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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 10 days ago

Wesa & Casey

Outside the bunker. Interactions: @Wick

Wesa stayed to himself for a few minutes still thinking a little about how to approach Casey until hearing her beat him to it when he noticed her scent. Turning his head and being surprised with a returned kiss which probably made up from what he did earlier, Wesa raised his eyebrow. When Casey headed back to the bunker, Wesa had to say something.

Casey!...wait... He said following behind her.

Casey was walking back towards the doors of the bunker and she was nearly giddy and trying not to laugh. She knew she had caught him off guard. She was nervous but mostly happy about it. As she walked she spoke to him.

"What is it Wes? Did I surprise you?" She stopped and turned around to look at him with a grin on her face.

No...well...um...yes with the kiss...a deep one at that. I thought you were upset with me for kissing you earlier? He said thinking initially that thought. He stared into those beautiful eyes of hers and the grin she wore on her face obviously showing she either planned this or simply was happy from what just happened....more than likely all of the above.

"Well that makes two of us. Did it upset you or did you rather enjoy it?" She asked realizing that at some point she had gotten the upper hand on him.

"It was completely spontaneous, a little like yours earlier." Casey looked at him and with a wry smile she asked him, "Any chance that you would help me to learn to defend myself?"

Wesa averted his eyes and smirked You never made me upset with you. And honestly...I did enjoy it. He added but tried to straighten his face to not show too much excitement.

Still smiling I guess that makes us even regarding that. The next question she asked, he folded his arms to think for a moment, looking down at the ground first and then back to her eyes Sure...I don't mind teaching you but I want you to know that this is serious okay? Basically this is teaching you survival...

Casey saluted him and grinned. "I got it bossman." Casey was still feeling butterflies from the kiss a few moments ago. Reaching around him she pulled a leaf out of his hair that had just blown in.

"I promise to be an avid student, but only if you kiss me again." Casey was beginning to wonder if she was drunk on something. She was giddy but she didn't care.

She was cute by the way she saluted. He gave her a nod and a smile from that. He had to admit, he wanted to kiss her again but thank goodness she asked first because he felt he'd sound too excited if he asked instead of her.

Heh... Wesa chuckled Deal. he said inching closer to Casey to place his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to deliver a deep kiss quite like what she gave him by surprise.

Casey wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back. She was beginning to wonder what got into her. She decided maybe it was this newfound bravery of hers. She didn't break the kiss. She would likely have stood there kissing him for the rest of the day if he hadn't pulled back slowly. She was slightly off balance and was glad he didn't remove his hands from her just yet.

She leaned her head against his chest and sighed softly. Casey chuckled softly. "I'm sorry I stormed off earlier. I was sounding like quite the cowardly crazed bitch. I'm not usually like that I swear. I think the stress of yesterday was just getting to me."

Still holding on to her after the slow breaking of the kiss, Wesa felt more at ease now knowing Casey wasn't upset with him and on the contrary, demonstrating her true intimate feelings towards him.

Resting his chin gently on the top of her head while she rested her head against his chest, he responded, It's okay. It happens to the best of us. This world and powers along with the unknown, that can cause anyone to get stressed. But I will be here for you. I won't let anything bad happen to you. He reassured.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grayson and Harley

collaboration with @Wick

Grayson's mind slowly awoke from his exhausted slumber, producing half-formed, groggy thoughts. The vague sensation of a sheet covering half of his body and cold air clinging to his skin were registered, along with the unmistakable scent of smoke.

He opened his eyes and pulled his head up off of the pillow he had his face buried in. The room was dark, however, by the light shining through the crack under the door, he could see enough to recognize the room was foreign to him. The objects on the nightstand were different than his, and the covers were arranged opposite of his, with the foot of the bed where his head normally was.

Harley... The events of the previous night flooded back to him. The fire. The fighting. The strange purple energy. The attackers. Harley's kidnapping and subsequent return. The fans. The ending of the night...

Grayson's tired face broke into a small smirk as he rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling with a sense of happiness. But where is she?

Grayson sat up, his uncovered form becoming acutely aware of the cool air in the room. He threw the blankets off of his lower half and quickly stood up, searching the floor for his clothes. He came across a floral patterned piece of clothing and figured it probably wasn't his.

A couple of minutes of scrounging around in the dark later, and he had collected his things. Gray slowly opened the door and peeked out into the hall, making sure it was clear before slipping on his shirt and exiting the room. He didn't know why, but he wanted to keep the night's events a secret.

He quickly made his way away from the living quarters after grabbing a pair of fresh clothes from his room. Grayson changed in the washing room before throwing his smoke-ridden clothes in the washer, leaving them to be cleaned as he went into the cafeteria. He nodded to the few people in the room before quickly exiting. He didn't particularly want to interact with anyone he didn't know fairly well. That, and he was still nervous about expelling more purple energy on accident and hurting someone. He figured Harley would be near the reserve, so he searched the area near it for her. Her sleeping form was discovered in the maintenence room on the floor, her clothes being used as a pillow. Sitting down by Harley's sleeping form, he gently stroked her face to wake her up. "Morning, beautiful."

Harley woke up to hear Grayson's voice and his touch on her face. She smiled and lifted her head. Reaching up she kissed him and leaned over to grab her clothes up off of the floor. "Good morning babe. I hope you slept well. I would have been there when you woke up had I not been positive that the reservoir was empty."

"It was really hard for me to leave you this morning. Have you eaten breakfast yet?" She inquired as her own stomach started to rebel about the lack of food in the last twelve hours or so. Harley wondered if he was okay with everything in the last few hours.

Looking up at him she asked him point blank. "Gray? I am guessing that we are all good here. You and me, I mean. We are ok right?" Harley figured they were probably great. Sex in the last few hours and they had talked more in the last few days than they had in months unless around a group. What guy wouldn't be doing great?

Gray plopped down beside her on the cold ground, his bare feet making small slapping noises as he rested them on the floor. He let out a small sigh before biting his lip, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Yeah, we're okay... " Pursing his lips, he paused for a moment, hyperconscious of how he was appearing at the time. "Harley, you know I care about you. A lot."

He paused, pushing aside his hesitation as he found the balls to be honest. "I don't wanna rush things. My entire life, I've been really good at being impatient and having to face the consequences of my actions. Whether it's been me being too quick to make a comment, throw a punch, take a chance... I'm always too fast for my own good."

Gray let out a huffing laugh and let a small smile creep onto his face. He felt that his expression was out of place, however he couldn't get rid of it. "So I don't wanna sprint for the finish line and burn out before I'm even halfway there. Before I get to you."

The distressed man ran a hand through his head and forced out the next sentence before Harley got a chance to interject.

"So I say, maybe this time, I... We take it slow," Gray turned to face Harley, looking into her dazzling blue eyes. "So that we can make sure it works."

Harley felt a flood of emotions and she sat there thinking about what he said. She wasn't sure how slow he was talking about. He obviously regretted last night or maybe it was her that he regretted it with.

She swallowed hard fearing the answer he might give her. "Do you mean slow, and a couple or slow and just as friends?"

Grayson's heart skipped a beat just before she spoke; he considered her words for a moment as the silence stretched between them. After a tense period that seemed to last for years, he leaned in close and rested his forehead against hers and smiled peacefully. "Slow and as us."

His lips found the tip of her nose, giving her a light peck as his hand came up and cupped her face, guiding their lips together as he fully kissed her.

After kissing him back she was so relieved that he wasn't ditching her that she forgot about food until her stomach growled loudly. She blushed, a little embarrassed and she got to her feet. "We'd better go get some food or my stomach is going to eat it's way out."

Harley put her hand in his and smiled. She hadn't realized how much she cared about them being together. It dawned on her it was because he had become her best friend and not just a boyfriend so she could have lost all of him and that was a little terrifying to her. Harley looked up when they got to the cafeteria and saw Ben, Jake and Casey talking and the girl with the cooking powers in the back. Harley sat down because the girl was still cooking and was not ready for them yet. She looked at Grayson and blushed.

"Did you by chance find my panties?" She whispered to him.

Grayson exploded in a fit of violent laughter as his voice echoed through the entire cafeteria. It had been so long since he had actually laughed that he couldn't help but burst into mirthful giggles.

He put his arm around Harley's shoulders and leaned his head on top of her, chuckled frequently while he caught his breath.

"Yeah, I found them." Gray said, probably a little too loudly. "They're under the bed."

His voice dropped to a lower volume, giving a self-conscious glance at the other people inside of the cafeteria. He wasn't necessarily unhappy about their night together, but he still didn't want it to be known by others.

Harley turned three different shades of crimson in embarrassment and was trying not to laugh too hard at his expression.She playfully pretended to punch him in the arm. She had no idea what to call them but they were happy, at least for the moment. She did notice that Grayson, not normally a shy guy seemed to be a little shy about others figuring out that they had spent the night together.

"I have a question for you." She got a little serious with him. "With the door situation being what it is will you stay in my room with me? For security. I promise on my honor I won't take advantage of you unless you ask me to." She grinned like a naughty school girl at that point.

Grayson didn't need to be horny to figure out precisely how many ways Harley could turn that into a situation that he simultaneously wanted and didn't desire. He smiled broadly and raised an eyebrow at her, looking Harley square in the eye.

"Security, huh?" Gray was skeptical at best, but she did pose a valid point. They had no idea if- when they would come back, and with the damage done to the bunker's defenses, the likelyhood of being safe without grouping up was highly improbable.

Realizing his face had taken on a darker expression, Grayson quickly purged the displeasure from his face and nodded. "I guess I could be coerced."

Part of him wished he had no trepidation, seeing as this was the perfect opportunity for flirting, however he pushed those thoughts aside. "But what will people think?"

Harley looked at him oddly. "Is that what is bugging you? You are worried that people will disapprove of us? Personally I don't give a crap what other people think or say for that matter. Why do you?" Harley had found exactly what seemed to be bothering him. Was he embarrassed or ashamed of her or of what they did? He seemed to have conflicting feelings about it. Hurt, she stood up.

"I gotta go find my dog." Harley jogged to the door of the cafeteria.

Grayson's heart fell as Harley began to move away, the distance between them suddenly increasing on both fronts. But Grayson was never one to leave things well enough alone.

He jogged after her, catching eyesight of her in the hallway. Knowing he would have to sprint after her to catch up and unwilling to run after the various injuries he had sustained recently, regardless of the healing, Gray opted for a different option.

"Harley!" His voice echoed down the hall as he held out his hand, mustering a tendrils of purple energy from deep within him. The energy slithered away from his form, gently wrapping itself around Harley's right arm, tugging insistently at her. Grayson didn't want to hurt her, however he doubted she would stop at a light tap on the shoulder.


The man slowly walked towards her, pain in his eyes.

Harley wiped the tears that were threatening to race down her face and she turned.
"Gray, I-"

She just looked into his eyes. "Do you think I'm not good enough for you or something? I can't understand why you wouldn't want people to know we were together unless you don't want us to be together."

The pain in her voice was nearly overwhelming her and she was trying not to let it get away from her."We have all the time in this world to do whatever we want. What do you see for us?" Harley stepped back a moment and she felt the knots in her stomach as she anticipated what he was going to say next. She knew it was going to hurt.

As Harley waited for a reply, Gray walked right up to her with a sad smile on his face. "Harley, why would you assume you're the problem?"

He gently placed his knuckle under her chin and tilted her face up to meet his eyes. "Intimacy isn't... Something that comes easy to me."

Harley stood there looking at him for a moment and she stepped forwards and quietly said, "You and I are intimate all the time with each other in a non sexual way." She dropped her eyes a moment.

Grayson paused for a moment, his head also dropping down to meet her forehead. He focused his breathing, calming his heart rate. In all truth, he didn't have any legitimate reason to fear being with her. It was all in his head.

"This... Being in a relationship... It's never been something I've been good at." The man gave a dry chuckle and bit his lip, closing his eyes. "I've never been able to do... this... right. I screw it up, disappoint someone else, force them away... I never seem to learn."

Lifting his head, Gray put his finger under Harley's chin and lifted her gaze up to meet his. "You don't need me to tell you that this has been the year of hell. I just... I don't want to hurt you. To make it worse. We've already been through so much, between fires, survival, powers, and attackers... I don't want to make this any harder on you than it has to be. And..." Gray's voice shook a little as he let out a huffing laugh. "If I hold true to my pattern of fucking things up, then I already know how this is going to end for you. I don't want that, but I'm not sure I can change it."

Harley stared at him. He was tearing her apart and he didn't even know it. She wiped the tears and she was too stunned to know what to say first for a moment.

"So you are afraid to hurt me later so it's easier to hurt me now? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! You are an idiot Grayson!"

Harley felt raw and she didn't want him to see her explode into tears so she ran past him outside and flew off in a whilrwind of water off into the city. Soon there was a tremendous flood down there that was likely to make it difficult for scavenging later. Harley just didn't care. She had lost her best friend and her boyfriend in one foul swoop.

Grayson sighed deeply and leaned against the wall, sliding down to the floor into a sitting position. He found her reaction both warrented and utterly ridiculous. Of course he didn't want to hurt her at any time. He wasn't even trying to break up with her, if they were even a couple. In retrospect, he had probably been a little too squeamish and uncommunicative. Probably more than a little. Probably a lot.

"Hindsight's a bitch." He muttered, breathing in deeply and closing his eyes. If there was one thing Gray did better than screwing up, it was continuing to get up when he should call it quits.

Grayson's astral form drifted outside of his body and drifted away at a phenomenal speed, soon leaving the bunker and forest behind. It wasn't hard to track Harley. On top of being intimitately familiar with her own astral signature, he could just follow the high waters. Eventually, he came to a building where Harley stood on top, water swirling around her in a violent vortex.

The purple aspect of Grayson gently landed on the roof, walking straight through the water funnel to the distraught woman. His movement's were silent, giving Harley no warning of his approach. He considered calling out to her, however he lacked the words. Instead, he gently encircled her in his arms from behind, resting his head on her shoulder. A single tear leaked down the side of his face, however it was as noncoporeal as the rest of him.

Harley felt his astral arms weave their way around her and she ignored him for a moment. She couldn't believe that he had treated her like that. "What do you want Grayson? Obviously you don't want the same things I do." She hurt so badly she could have sworn that her organs were being stabbed. Her stomach hurt from the stress.

At first, he didn't say anything, simply resting behind her. He knew he had a limited amount of time before he had to return to his body, but he pushed that thought out of his mind. His stomach turned in on itself, making him want to vomit, however he resisted the impulse.

"Y'know, when I first met you, you kinda scared the hell outta me." Gray gave a half-smile and shifted his head, placing his chin on her shoulder so that his mouth was right next to Harley's ear. "It was about a week after we came into the bunker. Everyone was still getting used to it. Order was pretty scarce, and everyone was terrified to death. I hadn't eaten anything becuase I had given it away to a couple kids, but I secretly regretted it. I was headed to the food pantry when I saw you. Some pervert was trying to get in your pants, as if the world hadn't just literally ended. Had I not been about to pass out from exhaustion, I might've intervened; but I didn't really need to."

A small chuckle ran through his astral form as he remembered the event. "He tried to grab you, but oh my, you were notabout to let that happen. The poor guy didn't even know what happened. In less than a second, he was on the ground with a broken nose and probably some irrepairably damaged reproductive organs. You said a couple of swears that up until that point I hadn't even heard of, and you stormed off. You passed by me, and two things ran through my head: 'Get the hell out of this woman's way', and 'I guess steel really is forged through fire'. I knew from that moment that I was never gonna get on your bad side. At least, not intentionally. But it looks like I've done that already."

Gray drifted around Harley, placing his clasped hands on the small of her back as he came face to face with the woman. "I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. More than anything. But I'm not sure how that's gonna work. It's probably gonna be pretty rocky. I just wanna work through it with you."

Grayson bit his lip so hard that his real body could feel the pain. "I'm sorry."

Harley looked up at Grayson's astral form. "I'm a little confused. Are you UN breaking up with me? Because you sound like that you don't know what you want." Harley wanted him to take back everything he said but right now he just sounded like he regretted making her cry. She twisted her hand and a small tsunami took out a three story building.

Grayson knew that the longer he stayed silent, the worse off he would be, however he couldn't muster the will to speak. The shifting waters around them became more aggitated as Harley did, destroying more and more terrain as time passed. Just say it.

Grayson inhaled deeply and stared Harley straight in the eye, summoning every ounce of courage he had. "I'm scared. That's something I've always been. Scared to take a chance. Scared to make a difference. Scared to do something about my life. That's why I said those things. I didn't want to break up with you, but I didn't want to risk failing either. That's a problem with me. And I absolutely get it if you don't want to be with me because of my fear. I wouldn't want to be either. But-"

The man's voice cut off suddenly as he looked down at the waters beneath him. "I've never been able to make a relationship work. I'm scared I'm going to mess this up with you. I want this, more than anything else, if I'm being honest. But I'm not the best at taking a leap of faith. But this time, I'm willing to try."

Gray swallowed and let out a final, weak chuckle. "I want this."

Harley's expression had softened somewhat while he was speaking. She felt the pain easing away and it was being replaced with joy and a little irritation. Harley took his astral hand and she pulled him with her back to the bunker and she walked up to him and knelt down on the ground in front of his corporeal self.

"I still maintain that you are an idiot. But I'm not going anywhere." She lifted his face to look at him and she looked into his eyes and smiled. "You have a way of saying the wrong things sometimes don't you?"

She hugged him tightly and then she grimaced. "Crap, I flooded the city!"

Grayson laughed.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Rumikoohara

Harley was looking for Trinity. She had lost track of her friend and she was unable to locate her as quickly as she expected. Last anyone had seen her she was outside. Heading outside of the bunker she reflected over the discussion that she and Grayson had had. She shook her head and went outside. Raising her hand to shade her eye she looked into the distance and turned slowly till she saw Trinity on top of the bunker with some heavy equipment.

"Trinity! I've been looking for you everywhere. You are certainly hard to find." Harley climbed up to where she was at and looked at all of the stuff she was messing with and curiosity won her over. "What in the world are you doing with all of this?"

@King Tai@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@December@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku

Chats with Harley

Trinity heard Harley ask her what she was doing so she stopped and looked at the other woman and sighed before she said I’m trying to build defensive earthworks to make it more difficult for us to be attacked again and because I need to do something to vent all the aggression I’m feeling; I think my hormones are bouncing up and down the scale.

The dark haired amazon flushed redly and absentmindedly flipped the dozer blade she’d been using with the tip of her toes even though it weighed over a ton.

Just another reason to make sure I keep my distance around people so no one gets hurt.

I’m think my body isn’t finished mutating and frankly I’m a bit worried about where I will end up
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Rumikoohara

Harley kinda grinned at Trinity's comment on her body not being done with her transformation yet. "I found out that when I'm upset I have the power to flood everything for miles. Guess how I found that out?" She shook her head and blurted out "Grayson and I had a fight of sorts and I got upset and flooded the city below us." She sighed "That's just one more thing I need to fix. I have to reabsorb it and right now I just don't have the energy to do that."

Sitting down on the roof of the bunker made Harley realize how tired she was and she leaned back and closed her eyes for a moment. "So what do we do now? Have you made any plans for making a new home out here in the wilderness of radiation and craziness? I've been thinking about it but I'm still not sure."

@King Tai@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@December@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku

Chats with Harley

Trinity paused for a moment to gather the words she needed to explain her thoughts then began Well considering that in the local area we have all sorts of construction sites we could bring everything here and build a large compound and with a speed demon like Kwan and the flight ability of Alex, Kai and anyone else who flies or moves in a fast method or flight we could recon the area for materials and nonperishable goods.

Kwan brought in a few things this morning some things we will most definitely miss once they run out

She pulls out a very familiar and necessary product of the modern world that every woman over a certain age needs from time to time then replaces it in one of her cargo pockets.

We need to stock up on everything that’s still in the area that we may eventually need or presently need.

She told me about a small grocery warehouse that still has a large amount of flour, cornmeal, sugar and salt along with tissue paper and other such goods. I was heading there tomorrow morning with a hauling trailer and filling it up then dragging it all back here so we can store it for future use.

I know I don’t have any position or rank around here but I don’t think it’s any reason to not do anything or wait for permission
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Rumikoohara

Harley heard Trinity and nodded. "I agree, we need to replenish our stock on a lot of things." Harley opened her eyes hearing what sounded like thunder. She got to her feet and she held out her hand as the first drops hit her palm.

"OUCH! Trinity we have to get inside. That is not regular rain!" As she jumped off of the bunker to run inside she saw Robert the kid, Alexavier and Jake screaming and trying to get back to the bunker but the acidic rain was destroying the bare skin it was touching. "RUN Trinity!" She yelled and ran towards the doors. Screaming all around the bunker proved to lessen their numbers again.

Harley grabbed a young girl who was starting to head out to help. "You can't go out there the rain is acidic or something." Harley hugged the young woman tightly as the girl watched her boyfriend die in agony.

@King Tai@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@December@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@poohead189@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Wick@alexfangtalon@December@Venku

Chats with Harley

Trinity was annoyed when she finally got under shelter because the rain had caused her clothing to develop holes where the dam rain had struck her but other than a few welts the acid had found her skin too dense to feel it dissolving. She heard the man screaming and didn’t think as she leapt the 60 or so feet to him in two jumps beside him and scooped him up then leapt back to the bunker and as she landed she looked at Harley and said

If we can get him to the healer he might be able to be saved then she rushed inside as whiffs of what appeared to be smoke floated up from the dissolving fabric her skin beneath showing ugly spots.

She found the Commander already in the medbay so she was in luck as she lay the screaming man down then waved off any concern over her own condition more worried about her clothing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Interacting with @Wick and @RumikoOhara and anyone else outside

Grayson went into the mess hall to grab some food after he departed from his conversation with Harley. He felt uneasy about how she felt about him, however he was positive they would work it out. As he grabbed a banana and began to peel it, he nodded to a few other people in the cafeteria. Not wanting to interact with anyone after his taxing argument, Gray stepped outside of the mess hall and headed towards his quarters, looking to shower before doing anything else.

The sounds of screaming and agony echoed softly down the hallway moments after a deep feeling of dread filled the pit of his stomach. He wasn't sure how, but his powers were alerting him of the danger. Gray immediately broke into a sprint, locking himself in his quarters before passing out on the floor.

His astral form had left the room before his body hit the floor, drifting quickly through the bunker and outside. Rain immediately phased through his body as he exited the earth, charring the grass beneath him. The screams of a woman sounded quiet close to him, and Gray looked over just in time to see a woman melt down to the bone, her skull sizzling in the dirt.

Gray floated there, completely shocked by what he had just seen. A second round of screams brought him out of his stupor and spurred him into action. Gray briefly saw a girl that he remembered as Trinity bound past him, holding a burning man in her arms. She quickly disappeared into the bunker, seemingly unfazed by the acid rain.

Gray quickly followed suit, grabbing the nearest teen boy and flying him to the bunker. Grayson attempted to shield him with his own body, however the rain phased completely through him and scaled the boy's back. His screams filled Gray's ears and he dropped him off at the entrance of the bunker.

"Someone get him to the commander!" Gray screamed, spinning around to fly out again before he spotted Harley. "Har! Can you stop the rain? Use your powers!" His voice was forceful and brutal, more aggressive than commanding, but he didn't have time to worry about it.

Without another thought, he plunged into the rain, quickly scooping up another person to fly back inside.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Kyrisse@December@POOHEAD189@Spinosaurus

Acid Rain

Trinity actually pouted as she pulled off her shirt in pieces the fragments fell like leaves to the floor and inceased the expression of unhappiness..

And I really liked this shirt; it has such big pockets, or should I say had?

And now I’m spotted; how charming

She had to close her eyes and practice calming breaths as she felt her body grow hot with anger and the need to lash out no matter how blindly.

What Trinity couldn’t see was how pronounced her muscles became as rage boiled up from her sorrow and feeling of helplessness. She had always hated feeling weak and here she was stronger than all those around her combined and she submitted to their power over her because of societal convention. She was a monster and the way people avoided her proof and who could blame them she was a beast who threw grown men like turnips over her shoulder and her skin like leather. “Even if someone let me touch them would I even be able to feel them?” she thought as she rubbed her forearm with her fingers heating the surface up and her barely noticing.

What am I becoming

My skin is blistered but it’s not hurting like it appears damaged

I can’t feel things anymore
she said in almost a whisper before she dropped to her knees with an audible thud.

Trinity wanted to cry and even tried to cry but for some reason the tears never came and left her frustrated and caused her once more to struggle with her darker nature.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @December and all others

Harley looked at Gray's astral self and was momentarily thrown off. "I can't control acid!" She said feeling helpless. She had barely gotten any of her energy back from filling the reservoir and then the flood she had done earlier. She was exhausted.

Something dawned on her though and she raised her hands above her head and ran out into the area nearest to the bunker. Raising a dome fifteen feet high of clean water over the entire bunker area was the only thing she could even think to do.

"Hurry! Get everyone in!" Harley couldn't see who was left out there but she saw Trinity and purple Gray running around and helping others.

When the others were in Harley ran back inside and nearly collapsed from exhaustion. She collapsed as she felt the burning of the acid that had hit her.

Commander Cody Varicke

After he and Audrianna had eaten breakfast he had gone through the day's normal routine and was about to start looking at the bunker doors again. He heard the commotion outside and he raced towards the entrance. He was healing the injured that made it back into the bunker. One of the others grabbed him by the shoulder when he went to go outside to help.

"No Commander! You can't go out there we need you safe!" The guy whose name he couldn't remember ran out and helped one of the others back in and he himself needed healing. Cody looked around and searched for Audrianna. The last time he saw her she had been in the cafeteria.

When Harley entered the bunker again Cody caught her as she had expelled her energy and she was nearly unconscious. He knew she was with gray by the look on the purple figure's face. When she collapsed Cody lay her down and healed her burns while she slept. Cody picked her up and took her to her room, lay her on her bed and took her boots off.

As he was leaving her room he looked at her and said to her sleeping form, "You did good Harley."

@King Tai@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@December@spinosaurus@POOHEAD189
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spinosaurus
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Spinosaurus His majesty.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jason Lander

Jason woke up and got dressed. A new day. This was the.. 6th day of the post-apocalypse? That sounds about right. Brushing his teeth, he walked from his room to go and get some breakfast. Soon after sitting down, acid began pouring in, forcing him to run into Harley's "water-shield". "Woah, that was close." he said under his breath. What sort of phenomenon could've caused acid rain? He sat down and readied himself for a new day.

(Sorry about the short post. I just sort of butted in, so there's not anything for me to base anything off of, hahahaha. There will be more next time.)

@King Tai@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@December@spinosaurus@POOHEAD189
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wesa and Casey

After enjoying the moments of kissing with Casey, Wesa pulled away to look her in the eyes. Yes he was going to start training his new love to defend herself and to survive. In his heart he has faith in her but it will take some doing to get her really prepared to handle her own. The smirk on his face started to fade the moment he smelled something a bit off, even more so from the sensitivity of his skin when the first drop of acid rain hit him. AH! What in the- he screamed out in pain, looking up at the clouds. Dammit...darling, we need to go..

Casey looked up and a drop of rain hit her in the eye and she screamed in agony. Stopping where she was she covered her eyes and couldn't see. "Wes! I can't see!" She screamed in terror. She reached for him and grabbed his hand and she followed his lead. Once inside the bunker she was near the commander who was healing people as they came in. Stumbling she gripped Wes' hand tighter.

Wes watched in pure horror to see his girlfriend in such pain when the rain hit her in the eye. After taking her hand and rushing back into the bunker, he tried to comfort her the best he could coaching her that they were going to make it back quickly and get her healed in no time. Wesa was upset with himself for not noticing a few moments sooner to get Casey to safety. Holding her to keep her from falling, Wesa continued to guide her I got you. We are almost there. There's a few people getting healed already. I'm sorry for not getting us from out there faster. I should've noticed sooner.

Casey's heart was racing and when she got to the commander he put his hand on her head and it healed the acid burns on her everywhere. Her eyelid and eyeball were restored and Casey could see again. She hugged the commander. "Thank you Commander!" Turning to Wes she pulled him to the commander and he was healed too. Then she yanked him towards her and she kissed Wes and and hugged him. "If you hadn't been there with me still I'd probably be dead out there right now. Not everyone got back inside in time."

Relieved to see that Casey was healed, Wesa forgot all about his injuries until it was his turn, being pulled by Casey towards the Commander who healed him. This was a new sensation. This was Wesa's first time running into someone with powers to heal. No wonder this man was a commander, of course he was already one more than likely before gaining his powers but it's still very convenient and useful. Wesa checked where he was injured before not notice he was one hundred percent once again and kissed Casey back.

Averting his eyes to Casey's response, he looked back into her eyes once more. But I need to do better than that next time. I'm not going to let you be in danger like that again. Especially when I should've detected it. But I also mourn those who didn't make it out of the rain too.

Casey didn't expect him to smell the acid rain before it appeared. She didn't even realize that he could. "How is it your fault? No one knew about the acid rain. It's the first time it has rained since we opened the doors. Even if it is something you could do, don't put that on yourself, it's not fair how would you know to be looking for it?" She tried to lift his spirits.

She knew the people who hadn't survived. He didn't, but he cared still. That told her more about him than so many other things could even attempt to. She hugged him again tightly. She watched Harley go running out and a few minutes later the bunker doors were being shut and she saw Harley slump to the floor. When the commander carried Harley to her room Casey took Wes' hand and pulled him to the cafeteria. They needed to calm down.

Wes listened to Casey's reasoning to not blame himself or put that kind of burden on his shoulders. She was right, how could he have known if it would rain acid like that? Even if it has a smell to it, Wesa wasn't paying attention at the time until feeling the drop fall on him but it was too late. I guess you're right. I smelled it after the fact but I'm just glad we were able to get out of it and get you healed. Thank you. he said kissing her cheek.

Wesa noticed Harley running out and then came back in and being carried by the commander. He wondered what that was about but followed Casey into the cafeteria. Oh...I almost forgot about your training. If you want, we can postpone it until later or train here on the inside?

Casey sat down with hot cocoa for both of them. "Sounds good, but let's start tomorrow. Seems like enough excitement for one day." She slid a mug to him and smiled with a whipped cream mustache.

Taking the mug and blowing the hot liquid before tasting, he looked over to see her whipped cream mustache and chuckled. Alright, tomorrow it is but...there's nothing wrong with a little excitement. Leaning over to get a corner of her whipped cream mustache with his thumb and tastes the whipped cream to let her be aware she had it. He still smiled about it though. It looked cute on her. He then took a sip of his.

@King Tai@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@December@spinosaurus@POOHEAD189
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grayson, Harley and Cody

collaboration with @Wick

After a few minute of scrounging through the rain, Grayson was struggling to maintain his Astral form. He had been able to rescue a few more of the quickly dwindling bunker mates, however most of the ones he reached were far too ravaged by the acid to save, if they weren't already pooling in their own innards.

After one final glance through the pouring rain, Gray closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, forcing his body to reunite with his Astral form. The pain instantly exploded in his chest, coursing through his lungs and into his veins. Sweat drenched every inch of his body, a side effect that confused him, seeing as his body was usually inert while he was spiriting away.

A pounding headache and wave of nausea accompanied the searing pain that clogged every single passage in his body, however he pushed it aside, struggled onto shakey legs. He made his way down the hall to near the entrance of the bunker, looking at the mottled bodies of the acid's victims. Most of them were screaming in pain, shouting incoherant commands and pleas, however a few of them remained still, leaving a haunting, ghostly image.

Gray scrounged through the survivors, helping in any way he could, however his medical knowledge of the physical body was rudimentary at best, leaving him to just hold hands and whisper hopeful lies.

After he had soothed the girl he had witnessed first be rescued by Harley, his stomach dropped as he realized he hadn't seen her. Gray had assumed she was safe, seeing as she was in the bunker and could possibly control the acid, however her absence was disconcerning, to say the least.

'Harley! Har!' His voice rang out over the din, however it was quickly swallowed among the screams of the others. He scavenged through the crowd until he came upon her unconcious form, lying face down on the ground.

He fell to his knees and pulled her into his lap as tears began to cloud his eyes, praying to every single entity out there that she was still alive. After a moment, he felt her Astral energy coursing through her body, dispelling his worries.

The commander came over after fixing up the others that were in more grave danger and he looked at his two bunker heroes and smirked and shook his head.Two of the most hard headed people he knew.

Crouching down next to Grayson he put his hand on Harley's arm and the acid burns disappeared. Her coloring returned to normal and he looked at Grayson who looked a little grey himself from all of the astral projecting he had been doing. "Sorry guys I wish I could restore your energy and not just heal you alone. Unfortunately, that I can not do. I can take you to your room though.

Cody looked at Grayson, "I'll take her to her room if you can't. It's ok, I know you two are together don't worry."

Gray cautiously watched Cody heal Harley back to full health with a skeptical look in his eye. Seeing new super powers that he hadn't encountered before was still a sensation for him, and he didn't want anyone harming Harley further.

After a moment, he cleared his throat and blinked repeatedly, still trying to process what the commander had said. After a few seconds, he once again cleared his throat and nodded. "I think... I think I might drop her..."

Gray trailed off, slowly turning back to see Harley's face. The exhaustion of being out of his body for almost ten minutes was massive, causing a hint of bitterness to creep onto his face as he realized the true drawback of his powers.

Without another word, he pulled Harley into a sitting position and helped the commander get her into his arms, gently stroking her hair away from her face.

Cody picked Harley up and walked slowly enough for Gray to keep up with him. He was a bit more tired than he realized from all of the healing but he was still ok to get Harley and Gray to her room. Once there he put Harley on her bed and took her boots off and put them by her bed.

Harley was out cold and she only began to resurface a little when she felt her boots leaving her feet. She snuggled up to her pillow and mumbled, "Grayson..." Cody grinned and left Gray in there with her and he walked out of the room shutting the door quietly.

Gray gently collapsed onto the bed beside Harley, laying down with his arm tucked under his head. The other arm found Harley's fingers and entwined them in Gray's, giving the man peace of mind.

"Hey, love." Gray smiled gently and let out a small cough, forcing the nausea that still persisted back down. He wasn't going to leave her.

He sat there in silence, observing her drowsy face with a peaceful smile playing at his lips. The quiet of the room paired with the mild darkness brought comfort and drowsiness to the man.

Harley felt his fingers intertwine with hers and she rolled closer to him and put her arm around him and laid her head on top of his shoulder and hugged herself to him with her eyes closed. "Did we get most of them? I held it up as long as I could." Harley mumbled.

A brief flash of the disintegrating victims flared through Grayson's mind. The skin melting away, blood being secreted through their pores, the eyeballs dissolving into a sludge as the skulls emerged from underneath... Poor bastards...

Grayson coughed again and forced the thoughts away, faking a smile. "Yeah, you did good. You got them out."

Grayson couldn't help but think of the ones he didn't get to in time, the boiling skin, and the screams...

Harley mumbled something and sniffled. Tears were running onto her pillow. "I covered most of them, but not all. I couldn't get to all of them." She buried her face into his chest. Her incoherent mumbling was lost amidst the sniffles and tears. She just held onto him. She wasn't going to let him go. Not at the rate she was losing people. The images of the acid victims in her mind was excrutiating on her heart.

"We have to figure out how to predict the acid rain or how to stop the damage or I don't know. I just know we have to figure it out. I'm just glad you weren't out there physically. At least your astral self can't be effected by the acid." She lay her head back down on him and murmured. "I'm so tired."

Gray pulled her closer to him, resting his chin on top of her head. He pulled Harley's head against his chest and sighed, synching his breathing with hers. "I know. Me too."

The exhaustion, both mental and physical, began to overwhelm him, numbing his insides. The images of the victims raced through his mind, however they elicited no response from Grayson. They played like a film on repeat, never ending, silent. Their ghastly images haunted Gray to the point of collapse, drowing him in his own thoughts.

As the darkness closed in, it isolated the both of them. They were together, but in their own separate hells.

They were divided, united only in their misery.
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