Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago


"Right away sir." I ended my grin and gave the driver a nod before walking off the bus, before doing so I would give a cheeky, almost mocking wave to the kid with the knife, and another quick grin at the rest of the group. "See ya around." I called before walking down to the school. The building was impressively big and stylized. Human styled architecture were always a treat to see. It was only appropriate that this school resembled much of a human high school. As I passed by the fox girl, I finally replied. "Nice to meet you too."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Einar was paralized.

Just WHAT was him? He had such a fearsome aura that Einar couldnt even think on an answer.
His aura dwarfed EVERY other aura near him. He felt truly powerless besides that man.

After the initial shock passed, he simply let go of his dagger, and put the poison flask back into his armor. And said, without taking his eyes off the group
"I'm sorry sir. I'm a Hunter, my weapons are part of me. But i assure you, my dagger is loaded with paralisis poison, and the flask i was holding had soniferous poison. I mean no harm." He said as he unstrung his bow, which was on his back, and relaxed his posture.

Hearing what the girl whispered to him as she passed, he turns his head, genuinely confused. He tried to ask her what her meant by that, but he wouldn't dare interrupt him.
The other students started to disperse, the flame boy, with his terrible alttitude and the rest.

As the other students started dispersiing, Einar was the only one left besides that frightening figure. Waiting for something, with all his sensed yelling for him to run. He wasn't sure if that creature would kill him or not.

@olcharlieboi @dragonmancer @ViannaNight
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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"I'll make this clear.. you better behave yourself.. leave anything weapon related in your dorm room period" he states "Certain things are allowed on the school grounds, but not everything" he states "This is a place of peace not a place of danger.. well unless you cross a rule" he states "Punishment is extreme here, better be prepared for such" he says before walking away his sword seeming to just vanish from existence... he had the sword the entire time just made it where none could see it's presence. "also don't get on the bad side of the disciplinary squad" he states glancing back "They are authorized to do what ever is needed to maintain school peace" he states as he suddenly vanishes and so does the bus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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"Note to self: Never, NEVER get on the driver's bad side" he muttered to himself
"But...disciplinary squad?" He thought. "Interesting..." After all he was only trying to defend himself, and never meant to kill anyone.
Shrugging that terrible feeling of having the driver beside him away, he headed to the forest, were all other students went.

Entering it, he felt very relaxed. The forest spirits there were calm, and serene.
He breathed the clean air from the forest, and the forest breathed with him. He could see and feel everything, each tree, each branch, he could feel the birds flying between them, the vibrations on the earth, the bushes, the animals, he was one with it. In ecstasy, he forgot about everything.

Running, jumping from tree to tree, he soared through the forest, he let is body free, eased the restraints he put into himself while amongst humans. His true form showed without him realizing, he could see the college building, some miles away, but he didn't want to go there yet. He was but a blur inside the forest, the green tones on his leather armour fused with the forest, completely silent, only leaves flying were left were he passed. he felt free. even if the woods were nowhere big as the ones he was born, even if he was running in circles, for a moment he felt home, He enjoyed this brief moment of freedom.

@KatherinWinter @ViannaNight @Vulkan @dragonmancer @TheHangedMan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Einar & Cabal: The Beauty(?) And The Beast.

With the interruption of the driver, the group dispersed before he even had a chance to introduce himself. He frowned, thinking back on their reactions. For some reason, the white haired girl reacted defensively in response to his comment on how delicious she smelled. Why was that? In was completely normal for monsters to state whether they found others tasty; it was polite even, as it made them aware that they were a potential meal, since they weren't acquaintances yet.

Maybe he was a changeling? If that was the case, her reaction was understandable. Being raised by humans, she wouldn't know about the customs of monsters.

He noticed her entering the woods, and decided to follow her. He could clear up the misunderstanding there.
As he entered, his eyes narrowed as he caught sight of his intended prey. So that was her true form. It also explained why she smelled so delicious; she was a rabbit. A human-rabbit thing that he was unfamiliar with, but still a rabbit so that meant she smelled like rabbit. When she began jumping from tree-to-tree he realized he would lose her at the pace she was going, and burst into a sprint.

Mid-run, he leapt into the high into the air, and kept going, and going, and going, until he was above the treeline. The wind sailed past his newly formed wings, and his now keen eyesight could easily track his target. The other birds stayed away from him, unsurprising since he was now in the form of one of the largest birds-of-prey that existed.

A Monkey-Eating Eagles dive could reach near 200mph, and it was with this speed that Cabal dropped in front of Einar, landing with a soft thud, and blowing away the leaves beneath him, while simultaneously assuming human form again.

Getting up from his crouch, Cabal stared at Einar evenly.

"Hello. I want to talk to you."


Suba Heads To Class And Bumps Into A Lizard!

Suba began running to catch up to the rest of the students. She was so enthralled by the sight of the ocean that she lost track of time.

She didn't want to be late or anything, especially since it was the first day. That would be rude to the teachers and unbecoming of a princess! She was moving so quickly that when a white haired boy appeared in front of her, she couldn't call out in time to avoid colliding. She fell into the ground rear first and bounced a few times.

"Owowowowowow," she whined, rubbing the small of her back, before her eyes widened in horror.

"Oh god I am so sorry! she cried out to the boy, hands clenched at her chest, and head bowing slightly in apology.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Katherin followed the other into the woods. She thought it alittle odd thst the bus couldn't take them the full way. But she sup posed that was some security measure to protect those who coildnt blend in. She would have to walk the rest of the way. She wanted to use her magic but since she didn't know exactly where it was. She figured she might as well enjoy the walk so she didn't hurry. She laughed when she noticed one boys disguise was slipping alittle. Here it didn't matter but in the real world it wpukd. She called out to him. "Hey boy...your disguise isn't working all that well."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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It looked like his brief moment of peace was over.
If Einar was thinking straight, he would have noticed the sounds of someone following him a long time ago, after all, nothing could escape his senses, especially when in a forest, but he was in ectasy experimenting something that he did when he was a boy in his home forest. After that much time away from it, blending himself amongst the humans, or at least trying to (that was the reason that he entered the school, after all, he wasn't all that good in blending himself with normal humans) As soon as the bird touched the ground and reverted in human form, Einar gave a big leapt backwards, landing on the ground, down from the tree he was just a moment ago.

As he looked up, a strange girl yelled out something about costume to him.

He stood still, confused about the girl's statement and wondering what the boy wanted with him. He wasn't as jumpy as he was back on the bus, in fact, he had a calm and serene smile on his face, he was on his territory, where he felt completely one with the nature, he was at peace.

@KatherinWinter @TheHangedMan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago


I stopped, a bit suprised some fool had decided to pick a fight with me as I fault a hard impact on my back, but I barely flinched. I looked back to see a girl franticly apologizing from what I thought was an attack, now realizing she was merely clumsy. I gave a light-hearted yet cocky chuckle to the girl before shaking my head. "Better watch where youre going, not everyone is as merciful as me lass." I gave her my staple shit-eating grin before continuing. "Jackal Sigurd, that's the name of the boy you almost offended today." I gave another set of laughter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ViannaNight
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Mira looked back over her shoulder and saw the male who stood protectively in front of her in his true form. He was a rabbit, a prey to her kind. Then she saw the male that called her delicious leap into the air and turn into an eagle. She watched in amazement. She didn't mean to act the way she did at his comment. She had never really had to deal with interacting with other monsters. She was shocked that someone actually called her delicious. I wonder if it was a compliment or a threat she thought to herself. She would have to remind herself to ask him about it later. He seemed a bit busy so she kept walking to the school.

@13org @TheHangedMan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Leo heard someone yell, and whirled around, wondering if someone had somehow figured out who he was. They hadnt. It was just some random girl yelling very loudly. As you do. Looking around at the students slowly leaving, he realised that he had no idea where to go. He looked briefly at the girl who had yelled. He decided to ask her for questions, but what to say? What did other monsters say to one another?

"Hello, random filth. Could your tiny peacell of a brain conjour up some directions to the nearest place that we have to go? Do it fast, or i may have to go into that peacell and show some lovely images to make you hurry up.."

Ah, he really needed to stop bringing up memories of his Dad. He was pretty sure from what he had learned so far, that speaking like that would be kind of a dick move, and would get him into fights, which he was informed were bad here. No wonder he was nearly extinct...

He looked up.

"...the hell did everyone go?"

He noticed some people moving away, and began to run after them. As he got closer, he noticed two of them pick a fight. Realising he didnt really care, he left them to it and moved towards someone with white hair. Most Loki human forms had white hair, so it seemed appropriate. It was nice to meet another white haired person who didnt want to kill people.

"Hello, whichever monster you may be. Could you help me find the places that we are meant to go? I wasnt liste...i mean, i was at the back so i did not hear what they were saying. It was super quiet. And stuff. I wasnt daydreaming at all."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Perceiving all that commotion around him, Einar got a little more watchful.
"Speak. What do you want with me?" He asked loudly, to everyone around him.
Some of the creatures looked at him as prey, but it didn't mattered for him. After all, this was one thing that made him such a fearsome Hunter: He was both prey and predator. Very few creatures ever dared to enter the viera's Woods, but the ones who entered, trying to cause harm, were quickly cornered and disarmed vieras were very easy to underestimate, due to their hare like Features, but the ones who did so, later came to regret that.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ViannaNight
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Mira looked at the white hair male that walked up next to her. She smiled a semi feline smile. "Hi, of course it is just a bit further up this way if you would like you can walk with me the rest of the way" she said looking at him "my name Mira." She looked back over her shoulder and called out to all of them "you probably should stop playing around and get a move on. I don't know about all of you but I don't want to be late for the first class and get on the bad side of anyone" she looked back at the white hair male standing next to her and smiled again.

@13org @TheHangedMan @katherinwinter @Vulkan
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Einar stood there, still confused about what the dark smelling guy wanted with him, and what the girl said about costume.

Hearing the girl who smelled like nature calling them he perceived that she was near a white haired boy. he didnt feel any hostility coming from him, so he didn't paid much attention on the boy. Giving a quick glance to the school building, he decided that he would wait a little more to find out what the two wanted with him.

"I dont know about the girls-who-smells-like-nature... She smells like someone who i should trust, yet, her actions are very confusing... I shall keep one eye on her." Einar thought "After all, friends do make the worst enemies... He thought. He was far away, but his eyes could still reach the nature girl without problems, as he looked straight to her eyes, staring her deeply, like if he could look inside her soul. Trying to understand if she was a friend or a foe.

@ViannaNight @TheHangedMan @TheHangedMan @Vulkan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin wasn't sure what she thought of the others. She was very curious about them though. She was eager to get to know them all. SHe recognized some species but not all of them. She laughed at the boys confused expression. "I dont think it matters as much here. But your disguise has totally slipped. No one is going to believe your human."she didn't know if he cared. Some did. Others didnt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Einar looked to himself, and he saw his hare ears, completely visible, his paws, his claws, he was completely out of his disguise

"When did that happen? I didnt..." he stood puzzled
"It feels good to be free again after so much time having to restrain myself though" he thought.
"I dont feel any hostility coming from that girl, she seems very bright and kind" "She smells like... a human? But there were something more... Her aura was permeated with magic, no regular human should have an aura like that. He thought.

Curious about the girl's character and herself, Einar jumped around her like a rabit, playing with the girl "Thanks for the heads up" he said with kind eyes as he leapt in front of her, moving his ears.
"But there is no one here... i wished to... remain like this for a little longer..."
"Its very stressful for me to keep repressing my senses, and disguising like that..." he said looking down
@KatherinWinter @ViannaNight @TheHangedMan @Vulkan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin gave him a gentle smile. She thought the boy was very interesting. She had heard of his kind but she had never actually seen one. "Like I said I doubt it matiers here. This is a school for nonhuman after all. I think you look better with ought the disguise. You should leave it off as much as you can." She encouraged him. So far this school was looking like a good thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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"Thank you, you are very kind" he said "I'm not used to being treated that way... Back home, everyone treated me just like a tool... they always told me that i was disposable, and a tool that isnt sharp enough, is thrown away..." he said with sad eyes. "Can i ask your name? I'm called Einar, feel free to call me if you ever need anything" "I would like to talk with you more" he said with a kind smile.

Einar got back to his previous position. For a second, he forgot that that dark smelling boy followed him.

He looked one more time to the girl-that-smelled-like-nature, she was truly misterious... he thought. "I'll keep one eye on her. Sooner or later she will talk to me..." he thought remembering what she said to him earlier.

@KatherinWinter @ViannaNight @TheHangedMan @Vulkan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ViannaNight
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Mira saw the rabbit boy looking at her. She smiled at him and the girl standing next to him. She realized that she want to talk to him more and get to know him more. She let her defenses down a bit and let her two fox tails and ears free. She sighed, "maybe if I showed a bit" she thought to herself and then decided to start walking towards the school again. Her tails swaying behind her. She needed to let them out for a bit before she went insane. She looked over her shoulder one more time, she wanted to talk to them but she also did want to get yelled at. she didn't do good with getting yelled at for she had a short temper.

@katherinwinter @13org
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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"A... fox? No... she has two tails." Einar thought to himself confused
"OH! Maybe she is one of those creatures i heard the merchant talking about back home! What was it called? Kit-suh-neeh? He thought, suddenly more interested about her.

"At least i now know what she is. But i've never heard much about them, nor i have seen one. he thought.

Deciding to talk to her after the classes he, still waiting for an answer, he simply stood there, looking directly to the dark boy's eyes. Was he mistaken? He surely felt something from the boy, but it wasnt hostility... he was genuinely confused.

@KatherinWinter @ViannaNight @TheHangedMan @Vulkan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@13org @ViannaNight @KatherinWinter @Vulkan @dragonmancer @TheHangedMan

A bell would chime echoing through the grounds signaling that classes was about to begin, with all the distracts time has flew by. Should they not get a move on they will be late will be in trouble.
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