards Tuesday and Cynthia watching her sister trying to comfort the broken woman.

Riley sighed slightly as she leaned back into the driver's seat and ran a hand through her hair. "Tim says to stay put, if something happens before the cops arrive we head straight to the station." Riley listened to her sister tell Cynthia how she got herself arrested, though she had heard the story a dozen times before and even asked about it a few times by reporters. Riley took out her phone as she thought about texting everyone else about what happened to, after thinking about it everyone else had a right to know those that still had her number that is.

"Just found Trent Lanier murdered just thought you needed to know."

Riley would hit send, she looked back towards Cynthia as she reached over and gently rested a hand on Cynthia's leg and gave it a gentle pat. Riley knew that Trent and her dated back in high school at least from what she remembered, she wanted to be there for her now that Cynthia had been through so much. "They will find out who is doing this." Riley would say softly and gave Cynthia a gentle smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Marc Tinder

Location: Parents House

Marc took the phone from Ashley and looked at it, his eyes narrowing as he let out an angered breath from behind his clenched teeth. "Fuck this shit," he spat. Marc rarely ever cursed, much less showed that amount of anger but right then he looked more like Kai when he lost his temper than Marc. His jaw tense, his face reddening slightly, his veins showing as he placed a called from Ashley's phone without asking.

"Yes, this is Special Agent Tinder, ID number 1FK63V29SWL. I need a trace placed on this phone for the last incoming text message and I want this phone tracked for all incoming and out going calls. Yes, GPS is being activated. Send all information to my cell once acquired. Thank you," he said before hanging up the phone and handing it back over to Ashley.

Sighing he wrapped his arms around her, resting his hand against the back of her head and pulling her close. "Joke or no joke, nothing is going to happen to you alright? I've got you Ash, you're safe. I promise," he said kissing the top of her head before reaching over and grabbing her bag. Keeping an arm around her he turned and motioned for the door.

"Come on, we are going to see Tim."

Lawson & Cynthia

Location: Sporting Goods Store

"Plan on it? No ma'am. Willing to if needed, you bet your beautiful smile I am," he said as he glanced around and drove down the road. He winched a bit with the news on but was glad she had shut it off. It was the last thing they needed to hear right then. Looking over to her he reached out and cupped the back of her head gently as he drove.

"People like to gossip, just ignore it. Isn't worth your time," he said before he looked away and saw Cynthia on the side of the road with a couple of others he really didn't know. Cynthia looked shaken up as she was being helped into a car. Pulling the truck up behind Riley's car he put it in park and looked over to Jasmine. "Stay in the truck and lock it," he said as he climbed out, shutting the door behind him. He rested his hand on the door before slowly stepping over to the group of three women.

"Cynthia? You okay?" he asked cautiously as he held his hand out to her. Cynthia didn't say anything at first, merely pointing towards the glass. Lawson looked over slowly and then cursed under his breath. "Ladies, if you would, please lock your vehicle," he said in a kind but very stern voice as he pulled out his gun and cocked it.

Stepping over to the window he peaked inside, only to see someone or something through the glass moving, stumbling over a row of clothing before darting out of the room. He could see the light of the sun shining through a door that opened in the back. "Shit, stay here," he said as he rushed down the alleyway and out of sight.

"Not good, not good, not good," Cynthia said as she wrapped her arms around herself and started rocking back and forth in her seat.

Adelaide Grimaldi

Location: Ashley's Hotel

Adelaide leaned against Kai as he drove, keeping her head tucked beneath his chin. "I don't care," she said quietly as she bit on her bottom lip and fiddled with the hem of her shirt. Ashley's voice had bothered her and when Kai mentioned it she nodded slightly. "Can't blame her, with all these killings even though I know I am safe with you I am nervous," she admitted before curling up closer to him as they made their way towards the hotel that Ashley was supposed to be staying at.

Once they were there, Ada waited for Kai and then took his hand, walking into the front lobby and up to the reception desk. "George, I need the room number for Ash," Ada requested.

The clerk looked over to her, he hadn't been a member of the same class as Ada and Kai, having been a freshman the year that they were seniors but his family lived next store to Ada's and they owned the hotel; so she grew up knowing him. "It's 1302 but she isn't here."

"What?" Ada asked her grip tightened on Kai.

"Maids just turned in their morning cleaning reports. Her bed didn't need making, it almost looked like she hadn't been there at all, much less stayed the night," he explained. Ada's head whipped around as she looked up worried towards Kai.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Car (Outside the Sporting Goods Store)

Tuesday raised an eyebrow. Whoever was behind all of the crimes, she figured they weren't a common criminal. To attack in broad day light, with dozens of witnesses, would be insane. An intelligent criminal -- a sadistic serial killer -- wouldn't be so stupid as to do that. "No one's got the balls to come and kill us in the car," Tuesday observed. She saw Riley send a text, but she figured it was better not to question it. Most of her current friends got calls and messages they didn't want anyone to know about. She'd give Riley her privacy.

At the sight of the hulking blonde man, Tuesday couldn't help but feel skeptical. She'd never seen the man before, and he didn't seem to be a cop. The sight of his gun, though, caused her eyes to go wide. She ran a hand through her hair, letting out a breath. "Fucking hell..." she murmured, watching as the man ran towards the Sporting Goods store.

Aware of Cynthia's rocking and muttering, Tuesday was running out of ideas to calm her down. She couldn't exactly tell Cynthia to just calm down and smoke a joint, the remedy that usually worked among her friends. This was far too serious for that, and she knew that Cynthia probably feared going back to Shady Pines. "Marc and Tim'll catch the perv," Tuesday promised, smiling thinly. There'd be cameras in the store, someone would have caught a glimpse of whoever propped Trent up like a fucking trophy.

"There'll be security footage on whoever did this," Tuesday explained. "And the blonde guy with the gun looks like he's probably spotted the perp."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car.

Riley set her phone back into her pocket after she had sent out the text to everyone, she leaned back in her seat letting out a soft sigh she still didn't know why this person was killing everyone, or why they all deserved this. Then Riley jumped when she heard a knock on the window and turned her head and saw that it was just Lawson Ada's now ex husband and let out a soft sigh. "You scared the fucking shit out of me Lawson." Riley said, as she eyed the gun in his hand, she nodded and did as he was told as she rolled up all the windows and made sure that the doors were all locked.

She wasn't sure how long Tent's body was laid out like that, but it was fairly recent since the bodies were found earlier in the morning during Tim's news conference. Riley rolled down her window quickly as just as Lawson turned down the alleyway. "Be careful out there!" Riley yelled out at him, she wasn't sure if he heard or not as she rolled the window back up. Riley looked towards Tuesday at the mention of security cameras, they would have most likely been cut or the body could have been found already. But she wasn't really sure about that, Riley's hands were shaking again she hadn't been close to a another dead body like that since Simone's murder all those years ago aside from the pictures she saw yesterday.

Riley wanted to go out and see if Lawson needed help, but she knew that the man was from the marines and he would most likely be able to handle himself. And she wanted to make sure she looked after her sister and Cynthia as well which was what she was going to do. "Trent will be avenged I assure you Cynthia." Riley said looking back at her and smiled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: In Front Of The Sporting Goods Store Near Town Square

Cynthia just kept rocking back and forth muttering to herself as she watched Lawson run down the alleyway towards or after whoever had been in the store. Mumbling about maybe he would catch the star, catch the star, catch the shooting star. Over and over again. Her eyes looking out the window and then over to Riley and Tuesday before darting back again. Her hand coming to her lip as she began to gnaw on her nail, trying to ease the voices in her head and the twitching feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Then there was the sound of a shot fired, causing Cynthia to nearly leap out of her skin. And another shot, her eyes widening as she screamed. "David!" she yelled as she tried to open the door and bolt but she couldn't. Her hands were far to shaky to get a hold of the handle and get it open. She was completely flipping out at his point, going mad from fear.

Finally the was able to get a grip on it and tumbled back out of the car. Another shot fired off and she spun around, looking back at Riley and Tuesday before hazarding a glance towards Jasmine in the truck and then tearing off down the Alleyway but she was stopped in her tracks as she face planted into a very bloodied Lawson stumbling back out of narrow space and catching her in his arms. "Whoa, no no no Cynthia, you can't go back there," he said weakly as he slunk to the ground. Cynthia stepped back to find herself covered in blood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Tinder Family Home: Guest Room

Ash was utterly perplexed at the cursing that came out of Marc's mouth, she had never really heard him be like this. Her heart quickened and she gulped as she watched him making a call from her cell. Tracking? She wasn't sure how comfortable she felt about that in general but in the greater scheme of things her worry quickly ebbed away as she realised he was just doing this to protect her. She chewed on her lower lip as she listened to his end of the conversation before she gingerly took her cell back from him.

Ashley felt her stomach flutter as he walked over and hugged her, pulling her in close to him and his hand resting on the back of her head made the hairs at the back of her neck stand on end... in a good way. She felt eighteen again and she wasn't sure what to think of that. Right now though, she decided it was best to just not think. She wrapped her arms around him in turn and tightened her grip on him as much as she could. Her non-cellphone holding hand clenched onto the back of his shirt and she practically refused to let go.

As he grabbed her bag and made for them to move out of the room, Ash found herself hesitating and her heart rate increased substantially as her mouth simultaneously ran dry and moistened as she dropped her phone to the ground and reached around to grab Marc's face as she slipped in front of him, stopping him from walking further. She stared into his eyes and felt like she was stuck in that moment for a long time. Really it had only been a second and she decided that this is what she wanted to do.

She slightly stepped up on her toes and then pressed her lips to his.

Location: Lawson's Truck

Jasmin was perfectly comfortable with Lawson's company. It was very nice all things considered and he was glad that she had been able to help him and he was able to help her in a time of need, even if the time of need was on a different level. Jasmin perked a brow as she saw Cynthia and Lawson pulled the truck up. Cynthia was going mental again, no surprise there really, especially after what Jas had seen Cynthia do to Atlas yesterday. Atlas... He was dead now wasn't he? It was probably a good thing that Lawson wasn't in the truck anymore because her lips curled into a small, albeit slightly sad, smile at the thought of Atlas being dead.

She locked the truck up as per Lawson's bidding and watched as he approached Riley and... someone who were trying to pull Cynthia away from the shop window. Jas glanced at the window when Cynthia pointed at it for Lawson and she felt her stomach drop. Another familiar face from high school was strung up like Simone had been. When was this madness going to end? She saw Lawson ready his gun and take off after god only knows what. Jasmin remained in the truck as she was told and wondered if Lawson was going to be okay. She was genuinely worried about him.

As Jasmin saw Cynthia firing out of the car and then the gun shot ringing out, she decided to follow suit. Unlocking the truck and jumping out, Jasmin followed Cynthia's steps but stopped as she saw Cynthia slam into a very bloodied up Lawson.

"Lawson! Oh god..." She made her way over to him and dropped down onto her knees as she knelt beside him and she glanced to Cynthia. Jasmin had left her bag with her cell in the truck. "Go get your friends and call 911! Please!" Jasmin looked Lawson over for any obvious wounds but with all the blood it was hard to see. "Lawson, are you okay? Please talk to me. Are you hurt? What happened?!"

Location: Ash's Hotel

"What do you mean she isn't here?!" Kai didn't mean to take his worried anger out on poor George but he had and he quickly reeled it back and held his hands up apologetically. "Sorry, this isn't your fault. I didn't mean to shout. Thank you for the information." Kai wrapped his arm around Ada's shoulder and guided her outside of the hotel. "Sorry Anela, you might be down a best friend by the time I get my hands on her... What was she thinking lying to us?! Where the hell is she?!!" Kai's phone buzzed with a text and he glanced at it quickly. "Fuck, I thought it was Ash. It's Riley. Shit... Trent is dead. Come on."

He led Ada back to his truck and he pulled his cell out and called Ash's cell. It rang and rang and rang, but there was no answer. Kai glanced to Ada with a deadpan stare and terror in his eyes. "No answer. I'm calling Marc." He quickly called Marc's cell and waited as it rang on. What in the hell was Ash even playing at? She knew what was going on, she knew how dangerous things were yet she had still li-- The awful, gut tearing, realisation dawned on Kai as he looked towards Ada. "What if she... What if they forced her to lie? What if..." His eyes started to well up and he grabbed Ada's hand with his non-occupied one and held on tightly. This couldn't be happening. There was no way this was happening, it was all a bad dream, it had to be. He'd wake up and be beside Ada in his hotel room and everything would be fine again.

He squeezed his eyes shut and listened to the phone ringing on.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Plane to Indianapolis-> The road -> Grimm

After an early morning full of child wrangling and continuous promises she was actually going to return home on Monday Roxanne was almost surprised she got on the plane at all. The thing was, now she had, it was quiet. Almost scaringly so, she hadn't had a quiet morning in a couple of years between her sons and her students. Intially the quiet was rather nice but it was starting to become boring, something Roxanne never expectexpected the daytime silence to become. Perhaps that was the just the lack of movement she could make on plane. Maybe, she supposed she wouldn't know and stretched in her seat, the hour and a half flight would be long, she could see it already.

The hustle and bustle of Indianapolis was almost calming, she was becoming way to accustomed to city life. As much Roxanne would have enjoyed a few hours in the city she met her husband in, hell her life changed in that city and not for the worst either. Unfortunately that wasn't the goal here and she made quick work in hiring a car before she was tempted. Flicking on the radio a song by Riley's band just happened to be playing. Roxanne couldn't help but cheerfully sing along. It was admirable that despite people's doubts Riley took her dreams and went through with them, to a successful result too. Riley was one of the only tiny handful of people she stayed in contact with after finishing high school, she would even hook Roxanne up with tixkets which was pretty cool. Regardless, being friends with a celebrity who seemed to always be in a cycle of writing-recording-touring meant less opportunity to catch up, in person at least.

Reaching Grimm Roxanne pulled up to the curb and grabbed her phone starting a message to Riley.
Guess who came back to Grimm after all? Where are you at the moment? It's been too long

From there she waited in the curb of the street, probably looking extremely suspicious to nearby houses, completely oblivious to the chaos the innocent reunion was to bring, well so far at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Marc Tinder

An Angel With A Shotgun
Location: Parents House

Closing his eyes, Marc just breathed her in as he held her close. He knew nothing would ever come of them again but it didn't keep him from wishing there could have been. He had missed her being his all these years but the time apart was needed. He was far too closed off for her, to be able to make her happy; to be able to protect her. Now, time had passed and he was ready. He knew he was strong enough now, that he could worth her time and her heart but she was someone else's now and he wouldn't step in between her and another. As long as she was happy, that was in the end all that mattered to him. He could feel her clinging to him and as much as he hadn't wanted to move, he knew they needed to. She wouldn't be safe until whoever was doing this was behind bars or dead.

Feeling her hesitate he looked down as she stepped in front him, about to ask her what was wrong. He hadn't the chance as she cupped his face in her fingers, he found himself freezing and that second felt like an eternity as he looked into her eyes. In that half a heart beat he both screamed internally all that he felt and for her to not to what his lips tingled that she would do. His skin prickling beneath her touch and his breath stopping as he felt her lips to his. She was sweeter than he had remembered as his fingers curled against her hip, drawing her closer. A soft pulse of his lips against her, nearly falling into the moment and loosing himself before he found his breath again and his senses.

Reaching up he pressed his hands over her own as his lips peeled away from hers. He couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as a smile broke onto his face for a moment, resting his head to hers. Running his tongue along his lips as he tasted her there still. Taking a slow breath as he tried to calm himself before he spoke. "Ashley, I am only going to say this once. I still love you, I always will. Everything I have done since High School is to become the man you deserve. Someone that can protect you and keep you safe, that can make you happy. I took too long and now you are someone else's. I wouldn't be worth your time if I stepped between you and him; no matter how desperately I want to. All I can do is protect you now, and I will," he said as he gazed into her eyes, his hands slowly pulling hers away from him. He didn't want to step back but he had to before he lost himself in the moment.

Pulling her hands up to his lips he kissed them softly before letting them go. "If you're ever free I will be by your side within a New York minute." Looking away as his phone rang, blinking a few times he got himself in check before pulling it out and answering it once he saw he had missed some thing's from earlier but that it was Kai currently calling. Placing the phone to his ear he looked at Ashley and reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. "Hey Kai, what's up?"

Adelaide Grimaldi

Location: Ashley's Hotel

Adelaide reached up and pushed her hair out of her face in worry as Kai wrapped his arm around her and lead her out of the hotel. Where was Ashley. She didn't know what to say and when Kai told her that Trent was dead as well she felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. She felt her body shaking as she leaned against him, resting her head against his chest while he called Marc. Looking up slowly as he took her hand and squeezed it she shook her head quickly.

"Don't even think that!" she said as her eyes welled up. He could be right but she refused to think about it. Ashley probably just wanted to be left alone, she probably was just held up somewhere else and didn't want people to question her. She just needed time to herself and didn't want to be where the paparazzi probably thought she was. For all she knew Ashley had decided to check into another hotel instead of this one just to be safe. Under a name and she had just meant she was at a hotel and forgot to tell Kai she switched hotels when he spoke with her.

"Maybe she changed hotels? For all we know she took a cab and was staying just down the hall from us last night," she said as she looked up at Kai, trying to convince herself just as much as she was trying to convince him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car -> alleyway near the store.

Riley looked over her shoulder seeing Cynthia rocking herself back and forth muttering to herself about catching the star over and over again, she reached out to try and comfort the mentally unstable girl in her car. That's when she heard the gunshots coming from down the alleyway that Lawson happened to ran down with his gun, then Cynthia started to shake and fumble with the door. "Cynthia wait!" Riley yelled out as Cynthia managed to get her car door opened and then made a blind dash down the very same alleyway that, then came the girl that Ada said was her cousin shortly going after Cynthia. Riley knew that she had to drive to the station in case something crazy happened, but someone had just been shot she needed to make sure that everyone was alright and didn't want to see anyone else hurt.

Riley opened the door as she took out her phone again as she followed behind Jasmin and stood there frozen, covering her hand over her mouth seeing Lawson had been shot. Riley looked towards Cynthia seeing that she had gotten herself covered in Lawson's blood and quickly moved over towards her. Riley looked over towards where her car was and hoped Tuesday would come out and help, she was shaking when Riley felt her phone vibrate. Jasmine was telling them to call 911, which she had already done though she was going to call an ambulance, she didn't want to see Lawson dead, Adelaide would probably be devastated if anything were to happen to him again. Even though they weren't together anymore. "People are on their way." Riley said trying to keep herself as calm as possible despite her shaking.

It was a text from Roxanne she hadn't seen her friend in awhile and it was great to hear from her again, but it was a bad time that she came when there were murders going on. Riley quickly decided to type a quick text, she was hoping that she wouldn't head over to where she was.

"Outside of the sports store, but don't come yet. Our classmates are being murdered."

Riley then quickly started to dial 911 again while trying to comfort the shaking girl, she couldn't help but keep herself from shaking this was like the sixth murder within twenty-four hours. These were people that she had known for a very long time back in high school, she just wanted to get this person whoever is doing this caught.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Car (Outside the Sporting Goods Store) ---> In Front of Said Store

Tuesday heard the shots, and she blinked slowly, her mind torn and conflicted. Cynthia had rushed towards the blonde man, and blood started to cover her. She bit her lip, tucking her hair behind her ear. Her many piercings and the diamond tattoo became apparent, and as she rolled up her sleeves, so did her bracelet tattoo. Anyone who had a surgeon that looked akin to Tuesday, in that moment, likely would've feared for their life. Her clothing juxtaposed itself with her body art, a comparison that amused her to no end at times. Whenever a reporter found out about Riley Ridgeway's druggie sister and decided to come calling, she'd tell them about how each tattoo represented a different gang, just to play with them.

But now wasn't the time for jokes. She took a deep breath, tempted to stay in the car, where it was safe. "Fuck this," Tuesday sighed, feeling the strings of her parents tugging at her, ages after she had been disowned. They were the ones that wanted her to be a doctor. Tuesday didn't even know what she wanted. Climbing out of the car, Tuesday made her way over to the blonde man, Riley, Cynthia, and the dark haired girl.

"I'm a physician," Tuesday stated, leaving off the well, I almost was in that sentence. One of the others had already alerted the authorities, but she had medical training from Stanford. Sure, some of it was a bit fuzzy, hidden underneath the layers of damage from repeated drug abuse. But anything wrong with the man, surely, she could aid in. Her eyes flickered over her patient, looking for the multiple gunshot wounds she expected.

"I can handle this," Tuesday said quietly, throwing a glance at Riley. "Tell the police to focus on catching the son of a bitch this tosser got into a brawl with, yeah?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cynthia & Lawson

Location: In Front Of The Sporting Goods Store Near Town Square

Cynthia looked down at her hands, trembling as she sunk to her feet just sitting there as Lawson looked around dazed as his gun fell from his hand and clanked against the ground. He was shot, his right shoulder and his left thigh. The shoulder had an exit wound but his thigh did not. There was blood but he was soaked in the stuff, a lot more than should have been there. Laying down on the ground he placed his bloodied arm against his forehead and took some long and deep breaths. He had been shot before and when Tuesday got to work she would see the extent of his scaring. How the man was alive was beyond anyone's guess between the burn marks, the lash marks, the bullet wounds. He looked like a walking advertisement of what not to do with one's life.

"Noutin' but a flesh wound ma'am," he said smiling over to Tuesday before taking another breath. Turning his head towards Jasmin he grinned even larger. "Don't ya be worryin' yer pretty little heads about that me. Fucker gots away though. I nailed him right in the chest but hes must have had a vests on because he got back up and ran. Knocked him again two more times but he kepts runnin'," he grumbled. "Should haves took my shotgun..."

911 answered the other side of the line and took the information down from Riley, keeping her on the line to give them updates on Lawsons condition in case they needed to help over the phone if they could with the basics but Lawson seemed to be holding up fine considering everything, he was half jovial as he reached out and squeezed Jasmins hand as he let Tuesday do her thing. It was obvious he was in pain but he wasn't complaining about it. Just complained over the fact he hadn't taken a bigger gun with him. Cynthia on the other hand was a nervous wreck and at this point was wandering aimlessly towards the alleyway as she mumbled to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car -> alleyway near the store.

"I will, police are on their way right now Tuesday." Riley said as she stood there with the 911 operator on the other end, giving the information that they needed, and how he was doing. Despite being shot Lawson seemed to be alright or he was just trying to keep Jasmin and Tuesday as calm as possible. Riley paced around slightly as she would occasionally look towards Cynthia she looked like a very nervous wreck, which she couldn't blame her for. Riley watched quietly as Tuesday went to work, she could see Lawson's blood staining his shirt and pant leg. When Riley looked up to see where Cynthia was she noticed the girl was muttering to herself and started wandering down the alleyway, she knelt down and handed Jasmin the phone. "Just stay on the line with them." Riley told her. Riley knelt down and gently gave Lawson a gentle squeeze on the shoulder that wasn't shot. "Help is on the way." She said with a soft smile.

Riley felt that Cynthia was her responsibility right now, she quickly started to run over towards Cynthia and reached out for the girl's arm. If she was back in high school Riley would have never tried to comfort Cynthia, but things have changed Cynthia was cleared years ago and the mentally unstable girl couldn't hurt a fly. "Cynthia, stay with us okay?" Riley said as she tried to turn Cynthia back around, she knew that Cynthia probably didn't want to see Lawson like that but she wasn't sure if the killer was even nearby or he or she had gotten away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Random curb -> Sports store

"Our classmates are being murdered."

Roxanne couldn't help but chuckle and the text and wonder what the hell her classmates were getting up to. And why they were at the Sporting Goods store of all places. Roxanne was never the sporty type but when you lived in such a small town it's hard to not know where practically everything was, no matter how useful the store ever was for you. Finally relieving herself of her momentary parking spot, much to the relief of the woman who had been watching Roxanne warily from the curtain of her house, she drove to the sports store, bracing for was seemed to be a piece of insanity.

Little did she know that text was deadly serious

She pulled up to the sports store next to Riley's car, well she assumed it to be. That was the car she had last time the pair met up? Maybe, it'd been too long to remember such trivial things to perfection. It seemed to scream Riley regardless, the door was left open though. Roxanne slid out of her own car, locking the doors behind her and inspected the vicinity of the parking lot. I t was practically empty, what the hell was going on here? That's when Roxanne heard the voices from the alleyway. Distant and soft yet ever present. She strolled toward it, preparing to greet Riley and some of her classmates she hadn't seen in ten years to come to the bloody site on the ground. "What the hell happened here?!' she yelped at the site of the man she didn't recognise, did he even go to the school? In saying that though, Roxanne was anything but a social butterfly in her high school years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: In Front of the Sporting Goods Store

Tuesday removed the clothing obstructing the bullet wound, only to see something akin to a masterpiece of scarring. It took her aback for a moment, seeing the living record of the hell this man had gone through. Some of the other inmates had similar scarring, but she'd never seen anything to this extent. If there ever would be a decent candidate for immortality, Tuesday figured this man would be it. She removed her sweater, intent on using it as a compress.

"Breathe easy, cowboy," Tuesday said. "Your life is in the hands of a convicted felon," she joked, before realizing that probably hadn't been the best thing to say. Stanford, evidently, hadn't offered courses on bedside manner. Tuesday motioned towards Riley, putting pressure on the shoulder wound with the sweater. "Hold this here."

Once Riley (or anyone) had done that, Tuesday went over to the thigh wound, tearing Lawson's pants off in order to get a good look at it. The bullet was still inside of the man, and Tuesday felt a bit of relief. Aside from the downsides of lead poisoning, bullets could provide a fairly decent plug, so to speak, on the blood. She took off her blouse, now clad in a tank top and jeans, and used it to put pressure on the thigh wound. If they could stop the bleeding, Lawson's chances would go up.

Holding pressure on the wound, Tuesday couldn't help but be impressed with the man's tolerance. Most would've fainted or passed out at this moment, either from shock or blood loss. He certainly was a bit of an enigma.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cynthia & Lawson

Location: In Front Of The Sporting Goods Store Near Town Square

Cynthia looks over towards Riley and nods slightly as she is lead back over to the group. "Stars, lights, camera, action. He did this. I know he did this. We can stop it. No we can't. Why not? You see what he did to Dj? Yeah I see it. That's why we can't. That's why we have to. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes." Cynthia is obviously rambling with herself, going back and forth like some demented version of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck... Duck Season, Rabbit Season, Duck Season, Rabbit Season, over and over again.

That is until Roxanne shows up and Cynthia slumps to the ground. At which point she starts singing...

"Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light
Those days are over you don't have to sell your body to the night
Roxanne you don't have to wear that dress tonight
Walk the streets for money you don't care if it's wrong or if it's right."

Yeah, she's lost it. Lawson looks at her confused and then back over to Tuesday and chuckles. "Well, long as you know what yer doin' I don'ts care if yas are," he chuckles. His speech is a bit slurred, it is obvious that the blood loss it starting to take its toll on him. The ambulance pulls up and the back door flings open as the paramedics rush the gurney over to him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kada & Mash

Location(s): Kada: Kai's Truck outside Ashley's Hotel - Mash: Tinder Family Home

Ashley had no idea what to say or do in that moment. She had no idea what had overcame her but she knew that she didn't regret it. She both did and did not expect the reaction from Marc that he just had but it didn't sting any less to know he couldn't let go of the control he held over himself. If he really felt the way he did, surely he would be feeling the same as she did? Like every last minute counted and they couldn't wait any longer? She stepped back from him as he stepped back from her and she was glad when he answered his ringing phone. His fingers tucking the hair behind her ear made her eyes begin to well and she didn't want him to see her cry because of him. She turned from him and left the room, heading towards the bathroom in silence. He couldn't follow her without interrupting his call and she needed a moment to herself. Marc sighed as he saw her leave and kicked at the ground, he didn't want her to go.

As Kai walked from the hotel with Ada by his side he felt sick. He heard Ada and on some level it did make sense but he wasn't sold. "I... Maybe. That's possible..." Ada's words definitely made sense but how could such an important detail slip her mind? Why wasn't Ash answering her phone now? Kai wrapped his free arm around Ada and guided her to his truck. Kai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Marc's voice again, especially after finding that Ash wasn't where she said she was. He opened up the passenger side door of his truck for Ada as he spoke down the phone to Marc.

"Hey man, Ada and I just went to Ash's hotel to pick her up and she isn't here. George says she hasn't been in all night. Did you guys buddy her up with someone or did she change hotels? We spoke to her earlier and she said she was in her hotel room and honestly we're worried god damn sick. Hold up, getting in the truck, going to put you on speaker." He jumped into the truck and switched his phone onto loudspeaker and set it up on the dash. He took Ada's hand and squeezed it. "Alright man, we're good." Adelaide crawled into the cab and leaned against Kai as he put the phone on speaker, her fingers lacing through Kai's worried.

Listening Marc kept an eye on her and stepped into the hallway, giving her a moment even though he wanted to just tell Kai to leave him alone right then. It wasn't that he was mad at Kai, he knew he was worried but right then his thoughts were on Ashley. He hadn't wanted to hold back the way he did, he just didn't want to cross a line. Hadn't the phone had rung, he probably would have. Taking a breath he looked around, he couldn't lie, it wasn't in him.

"Breath you two, Ashley is fine. She is with me, has been all night," he said as he leaned back against the wall and watched the bathroom door. "She just wanted some privacy I guess and I wasn't letting her out of my sight with everything going on."

Kai's eyes widened and he snorted with laughter involuntarily, his hands slapping up to cover his mouth as he realised that Ashley had lied because she was with Marc! Kai struggled to breath while holding in the laughter and his eyes watered from the effort. It took him a few moments of snickering before he controlled himself again. "Dude, I thought she was in trouble before but I had no idea just how much until now. Was there really no one else you could trust to keep an eye on her?" He glanced down to Ada, the massive grin lighting up his features as he still relished in the thought of boy scout Marc trying to get back with unavailable Ash. For a minute, he even forgot why everyone was being paired off and then the reality of the situation hit him again and his face was no longer bright.

Adelaide was no help what so ever as she burst out laughing and fell against Kai and then over into the rest of the seat of the truck, slapping her hand on the seat as she chortled and snorted with laughter. "Oh my fucking god! After the shit they pulled on us yesterday? They are not living this down! Ever!!!!" she said between the laughs and the guffaws. "No they definitely will not."

"Nothing happened last night!" Marc exclaimed into the phone as he placed his hand over his face, god he wished he could lie now. It would have been so much easier.

"Right, it all happened this morning?" Ada tossed back at him as she sat up and curled up against Kai still laughing her Italian ass off. Marc's face went three shades of red and he was very glad they couldn't see it right then. Yeah, nothing physical had happened but emotionally, something did.

Kai smirked as he heard Ada had the same thought but he placed a gentle hand on her thigh and gave it a light squeeze while letting out a light chuckle. "So did Ash split with her boyfriend and not tell us? What was his name... Alan? Albert? Alistair? Shit, Ada baby, you're closer to Ash than I am, what was the dudes name again? Explains why the hell he isn't here though."

"Bro! Nothing happened! She slept, you know, sleep?" Marc exclaimed into the phone as he drug his hand slowly down his face and groaned. He knew he wasn't going to hear the end of this. Ada just couldn't stop laughing over the entire thing despite everything else that was going on, this was just too good. They had been trying to get them back together forever and then ragged them with prank calls the night before. She didn't care if nothing happened, it was just precious to hear how frustrated Marc was getting right then.

"It's Alexander, well Ash calls him Al," she snorted through the laughter.

"That's probably why the Al bit stuck out in my head. Yeah, so since he isn't here considering everything that is going on, I'm assuming they've broken up then?" He glanced down to Ada and gave her a questioning look before running a hand through his hair.

"Listen bud, as much as I don't want to believe you... I do. She slept over, but not in the same bed. Got it." He took a deep breath and realised how relieved he was that she was indeed safe.

"No, same bed," Marc let slip as he corrected Kai without even thinking, which only caused Ada to double over choking on her own laughter as it roared back up again.

"Oh, I, uh... Okay. Are you sure nothing happened?" He looked at Ada with an incredulous look on his face and started to laugh again.

"NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED!!!" he screamed. Ada bolted up right and looked wide eyed at Kai.

Calming himself some, he managed to splutter out some semi-normal response. "I... oh god, I'm just - just glad we had the wrong end of the stick and that she's all good. Well, as good as you can get during all this shit." Kai knew there was an additional reason why he was calling Marc but couldn't put his finger on it.

"She's fine. We are about to head to the police station."

That was it! "Oh! Right! I don't know if you have Riley Ridgeway's phone number but she texted me about ten minutes ago saying that Trent Laitner is dead." He wrapped an arm around Ada and held her closer to him at the thought.

"God damnit!" he spat. Marc wasn't a cusser and now it was twice in one conversation, Ada looked dumbfounded. "Keep Ada safe, I have to go," he added before hanging up and kicking at the wall. Ada looked over Kai and sighed. Kai chewed on his tongue and let out a deep breath before firing up the truck and buckling himself in. Walking over to the bathroom door Marc banged on it a few times.

"Ash, baby, we have to go."

Ashley jumped at the banging on the door and looked up from her curled up position on the bathroom floor. She wiped her face with some tissues and got up onto her feet. Her eyes were red and puffy and her mascara had ran a bit. So much for waterproof... She swallowed the sticky dryness from her throat and licked her lips, tasting the salt from the tears that had been pouring onto them. "J-just a second." Her voice was quavering and she moved over to the sink and spotted the mess that she was in. She dabbed at the running make up and did her best to salvage her look but could do nothing for the red puffiness that was there now. It would die down on it's own but the one person she really didn't want to let see her like this was right outside the door.

Bracing herself and happy that she had done all that she could with her make up, Ashley took a deep breath and slowly opened the door, peeking out to see Marc's face. It was clear that something was wrong. "What is it? Is everything okay? Are Kai and Ada alright? Did something happen?"

"They're fine, you aren't from the look of things," he said as he pushed the door open more and stepped closer to her. "Ash, what's wrong?" he asked her concerned. She half stepped back and let go of the door.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Let's just go to the station." She brushed past him and walked back to the guest room where she picked up her phone from the floor and shoved it into her purse. She stood for a second and tucked her hair back behind her ears before brushing herself down and taking a deep breath. Marc loved her still but wasn't going to act because she was with Al. Shouldn't she be happy that he was so upstanding? Why was she so mad at him?

Stepping back into the hallway, Ashley walked by Marc and began to make her way to the stairs to head out. Marc stepped around her quickly, blocking her path and narrowed his eyes a bit at her. "Ashley Penelope Olson Cunningham, don't you dare lie to me," he said in a firm tone.

Her eyes narrowed and she puffed her chest out some before crossing her arms. "Don't you full name me, Tinder. I was upset, I cried. I got it out of my system and now I'm fine." She stepped closer and frowned as she did so. Her voice was firm but quiet. "Now move."

Marc moved but not in the way she wanted, he took a step forward and hovered over her as he rested his hands on her shoulders. "You're lying, you aren't fine. And you don't cry for no reason. So spit it out," he said, his voice was still firm but it was caring and understanding at the same time. "I'm not getting out of your way until you do."

"That is not what I meant by moving." She looked to the side, away from his face. She shrugged her shoulders as his hands reached out for them and she stepped back. "There's a serial killer on the loose, of course I'm not fine. I'm terrified about my friends, okay? Is that a good enough reason for my tears for you?" Her voice was laced with anger, not enough for her to explode, but enough for her to bite. She didn't want him to continue being nice to her, not now.

Marc took another step forward and continued to reach out to her, this time they took her hands gently. "Not like this. Not this type of anger and worry I see bubbling up in those eyes of yours. Who do you think you are trying to fool? Even if I wasn't a trained FBI agent, I know you. If I was blind I would know something was wrong beyond the murders," he said in a calm voice as he curled his fingers against hers.

"NO!" Her voice raised and she jerked her hands downwards, releasing them from his and pulling them away. She stepped back and her face was creased in the largest frown that she could muster in that moment. She pointed a finger at him, her elbow tucked close to her body. "You do not get to act like this, like you've done nothing wrong! If I don't want to talk then I don't have to god damn talk! Forgive me for not bowing to the power of the almighty and all knowing FBI Agent." She rolled her eyes and then squared up to him again, her jaw tensing as she hissed through her teeth. She stepped forward and poked him in the chest with her finger. "You do not get to act like the chivalrous, perfect knight."

Her chest was heaving as she breathed heavily, not even entirely aware of why she was as angry as she was. All she knew was that right there, right then, she wanted to hit him in his smug, understanding face. She balled her hands up into fists and practically spat her next words at him. "This. All of this." She motioned up and down her body with her hands before balling them back up into fists again. "This is your fault. This anger, this worry, this pain. It's all on you!" Her right fist came hurling up and smacked him on the side of his face. She had no doubts she barely did any damage but damn it felt good to do it.

Marc saw the slap coming but he just stood there, his face not flinching as she laid into him. Then it came, his hands came up and grabbed her wrists as he stepped forward, pushing her back against the wall. He was rough as he did it but he knew it would not hurt her in his quick movement, he made sure he did not but he was making a point right then and he did not take well to being struck like that. It showed in his eyes as they flared up with pain. Not anger, not physical pain but emotional pain; it was something he never showed. Then he spoke, his voice deepened, nearly growling as the words left his lips.

"Don't you ever mistake me trying to be there for you as weakness again Ashley to the point you think I will let you get away with laying a hand on me out of anger. You want to be mad at me, fine. Be mad. Scream at me, let it out; like you always yelled at me to. I can take it, I'm a big boy. I deserve it, I know. I waited too damn long, trust me. Not strike from you could ever cut me as deep as the regret and guilt I carry every damn day does. But you know what, just because I waited until I was good enough for you doesn't give you a right to hit me." Taking a deep breath he leaned in even closer as his body pressed against hers, keeping her pinned there as his face warmed from the pain and his cheek stung from the hit.

"What do you want from me? To wrap my arms around you and pull you close? Kiss you like every ounce of me wants to? Sweep you off your feet and ask you to marry me? I would, I would in a heart beat if I didn't think you would think less of me if I did. I know you cannot stand for any woman to make a move on your man, what would you think of me if I tried to steal you away from Al? No, I won't do that. Do I think you should be with him? No. You deserve better. He should be here, been here yesterday. You deserve someone that stands by you through the worst. Not someone that calls or text's or shows up late. But it doesn't matter what I think about him, it's what I think of how you look at me," he said in a quiet low voice as he looked her in the eyes, his body trembling as he held her where she was.

Her eyes darted between his and her breathing was shallow as she just stared at him as he went on. She half expected him to hit her back at first then she remembered who she was talking to and felt guilty at even the thought of it. She couldn't move, knew she wouldn't even be able to make him move, not without hurting him again and she didn't want to. Shame flooded her face and her cheeks flushed scarlet as her eyes finally looked away from his and she shifted her head to the side, her chin resting on her left shoulder. "I don't want anything from you. I deserve what I have..." Her voice was small, barely even a whisper. She closed her eyes and felt the tears rolling down her cheeks again. Her body went entirely limp save for her legs. She was done fighting and right now she couldn't look at Marc save for hating herself even more than she already did.

Her phone began to ring in her purse as it dangled against her leg. She was in no rush to check it. Marc heard her phone but he didn't may attention to it. He just slowly let her wrists go, his hands sliding up her arms as he watched the tears rolling down her cheeks. He hated seeing her like this. His fingers trailed up her to her shoulders until his palms cupped the line of her slender neck; his thumbs stroking away the tears ever so softly as he rested his brow to hers. She swallowed the bile that was threatening to erupt from her. It wasn't that he was making her feel sick, it was just that she didn't want to cause him any more irritation. She was sick of herself.

"Don't lie to me," he whispered as his nose brushed against her own. Closing his eyes, he felt his breath shudder still standing here with her pressed against the wall, half afraid if he moved she would crumple; half not wanting to move. "Forgive me," he pushed out before his lips pressed against hers. He knew he shouldn't, it was against everything he believed in but he couldn't stop himself. If she felt she deserved less, maybe this one sin would tell her he wasn't perfect.

Ashley whimpered as his lips pressed against hers and she lost all control over the muscles in her body. Her legs quivered as his body held her up. Her hands rested limply at her sides before they reached forward and grabbed the front of his shirt, gripping the fabric between her fingers as she lost herself in the moment. She had missed this. Missed him. More than she had ever allowed herself to admit, this right here made her lose herself for but a moment before she realised what he was doing and she felt her chest constrict.

She pushed the flat of her palms against his chest and pushed him away from her with all the strength she had and bit her lower lip as she did so. Her eyes were closed as she spoke gently to him. "This isn't you. Don't let me change who you are..." Her phone had stopped ringing during their kiss but it began again near instantly. She would need to answer it eventually. She leaned back against the wall, her hands remaining on his chest as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. Worried about what she might see.

Marc finally stepped back but his hands remained there cupping her cheeks gently as his eyes opened and looked into hers. "You don't get it do you? Everything I am is because of you and I am the better for it," he said quietly before he finally let her go. "But you do need to decide who you want in your life. If it should ever be me, you know I'll be there but I won't pressure you to chose."

Sighing he rubbed the back of his neck a bit before he straightened up and smoothed out his shirt. "We should go," he said as he finally stepped out of her way.

Nodding silently, Ashley licked her lips and fixed herself as best she could. Today was an au naturale day it seemed. She took a deep breath and walked past Marc and made he way downstairs and out front. She needed to talk to Ada and soon. Her phone continued ringing but she knew who it was. He just had that kind of timing.
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