Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location; Remote Firing Range
Interacting With; Benny - @Hippocamp | James via Text - @FacePunch | Gianna via Text - @lovely complex
Mood; Elated → Depressed → Happy to be among friends

"Si!" Carmen replied with a grin to Benny's remark as she drove. As she drove down the road at almost breakneck speeds, she heard Benny about the flying targets... she thought about that. "Fuck yeah. The real question is, do you have enough?" She asked with a smirk, looking to him before looking back to the raod, soon performing the drift onto the dirt road. "Malts? Alrighty." She said as she calmly drove through the forest. "The gas station down the road serves 'em, right? I've always been getting myself Gatorade and Icees from there. Always regret that, get nothing but watery ice and brainfreezes after that." She said with a chuckle as she drove down the road. After she parked at the range, she looked to him and accepted the headphones. She put them on briefly to see if they fit. They do, and she took them off for a moment so she could listen to her friend.

Once he pulled out the drone, her eyes went wide briefly. "Woah, that!?" She laughed. Hearing that it bleeds rainbows, she laughed even harder, almost laughing in sync with his evil laugh. "Wow... that's like... the most craziest awesome thing I've heard all week!" She said with a chuckle, looking to him. "Get more paintballs... I'm gonna show you that I can make it bleed, but I'm not gonna make the thing come down." She said with a grin, telling him that she was gonna shoot the paintballs without shooting down the drone, which is a difficult task in of itself. Not for Carmen, however. "C'mon, lets put that on the table before one of the rotors gives me another scar on my arm." She joked before heading out the car.

After taking a few magazines for her FNX-45, some target ammunition for it and a whole lot of paper and tape for the manniquins, she put them all on the wooden table near the tree, waiting for Benny to come along. "Go ahead and spawn your favorite gun. I wanna show you a few pointers on how to properly be an armed villain." She said with a smile. After she said that, she felt her phone vibrate. She quickly took it out, and read James' text. She chuckled a little and began typing.

To: Spiderman
LOL! Trust me I would say the same thing, but I'm her roommate! lol Sure thing. We're gonna head to the gas station up north of here in like an hour or so, my friend wants some Malts so we're gonna get some. You can meet us there if you'd like. Otherwise we can play pool up in the Rec Room if you're up for getting your ass kicked again. ;)

She chuckled before hitting 'send', pocketing her phone. She pondered about who else she could talk to while she was out here, so she can have a proper idea of what's going on in the school, while she and Benny were a little ways up north. She then wondered if Gianna was open for conversation, she hadn't heard from her in a little.

To: Jessica Alba Reference
Hey~ Haven't heard from you in a little. What's poppin'?

She gave a soft blush before hitting 'send'. While she did indeed have a crush on Spiderman, for the past week or so she's been getting the vibe that James was much more interested in Snow White instead. She didn't hold it against him, though, she was quite hot. Like Gianna... no, Carmen, these are bad thoughts. That's not normal. You shouldn't be attracted to other women, if you are, you're a fag, and you will be ostracized from what little friends you have left.

Carmen sighed before looking to Benny with a soft smile on her face, still bothered by those self-degrading thoughts. "So... you wanna go first with the lessons, or shall I go first with my timed run? Or... we can try to make the drone Taste The Rainbow." She asked him, the lessons being what she referenced earlier, and the timed runs being the runs she made through the little gun course she set up through the forest, testing her abilities to aim fast, shoot fast and reload fast. "Whatever you wanna do, it's up to you."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeastofDestiny
Avatar of BeastofDestiny

BeastofDestiny Death, is only the beginning

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Location; Dorm → Garden
Interacting with; Klaus @FacePunch
Mood; Tranquil → Alert → Unwilling

Blackness, a constant void that surrounded him, dotted every so often by the weave and flow of mana. Mana was always an interesting sensation, the best way he could describe it was a consistent flow of colors, colors he could not describe, just that he simply understood their meaning. Mana was beautiful, it was terrifying, it was indifferent, it flowed through everything and everyone, reflected off everything and everyone. Mana could be described like the force from those films that everyone kept referencing, except that he lived it, instead of simply seeing it. As he meditated, he could commune with it better, understand it better, in a way mana understood him as well, it allowed him to feel the flow of energy, like rushing water from a stream as it entered and exited his body with every breath. It was during moments like these he felt truly at peace with himself, however peace could not last all day as he felt the rising of the sun, its essence radiating into the room.

Uncrossing his legs, Elijah Masterson exited his bed chamber. As he observed the room, he realized Mitch wasn't here, this was good. The young man was wise to not stay around the pyrokinetic for long, especially after their encounter in the previous years. Elijah nearly burned Delphina down before the fire happened just because of Mitch's influential touch. Elijah certainly spoke his mind afterwards and wasn't afraid to incinerate the headmaster's son if ever tried it again. Their conversation lead Mitch to avoid Elijah like the plague and to practically never be in their room whenever he was around; whoever though it was a good idea for them to room together was an imbecile. Ever since then Elijah grew a strong distrust over those who could manipulate the mind and will and began requesting texts on how to better shield his mind, the magic was complex and though he understood the basics, he knew it'd be quite sometime before he could block out anyone completely.

Elijah prepared himself for the day, cleaning up and gathering his robes, a gift from his father during his travels to other planes. He was told he looked like something from (modestly put) 'Arthurian legend', considering how most people dressed in tight clothing or name brand designer outfits, he wasn't too surprised by this. His attire complete, he picked up his sunglasses and donned them, pulling the hood of his cloak over his head he exited the room. He strolled through the halls of Mayweather, passing by individuals, their mana changing tints as they eyed the Delphina boy either with curiosity or suspicion, sometimes fear. He certainly knew of his reputation of being a loner, and the rumors of how the fire happened had rounded their way back to him. He knew there were those in the student body who believed he was the cause of it considering the way his powers worked, he knew this wasn't true of course, but he had nothing to prove to those who would not listen. If no one was to approach him, he could live with it, if he was to be feared, then so be it.

Eventually Elijah's steps carried him out to the gardens, he could feel the warmth of the sun as he radiated across his clothing and exposed portions of skin. The wind was calm as it breezed across the field, the sound of leaves rustling in their wake, the air and temperature today was nice, and he could feel his robes flowing with the wind as they brushed across his legs and body. As he predicted of course, peace was not to last as he heard a shattering scream come from across the gardens. Turning to face the source of the noise he saw multiple sources of mana, alerted to the sounds he made his way over, his strides long as his pace quickened to their direction. As he got closer he saw exactly twelve sources of mana, five were shrouded in fear, flowing to one of the seven sources, the source he recognized all too well; Klaus...

Elijah continued his approach, normally he wouldn't intervene in such matters, but he also knew of the hospitalization of one particular telepath already. He didn't exactly want to have to leave so soon after coming just because of one deluded man's lust for power and insane sadistic tendencies. He stood about 20 ft away before addressing Klaus, arms folded behind his back, the wind rippling his robes, "Klaus." His voice was stern, yet neutral, monotone, "I believe the Mayweather students have had enough, I'd ask you kindly to release them."

If memory served correctly, Klaus' power was to influence fear, he could feel it even now as the energy projected outward from the young man. He'd have a difficult time influencing Elijah who's control over his emotions were far greater than most. Outside of that, he knew little else about the psuedo hitler, though he was curious as to why the flow of fear from the other students was going to him, perhaps there was more to him than meets the eye?

Location; Dorm → Somewhere outside → Fountain
Interacting With; Herself (Mention of Harold's novel @Beefydork) → Gianna Daniels @lovely complex (Gia sent a text to Carmen @AbandonedIntel) → Gia & Brenna @smarty0114 (Text to Puppy at the end @Legion02)
Mood; Engrossed Nervous Relaxed
Mood; Relaxed Thoughtful Conniving

The morning was cool as an airy breeze, softly swept through the campus grounds. Kayla had started her morning as usual with a shower and some breakfast of toast and jam, followed by an apple for a quick pick me up. She then decided to use her free time to make her way to the fountain so she could continue reading a book she started earlier in the week. It was some romance novel about a student who had fallen for her professor, despite being engaged to some rebellious deadbeat. She gasped and blushed as suddenly the girl kissed the professor. She smiled a giddy smile, her heart beating in excitement at the scandolous developement. She had never read the book before, but she was really enjoying what she was reading so far. Earbuds were playing music softly in her ears, just some acoustic guitar from a randomly generated spotify playlist. Her senses obscured and her mind on her book, she didn't even notice the two girls approaching the fountain, though it didn't seem like they had noticed her yet either.

The walk was just a skip and a jump away, but the femme fatale took her time, enjoying the beautiful weather and the glorious stares. Gianna knew her Ice Princess, not yet a Queen (for she has much to learn before she rules the school), would be at the fountain in exactly ten minutes, so there truly was no rush to get there. As she strutted on the pavement, her heels clicking on the side walk, she glanced at her phone and gave a fain grin at her Apprentice's words. As of now, Brenna seemed to be the most fit out of the entire Delphina selection to influence the student body in ways that only someone of great power could.

That being said, the siren did take interest in Eliana the moment Mrs. Lovelace introduced her. Something about the Dream Catcher made Gia curious about certain... what ifs. Most auras Gia could get a fairly good grasp on but when it came to Ellie-darling, well, she was rather questionable. Since Gia was gifted with sensing emotions, and Ellie's mother had taught her how to read auras, she couldn't help but notice the Dreamer's alarmingly unstable and erratic patterns for someone who put up such an emotionless front. There were many reasons why Cecilia was harsh on her daughter, one reason being something that Eliana wasn't aware of. Oh, how the Hispanic loved knowing more about the dark haired beauty than than the Mayweather was even aware of. Her chocolate orbs were glued to her phone when she received a text from an eyecandy of her's: Carmen Chavana. Within seconds, she sent her response (all her friends knew how fast she typed).

To: Captive
Hey hun', maybe visit me tonite so we can catch up? :P I have an open door policy~

Holding onto her phone, she finally arrived at the fountain with no one but herself. Soon after, she saw her ice baby making her way toward her with a gorgeous gleam on her fair skin.

"First babe, love the jacket. Oddly enough you're coordinating so well with me!" Twirling her body, Gia showcased her black romper that fit her body to a tee. Her expression translated: We're hot. Strut it, girl. Before she could answer her inquiry, the woman's attention was brought to the sickening sweet sight of Kayla Styles. Everyone knew about her. The girl who was in a family of great supers and all she could be was a chibi Iron Man. The pitiful thing probably thought she was useless. Don't worry, if anyone could find a use for someone it would be Gia.

Her silvery voice lowered as her stare hinted at her mischievousness, "I know exactly what we're doing."

Not giving her apprentice time to react, Gia called out to the little toy that sat all by her lonesome self. Innocence like that should not exist.

Waiting for the girl to notice her and turn, the devious woman gestured for Kayla to come to her.

Kayla, thoroughly glued to her book, barely noticed the audible call. Looking up and simultaneously pulling her earbud out, she looked around to find two girls not too far off from her. Both were quite beautiful, with long brown hair and skin that contrasted one another, one of pale ivory the other a darker tone, yet not anywhere near ebony. The darker toned girl was making a gesture as if inviting someone over, looking around again she saw nobody else in sight and had to wonder, 'Is she referring to me?'

Kayla was hesitant, she didn't know these girls, perhaps they were Delphina students? That would classify them as villains right? This of course made her even more wary of approaching the two girls, did they only want to call her over so they could pick on her? No, they would have approached her outright, they were physically calling her over...she didn't want to be rude so she complied. Putting away her book and earbuds she approached the girls, a delicate flower compared to these stunningly beautiful roses.

"H-hi, can I help you?"

To guarantee a positive reaction from the newcomer that looked like a living doll, Gia let her aromatic scent escape her pores. She only used a light amount, since it would affect both Brenna and Kayla, which would kick any of their worries and doubts out of the door. She wanted to lighten the mood as much as possible so she could gain a comrade, or so it seemed.

"Sorry if I interrupted anything! But I thought I'd invite you over. Isn't it lonely sitting by yourself?" Gia curiously asked, but not expecting an answer. "Oh! My name is Gianna and this is my precious Brenna." Letting her words settle in, the she-wolf gave the powerless girl a soft smile and a welcoming stare.

"If you're wondering... yes, we're Delphina students but I hope you don't mind that." With a faux expression of woe, her lips pouting, the 'actress' sighed, "Don't you think our feud is silly?" Her smoky voice filled the mostly vacant area as she put on this kindhearted facade to befriend the girl.

It was odd, her tension seemed to...ease up? There was something about this girl that made her feel almost, calm, like she didn't have to worry about her or anything at all, she felt relaxed, "N-no, its fine, I like my time alone, not that I'm saying your company is bad or anything." Instinctively she wanted to feel nervous, but she still felt relaxed, it was strange, it was like her feelings weren't her own; somehow, she didn't mind. "My name is Kayla, Kayla Styles, its nice to meet you both."

"Oh don't you fret! The pleasure is all mine."

They were upfront about the fact that they were both from Delphina, but they both seemed really nice, she knew that a lot of Delphina's students were bad, but that didn't mean there weren't any good ones right? Same went for Mayweather, not everyone here was exactly good, she knew from personal expereince. When Gia mentioned the feud between the two schools Kayla nodded her head, "Yes, it can be a bit..silly at times..and violent, I know some Mayweather students put into the hospital by Delphina students." She felt saddened by this, but also intrigued by her comment. Here she was, having a pleasant conversation with two students from their rival school, yet they seemed so nice, by right they should be enemies, but maybe that didn't have to be the case.

"Are you guys enjoying Mayweather? I know not everyone is hospitable, but we're not all like that." She threw on the sweetest smile she could muster.

As much as Gia wanted her veins to pop out from witnessing the naivety and pureness of this girl, she kept her strong role model presence up and never looked away from Kayla. She wanted to laugh at the mention of the incident she was referring to. Klaus did get out of hand with that one, but like the saying goes: no pain, no game.

"Oh, absolutely. I love the design of the place. And lets not forget my favorite teacher, Mrs. Lovelace." Gia cooed in response. Not wanting to talk about Mayweather for terribly long, the olive skinned woman asked, "Why don't you come shopping with us? I'd love to get to know you more and I'm sure Brenna-love wouldn't mind either. Please, I do insist."

While Gianna waited for a response, she decided to send Lucas a quick text while still paying attention to the conversation that was going on around her.

To: My Pup
The babe and I have a lil... project. We'll meet up l8r sexy<3

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; The Track -> The Garden
Interacting With; Klaus{@FacePunch} | Elijah{@BeastofDestiny}
Mood; Curious -> Angry

Being powerful had it's ups and downs, Will had to admit it. As far as supers went, he was powerful, he always had been, though this was true for most telekinetics. With this power came respect and admiration from peers. For Will, a boy who can't resist the urge to help people, this respect came with the price of being one of the first people that weaker students came to in the event of an altercation.

That was why, a freshman was current;y explaining a strange story to Will. The telekinetic was just resting by the water fountain, taking the occasional sip, letting his body get some rest, when the freshman, a short boy, obviously young, ran up to him. He was panting, and it was at least a minute before he got any words out. "The...garden...something...bad!" the boy exclaimed in between gasps for air. Will, confused, waited for the kid to regain his stamina before pressing the matter. "Okay, calm down, and tell me what you're talking about," he said, a comforting look on his face as he patted the boy's shoulder.

"So, I was walking by the garden, in the way back, when I heard fighting. Well I went to check it out, and then there was this wicked scream! Like, like I'm talking the kinda shit from an old horror movie, I mean this dude had vocals, I was imp-" Will cut the boy off with a hand. Can we, you know, get to the point? I assume it has something to do with the screaming? The freshman nodded his head with vigor, and continued his story. "So anyways, I get to this secluded part of the garden, and well, that senior, Klaus, is there. And there, on the ground, is Jemma Watts' boyfriend, along with a few of his buddies. And he's screaming. Just shrieking. So then I thought, who could help? And one of my friends had told me about you and how you-"

Will cut him off once more, although this time he didn't pick up the conversation. He was already moving, running towards the garden. He'd heard about Klaus, pretty much everyone had. He was the racist piece of trash that could control fear. And everyone had definitely heard about Jemma Watts. She was a telepath, who'd had some sort of "mental breakdown" last week. The general consensus was that she'd been attacked, but she'd been so fucked up, she couldn't even tell people. It had been bad. That was still a major sore spot between Mayweather and Delphina, and there'd been plenty of fights about it. This was the first one that seemed like it might end poorly. With what Will knew about Klaus, where he and his group were involved, things rarely ended well.

He reached the garden and took a deep breath. He knew enough about Klaus power to understand that courage and willpower could keep it at bay. He figured if a solid punch to the jaw didn't work, those would be a nice back up. He walked through the garden, to the back where he found Klaus and his little group of creeps, standing over the unconscious bodies of Jemma Watts' boyfriend. He arrived just in time to see a Delphina of all people confront him. He joined in as well, glaring at the racist ass. "Hey Klause. Nazi Germany called, and they'd like their shitty ideas back."

Location; Fountain
Interacting With; Gia{@lovely complex} | Kayla{@BeastofDestiny} | James{@FacePunch} - via text
Mood; Intrigued -> Mischievous

Brenna grinned a rather wicked grin as Gia called out to the young Mayweather. Of course Brenna had heard about the powerless girl, the Iron Man wannabe. She'd scoffed when someone had told her about the girl. This school is for the big kids, not the toddlers who are still playing dress up she thought as she followed Gia over to the girl, a smile as sweet as sin, plastered across her face.

While Gia greeted Kayla, Brenna pulled out her phone to text James back, her smile turning genuinely sweet for just a moment, as she texted him back, hoping he'd take the bait and join her and Gia on whatever scheme that she had thought up.

To: Spinne
I may or may not be at the fountain and I may or not be going shopping soon ;)

Putting her phone away, she listened as Gia manipulated the girl so well, just like Gia did with everyone. Brenna hadn't met anyone that didn't fall when Gia wanted them too. Deep down she feared, just a bit, that Gia might be doing the same thing to her but she knew that was just her paranoia talking. Gia would never do that to her, not in a million years. Gia was like the sister she'd never had, and Brenna trusted her. More than she trusted Lucas even.

Keeping down a laugh at the mention of the Jemma Watts incident, she nodded as Gia invited Kayla along on their shopping excursion. "Please, you have to! I promise, if you do, I think I can find some great outfits for you, something that'll really make you pop," she said, grinning wickedly. She and Brenna were the wolves, and Kayla was the wounded deer, and she was running straight into their jaws. Oh how fun it was to be wicked.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emilia Robinson

Location; Dorm Room → Kitchens → Gardens
Interacting With; Klaus Van Untergang (@FacePunch) | Will Blake (@smarty0114) | Elijah (@BeastofDestiny)
Mood; Happy → Excited → Curious

"Wake the fuck up!"

In the grim darkness of a college dorm room, a mountain of blankets and pillows moved, life finally returning to the bedroom. "Ughhhh..." Emilia's head popped out from the mountain, blinking in annoyance at the fact that her sleep had been ruined by a figment of her own imagination.

"I'm not a figment of a your imagination, bitch, now get up. It's fucking boring sitting around watching you sleep."

Apparently Emilia's brain never rested because Eliza seemed to never rest, and instead chose to inhabit her room for the night. Still groggy, Emilia rose from her bed and kicked her feet out before collapsing onto them. She hated mornings - her sleep was mostly a recount of memories, both belonging to her and others, so it was usually a good catch-up period for her. Plus waking brought more classes. Wait. Classes? Tipping forward, she bobbed over to where her phone was charging and checked the date. Saturday? "Fucking brilliant! Eliza why the fuck did you not tell me it was Saturday? Voices in heads are meant to be useful ya cunt!" Wheeling around, she found she was alone in the room again and the figment of her imagination had returned to her mind again. Sighing audibly, she peeked over at the empty bed facing hers. She wasn't certain but it was highly likely that she was simply rooming with a vampire. It would explain quite a bit, honestly - it's not like the school would just throw her into a room by herself.

Squinting at the bed, a pressure seemed to emanate into her temples and for a moment, she was distracted by the crying walls. There was too much history in this place and it sought her out like a child with daddy issues. "Shut the fuck up, I'll look later!" Sighing, she studied her nudity. Rooming with a vampire meant that she didn't have to wear anything when she was in her dorm which was always a positive. There was always the worry that she would be ravaged by said vampire but it's not like she would be entirely unwilling in that act. Stretching, she found her stuff and disappeared into the bathroom to shower.

Half an hour later and she was ready to roll; denim shorts and a crop top with a gentle sprinkling of exposed midriff. Fetching a hat and her trusty backpack, she packed away everything needed for an excellent adventure - water, (Non-American) chocolate and Joyce's Ulysses. She had spotted an old abandoned building on the perimeter of the college's grounds. Buildings were usually abandoned for a reason and those reasons were usually juicy like multiple homicides or Indian burial grounds sort of juicy. "This is a stupid plan. Shouldn't you try y'know, talking to someone for once you socially awkward fuckwit?" She thumped her own head to shut Eliza up before frowning and rubbing the spot. Fucking Eliza.

"Have ya seen half of the cunts around here? It's like those TV shows they make for teenage girls full of stupidly attractive people doing stupid shit. You can rub yourself to it but that's about the height of it!" Eliza snorted in her head and Emilia declared herself victorious as she left her dorm and picked her way down the stairs towards the shared kitchen area. A quick search produced a small baguette which she declared as her own. Munching down on the hard shell, she left the kitchen and descended the stairs to the exit. She had only been there a few weeks but she already knew most of the crooks and crannies of the college. Now she had to explore even further, however.

Leaving the dorm building, she unpocketed her iPod and plugged her earphones in, quickly flicking it onto shuffle. She had done some work with the Mafia over the summer which meant that she was pretty well-off as it was and could treat herself a little. Which included, but was not limited to, an iPod. Surprisingly, the first song wasn't so bad so she kept it on, mixing a little sway into her walk as she padded over the pruned lawns.

♪But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo,♪

Her dance brought her into the gardens and before she even realised it, she was smack bang in the middle of something that didn't look too pleasant. "What the fuck is this shit?" She murmured, pulling one earphone out to stare in a circle. There were a group of what appeared to be well-dressed Nazis with one head Nazi standing up whilst others knelt in fear around him. Two other boys were there as well but they didn't seem to find a lot of agreement with said Nazi dictator person. Which probably wasn't so good because Emilia was the one in the middle of them all.

"Leave Emilia, this doesn't look good." Eliza urged but she stood her ground, not daring to move as she raised a collective eyebrow at them all.

"What the fuck is this ya cunts? World War Two ended like seventy fucking years ago so calm your fucking tits." Rolling her eyes, she stared at the Nazi ringleader just a little longer. There was something about him that drew her in, something that screamed at her in anger and pain - he was hiding something inside himself. This was a challenge. This was very definitely a challenge and Emilia was not one to be scared off by the thought of some evil dictator person staring her down. Changing direction, she meandered right up to him until there were only a few inches apart. The height difference was obvious as she raised a pointed finger to his face. "You're hiding something ya Nazi cunt and if ya think you're going to fool the great fucking Emilia Robinson then you have another thing coming! Bumbling on, she squinted at him, waiting for some sort of response.

She would get to the bottom of this great mystery.
6x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomewhatAverage

SomewhatAverage No Longer Active. Sorry, Just Too Busy Right Now

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jackson Hunt

Location: Control Room
Interacting With: Harold @Beefydork Jessica @FacePunch
Mood: Calm -> Exhausted

It was quite clear that none of these three were too skilled in the social niceties and such, but Jackson felt delighted that he was actually able to continue a conversation. At least when he was talking to Harold and Jessica, he seemed competent at it... almost. He listened as Jessica answered his question, returned it. and then asked, "Uh, why don't we head inside?" That would probably be a good idea. We certainly won't be required to talk this much while we work. "Sounds like a good idea," Jackson replied, walking through the doors into the actual control room.While he walked inside, he answered, "As for your question, Jessica, you'd honestly never catch me in here unless it was on my schedule, but this morning, I forgot that it was the weekend. By the time I realized, I was already almost out the door. I decided to see whether I could study with a teacher or something, but, lo and behold, every classroom was locked. I just figured that the control room was better than nothing." He recalled the events of his morning with a shrug.

Jack smiled as Harold stated, "I don't mind working on my socializing skills." Perhaps that was what made them so comfortable with talking to each other. They were all terrible at talking to other people. It was honestly ironic, and it brought a smile to Jack's face. "Yeah, I could always use a bit of work, you know, talking to other people." He thought of how he really didn't know many of the people in this school too well and how many people he's never really talked to. Perhaps I should try to get to know some more people around campus. Still, it would be rude to leave, and somehow, he actually felt like working in the control room today. Instead, he walked towards one of the AI's programmed for fighting and settled into a loose stance. The machine took this as a signal to begin and came after him.

Just as it was about to land a punch on him, Jack focused and felt time once again stop around him. Everything fell motionless, including the AI that he was fighting. An obvious combat advantage. For this reason, Jack felt that combat in the control room was highly unbalanced, but it was simply how his powers worked. Besides, he knew that he was ever attacked, he didn't plan on fighting fair. So, Jack got to work, delivering multiple punches to the face and stomach, chops to the neck, and finishing the display with a kick to the groin. Beginning to feel a pressure in the back of his head, almost nagging him, "Quit messing with the laws of physics!" he decided to let the world work its magic and let time pass again. As he expected, the AI functioned as any human would and was knocked out immediately from a sensory overload as every hit Jack had delivered appeared to hit the machine at the same time. Typical. "You know, you'd think that artificial intelligence would be a bit more... intelligent." he said with a laugh. In truth, most of the training that Jack did in the control room was to do with lengthening the amount of control he had over time and how long he could hold it for. Still, he imagined that the others would be in some sort of combat training while they were in here, and he didn't want to give them any reason to feel uncomfortable. Using his powers for combat, however, made him drastically weary, so he sat in the corner of the room and watched Harold and Jessica train while he caught his breath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Samuel Keats

Location; Hallway
Interacting With; N/A
Mood; Bored → Angry → Satisfied

Keats yawned as he stood leaning against the wall. He hadn't gotten a reply yet, but Luke was a busy guy. For now, he was fed up just roaming the school pointlessly, nothing going on. Bored, he started to tune into other people's conversations around him. He noticed one of the Mayweathers glaring at him, but the guy looked away when Keats made eye contact with him. Hey, maybe this'd be some entertainment while he waited. "Hey, you got a problem with me, Mayweather? I steal your pacifier or something?"

The boy glared at him, but looked a little intimidated by Keats and didn't say anything. "Yeah, that's what I thought." he smirked, standing up properly and shoving past the kid to head back outside. That would have been it, really. Keats didn't normally pick on people that wouldn't fight back, where was the fun in that? He would've just walked away if he hadn't heard the kid muttering something under his breath. "And they wonder why someone set that fire."

Keats froze, his voice turning deadly cold as he turned on the kid, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his back against the wall. "You wanna repeat that? Go on." the guy looked like he was about to back down again, but they were surrounded by other students, and now that he had an audience his pride wouldn't let him. "I said, and they wonder why someone set that fire." Keats' eyes narrowed. Yeah, this kid was in for a beating, and that was putting it lightly. No-one mocked that night near Keats.

Using all of his enhanced strength, Keats tossed the kid across the floor of the corridor, turning towards him with a snarl. "Oh, is that what you said? 'Cause you see, what I heard was 'Keats, can you please rip my balls off and make them into a purse?'" before the kid could even get back to his feet, he found himself lifted off the ground and slammed into the wall.

"Come on, aren't you even gonna give me a fight?" he laughed, but was cut off when a blast of energy slammed him in the chest, sending him staggering and knocking the air out of his lungs. "Get off me, asshole! Your power's freaking clothes, I don't even need to try to beat you!"

Oh, look at that, the guy got a hit in! He didn't seem that strong, though. The shockwave hadn't even knocked him down! Eh, whatever. He'd pissed Keats off, and sometimes people just need to learn a lesson. Little fish needed to learn to stay in their ponds and not pick fights with a shark. Case in point. Eh, if it wasn't gonna be a good fight, there wasn't any reason to drag it out, so Keats decided to just go for the kill. Metaphorically of course. He wasn't actually killing the kid.

The strips of cloth on his hands snaked out, forming a shield that blocked the kid's next blast, then fastening themselves around his neck. In Keats' experience, most people found it much harder to use their powers if they couldn't breathe. Funny how that worked out, right? The kid clawed at the fabric, but it was as solid as steel and didn't budge an inch. Keats grinned, holding him fast as he sprinted over and starting firing punches into the kid's stomach until he saw tears starting to form in his eyes.

Letting him go, Keats shook his head as the kid lay gasping on the floor. It was an easy fight, but that was probably 'cause the boy let his guard down. People tended not to rate his power much, so a lot of them didn't think he'd put up a good fight. "Man, it's no fun if you just cry when I beat you. Whatever, I'm not interested in weaklings."

Man, that sucked. Sure, sure, the kid got a hit in, but at the end of the day he wasn't even near Keats' level. It wasn't any more satisfying than squashing a bug, but at least it got his blood pumping a little bit. Keats 1, Mayweather Brats 0. He figured he should start keeping score sometime.

His opponent had run off, no doubt to cry to some other Mayweather that Keats was being mean to him. Wondering if he'd have to deal with another confrontation, Keats figured he'd stay there, heading back over to his comfortable position and ignoring the mixed stares of disgust and admiration from the various students around him as he pulled out his phone and put his earbuds in.

Whatever, right? Let them judge him. At the end of the day, he was weeding out the weaklings from both schools. People that got defeated as easy as that kid didn't belong in either school, simple. Besides, the more they talked, the more his reputation would grow. The less people would treat him and his powers like some kinda joke. So, he sat back, ignoring them completely and humming a tune with a smug smirk plastered across his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location; Third floor, Mayweather Old West
Interacting With; With each other, unfortunately (@lovely complex). Eliana sends a text to Milo (@Angel Eyes). Lucas sends a text to Gianna (@lovely complex) and to Keats (@Lasrever)
Mood; Childish mischievous → Furious → Curious & confused → Solemn
Mood; Unfazed → Hiddenly uncomfortable → Amused → Breaking point

His insults and berating didn't phase her. All Eliana heard was a child trying to speak wittingly as he poked, or in Lucas' case, jabbed at her to get a reaction. As sharp as his words were, she was prepared for the worst. His worst. He could punch her and she would not feel pain because he was nothing to her and never would be. The only way to truly hurt her was discovering what made her vulnerable and using that against her. Emotional pain hurt ten times more than any physical abuse would, like... losing a best friend. If she was heigtened in any sort of emotion, the better he felt. She knew this game all to well, having been subjected to bullying many times before. As such, her shield to protect her dignity and her heart was bulletproof, or that's what she would like to believe. Not saying a word, the woman carefully watched him as he drew closer to her, thankful he was no longer hurting Milo. Her penetrating gaze probed his expressions, her ears concentrated on his brazen tone, and her body prepared to react at any moments notice. As much as she hated having her personal space invaded, Ellie was not going to show how uncomfortable she felt. If she gave him an inkling of her true feelings, he would gloat about it and hang it over her head. Listening to him point out how heroic she was being, protecting the defenceless, made her roll her eyes in response.

As if she knew something was coming, but refusing to break eye contact, Ellie felt the book forcefully fly out of her hand, loudly hitting against the wall. Thunk! The echo of the book slamming into the wall and then subsequently falling onto the floor resonated in the hallway. How unfortunate for the book, it didn't deserve such cruelty. Hopefully, she could salvage the damage he did for both the book and her dear friend, Milo. Books were meant to be loved and respected, Lucas was not. After a moment of silence, there was a little rise in the corner of her mouth, as if secretly Ellie enjoyed his obvious disgust and his neverending tantrum. Her narrowed green orbs glinted under the over light, while she tilted her head in response to his spectacle. With a snarky retort, she pushed her hair behind her ear and disapprovingly sighed, "Feel better?" There was a big difference in their height, he being fairly tall in comparison to her, who stood at 5'3" with a petite body. Without a doubt, he could lift her up effortlessly if he wanted to. Yet, for someone as tiny as Eliana, she held herself with strength that was beyond her years. Learning from other people's dreams would do that to you.

Resting her hands on her hips, an equal amount of fire burning in her eyes as it did in his, she firmly asked, "And that's supposed to make me feel what?" Her question didn't warrant an answer. Ellie did let it settle in before she continued with her venemous words, "Look at you building up your self esteem with people you know won't fight back. I think that says more about you than anyone else." Not able to contain a chuckle, she shook her head at his idiocy, "Honestely, I feel sorry for you." If anything, her daring words showed that Eliana Lovelace was more than someone who protected the people she cared about -- she had hatred and anger in her, especially for Lucas. She wasn't afraid of crushing someone if it meant that her life, and the lives of those very few she loved, were at peace. Truly, if anyone were to test her, she would not be merciful.

Lucas couldn’t help but chuckle. She was so wrong in his eyes. The entire situation, in the end, would fall to his advantage. “You don’t pity me.” The smirk on his lips was a product of pure confidence. He knew he was right about what he was saying. “You hate me. You loathe me! Don’t you dare try to deny it. I see it, in those big, green eyes of yours. That fire. Nobody pities with such fire. Pity is cold.” He took a step back again. In preparation to walk away. After he would be finished talking, he would have won. In a strange way. The words had been said, and then he had to give them time to soak in. Every so slowly. That’s how you broke strong people. You let them mull over your words. At first they won’t think about it. But the more you repeat it, the deeper it gets. In the end, they start questioning themselves. In the end, they start crumbling.

“Besides. I’m not here to build my self-esteem. Though, sure, I won’t deny that it feels good to hurt that little kid. Oh but you don’t know what I’m talking about, do you? The rush of power. The high of being better than someone. What hero does? Always on duty. Always vigilant. Standing up against evil.” Lucas took another step back. Ready to break off. Letting her mule over his final words. “Of us two, you’re the one who’s here for self-esteem. A hero must always have a victim to help. Else, how are you going to show that you’re a hero?” With that, he took another step back, ready to turn around and walk away with his self-claimed victory. Until he saw the tarantula on the back of his hand.

When two opposing magnets are brought together, there will be an inevitable result that the magnetic fields will repel from each other and those around them would feel it. This was the current situation and how Lucas and Ellie would always be toward each other. Both would hear what they wanted to hear and both would say what they wanted to say, with little regard to the other's feelings. Sure, he put on a cocky ass front and acted like she wasn't getting to him, but she knew he would be back... and she would be waiting.

He was right on the dot when it came to her hating him with every fiber of her being. He felt accomplished knowing she couldn't stand him - so much for trying to cover up her hatred. She felt like that was not something to be proud about, but then again, some people fed off of the fear and hatred of others. Lucas was not an exception. She kept quiet, letting him talk down to her. He hated her just as much as she hated him. What was he accomplishing by saying all of this jibberish, when in the end he was no better than her? His prejudice against heroes made him more weak than he thought he was. He let so many people get to him, to the point that he had to deliberately corner them and make them shake at his presence. In response to his tangent, Ellie muttered, "Are you done?" and with an ugly ass smirk on his face, he strolled away, or at least attempted to.

With wide eyes, Lucas slammed the thing against the wall, with the solar force aiding in force. It was a strange, sudden and excessively violent action. The thing burst open, coating the back of his hand and fingers under blood and spider organs. For a second he stood there, shocked by the sudden appearance of such a large spider. Where did it come from? Then he looked up at Eliana. The little girl couldn’t stand that strong up against him if she didn’t have some sort of insurance. Well, he just cracked it.

Eliana did not expect a spider to enter the picture. All she could think of was, Milo... She didn't know if he was going to attack her or not so she took these quick moments to conjure up a short illusion in her head, which would give her the opportunity to run away. Due to the little time she had, her illusion wasn't one that would strike fear in him. It was one that would take him mentally away from this place for five minutes so she could escape.

His smile vanished from his lips, replaced by the bestial anger. With nostrils wide and a gaze that said ‘kill’ he walked up at Eliana. “You.” His voice was far from the wicked playfulness he just used. It was raspy and raw. He looked ready to hit her. Hard. In the very short time it took him to get near Eliana again, his inner control went into overdrive. The consequences of what his inner beast would do would be far too severe to just let it pass. So right when he stood inches away from them, he let out a big sigh. He was himself again, at least for now. His face didn’t change too. Though, the act of the spider could not go unpunished. With the sticky, filthy, spider-blood covered finger he lifted Eliana’s chin higher up. In cold, menacing, quiet words he said: “You will pay for that.”

Her heart raced the closer he got and not because she was happy to see he was coming back to her. She wasn't scared, Eliana just wasn't ready to fight him in the hallway. She didn't want to fight him, if she didn't need to. As he lifted her chin up with his filthy finger, her face showed a slight disgust at the gesture and the threat. He has invaded her personal space enough for today. Their eyes were locked and he was intimately close to her, which gave her an advantage. As he held her chin, her chartreuse green eyes flooded white as if a storm came rushing in and in those moments, she impulsively sent the illusion into his mind. There was not enough time to prepare an elaborate scene, so she decided to bring him to the first landscape that jumped in her mind. She sent him to a place that was rather dear to her, but in this instant, she didn't care. Before Lucas would know it, he would be in a memorable moonflower garden, with fireflies, under the starry night. If he wanted to, he could conjure up his own imagery to add to this daydream, since Ellie simply provided him his backdrop. This was a garden near her family's estate, something her father gave to her for one of her birthdays. Moonflowers closed during the day and opened at night, glowing like a full moon.

Taking a deep breath in, she pulled away from him and silently left the hallway, forgetting about the book and leaving him behind. Taking her phone out, she swiftly texted her friend.

To: Milo Ushkowitz
Tonight. We need to talk.

One moment Lucas was standing in the hallway, terribly close to the most hated person in his life until now. Then her deep, green eyes turned white. And he found himself in a completely different place altogether. At night, in a garden full of flowers he did not know the name of. He didn’t recognize it at all. But it all felt so real. The gravel under his shoes. The cool air of the night. Normally the illusion would have bright stars, and a nice full moon. And for a moment it was like that. But then the mind of Lucas began fighting back. Trying to get a hold on the illusion cast on him. The first step would be to influence it. The silver, guiding lights of the night turned pale and dim. The moon was obscured by thick clouds. For a moment, darkness engulfed and swallowed all.

But in defiance of it all, the flowers started to glow with white moonlight. Somehow lighting up the garden more than the moon and stars ever could. Only then did Lucas notice the shadow standing in the gazebo in the distance. Carefully he walked through the garden. Expecting anything to happen at any time. He tried to summon up the solar force around his hands. But nothing heeded his call. It felt as if he didn’t even possess the power. Eventually he reached the gazebo. Realizing that on the other side of it, was a cliff. Down which was nothing but utter blackness. The figure stood looking up towards the sky. It was not the usual display of small, silvery lights.

Instead Lucas gazed upon a majestic artwork of color. Nebula’s and stars in all sort of colors. And every now and then, a bright, golden flash. Lucas stood next to the figure, gazing upon the cosmic masterwork. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” the figure next to him said. Only now did Lucas see the details. Or rather, the lack of them. He only saw a black robe and hood. A mask in the form of an abstract skull stood before his face. Lucas could barely see the outlines of his chin, and the apparently grey skin. “Who are you?” Lucas couldn’t help but ask. It talked in Lucas’ father voice, but he was sure that it wasn’t him. “Over many generations, many gave me different names. I wouldn’t know what my name is in your time. Or even in your language.”

Lucas took a moment to go over that. “What are you?” He then asked, hoping for a clearer answer. Instead, the figure walked out towards the end of the gazebo. One step further, and he would fall off the cliff. Lucas wanted to stop it. But the figure had already made his step. Floating now over nothingness. "I am one of the oldest things in this Universe.” Suddenly Lucas got it. “You’re the Darkstar.” He muttered, afraid of it now.

“Yes…. I remember… Being called that.” The figure turned around. Looking straight at Lucas for the first time. “It has been so long. Or has it? Has time even passed? It’s so difficult to know.” Despite the fact that it looked straight at Lucas, it spoke in a confused sort of tone. “Do you know where we are?” Lucas asked, still very careful. “Your mind. No doubt. But this… thought. It is not yours. Someone invaded it. Someone pulled me out of my slumber. That should not have happened.” It suddenly realized. “I will bring you back.” The being floated towards Lucas, who now scrambled back. “No wait!” He yelled, hoping to convince the being to stop. But it was resolute. “There is no time.” Were the final words it spoke. When a grey-skinned hand appeared from beneath the man folds of the robe and touched him on the forehead.

Lucas collapsed on the ground. He was sweaty, feeling exhausted and breathing heavy. For a split second there was pure fear in his eyes, as he felt the strange force disappear within him again. After which he sat up against the wall. Trying to catch his breath. What just happened? He was prepared for a lot. He could manage a lot. Hell, if it was a nightmare he wouldn’t be that affected. But that was not a nightmare. It felt too real. Slowly he grabbed his phone. Three texts. One from Keats, two from Gianna. Swiftly he read those of Gianna. Generally he’d answer in a slightly teasing way. But he couldn’t bring himself to answer in such a way. So instead, he just kept it short.

To: Gianna
I need to talk. Tonight?

He never asked to talk with Gianna at night. He never had to. He never experienced what just happened. Then he read Keats’ message. For a moment he contemplated if he was actually up for anything. Gods knew he felt exhausted. But then again, he needed a pick-me-up. And raising some hell with Keats would be perfect.

To: Keats
I need hell to be raised. Meet up at the fountain in 15.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
Avatar of FacePunch

FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Klaus Van Untergang

Location; Garden
Interacting With;Emilia @NarcissisticPotato | Will | Elijah
Mood; Ecstasy → Determination → Curiosity

One by one, the mortified Mayweather students began to drop. Fear was a funny thing. It could trick your body into believing you are in pain when you are, in fact, not. The mental anguish that Klaus Van Untergang's powers put people through was enough to drive the mind to the brink of insanity. He could only imagine the terrifying images flashing in their minds; to them, whatever they saw was as real as their own flesh and blood. The heroes screamed for help. They cried for mercy. One of them, the young woman whom had assisted Ballista earlier, went so far as to beg. The young Nazi leader chuckled, a grin dancing on the edge of his mouth. He loved to watch them squirm. He couldn't explain it. Whenever he used his abilities a flood of ecstasy washed over him. It was addictive. A drug, one might say. Perhaps that is why Klaus was always so intent on using his powers on others. Whatever the case, Van Untergang would draw the feeling out as long as possible. He had time. "You know, people believe me insane." Klaus said, his eyes fixated on Ballista. "What was your name again?" He asked. The man merely groaned in pain. "Hmph. Chike?" The group's tech head quickly scanned over Mayweather's student list for Ballista's real name. "Mark Winters, sir. His abilities include heat vision and minor energy manipulation." Klaus nodded. "Thank you. Since I have a captive audience, I might as well give my usual spiel.

"Do you watch the news, Mr. Winters? I assume so. There was a recent story about a hero in Saudi Arabia. He used his abilities to feed the hungry. The man built a hundred homeless shelters with his own two hands. I imagine you'd like him. A real nice guy. Do you know what happened to him? He was found hanging from a street lamp with a noose around his throat. His body mutilated and burned. But that isn't the worst of it. Oh no. The animals don't stop there. No, they decided to write a message in the street with his blood. Do you know what it said? 'Al mawt li shaytan.' Or death to the demon. He protected these people. He fed them, clothed them, gave them a roof over their heads. And you know how humanity repays this saint? THEY FUCKING KILL HIM. Slaughter him like...like a pig! This isn't uncommon, either. Super powered beings face the most discrimination of any 'ethnic group', bar none. Mankind thinks us hellspawn. Monsters to be destroyed. You heroes need to realize that they are the true enemy, not me. I am fighting for our people. To protect them from that filth. I want to rid the world of hatred and murder. And the only way to do that...is to cure the disease. To cut out the tumor. I-"

Someone called Klaus's name, causing him to stop. He looked toward the sound and was rather surprised by its source. "Elijah?" He inquired. "Starting to go soft, are you? These...students...attacked me. I was merely defending myself. I believe I have the right to self defense, no? Or have they taken that from us as well?" With a flick of his wrist, Übermensch knocked Ballista unconscious with one last burst of fear. "We'll finish that later. For now.." He turned back toward the pyrokinetic. "I'm curious. What stake have you in this conflict? You're not one to get involved in things that are none of your concern. Not that I have seen. I doubt you care about these insects." Masterson was an enigma. Klaus knew little of him. No one knew much of anything about the man. He had considered approaching the villain, convincing him to join the cause. Van Untergang had never followed though. He knew there was something off about the pyro. Perhaps it was his ability to resist Klaus's fear manipulation? After all, a lack of control was one of Übermensch's greatest fears. It made sense; on a subconscious level.

Before Elijah and Klaus could continue their lovely conversation, yet another figure appeared to save the day. This one, however, was far less welcome than Klaus's fellow Delphina. He recognized the Mayweather student as William Blake. The boy represented everything Klaus hated about Mayweathers. The cocky, joking mannerisms. The arrogant, 'I'm better than you' attitude. Oh, and the self righteous way they glared at the Delphina kids just for being Delphina. "Ah! Mr. Blake! What an unwelcome surprise. If you truly believe that defending our people is a 'shitty idea,' then I cannot fathom how unbelievably stupid you really are. Now run along, boy; or face the same fate as your friends."

But of course, that wasn't all. How could it be? It only made sense that others would arise to further escalate the situation. A rather skimpily clad young woman marched right into the center of the Mexican standoff, shouting complete nonsense at the top of her lungs. Klaus could already tell she was the most annoying, infuriating creature on the face of the earth by the first six words that came out of her mouth. The typical jabs at his heritage. The constant stream of vulgarity. That accent. Her apparent telepathy. Oh yes. I hate you already. Klaus took a deep breathe before addressing the girl. "I don't know how you know about that, but I will only tell you this once: stay out of my head or you will not live to regret it." Emilia had made a mistake getting so close to Klaus. The potency of his powers increased exponentially the closer you were to him. The nazi's cruel eyes locked with the young woman's as he resisted smiling. He stopped sucking the terror from the unconscious heroes and poured all of his power into Robinson. The feeling would be immediately discomforting. She would feel compelled to recall her most terrifying memories. To dwell on her worst fears. That compulsion would grow until it completely consumed her every thought. From there, Klaus's power would dominate the girl's senses; she would begin to see and hear things that weren't there. Hallucinations led to unimaginable pain. Most lost consciousness once the phantom pain reached its climax. Those who didn't, however, suffered a far worse fate...

"I am Klaus Van Untergang. I am the Übermensch. The Superman. And I will not be trifled with."

James Spinne

Location; The Fountain
Interacting With; Brenna @smarty0114 | Gianna @lovely complex | Kayla @BeastOfDestiny
Mood; Excited/Nervous/Allthefeels

Arachnid stood on the tips of his shoes, hanging precariously as he looked out at all the passing students below. He wasn't looking for anyone in particular; he was just sort of hoping something interesting would happen so he didn't have to just swing around all day. As much fun as web swinging is, its extremely tiring on the arms. And work is not Spinne's forte. James grinned from ear to ear when he got Brenna's text. He wasn't expecting her actually invite him to do something. Sweet! Alright. I'm going to be spending quality time with the literal girl of my dreams. Don't screw this up, Spidey. Letting out a wordless shout of pure bliss, James allowed himself to fall off the flag pole and go plunging toward the ground. Moments before he was too close to correct, James thwipped off a line of webbing toward the nearby dorm building. His feet barely touched the top of the grass as he soared across the ground and back into the air. The fountain was just a short web swing away from where he currently was. A shame. He would've loved to put in some more air time. But alas, Brenna was far more important than simple thrill seeking.

Spider-Boy spotted the fountain after a short flight through the air. He saw three distinctively curvy figures standing around, likely waiting for his arrival. Or maybe not. Who knows. James tucked his knees in and took in a gulp of rushing wind. He had an idea. A stupid, stupid idea. But if it worked...Yeah. Totally worth it. He shifted his weight to the left to change the direction of his swing juuust slightly. His eyes locked on his destination. This was the riskiest part. He had to eyeball the landing and hope he could stick it. Here goes nothing! Spinne disconnected from his final web line and flipped forward, soaring past the clouds and rocketing toward the ground at incredible speeds. James stuck his arms and legs out in a specific way to hopefully slow down enough to avoid breaking any bones. Brace for impact! James fell to the ground with a thump. He rolled with the collision for half a second before bracing himself on one knee in front of Brenna Lancaster.

"My lady." He said, taking a short bow while attempting to hold back a giggle fit. James stood to his feet and looked at Gianna and the girl he didn't recognize. "Hey." He said, offering Gia a short wave. Spinne approached the stranger, offering a hand to her. "My names James. I'm the one who leaves the white sticky stuff all over the walls." When James let go of her hand, he popped off a small ball of spider silk into the girl's hand. "Heh. So, I was told we were going shopping?"

Jessica Sterling

Location; Control Room
Interacting With;Harold @Beefydork | Jackson @SomewhatAverage

"Sounds like fun." Jessica said in response to Jack's story. She had experienced such a thing but had witnessed a similar level of negligence before. It seemed the three of them had reached an agreement and made their way inside the primary section of the Control Room. All this talk of learning to socialize was great and all but Jess was here for one reason: to train. She came here every morning to do this. In Jessica's mind, there was nothing more important than learning how to properly harness her abilities. Control was everything for her. Growing in strength was just a positive side effect at this point. So she came to the gym every day for as long as she could manage and taught herself how to achieve that control in even the most volatile situations. Most people didn't understand and likely never would. Whatever. What they thought of Sterling didn't matter in the slightest.

She wandered over to one of the many combat drones throughout the expansive room and began tinkering with its settings. She did stop, however, to watch Jackson demolish one of the AIs. The speed with which he won the bout denoted that he did so without difficulty. "Didn't give it much chance to think. You know, stopping time is the definition of cheating." Jessica pointed out with a grin. When Hunt took a moment to rest she decided to turn her attention back to the task at hand. Jess changed the machine's setting to red mode, increasing its difficultly. The machine came to life, its artificial limbs unfolding from its body as it stood to its full height. The thing was thin, with a pale armored hide. It was shaped like a human but without any kind of detail. The drone's arm opened up, a crimson energy cannon popping out of its appendage. Jessica dove to the ground to avoid being blasted apart; the energy impacted with the small combat zone's invisible barrier, causing it to ripple. She sprung back to her feet, uppercutting the robot right in the jaw. The machine flew backwards into the barrier with enough force to crack its metal torso.

The machine wasn't done, however, as its other arm produced a blade out of the gauntlet. It charged forward, firing off another round of energy at Invincible. Jessica brought her hands up in front of her face and absorbed the energy with a grunt. The robot was already on top of her, swinging its sword arm at her head by the time she lowered her guard. The cut hurt but didn't manage to break the skin. Jess took the opportunity to grab the thing's outstretched arm and pull it out of its socket and palm strike it where a human's solar plexus would be. The previously damaged chest piece didn't stand up to the force and crumbled inward. The drone's eyes went black as it deactivated. A pair of smaller machines appeared from the walls and went to work cleaning up the mess and reassembling the robot. "See. Now that was a fight." Jessica placed her hands on her hips, her breathing only slightly heavier than before. "That was just a warm up, though."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hippocamp
Avatar of Hippocamp

Hippocamp the Steel Whirlwind

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Allen Hops

DeGrasse knoll.
Interacting With; Carmen @abandonedIntel.
Mood;Confident ← Arrogant.

Surveying the surrounding didn’t reveal much to Benny. There were lots of low trees, some cover amongst the grass. It was a nice day, if he climbed skyward he would have a great view. For now he was going to do as Carmen suggested, and spawn his favorite gun. He retrieved a Fusil Automatique Léger (FAL) from his trench coat. This was a mid to long range scoped battle rifle, loaded with specialty shells capped with ultra durable steel alloy, for ripping through most “softer” metals. Benny had been working on getting the ammunition just right for awhile now, and when he summoned kevlar vests these tore straight through and out the other side of the mannequin he had dressed them up with. Benny enjoyed the many applications of his ability, since he could get as complex as he wanted with what he “acquired”.

”I am almost positive that gas station has malts. And you know what else? They have a LOT of junk food. And I could always go for more Flamin’ Hot Funyuns in my life. When I take those out of my jacket they never quite capture the sweet… Burningness. You know that flavor?” He was pretty sure Carmen knew exactly what he was on about. Benny had a taste for everything in life. In another time and place he might have been the greatest chef the world had ever known. Instead it was his fate to serve up bombs and bullets to meet his ends. But hopefully not meet his end.

Benny set the drone on a picnic table and retrieved its controller. ”Do you have any idea how fun the future will be when there are infinity of these? Oh wait that’s right now.” Benny turned on the controller and the screen buzzed satisfyingly to life. He was so thankful to have been born in an era with this technology, and it only kept getting better. The latest new material he had heard of was like that vantablack shit but even darker… He had to try whipping up some of that for kicks. ”Innovation is my favorite goddamned word. I really should get into science, like that chemistry shit.” He felt like Carmen brought out his vulgar side, and he didn’t mind not holding back. Fuck it they were young, wild and had guns to play with.

Benny noted Carmen’s slightly downcast look, messed up a little bit by a smile. Or maybe it was the other way around. ”You aren’t thinking of something BESIDES fast flying pieces of metal are you? I know the look of someone getting their feelings all tied up, you’re starting to resemble that…” Benny proceeded to elbow Carmen a healthy amount in the ribs, in a friend to friend way. He figured if he she had someone to talk about they could get it off her chest, otherwise it was blasting time. ”I’ll tell you what, missus quick. I’m going to put another layer off balls, and I mean paint balls, on this drone, to make your boast a little easier for you to follow through with. In the meantime you can tell me whatever you waaaant to.” Benny put emphasis on the awww part of his sentence. He was excited to watch this drone fly around spraying color everywhere from it’s “wounds”, but he also wanted to back up Carmen on whatever her personal dilemmas were. He had all the time in the world to flaunt his powers anyway, the conjuring doesn’t stop, bro.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location; Remote Firing Range
Interacting With; Benny - @Hippocamp | Gianna via Text - @lovely complex
Mood; Amused → Nervous/Sheepish → Ready

After Carmen put the stuff down on the table, she looked to Benny and saw the gun he summoned. "Oh... I think I'm familiar with that one... I think it's the made by the... uhm... same guys who made my handgun. FN Herst... FN Herstal I believe? I don't know." She said, gesturing to her FNX-45. "You got a good taste in guns, my friend. That one's an old one, but it's one hell of a rifle from what I've heard." She said, pointing towards the scoped FAL in his hands. She turned around and took some of the stuff on the table, including her gun, the paper and the tape. She holstered her weapon, and walked up to the mannequins set up along the range, listening to Benny as she went to work.

"I never tried them but I've seen them." Carmen said. "I've always been a Doritos gal. I've always found them useful for making nacho salads and stuff too, though can be pretty expensive if you eat a shit ton of 'em." She said as she taped some paper over a target's head. "I can get some those Funyuns for you if you'd like. I got plenty of snack cash." She offered, taping some more paper on another target. "Hell... if you want, we can get entire tubs of ice cream and eat them in the Cobra. No one's gonna judge us through tinted windows." She said with a smirk before sticking up some more paper on some other targets. Once Benny talked about the drones, she shook her head. "I don't mind drones, they are actually pretty damn useful. But the day they start littering the skies is the day they become a problem." She noted. Once she heard Benny wanting to get into science, she raised an eyebrow. "Oh really now?" She asked incredulously, grinning. "Well... you got the tools to summon whatever ingredients you want." She noted, pointing to his top hat and coat. "I have a contact that could probably help you out with that kind of stuff. He doesn't live too far from here actually. His name is Doctor Chaos... he's... quite... insane in the membrane... if you know what I mean." She chuckled, making her index finger spin around her head, indicating that he was quite loco. "He's what you would call Crazy Awesome. He's the type of guy who would make both a laser gun that destroys battleships but also create a pickle-flavored hamster." She explained, stepping closer to the table to put the target stuff down.

Once Benny questioned her current mood state, Carmen looked up to him and feigned a smile. "It's nothing... just... old memories is all." She lied, before smiling genuinely from the elbow to her ribs. Once he spoke to her, saying that he was gonna put some more paintballs on the drone, she gave a little bit of a sheepish chuckle. "It's nothing, really. I'm fine." She lied, though more so to herself than Benny, really. Once he went to work, so did she, walking over to the mannequins all along the range, putting the paper targets all over them and taping them together. "I should get like a bonfire pit here, so we can have bonfires here and roast marshmallows and whatever you white people do with these things." She joked, looking around. "Okay... uhm... I believe that's all of them." She said, putting the paper and tape back on the table, standing behind it. She opened one of the ammo boxes, revealing three sets of (shoddy) shooter earplugs, and three sets of shooting glasses. She put her pair of shooting glasses on, and handed the second pair to Benny. "Safety first, amigo."

She then felt her phone vibrate. "Hold on a sec..." She said to Benny before pulling out her cell phone, opening it up and revealing the text message on it. She blushed a little, typing away immediately.

To: Jessica Alba Reference
Sure thing, homegirl~ ;) Your room tonight!

She hit 'send', having sent the message as fast as possible as to not reveal the details to Benny. She then put her phone away, and looked to her trench-coat top-hat wearing friend right beside her. "I'm finished with the targets. Go ahead and get that thing airborne. I'll make all of the paintballs disappear, just watch!." She said with a grin.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeastofDestiny
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BeastofDestiny Death, is only the beginning

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Klaus@FacePunch, Will@Smarty0114, Emilia@NarcissisticPotato
Mood; Annoyed Demanding

It was like some parlor show, first some Mayweather shows up and decides his best course of action to help his fellow students is to antagonize Klaus. To make matters worse another Delphina student shows up and decides her best weapon is vulgarity, literally in the face of the Übermensch. And here Elijah thought he'd be able to resolve this matter peacefully and without violence, 'I am surrounded by idiots...' the pyro thought, his fingers reaching towards his temples as he rubbed them in frustration. His thinking was interrupted as Klaus decided to fully demonstrate his power on the rather vulgar Australian, a wave of mana hitting her with such tremendous force, even Elijah recoiled at the amount of fear being pushed onto her. With a rather audible growl the mage stepped forward and grabbed the woman by the back of her shirt, pulling her so she was further from Klaus, and directly in front of Elijah and his fist. With a powerful jab to her gut, he completely knocked the wind out of the poor woman, hoping to end whatever hallucinations the psychopath had intended on her. She quickly collapsed to the ground and Elijah merely paused to observe his work, her mana was that of an unconscious woman and his attention quickly turned towards the Mayweather student.

"You, Blake was it?" He pointed to the other students, "I believe they have had enough, if you'd kindly, I'd ask you to take them to the infirmary, along with one of my own." his hand drew towards the young woman. "You would be doing the school a great service."

Bored with his interaction he ignored any response from 'The Blake' and fully turned his attention towards Klaus. "I asked you kindly and you did not reciprocate an adequate response to my request, now I am telling you. Leave. The Mayweathers. ALONE. Self defense is one thing, giving a speech to your downed and flailing enemies is another." Breathing in deeply to calm the fire within him he spoke again, "We all have our reasons and stakes here at this school Klaus, even you, or did you forget why Delphina and Mayweather made this pact; or is perhaps you've acquired a great enough army for your Fourth Reich?" Elijah let the question hang in the air before continuing, "You are right in one thing though, I have no interest in these peons, my actions are for my own personal gain and I'd rather like to continue my education here. If you must eliminate these 'heroes' then I'd ask you to do so after graduation; or..." trickles of fire licked at his fingertips, "Do I need to emphasize my point more clearly upon you and your entourage here?"

Gia@lovely complex, Brenna @smarty0114 mentions Harold@Beefydork, and Minako@Thundercrash in thought
Mood;Confused Elated

These girls were asking her out? The powerless one? The super family disgrace? Was it a trick? A joke? A prank? ....No... Kayla didn't believe that for some reason. In the past and even now she had enough enemies constantly embarrassing her, calling her names or just plain being mean. But when it came to these two girls...there was something different about them. Kayla questioned their motives, their reasoning, why would Delphina students, out of nowhere, ask her to come over, let alone go to the mall and shop with them; it just didn't make any sense... Maybe they didn't know about her? No, that was stupid, her reputation well enough preceded her that they should have known who she was and yet...they were asking her to come and hang out with them

For once in her life, Kayla felt...happy, not just relaxed, but happy. Without any reluctance she spoke to the girls, "Yes, I'd love to come to the mall with you!" She was finally going to make friends, not that she didn't have Minako and Harold, but friends outside of those who didn't know she had powers. She was too giddy to realize the consequences of her actions, and far too excited to realize or understand the path she had set herself on.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beefydork
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Beefydork Sinmethod

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beefydork
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Beefydork Sinmethod

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; Control Room (Training Area)
Interacting With; Jessica (@FacePunch) & Jackson (@SomewhatAverage)
Mood; Relaxed → Focused → Energized

Proceeding into the primary section of the control room Harold scuffed at Jackson's reason for coming here in the first place. However, he wouldn't confess that he also woke up on weekends and rushed down to his first class thinking it was a normal school day. He had to keep his, 'I never make mistakes because I'm so perfect', which of course isn't true. "Yeah, I could always use a bit of work, you know, talking to other people." Jackson said, this whole scenario is pretty ironic, huh? These people came here today to train in solitude and not have to deal with human interaction. And here we are, actually trying to keep this conversation strong even if we're not too good at it. For some reason that made Harold smile.

After taking a few steps in the room he whiffed in the aroma, "There's an advantage for coming here early, it doesn't smell like a gas station bathroom." He rejoiced. He searched for a drone that was close to the others, but not so close that they had no space to train. Once he found his own AI machine he looked over his shoulder at Jackson's robot, watching it receive the numerous hits Jackson enforced onto it. The poor thing really didn't stand a chance. He gave a light laugh at Jessica's comment, "I have to agree, poor thing couldn't stand up for itself.", looking down at Jessica watching her change the setting to red mode. They all knew she could do that, have you heard what she can do? Though Harold would usually change it to red mode because a challenge is always fun and exciting. Harold acknowledged her eye-catching performance, it was like something straight out of a superhero movie. Do you know that scene where Iron Man blocks Bucky's bullet with his hand gadget? That's exactly what she did to inhibit the bot's energy from hitting her. At the end of her small victory speech, Harold applauded her, "Encore encore! Go big or go home, huh?" He chuckled. It felt like everyone was just showing off their powers and combat skills, Harold didn't feel anxious though. He became so comfortable around these two so he didn't feel as if he needed to show off. But he wanted to show off, just a bit.

Finally switching on his AI and stepping back to stretch, he moved his right arm to his left side and trapping it with his left forearm and then vice versa. Very quickly he touched his toes, not bending his knees in the slightest. He shot back up and watched the ending sequence of the bot's transformation, it's bowl like head was the only difference it had from human limbs. Harold quickly inspected the bot's obvious abilities, he saw that it can outstretch it's robotic body and shoot out lasers from it's finger tips maybe even it's eye sockets. He could tell by the structure, the particular arrangement of wires and from past experience. The thing suddenly charged at Knight, but it wasn't difficult for him to dodge the attack, maybe he should've increased his difficulty? He raised his arm to his waist and out protruded his ulna and radius spiraling to create a sharp screw-like blade. No blood was present but still this display could be stomach churning for most. The robot charged again, but this time it also shot out red beams. He avoided these shots by leaping and flipping, decreasing his bone density to go quicker and have incredible agility. After the blows ended, he sprinted over to the bot who was preparing to blast him with it's eye lasers, At least I was right.. A second before the blast Harold jumped upwards the bot and used his other hand to grasp the head, then turned to sit on it's shoulders. He raised his bone blade, increasing his bone density, he slashed the head clean off the humanoid body and flipped off from the back. Just to make sure the job is done he dug his blade into the back of the body and shoved it forward, watching it fall to the ground with a thud. He retrieved his bones back into his forearm and turned over to his training buddies, "So, have any other plans for today?" He asked with a steady breath. He walked over to another bot and began to change it's settings to a higher difficulty, He still listened for answers that followed his question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hippocamp
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Hippocamp the Steel Whirlwind

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Allen Hops

Range, playing with the toys.
Interacting With; Carmen @abandonedIntel.
Mood;Joking ← plotting.

Benny liked his summoned gun being admired, as Carmen was doing. He hadn’t yet flaunted the fact he could whip them up with any paint job he wished for. It would literally be difficult for him to NOT be the most stylish villain of them all. He appreciated her compliment on his tastes. ”Thank you I appreciate you saying so. You know what they say, the guns make the man.” Benny winced a little at his own sense of humor. If only he could retrieve a better one of those. For now he checked out how far down range he could see with this scope. Great for plucking off heads, he suspected. For now he set the gun aside in the shade of a convenient tree.

Benny noted Carmen diligently setting up the range.”Thanks for putting the targets up. I can’t wait to see your sweet pistolera moves today, Carmen.” He listened to her talk about her food preferences. He decided to be reassuring about her enjoyment of Dorito nacho salad. ”I can respect your Doritos loyalty, you don’t have to switch to the Funyun side just for my sake.” Benny imagined the amount of Dorito stains that must fill Carmen’s life. He laughed when she said they could avoid ice-cream shamers by hunkering down in the Cobra. ”Let’s be badasses and stare at our fellow students from your car while eating fat gobs of ice cream. You in? We can be the highest of high rollers.” Benny tried briefly to imagine a world better than the one where he rolled past the most stuck up of his fellow Delphinites, while he sprawled on leather upholstery and feasted on some Ben and Jerry’s. But he couldn’t come up with one.

When Carmen mentioned Doctor Chaos, Benny frowned a little. ”You’re suggesting I try to learn a thing or two from a mad man? I think between my power and insanity too much could go wrong. For now I’m sticking with Bill Nye to teach me about chemical reactions, he has all his marbles in the right place.” Benny had considered the ways in which going crazy helped a villain. It was an excuse to get locked away in specialty prisons and mad houses, and to get to see doctors all the time and maybe get them to go nuts too. He wouldn’t have a hard time of it, but he preferred activism to being actively insane. In the membrane, as Carmen put it. Not that a pickle flavored hamster seemed like the worst idea, he could try that one for himself later. But which unsuspecting fool would he get to eat the hamster? Hmm… Now he was thinking like a crazy doctor for sure.

Benny donned the safety glasses, shaking his head a little and rolling his eyes when Carmen mentioned the fire pit. ”Are you trying to tell me you haven’t had the privilege of s'mores? Someone needs to get a care package of marshmallows and chocolate graham crackers to whatever hole you crawled out of right away, there are some Hispanic gangsters MISSING OUT.” When Carmen told him to start flying the drone, he hopped on board. ”Welcome to flight two-nine-delta, we are expecting some turbulence because a chica with a gun has it out for our balls.” He guided the quadcopter to almost 50 meters up, much higher than the trees, and kept it hovering along at a steady pace. ”This good or do you need it to be lower?” Benny expected Carmen to do some superhuman-ly accurate shooting without any handicap, but he knew she would be more in the mood after he teased her a bit.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location; Front Courtyard -> Fountain
Interacting With; Samantha Youngblood @HushedWhispers -> Gianna Daniels @lovely complex(bumped into), Brenna Lancaster @smarty0114, Kayla Styles @BeastofDestiny, James Spinne @FacePunch
Mood; Relieved -> Admiring -> Confused -> Embarrassed -> Slightly Aroused

Following the girl's arm, Minako nodded. "Ah! Thank you very much. I will have to take the time to familiarize myself with the campus." She bowed again, and grabbed her suitcases. "Please have a pleasant day."

Turning, she began making her way towards the indicated building, looking around her as she did so. It truly was an amazing property. The grass beneath her feet was a lush, verdant green, and scattered here and there were beds of flowers in full bloom beneath shade-bearing trees. Off to her side was a large, ornate fountain, and she suspected that the Academy had some very wealthy benefactors. Her own family's estate, as well as their other properties, made her appreciative of that fact. I wonder if the groundskeepers have geological or flora-based powers. It would certainly be an advantageous asset. She made a mental note to query Isa about it.

There were also a large number of students scattered in small groups across the grounds. Minako frowned, running dates over in her mind. Isn't it the second month of the semester? Are there not classes today? Perhaps they do things differently here. She pursed her lips, then shrugged. It would at least give her a chance to get settled before launching into work, which was nice. At already a month in, she would have a lot to catch up on, in addition to everything her father sent her to review.

One sight in particular caught her eye, slowing her down. A young man with sandy hair was standing by one of the flower beds, moving his hands around a pillar of dirt that was rising out of the ground, his brow furrowed in concentration. His movements were slow and careful, and the dirt flowed like molasses beneath his fingers. Every so often he would glance at a girl sitting on an adjacent bench, who was sitting very still, as if she was frozen. Finally, he swung his hands inward, and the dirt column solidified into a perfect replica of the girl, who immediately broke her pose and clapped enthusiastically, before throwing her arms around the boy, locking him in an even more enthusiastic kiss. Minako smiled, a slight adorning her cheeks. Awe. That's very sweet.

All of the sudden, the sculpture started to tip over, until it fell and broke into several pieces, startling the couple. The boy looked across the flower bed to another group, who were all laughing very loudly. One of them, a boy with spiky black hair, motioned towards the pair, and apparently said something that upset them, as the girl had to stop her boyfriend (or so Minako assumed him to be) from going over. She did, however, snap her fingers in the direction of the group, causing a bright flash to appear in front of the leader's eyes, blinding him.

Minako frowned, confusion and disgust roiling in her stomach. Why would they do such a thing? Why destroy such a lovely piece of art? What was the point? Try as she might, the only thing Minako could think of was the two groups somehow knew each other, and that they had bad blood between them. It just seemed like such a waste to her. Shaking her head, she turned back to continue...

And promptly walked straight into another person.

Stumbling backwards, she dropped her suitcases beside her and immediately gave a quick bow. "Oh, I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going, IIIeeeuuuhhh..."

She trailed off as she straightened. If there was ever such a thing as a "perfect woman", this girl was pretty damn close. Minako's slowly travelled upwards from her bronzed shoulders, following the gentle curve of her neck, pausing briefly at pink lips bent into an irritated frown, and finally stopping at dark brown eyes that gave Minako a sensation of being drawn in, despite the glare of reproach they were currently giving.

She realized her mistake a split second after she made it.

A tremor of warmth pulsed through her body as her power activated, a gentle flame that raced from head to foot before coiling deep in her gut. Her vision shifted; still the same girl, but now she was lit with a soft glow, as though coals had been implanted beneath her skin. A small part of Minako's mind recognized this. The glow was a basic scan of the girl's nervous system, and now that the connection had been made, her senses were completely open to Minako's touch.

The majority of her mind, however, was stuck in frantic overload. Don'tdoanythingdon'tdoanythingdon'tdoanything...
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location; Town Square → Aliments → Mayweather
Interacting With; Each other → Will via text- @smarty0114
Collab between Hushed and @smarty0114

As they walked towards the parking lot, Avalon smirked at Sammie's question. Her two friends had been crushing on each other for who knew how long, and she'd been gently nudging them in the right direction for months now. If anything was true about Avalon Middleton, it was that she had great fashion sense, she was an intense shipper, and she had a great amount of patience. She was hoping that this year, her patience, her nudging, and her impeccable shipping skills would pay off, in the form of a little relationship she called, Wammie.

"Did Will ask about you? I don't know, does the sun rise in the east, and set in the west?" she asked jokingly, nudging her friend lightly. "But, in all honesty, Will is one of the smartest guys I know. Granted, most of the guys I've surrounded myself haven't been incredibly bright, but Will sure as hell is. And when you come around his brain suddenly turns to mush, and no one else does that to him. But those are just the observations of a very beautiful and very wise electrokinetic. Avalon fixed her best friend with a knowing smirk. "As for the shoes, I can assure you that I will be shopping until I drop today, because nothing takes away the stress of sharing a school with villains like spending my family's money!

Hopping into the drivers seat of her car, a gift from her grandmother. You could say what you would about Grandma Middleton, but she knew how to make a pun, not to mention pick out a car. Once Sammie was seated, she started the car and drove off, away from the campus and towards Town Square, blasting Girl Just Want To Have Fun, the entire way. The red head couldn't help but smile, and feel a twinge of sadness as she pulled into a parking space in front of one of Avalon and Sammie's favorite stores in Town Square. Said twinge was quickly replaced by the anticipation of a rather amazing shopping spree. She turned to her friend as they exited the car, and grinned. "After you.

Again, Samantha had honestly liked Will, despite their age difference and grade levels. Will was about the only guy at Mayweather that could keep up with her wits and keep her on her toes and honestly, it was what drew her attraction towards Will in the first place. She knew Avalon shipped them since the day they had met and she honestly laughed every single time she spoke their ship name, Wammie. Sounded like a school mascot but Samantha would never say that out loud. While staring at Avalon as she answered her question in a joking manner, Samantha rolled her eyes with the shake of her head.

Samantha continued to listen to Avalon while nodding her head. "Honestly, that's why I am so attracted to him, Ava. His wits are beyond compare and I need someone like him in my life. She had remarked while noticing Avalon's smirk. "Girl. Girl. I think we both needed this shopping day today after the last month." The last month wasn't really hell to say the very least but being on the campus with their rivals didn't make things easier for them. It made things a little bit worse.

As they approached Avalon's car, Samantha admired it with her eyes and opened her mouth wide. "Wow." She said then looked at Avalon while waving her hand at the car. "Let me guess, Grandma Middleton? Of course, it was a rhetorical question, sort of, since Samantha had already knew the answer to it. Samantha had gathered herself while getting inside of the car, placing on a pair of shades upon her face that she had hidden in Ava's glove compartment. While riding along the streets towards Town Square, Samantha and Avalon blasted and sung along to their anthem, which was Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper.

It was nice to be off of the campus once again. It was even better to be beside no one else but her best friend. This day couldn't get any better. Once they were parked in front of one of their favorite stores and hearing Avalon speak, Samantha got out of the car and walked over to the door, opening it and walking through though holding it open for Avalon to walk through. "Girl. They're having a sale!" Samantha squealed while running over towards the section where the sale was happening and grabbed some of everything.

"Let me go and try these on. Okay? She had said while basically dragging Avalon with her so that she could model for her a little bit - Just to let her know which ones were best for her and which was she needed to trash. Samantha kept on asking Avalon what about this one, or what about that one until she finally picked two new outfits and paid for them.

"Okay. Your turn." Samantha offered Avalon then waited for her to pick out some outfits.

Avalon liked to believe that she was the best person to try on clothes with. As Sammie went through the pile of things she picked out, she met each one with either a critique or a praise. "That is a yes. Definite yes. It hints but doesn't reveal. Classy, she said to one outfit. To another she responded with, "Oh no. Nope that isn't anyone's color, and I'm confident it won't ever be." By the time Avalon was through, the duo had wittled the pool down to two items, which Samantha paid for.

Then it was Avalon's turn. On any other day, Samantha might have been the hurricane, but that day, in that store, Avalon tore through it, grabbing every article of clothing she could see. Shoes, dresses, blouses, rompers, skirts, you name it. When she was carrying too much to even see, she dragged Sammie into the dressing room, and proceeded to whittle the mountain of a pile, into a slightly more manageable mole hill. She modeled item after item for her friend, gaining the nod of approval or the shake of a head. By the end, she had a few items, among them the dress she'd come her for.

As she was getting rung up, she turned to her friend. "I'm thinking, tonight, we have what Grandma Middleton would call, 'a grand old time,'" Avalon said with a grin. "We can commandeer the top floor of the Old East house, have a movie night, maybe a pool tournament. We can get all our favorite heroes together, including Will, and just have fun. No villains allowed. What do you say? Avalon suggested. She was in desperate need of Delphina free evening, to go with her Delphina free day, and also a good opportunity to solidify Wammie. God she loved that name.

When Samantha had followed Avalon to the dressing rooms and sat down on a nearby cushioned bench, waiting for her to model the clothes she had picked out for her. Of course, Avalon knew what to keep and what not to keep by Samantha's facial expressions including the nod of approval and the shake of her head. When it was over and done with, she had manage to get more than Samantha. Seemed like Avalon just had to one up her.

With a slight smirk, Samantha walked over towards the shoe section and picked out the shoes for Avalon and paid for them. As the cashier was ringing up Avalon's items, her ears twitched and gaze turned towards her red headed friend now. "Now, as heroic as that sounds, you know that Headmistress Loretta wouldn't allow that. Samantha said as the cashier had finished ringing up Avalon's items and they started walking towards the door and out of the store.

"But I do like where your head is at. Hm, how about we have a rooftop party instead. And I agree with the No Delphina Allowed rule." Samantha said as she walked beside Avalon down the streets of Town Square now. "We can put word out once we get back to the school, of course." Samantha stated while looking off in the distance and seeing a lady getting mugged.

Her eyes widened at the display as she looked around her then whispered towards Avalon. "Stand back." Samantha stood there and concentrated as streaks of lightening came down from a dark clouded sky now with whips of wind. The mugger ran away from the lady in absolute fear then noticed that he had dropped the purse. Samantha, being the good Samaritan she is, returned the purse then went back to stand beside Avalon.

"Don't tell Headmistress Loretta that I did that. She had said while looking at her with those innocent, bright blue eyes of hers. "So, where to now?" Samantha continued to ask while her gaze was still upon Avalon.

"You're secret is safe with me," Avalon said with a smile and a wink. "As to our destination, maybe it would be a good idea to grab some stuff for this party we're planning? I'd say we can get game tables, televisions, and speakers from campus. We'll need food though, chips and what not, and drinks as well. What do you say? Up for a little grocery shopping?

The idea of a party was filling the young redhead with excitement. Mayweather wasn't a huge party school, certainly not like her high school had been. Sure, kids got together and got wasted, but parties were generally small and unless they were thrown by the right people, they were never any good. Avalon intended for her and Sammie to be the right people tonight. She was going to throw a kick ass party, and show the Mayweathers that this was their school, not the Delphinas. They might as well just call me a hero now

Samantha raised a brow up at Avalon then nodded her head. "Oh, yeah. Always up for anything that involves the word shopping." Samantha snickered while looking at the load of bags they both had. "Uhm, it might be smart if we dropped these bags off first." Samantha had inquired as they walked to Avalon's car and sat their bags down then walked to the nearest grocery story.

Avalon's party idea was making Samantha gleam. She knew from the moment she met Avalon that they would hit it off. Plus, she can definitely tell by Ava's demeanor that she could throw one bomb ass party. "Even if they don't call you a hero. You're always a hero in my book." Samantha said as she hugged Avalon as they entered the grocery store now and Samantha grabbed a buckey.

"So, I'll go get the food and you go and get the decorations, yes? Samantha had inquired again towards Avalon, waiting to see what she was going to decide.

Avalon nodded at her friend's suggestion. "Sounds like a plan. I will meet you back here with some incredible decorations, she said with a grin, before grabbing her own basket and sauntering off, down the decorations aisle.

She and Samatha made a great team, and they had as long as they'd known eachother. Theirs was a rare friendship, one that seemed destined to happen, one where the two friends are so great together, it seems unfair. And Avalon liked it that way. Sure, Will was basically her brother, but Sammie was her sister, and that was a different bond.

As she strolled down the decorations aisle, Avalon grabbed anything and everything that caught her eye. Oooh. That. And that. Definitely that. Oooooooh for sure those, she said to herself as she strolled down the aisle. By the time she was finished she had a basket filled with fairy lights, streamers, balloons, string to tie said balloons down, a few tiki torches, and even a small disco ball. She grinned to herself. This had definitely been a success.

As she waited for Sammie to finish grabbing food, Avalon was already planning out how the party would go. After succeeding in getting Wammie together, she'd have to pick a new couple. She wondered if Milo had his eyes on anyone. He and Harold would be adorable, she thought, then laughing at the thought of Harold, her incredibly blunt and socially awkward roommate dating someone. Some things were too funny.

After watching Avalon exceed before her, Samantha immediately went over to the food aisle and stood before the chips and dips, resting her index finger upon her chin, thinking. 'What will these people eat?' She had said while grabbing two bags of Tortilla chips then salsa along with spinach dip. She even threw in some ruffle chips and french onion dip, as well. Samantha snapped her fingers then wandered off towards the drink aisle now. She grabbed Pepsi, Coke, Dr. Pepper and a case of Bud Light beer, too. Had to get the party started somehow.

After grabbing a few more items for the people of Mayweather to snack on, she went walking down each aisle until she found Avalon. "I know that look." Samantha had said while pointing at Avalon. "Who are you thinking about coupling up now? She had asked as they walked over to the cashier now, allowing Avalon to go first.

"I swear, if this was a fairy tale, you'd be someone's fairy godmother. And I think I'd be the mother of the prince, or something." Samantha laughed as the cashier had got done with Avalon's decorations and bagged them accordingly. Samantha had walked up to the cashier and showed him the ID so that she could buy the beer. "Thanks." Samantha had said while grabbing her change and pushing the buckey while walking beside Avalon again as they were leaving the grocery store.

"I am now so ready for tonight." She had muttered loud enough for Avalon to hear as she started unpacking her buckey of groceries inside of Avalon's trunk.

Avalon smirked as Samantha mentioned the grin on her face, the one that was a result of her thinking about pairing up Harold and Milo. Hilo as they'd hence be know. "I was just thinking that Harold and Milo would make a cute couple. I mean, seeing Harold in a relationship would probably be one of the strangest things I can think of, but it would still be cute, Avalon said, following Sammie to the register and laughing at her fairy tale comment.

Avalon had always thought of herself as the fairy godmother of Mayweather. Sammie was the kind one, the one who offered support, but Avalon was the one who kicked you in the ass and fixed you up and got you laid, all in one night. Sure, she was still single, but that wasn't for lack of interested parties. That was because Avalon Middleton doesn't date just any skeez, and she had yet to be asked out by anyone up to her standard.

Avalon began unloading the cart into the truck of her car, grinning at the thought of what an awesome night this would be. "I have to say, this is one of my better ideas, and turning it into a rooftop party was simply genius, so well done, Once they'd finished loading the groceries into the car, she looked over at Sammie, hands on her hips. "So, all this shopping has made me hungry. I'm thinking lunch is in order, Avalon said, and the two strutted off towards one of the many restauraunts in Town Square.

They ultimately decided to eat at a place called, Aliments, a small place that was run by a very short, very cantankerous, but extremely loveable French man. The man, Henri, knew Sammie and Avalon by name, and he cheefully greeted them. He was feeling rather jovial today. "Outside seating a usual I assume? he asked with a grin. Avalon nodded and she and Sammie followed him to one of the tables outside, which was kept in the shade by a large red umbrella that rested in the center. Henri left them with two menus, and Avalon began to scan hers, trying to find something that she was in the mood for.

Samantha eyed Avalon when she talked about getting Milo and Harold together, shaking her head with a smile. "Don't go meddling into people's lives now." Samantha said as they walked away from her car now, chatting and laughing along. "Well, you know what happens when we put our heads together." Samantha chuckled as she nodded her head at Avalon's lunch comment.

"Indeed." Of course, Samantha and Avalon went to their favorite restaurant, Aliments. Henri instantly greeted them cheerfully and of course, knew where they wanted to sit at. Samantha followed behind Avalon as Henri handed them two menus.

"I might get the pasta salad, as always." She had said while scanning over her menu, just in case she wanted to try something else. Samantha closed her menu and dropped it on the table. Pasta salad it was. Like she was really going to get anything different from Aliments.

When a cute waiter came by, he introduced himself as Ramon then took down her order along with Avalon's, brought them out their respective beverages then their main course - Even a side of bread rolls. Samantha wasted no time digging into her food while looking at Avalon with a mouth full of food. "Don't even give me that look. You know I eat like a pig in a trough when I am hungry." Samantha commented while taking a bread roll now and biting out of it.

"I honestly wonder what Will is doing." Samantha said while looking at Avalon again. "He gave me his number ages ago, well you know, last month and I haven't called or texted. Is it about time I should?" Samantha inquired in a questioned tone towards Avalon, knowing that she was going to be honest with her.

When Ramon came by, Avalon ordered the sole meunière, a dish that consisted of grilled fish drizled with lemon juice. Her grandmother, ever the connoiseur had loved to make it, or at least she loved the personal chef to make it. When the food was brought over, she dug in, realizing how hungry she'd truly been, and chuckled at Samantha's comment. "You said it, not me, she said, giggling.

When Sammantha mentioned that Will had given her his number her eyes widened in surprise. "I'm sorry, what?" she exclaimed, disbelief clear on her face. "Will never even told me! Of course you should text him! Do it! Do it now! Tell that we're planning a party or something! she said, laughing. "Seeing as how it's Saturday, he's probably just finishing up a run or something. He always trains on the weekends," she explained, as she took a bite from a breadroll, and sipped from her water.

The look of disbelief on Avalon's face made Samantha chuckle honestly as she shrugged her shoulders. "Will doesn't have to tell you everything, now does he?" It was sort of a hypocritical statement because Samantha didn't even tell Avalon until now. Samantha pulled out her phone and found Will's number then immediately started texting him.

To: ♥♥William - Future Boo♥♥
Hey there! Wondering what you were up to today? Making my way back to the campus with Avalon and seeing if you wanted to meet up somewhere. Just let me know, please. :)

"I literally just typed a whole fricking paragraph." Samantha muttered while laying down her phone and staring back up at Avalon, seeing that she was just about with her food but knowing her, she wasn't going to eat it all. When Ramon came back over to check upon them, Samantha asked for the check and he took their plates away.

Coming back with the check, Samantha paid for it, leaving Avalon to leave the tip, which was a little agreement they had always worked out. Whoever paid the other must leave the tip. As soon as Ramon wandered off after thanking them, Henri gave them hugs on their way out of the door as they walked along the sidewalk again, reaching Avalon's vehicle.

"I'll drive us back. Know you must be exhausted after all of that head shipping and such." Samantha chuckled while grabbing the keys from Avalon and getting in the driver's seat and waited until Avalon got in before driving back towards the campus of Mayweather.

When they arrived, they would grab their respective shopping bags and just save the groceries and decorations for later when they were going to set up for the party. "Thanks for the day out as always, girl." Samantha had said while walking alongside Avalon again. "I'll spread word about the party and I'll meet you later on to help you set up." Samantha said then nodded her head after Avalon response.

Tonight might actually be one worth remembering.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; Leaving campus Subway (Aiming to go to Central Park)
Interacting With; Strong mental mention of Lucas (@Legion02). Benny by text (@Hippocamp)
Mood; Frustrated (Raging) Embarrassed Cooling down

Insufferable. Foul. Insolent... asshole! There were few people Eliana cared about, and fewer she thought well of, but when she thought of Lucas Farweight... her blood boiled uncontrollably. She didn't know how it was possible for one being to get that under her skin, but she hated it. She hated him. He confirmed everything that was wrong with this world. His selfish disdain of the feelings of others, his manners, his beliefs that were driven by his arrogance, his damnable conceit, absolutely everything about him was not worth respect. His voice made her very flesh crawl and his stare ignited a malice in her that she didn't know existed. If she had the strength of Jessica, she would punch his skull in. Call Ellie prejudice or whatever, but there was no way in hell she could wash away this unadulterated loathing. Sure, she'll get over this minor set back but in this moment, she was going to live inside her head that was full of murderous thoughts for one person. 'You'll pay for that' Yeah, okay. And I’ll castrate you, ass. As the fuming brunette walked on the sidewalk, her head reeling, not caring about any of her surroundings, her dagger-like orbs glared at all those who passed her, as she continued her mental rage. He should not be allowed on school grounds. Why hasn’t anyone done anything?! They just let a stupid idiot march around punching kids not even half his size.

Opening up her phone, Ellie read the text messages she missed. None from Jess, sadly. On impulse, after reading the text from Benny, she frustratingly responded (which isn’t something she usually does when she’s in this state of mind).

To: Benny Hops
Some people just shouldn't exist.

After sending the text, she sighed and nodded to herself feeling slightly better. Looking around to see if anyone was around her, she took in the morning air and let her emotions simmer. However, a sudden realization fell over her and her deep, green eyes widened. Wait… no. She shouldn’t have done that. She didn’t just do that, did she? What the hell was she thinking!? Oh no, Benny would know she had another moment with Lucas! He didn't need to know that! He could use that against her! Well, that's assuming he would use that against her. With the speed of lightning, Ellie opened her phone back up, and allowed her fingers to race on the keyboard.

To: Benny Hops
Disregard that. That wasn’t for you. Sorry.

Placing her phone back in her purse, her feet came to a halt. She was now by the entrance of the campus and no one was around her. Covering her face, her cheeks a faint pink, Dream Catcher silently screamed in the cup of her hands. Ellie needed to stop thinking about such a disgraceful man. The more she thought about Lucas, the more she wanted to bash her head on a wall. She needed to calm down. It was time for her to enjoy the rest of her day, ideally alone.

What should she do now that she wasn't being held back by an idiot? I should go to the park.

Heading to the closest station, Eliana went underground and purchased a day pass so she could get where she needed to go around New York, since it was better to get around NYC by foot than by anything else. Traffic was the worst. She came just in the nick of time. The train pulled up, her hair blowing with the rush of wind the train gave as it came to a stop. Within time, the doors opened and she faintly entered. Taking her seat besides a teen boy boomboxing, while his girl friend rapped to his beat, she watched them and nodded her head to the beat - might as well enjoy the ride.

Location; Fountain
Interacting With; Brenna, James (@smarty0114 @FacePunch), Lucas & Carmen by text (@Legion02 @abandonedIntel), Kayla (@BeastOfDestiny), Minako (@Thundercrash)
Mood; Concerned Annoyed No comment.

As Brenna kept the naive girl occupied, Gia took her phone out to swipe through pictures that were primarily her, her and Virgil, and her friends. Smiling softly to herself, she rested her eyes on her late boyfriend's smile. Her heart ached but she didn't want to forget him. She couldn't forget. He was her everything. Two messages came flying in, one from Lucas and one from Carmen. Concern washed over her as she read the text from her puppy. Subtle enough to where the people around her couldn't notice, but not enough to make her scent ineffective to their emotions, they would start feeling anxious/worried for a minute or two (over anything really) because she wasn't trying to contain her scent.

This wasn't like him. If they talked, it was when they were being wild and free. This... his message sounded serious. Perhaps his clash with Ellie went too far. Like a worried mother, she lovingly responded.

To: My Pup
Yes. Come to my room... I have something for you too. Ily.

Unfortunately this meant she either had to postpone with Carmen, or figure something else out.

To: Captive
Hey babe, my friend needs me 2nite. Do u mind me visiting afterwards? It'll be late.

As much as Gia would love to 'woo' the Mayweather, Lucas needed her and he took priority over most. He's been with her ever since he started school and Vince loved him. They were practically brothers, which makes him a brother to her. Gia would go out of her way for him, if only he asked. Her anxiety turned to annoyance when she heard the spider prick arrive. Trying to cover up her obvious disdain for the guy, she let her thoughts turn to thinking of possible clothes she could get at the mall. James was not worthy of dating her precious Princess. He'd have to scrub the floor with his tongue before she would allow Brenna to date such a weak villain. Her critical stare looked at Jame's face as he asked if they were going shopping, "You were told correctly. Spiderman and a bunch of women, lucky you."

Rolling her eyes at such a stupid question, she turned her attention back to her project and pleasantly smiled, "You won't regret it." and gave little Kayla a playful wink to assure her that Brenna and her would give her a 'good' time. Her plan was simple. Influence the mouse to lean more toward her, pull her strings so she supported her over her own 'Mother' Hurricane, and blacken her innocence. The girl was an outcast, which made it easier to win her favor. Sure, this was a snake coiling around a dove... but it was a fun experiment! Who knows if she'll be able to get the girl to do some of her bidding too?! You know, eavesdropping and backstabbing. Things people of her size could do. In this moment, Gia was going to be her best friend. The peace of Gia was interrupted by an Asian girl crashing into her. The she-wolf couldn't help but automatically give the girl a bitch face.

Her expression immediately froze up when the stranger's eyes glowed, locking her eyes with her's. Gianna Daniels felt a sudden pain in her chest and her stomach felt sick... it was like Titanic hitting an iceberg. The pain she felt when she lost Vincent to the fire, her mother to an accident, or even when she was a little girl inquiring about her father.

"Mommy, when am I going to meet daddy?" She would ask.

This was not someone entering her mind, this was someone touching her soul and all the broken glass that was residing in it. Bringing her hand to her chest, feeling something she had been good at keeping away, the bronze skinned woman alarmingly looked at the newcomer, ignoring everyone else around her. Her eyes watered up as she gazed onto this girl that affected her in intimate ways that only a lover could make her feel. Gia's vulnerability was crawling to the surface.

Rather than lash out at her, she exasperatedly muttered, "What..." Little words could escape her, she wanted to ask: what did you just do to me? But all she could do was look at the girl that ripped her heart out. It's times like these, Gia should avoid people... it's times like these she should seclude herself... but she couldn't move.

Grabbing a little bit of her strength to talk, she breathed in and out, and then directed her friend to leave, "Brenna. Go on ahead. Now." By now the Snow Angel should know that this was for her protection. Gia needed to get to the bottom of this. Everyone else that wasn't this girl needed to leave. There were many reasons why they needed to go away, she didn't want any of them to feel this kind of suffering and... she was remembering things that she wasn't prepared to handle. They needed to get away from her now... or else... who knows what would happen.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; Garden -> Infirmary
Interacting With; Elijah @BeastofDestiny | Emilia @NarcissisticPotato | Klaus @FacePunch | Samantha @HushedWhispers
Mood; Angry -> Annoyed -> Anxious -> Excited

Will blinked in surprise as Emilia showed up, waltzing right into the middle of the rather intense standoff session they'd been having. He had to hand it to her though. The Australian wasted no time in cursing Klaus out, and as nuts as she might have been, Will had to admit, she had balls. Granted, Klaus proceeded to respond by flooding her with fear, so much so that Will could feel it even now, without even trying. And then Elijah punched her in the gut. Will rolled his eyes. I guess that was one solution he thought.

Will nodded begrudgingly at Elijah's commands. As much as he hated taking orders from people, especially from a Delphina, and as much as he wanted to smack Klaus' fascist ass into the next century, the people Klaus had fucked with would need his help getting to the infirmary. He looked at the ground, grimacing. The five Mayweathers, as well as Emilia. He was gonna feel worn out after this, he could tell. He raised his hand into the air, and as he did, the Mayweathers rose slowly off the ground. He lifted them just high enough so that they wouldn't drag across the earth. Any higher and he'd be pushing his limits of control, not to mention strength. He then knelt down and lifted Emilia up and over his shoulder, before standing back up. He proceeded to walk away from the fight that was unfolding, but not without the last word. "Hey Klaus! Consider yourself trifled with."

And off he went, slowly but surely making it towards the infirmary, not even waiting to hear Klaus' response. He couldn't stand people like him, those who thought supers were meant to enslave the powerless. It was wrong. The way Will saw it, they were meant to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. At least that's what his mom had taught him, and she had yet to be wrong, as much as Will hated to admit it.

By the time Will reached the infirmary, sweat was rolling down his face. Carrying five people that far with his powers was exhausting. Sure, he could sweep his hand and send five people flying, no problem, but carrying them required a lot more concentration, and it didn't help that he had Emilia on his back as well.

The infirmary was a large room, with around thirty beds, each with their own set of monitoring equipment and a curtain that would draw around the bed and equipment, giving the resident some privacy. At the back of the room, past the beds, was all manner of testing equipment, from treadmills to MRI scanners. This place was as state of the art as they come.

Just as he was placing the last of the students on a bed, the school's nurse, well really she was the school's doctor, rushed in. Dr. Mary Thorpe was a short woman, about 5'4, in her mid thirties with blonde hair and kind, blue eyes. She carried herself with such confidence that it was hard to worry when she was around, yet right now, Will was still worried. "I've seen this before. Untergang, I take it?" she asked, as she checked each student's vitals. Will nodded. "It's not gonna be as bad as Jemma is it? he asked, biting his nails nervously. As Dr.Thorpe finished checking each student, she turned to Will and smiled kindly. "As far as I can tell, they'll be fine. You did a fine job bringing them here though, Will."

Will grinned at the praise. He'd become close with the doctor since enrolling at Mayweather, and he saw her as a confidant, a faculty member he could trust. You got close to someone when you came in every week with some sort of training sustained injury, and Dr.Thorpe was just an easy person to talk to.

"Well, it is my job, or it will be I guess," he replied, earning a pat on the shoulder from Dr.Thorpe. "What's really shitty, is that they attacked him. It was self-defense. Slightly extreme, but that's what it was." He couldn't stand the thought of Klaus getting away with this, but he knew that he would. Winters and his crew had attacked Klaus, not the other way around. He sighed and took a seat on one of the unoccupied beds. "Self-defense. A fancy way of saying, He started it first,' in my opinion," the doctor said with a chuckle, before walking off to work on the accident report, leaving Will seated on the bed, waiting for one of the students to wake up. He felt wrong just leaving them here. But then, a text from a certain bombshell blonde came in on his phone and he couldn't help but fall onto the floor in shock. He hadn't expected her to use his number, in fact, he was pretty sure she'd forgotten it. She probably got tons of guys numbers. And now she wanted to meet up with him.

To: ❤️ Bombshell Blonde ❤️
We can meet in the rec room of the Old East building. I've got some pretty intense foosball skills :)

He groaned at his response. It was mediocre at best. But, his future girl friend was waiting, and with a glance at the unconscious students, he rushed out of the infirmary and towards the Old East building, shouting a goodbye to Dr. Thorpe, and jumping just a bit in the hallway.

Location; The Fountain
Interacting With; James @FacePunch | Gia @lovely complex | Kayla @BeastofDestiny | Minako @Thundercrash
Mood; Amused -> Concerned

Brenna had to turn away to hide the blush that was creeping up her face when James landed in front of her, on one knee. Are you seriously blushing right now Brenna? Really?" she asked herself, before turning back to face the others, smiling as she stood next to James. Truly, she didn't know how she felt about the freshman, but she knew it confused her. She liked him, she knew that much. He was cute and funny and obviously infatuated with her, but she didn't know if that "like" was platonic or otherwise. The blush definitely hinted towards the latter.

As much as she liked James, her best friend clearly didn't share the sentiment, though to her credit she'd tried to hide the fact. Gia was pretty awesome like that. And she could understand why she thought he wasn't all that cool. He wasn't as "villainy" as some other Delphinas, and his humor wasn't for everyone, and he could seem a tad bit immature, not that any of this bothered her. In fact she found most of it a bit endearing.

Brenna was torn from her thoughts by the arrival of some newbie, who bumped right into Gia. "Hey learn to watch where you're going! she shouted at the new arrival. But even as the words left her mouth, she could tell that she'd done something to Gia. She turned to her best friend, a concerned look on her face, before turning back to the newcomer. "What the fuck did you just do! she shouted. And then, Brenna came back to reality, and told her to go. She knew this Gia, and this Gia was unhinged and dangerous. With one last glare at the newbie, she practically dragged Kayla and James away from the scene at the fountain before turning to face them both. Plastering a smile onto her face she spoke to them in a sweet voice, so sweet it would be hard to believe she was the same girl who'd about killed someone moments before. "I'm sorry about that back there. Mommy always said I had a bit of a temper," she said with a smile and a giggle, feigning innocence for Kayla's benefit. "Well, if you guys are still up for Town Square, then we can take my car. Or, if you guys have something else in mind, we could always do that. Kayla, you seem like a girl who knows how to have fun, and Gia would still want us to have fun." she said, smiling at Kayla.

She figured Gia was going to try and mold this girl into the perfect little spy, someone who'd trust them with all of Mayweather's secrets. Brenna had been friends with Gia long enough that she figured she could take point, at least for the time being. And with James there with her, Kayla would be an easy target. Between the Ice Queen and her spider, anyone would be charmed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location; Remote Firing Range
Interacting With; Benny - @Hippocamp | Gianna via Text - @lovely complex
Mood; Amused → A little nervous → Focused, Determined

Carmen continued to talk to Benny as he prepared to do some shooting himself. "What can I say? FN's the best, though Remington does a nice job too." She grinned, nodding in agreement to his statement regarding his weapon. After she set up the targets, she smiled at his appreciation, being it rare that people give her credit to the attention she pays to detail, and the work she puts in for the many things she does. "Oh... no problem man. Can't have a range without targets, you know?" She said with a chuckle. "I'll save the best for last then." She teased, regarding her sweet moves with her FNX-45. She chuckled in regards to his statement about the Funyuns, and at the offer of eating Ice Cream while looking all badass in a pimped-out Mustang, she nodded. "Hell yeah, man! No one's too classy for ice cream." She agreed. When he expressed his feelings about learning from Dr. Chaos, she nodded in understanding. "Hey, don't worry, I understand. Trust me, before I met him, I wasn't thrilled about the idea of working with the guy either, but... he's grown on me and I've learned to love him and trust him as a good friend." She explained. "Hell, he may be the most insane guy on the planet, but we trust each other, and we've helped each other out many times." She said. "But that's a story for another time. If you just want something made I can just come to him and have him make it for you... or... FOR SCIENCE!!! as he says all of the time." She chuckled. "But either way, it's your decision, I'm not gonna force you into anything." She said. "I may be an asshole but I'm not that much of an asshole." She said with a smirk. In regards to the marshmallows, she laughed. "I know! Trust me, I would've loved to try that out, but instead of smoking hot dogs, my 'homies'..." She said with airquotes, "... prefer to smoke weed instead." She chuckled.

She then felt her phone vibrate again, to which she took out and saw Gianna's text. Hearing that she had to be put off, but for a friend, she nodded to herself in understanding and typed away.

To: Jessica Alba Reference
Its good! Bros before hos, amirite? lol Don't worry, I can keep myself occupied until then. Text me when you're ready, we can meet at my car... don't wanna give Snow White any ideas.

She was a little scared at this point, hoping that Gianna would understand. She didn't trust Brenna at all, especially if they meet together. Again... blackmail material. Carmen was aware of those types, she's seen them in prison. Too bad they got their ass beat to a pulp when the Pheonix was threatened. Though here, she doesn't have Kevante watching her back, or Sukaina to do some spying on her own. She needs to learn the school and the people in it fast, as well as what's where and where's what, and ask a few favors of her friends to help give her a unique advantage in this godforsaken school.

Jeezus Carmen, you're making it sound like a warzone. She thought to herself. She then snapped out of it once she heard Benny start up the drone, to which she stood back and watched it liftoff. She watched as the drone went insanely high, high enough to still be within the effective range of her pistol, but still a little difficult to target with her RMR sights mounted on her gun. She didn't draw it yet, she was waiting until Benny was finished. Once he offered to lower it down, she shook her head. "No... I can deal with this with the rifle, but with my handgun, this is a tall order. I'm gonna do it anyway..." She said softly. It was then she went to work.

She squinted her eyes a little. Everything around her went in slow motion. She focused on the drone far above her, seeing the nearly pixel-like dots of the paintballs. This is gonna be a very difficult target, she was much more used to dealing with targets at a closer range with her pistol, and anything farther than 25 meters was dealt with with her rifle. As for sniper rifle ranges? Well... she still needs to work on that, and she often left that job up to either Kevante or Sukaina. Focusing on the target above her, she drew her pistol from her shoulder holster, spinning it along her finger Blood Dragon Style before aiming straight up, deactivating the safety with her thumb. It was all in slow motion for her, making her able to steady her hand, aim extremely carefully, and using her enhanced senses of sight, she was able to see farther, and see much clearer... she aimed the small red dot over one of the pixel-like paintballs, and aimed up a little, compensating for bullet falloff. And with the squeeze of the trigger, the gun rang out with a powerful *POW!!!*, the bullet screaming through the air... eventually hitting its target, making the paintball explode while the bullet continued to scream into the blue yonder, barely missing the drone itself. The result of the red paintball exploding made another paintball fall off of the drone, to which Carmen aimed at as the gun cycled in another round. Once the gun was chambered and ready to go, she aimed her gun below the falling green paintball, watching it fall in slow-mo, aiming the red dot right below the green ball to let the ball "fall" into the bullet. With another trigger squeeze and a *POW!!!*, the paintball exploded gloriously below the drone. Looking up to the drone, she saw a few more exposed paintballs, though the rest of them are attached at a point where the path of the bullet would end up hitting the drone, in which she's trying her best not to do. With more focus, she aimed at another paintball, made that one explode, and aimed at the second one, making that one explode, and making another one fall off. After that one exploded, Carmen exited her Reflex Mode and lowered her gun, finger off the trigger.

What it looked like from Benny's POV (or anyone's for that matter), it looked like Carmen had an IRL aimbot installed in her mind, shooting five of these paintballs with extreme precision and speed. Like she was a cheating Counterstrike player using hax in real life. After five rounds were fired in rapid succession, and five paintballs exploded, Carmen lowered her gun, finger off of the trigger, leaving the drone still in the air. "Yeah... I can't shoot the rest of them, from this angle I would end up hitting the drone." She said. "I can do the improbable, but I can't do the physically impossible." She chuckled. "That's not my superpower department." She said. "Watch the trees." She said, pointing to the a pine tree with a few pinecones exposed, and a squirrel sitting on a tree holding an acorn.

Carmen went back into her Reflex Mode again, everything going in slow motion as she aimed at the pine trees. She aimed the red dot of the RMR sight at the pinecone, but seeing how this was a larger target at a smaller range, she didn't have to compensate for anything, nor did she have to focus too hard to place the shot. *POW!* The pinecone exploded in glorious IMAX IRL 3D Mark 1 Eyeball vision, before Carmen did the same thing to a few more pinecones. *POW!* The powerful .45 spat heavy and powerful rounds at the pinecones, the large round powerful enough to make watermelons explode. At this point, she fired 9 rounds from her gun, leaving six more to shoot at. 5 paintballs and 4 pinecones were destroyed, and now for the final target. Looking to the frightened squirrel who didn't have enough time to react to the many shots fired at the pinecones nearby, Carmen aimed the RMR dot right at the bottom half of the acorn... she was attempting to shoot the acorn without harming the squirrel... her anti-hero personalities shining brightly here, as she's not willing to harm innocent creatures, but she has no qualms over blowing her targets in half. And as she held her breath and made the gun as still as she could, she pulled the trigger, and the hand cannon shot another screaming .45 round into the air. The bottom half of the acorn exploded, sending the rest of the thing flying into the air and out of the squirrel's hands. The squirrel was almost mortified before he immediately fled the scene, hauling ass. In Ben's point of view, it was the same aimbot girl that he saw earlier, but with every shot, things exploded in such a short and rapid succession, it was unbelievable.

Carmen smiled, spinning her gun along her hand before holstering it underneath her jacket. "Now imagine them all being the heads of my enemies." She said with a smirk. "So take notes... if you're gonna take hostages... expect to get shot in the head by either a hero with good aim (like me) or someone from either the SWAT, Marines or YPG." She chuckled, looking back up at the drone. "Yeah. I can fly that thing and let you shoot the other three paintballs off." She offered casually.
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